The True Cost of Equality | Victor Davis Hanson

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and what is the agenda it's a radical equality of his result if you sum up the woke movement today in every aspect environmental social cultural economic it is that any inequality anywhere in the western world can be attributed to some sort of exploitation it doesn't matter about a person's individual circumstances whether they are aggressively a workaholic or inert or lazy or whether they have good genes or bad genes or whether they have a big inheritance or whether they have a bad back all the millions of things that we can't we can't control in the tragic view so we say to ourselves we want a quality of opportunity everybody gets an equal shot and will try to help people to have disadvantages but no it's that person is not like that person I'm anointed to adjudicate on the back end I'm going to have an equality of result and I need power to do a lot of tough stuff and this is the motto of everybody from you know from pull apart to Stalin to Mao it's a bad path and that's what they want to do they want the power so they can determine everybody's life you are using too much you've got your air conditioner on too much a poor person in Fresno doesn't have no he doesn't have that so I'm going to take that away from you but I'll keep mine guys yes and I'll go out and buy some carbon credits some way yes with some chunky scheme they always think of that don't they yeah I can have a nobody should live in America more than 1500 square feet but I have five twenty thousand square foot homes but I have had the carbon offsets that's what they do they dream up these things so that I I feel like they're they're creatures at Versailles and they're very dangerous and uh it's very hard for us to criticize them because they're so moralistic and they're always the right is always I'm for the individual and when the individual makes more than another individual my duty as a western citizen is to appeal to the better angels of their nature or their religion and or their shame or their culture their family and say share it with your your poor brother or your cousin doesn't have enough or help your child or if you go beyond that with a community or help but they don't trust the individual they say no no we are the state and we're going to tell that person we're going to take them away he got that only because he exploited somebody and he didn't have it not because he used drugs not because he committed a crime not because he it was only because the system was unfair to him there's some truth in both sides but not that's not the truth let me test two three theories with you then yeah the first is that you mentioned verse I they're playing with fire the social disharmony that will result if we continue because I've been in government long enough to see the pattern since the great financial crisis through covert and now in the name of arresting climate change we're pursuing policies that are indeed continuing to make these squillionaires wealthier than ever whilst everybody else's living standards are being pushed down yeah Amari Antoinette moment let them eat cake yeah said in contempt resulted in her losing her head yeah so we've never these are intelligent I don't suppose I know history because they don't think history matters because history would tell them they're playing with fire and they they are and so in the United States we had 120 days of rioting in May to November of 2020. continuous 35 to 50 people were killed two billion dollars of property damage uh 14 000 people arrested and let go uh 1500 police officers and that was that was exempt from criticism Kamala Harris who was going to shortly be the vice president candidate said the rioting should the the protests should and she knew they were violent they tried to storm the White House ground uh Nicole Hannah Jones the architect the 1619 said ah theft is not a crime property is not a crime if you take somebody's property so we're the left said that's okay we had one day of a bunch of buffoonish people who rioted over the election and so they went and that's a threat to democracy that was a threat to democracy what they don't understand is though not that I wanted not that I want to downplay the stupidity no I think it was a terrible thing that happened I want anybody who committed a felony to be properly punished but my point is if you tell middle class people you're not going to be able to afford to fill up your truck at seven dollars for diesel fuel or you're not going to turn on your air conditioning because it's a sin and we're going to make it 30 kilowatt and you're going to be on that forklift at 18 and you're going to pay taxes for this guy with a gender Studies major at Stanford on his loan forgiveness you're playing with fire with of going after them and then you keep calling them semi-fascists [Music]
Channel: John Anderson
Views: 39,456
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Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Id: 7H5m9u_gASU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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