The TRUE VOICE of Jesus HEARD TWICE! During Mass- In N.Y., September 11, 1999. Long Version

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the true voice of jesus was heard during a eucharistic celebration in new york city but first let me tell you the backgrounder of this miracle and you will understand the story behind this miracle of the host about the marian event that was just organized in only three months as per an instruction to a filipina by the blessed mother the world marian peace regatta was held on september 11 1999 where marians from different parts of the world converged in battery park new york city there was a fluvial procession with 25 flotillas gliding through the east river praying the rosary as they passed the united nations consecrating the u.s and the world to the two hearts of jesus and mary there were 33 or more mother mary images from different parts of the world including our lady of la naval who is our lady of the rosary one of the most venerated image a 16th century statue that was flew in from the philippines occupying three seats in the economy class there was a parade of flags representing different countries and marched around the park to mary's army song and there were talks given by marionologists and experts like the well-known author ted flynn as well as visionaries like patricia gallagher from ireland with her spiritual director father gerard mcguinty and the mystic paula albertini from italy prayer rallies were held and there was the holy mass towards the evening where it all happened with a consecration for world peace and humanity to our lady of all nations of amsterdam the lead inspired image for this event it was organized by a marion group in the philippines called mary's army to save souls media movement and other marian groups both local and abroad and a u.s based filipino organizations spearheaded by miss baby nebrida who she herself receives visions and warnings from mother mary who has instructed her to organize this event [Music] it is in this holy mass participated by an international community when the main celebrant father mcginnity with coast celebrants father jerry or bose and father dave clay and other priests when father gerard raised the holy host during consecration and as he speaks with his own voice before the racing of the host you will see his hands tremble and his voice will change to that of jesus and then before the racing of the cop this time his body will slightly shake and his voice changes once again to the voice of jesus please watch and hear with reverence lord you are holy indeed the fountain of all holiness let your spirit come upon these gifts to make them holy so that they may become for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ before he was given up to death a death he freely accepted he took bread and gave you thanks he broke the bread gave it to his disciples and said take this all of you and eat it this is my body which will be given up for you [Applause] when supper was ended he took the cup again he gave you thanks and praise gave the cup to his disciples and said take this all of you and drink from it this is the cup of my blood the blood of the new and everlasting covenant it will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven do this in memory of me thank you [Music] most holy trinity i adore thee my god my god i love thee in the most blessed sacrament [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Juana Pray
Views: 533,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voiceofJesus, marian, birthdayofmary, filipinospirituality, Corpus Cristi, MarianRegattaforWorldPeace'99
Id: o7tb4Sbuj1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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