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are you hard stuck in Rainbow 6 I'm going to instantly help you improve your rank with these five tips if you enjoy the video make sure you subscribe and comment down below what type of content you want to see next now you might have in mind what five tips can help me rank up well there's actually so many things that can help you improve in Siege but these are the some of the biggest mistakes IC players make even in Champion ELO now here's the list and first we're going to start off with one of the most important tips in the game Crosshair placement lucky for you even though that this tip is very important it's actually really easy to fix this is really one of those things that you just have to remind yourself constantly that you're doing it or you'll continue doing just try not to aim too low and if you notice yourself aiming for kneecaps aim higher if you notice yourself aiming too high aim head level I'm going to show you where aim uh head level is as well but first I want you to watch How I properly clear these angles in your mind what you should be doing here is you should be thinking where somebody can be so first you'll see me clear meeting double then Z then Armory stairs after I know all of this is clear I can take more map control the first thing I'm going to do is barricade a doorway to know where head level is there's actually two shackles one on the bottom and one on the middle of the door the middle shackle is always head level so as long as you aim at the shackle your first bullet is going to hit them in the head if you shoot also think of this in mind let's say you're clearing an angle head level if somebody's crouched it's always easier to flip down than up so don't really just think about peeking some Crouch level 24/7 tip number two is roll selection there's currently 71 playable operators in the game this meaning you have a lot to select from first we're going to go over who not to choose even though Siege is a team game it has selfish operator like amaru and Cav and even vigil some of these operators aren't bad if you have a set Strat in mind amaru for example you want to bring operators with lots of util who can help your team on defense you can bring someone like Valkyrie on attack there's so many different options and it's arguably when you need to coordinate even more for example vertical operators a hard breach emps to get charges or Jammers off the wall and on defense you have bulletproof cameras barb wire shotguns for rotates impet and last but not least C4s so next time you complain about losing a round or even a game think in your mind what you could have done to win the round easier or who you could have played tip number three is going to be positioning now let's say you have some of the worst aim in the game let's just say for example you're silver with a 6 KD what if I told you you can not only get your KD up by Just Simply Having better positioning but you can also beat players and outgun them by just simply positioning yourself better I'm going to give you a few examples but here's a few things I noticed lower ranks do way too much they will sit in a position that doesn't benefit their team at all let's say the map is orgon in basement there's something I'm going to call power position positions so with these power positions there's going to be ebots freezer closet and elbow so now put this into perspective if you aren't holding a power position your defense is going to be very weak if you give them map control like freezer they're going to be able to dump youtil and push you out of positions that you need to win around this is simply done by not holding anything useless see where your team's positioned at and hold something that can benefit your team if you see nobody's holding main then hold main if you see nobody holding Tower stairs hold Tower stairs basically don't blindly run at people because it will get you killed and hold positions that they have to waste you till to clear you on number four is one of the most important in the list it's your mentality Siege is literally mental Warfare you can win games by simply pissing someone off and getting them frustrated the more calm you are the better if you're playing while your midal is chalk more than likely you're going to play worse and be harder on yourself don't get frustrated constantly and stop blaming your teammates for everything try and give constructive criticism and be something called a enabler a enabler is someone who boosts their team morale someone positive and passionate who wants to win if you bring Good Vibes and keep everyone in good spirits and realize people make mistakes and just happens more than likely your whole team will play better also don't complain about something that happened in the past round Focus up till the game's over then communicate what they could have done better or different if you see people on the other team that are simply better than you rather it be Stompin or bolo don't get in your head challenge yourself and be more passionate see how many rounds you can get and you can learn even from losing if you make a mistake once keep it in your head for the future and don't make it again tip number five is who you surround yourself with and play with if you want to rank up and improve it's time to play with people that are just as passionate as you are and who want to get better if you're playing with IRL friends who don't take the game serious or no friends at all it will make the game a lot harder you need to find people that want to win and learn there's plenty of different ways to find people rather it Discord servers lfg post or even just solo Q in and asking people to stack or Squad up also a bit of a bonus tip is that there's so much information out there to improve in this game I know it's a bit hard to learn or understand if you're a newer player because there's so much to it Siege really is one of the most complicated games to pick up as a beginner but all the information you need is either on YouTube or Tik Tok there's literally everything you need to know well that's all for this video here's a link to my Discord and peace
Channel: Ghuud
Views: 4,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #r6, #champ, #r6tips, #rainbowsixtips, #Rainbowsixsiege, #jynxzi, #garfield, #Ghuud, #Tipstorankup, #RankUpInr6, LXtfwUCkgAPGkPXPFkCRVW5Vr1ECsf1k3p
Id: 27gQm5mhqIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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