Morphy's Brutal REVANGE: Paul Morphy vs Thomas Barnes - London (1858)

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hello everyone and welcome back to another a musty chess game by Paul Charles morphe against Thomas Wilson Burns one of the last chess games that I demonstrated of Paul Murphy was against Thomas Wilson Burns to strong English chess master who defeated Paul Murphy more than anyone else at friendly games so in that chess games in that chess game that I demonstrated a bob Wilson Burns defeated Paul Murphy so this time let's see how Paul morphy defeated his opponent this is a small spoiler and Paul Murphy has the white pieces so Thomas Wilson Burns was one of the most Verdi opponent for Paul morphe one of the most difficult opponents for Paul Murphy yet Paul Murphy dominated Wilson Burns in their lifetime record so Paul Murphy was perhaps the most accurate chess player in the 19th century until Emmanuel lesker so let's see what happened in this chess game if and this juice game happened in London England in 1858 a also that's for the records if I Bishop to C4 and this is known as The Bishop's opening Knight to F6 Knight to F3 and the game is actually transposing into the Russian game the Italian variation of the Russian game Knight takes on e4 and Knight takes on E5 is a common move but morphe played Knight to C3 and he is basically sacrificing a pawn and this Gambit is known as Boden kesarisky Gambit which is accepted and F6 and Wilson Burns is defending his iPhone more vehicle suit Knight to C6 Knight to H push and this move makes Queen to H5 move possible Queen to E7 and Knight to F5 attacking to queen queen to C5 defending the bishop D5 Bishop to E3 with the tempo Paul Murphy is attacking to Queen and then Knight goes back and morphe is threatening to play Queen to HBO if and Thomas Wilson Burns is setting up a little trip for Paul Murphy he said come on check my king and make my day like Clint Hill suit in a dirty in a in Dirty Harry movie well Paul Murphy gives check and then G6 and Wilson born says just like Clinton suit in the Dirty Harry movie come on take my Pawn with your knight and make my day well Paul Murphy captured the pawn Knight takes on G6 but this time Bishop to F7 did Paul Murphy didn't realize that this is actually pinning and losing the piece because Wilson Barnes didn't capture tonight and then he didn't lose the exchange he is basically pinning the Knight and if moving the Knight if capturing The Rook a bishop takes Queen is this losing for Paul Charles Murphy did Paul Murphy blundered well morphy played Queen to H bush okay now he is taking the Rook what else Bishop has to take tonight but then Queen takes on F6 and we can easily say that Paul Murphy has a plan a Paul Murphy has a play this is a taking to rook and this is a blocking the cast link in the queen side so defending the Rook but then we Rook from a to D1 attacking the d-pawn with the tempo Bishop to E7 and then Queen to E6 attacking the deepon Bishop to F7 Paul morphe goes back and basically officially we can say that Paul Murphy is a piston Paul Murphy only has one extra Pawn but on the flip side of the coin actually black can't Castle because of the light Square and black move the Rook so the king is in the center and open files and also having a king at the center is very dangerous against Paul Murphy that's the PO that's Paul Murphy's specialty Knight to the eight so Wilson Barnes played the passive move but he realized that actually canceling is not possible he basically wants to Castle maybe he's planning to play the Knight to E6 and then canceling or maybe actually Knight not Knight to E6 maybe bishop to E6 and after defending the queen developing tonight and then castling and that's a very long plan for Wilson Burns so Paul Murphy created a crumpy position for his opponent that was the genius of Paul Murphy and he is pushing the F Pawn and we also know that the open files are the specialty of Paul Murphy so Vincent Burns is not giving the open file to Paul Murphy E4 and then Bank Rook takes on D5 by Paul Murphy what a move this came out of the blue Bishop takes on D5 and then checking the King by Paul Murphy and black can't block with the bishop because then a queen takes Queen King to f8 and then Bank Bishop takes on D5 and Paul Murphy has two extra pawns and also his opponent's king is exposed so he is basically getting something in return for sacrificing a piece but still Paul Murphy is a piston and can you see what is happening here can you see the threat of Paul Murphy of course white can't take the Rook because then Queen takes Queen and white can resign that would be a terrible blunder a Wilson Barnes realized what is happening and he played Rook to G7 let's say C6 well C6 would be a terrible blunder can you see why this move is a blunder let me give you three seconds if you want you can pause the video because of Queen to F5 this is an unbelievable blunder by the way the worst move possible King to E8 actually the only move if blocking pit tonight getting checkmated then Bishop to F7 check and then losing the queen so how about King to G7 well this is getting checkmated by force a just like this okay so a king to f8 and Bishop takes on D5 Rook to G7 and then B4 deflecting to Queen F5 by Paul Murphy F6 is coming and we have Knight to F7 allowing F6 it looks very very shaky and dangerous for Thomas Wilson Burns he is playing with fire but is this is easy to say me when I'm sitting on my comfortable chair when I'm sitting in front of my computer and analyzing chess games with the chess engine uh if I was if you were in Thomas with someone's shoes I'm sure you might also do the same mistake but black had to find the most resourceful the most accurate defensive move and that was Queen to F6 but then white has Bishop to the force of wisenbergs didn't want this for more his Bishops are firing everywhere in the king side but then black has Queen to export that's a skewer a taking to look check and then Queen to E8 and this is still looking dangerous but black is surviving and black is a piece up and Paul Murphy in this position White so this is also looking Mega dangerous and you might also ask what happens if Bishop to F6 well actually this was losing because of check and where is the king queen look at this incredible Bishop pair chess game of Paul Murphy a perfect example Paul Murphy's Bishops are firing the king the queen is also covering the Escape Square you can also you can only block beat The Rook or with the bishop then Bishop takes on E7 or Rook takes on E7 if King takes then pushing the pawn forking to King and to Rook so Rook takes on E7 and then F6 and this is also looking extremely dangerous for black so Paul morphe pushed the pawn and maybe blocking with the bishop was even better than Knight to F7 and Paul Murphy pushed upon four king two pieces Bishop takes on F6 and what would you do in this position if you had the white pieces can you guess the next move of Paul Murphy he played a very good move if I give you a couple of seconds can you guess that next move okay so Paul Murphy pushed to pawn B5 deflecting to Queen if moving the queen then capturing the bishop so Queen to D6 but then Bishop takes on F7 by Paul Murphy and this is losing actually where is the queen going seriously so Queen to D6 Bishop takes on F7 by Paul Murphy and would you capture the bishop it is very tempting isn't it we have B6 by Thomas Wilson Burns if Rook takes on F7 well unfortunately black is losing the queen that was the turret of Paul Murphy so with capturing the Knight Paul morphy is allowing Bishop to C5 the queen is guarding the bishop so this is why Wilson Burns pushed upon and he's only the exchanger he has only the exchange and Paul Murphy also has one extra pawn and black has the exposed King so Vincent bonds is defending on C5 Bishop 286 pinning The Rook King to E7 and the game is getting less complicated capturing The Rook Bishop goes back and threatening Uruk or queen to F7 so defending but a beautiful aesthetic move by Paul Murphy Rook to F7 forking king and the bishop check and then capturing the bishop well visenburn has checked but this is not doing much to pull morphe the king is escaping and he is creating a pest spoon he is pushing to pawn but this is not going to do much to Paul morphe check checking the king and after this move Thomas Wilson Burns resigned because of this possible continuation C6 check mate or if King to B8 checking the king and then check mate there is no sensible defense for Thomas Wilson Burns and Blake is getting checkmated what an incredible aesthetically beautiful almost genius level chess game by Paul Murphy a very exciting risky daring attacking chess game by Paul Murphy he played like Mikhail Tull actually so I hope you have enjoyed watching this chess game and I hope to see you next time this was a little bit more complicated chess game for Paul Murphy's standards actually usually Paul more his chess games are simple yet beautiful this was complicated complex yet beautiful just like the borrow card so thank you very much again stay safe and bye bye
Channel: Historical Chess Videos
Views: 14,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Morphy, Thomas Barnes, Paul Morphy best games, Paul Morphy chess games, Paul Morphy vs Thomas Barnes
Id: Xf0Bf7vUxMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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