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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today we're going to be talking about a super super important case that i have wanted to cover for quite a while now today we're going to be talking about the case of matthew shepard matthew and his murder completely changed america this is the case that finally got homophobia and crimes against people due to their gender identity things like that finally recognized as hate crimes so i thought this was a super super important case for us to have a look at on my channel this is gonna be a two-parter obviously because this is such a massive case any case that changes the world so much is gonna have a lot that we need to cover so this is part one part two will be out in the next few days make sure you subscribed with notifications on for my channel so that you don't miss when that one is uploaded but before we get into it i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible playwrx and their free to play puzzle game homescapes you can download homescapes using the link down below in the description or you can scan this qr code on screen to take you right there in homescapes you're tasked with exploring and renovating this big creepy abandoned mansion you've got to fix it up and bring it back to its full potential and the storylines that run alongside the puzzle games and the renovations are so good as well like i'm so caught up in these characters lives for example austin the butler and his childhood friend catherine seem to have a little bit of a little bit of something going on so i'm excited to wrap up this video so i can go and play it and find out what happens i especially love homescapes because i'm one of those people i was not programmed to be able to relax i always want to feel productive and like i'm doing something and so a lightly challenging game like homescapes is perfect for me to feel like i'm working my brain and giving my brain kind of a challenge but i'm also relaxing and i'm taking some time away from work it's also just super satisfying fixing up this house from scratch it really makes me feel like i've achieved something i really like watching my dream house come together remember the link to download homescapes is down below in the description or you can scan this handy-dandy qr code on screen right now if you're lazy i dare you to try and make your mansion nicer than mine i don't think you'll be able to do it but i dare you to try thanks again to playrix for sponsoring this video with their free-to-play puzzle game homescapes now before we get into the case i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video there are quite a lot of content warnings before we get into this video please listen carefully because i don't want anything to trip you up as you're watching this video there are a lot of different really dark aspects to this case so if any of the following are things that you don't think you want to hear about right now then please do click out of this video your mental health and your well-being are the most important thing here i'm sure i'll see you again at some other point with a case that's a little bit more suitable for you but the themes for this case are as follows sexual assault rape torture homophobia depression anxiety suicidal ideation general struggles with declining mental health and body shaming like i said please click out now if any of that is something that you don't feel like you can watch that being said let's get straight into the case so this one takes place in the state of wyoming in the usa i don't think i've ever done a case from wyoming before specifically a city named casper and this is where matthew wayne shepherd was born on december 1st 1976. his parents names were judy and dennis shepard and five years after the birth of their son matthew they welcomed another son named logan dennis and judy were just absolutely over the moon to be building their little family matthew and logan were the most perfect little boys they could have asked for this had just been a huge goal in their lives for so long this was always what they were working towards was like a happy family unit as it is for many people on this earth that's kind of what we all want really isn't it and they finally had that and they were so happy matthew shepard was known by everyone for his kind and caring nature in fact i have a quote from his grandmother who described him as the most empathetic child she'd ever met an example of this was when matthew was still very young he spent his free time writing a different poem to each house on his street and then he spent the rest of the evening hand delivering these poems that he'd written for each individual house he was just so sweet and so thoughtful and he just wanted to put a smile on people's faces matthew and logan both attended the same public school there in casper and they got on there pretty well i mean they made friends and they got on with the teachers very well in fact matthew's teachers described him as energetic smart and soft-spoken he was willing to be anybody and everybody's friend and he was just really easy to get along with it was hard to dislike matthew shepard everyone said it but there were always kids that were gonna find aware and there were kids that were jealous of matthew in school they were jealous that he was so popular and so well-liked and so easy to get along with because they weren't they were the mean kids they were the horrible kids and so they picked on him they found anything to pick on him for one of the main things that they would bully matthew for was his physical appearance mainly his body because he was quite a generally small boy all his life even into adulthood he never grew past five foot two and he was barely a hundred pounds as well which is about just over seven stone so this is a very physically small boy and the other boys would pick on him for it and because his body never changed and these kids these horrible kids never changed this bullying continued literally for as long as matthew knew them for for as long as he lived there in casper but when matthew was 17 years old his father dennis would be given a life-changing promotion because he worked in the oil engineering industry and in 1994 his bosses asked him if he would be willing to move out to saudi arabia to work on a bigger plant and the increase in peer i mean it was just a no-brainer of course the family were going to pick up and move to saudi arabia and that's exactly what they did they settled in the saudi aramco residential camp in durham and this was a special community literally built by i think the place that his father worked for their workers it was like a little village that was put together specifically for the workers there and so it was a very safe very trusted place to live but there was one issue and that was there were absolutely no english-speaking schools within a reachable radius of where the boys now lived matthew and logan which was an issue because they only spoke english they couldn't just join any of the schools around because they would be so lost so the only other option here really was for the boys to go away for boarding school they were sent to the american school in switzerland which is a very um prestigious school actually and matthew and logan fit in so well here i mean this school gave them so many more opportunities than they'd ever had at any of their other schools there were subjects on offer that they hadn't had access to before like german italian theater studies and it was theater studies that matthew found a real passion in and he was really good at it too he was very very talented he particularly excelled in music and fashion design as well while he was here at this new school of course due to his kind caring nurturing qualities he wanted to help his fellow students and so he actually volunteered to become a peer counselor and that's essentially just where if students are struggling and they just need a friend or they need a shoulder to cry on someone to unload to they would go to matthew tell him all of their problems and he would try to give them some peer advice you know friend-to-friend advice and he did that just out of the good of his heart in his free time because he wanted to that's the kind of boy that this was and it was actually here while he was at this boarding school the american school that matthew shepard realized that he was gay this was something that he'd thought about quite a lot through his life but he never fully consolidated it in his brain until this moment in high school although he decided that he was actually going to keep that information to himself for a little while longer he didn't tell anyone in february of 1996 this was matthew's senior year at school and him and a group of his friends decided to go on holiday to marrakesh in morocco just as kind of like a end-of-year celebration i suppose matthew is about 19 years old at this point but this trip that was supposed to be a celebration of the end of the year it was supposed to be a great time this trip actually turned out to be one of the most traumatic things that ever happened to matthew shepard because it was here in marrakech that matthew would be walking home alone one evening when he was jumped by a group of local men and brutally assaulted matthew and all of his friends had been out during the day and then in the evening they all went back to the apartment or the hotel wherever they were staying and they all went to bed but matthew wasn't tired and he decided to make the most of marrakech while he was there so he left the apartment and went to a coffee shop he hung out there for a while until eventually he decided to go back home and try going to bed again so he set off walking from this coffee shop to his apartment and that was when he was approached by these men in a completely unprovoked surprise attack these men beat matthew shepard and stole absolutely everything he had on him but the attack didn't even stop there each of these men then took turns gang-raping matthew shepard there were six of them in turtle so this was a very prolonged ordeal when they were done all the men simply ran off and left matthew collapsed bloody injured and traumatized on the side of the road in marrakech a place that he didn't even know matthew of course went to marrakech police about this incident and they looked into it for him but they just couldn't find any suspects and eventually this case went cold matthew shepard's rapists got away with it and this event completely changed matthew afterwards as i'm sure it would anyone this is such a traumatic thing to go through he became withdrawn he was distrusting he was anxious all the time the usual outgoing funny bubbly fun-loving matthew was gone and what was left was a shell of the boy that he once was matthew struggled so badly with flashbacks and nightmares following this ordeal to the point where he couldn't even really be alone a lot of the time because that was when he would get these flashbacks and they were so traumatic his paranoia really would just eat away at him and slowly but surely his life became not even a life anymore he wasn't even doing anything anymore because he couldn't he couldn't push himself to leave the house matthew started to binge drink occasionally he took drugs to be able to try and cope with these feelings that he had now he tried to just numb and suppress all of this and his mental health only just continued to decline as time went by it wasn't getting better it was getting worse his anxiety was becoming unbearable he would have panic attacks every single day and it eventually came to the point where matthew shepard became suicidal he no longer wanted to live with these feelings and with these thoughts and with these limits now put on his life because he was too scared to do anything he isolated himself from the whole world and just slipped into a more and more severe depression as days went by until eventually he decided to seek out the help of a therapist and this helped slightly his anxiety became easier to deal with he was slightly less depressed of course he was still dealing with what happened to him it didn't change the events that he'd been through and so he still struggled with a lot of things quite severely still but it just got a tiny bit better it was a little bit more manageable but these mental health issues the anxiety the depression they would never fully go away and they followed matthew shepard for the rest of his life into his late teenage years into his adulthood eventually matthew graduated from his school over in switzerland and he moved back to the united states but not back to wyoming not just yet like i said earlier matthew was so in love with musical theater that theater class that he took in high school really opened up all these passions for him and he realized that that was what he wanted to do with his life and so he decided to enroll in catawba college which is in north carolina and it specialized in the arts so this was perfect for him and not only because of those reasons it was perfect for so many reasons it was quite a small college as well and of course matthew was still struggling with his anxiety and stuff like that so a smaller college with less people less crowds less noise it was going to be easier for him to deal with of course and it also just had a great reputation within the industry people that graduated from catawba went on to do great things and so matthew really had high hopes for his careers but after a few months studying at catawba college matthew decided that this wasn't really for him i don't know exactly what it was i don't know what the thought process behind this was but he wanted to leave it wasn't how he saw his life going anymore he decided to move back to wyoming and do his schooling there instead and he enrolled in casper community college i think this was just kind of a placeholder because he didn't really know what he wanted to do right now he just realized that musical theater wasn't for him so he was just enrolling in here until he kind of realized what his true calling was but now that he was back in wyoming matthew shepard actually had something that he wanted to tell his mother and his father and that was that he was gay he was finally coming out to them when he told his mother she simply turned round to him and said i've known you were gay for years she was proud of her son for finally opening up to her i think at this point maybe he was about 20 years old she loved and accepted her son for who he was although his friends did say that it was a little bit more of a a gradual process to get them kind of understanding and educated on the whole topic i think it was more his father than it was his mother his father must have just had that kind of upbringing where they've got prejudices and things like that not against his own son don't get me wrong his father was not homophobic or hateful to matthew in any way they had good intentions and they did love and accept matthew but there were quite a lot of conversations that needed to be had matthew kind of had to tell his parents why they couldn't say or do certain things you know but they were willing to learn they were willing to do whatever it took to make their son feel comfortable in their presence and they did they took on all of his advice and information on board they educated themselves and they were the best parents that they could have been in that situation i think i wish i could give you more of an example to explain what i mean by all of that you know where they had to have conversations and stuff but i don't have any examples i'm sure you can kind of guess what kind of things were said but i think the reason that matthew finally built up this courage to be able to share this part of himself with his parents was because he'd actually made his very first openly gay friend at college this friend was named romaine peterson and she had been openly lesbian for years at this point she was open with everyone that she met about it she never hid or covered that part of herself and matthew had never seen this before because this was his first ever gay friend he'd never seen someone be so proudly and openly themselves and this was so inspiring for matthew that just her being that way just her being herself gave him the courage to be himself romaine was matthew's first friend that really understood him she really understood his struggles and what it was like to be him they got each other on a deeper level they were they were great friends roman was a great listener for matthew as well this was the first time that he felt able to tell one person absolutely everything about his life from his trauma back in marrakech to him being closeted for years he told romaine everything and the two of them actually grew so close they were best friends and they decided to move in together they found this perfect apartment in denver colorado the two of them moved there they picked up multiple jobs each to be able to afford to live over there it was kind of like a bit of a gap year kind of moment for matthew west buzz he was just living with a friend enjoying life and then he was going to continue his studies a little bit later on and it seemed that matthew just loved it in denver he really found himself there because back at home in casper they just didn't quite have an lgbt scene people weren't quite as fully as accepting as they were in denver his hometown was just very sheltered and somewhat toxic to a degree and so now that he was in denver he was learning new things meeting new people stuff that he wouldn't have experienced if he was still at home and one of the things that matthew discovered about himself at this point in time was that his passion wasn't really in musical theater like he thought it was at one point he found that his passion was just in helping others at this point he had part-time jobs i think in the service industry and it just made him really happy every time he would serve a customer he would see the smile on their face they would say thank you to him and he would feel like he'd made a difference in that person's day and he really liked that even though that was just on a small scale he didn't want to just work in service for the rest of his life but that gave him a taste of what he could do on a larger scale if he could make just a customer happy for two minutes then what can he do if he really dedicated his life to helping others matthew was incredibly passionate about equality and social justice being a gay man himself he understood what it felt like to be unfairly treated and he wanted to make some big changes in the world and with these big changes and big ideas in mind matthew shepard moved back to wyoming specifically a city called laramie now in august of 1998 he enrolled in the university of wyoming now to be able to work on his true passion he enrolled in a few different courses political science and international relations i think he wanted to go into politics ultimately i think that's kind of a given with the courses that he took but that was the the biggest way that he could think that he could make some big changes in the world and during his time at the university of wyoming matthew shepard joined the lgbt students alliance and this really gave him a sense of belonging in school he made so many friends there he was able to be unapologetically himself and everyone around him accepted him for exactly who he was it really seemed that matthew shepard was truly happy or at least finding that happiness for the first time since the incident those years ago in marrakech although this happiness wouldn't last very long on october 6 1998 the now 21 year old matthew shepard went to a meeting with the lgbt students alliance as he did every week i think it was and this week they were specifically planning what they were going to do for gay awareness week which started the following week they were planning like a big campaign that was going to go on at the university and after this meeting matthew and all of his friends decided to go to the fireside lounge which was a bar in laramie and this bar was known around laramie for being specifically very accepting and welcoming of the lgbt community so this was perfect for matthew and his lgbt students alliance group because bear in mind this was the 1990s gay marriage was still illegal in most places and a lot of bars and clubs and general places were still very discriminative a lot of places just were not safe for people like matthew and his friends but not the fireside lounge they made it very clear that they were accepting of anyone and everyone the group often went there after their meetings if they wanted to celebrate or if they just wanted to socialize for a while if they've been planning something big as they were at this point so they went to the fireside lounge they all stayed for maybe one drink but the rest of the group decided that they didn't really want to be there very long and they wanted to go but matthew on the other hand he didn't want to leave yet he wanted another drink and so he told his friends well you guys can go if you want but i'm going to stay here i'm going to get another drink and so they decided to leave him there at the fireside lounge his friends didn't have any reason to believe that this would be an issue or that matthew would be unsafe i mean this was a bar that they trusted to go in every single week however when matthew's friends left him at the bar ordering his second drink that night that would be the last time that any of them ever saw him 18 hours later police received a very frantic phone call from a man named aaron kreifels he'd stumbled across a horrifying scene on his bike ride that morning aaron had cycled up to sherman hill which is just outside of laramie and it was there where he actually fell off of his bike and it was as he scrambled to get back to his feet and get on his bike when he looked across the road and he saw what seemed to be a scarecrow slumped against a book rail fence but as aaron got back on his bike and cycled a little bit closer he realized that this wasn't a scarecrow at all this was a young man and this man was absolutely covered in blood from head to toe it was very clear that this man had been beaten within an inch of his life his hands had been tied together and behind his back which had then been tied to this rail so that he couldn't move and when aaron found this man he was unconscious and barely breathing so aaron ran off to the nearest house that he could possibly find to borrow their phone and call the police and then as he made his way back to where the boy was where he was tied to this fence aaron noticed a university id card on the ground he bent down and picked up this card and it was for the university of wyoming this was matthew shepard so police and paramedics raced down to this country lane where matthew was tied to this fence it was actually a police officer that arrived there first so this female police officer gets out of her car rushes over to matthew and tries to help him in the best way that she can but of course this isn't her job she's a policewoman not a paramedic she doesn't really know what to do she felt his pulse and matthew was still alive but he was barely breathing so she knew it was only a matter of time if she didn't do something now if she didn't help him fast they could lose him so this woman is desperately trying to pry his airways open but his jaw is just clenched shut she's trying to like pull his mouth open or make him breathe somehow but no amount of her strength could unclench his jaw this female officer remembers thinking that matthew this boy that she's trying to save was actually a lot younger than he was remember he was five foot two he was barely a hundred pounds she thought he was a child he had the stature of a child and so as she's trying to pry his airways up and she's trying to comfort him she's saying baby boy i'm here kiddo you're gonna be okay hang in there don't give up come on you can do this this woman tried everything she possibly could until eventually paramedics arrived at the scene and they were able to do the job a little bit better and she remembers as she stood away from matthew so that the paramedics could get in she looked at his face and he was just covered in drying blood apart from two thick streaks down his face where his tears had washed away the blood on his face matthew was rushed straight to hospital for urgent care and all the way there in the back of this ambulance he's in and out of consciousness they're losing him and then they're getting him back but when they arrived at this hospital and they finally thought he was gonna get treated the hospital staff started panicking saying i don't think we have the facilities here at this hospital to be able to deal with something so severe and so matthew actually had to be transported another 65 miles away to the nearest hospital that did have the facilities to be able to care for a case like this he arrived at this second hospital just after 9 15 pm on october 7th matthew was in critical condition as soon as he arrived and he was put straight onto a life support machine and it was then when he was on this life support machine and they could start looking at him and his body and his injuries that these doctors realized the true extent of what this poor boy had been through over the last 18 hours there were welts and lacerations all over his body where he'd been beaten and slashed with a blade they were mainly all all over like his face and his head his neck his chest were the main areas but they were all over they were all over his legs his arms everything matthew had also sustained at least 20 different blurs to the head with a very blunt heavy object and these had actually been so forceful that it had fractured his skull in four different places matthew had also suffered a very very serious injury to the bottom of his brain stem and if he did end up surviving this ordeal which i'm going to be honest it wasn't looking very likely at this point that he would pull through but if he did he would be left disabled forever he would be brain damaged but despite the severity of his injuries and the importance of operating on him they really needed to do something they needed to help him but they just couldn't they could not operate on this boy because he did not have the physical strength if they put him to sleep and started operating on him he simply just would not wake up but on top of these physical injuries it doesn't even stop there on top of these physical injuries matthew was also found to be suffering with hypothermia he'd been tied to that fence out in the open for 18 hours and it gets cold in wyoming the average temperature in october which is when this happened drops as low as minus 2 degrees celsius which is about 28 degrees fahrenheit but on top of that the area where he was found by this fence was also a very windy area which meant that it would have felt even colder than minus two degrees doctors tried everything they could to save matthew shepard but with the amount of injuries and the severity of these injuries as well they just really couldn't say for sure if it was gonna happen or not they didn't know if they could save this boy within just a couple of hours of matthew being found and transported to hospital the news of this incident started spreading like wildfire it was going all over his university everyone was just terrified that this kind of thing could happen so close to her but the people that this news affected the most were of course matthew's friends in the lgbt community they were worried that had matthew been attacked just solely based on his sexuality and if that was the case then any one of them could be next matthew shepard's parents were actually still in saudi arabia at the time of this attack and so police in wyoming had the awful task of having to call them on the phone and break the news that their son had been brutally attacked and was barely clinging to life in hospital his parents were of course panicked beyond belief they ran straight to the airport and got the first flight that they possibly could back over to wyoming they arrived back on october 9th which was three days after the attack two days after matthew had been found and transported to hospital but when they arrived they of course went straight to the hospital and when they got inside that hospital room they looked at their son and he just didn't even look like their son anymore he didn't even look like matthew his face was swollen beyond belief there were so many different tubes and wires coming out of him everywhere it was just like something out of a nightmare judy said that the only reason she could tell for sure that that was her son laying there in that hospital bed was because of his dental brace i actually have a quote here from his mother from when she saw him she said that there was bandages and stitches all over his face and bandages around his head where the final blur had crushed his brain stem his fingers and toes were all curled in a comatose position already tubes enabling his body to stay alive one of his eyes was partially open so that you could see his blue eyes you could see his braces so of course it was matte his parents now stared there at their son's bedside and they declined to do any interviews with the media at all by now it was a few days into the case and this was not only news all over wyoming but it was becoming national news all different american states were hearing of this attack that had taken place and this boy that was clinging to life in the hospital and you know what the media can be like they don't care if a family is grieving they don't care if a family is losing a loved one they just want their story and matt's family were having none of it they told hospital staff to turn any and every reporter award they didn't give any statements or interviews they just wanted to be there with their son understandably matthew shepard spent the next six days in hospital in a coma and it was so tense i mean by now the whole nation was hanging by and waiting hoping that this boy was gonna wake up any second candlelit vigils were held prayer circles were held groups were coming together different churches everyone was banding together because everyone shared that same hope that this boy was gonna pull through they were hoping that it wouldn't be long now until they would get that good news that matthew would wake up but that good news wasn't going to come because on october 12th 1998 matthew wayne shepherd was pronounced dead at 12 53 a.m at the age of 21. matthew's death shocked the whole country this was such a kind wonderful sweet caring boy that could have been anyone's son brother nephew cousin anyone anyone's best friend and he lost his life in the worst way imaginable even president bill clinton made several statements about this case in the media saying that the attackers were full of hatred or full of fear or both clinton also insinuated that whoever had done this to matthew was too weak to stand up and confess their crimes he also ended that same statement by saying that matthew was an inspiration news of matthew shepard's murder affected the lgbt community nationwide everyone felt this this young gay man had been brutally tortured and murdered after spending the night in what was supposed to be an lgbt-friendly bar it was almost like well if we're not safe in a designated safe space like the fireside lounge then where can we be safe you know can we be safe anywhere does a safe space even exist for the lgbt community local lgbt people just stopped going out in general because they were way too scared of where they lived the fireside lounge lost so much business so many of its patrons because no one trusted it anymore no one trusted the bar no one trusted the people that went there but anyway as all of this had been going on of course matthew had been in a coma for six days before he died and in that six days police were making some steady progress in this case so on the first day they did the initial crime scene search and this crime scene had so much evidence just everywhere one of the officers that took part in the search even said it's a crime scene like none i've seen in 27 years there were shoe impressions tire impressions blood evidence and even fiber evidence you could tell just how savage and prolonged this attack was on matthew because there was evidence all over the scene it wasn't just concentrated in one spot as it normally is it was like scattered around stuff was found up to 50 feet away like this had been a prolonged ordeal that took place in so many different places it must have been never ending for matthew and it was weird because these attackers seem to have made absolutely zero effort to try to cover up what they'd done or cover their tracks i mean literal tracks as well they left footprints and tire prints and they didn't even try and cover it up leading up to and away from the crime scene there were those tire prints so it's clear that they came there in a car and then left in that same car and there were three sets of footprints found at the crime scene one set of those footprints were identified as matthew shepard's own footprints but the other two couldn't be accounted for which told police that they were looking for two people in relation to matthew's murder there must have been two attackers here at this point police also retrieved the rope that matthew had been tied up with and tied to the fence with because of course if his attackers had touched it to be able to tie it up then it's probably got some sort of dna evidence or fingerprints so that was sent off to the lab for testing but anyway back at the crime scene there was blood found in two main areas of course the first area was where matthew was found it was by that fence he clearly sustained most of his injuries there because there was a lot of blood it was like pooling on the ground but then there were also blood drops trailing away from this particular spot by the fence for about 50 feet and then it trails back again which was quite interesting to police it seemed that all of this blood was a match to matthew shepard so it was matthew that had gone 50 feet away and then come back and police theorized that he'd actually gotten away from his attackers at one point during this ordeal maybe he'd managed to stagger 50 feet down the road and then they caught up with him and then dragged him back down to the fence where the attack ended and that's probably why matthew was tied to the fence when he was found because if he tried to get away once it makes sense that his attackers would tie him to keep him there so detectives took all of this information that they derived from the crime scene and they went back to the police station to get to work on this investigation meanwhile other police officers that were out and about on the night that matthew shepard was found or the night that he went missing even they'd been having one of the busiest nights they'd had in a while it seemed that a lot was going on in laramie that night but one of the biggest call outs on the same night that matthew disappeared was to a street fight that was taking place on laramie's north side at the time this street fight seemed just the same as any other i mean police were called to a lot of street fights these were quite common but officers would soon realize that this street fight and matthew's attack that both took place on the same night they were a lot more linked than what initially meets the eye this street fight was between two drug dealers named aaron mckinney and russell henderson and those two men were fighting another two men that were just described as local punks henderson and mckinney had been walking down the road when they saw these other two men slashing loads of car tires all up along the road and henderson and mckinney had parked their truck a couple of streets away so they walked over to these two local punks and they started telling them off for slashing tires of course they didn't want it to get to the point where these two local punks then went over to their truck and slashed their tires so an argument broke out in the middle of the street and this argument was getting more and more heated until eventually it turned physical this physical fight went on for quite some time because it seemed that both sides of this fight were quite equally matched in terms of like physical strength and neither one of them could overpower the other and the only way that this fight even came to an end was when henderson one of the drug dealers managed to distract one of the other guys while his friend aaron mckinney pulled out a gun but mckinney didn't shoot the gun he actually brought this gun over to this guy who was now had his guard down he was distracted and mckinney hit him over the head with the butt of the gun and this hit from aaron mckinney was so severe that it actually fractured this guy's skull and he had to be rushed to hospital when police eventually arrived and saw this street fight mckinney was also sent to hospital for i think some just different injuries that he'd sustained from the fight russell henderson was arrested but he was later let go that same night i think so anyway police successfully managed to disperse this street fight different people were in holding cells different people were in hospital and they decided to go and have a look at henderson and mckinney's truck because they knew that these guys were drug dealers but when they walked over to this truck and had a look inside it seemed that drug dealing was the least of their problems now and that is where i'm gonna end it for part one thank you sir so much for watching this video make sure you subscribe with notifications on so that you don't miss part two when that comes out thanks again to homescapes for sponsoring this video remember there's a link to download the game in the description below and there's also a handy-dandy qr code on screen right now for you to scan a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link to do so in the description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below because that would really help me out i love telling these cases so if you could support me that would mean the world if you want to subscribe to my channel i post true crime content like this all the time you can click this link right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel where i post more light-hearted dare i say funny content click that one there and if you want to watch another true crime video i'll pop you a playlist on screen right here if that's what you want okay bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,370,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, matthew shepard, matthew, shepard, lgbt, gay, lgbtq, hate crime, movie, angels, westboro baptist church, wyoming, russell henderson, aaron mckinney, is a friend of mine
Id: LTWktxywX0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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