The True Greatest King's Gambit Player

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in this video we're delving into the world of the king's Gambit through the lens of the 19th century genius Paul morphy a true virtuoso Paul morphy has over 50 games in the king's Gambit and it was a struggle to pick only five of them to show you so brace yourselves as we uncover the secrets of morphy's Kings Gambit together the stage is set with the Blindfolded Paul morphe facing the American chess master Theodore lichtenhein it starts E4 E5 and morphy tosses The Gauntlet with F4 the king's Gambit black accepts and in doing so seeds control of the center morphe continues with the most popular move Knight F3 both developing and preventing Queen H4 check in response black chooses the modern defense with D5 this move aims to catch up in development opening lines for the pieces rather than trying to keep the extra pawn it also forces white to waste a move to deal with the tension in the center which in this case results in white capturing the pawn black devil develops the bishop to E7 with ideas of playing Bishop H4 check morphe follows with Bishop B4 check enticing black to play C6 white captures the pawn and black has the option to develop his Knight but white would immediately Castle so instead black captures with the pawn to attack the bishop after it moves black follows through with this plan of playing Bishop H4 check next morphe unveils a surprising and potent move G3 black captures and White Castles into a seemingly tumultuous kingside yet within this chaos order prevails the king escapes the center the bishop and Rook unite breathing down on F7 ready for an onslaught black takes the last pawn and white does not recapture he plays King H1 taking shelter behind what is known as an umbrella Pawn black can't attack their own Pawn so it actually serves as a valiant Defender to the white king now the threat is to take the bishop opening a discovered attack on F7 so black Retreats it to F6 blocking the file Knight E5 is a tricky move it adds an attacker on F7 and should it be taken white would have a massive attack however this was a bluff by morphe black could actually take the Knight and although white could take on F7 he doesn't have enough pieces ready to attack black would have time to consolidate and simply be up a piece back to the game staring into morphy's Poker Face black flinches choosing to hunker down with Knight H6 D4 defends the Knight and opens The Bishop's eyes black takes on e4 and here morphe decides that it has been long enough it's time to go for the king queen H5 the threat being to take twice on F7 with Checkmate black plays the best move Queen takes D5 defending the bishop and giving the king an escape Square morphe takes twice on F7 and after King d8 plays Bishop G5 check the only move is Bishop F6 blocking then white plays Knight C3 bringing more pieces into play and threatening the devastating Rook D1 pinning the queen to the king it's here that black stumbles he could have taken on G5 with the clever resource of meeting Rook a to D1 with Bishop D2 he didn't see that unfortunately instead playing Bishop D7 which also meets the threat of Rook 8 to D1 but there was another threat with the a rook now defending the back rank the other Rook has the freedom to leave it and it captures on F6 it cannot be recaptured because of the resulting double attack so black gets out of the way with King C7 the Final Act unravels quickly Bishop F4 check puts the King on the run then Rook D6 attacking both the queen and the bishop the queen moves and morphy doesn't even take the bishop just yet playing Knight E4 instead to bring more pieces near The King The Queen Is attacked so she has to move then Rook takes D7 Knight takes D7 and queen D7 sending the black king scrambling Knight D3 comes even closer and black plays Rook H to d8 attacking the queen here's the critical position step into Paul morphy's shoes can you find how white wins the sequence of moves is Queen B7 check King A5 Bishop D2 check Queen takes D2 Knight C4 a royal Fork King A4 and if you thought to take the queen then think again morphe plays B3 checkmate although the name of Paul morphy's next opponent has since been forgotten the Brilliance of the game itself continues to echo through the halls of Chess history the Gambit is accepted and morphe unfurls Bishop C4 immediately pressuring F7 however this gives black the opportunity to play Queen H4 check stealing away White's right to Castle G5 is the follow-up expanding on the king side and solidifying the extra Pawn morphe calmly precedes his development with Knight C3 Black's Bishop then assumes a commanding position on the long diagonal to which morphe responds by clamping his grip on the center with D4 Knight C6 adds a second attacker to D4 this is easily met with Knight F3 defending and attacking the queen after Queen H5 morphy's Knight leaps into action threatening a fork on C7 the only defense is King d8 C3 strengthens the center granting more Liberty to White's Queen and Knight after black plays Knight F6 morphe takes it luring the bishop forward then he can advance in the center with Tempo the bishop Retreats and white continues with H4 trying to break down Black's Pawn chain black challenges the center with F6 seeing the pinned Pawn white plays King G1 to protect the Rook opening a looming threat of a discovered attack on the queen black retaliates with G4 attacking White's Knight the best move would be to take on F6 followed by Knight G5 but morphe chooses Knight H2 attacking the g-pawn black takes on E5 and white takes on G4 black takes another pawn and White follows suit developing his Bishop as well here is where black goes wrong White's potential Bishop G5 looms like a storm cloud over Black's position and it would severely hamper the Queen's Mobility black should consider preventative measures like H6 or queen C5 getting the queen out of there instead Rook f8 is played attacking the bishop and putting the Rook on an open file morphe like a hawk pounces on the opportunity with Bishop G5 check King E8 would be met with Knight F6 opening a discovered attack on the queen so Knight E2 blocking the then Queenie 2 threatens Checkmate and there isn't a way to stop it without losing a whole bunch of material in the game black plays rookie 8 morphe continues Knight E5 revealing the Queens to one another Black's Queen being undefended with nowhere to go captures White's queen and the kudegrass Knight F7 checkmate in the third game our protagonist morphe is challenged by bornmen who declines the Gambit choosing Bishop C5 the classical defense this move not only makes it difficult for white to Castle kingside but it also weaves a subtle trap wore white to take the pawn black could play Queen H5 check which would either win a rook or worse checkmate morphe of course doesn't fall for this playing Knight F3 to pressure black Central Pawn black supports it with D6 then C3 aims to expand in the center blackplay's Bishop G4 pinning the Knight while White's Bishop claims C4 eyeing the F7 Square Knight F6 develops and attacks E4 morphe inserts Pawn takes E5 now if black takes back immediately then white could play Bishop takes F7 and after the king recaptures Unleashed Knight takes E5 with a fork winning material so black takes the Knight first bringing White's Queen out before capturing on E5 morphe continues D3 strengthening the center and opening up the bishop after Knight C6 white immediately develops the bishop to G5 pinning the Knight black plays A6 planning a queen side expansion white continues his development with Knight D2 having a long-term scheme of maneuvering the Knight to D5 where it can pile up on the pinned piece sensing this black breaks the pin with Bishop E7 in a bold display of strategic planning morphe Castle's Queen side a choice that may expose his King but yet optimally places The Rook in the center inspired Black Mirror is the strategy playing Queen D7 to open the way to Castle queenside White starts the maneuver to D5 playing Knight C1 and black Castle's long although the F7 Pawn is hanging it taking it would be ill-advised since black could put a rook on the the f file potentially opening some discovered attack opportunities on the queen morphe opts for Knight E3 instead eyeing some vulnerable squares in Black's camp now that the Knight blocks the bishop black plays H6 Bishop H4 preserves the bishop G4 hits it again and Bishop G3 gives the bishop some strong long-term potential on a nice diagonal although white probably wouldn't take the f-pawn black plays Rook D to f8 anyways laying the groundwork for an eventual F4 Pawn break morphy's Knight finally sets foot on D5 placing two attackers on the Black Knight black chooses to avoid the exchange playing Knight E8 then D4 expands in the center and after black exchanges the pawns White's dormant Bishop Springs to life in an effort to rescue his own Bishop Black Ops for Bishop E8 and you'd think this is a chess 960 game morphe activates his Rook lining up a battery on the semi-open file blacks Knight to D6 provokes White's Bishop to retreat with Knight B5 adding another attacker to D4 white bolsters its defense with Queen E3 it's at this juncture that black slips up with the F5 Pawn break proving to be a fatal misstep morphe grabs the pawn opening the e-file which is a problem why black should play Rook to E8 contesting the open file but after black recaptures the pawn White unleashes Knight B6 a marvelous sacrifice this is a clearance sacrifice because it clears the paths for the bishop black must take the Knight since it Forks the king and queen with White's control of the e-file Bishop E6 is possible pinning the queen to the king morphe is practically bathing an advantage at this point once he captures the queen he will have two minor pieces for the queen a healthy material lead so let's speed through the rest of the game black plays Rook D5 to save his hanging Rook white goes for Rook F7 putting the Rook on the seventh rank Knight E7 is followed by King B1 so that White's Rook can occupy the open C file Rook E8 tries to consolidate Black's position then Rook C1 check and Black's position is deteriorating they block with Knight C7 morphe at long last takes the queen and black recaptures with the Rook then white plays d5's threatening to push again with a fork black uncovers a discovered attack with Knight C6 but white Simply dismisses It by taking the Knight black takes the queen and white takes the Rook with check the king slides over one square after morphe takes the Knight black resigns since on the next move white can make a queen and it cannot be captured due to the PIN in the penultimate game Paul morphy faces Paul Ross who accepts the Gambit morphe continues with Knight F3 and black plays C6 in an attempt to challenge White Center with D4 Knight C3 puts a stop to that plan for now prompting black to play Bishop B4 to remove the Knight Bishop C4 continues the battle for D4 and black captures the Knight which in turn allows white to assert dominance over the D file and liberate his Bishop any attempt from black to play Knight F6 would be effectively stymied by E5 so black plays Knight E7 morphe then masterfully places his Queen on D6 a move that constricts Black's position like a boa constrictor black castles and white regains the Gambit Pawn after Knight G6 attacking the bishop white plays Bishop G5 hitting the queen black plays Queen E8 sidestepping and White Castles at this point black could capture the pawn on e4 but doing so would be as wise as catching a tiger by its tail white would immediately strike back with Rook a to E1 gaining a Tempo and commanding the board what black should be contemplating is how to develop the queen side A Move Like B6 or B5 could do the trick instead he plays King H1 stepping away from The Bishop's gaze morphe continues Rook ATU 1 and black plays F6 blocking The Bishop's diagonal so he could play a move like Queen E7 to dislodge the queen from his powerful post white ignores the attack on his Bishop playing E5 if black dares to capture the bishop then white would recapture with the Knight this forces black into a lose-lose situation where he either lets white exchange the Rooks or he initiates the exchange himself either way the result would be the same white would lift The Rook then sacrifice the queen opening the H file and play Checkmate and there would be no way to stop this back to the game black plays F5 keeping the f-file closed morphe plays Knight D4 attacking the f-pawn so black pushes it once more then E6 signals the ominous approach of E7 compelling black to react he takes the pawn sparking a flurry of exchanges on E6 before white takes with the Rook attacking the queen she goes to C8 morphe sacrifices The Rook on G6 opening the H file then takes the pawn with his Queen black in a desperate bid for survival attempts to exchange Queens morphe counters with a stroke of Genius Rook takes F4 offering up his Queen for The Rook on f8 King H7 is the only move then Bishop G8 forces the king back to h8 Bishop F7 wins back the queen once the dust settles morphe emerges two pawns ahead his final move is Bishop F4 which wins the Knight since it can't move due to the pin so black resigns the final opponent is Eugene Russo a French chess master and the Gambit is accepted morphe plays his preferred Knight F3 and black responds with the most popular move G5 holding on to the extra Pawn H4 challenges the pawn chain and black pushes forward with G4 putting the Knight Under Fire morphy's Knight jumps to G5 after H6 he makes a daring sacrifice on F7 coaxing the king out into the open then he takes the G4 Pawn with his Queen black plays Queen F6 defending the f-pawn and white continues Bishop C4 check after King E7 white plays Knight C6 threatening the brutal Knight D5 Royal forking C6 prevents that meanwhile the Knight on G8 is hanging but if white were to take it black could just play H5 forcing the queen to abandon the defense of the bishop instead morphe plays E5 willingly sacrificing upon this cunningly lures the queen to the same file as the King after King D1 the threat is to play Rook D1 which would win the queen black plays King d8 rookie one comes anyway attacking the queen and here black should play Knight F6 counter-attacking because the Knight is still hanging he actually plays Queen C5 allowing morphy to reclaim the piece with Bishop takes G8 black follows up with D5 opening a discovered attack on the queen but this is the critical mistake take a couple minutes and try to find the winning move the move morphe plays is rookie eight the king is forced to capture allowing white to claim the bishop with a deadly check we see King E7 then morphe with the Precision of a surgeon plays the only winning move Knight takes D5 check exploiting the pinned Pawn black plays King D6 and the final blow is Queen C7 Checkmate I hope these games were both entertaining and instructive don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more chess content
Channel: SammyChess
Views: 131,283
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Keywords: Paul Morphy, Morphy King's Gambit, King's Gambit, chess analysis, chess strategies, chess openings, best chess openings, master chess player, chess legends, chess grandmaster games, chess tactics, improving chess, chess learning, famous chess games, classic chess games, learn chess openings, Morphy games, chess history, best chess players, tactical analysis, chess, bishop's gambit, knight's gambit, chess tricks, king's gambit accepted, king's gambit declined
Id: sAzLRIoozOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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