The True Light Is Now Shining- Pastor John Simon

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[Music] god bless you let's start off with singing this song we have come into his house and got in his name to worship him are you glad to be in this house this morning [Music] is [Music] us [Music] so forget about yourself so forget about yourself and concentrate on it so forget about yourself so [Music] we will [Music] he's done for us look back into your life and see all the things that god has passed us through so forget about us [Music] i [Music] surrendered [Music] oh all to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] is all to jesus [Music] humbly [Music] take me jesus take me [Music] surrendered [Music] sing it like you really mean at this [Music] thank you lord psalms 91 it says he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide in the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust surely he has delivered thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall covet thee with his feathers and under his wings shall thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and i buckler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that followed by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that is wasted at noonday a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at our right hand but it shall have come near and verse 9 says because thou has made the lord which is our refuge [Music] the most high thy inhabitation we thank god for his grace this morning amen this mercy is love towards us it's faithfulness i'm glad to see everyone so happy to be in this house to give him worship and give him praise i stand here so i'm ready this morning but because of his blood amen [Music] thank you lord o glorious victory that day [Music] my a prisoner who i am is [Music] is he became my safe it was god's greatness [Music] i [Music] is he became my savior it was god's greatest history expressed to me that horizon night who i am is is hallelujah glory is great love amen i will say god is love and love there is no fear in love amen we thank god for his grace this morning you will just go to pray for that this one will you please dear lord we thank you for this great morning it's a great privilege that you are giving us a life once more again to be in your house of worship father without you we are nothing lord jesus we ask you this morning to be among us come and worship with us yes lord jesus take everything that is not of you and from our myth let the holy ghost have pray evidence in our midst yes our father we committed our precious pastor before hallelujah the great shepherd that you are giving us this day to lead us father let the word of god come so mighty with great inspiration lord god from here to outermost part of the world to hear the voice of god this morning hallelujah father bless our son leader bless the musicians bring their songs service bless everyone that is here and bless those who are not here our brothers are gone for holidays father help them to overcome every situation lord god protect them put the edge around them let them have their joy while they are there to be rested father we thank you we appreciate you we welcome you lord god you know everyone needs this morning we bring everything before you lord he said bring all your needs before the lord you are interested for every little thing yes lord jesus cast all our cares upon you because you care for us yes we thank you in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ we pray [Music] amen [Applause] this morning i will say [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] i will rejoice [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] singing is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is oh two oh precious [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah it is [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] i get so dressed [Music] i get so true [Music] jesus [Music] glory sometimes we're running from the lord and he's running behind us now i just remember and i was giving my testimony to bible the other day i'm just remembering how i grew up in church running from the lord come to canada who believe that what put me in a company first job three believers [Music] it's great amen you know when you think about those things you realize the love of god for you and you could really understand that before the foundation you will god saw you so he mentioned it and showing you all different things and he passes you two different ways god is in control of every principality of powers [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise the lord [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] hello [Music] the hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah you love him this morning [Music] that's one thing i missed you know during the whole pandemic i miss worship you can worship at home but there's a difference when you come together [Applause] you know we might not be where we want to be but we used to be right for his grace [Applause] we shall be [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] bye soon and very soon [Music] is hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] we are going to see me [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] eyes we got to be to worship i [Music] us [Music] amen praise god god i welcome all of you into the house of god but more into the presence of almighty god and we thank him for his great love for us and expressing himself to us may the lord bless us everyone uh i just want to say uh several families have gone on vacation as you know brother mike the missiles you know the beers they've gone on vacation praise the lord and i don't know who else will be going on vacation but we are going to hold fast here and keep pressing on with the word of god amen so we thank the lord jesus for his wonderful love and his marvelous grace now you're going to start you're going to be seeing some changes taking place uh for one uh brother anthony now will be the main worship leader uh brother mike will be uh assisting with the songs he'll go to his his main and his major uh work of being the head trustee uh the treasurer praise the lord and god will bless him and use him in his office and we thank the lord for that there's one time when the church had [Applause] the church was in a state where one person had to do three jobs five jobs like that but we thank god that he has given us different ones with different skills and i don't mean natural only but spiritual gifts that are able to take some of the burden off of brothers and sisters that had several things on them so we give god praise and thanks for that praise the lord oh god bless every one of you amen brother uh alvin that's in the back he will now be taking care of the media right that is his responsibility that he's in charge of [Applause] and uh his precious wife will help us with the grounds beautification you know flowers and if there's weeds got to be pulled out whatever we thank the lord for her in that office also may the lord bless her there's other changes coming but we just place it all in the hands of god everything in god's time praise god we give god the glory and the honor now um i will ask um okay i'll speak to you after we want to thank god for that and now uh we turn our attention to the word of god giving him all the glory and the honor and praise and our text will be found in genesis 1 and we'll read verse 3 and then verse 14 genesis 1 and god said let there be light and there was light verse 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years now we will turn to john chapter 1 and we'll read from verses 1 to 14. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was delight of men and the light shining into darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from god whose name was john this same came for a witness to bear witness of the light and all men through him that all men through him might believe he was not that light but was set to bear witness of that light that was the true light which lighted every man that commit into the world he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not but as many as received him to them gave ye power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name which were born not of blood nor of the will of flesh nor of the will of man but of god and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth amen gracious father we have just read the word and as you have said revelation faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god granted to us now as we wait upon the father in jesus name amen god bless you please be seated now last sunday we spoke on the subject of god's great shining light how many of you were here praise god god's great shining light and we brought to your attention how that god was alone as he inhabited all of eternity god in the darkness by himself all alone and the bible tells us and the earth which was already there was without form and void you see between verse one and two uh which i would take the time to explain uh that's where this scientist gets all mixed up because millions of years could have passed between there in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth period and then we don't know how long that is and then it says and the earth was without form and boy so we do know from uh as i said dr pember other um writers uh of that nature that the earth was in a chaotic state from some previous uh primordial uh upheaval that took place the world was in a terrible state at that time from earth's el earliest ages in genesis 1 though the bible tells us that god's holy spirit god's spirit began to move on the face of the waters over all of the chaos god's spirit began to brood right because that would be the word that you would have but it says god's spirit move but god's spirit brooded like him trying to bring forth something to make something come alive god's spirit moved or brooded on the face of the deep amen and that's the same thing he does with every sinful heart that's in a chaotic confused uncontrolled state the spirit of god comes to the individual and begins to move over their life over their soul they may not yet understand what is happening but it's god's spirit moving trying to shape form and to create something that will live and do according to his will then in john in genesis 1 3 the bible tells us for tells us that before he created the moon and the stars god spoke out of the darkness let there be light yes amen and the bible tells us there was light but then when we go on after the creation of many of the other species we get to verse 14 where he said and let there be lights not one light but lights in the heavens the amen to be four times so you can be able to count time while so many years past so many sundowns so many moons or whatever you'll be able to count time you'll be able to know seasons right you'll be able to recognize those things but first light was not for that purpose but this these lights they are for this purpose to the earth okay now we understand therefore and we try to make clear to you that that first light was totally different from this second set of lights that god created amen one of course was spirit light spiritual light amen praise god and they're proving now that that's a fact because they have actually um used some kind of an instrument on uh oral robert's hand when he was praying for the sick and they could see life coming off of the man's hand amen they have other things where they're whole persons and they could see light emanating from the person's being and of course brother branham's was obvious he was standing right there with your natural eyes you could see it you didn't need a machine for that but they realized that there is some form of other light let's not talk about tesla and all that because he was already breaking into god's laboratory right because he everybody knows that well no everybody doesn't know that but the man was working most of his stuff by the number three because he knows there's something about three and everything he did he did with a lot of trees and multiplied the vision and whatever he did use a lot of trees amen but anyway they started to break into these things but god had spiritual light and in reading some of uh the backgrounding for what we're talking about here because what i'm talking about here is not something that i learned my bed and i got a big revelation remember the prophet william marion branham of malachi 4 5 and revelation 10 7 uh put all of this into the storehouse you can read volume 1 of conduct ordering doctrine around the starting right through 15 16 17 the pages and you'll read most of this there i'm just putting understanding knowledge on to what is already there in other words you may go read it and you may not see all of what i'm saying but i'm just saying it so when you go back and you look at it it opens up and it blossoms forth amen all i'm doing is what we are supposed to do the the sheep eats the the food and then takes it and sits underneath a tree and then regurgitate it oh i'm i want to tell you what we're having is regurgitated holy ghost school the holy spirit granting to you amen because great men of this message have broke into pieces and pieces and parts of this but the earth has come in the power of god where the holy spirit is taking the word and the word is beginning to take form amen not only the revelation of the word but the word is starting to take its form amen the word you believe within your heart will one day become personalized before you amen you'll recognize it's god making himself manifest amen by the unveiling of the word amen praise god one light of course was god himself the unseen spirit for when god said let there be light out on himself came forth brother brennan describes it a little halo of light began to whirl around amen and here it goes it began to whirl around and there comes the pure of fire amen there comes the logos there comes it my brother sister hallelujah forming itself into something that the eyes can now see and perceive and and god called it light amen but now he made himself now that you can't start seeing him in his first form amen now that was going to condescend down through the ages and we know that after centuries and ages it culminated into the person of the man christ jesus god in christ amen hallelujah and now in our day it's taken another step hallelujah because just as the wife had to be taken from adam a bride is taken from the word of god that he could make himself manifest one more time through his people who are the children of that light oh blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah amen so he could be seen now as the pillar of fire praise god amen or as sunlight s.o.n light and this was the beginning of the creation of god not that god himself can be created but it's the beginning of god creating and the first thing he did was to create light to represent or himself amen hallelujah praise god now brothers and sisters we then touched after that on the creation of man genesis 1 26-31 praise god then on to genesis 2 verse 7 where god not he created man first in genesis 1 when he says let us make man in our own image and lightness hallelujah praise god but in genesis 2 7 he got the bible says god formed the man from the dust of the earth praise god so we're just making plain to you since god was an ears spirit amen and he made man in his image and likeness that man was a spirit man that was the spirit man adam was first the spirit man amen and then leica he formed man or he shaped man just as much as he gave himself something that you could recognize him perceiving with your eyes he began now to form a body for man right that man is his likeness would go into that flesh body that was formed by his mighty hand now remember people think that though we are fearfully and wonderfully made that this is what's in the image of god this is not what is in the image of god it's the man in here that is in the image of god and likeness of god amen we are spirit like god and if you're neglected you are in the nature and the image and the likeness of the living god on the inside praise god hallelujah oh my he is the light these are the lower lights amen oh let the little lights be burning and send a mighty wave across the seas amen some ship wrecked or forlorn brother seeing men take heart again amen lord of god hallelujah saw god first created the man in his image and lightness and he was a spirit man and i recap this soul that you might pick up and begin to understand how that while he was in the spirit form he could command the trees he could command the animals and tell them come or grow or do this but he could not kill the soil there was no man to kill the soil man was there but he couldn't tell the soil amen and that's what the bible says god perceived that man couldn't kill the soil and therefore he formed man amen he made a body for the spirit man adam to go into so that he can begin to kill the soil do some gardening not work because at that time you didn't have labor and all that sort of stuff right not labor there was just natural normal work that people did and that's the state god wants every one of us to be in to get to a place where you free up you don't have to labor but if you want to go in your garden and pick a rose today that you pick a rose you want to sit under your own fig tree and have a coffee have a coffee preach the lord amen but when you're in your garden you're doing the work right but you're not on the label because you're not under some kind of person or persons or organization behind you pushing you that you got to finish this quota you got to finish now no pressure whatsoever you are now under a different absolutely different situation and that's what we're talking about that's how adam and eve were it's not that their layer running on the trees like you see in some of the drawings and they just pick a fruit and they sit there like that oh well they couldn't do that if they wanted but the bible said the man they killed the soil they were taking care of the garden at that time praise the lord and they rest when they want they stop when they wanted and they at when they wanted and they took brees when they wanted whatever praise the lord amen so god formed him a body so that he could be seen and that the spirit man adam could now make himself manifest or manifested through that outward form that god had created for him praise the lord hallelujah and i'm so thankful that the man christ jesus whom we can't see with our eyes is in this allah forming another body that he might get into it make himself manifest and glorify himself in the body that is called the bride of jesus christ in this last day all thanks be to god on high that he's once again fulfilling his word amen yes sir praise god so the jehovah who could never be seen but the old testament is now jesus of the new testament the alpha and the omega the first and the last the unseen word now mad flesh in the man christ jesus hallelujah amen so first he made himself into light praise god and then condescended from that light into the form of a man christ jesus who said i am the light of the world amen praise god you understand he is the light of the world amen hallelujah thank god and we taught that as we began to wrap up what we were saying we told you that the bible tells you clearly that there's a light going to shine in the new jerusalem that light will not be the light of the sun or of the moon but the lamb himself shall be the light thereof he will change the new jerusalem praise god why he's shining into the hearts of all his elected seed and the light will be everywhere in the new jerusalem no need for sun no need for moon because the light of god is there amen now i want to take your thoughts to something else as we begin to move to our subject how that brother branham said i was praying and around 2 30 to 3 o'clock in the morning as i was praying praying praying he said uh i could perceive like some kind of a light ah and i thought someone was shining a torch so i opened my eyes to see where's this light coming you know if your eyes are closed and somebody shines a light you could still get some kind of a perception that there's a light shining right praise god that's why mommy tried to go to sleep somebody has the light on bright it's still kind of penetrates to you and you want to turn off that light but praise god so he said i opened my eyes to see what this light was he said and there was just a little light up coming down from the ceiling and it was like a star amen but as it came down it grew in size and i kept looking at it and i was so fearful that i stepped i i moved backwards and out of the light hallelujah genesis 1 john 1 the light of genesis 1 became a man in john 1 and the word the logo the pillar of fire became flesh and grant among us hallelujah and here brother branham sees the light coming down he says and out of the light there stepped a man of 200 pounds dressed in white robes his arms folded and said i am sent from the presence of almighty god amen and delivered to him god's message he says do not fear i am sent from the presence of almighty god hallelujah and spoke to him that thought that i am bringing to you is out of the light step the form of a man amen and we are seeing the same thing out of the light step the form of the man jesus christ and he said i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but he shall have the light of life amen praise god i want to thank god right now brother sister out of this great revelation hallelujah under this great revelation one day hallelujah will stop the fullness of a man the man christ jesus once again hallelujah because that's the same life making itself known the logos the word making itself unveiled you're taking the cover off of the light and the light shines and the darkness and the darkness understands it not amen but those who understand it those who get the revelation of it to them gave me the power to recognize to become to recognize that their sons are doctors of the living god hallelujah amen got a branham met him in the light and out of the lights that the man hallelujah amen when we look my friends how abraham met him and when abraham met him to the man by the name of melchizedek without mullah without father without beginning eternal without end o praise god brother sister met that man while he was in a state of a morphe transformation and change in coming down until it will come to its fullness in the person of the man christ jesus amen are you following me here praise the name of the lord forgive me when i speed up it's because i'm getting excited you know i'm just thrilled beyond belief at the fullness of the word of the living god hallelujah do you remember that god the pattern god came to a man by the name of moses and when he came to moses how did he come he came as a light in a bush he came as a pillar of fire inside of the bus amen and another time when moses prayed he said lord show me that glory and he see the light and out of the light he was barely able to see the back parts of a man you see the the the fullness of the man wasn't yet to be revealed it was just shaping it was just forming he couldn't see the whole thing but he just the back parts of a man just went by the light was shaping and forming itself amen into the back parts of a man oh glory be to god hallelujah so abraham saw him moses saw him the man stepping out of that light amen praise god and we know of course that that melchizedek later became jesus christ how many knows that amen paul hallelujah oh my paul on the road to damascus amen paul a master of the written word a theologian that if you challenge him he knows this bible he had every course everything you could go studying now in the best university he already had it and he was a master at the the youngest age at that particular time but when he was going down to the mascots the bible tells us that a light shone upon him that light was brighter than the sun hallelujah and it struck him off his horse and the voice spoke out of the light saul saw why persecute this thou me over and over again you're seeing the same thing the light is really a person the light is a person and the person is the man christ jesus amen hallelujah oh my the light shine unfall it was not regular sunshine amen it was not regular sunshine amen it was heavenly sunshine that could flood your soul with the glory divine it was the sunshine of the living god coming down into the human heart amen oh praise god it was not natural light but it was heavenly light that was shining down upon paul and paul my friend fell off his horse now remember paul was already like i said a master of the word of god already theologian whatever you want to call it paul knew it all but then the spirit took him to the deserts of arabia and begin to shine that light in his heart upon the word amen oh my when he came out he said oh that i could make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery oh praise god philip said paul the things god is revealing through you he said some of them are hard to understand amen but he still recognized that there were thus saith the lord because paul had yesterday he said the things i'm saying to you it is not i but the lord other places he said what i say to you they are not just my words they are commandments of the lord hallelujah praise god therefore he said if an angel from heaven was to come down and stand before you and try to change what i am telling you amen let him be a quest in just the same way that same holy spirit that visited this prophet of this last day amen anybody trying to explain away try to attack try to change try to mutilate try to fabricate my friends dislocate or misinform people let them be a curse according to this world [Applause] amen god in other words sent the holy spirit and the spirit that brooded over the waters back then brooded now over the water of the world that paul had flooded his mind and soul and spirit with but he as a man it was just chaos there's no way he can put the gods jigsaw puzzle all together and the holy spirit had to come and brood over it and begin to say this goes here this goes there this is that this is that this dispensation this that over here here and start to bring it and out of it he begin to see christ revealed in his own word oh praise god hallelujah god make himself manifest and revealed in the word of the living god hallelujah amen in john 1 verse 9 we read in the word of god here let me read that briefly praise the lord hallelujah verse 9 what does it say the word was made flesh that was the true light which lighted every man that cometh into the world i want to take for a subject here the true light is now shining the true light is now shining and when we use the word true we use the word true uh if you look into a any good dictionary or you were to go to the church age book in the laodicean church age brother branham speaking when he was describing when jesus said i am the true witness amen brother branham explained he was not saying i am the true witness in opposition to false even though there is a measure of that but true he says in the sense of saying i am the real i am not the type or the shadow i am not any of that i am the reality amen and when you want to look even in the normal natural everyday dictionary that word true means the real or the genuine thing so the true light now shine it the genuine light the real light now shines now you understand that the sun the moon the stars were only put in the heavens to shine on the natural earth typing how god himself would be the real sunshine to shine upon the elect seed that's on the natural in this natural body that he will be able to shine the light of god hallelujah and bring everything back to life for his glory [Applause] amen the true light is now shining we're not talking about s-u-n light we're talking about o n light i want to tell you right now it is the rising of the sun amen and the light is shining now on the earth but most of the people as the bible says they comprehended not they don't understand even while i'm speaking there might be many saying what's he talking about what's that that don't sound a you know i don't read that in the bible you know praise god not here not there you see but that's what it is amen because the pillar of fire amen was not just fire anymore it went into a man and it wasn't seen again until jesus wept the glory hallelujah for all the attributes all the genes all the word was in him and when he gave up the ghost that same holy ghost came down the unseen part of him came back down hallelujah and oh i'm getting ahead of myself oh amen oh praise god hallelujah yes sir so here we find uh let me just move on here by the spirit of god of course you know adam did not come born of a woman first adam did not come born of a woman amen he was born by the spoken word amen god spoke his word and adam came upon the scene amen so he was a created son of god and he of course adam himself the man not not his body later on but adam was eternal amen as god was eternal for he was a spoken word son of god hallelujah you know that this earth you're standing on is eternal how many knows that amen heavens and earth may pass away but my word will not pass away but you know that saying god doesn't mean that this earth gonna burn up and come to nothing it's going to be renovated it's going to be renovated well we're going to explain that future home of the heavily bright bright room how the fire of god will burn off all the germs all the sin all the demons all the powers all the spirits will be burnt off hallelujah and the whole thing will be renovated amen praise god hallelujah so brother sister i want you to know that god's sons and daughters are eternal hallelujah that's why over and over i repeat this you are not born you are not of time your body is of time your big body began somewhere and they begin to count the years of how old you are but the being on the inside there you come from god you're traveling through time and you're going back to god hallelujah because why you're eternal as god himself you come from light that's why you can see the light you are children of the light and you're going back to the light where you come from oh praise god forevermore you cannot walk in darkness because you yourself is a light wherever you go you light up you'll light up the place you'll light up other people's lives you'll light up their experiences you open up their understanding you bring them to a clearer oh condition in the word of god amen why because you are part of that light oh praise god shine all around us but day and by night jesus the light of the world oh my my my lord of god hallelujah amen hallelujah praise god amen oh i thank god that all of that all the attributes all them genes all all of the germs of you however you want to describe it was all in god in that logos you're already part of that word amen and when it was spoken all of that word was all wrapped up there amen together all was in him that's why brother branham is trying to get us to understand don't you understand just like how all your father's kids were in in him just we were all in christ hallelujah and when he went to calgary and he died on the cross the holy spirit came back in spirit form hallelujah the genes in him were now freed up they're released now praise god hallelujah oh my glory to god hallelujah amen glory to god hallelujah just just i have several things in front of me here but just i'm taking a glance here just to orient myself please praise the name of the living god amen praise god listen he says here no i won't touch that he's talking about the sacred lights in the conduct order and doctrine of how that light began to form amen he created the word you see he had to create the word in the form of a light first amen or in the beginning was the word and the word was with god you see that thinking is another person with god just like my thoughts are with me until i speak it it's with god amen the word was and the word was god because a man and his thoughts are one amen praise the lord so it's not something else it's god himself praise god hallelujah and so that word became flesh amen praise the lord o praise god of course you couldn't see all of the word going out in time and space because it's spiritual and you couldn't see it in that form praise the lord and so the word went out and jesus himself said my words their spirit and their life so the word is spirit it's not people the word is not writing the word is not something some thesis or something like that uh that's okay but that's not the real word my word they are spirit and they are life amen so the moment god said let there be the spirit of god the word in spirit form went out hallelujah amen and the sun has began to move and hover over the earth amen and doing what waiting waiting waiting so that it could start that spark to let the light begin to shine amen hallelujah praise god amen so the word of god moves like that and it'll wait it'll wait until the apostles are in the right shape and then all of a sudden the spirit of god will come on them and reveal the word of god to them light amen same with us in this last day god will take you in all manner of areas down through all kind of torturous trails god will take your mind this way that way that way but the spirit is waiting the spirit is brooding the spirit of god is waiting once you get to that right place and the right condition then the spirit of god descends and the world begins to unfold the light begins to shine life begins to come out of the light amen and you begin to live the way god wants you to live hallelujah praise god amen praise god listen praise the lord think of it think of it that sacred light forming like a little halo coming forth on the whole banister of heaven was watching no no one has seen god but now the next thing we begin to see by the eyes of the supernatural looking we see a white light forming out there what is it it's the logos it's what we call the anointing today amen that part of god to develop itself into something human that could have some type of idea so that we could have some idea of who he was now god himself gave birth to this son which was the light amen before there was even air before there was even atoms see oh my jesus said glorify me father with the glory i had with thee before the foundation of the world glory to god hallelujah listen when you get tired let me know oh praise god hallelujah so glory to god so here we are brother sister and we see that word of god that when god said let there be let there be light god said let there be a redeemer let there be a savior let there be a pride hallelujah that same spirit of god goes out hallelujah and begins to cross crisscross the entire world searching where searching to find that germ seed of god just to find the dirt the form that that germ is hiding in oh my glory god to bring a resurrection to bring an awakening back to life again by the light of the word of god the sun shine of god's word shining on you oh praise god forevermore i'm gonna i'm gonna have to stop because my physical body amen glory to god hallelujah amen praise god of course you know that the spoken word is the original see and you know that the spirit as it says in the book of romans comes like rain that he allows to come down on the just and upon the unjust amen and so the spirit comes like rain amen now ever again just go after understand the the false teaching of what even some believers in this message don't recognize they think the holy spirit comes to give you life the holy spirit comes to make you have eternal life or to bring in eternal life the holy spirit doesn't come to bring an eternal life you have to have eternal life from the for the foundation of the world hallelujah the spirit reigns of god only comes to wake up the germ that's inside it comes to reveal or to manifest that sun that seed or that weed weed or wheat to show what the nature that's behind there is praise god so that's why jesus said you ask him for the baptism the holy ghost you know not what you asked for amen people say i want the holy ghost you know not what you asked for maybe you want the one they have that makes you jump up in the pentecostal church maybe you make the one that will make you shout and holler and scream you know but my god he says you're asking for the baptism i am baptized with amen he says that one he says you know not what you're really asking for oh my my my brother sister what an hour what a day what a season what a time praise peter god hallelujah you see the spirit of god goes out and as you know eternal life will will only come to eternal life [Music] for only eternal life will recognize eternal life you see if it's not eternal can't really recognize it might recognize and even recognize partially and say oh oh that's eternal life and even describe it and even use all other words to describe it but it wouldn't really know eternal life only eternal life will know eternal life praise god in other words the seed germ and you is why the holy ghost came to you to baptize you is that right in other words the ring of on the unjust don't fall even where there is no seed and all rains go fall everywhere but it really is coming to germinate the germs see so oh i got the spirit that is wonderful but that's not what we're talking about here amen that's why the prophet said the real baptism holy ghost the first thing it will do is open your eyes to see the world amen that germs start to recognize now who it really is start to recognize itself not just hearing somebody quoting something but the reality begins to strike your soul i am really and truly a part of that life of that purifier of that living god hallelujah amen and i'm not just talking amen it's something like a like a anchor in my soul i know who i am and what i have been raised up for and i praise god this day for the original life the original life the original war your original seed is what happened oh my glory of god hallelujah amen oh satan infiltrate even this message until we got message theologians we got people that can give you so much information out of this message you really think they have the holy ghost amen but we're not here for information we're not here for you look i know i'm giving you what i'm giving to you is also supernatural spiritual knowledge but it's what it's going to do to you [Music] i can talk all i want but all i say don't mean nothing unless the holy spirit can take what i am saying and make you take it now and your mind and your heart start going off here there there in the word of god places where i couldn't touch because with your mouth you can't talk a million things you can only give the general direction and the rest is god has to take you in out those places god has to take you there i can't take you each one you have to have individual experience and revelation of god taking the word of god as i've always tell people that's why i don't really disagree with people right not because you want to compromise but i understand that here is an elephant like i've always said and one of these brothers grab a hold of the tail he said i know this is a rope i am positive i got it in my hand i understand it i got a revelation of it it's true also i'm not going to disagree amen another one coming in he touched the foot he said why are you talking about rope that's a post you know what's the difference between a post and a rope man look how big that thing is and you're calling that a rope and they're going to arm you over it right that one's a post and the next one will come and laugh at them they said what are you talking about the post you tongue i think you know better you say it's a rope it's nothing but a fan because he got the ears of the elephant and he is going to argue and he's going to prove back forth and his right he's right it's the elephant's ears the other ones sit back lisa listen to the whole pack of them the thing is a holes because he got a hold of this what are you talking about you see but when the holy ghost comes and he shows you the whole picture you say amen amen you don't argue with that one because he right but he's only partially he's right only partially that one is right partially the other partially but you see the whole picture praise god christ revealed in his own word christ is the mystery of god now being revealed the true light now shines upon us amen praise god hallelujah amen yes sir so eternal life comes to eternal life why do you think the word is coming to you the deep calls to the deep and the deep must respond jesus said it this way my sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not follow i call and they answer amen praise god hallelujah oh that's not human language something in here tell you that's right that's thus saith the lord that's the word of the living god amen yes sir praise god hallelujah amen praise god oh my you understand why uh why the dove had to come down on the lamb when jesus went to get baptized that was eternal life coming to eternal life is that right praise god and the bible says from that moment he was led of the spirit into the wilderness amen he was already eternal life but praise god hallelujah amen i can't remember where that quote is he said oh brother branham said oh that day oh my when two omnipotences come together when two omnipotents meet oh my he says what will it be oh glory to god amen when the omnipotence in you and the omnipotence of god comes together oh my that will be the splitting not of the atom but the splitting of adam oh my when the wife comes out of the husband oh my god man manifested by the word of the living god do you know where i'm standing here this morning while i'm talking to you oh my i feel like i'm i've been up there in a virgin atlantic oh lord god hallelujah brother sisters what a wonderful wonderful day and time um look i believe i'm gonna start to wrap this up here uh you know praise god uh if we just eat steak we're gonna have stomach ache let's let's take some more let's take a pause amen and and come again if you don't mind praise the lord and we'll continue along this line this line praise god so you understand now why the holy spirit cannot cross breed or blend with a hybrid seed he can't do it he can only come to the pure word amen is that right and the pure word can't go up to an altar and just repent and say they're sorry for their sins and i could say oh i had a thousand people come to my meeting and oh the altar was full and and all those people repent no eternal life doesn't come there amen that is not what does it the holy spirit comes not some hybrid seed that can weep and cry and beat the altar like he saw with tears and still not get the birth right because he was not an original sun seed sun gene germ or attribute of god amen even though he born in the same church or come through the same mother he was not but the word reveals it the spirit of god makes it known amen when the spirit of god comes to it and brings that life upon it amen praise god so the spirit has come back in this last day and in every age he comes back especially in this last day to do what to meet his mate is that right the other half of the chinese laundry ticket that no man can't hear it and try to make and conquer feet put it back together only god can do that so the holy spirit comes down to rest eternal life coming to eternal life so spirit with spirit will meet the invisible union of the bride of jesus christ one mess with god i and my father are one one substance one one with him praise god not because i say it you say it but because it's the truth out of the word of god amen praise god god unfolding himself down amen praise god amen the human to a human being watch how he did it back there that little hello comes we can't see nothing oh but then we see a halo standing there what is that the son of god it's the logos how can i see him i can see him my god before all eternity what is the sun something that comes off of the father is a son see oh my praise god now i'm really going to stop here now because i can feel the spirit of god just lifting off of me for now praise the lord and you pray for me i'll pray for you is that okay god light the true light is now now shining and i believe it amen not a false light not a fake light not a counterfeit light but the real light the genuine light the genuine truth of the word of the living god is now shining in our hearts amen that we might see and live for his light is the light life of man the sunlight the life of the seeds his light is the life of the elected seeds of god and i'm glad that i can say i'm one of them musicians are you coming amen praise god hallelujah amen praise god god is god isn't he god is god pray for me as we do this uh live streaming that the lord will help me to get adjusted to this amen um and know how to move and how to operate on the this kind of influence praise the lord so we thank god for his grace we give him all the praise the honor glory glad to see you god bless you all good to see you all here in the house of the lord amen god bless you brother good to see you all visiting praise the lord god bless every one of you and we trust we'll see all of you again bless you sister julie glory to god bless you sister june amen praise god continue to pray one for the other as we see the day appearing praise god and don't take anything for granted we may be separated from one another physically but one of these days may whether it be morning noon or night we hear the voice the call saying come up hither thou good and faithful servants enter into the joys of your lord god bless you [Applause] [Music] jesus such a beauty oh [Applause] [Music] oh today it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] this mountain be removed [Music] my [Music] but by my spirits [Music] [Music] is [Music] this mountain is [Music] is [Music] amen
Channel: Good Neighbour Ministries
Views: 194
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Good Neighbour Ministries, Pastor John Simon, John Simon, Seven Church Ages, full Gospel fellowship
Id: Abtu0nnDIdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 0sec (6540 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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