The Toughest Solar Installation We've Ever Done!

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oh man I'm exhausted what a day it has been interesting to say the least the roof thing is taking longer than we expected slate is a nightmare to work with yes very tedious I would say we're going to have to pull a late one I am slightly Delirious at this point we've had so many logistical challenges no that's well off W that's real life it doesn't always go perfectly honestly it's been a roller coaster week one week ago this beautiful house in London looked like this but now it looks like this if you haven't seen us before for we're Artisan electrics we are electricians based in the UK who specialize in renewable energy and we make YouTube videos about it so this is a very exciting project for multiple reasons one we're using a new inverter and Battery system that we've never used before that claims to have some amazing features number two this is a huge system one of the biggest residential systems we've installed before it's a three-phase 25 KW inverter 74 panels in total 48 here on the flat roof and 26 over there on the pitch roof on the house and it's a perfectly south facing system so it's going to generate huge amounts of energy for our customer but we got some heavy lifting to do to get up all the materials onto this roof so we'll get on with that I think if I get on the ladder in the middle [Applause] [Music] so the system we're installing here is very similar to the one that we did at the tennis court I'll leave a video up here where you can watch that we basically fitted an entire solar farm on an old tennis court which was awesome but this is on a flat roof and this is actually what this vandervalk flat roof mounting system is supposed to be used for this is what we call Cable basket it's a bit like cable tray but lighter it's made of wire and what we're going to be doing is running our PV cables along this to protect them to kick them up off the roof to run everything neatly and safely we're going to be using PV Ultra cable today which is a very special cable I'll talk to you about that a little bit more later and we got these rubber feet which just protect the roof so we've not got any sharp metal on this edpm roof and that will just fix down with a nice clamp uh but we're just roughly laying it everything out at the moment so that we know that we've got all the parts that we need and then it's like a jigsa puzzle you just put it piece by piece work it all together and follow the plan so behind me on the slate roof our roofers are getting all the hooks in for that now slate Roofing can be a little bit tricky and we've got a clever little tool that we're going to be using today to make it a bit easier so we'll show you that a little bit later but there's a lot of hooks to go in that roof one two three have this done today won't we J job complete no that's well off but then I think this wants pushing more cuz there's a massive gap down that end yeah that's what I mean I think we could easily fit with eight R so what Gap have we got at the moment measure it all and then and then half it 1,700 basically 850 is it yeah we'll eye it up so there's a bit of an edge I mean as long as it's rough once you put the panels it's going to square it all off if we put those joining rails on from there now we can get exact measurement this is the the rails need to be isn't it so if we put a mark on here so if this is on the end and we put a mark on it and then move it along that's the center of the that's it yeah so what we're doing here is we are measuring these brackets right here and um we're just going to space them out a little bit just so they exact let play that so while the guys are finishing off laying out everything on the flat roof there I'm up here on this slate roof if you don't know about slate it's a little bit more complicated to work with than normal tiles because the Slate are nailed down with like copper nails they don't have these kind of wavy gaps underneath like you do on like pan tiles or uh concrete tiles they're very thin as well so many of the roofs that we do are concrete tiles or pan tiles and you can just angle grind a bit out of the tile and you can sit the tile straight over the roof hook so you don't need to actually cut the tile and put a flashing kit around or anything like that whereas with slates you do so we've calling a bit of help from Ryan here he's got some experience with slate roofs in addition to our usual roofer The Stig who shall remain anonymous together they're working their way through this slate roof quite quickly actually they're doing really well but we'll show you a few little details about this so there's a few techniques for getting these copper Nails out now you might wonder why do they use copper Nails on slate roofs and it's interesting our roofer was just telling me that the reason is because the nails need to last as long as the slates and as you've probably seen from traditional slate roof houses in the Lake District or things like that slate roofs last a very long time so you want the nails to last as long and copper obviously doesn't corrode doesn't doesn't rust it will last as long as the slates so that's why they use copper Nails it gives us another way of doing it so this is called the roof tooth and this is not sponsored but they have sent it to me to try out um and I don't usually do this but I'm going to show it um because I think it's quite a cool little invention so basically the idea is you can slide it up underneath the Slate you just lift that and then it's got like this haxel blade essentially it will basically allow you to just hacksaw your way through the nail and cut the nail off and then you can lift the Slate without having to rip it maybe hardcore roofers will be like ah you don't need that you know use the traditional methods this is probably good for our solar installers who don't rip tons of slates and are not that confident with it I certainly feel more comfortable using this and hack soring through them rather than ripping the thing out and hoping that it doesn't tear the Slate or smash the Slate [Music] up so skips just arrived and we got somewhere to put all our rubbish cuz believe it or not there's quite a lot of packaging that comes out of all this stuff looking at that think that's quite big actually and then didn't realize it was inside the other [Music] one so the team we got the first row of panels here on these are 445 watt bif facial all black panels they're about the highest powered bif facial panel that we could get a hold of right now anyway at the moment essentially with the B faciality and the fact that on a flat roof you're going to get reflected light off of the flat roof as well underneath the panel and you'll get a little bit of extra generation from that side as well so that's why we spec these we are as I said in our previous video we're pretty much specking B facial panels for most of our projects now cuz they're not that much more expensive but they just give that extra little bit of generation which we think is worth it first row is on and what the guys are doing now is just sort of measuring that out so that that's nice and square and then all the other rows can go from that then and it should be quite easy and simple to just put them in so basically how this system works is its rails on these rubber feet the rubber feet just serve to take the weight spread it evenly on top of this flat roof without obviously any sharp bits of metal risking penetrating the roof it's a ballasted system what that means is that we have to put weight on it in order to hold it down because obviously you get a bit of uplift if the wind is strong so we have to do special calculations vandervalk have a free planning tool that we use it's really great because it means we can lay out all the panels and then it gives us a full bill of material so we know exactly what we need how much weight we need and then with the weight we can do structural calculations to make sure that the existing roof can take that weight so in this case we've got these 9 kilo slabs that are going to go on here and we just spread them across these are called uh Mass carriers so they just space out evenly and you put the slabs on there and I think all the way around the outside we got three slabs on each and then on the inside we' just got one slab on each that will be enough to hold everything down firmly then the panels just sit in here and this is a mid clamp that just clamps down to either side another mid clamp here for the bottom of the panel just slots in like that and then on the end you've got end clamps because that's obviously the final end now you will notice that these are silver and obviously we got all black panels so they don't look amazing with the silver fixings and vandol don't do black ones but they do these little black covers so we're going to pop those over at the end and that'll be a nice Finishing [Music] Touch 32 64 35 36 so you're only stripping enough to get across to a panel there yeah and then the other one can go across to that corner panel so them three are on one string and you don't need to make any extra links cuz all the panels will plug into each other and then it's just link from this one over to the other roofs so welcome to the pool house where below us is going the battery storage system and there's an amazing plant room down here let's check it out welcome to the plant room so as electricians we dream of being able to work in rooms like this you know I mean look at this beautiful pipe work they've got this whole amazing central heating system going in here they've got a big panel board here with mccbs feeding different parts of the main house and all of this plant uh equipment which is basically for the pool heating heating the house Etc and down here is where we get to fit our equipment too in this even cable tray in place ready for us to run our cables so it's a very nice setup so as you can see we've got a three-phase supply here which means we need three-phase inverter three-phase backup power and that's where the system that we're installing in this particular case is quite unique because it offers three phase backup power which as far as I know there's nothing else out on the market that does that really at the moment so I'm quite excited to fit this system now we're going to be putting a backup Gateway here and then that will basically instantly switch over so it's actually UPS the system it will instantly switch over in the invent of a power cut and run the whole house off of the 48 KW hours of battery storage that we're in installing it's a stackable system it's from a company called Sig energy and we're going to be doing a dedicated video about this product cuz it's just such there's so much to talk about with it so if you want to watch that click link up here if the video has gone live already and you can see the full in-depth install of this battery storage system because it is quite unique we've got a an inverter that's going to go at the top and then the stacks of batteries below it and it means that our DC cables from our solar Up on the Roof here and the roof in the house are going to need to come back to here so one of the jobs that we've got to do is run in our PV Ultra cables from our two different arrays back to here and getting them ready to connect into the inverter we've even got a patch panel to easily run all our data back to and a bit of rainbow spaghetti there if anyone knows what I'm talking about then there rainbow spaghetti now you might not realize it but we're actually underground here above me is the garage where we have offloaded the batteries and we're going to need to carry them down here but actually this hatch is like a loading Bay because imagine how do you get these huge air handling units down into the basement you can't get them down the stairs you can't carry them you got to lift them down well that hatch allows you to basically winch stuff down the customer did offer that if we had a winch that would clamp onto a steel girder that we could actually winch everything down but actually these battery modules are not too heavy so we're going to carry them by hand but it's pretty cool uh feature and just like I love working plant rooms like this is so cool yeah so this is that hatch that I was talking about and basically this can lift off although imagine it's pretty heavy there's a steel gerder here so what you can do is clamp a winch onto there and then you can winch stuff straight down into the plant room below right so our customer has recently had a brand new baby and it's the cutest baby in the world and he said as part of the tradition for when a new baby's born in their culture they give desserts to their visitors they've had family coming and going all day to see the new baby and they've been giving everyone desserts and they've given us desserts as well this is called Kia and it's like an Indian rice pudding apparently looks delicious and it's going to get the Artisan taste test it's nice it's like rice pudding a little bit more mushy with like nuts and pistachios and stuff delicious so the lovely Chaps at Doncaster cables they are innovators and they've made this new cable called PV Ultra and basically it's a bit like the EV Ultra cable that we use for doing EV charger installs it's very clever and it's designed to make electrician lives easier and just kind of do a better job than what's out there at the moment so it's DC cable double insulated like normal DC cable and then it's within a tough outer sheath but it's super flexible like this so it's strong resistant against impact and things like that but it's also really easy to work with easy to strip back this is a four core 6 mil PV Ultra cable which means it's large enough for us to do a fairly long run of DC because we've got to run from the two strings of solar on the roof of the main house here over to the plant room in the basement to the inverter that's what we're going to use this for so inside you can see you've got the Reds and the whites so red is positive white is negative double insulated single C then you got the bedding and then you've got the tough outer sheath and as you can see it's really really flexible which is quite surprising for such a thick cable so we're trying to get hole drilled and S it here for the PV Ultra cable to go through it's a 32 mil hole with a compression gland so it's nice and strong it's not going to get damaged by the metal Etc however seems to be some wood on the other side of it we've got to try and figure out how to get through that wood and get a lock ring or lock knot on the other side it's like one of those tiny jobs a little bit faffy and and uh complicated got the old uh DJ Spinners spinning up electricians all over the world it's called the rumo tech X board it's another thing that we got introduced to by donc CER cables when we visited them we actually did a video installing EV chargers at their Factory and we did like a factory tour of how cables made they're not the sponsor of today's video but I just like their products dirty DeWalt tools so I don't know if you've seen on Instagram or TiK ToK by any chance but I posted a little update about this this is the new member of The Artisan Fleet and I am quite excited about this it's been a long time in the making do you want a little tour let me take you around so this is the new the brand new Ford Transit custom and it's pretty new to the market this is the diesel one but we're getting the electric one soon this is where I like pinch myself for a moment and go I can't believe Ford have given us a van I I'll be honest with you this was gifted To Us by Ford to do some influencer marketing for not including this YouTube video I'm just like super happy to talk about it because it's such a cool van but essentially we've got to do a few bits of content on Tik Tok about it it's convenient because you might have seen in a video that I did earlier in the year I was trying to sell the caddy and that was the van that I always used when I was back working now I've got this and it's a work in progress okay but let me show you a little bit inside so they've literally racked it out exactly how we wanted it they've given us the full spec that we wanted they've signwritten it they've given us the pipe tubes we've got whole sort of my racking like I had before in the previous caddy with the drawers so I've just gone for the raised floor sorted my floor with all the drawers and then I've gone for Milwaukee packout bases and I can just click all my tools and bits and pieces in and out of there and the reason is because I'm living in France half of the time this van is then available as a pool car for other staff members for the guys when their bands might be in the garage or whatever we can mix and match and also what it means is that they can basically get to grips with this van and tell me if they like it because ultimately I'd like to go over to a uniform Fleet at the moment we've got a VW transporter we've got a Ford Transit custom but the older version and then we've got this I would like to unify the fleet and go with all these if they're actually good enough so it gives us some time to properly test it so I'm not going to bore you with all the details cuz it's is not a van review video but if you are interested in seeing a bit more content about this do follow us on Tik Tok and Instagram because we post regular updates on there in more of a short form fashion and we're going to be doing particularly some Tik Tock about [Applause] this at least you get your work out you don't go to the gym while you're here [Music] [Applause] wow good morning it is Tuesday and we're day two of this project and of course it's raining Let Me Take You Through the Jungle we had a few issues with materials yesterday which meant that we couldn't get the roof completely sealed up we're waiting for the flashings guys are doing the outside work today they're pulling this pvra Cable in it's got to go in this duct down here which goes all the way around over to here Lee's taking one for the team and digging the conjure dis in Reuben is trying to clear some space basically where it comes up we've got to split the duct then the duct is going to continue along here then we've got to drill through the wall and get the cable through here get the duct along through here and then we got to drill down through the concrete reinforced concrete into the plant room what do we call this Reuben Cobra Cobra so it's like a it's very small yellow snake it goes in there and then Luke has got it at the other side now we're going to have to drill through this brick Pier here pull all the slack through and then pull it through the duck I think right so ribbon's got the all drill through there now Cable's through we've pulled it all the way through meanwhile our roof is a busy up on the slippery slate roof trying to get the uh last slates cut for the top row and then hopefully these genius flashing is going to be arriving about 10:30 and they can kind of crack on Le getting the conj disc again Grave Digger Le long as it's not my grave this is tough brick oh wow can you not drill down at an angle we try but I don't know I think it keep slipping yeah I think we're going to need to go even bigger than this to be honest like a Corbit maybe 50 mil the P so Le's about to use this beautiful Hilty cold cut metal saw to cut some unist strut it's the first time we're using it let's see how it goes wow I mean that literally took like a minute to cuty it like like eight pieces all right well that is a pretty impressive bit of Kit I've got to say I mean there was no sparks been busy here but um I've just been over to Screwfix grab few bits and CF guys are doing well here basket is going on the wall Luke finally managed to get through there we found that there was a cable just on the other side fortunately we went just below it that was a lucky Escape there and Luke is going to be cutting a hole through here we're going to go through into garage then drop down into the plant room clip it through the plant room to where the inverter are going to go and I got him a shiny new new C shiny much longer absolutely wrecked Le this Hilty drill has taken a battering today we're really testing it to to the max now the other thing that's happened is the flashing has finally arrived the extra bast for the flat roof has also finally arrived oh and we got the solar skirt here which solar skirt very kindly allowed us to pick up straight from their headquarters and I nearly forgot my hard hat we take a very pragmatic approach to safety here so we do a risk assessment at the start of each project and we said you know whenever we're working down below the scaffold we should be wearing hard hats just in case anything falls off these are the flashings that we've been waiting for and they basically go under the slates and then the roof is properly sealed basically and then we're using these clever little tingles to hold the slates in place because obviously the nails usually go underneath these like that once you get another slate over you can't nail back in so we use a special little little device called A tingle as you can see pretty much all of the Rails are on on now well they they are all on so it's literally just a case of putting the flashings around those roof hooks now and getting all the slates back so I'm a big believer in many brains go to a project and then you get the best result and uh I've got Lee's input on this one and we decided to do cable tray uh well basket basically rather than trunking so Le's just running the basket down here now and then we're going to do all of the isolators next to the basket and then we can Loop the cables into the isolators and back out of the isolators into the uh into the inverter basically so hopefully that will be a better result and It just fits better with the overall industrial feel of this space anyway right well I nipped out to Screwfix slcf tool station to grab some bits guys have done well so we got the armored Cable in from the corner over there where the Gateway is going along the tray here and down to here this main droper basket is fixed they've just got to do a bit across there the PV Ultra is uh is is already cable tied along we're just going to add the flexicon with the other four uh DC cores so we're getting there but the roofing is taking longer than we expected the guys are struggling up there they they're not even half done with the flashings it's just very very slow process so I think we're going to have to get them back tomorrow to finish it off or we're going to have to pull a [Music] one going to tell us what's going on Ryan uh we're just um finishing off the top putting these flashings in said it was a bit of a nightmare though up there yeah these ones are just because the uh there a bit of adive from the the top slate onto the one below so sliding them up um not the easiest thing but we're getting there how's it going yeah not too bad just trying to get these all level cuz um got all the basket on ready so I've left a bit of a gap cuz we're going to have to scoop around and have glands under here but especially that one this is quite a thick uh five so by the time I get the bend and the armor gland bring it quite a bit above but probably put a couple of cable bases here should look smart all right so little update back at the hotel uh oh man I'm exhausted what a day it has been interesting to say the least very stressful the whole Roofing thing I mean not that I've been doing the work but just the fact that it's been dragging on luckily Ryan's kind of saving the day and coming back tomorrow to help so that's good but o other than that we're kind of on track I think so it's going okay I'm absolutely wrecked I'm going to jump in the shower and then go out for some dinner see you tomorrow so it's day three in the Solar install and today is battery day mainly so myself and Le are going to be down in the sweaty hot basement getting that battery on the wall now as I said we make a dedicated video about that so if you want to watch a deep dive of it you can click the link here and that video will be available uh a week after this one but we're also doing the roofing still as I explained yesterday in the hotel we had a few challenges on the roof it's Tak longer than expected so our Roofing buddy has come back for an extra day to help Luke's up there with him doing a bit and hopefully by lunchtime the roofing part will be done we might even start to get some panels on the roof today you know what we've just seen in the Basin load of slates so how's it going Luke um well I'm glad I'm not the one actually doing the slates cuz I probably would have smashed about 20 by now but um yes very tedious I would say yeah getting there how many we got left 22 21 now probably now yeah well if you want a nice easy break you can always come and help us lift 79 kilo batteries down to into the basement I'm good I'm [Music] [Music] good apologies the caman bought an 85 mil lens with him so this shot is incredible this is incredible this is a 600 Quid nipex mc4 crimping tool K the b roll if you're a longtime viewer of the channel you might remember that I absolutely love cable tying I'm probably really strange but there's something I find quite therapeutic about it somehow just neat cables all the cable ties they have to point to same way everything has to be the same spacing when You' got a nice bit of blank cable train and you can neatly cable tray and everything it's like a chef's kiss kind of thing for me that I just really enjoy about my job there was this tool that I used to really love I used to do like a lot of data work so a bit like this rainbow spaghetti here you see how it's all neatly cable tied down however it's not as neat as I would like it I used to have this thing called a pandu and it's like a cable uh they call it like a cable conb basically you can put up to like 25 CA in it and then you run it along the cable tray and it keeps the cables all in the same order so if you ever need to remove one cable there's no one cable that's twisted around the others they're all uniform and that's what I'm trying to do with these I'm bunching them up in like a square of four and I'm keeping them all in the same order um so that if you ever did need to remove one you're not having to untangle them and remove all of them so we're currently filming the in-depth battery video for this saen store battery system and you can see we've got a huge amount of batteries we've had to lift them all down into this basement it's been a bit of fun and it's super hot down here I don't know what temperature it is must be about 35° something like that I should think we had a little bit of an issue with the Gateway as well they delivered the singlephase Gateway instead of the three-phase Gateway so we've got ker heading out to us from rugby to get the three-phase Gateway here in time but it means we're not going to be able to film that until tomorrow it's all these little things these com at things that delay stuff and it can be frustrating and and tiring but it's part of the Renewables business to be honest there are so many moving parts to these installs and any one thing that goes wrong it has sort of a domino effect and it can be quite stressful at times so it's day four on this solar install and after a fitful night's sleep we're back here after a big fry up in the Premier in and some coffee ready to smash it for day four however yesterday after the cameraman left we had a few issues we stacked the batteries up super quick it was fantastic super easy and quick to install and then when we came to fixing it back to the wall we realized that we put it too close to the wall and it should be 5 cm off of the wall to fit with the wall bracket so we've had to unstack all the batteries now we've got to drill new fixings stack them all up again that's real life it doesn't always go perfectly especially fitting a new product for the first time but we've learned something that we will not forget for the next time which is important and Hope hopefully you guys will not forget if you're ever doing one of these the fixings that come with the kit are 100 Mil long this wall is 100 Mil thick so when I drilled the bottom fixings I blew the bricks out on the other side and I don't want to cut these down cuz that won't work so I went yesterday to screw fix to get some of these These are 75 mil long and they're proper concrete anchors so will be really solid and I thought oh we we'll use the existing uh washer that come with the fixings that they Supply however the washers are too small so I've got to go back to screw and get some washers all right so it's now 7:55 in the evening my main man lee here it's pulling a late shift with the boss in exchange for some Uber Eats it's been a long day uh so let me explain what's happened so we got the batteries all stacked up that's good I've been running in the Daya cables uh all the AC and uh stuff is kind of connected at the battery end we're now tackling the Gateway I am slightly Delirious at this point but we do have Taco Bell on its way so you know every cloud has a silvery lining welcome to another episode of artisan eat3 I'm going to review our Taco Bell the crunch is good it's actually reasonably warm which for Uber eat is quite a a rare treat and there are some churos in here so we're going to shove this down hopefully it gives us some more energy when we can get this BMS button away it's not even a BMS it's a Gateway I'm losing my mind so we've had to call in the Cavalry today we've got Harvey from the office has come to help out he brought down some extra blocks with him because we were short of a few we're still waiting on about another 25 blocks from Rexel so as soon as those arrive we can still finally lay these blocks out and that means we can finish these strings Call's behind the camera today as well he's going to be helping us lift some panels up onto the roof because Ruben and Luke are not here today so it's a smaller team but we're going to smash [Music] it so another neat or not neat but this is a unique one a BMS panel we need to do a BMS connection to this we've run a data cable actually the management company who managed BMS are actually going to connect it in later but let's have a little look inside wow that's pretty nice I've got to say that is neat like that is probably one of the neatest neat or not neats I've ever done which is quite awesome I love it so here's a brief overview of the system let's talk about the inverter first of all this is a 25 KW three-phase hybrid inverter hybrid means that you can connect solar into it and it inverts the DC from the batteries into AC as well so in the case of ours we put four strings of solar in 74 solar panels about 34 Kow peak of panels all of that DC power comes straight in from the solar panels into here it then feeds into the batteries and charges the batteries and any excess basically overflows in the form of AC power out of this inverter into the rest of the house if the house isn't using enough of it it'll export it out to the grid too uh and in this case we set an export limit at the moment until we get the full export limit from the dno set a 3.68 KW per phase export limit on it it has an Ethernet port that we've hardwired ethernet to our customers network switch but it can also work with Wi-Fi and it has a 4G dongle that comes with it as well it can also communicate with other devices via rs485 so if you've got BMS or other things you can integrate that too the app is one of the first to integrate GPT 4 into it to analyze your usage data and to be able to help you get better use out of your battery system so it's one of the most advanced in terms of software as well now in terms of the battery modules they are 8 KW battery modules and they lithium ion phosphate battery chemistry and they're stackable which means that you can have one all the way up to six in a stack like this we've done the max 48 kwatt Hours of storage in total now you can get slightly smaller modules as well 5 kwatt Hour modules so if you have a smaller property you could go for two modules for example 10 kwatt hours to start with and then later you could expand and just stack it up higher and higher so it is an expandable system as well which is quite nice now these are our isolators this is the AC isolator which is the main isolator for the inverter we have a generation meter here which is a mid approved meter which is a requirement of MCS for certifying this solar install it's a three-phase meter and that's going to record how much energy the system has produced over time it's bidirectional as well so you can see how much it's gone in and how much it's gone out then each string of solar panels has a DC isolator and we've labeled them all up so we've got string one string two string three and string four and these are just for safety and for if you needed to change the inverter later or whatever you can safely isolate all of the DC power from the roof so if you're a customer who's looking to get an installation like this done at your home to get solar panels and battery storage we'd be happy to help and there's a link below where you can get to our interactive quotation form and we will craft a bespoke quote just for you now the quote form asks you questions asks you for a little tour around your house and to take various photos and videos and the reason is we want to gather as much accurate information about your property as we can to really give you the best system design possible like we've done for our customer here I did the initial quote for him without even having to come to site because of the software that we've designed at open quote to be able to gather all of the customers information to get the best quote possible for them and it enables us to do designs for projects like this remotely and then of course we come to site to confirm things once we know that the customer is serious so if you're interested in getting a quote link below so here it is 74 445 w b facial all black panels with a 25 KW inverter and 48 KW hours of storage and complete whole home backup across three phases uninterrupted power supply in the event of a grid outage this has got to be one of the most Epic Systems we've ever installed so you know I was saying how much rubbish it takes for a solar job look at this this is the finished result a full skip but that's not it check out the back of my van we've had to cram five pallets in here right so we've got I think two pallets in there and five in here it blows my mind how much packaging and how many deliveries there are and how much Logistics are involved and I think that has really come to the four with this project because we've had so many logistical challenges with little things not arriving on time or wrong things being delivered and it adds to the stress levels of the job and I'm trying to find a solution to streamline things it's going to be part of the business plan ultimately I'd love to get a unit where we get get everything delivered get it all prepped and packaged but then we' need a pickup truck or a big loot and Van or something to take things to sight and it's just I don't feel like we're quite there yet I think we need a bit more time and get more jobs over the line before we can take that kind of leap into investing on that scale but we're certainly heading in the right direction we've got some more really big projects coming up which I'm super excited about so the roofing part of the job was quite a challenge we installed 72 roof Hooks and it took 3 days for two people because it's a slate roof and slate is a nightmare to work with so next time I'm going to try and get the roofers in the week before to get everything prepped all the hooks in all the rails in so that there's less time pressure on them and we're not waiting for that side of things to be finished before we can get the panels on now these panels are un unque in that they are biif facial solar panels and they're very high powered 445 WT now we usually spec a 440 WT panel but actually they didn't have the ones that we normally spec so we went even higher on this cuz this was what were available but the back of the panel is what's quite interesting I can't show you physically now but I'll get it put up on screen there are solar cells on the back of the panel as well as the front and light is able to pass through the panel and reflect back and generate a little bit of power power from the back of the panel as well as well as any power that comes from around the sides and edges underneath particularly with the flat roof now there's a finishing touch that we need to do here which is put the solar skirt in We've ran out of time this week so our team's going to be back on Wednesday next week just to finish off that and a couple of other little finishing touches but overall the system's up and running is commissioned and it's generating huge amounts of power for our customer piping hot pizzas for the end of a project honestly it's been a roller coaster week but I just feel super proud that this project is done I mean look at it it looks absolutely stunning customers over the moon like when you see the battery video oh my goodness that product is just amazing and even now this system is generating for our customer and pretty much covering everything that he's using in the house I mean 800 WTS considering it's pretty cloudy that is mad the whole house is running completely off grid I thank you all for watching if you do enjoy videos like this you're going to see two more pop up on the screen here why not settle in grab a cup of tea and watch a few more but either way thanks for watching us here at Artisan we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Artisan Electrics
Views: 42,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artisan electrics, electrician life, Solar, Artisan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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