"The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will begin from the Philippines and spread throughout the world"

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some people asked me to repeat briefly what i said last night for the benefit of those who are not present at the filipino consulate last night we did not know the organizers of this event we did not know anything about it but on the 3rd of july this year when our blessed mother was speaking to christina a very important message which i will deal with in a moment concerning the ceiling of her children she referred to an event being prepared as june keatley has just said in new york on the 11th of september and her blessed mother said that the person who had organized this event was inspired by the holy spirit of god that those who were working to prepare the event would experience many trials and troubles but they were to persevere our blessed mother went on to say i desire that to be a person or person's present from every country in the world that event is a symbol of the triumph of my immaculate heart beginning from the philippines and spreading throughout the world and christina says that all the images and titles of our blessed lady all the honors and epithets that have been ever given to our blessed lady are all signified and represented today but because it is the image of our lady of all nations that takes the central position signifies the gathering together of our lady's children from all over the world and so we are very privileged to be present at this enormous event it has a dimension in heaven which transcends goes beyond anything we can calculate on earth and is a necessary step for the triumph of our blessed lady's immaculate heart in 1992 the triumph of our blessed lady's immaculate heart beginning in the philippines and later spreading throughout the world was mentioned by our lord when he brought christina to the philippines we had no idea of the plan of god christina had been invited by the center for peace to go but she really didn't know when that would ever come about because she was not inclined to travel long distances and there was already a lot on her schedule and one day she could see all these people around her and jesus spoke to her christina knew they were foreign people but didn't know their nation jesus spoke and said these are my children of the philippines i desire that you go there and give them my message christina was trying to evade this a commitment and she said to jesus but others have spoken to them of your messages and our blessed lord said no i desire that you go and give them my message and then christina said father mcginnity is not free until 1994 jesus said no then it will be too late and so we went we knew we had to go in 1992 and as we were about to descend to manila just before the announcement on the plane came that we were commencing our dissent jesus appeared on the flight to christina and thanked her for coming to the philippines and at three o'clock in the morning he gave her his message christina was awakened and she could see an apparition of her blessed lady on a globe of light against a background of a red sky and as their blessed lady approached christina a black serpent approached our holy mother and came so near christina thought that the serpent would bite her ankle a blessed lady was wrapped in prayer and she didn't look at the serpent and just when he came very close a blessed lady raised her foot and crushed his head and then this serpent began to squirm and rise over a large distance and then jesus spoke and he said you my people are truly mine through your suffering my mercy will save you and many who are blind and then he said something we couldn't understand it seemed very strange language i am beholden unto you my heart and later this was explained to us as being an idiom used in the philippines cardinal sin received us and he explained a great deal about the situation in the philippines which we had not known the expression was mentioned as expressing beholden or obliged and jesus was using the very idiom of these choice people who were so faithful to him that he felt obliged to protect them and i will send to you my mother you will realize the value of your suffering and the power of your mother's love and intercession you my people i will save jesus went on in the message from the beast's devouring anger my people do not sin in impurity of the body i jesus your lord and my beloved mother are with you and love you go in peace and serve your lord god and cardinal sin explained that there was an attack already declared by the government then to enforce population control on the filipino people and that the minister for health who was appointed by president ramos at the time declared they would proceed even if it meant a clash with the catholic church and as christina went through the philippines speaking the message and very shortly she will address us here the book that i am holding up contains most of the message and experience and healings of christina's apostolate but she will herself concentrate on what is not in the book for the most part as she speaks to us this evening as she spoke the message through the philippines the filipino people in love for our blessed lord and our holy mother responded with open hearts and we were told that after we left their crusade of prayer adoration and the rosary of our blessed lady protected the country from the measures that were threatened but just before we returned to ireland from the philippines jesus spoke to christina once again and said i thank you for coming my little one because you have come i am able to implement my plan the triumph of my mother's immaculate heart will begin in this land and spread throughout the world so it made sense on the 3rd of july this year when christina was told by our blessed lady that this event on the 11th of september in new york signified the triumph of the immaculate heart of our holy mother spreading from the philippines throughout the whole world and those who are here from every nation representing their respective countries and later to join in our consecration to our blessed lady under the title of our lady of all nations is fulfilling what heaven desires you
Channel: MMP
Views: 3,688
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Id: S2pYQjXzYA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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