Temptation in Texas | Full Episode

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48 Hours presents Michelle and Greg Williams K been married for some time and she was enjoying a nice lifestyle his job was to make the money and Michelle's job was to spend the money Greg treated me like a queen he showed me a world that before him I had no means to have my mother she captivating she's easy on the eyes she's extremely intelligent just being able to say the right things at the right time to get what she wants my brother treated her like gold she had everything did you feel as though Michelle targeted your brother once she realized he had money she was all about the money the lifestyle Michelle Williams is a manipulator she's had great success manipulating men she's manipulated husbands she's manipulated boyfriends she had to be the center stage at all times you know she thought she was God's [Music] gift I hear an echoing sound that wakes me up I walked to the bedroom and all of a sudden I get hit Greg's in bed and I realized oh my God he's been shot I'm the one where the emergency oh my God I called my sister and told her Greg is dead Michelle killed him you know that's where I'm trying to determine did I hear The Gunshot did I see the per I don't know what I saw first there were parts of the story that really didn't make a lot of sense the first time that she told it this is CS almost 3 months after a color man was found shot in his own bed police have arrested his wife your we became convinced very quickly that indeed that Michelle was responsible for this there was no eyewitness there were some shortcomings in the investigation no fingerprints there was a question of the crime scene being tampered with no DNA that links Michelle to this killing the Judgment was made to to offer a plea deal they didn't have the evidence to go forward with a murder trial at the time the District Attorney's Office wanted her and the judge wanted her to take responsibility and what changed well primarily the interview please have a seat here that Michelle did with you immediately before the judge was to accept her plea deal every time I watch a client in an interview I start to think oh man we're really screwed did you murder your husband Greg no I did not that undermines the validity of her plea and caused me to go in and ask the judge to strike that plea Lady Justice may very well be blind but she's neither deaf nor stupid if you're innocent have a trial let the chips fall they make the state is going to produce videos of the show 48 Hours who shot Greg I have my assumptions I've been trying cases for more than 40 Years Michelle Williams case has to rank up there is one of the most bizarre that I've been involved in had murder had sex contradictions had a little bit of everything I'm Peter vanand tonight on 48 Hours Temptation in [Music] Texas [Music] 48 hours we'll be back in 90 [Music] seconds 91 where is the emergency take a deep breath it took nearly 3 years a murder trial involving a Keller woman accused of killing her husband but prosecutor Jack Strickland finally has Michelle Williams just where he wants her in court charged with the murder of her wealthy husband Greg Williams she sees the killer of her husband every single day that she gets up and looks in the mirror every single day so you bet your bottom dollar that she knows who killed her husband cuz it's her in the defendant's chair Michelle looks dramatically different from the seductive Vixen who had enjoyed the good life with gray gone is that inviting smile of this once proud mother to understand Michelle Williams Journey from wealthy Suburban housewife to murder suspect here at the Taran County Courthouse you have to go back and look at her Tangled history which has soap opera written all over it Michelle's life is a twisted tale of lies manipulations betrayals and fractured lives I was 17 when I got pregnant with my first son by the age of 24 Michelle had three children two boys and a girl by two different men then a second marriage but Michelle says that all her relationships before Greg ended because the men cheated on her she cites just one example had an affair on me with a 17-year-old dental assistant girl who to this day she remembers it quite well but her younger son Andrew now 27 says it wasn't the men who were cheating she cheated on my dad got remarried to another man cheated on him left him for another man uh cheated on him and got with Greg what do you say to the allegation that you have never been faithful to any of your husbands I said that's an absolute lie and her older son Lee says his life as a kid with his mother was Madness involving strip clubs and many men when my mom was doing dirty stuff for money and I was sort of just tagged along dirty stuff yeah I mean I I knew she was working at a strip club at one point um topless bar baby dolls I know that you believe your mom at at times was a prostitute I believe there's a very good possibility that she was if she wasn't getting paid for it I know she was sleeping around but in 2007 Michelle hit the jackpot when she married Greg Williams so we were in the $800,000 house he was a successful bus he had a Mercedes in the in the garage two Mercedes in the garage we both we got them for our aniversary together she was never nice to me I didn't like her from the very beginning Greg's sister Michelle and his brother Michael always felt the other Michelle as they called her was bad news Michael was there at Greg and Michelle's first date we went to a nightclub afterwards and she was just I mean I don't know if I can say on television but you just did well okay she was just doing some things in a bar to my brother that I just I just don't think of most people get a room there you go yeah Michelle Williams brazenly used her sexuality with the men in her life and even tried it with her brother-in-law brenn Fletcher she crawled up into the attic at my brother's house and said she needed his help and when she crawled up to the Attic she wasn't wearing anything under her skirt and with many men including Greg Williams her tactics seemed to work he bought her whatever she needed whatever she wanted she had everything and he treated her like gold Greg was a big strong self-made man a brilliant computer engineer a workaholic who had built a successful business that that he ran out of his home he was a genius he he really was he was a Salesman he could sell anything to anybody he and Michelle had a four-year-old daughter together Michaela and Greg already had a daughter Taylor 14 at the time with his ex-wife come momy kiss you thank by all accounts he was devoted to both his daughters essentially I lost my protector the person that I could always go to when I was upset and if I just wanted to go talk about something random and spend time with my dad he would do that for me because he's my dad you miss him yes sir he was the most amazing man he loved me and he loved our daughter so much he took really good care of me we were very happy together Michelle says every everything was going great till that night it all happened what's going on my mom called me she said Bill wants to talk to you Bill being my stepfather and Bill said you know your brother is dead and I'm like what and I I was like no no he's he's there's no way I don't believe you why would Michelle ever want to kill the goose that's laying the golden egg I think maybe he was tired of laying the golden egg but Michelle insists Greg was far more important to her alive then dead [Music] [Music] michaa she was his world what do you miss now that Greg is gone I miss his blue eyes no matter what was going on with anything else while Greg was there everything was okay everything looked bright in Michelle Williams future in October 2011 we were about to close on a house in 2 days we were deigning a new pool for Michaela to play in and everything was awesome but Michelle's fanciful life came to a sudden end here in her home she says she was sleeping on a couch here in the living room room with her daughter Michaela when in the middle of the night a sudden noise woke her up she made her way to the master bedroom in the darkness Michelle claims someone smashed her in the face briefly knocking her out when she came to she walks up to the bed and sees that Greg has been shot Once In The Head Michelle calls 911 and when cops arrive they discover a very odd death scene Greg had been shot with his own gun a wrench was lying next to the gun and there was no sign of forced entry and everything had been wiped clean so this Intruder came in shot Greg and on his way out put the very gun that he used to kill him on the floor by the back door I suppose so and again that's crazy you know Killers Don't Leave the evidence behind why would he do that I don't know cops were immediately suspicious the death scene seemed staged when Michelle was interviewed by police later that morning she kept telling the detective about an intruder I heard a sound I get up I got hit by something I could see it was nailed in dark stuff dark clothing where were you hit I was hit right here Michelle says this swollen mark on her face is proof she was hit with that wrench found on the floor next to the gun but how was it both those items had been wiped clean of any fingerprints those facts and everything Michelle don't add up police Sergeant John McGrew turns up the heat on Michelle asserting that there are only two possible scenarios greay committed suicide or Michelle had something to do with his death either his a self-inflicted and you covered it up or there's potential that you may have been involved I did not hurt my husband and he did not hurt himself there was a man in my house he keeps hammering her on that point again alls I have is what I have that's all I can say one of the two things will happen one of those two things Michelle so find that CU I didn't do anything to my husband okay this went on and on and back and forth back and forth back and forth do you feel as though you were being pressured to change your story I totally was I was completely coarsed into it you need to tell me right now finally come forward and talk to me after sergeant McGrew I'm just asking I'm just I want you to tell me now for the time please tell me now I broke I was in shock if he did it and you covered it up just tell me he huh so I couldn't let her know this D K Michelle tells the detective she didn't want her four-year-old daughter to know her dad had committed suicide look at him BL everywhere I took Clorox wipes I use Clorox wipes all over the house and I wiped the gun with the blanket that he had right there and I set it down and I had to figure out what the hell to do at that point I hope in the door has against on the door she also admits that bruise on her face was self-inflicted in order to make it make some sense I had to have an injury and I just spent myself and I sent myself too hard what's that rent it's a rent even after her police interview Michelle told this same new story of a suicide to her older sister Laura she actually said oh my God Greg Greg shot himself oh I better make this look like a crime scene so Michaela won't think that her dad shot himself and then she said so then I went and cleaned his hands and cleaned the gun but investigators never believed Michelle's new version that her husband committed suicide they felt the evidence overwhelmingly pointed at her Michelle Williams was always a person of interest for police 3 months after Greg's Death Michelle Williams was arrested and charged with murder did you murder your husband Greg no I did not as police prepared to bring Michelle to Justice what they didn't count on and neither did we is that Michelle would later change her story yet again meet you I've been wanting to tell this part of the story for 2 years and 115 days if she's talking she's usually lying what do you think Michelle Williams new version will be chat now on Twitter and Facebook she has told us both the stories of suicide and Intruder she has told us everything and she keeps going back and forth Michelle Williams son Andrew says right from the get-go his mother was telling different people different stories of how her husband died in their bedroom with this life she can't decide which life she wants to make herself believe more I'm trying I'm trying so hard to give you right details her last story to police in October 2011 was that Greg committed suicide lead prosecutor Jack Strickland believed Michelle had murdered Greg but he was worried that his case had holes in it there's no DNA that links Michelle to this murder correct that's correct no fingerprints on the murder weapon that's correct there's no gunshot residue on her hands correct correct that's because Michelle by her own account had cleaned the crime scene we didn't have fingerprints cuz she'd wiped things down she'd repositioned the scene and she had wiped things down with I don't know how many Clorox wipes which she then flushed down the toilet the Keller Police Department inexperienced at murder scenes had not done a great job in their initial investigation there were mistakes made oh absolutely there were mistakes made absolutely they were I believe that there was cross content contamination between the bedding and the body the person of Mr of Mr Williams all right when when his body was transported from the scene to the medical examiner's office he was simply wrapped in the sheets that were on the bed with all those problems in the case Strickland offered Michelle a plea bargain rather than Murder She Could plead to tampering with evidence and a Texas charge called deadly conduct which means wielding a weapon irresponsibly Michelle accepted how long do you think you will spend in prison a couple of years in fact the plea deal carried a maximum sentence of up to 20 years but Michelle was hoping for the minimum about 2 and a half years I took the plea deal to be able to get back home to my daughter sooner than when she's 18 years old if I went to trial with not having the representation that I feel I needed on this case I could lose the case and go away for 50 to 100 years when we did this interview Michelle was waiting in jail to finalize her plea in a few days at a sentencing hearing she stunned Us by going back to the original story she told police that Greg had been killed by a mysterious Intruder and I started coming to I saw someone go out the front door and then she tried to explain how the murder happened in a way that is frankly hard to believe I believe Greg reached for his which he kept under his nightstand right there by the bed and this Intruder took the gun out of his hand and shot him out of the gun bag that's what I'm thinking I'm saying he had his own weapon but it's I don't his opposite hand grabbed your husband's weapon and used that on him I don't I don't have a theory I'm just saying I think they came into the house with a gun Judge Scott wish learned about Michelle's new story from the deputies guarding her during the 48 Hours interview Court will call for purposes of formal sentencing he hauled her into court if you're guilty then stand up speak up and get it out the judge chews her out for denying what she had already pleaded guilty to and don't play games with yourself with your lawyers or with the system prosecutor Jack Strickland asks Michelle about that deadly conduct charge for firing the gun that killed Greg so let's start with a simple question are you in fact factually guilty of that offense no I'm not I can go on Judge uh depending on your ruling I will uh if you're not guilty of tampering if you're not guilty of deadly conduct the answer to that question is a trial by a jury of your peers a trial for Murder She now denies all responsibility so her plea deal is revoked rather than a few years in prison Michelle is rolling the dice with a possible life sentence if she is convicted her sister is not surprised I always thought Michelle thought she could win the trial because I know she thinks I'll work that jury on the eve of her trial in September 2014 3 years after Greg's death another bombshell from Michelle her lawyer says the defense they're going with no we approach about just two are you ready for this one of her earlier versions of the truth that Greg committed suicide why did Michelle tell me that an intruder killed Greg was she lying to me well since Greg took his own life clearly she was lying to you I love it I bet it fits perfect he 100% Believes In Me he has not one doubt in his mind as she prepares to go on trial for murdering her husband there's only one man left in Michelle Williams life who still believes she's innocent her new boyfriend personal trainer Jean Wallace who is 12 years younger than Michelle that's the two love birds in this workout video Jean do you love Michelle I most certainly do and what do you love about her I think that I love more than anything else how incredible she is to her family Jean met Michelle through her son Lee who used to be Jean's best friend through the growth of our relationship of course I got very very attached Lee learned about the secret romance with Jean approached him at his mom's house and he said well I just wanted to come up like a man because you're my friend and let you know that I'm probably going to sleep with your mom tonight and I snapped that was it I I went full out I I was about to attack him your best friend is sleeping with your mother how do you deal with that that is like one of the hardest things to deal with because it is the the utmost Betrayal on both parties this is like the national Inquirer on steroids you know that it is you tabloid time 10 I and this is all true you're telling me I'm telling you but there's more in the earlier plea deal Michelle had told the judge she was pregnant in an effort to delay going to prison we were expecting twins unexpectedly was a sonogram done yes did you see I've got pictures yes the judge agreed to delay the sentencing on her plea bargain until the babies were born but it was all a lie I fell for it hook lion and sinker prosecutor Strickland was equally fooled and I take responsibility for that I think that the likelihood that a defendant would come in with that story developed to that degree under these outrageous circumstances was so farfetched that it never occurred to me that somebody would do that so she manipulated me as well her sister Laura had seen this kind of Deceit before it's one of her things if you will that she'll fake pregnancies she'll fake miscarriages um sometimes to to get attention I mean there's been a lot of them throughout the years as the trial begins Strickland and his co-prosecutor Sheila win are about to lay out their case against Michelle Williams truth and nothing but the truth self God yes sir have SE and you are a veteran yourself yes ma'am the first witness is Andrew O'Brien Michelle's younger son he tells the court an incredible story after Greg's death his mother used him to try to frame Greg's ex-wife Kathy for the Murder She said uh call some friends tell them to pick up an extra- large sweater go somewhere and fire a pistol so that the gunpowder residue would get onto the sweater break into Kathy's car hide the sweater under a seat and go to a pay phone and call 911 and leave an anonymous tip so that cops would search her car and find the sweater this trial is about Greg's murder and not all the lies and manipulations in Michelle's life so prosecutors focus on a key factor that Greg Williams would never have committed suicide and they say the evidence proves he didn't B on the photographs is clearly not a contact gunshot wound medical examiner Dr nisam Pani testifies that in his 35 years on the job he has never seen a suicide from the distance the gun was from Greg's head so beyond 6 in and less L than 24 in then Greg's mother Betty Middlebrooks testifies that her son would never have taken his own life and if you D your right hand for me he was tired from working long hours but he was very happy and bubbly and telling me all about the plans he had for the new house they were buying as for what triggered the murder prosecutors pointed out through forensic accountant Janette testimony it was money Michelle was signing for the withdrawals and they total how much please 104,000 despite Greg's $800,000 income that year with Michelle's outof control spending they weren't even going to be able to make the down payment on the house they were buying the total amount that they had in all of their bank accounts was $28,600 she revealed that to him that night that we just can't do this we don't have the money and I believe that an argument ensued I think he slapped her hit her in the face maybe he told her we have no way of knowing all right this is the last draw this is over I don't think the Golden Goose was going to produce anymore after that night and then she made sure of it because she shot him in the head after spending most of Greg's Fortune prosecutors believe Michelle had only one source to turn to for cash Greg's $850,000 life insurance policy and that says Cody kofer one of Michelle's lawyers is why she came up with the Intruder story in the first place one of her last hopes at Bridging the financial gap to take care of her daughter was an insurance policy that had a suicide clause and she would not be able to collect under that suicide clause but that doesn't quite explain why she switched to suicide in her police interview and then switched back to the intruder with 48 Hours hello Michelle hello Michelle never takes the stand to explain her many changing stories and that makes her defense an uphill battle it's a substantial obstacle to get the jurors to I guess forget that the accused has provided a story in consistent with the evidence and inconsistent with the defense everyone may be seated and to drive that point home the state is going to introduce videos of the show 48 Hours prosecutors show the jury excerpts from the 48 Hours episode that aired last April there was an intruder in the house the interview that turned Michelle's life and this case upside down who shot Greg I have my assumptions are we talking a relative possibly we used the 48 Hours tape to demonstrate not only that she had changed her story yet again because she just couldn't leave well enough alone she'd added the additional fact is Not only was it an intruder I think I know who the Intruder was okay and that was just beyond the pale and so the tape was very very beneficial to us Michelle had accidentally become a witness against herself and in his closing statement defense attorney Cody kofer speculates as to why Greg Williams had killed himself he's lost his best friend to Suicide he lost his grandmother that was his Refuge uh in his childhood when he started making bad decisions he's looking on his laptop at his bank statements and he knows that he can't do this and he this is all totally outside the record sustain thank you can I have an instruction that the jury disregard this entire narrative about what was going through Greg's mind jury will disregard the last stat good morning folks the prosecutor then lowers the Boom in his closing the overwhelming the obvious the inexorable fact is is that this woman killed her husband In Cold Blood she lied about it she lied about it she lied about it and when she finished lying about it she kept on lying about it Time After Time After Time the blunt truth is folks that this woman is a cold blooded killer it takes 7 hours over 2 days as jurors meticulously go over the evidence then came the moment of truth Mr presiding juror it is my understanding the jury has reached a verdict is that correct yes sir M Williams if you would stand please the verdict in cuse number 126 6846 D says we the jury find the defendant Michelle Marie Williams guilty of the offense of murder moments later Michelle Williams is overcome with emotion her lifetime of Lies having finally caught up with her [Music] with Michelle's conviction it appears her story has come to an end but in this Twisted Texas tale there may be one last term a former sister-in-law is convinced that Michelle has killed before I believe she's responsible for not just my brother's death but my husband's death [Music] too [Music] I get ill every time I come out here I know this is where she killed him I don't like being out here at all 10 months before Greg Williams was murdered his sister Melle Fletcher said goodbye to her husband Brinn for the last time he worked for Greg and was going on a business trip in the company pickup truck he kissed me goodbye I told him couldn't wait for him to get back he said he couldn't wait to get home either Bren Fletcher drove out on Highway 34 following directions Michelle Williams had given him Michelle would give Bren a map she would tell him which way to go Bren was from England he didn't know these roads Brin was more than an employee to Greg Williams he was also his best friend and Confidant I was happy uh he was looking forward to the future everything was going great about 45 minutes into his Drive Bren pulled off the highway this is where his truck was located and this on the parked on the other side of this Watchtower right here she believes it was Michelle who lured him here truck was right in here right here why would Brin have ended up here on this road by this Tower uh I believe Michelle knew this area this Tower stands out it would be an an easy place to meet someone to just point it out and say hey meet me here when Ellis County sheriff's deputies answered a call about an abandoned truck they found brinn's body he had been been shot Once In The Head and the county says it's a suicide do you agree with that no I don't what do you believe it was I believe it was murder and who pulled the trigger Michelle Williams you're certain of that yes Michelle came to that conclusion when Michelle Williams was charged with killing Greg and Fletcher realized if she had killed Greg she might also have killed Bren why would Michelle kill your husband to cover up all the lies to cover up the story she'd been telling brenn would have been on to her Fletcher believes Brinn was about to tell Greg Williams about Michelle's out ofcontrol Behavior the money she spent and a bizarre story accusing Greg's daughter Taylor of trying to poison her and if Bren had told Greg what would have been the consequences of that Greg would have gotten rid of her he would have divorced her they would have been done he wouldn't have put up with that he loved his daughters so Fletcher believes Michelle Williams had to silence Brinn she killed him then tried to cover her tracks by taking control when sheriff's deputies found brinn's body in his pickup truck she told them not to talk to my sister she said she was distraught she told him to keep things from her not to bother her that she would handle everything that Michelle Williams would handle it not Michelle Fletcher Michelle Williams handled things all right she quickly arranged for brinn's body to be cremated destroying any evidence that might raise questions and Fletcher says her sister-in-law tricked her to sign the papers while she was out of her mind with grief you know I was feeling just signing whatever and I didn't realize I had signed I'd sign the paperwork for Bren to be created the very next day she believes Michelle Williams even fabricated an alibi for herself she made about six phone calls that I'm aware of to her own family members uh basically trying to let them know that she was at Target now why would she be telling people she's at Target an alibi she didn't want anyone to know where she was by the time Mich Fletcher gathered her emotions and called the sheriff's department to tell them of her Theory it was too late they told me immediately after speaking with Michelle and me that it was open closed suicide period and what did you say to them I said I don't believe you I said he didn't kill himself official reports of what happened inside brin's car here at the Watchtower are confusing the medical EX exiner says he was shot right here right between the eyes the police report says he was shot on the right hand side the problem with that Brin is Left-Handed the Ellis County Sheriff's Department told 48 hours they have no plans to reopen the case through her lawyer Michelle Williams denies any involvement in brinn's death while it may never be known whether Michelle Williams did murder Brin her there's little doubt today that she killed her husband leaving behind a lifetime of immeasurable pain to members of her own family mom to me carries more meaning than the word love she's my mother but she'll never be my mom on some level do you still love your mother I love who I thought that she was whenever I was younger I love that that fantasy it's taken a lot to take control of my own life because she controlled it for so long with her tears and her her crying and and the lies that I've I've had to learn how to take over my own life again Michelle's young daughter Michaela now nine is in the custody of family friends they take her to visit Michelle in prison occasionally and will do so as long as Michaela wants to visit she needs to pay for what she did absolutely what's to keep her from doing something horrible to Michaela she's proven how much family means to her Michelle Williams was sentenced to 60 years in prison she will be eligible for parole in 30 years do you think Michelle Williams murdered Brin Fletcher chat now on Twitter and [Music] Facebook age people have described him as brilliant he imagined himself as a James bond-like figure he had the sports car he had the gun he's not crazy he's just evil cbsn live news streaming to you cbsn CBS News always on
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 2,091,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, Michele Williams, Greg Williams, murder, keller texas, shooting death, millionaire, peter van sant 48 hours, true crime, full episodes
Id: 3VFjCNPjuNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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