The Torchlighters: The William Booth Story (2011) | Episode 9 | Justin Butcher | Russell Boulter

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Place the strongest men on the outside. Done! Then we are ready! Are you prepared to fight? FIGHT! We must be brave and stand strong! Aye! Yes! Do you have your weapons! Weapons! Then let us march on! God be with us and give us strength! They're coming! They're coming! And we'll be ready for 'em! Ha! Ha! Ha! Good heavens! Another article about the growing problems of vice and crime in the east end of London!... Mmmm-hmm. Apparently one cannot even walk down the street without being accosted. Tsk! Tsk! Something should be done about this! I said: Something should be... Well, what do you suggest? Well I don't know! Let's think! Hmmmmmm... I’ve got it... a Parliamentary committee! A committee...?! Brilliant idea! Yes. Splendid actually... That should help to bring some solution to the people of the East End... I feel better already! Uh pass the biscuits, won't you, they're terribly good today! Here ya are little lad. That'll get ya through another day. Things're lookin' up! Arrrrgghhhh! Arrrrgggghhhh! Awgh! Nothin' doin'! Not enough! Whatta ya mean? I- Let 'im have it, George! Henry's a regular! Me too... Ain't I, Chester? Ah, right you are, Johnnie! You're family - you are! There you are! Whatta think you're doing? A man's gotta have his breakfast, 'lijah! Well, it's time we got to work! Chimney sweeps start early ya' lazy loon! 'Later, Chester! 'be back fer a good time 'soon as we've earned 'nuff either as a sweeper... or a pickpocket! Offer the matches here, Annie. Try and sell a box or two if ya' can, sweetheart! Ya did it again, Johnnie! Drank up the rent money and now we's gotta spend another week on the street! Ah, now, now, sweetheart... quit yer complainin'! A drink'll calm you down! You were a good man when I married ya', Johnnie! And now look at ya... look at us! All because o'this! Oh, NOW LOOKS WHAT YA DONE! Oh God! What are we to do? ... Can't you see? Nobody cares about us nothings on the East End. Not even God! Oh God please help us... somehow! Please! Mr. Booth, we understand your desire to preach to the unconverted but we feel that your gift of teaching is much more valuable to the people within our churches. We cannot allow you to be a wandering preacher! Gentlemen, my wife and I only seek your approval to do as Christ has commanded in Scripture, to go where the Gospel has not been preached, where the people are.... in the streets!? Yes... just as Christ did! Order! .... ORDER! Perhaps a ... compromise, Mr. Booth. You tend to the parishes as we have requested and at opportune times we shall grant you permission to preach in... uh.. certain places outside of the church buildings. Well, what do you say, Mr. Booth? NO! NEVER! DO NOT COMPROMISE WHAT GOD HAS SHOWN US TO DO, WILLIAM! ORDER! ORDER! Now back to the subject at- Booth ... where are you going? This matter is not settled! I beg to differ, sir! You heard my wife - and we are united in this matter! We are called to go where the people need us the most! Well, it's settled, Catherine. It is. It will be difficult William... our financial support will be gone and we have our children to think about. I know... but I cannot forget how God took me from the poorhouse and changed my life. How can we not provide the same opportunity to others in need? I have an invitation to preach in London. Think of the people we will be able to reach there. Well, I trust our efforts will bring fruit, William! Much fruit! It's only your first month, Mr. Booth. I know... but it's not exactly going as I had anticipated. If I could only find a way to get through to them. When I came here I had such high hopes. Night after night I preach with no results. Perhaps I was wrong to leave my church. God will have to show me what He wants me to do! And I trust that He will do just that! Good night. Sorry, guv! Didn't see where I was going. My wallet! My wallet! Stop! STOP! AUUUGHHHHH! I'm so sorry, sir! I didn't see you coming. Need to be more careful next time... watch where your going. That was all the money I had. Could things get any worse? Ah, you'd be surprised, dearie! You'd be surprised what else could go wrong. From the looks of it you don't have it all that bad... not like the rest of us here in the East End! Not at a- Now what'cha doin' in there, Gertie! Ya know that's my bin! Says who? Says me you old bat! Go back to your own bin... Please sir, a box of matches? Only a penny. I'm sorry but- ANNIE! Yes daddy. C'mon how much've ya made? S' that all? It's all I got, daddy. I’ve been tryin- But daddy, that money... Get along Annie! Mommy says it's for rent. Well ya can sell a few more matches, girl. Daddy, please! I said get! STOP! Huh? That is no way to treat your daughter, Sir! She deserves better... as do you! Me? Yes! God has something much better for you... for your family! God? Since when does God care about me? Wait a minute... What are ya? Some kind o' preacher? Why... yes! As a matter of fact, I am! Well then... my good man... take this! There I was looking for my destiny and it was staring me right in the face! I can see that. Oh William! Things were tough enough in the tent meetings but the East End! I’ve heard stories about that place! I'm concerned for you... for our family! Darling... I know this is difficult and dangerous! And dangerous... but no one else is trying to help these people. And I clearly understand why. The east end is the most despicable place I have ever seen... full of every vice imaginable. It's like the devil has those streets in his grasp and... well... I'm determined to rescue these people from his clutches! We must help them, Catherine! We must help those who need God the most! The winner! Here ya' go. That's it? Hey! It's a livin'! Livin'? This ain't no livin'. 'seems more like dyin' to me. Seems more like just dyin'. Watch where you're goin'! You lookin' to meet your maker, guv? Are you ready to meet yours? WHAT? I'm preaching at the big tent just the near side of the East End at 7 o'clock. Come and hear the words of life. What did you say? I said, "Come and hear the words of life!" And bring these men with you! Sorry mate! What's going on? It's a hangin', Peter! Better hurry if ya wanna get a good seat! Come' on! Perfect! A hanging will be good for business! The man's 'bout t' die! ls that all ya can think 'bout? Packin' 'em into yer pub? A man's gotta make a livin'... what's wrong with that? God be merciful to me a sinner! God be merciful to me, a sinner! Ha... If that ain't Billy! Billy? He's been coming t' the pub since he was a lil' lad... good client... did a little stealin' here 'n there... Come to think of it, he kinda reminds me o' you! GOD BE MERCIFUL TO ME, A SINNER! Poor bloke! Lived in Hell here... and he'll be living in hell hereafter. Right you are! And that'll probably be you someday, Elijah! (That'll probably be you!) Come on over... have a drink! I don't want to go to hell, Chester... I don't want to... I don't want to go to hell... Ahhhh! He'll be back. He'll be thirstin' fer a drink in no time! The bloke can't live without it! Let us rejoice for my son was dead and is alive again! He was lost and now... now he has been found! Phew! That was close. Auuhhhh! Bulls eye! Got 'im good that time, Charlie! Lord... I cannot give up! Please help me! God extends his arms to each one of... That was a quick answer to prayer. Where were we then? Ah... yes! God extends His arms- 'Evenin', guv! Uh... you said somethin' 'bout words o' life and well.. Uh... I’m lookin' foward t' hearin' all 'bout it! We all are, ain't we? It's Peter Monk... the prize fighter from the East End! Oh and uh... brought some blokes with me, too! Just like ya' asked! YOU......! We don't need yer preachin' 'round here! We're just fine, we are! We're- NOT FINE! What are you- We're NOT fine, daddy! Ahhh... whatta ya know, girl... I know we don't have anywhere to live! And I know we don't have anything to eat! And... And I know we don't have you, daddy! We don't have you! You said God meant better for us, sir. ls it true? ls it true that God can make things better for my family n' me ...for my father? Yes, my dear. God can do that for you... for your father also. If he will let Him. It's the drink, sir. I's just can't seem to leave it. If God can help me... If He'll have me... Then I want 'im. I want 'im! I want Him too, sir. Me too! Nearly half of the clients at my pub no longer show up! Keeps up like this... I’ll need t' shut down. Same here! I'm barely gettin' by. It's that preacher! We gotta do somethin' about 'im. He's convinced some o' my best customer's t' leave the drink, he 'as! Even Johnnie! Naw! Johnnie? 'ows that possible? Saw it with me own eyes, I did. Preacher's made Johnnie a man o' religion. Won't touch the stuff no longer, so 'e says! Oh.. 'scuse me! Give me a large one, won't ya Georgie? Not just yet! Hey! That's all I could get off 'im! Ain't ya s'posed to be makin' a livin' to pay for this, little chimney' sweep? You know I ain't seen 'lijah since the hangin'! Disappeared he has! I do what I can! Steal what ya can is more like it! What of it? Thieves get caught... even here in East End and well... people can get downright nasty! Now, I’ve treated you good haven't I? Especially since ya ain't got any mum and dad. 'Been like a father to you, I have! Givin' ya all this beer and such... cause I like ya, Henry. Whatta ya want? Well, it's time you started earning some of that special treatment, Henry. Gather some o' yer friends. I got a job fer ya! Ohhhhh! In the dirt! That's right Johnny! You tell 'em Johnny! That's where the drinkin' got me! What a waste! Ya could've poured the beer in me cup, ya bloke! That I could've lad! And hang me if in a few years I wouldn't be seein' ya as I was... drunk and nearly dead in the streets while... me wife and kids went hungry. No lad... the drink did nothin' for me! It's what Jesus saved me from... and what he wants to save you from as well. The place is overflowing, William. We can hardly fit everyone. Yes... I’ve been thinking about that too. I am sure God will show us what to do. Everyone in place? Well... whatta ya waitin' for? Nothin' Do you think it was the wind, William? The tent was rather old; perhaps the ropes- Were cut! What? What do you mean? This ain't no accident! It's a clean cut, see? Someone wanted to stop this service. And I bet I know who is behind it! C'mon lads! It's time t' celebrate a job well done! I bet we'll be rid o' them fer a while! I'm not so sure about that! I think there's going to be trouble! We gotta fight back, Reverend Booth! Yes... Yes, we must! Can't let'em push around, can we? No, we can't let them do that! 'cause if we do,what will happen to the other poor blokes caught in the drink, eh? Can't let 'em pub owners stop the Gospel, can we Revered Booth? If it's a fight they want... a WAR's what they're gonna get! Do something! This is getting out of hand. WAR! William! What are you saying? But William... A war! A war like the East End has never seen! A war... against SIN! Sin? Sin? Huh? Yes! The sin of drink and of the vices that kept you and your families in despair and poverty! The sin of greed which drives the pub owners to sell what is harmful to others! This is a war that shall not be won with our fists, clubs or sticks but rather with weapons that the East End has never seen: love, kindness, prayer and unselfishness! We shall be soldiers... but we shall be an army under God's banner and leading. We will take their insults and if need be, their fists, and we shall respond with the weapon of God's choice: His truth and love. Place the strongest men on the outside. I’ve got to let the others know! Are you prepared to fight? FIGHT! Now.. We all know their comin', supposedly to "rescue the perishing"! ...and there will be some perishing tonight, that's for sure. We must be brave! Aye! We must stand strong! Aye! Strong! Weapons ready? Weapons ready? Weapons! Well? I saw them... they're on their way ... But, Chester, they ain't armed! No... but we are! They ain't comin' to hurt nobody. I saw 'em. They got Bible's... you got clubs! You're just gonna scare 'em right? We jus want our friends back! Bring em' back to the fold... our fold! Just like the good ol' days. ...good ol' days? Well, if it ain't ol'Johnny the drunk! Sober are ya? Give it a try, Mickey! God loves ya, ya know. Gertie's that you? Hellelujah! I did notice the rubbish bins' been looking fuller! I thought ya was dead! Ya lookin' good Gertie! My friends! God loves you... and He wants to give you a better life! That's right! God loves you! Chester old friend!... Henry! Hi Johnny! C'mon on. On the house! Like ol' times! Remember, you're family! Not in a million years, Chester. Nothin' good ever came of it and... nothin' good'll come o' it for anyone else! Ha... Well speak fer yerself Johnnie. I'm a happy man now, Chester! God saved me from the drink. And I ain't never coming back to the bottle! Well... Maybe the bottle'll come back to you! C'mon boys! THE WAR'S ON! Why'd you hit 'im? You said he was friend! Like family! S'long as he's payin' fer a drink he is... but his talk will ruin my business! Stop! Stop! Augh! William! William! Chester! God loves ya... he can help ya as He did me. Ah... keep yer mouth shut! HENRY! You want to side with 'em lad, you do that! But don't you ever come 'round these parts again! Ya hear me? NOT AGAIN! Friends! God loves you! A better life is what He offers you! A better life! I’ll get some bandages! William we need to tend to that wound! It's only a scratch! I’ll help the others! We gave the devil a lickin'! Ka-pow! Right ye are! Ahhh... good fer another battle! Wait a minute! Aren't you the one that threw that rock at me? 'Shamed t'say I am! But yer the first man's ever responded with God's Word 'stead of a fist. And well... I want what gives ya that courage! As do I! And I! If God can help me like ya' says! I want 'im! No one ever cared 'nuff to go the pubs and the like. And take the beatin' you... Henry! He took the blow fer me. Put him on the couch! Oh poor boy! Lad? Lad? Why'd ya do it, lad? Why'd ya take the blow for me. 'cause o' what ya said about us Johnnie. Ya said nobody cares about us in the East End. Not even God. I don't understand, Henry. God came to the East End today, Johnnie. In all of you... He does care about us! Now I know He does! You're right, Henry. God does care and we'll keep on going back to let each and every person in the East End know that! No matter what it takes! Hi ya Chester. We miss seeing ya! Henry, too! What do you want? Johnnie... Peter... they pray for you! You got 'em all cleaned up... sober and religious! But what now preacher, eh? They're still a poor, miserable, half hungry, uneducated, lot with no future! At least I gave them a way to forget their lot in life! You go on preaching and when you run out of words... well I’ll be waiting here for 'em. The whole lot of 'em. Know why? Cause they ain't got a future! No future at all! Now... get out! Augh! They ain't got a future... no future at all! Wonderful! You've done very well today! Class dismissed!! Very good! You're becoming very good seamstresses! Opening up the training center has been a wonderful idea, William! We must fight on to win men's souls and to better their lives! I’ll be off to the White Chapel soup kitchen Reverend Booth. We have 5 centers feeding hundreds of people today. Off to the square with our Hallelujah band, Reverend Booth. Be back soon with some people! Hallelujah! No, this way Gertie! Oh! Hallelujah! Reverend Booth. Yes, welcome to the mission hall! What can I do for you! Reverend Booth my name is.... 'lijah Cadman? 'lijah? 'Lijah? Henry!? Little Henry! Praise God! YOU? Hallelujah! When I seen that man hangin' and Chester said I’d end up like that... well, I took to some thinking! I had a choice, Reverend. I could either keep drinking like I’d done all me life... since I was 5! Or face up to things and well... eventually I gave my life to the Lord and He changed me, He did! I read some of your tracts and well... I’d like to join you, sir. If you'll have me. I ain't educated but I love the Lord... a bit of a misfit I am. Well.. .whaddya think, Mr. Booth? Thought this would draw' em in! Come drunk or sober! Misfit you say? Well Mr. Cadman... looks like you've come to the right place! That I have, sir! Praise God! That I have! WAR! WAR! 200 MEN AND WOMEN WANTED AT ONCE TO JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST SIN! Hmmm... ARTILLERY TO ARRIVE AT 9:30 A.M. COME AND HEAR THE... GENERAL OF THE ARMY?" Reverend Booth! You're early! Elijah! What is this? Army? Artillery? Yes... well and uh.. I started usin' a bit o' those terms 'round these parts and well... I saw the men of the town seemed to respond to it: war 'gainst sin, I mean... and well... I hope I didn't go too far, sir! Captain 'lijah! Captain 'lijah, sir! General, sir! The troops have set up most of the signs all around town, sir! We expect a great crowd of people! Captain?.. General? I'm very sorry, gen-- - uh .. sir! Sorry? Why... ...this is wonderful, Elijah! Wonderful! We are at war! The war against sin! And if this helps to draw a crowd... well, you go right ahead! Put more of them up! General! Captain Elijah! Yes, sir! Wohoooo! The Salvation Army? That's what they call themselves now? If you ask me, Booth has taken this too far! 27,000 people attending their Sunday night meetings! They even have their own magazine... The War Cry! They're doing much good! Good? Marching down the streets, preaching in the pubs??? They also feed the penniless and now they help the poor learn a trade! The Salvation Army saves souls and changes lives! Really? And how do you know? Oh believe me, sir. I do know. More tea? No, thank you! Goodness! Where will it stop? You don't suppose they'll try and take over the country, do you? No...I don't think they're out to take over the country ... Thank heavens for that! I believe they are out to take over the world. From their humble beginnings in the East End of London and under the devoted and courageous leadership of William and Catherine Booth, the Salvation Army continued it's war against sin, often in the face of dangerous opposition. No threat could stop the dedication of the ever growing army and soon their numbers swelled to a quarter of a million officers. Not content with spreading the Gospel of Christ in England, the Army soon expanded to Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, and Iceland. And today, the Salvation Army can be found in virtually every corner of the world. Whether it be to provide the help needed after a natural catastrophe or the needs of the poor for food and shelter or even just the need for human companionship, the Army is always there, fulfilling the vision of its founder whose spirit continues to move each soldier to greater service for God and man. While women weep as they do now, I’ll fight; while little children go hungry as they do now, I’ll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight; while there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl on the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight. I’ll fight to the very end.
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 273,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Feature Films, Kids Movies, Kids Videos, Family Movies, Family Friendly Videos, Childrens Movies, Childrens Videos, William Booth, Animated, 2011, Full Episode, The Torchlighters: The William Booth Story Full Episode, Animation, Short, Biography, Drama, Christian History Institute, English, USA, The Torchlighters: The William Booth Story, The Torchlighters
Id: _6KvgSxfcas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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