The Tragic Lore of Vigil - Rainbow Six Siege

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so now that we have received the mid-season comic for operation dread factor that means the next major piece of lore content we are going to receive is in year 8 season 3. and with this season being set in South Korea with a new South Korean operator and we did learn ending mid-season comic that the rainbow training facility in South Korea going by the code name of tower is gonna make an appearance in the lore this season I thought now was the best time where we brush up on the lore of both vigil and dokebi now this video is going to be focused on Vigil I will be making more for dokapi soon but considering the next operator is Korean then I think it makes a lot of sense to brush up on the lore of our current Korean operators since there's a high chance that they're going to play a part in the lore next season so as always if you do want to enjoy this video be sure to subscribe since we're trying to hit 100K by the end of the year drop a like on the video and be sure to drop a comment let me know your thoughts because it helps with the algorithm and without further Ado let's get into this so we're going to be focusing on Vigil because real name is Cho kyung Hua although vigil is part of the special forces in South Korea and it is represented by the flag of South Korea vigil was actually born in North Korea we know that he doesn't remember our a lot about his childhood and a lot of the stuff on his record is redacted but we do know at a young age his family decided to flee the oppressive country now this is not an easy decision to make and it is a very dangerous Journey there's a chance that you won't make it and there's a chance that you will be caught trying to flee but in hopes of a better life elsewhere vigil his brother and his parents will attempt to flee to South Korea now in order for this to work there had to be no mistakes and this is when everyone vigil looked up to at a young age told him that if he stepped out of line or showed any strange Behavior it would get them caught this caused vigil to have to grow up fast and basically be a stone to the outside world he pretty much had to be it was a life or death situation now this journey to South Korea wouldn't be easy and it didn't go as planned it said that during this harsh Journey vigil's older brother would drown in a river when they were trying to cross it still grieving from the loss of his older brother vigil and his parents would still continue the journey to South Korea at some point they would take shelter in a safe house for over a month with other defectors this is where they would stay whilst they wait for a train ride which will get them further on their Journey unfortunately some of the other the factors will get caught around this time but luckily vigil and his parents remain safe seemingly near the end of their Journey however his mother would grow sick this is when vigil's father had to make the harsh decision of leaving his wife behind and taking his son to South Korea he said there is a point that vigil's father told him not to cry as to not alert nearby armed patrols despite all of this vigil and his father would successfully gain asylum in South Korea however due to the losses they had suffered it was not the life they envisioned all of this would take a toll on his father who would eventually take his own life by throwing himself in front of a moving train after losing his brother his mother and now his father vigil was alone however he would never show his emotion and still remain a stone to the outside world however with vigil now have an asylum in South Korea things were starting to look up he was adopted into the Hua family who felt it was best that he forgot his past giving him their surname and hopefully trying to set him up for a brighter future he grew up in a system full of rules and it gave him a reason to be stoic it forced him to follow orders during his time growing up it would show that his trauma did have an effect on him and was said to be a slow reader however he would eventually catch up and show great Improvement during the end of his education it showed that he gravitated towards electronics and electrical engineering one thing to use his talents and contribute to the country that took him in he decided to enter the South Korean Navy this is where he would prove himself as an exemplary sailor he would earn himself a birth in the rokn UDT seals passing with distinction and becoming an exemplary operator in radar systems and stealth technology due to his glowing record and skills he was hand-picked to join the 707 special Mission group white tigers where he would partake in unconventional warfare missions he would quickly prove to be quick and lethal at the job information about his pass would be kept secret from his fellow soldiers in the hopes of giving him a fair chance with his colleagues during a joint training exercise with the United States Navy Seals vigil would meet and be trained by someone called Craig Jensen this man also goes by the Alias of Blackbeard and in 2017 South Korea was given the opportunity to send two of their best soldiers into rainbow vigil was at the very top of this list he would join rainbow and as well as this he would be joined by a fellow 707th operator Grace Nam also known as dokabi that Not only was vigil a great addition to the team he was also given the task to make sure that dokubi stays on her best behavior however at the start dokovi does suspect the vigil was there under direct orders from Major General KU and that is something we'll learn more about in the lore of dokabi but basically she thinks General curse and vigil there to basically spy on her and compromise her position on the team and as well as this around this time it seems like rainbow will establish a new training facility in South Korea going by the code name of tower visual would use a device known as the electronic rendering cloak also known as the erc7 and this gadget will have an evaluation by Blackbeard pulse and Echo and here is what Blackbeard had to say about it due to previous commitments mybot vigil couldn't make it to the erc7's evaluation so there was a bit of jockey in for position on this eval Mira Harry and whoever else should meet up and figure out how to handle the situation in the future no harm done just a crowded room I was happy to have Pulsa and echo's Technical input on a device that frankly I find kind of baffling sure is effective just a bit flashy and over complicated for my tastes vigil has some ideas about cloaking for real space I've attached his research on some wild stuff about cephalopods and visual appearance modulation pretty cool but that's a future discussion for this evaluation we tested the erc's function in disrupting cams and scans like the ee-1d you'll see from the data that the erc7 is doing fine any adjustments would likely be minor I've logged it up until vigil gets back though I know exactly what kind of adjustments lion would make to it and that is Blackbeard about vigil's Gadget the erc7 and now here is a psychological report that Harry gave on him when he joined the team specialist vigil had a tumultuous childhood much of it is lost to him and what he remembers is precious I assured him that my role isn't to pick apart his past or dredge up events that would unsettle him though of course I'm always here should he or any other operators need me I explained that my role is to shape a cohesive team everyone fits in some way and is up to me to piece it all together preservation of anonymity drives everything Hua does he's on comfortable with me recording our conversations and that a notification on my phone revealed our meeting time he's equally anxious in social situations it's difficult to tell if he has a strong self-concept or an utter lack of one what is apparent is that Hua can't let anyone in which means he's often trapped alone with his own thoughts I wanted him to have a clear picture of who he was at that moment in my office to see himself not just as an elite operator or a small child who lost his family so I suppose he may not have understood where I was going when I asked if he liked Saturday morning cartoons we ran through a casual series of likes and dislikes ranging from quiet contemplation to free association he was uncomfortable but he humored me as he relaxed some of his own answers caught him off guard from discussing breakfast cereals and the realization that he doesn't know how to ride a bike he was able to relate a memory to me he described how this scent of hot sip triggered a vivid image a woman who he assumed was his mother smiling and handing him a bowl his face softened and for a moment he was home I've encouraged Hawaii are on these associative exercises throughout the day I know various members of rainbow have reached out to him and while there are indications he respects them there are still barriers he may not be ready to take down and that was ex rainbow director Harry Pandey talking about vigil of course Harry is no longer alive in the lore he was eliminated by the new villain damos but it's just a very interesting insight into visual's life now vigil would partake in the competitions which would happen at the stadium alongside every other single rainbow operative and in the competition for 2021 he was actually given his own team with himself being the captain this is where we learned that he may not be on the best term with some operators for example he offered to trade Buck off his team for Cali and even said that he better hope that mozzie isn't on his team or he's gonna end up in an accident and we learn more of this in an interview which he has with Sam Fisher after he lost one of the matches of course this is all just a massive training exercise all the operators are on one big team but it does give you a really interesting Insight individual and it's a really good listen [Applause] that was your last chance to turn this thing around team vigil is out talk about it we did our best team Ash did better you were the last man standing you took out four of the five attackers by yourself and a third my charts brought an end to that are you taking this seriously vigil about as seriously it's a game of cops and robbers sure that's enough if I played like you're watching the same maybe a lot of blood on my hands I figured we don't need that kind of red tape I know it's only a game but it's as close to real as we can make it maybe you can improve your suspension of disbelief a little bit next season be careful what you wish for why is that improving my suspension of disbelief might result in mozzie being sent back to Australia in a box I uh I can't tell if you're joking I rest my case and after this rainbow would operate as they always do they were consistently partake in training exercises that is the matches we play in the game against other players that is rainbow training as well as going on the operations as they always would do vigil would continue to serve as an active operator and not much would change until night Haven would eventually depart from Team rainbow as well as some rainbow operatives leaving with them this is when Harry would restructure team rainbow into four separate squads and vigil would be placed on the ghost eye Squad following orders of Captain cavera and to the current point in time he is still an active member of ghost eyes and we are waiting to see what happens in year 8 season 3 of Rainbow Six Siege where we are going to get a new South Korean operator and we are yet to see what happens with Tower which is the training facility which is in South Korea which is currently operated by rainbow since demos does know that that exists now and he does know that the new South Korean operator is currently training there well his new South Korean operator have any links to vigil and dokabi potentially when they start to revisit countries they have had them linked to existing operators for example azami worked in the police force with Habana Bravo is the cousin of capital and she was the person which saved him when he was being held captive and that is why capital is missing an eye so the fact that we are revisiting South Korea as a country there's a high chance that vigil and dulcabi are going to play into this new operator and be sure stay tuned for doki's lore video because I think that is going to be very important as well especially the whole staff with the major and how dokabi got her way into team rainbow so be sure I'll leave your thoughts in the comment section below are you excited for year 8 season 3 of Rainbow Six Siege I know for certain I am think it's really interesting that we're seeing the return of locations such as Tower in the lore I'm really interested to see where it goes so what's your thoughts on the lore or vigil I definitely think he's got one of the saddest backstories out of any operator I'm interested to hear your thoughts so be sure to drop a like on this video let me know your thoughts subscribe if you're into have a wonderful rest of your day I love you all stay safe peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Kudos
Views: 35,908
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Keywords: siege lore, rainbow six siege review, Rainbow Six Siege, r6, r6 lore, rainbow six siege lore, r6 ranked, r6 news, rainbow six siege ranked, siege ranked, siege news, rainbow six lore, rainbow six mobile, r6 movie, r6 trailer, rainbow six movie, rainbow six siege trailer, rainbow six siege story, r6 story, r6 new op, r6 new season, r6 new map, r6 squads, r6 lore explained, r6 squads explained, r6 news update, Capitao r6, capitao, capitao lore, r6 capitao
Id: CsiUyIADy7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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