Revolutionizing Energy Storage:Sigenergy Battery in Australia-Features & Benefits Uncovered! #tesla

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Hello friends today I'm going to make a video on Sig energy battery yes so in this 10 to 15 minutes video I'm going to talk about this amazing battery called Sig energy so far who whoever is knowing about this battery is giving a great reaction about this battery because it's already making a lot of noise in the industry because of they're super exciting and all in one function usually I make a review videos you you know when I use that product but uh I couldn't stop myself making video on this super duper all-in-one Battery Solution any anyways before I start the video small disa disclaimer which I always say that I'm not making this video to promote any brand or to sell this U here this is my passion and I love making this videos to give as much as knowledge of the product and help people to understand about the product in a quick short video so also request uh if you like the video please subscribe the channel and do comment if you have any questions suggestion or concern if you face about this sigy batteries without wasting further uh any time let's get started first of all as for the website let's talk about some about the company Sig Energy company founded in 2022 currently they have 500 plus employs seven Global offices 200 plus patent applied and launched in 20 plus countries under the leadership um the founder and a CEO of Tony Zoo Sig energy has grown rapidly in just 18 months Tony has have a lot of experience because he used to work for huawe and after that he also built a AI business company as well so Tony has a very good uh experience and almost 24 years as well this huge experience actually helped him to build a strong foundation and a very talented team for both inverters and softwares now let's talk about this product and and find out why this is so popular in that short period of time as well Siggy first of all have a five a powerful Energy Solution so number one obviously it's a Battery Solution the storage solution secondly it got a hybrid inverter so which got us so many features which I will talk about later thirdly it has a battery power conversion system as well PCS which I will also explain later in this video fourth it got a EV DC charger directly from the unit and uh lastly fifth one is EMS energy management system which they are claiming a 0 millisecond load side switch over as well there are so many great batteries look available in the market but I don't thinks any of the model have all these feature at one place hats off to the company because at least they are pushing the market pushing the B boundaries to the next level and also giving a big competition to the other battery manufact all right I just changed my seat it's more comfortable now all right so now let's talk about more about the features and more benefits of this uh product it manufactured in China but it's not that cheap uh but if you compare the features of this battery I think this is I believe it batter is the cheapest in the market as compared to the all the features this battery is offering it has a unique 32 amp 280 amp hours block and uh using the same lithium lithium CH chemistry which all other batteries is also using another thing which I also would like to mention it's a five layer built in safety so safety files they have built five layer first one is the advanced temperature sensor mon monitor by AI if any abnormal th thermal event is deducted will shut down the battery medle prior to any thermal runaway second safety is the internal fire extinguisher which neutralize the flamable gas and reduces the thermal runaway uh third one is a decompression valve a pressure release valve will open and expel the hot gases to prevent a thermal event and fourth one is aerogel uh insulated pads between the each battery cell and it reduce the heat transfer and lower internal operating temperature as well and the fifth one is a higher temperature resistance insulated pad attached to the inner wall of the battery pack to provide a battery insulation performance as well so safety f is actually wow my personal best best feature which you might think is a little bit kiddish as well you can change this LED light at the moment it's lighting here so you can't see but you got LED lights and everything where you can see how much the battery is charged or not but you can imagine if this batter is installed outside of your house you can actually change the colors all the time anytime according to your wall theme and your mood you can actually show your neighbors that you know today's party time or you can just turn on all the ambience light as well so my kid will love this feature all right installation wise let's talk about from the installer perspective as well it's very simple to install it comes up with the little cardboard template which shows how to plug in the batteries and all the you know steps it would be mentioned over there so installer will love to install these batteries now through the app after you install the battery uh there is you can check everything through the health check feature so they simply have to commission and you know press that health check the app will automatically show you that um what are the things you have missed and installer can fix it straight away a very unique feature is a jack GPD integration with the AI enhanced solution which means installer uh or a user both uh can just type their requirements or a question to the software and help you to achieve your goal we all know how the chat GPD is effective so this is inbuilt in that so installer don't have to wait for a long customer service call they just type you know their question and app will troubleshoot everything now it also have a more AI features as well um artificial intelligent so AI assisted energy planning AI assisted uh VPP scheduling AI assisted safety prediction and AI assisted service support So this all managed by Ai and it can be installed on grid and offgrid uh so if somebody want offgrid solution this is I think a very good solution for them for offgrid system uh it got a separate U generator input as well so they want to add any generator depends on the generator brand but they can plug in the generator automatically you can install AC and DC couple installation so and let's talk about this these inverters as well now in the single phase they got five 6 and 8 kilow and a 10 Kow inverter and in 3phas module they got U 5 10 and 25 kilow as well interestingly both the inverters comes with a 2 three and four mppd solar input as well and sizewise everything is same so all the sizes of the battery and the inverter have a the same size oversizing you can do 200% so you can actually attach 10 Kow solar with the 5 kilow inverter for three-phase oversizing limitation is 160 as per the data sheet so with the 10 Kow you can attach 16 Kow of solar you can do the bth accordingly and uh and check the data sheet of this battery and then you can design your all right battery wise it got a 5 Kow and 8 Kow battery mat uh which can be mixed at the same time and used across singlephase as well as a three-phase inverter as uh as for the website and I think somebody was talking about that they are going to launch the 10 kilow battery material as well so in in future they will have a 5 kilowatt 8 Kow and 10 kilowatt battery module and interestingly every battery have a same size so you can mix any batteries and uh yeah vice versa now just imagine from the supplier point of view as well they have solved a lot of inventory management uh for them as well because they don't have to stack it up different different modules uh so it's very this is I think a very unique features for the from the supplier point of view as well you can attach up to six batteries as for the stack which is like eight uh if you attach the 8 kilowatt of battery which means you can make it up to 48 kilow and in the parallel you can attach more as well they have a brilliant app in which you can see interesting things on your laptop as well as on your mobile app since it got a AI feature as well so it's very cool uh in terms of you know monitoring app ip66 protection rating which means you can install this battery anywhere outside as well most of the inverter and batteries in Australia have a IP 66 rating this one got IP UH 60 sorry ip65 this one is ip6 ip66 sorry now as for the document you can install uh 20 under minus 20° to 55° temperature as well you can go through with the temperature guidance on their website and check more about it Weight Wise it got a 55 kilo and a 70 kg of the battery 5 and 10 also VPP ready 0 millisecond um load side switch over it got a very exciting feature called V2 H v2g and vle to grid vle to house and V2 X ready now this feature is in the pipeline is not 100% confirm yet because uh it depends on the regulatory approval as well so if your state regulatory allows you you can actually charge your car from the battery and vice versa but this feature is new and even I don't have much knowledge about it I will definitely make another video in the future and we'll talk about this exciting feature all I know that if you really want to have this sort of feature in your house you have to buy a lot of um Hardware expensive Hardware to achieve that feature but in this in this battery it's actually coming free of course interesting but we'll talk about more in the next video uh like uh uh how this v2x works now it has a DC and AC charging option with a 71 and 22 Kow so you can directly charge the car car from the DC side of the inverter which is also very cool very unique and impressive design wise I will give a full numbers because no wires and everything will be you can see everything is hide uh so uh design is very good as well for energy management system I'm I'm in for the full backup uh optimization you have to buy a another device called a backup same as the Tesla also at Huawei as well you have to buy a separate device to achieve the backup of the house uh which is you know a little device which you can attach with a switchboard man I've made so many videos in my so far in my career um but different different videos but I never talk so long to explain just the basic feature of any product so you can imagine how good this battery is um so yeah so let's also Sig have already had a lot of success and some interesting installs in Europe I've seen lot of videos as well and one one of the videos which I seen um in Australia some company has installed 70 Kil of inverters and 336 Kow of battery storage off grid storage they put seven stack of for 6 8 Kow sign energy batteries with the backup and a big generator and connected with the you know connected on standby as well so in the end look let's talk about U warranty the battery and the inverter got a 10year warranty and um all the battery life cycles are covered some some of the accessories have a 2-year warranty as well and some bits of pieces like dongle and other things because I want to make this video very short so let's winding up uh wending up list this video and uh hopefully this video may help you to understand about this revolutionary uh batteries storage product and U yeah so I think if you like the video please do subscribe the channel and press the Bell icon and if you have any question please comment as well and thank you for watching so far and I'll see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Solarquote Facts
Views: 809
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Id: 3eC4Ejkgylc
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Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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