The TOP 5 GTA 5 Roleplay Servers on FiveM! (2024)

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hello and welcome back to another video so obviously as you can tell from the title today we're going to be talking about the top five RP servers on the 5m platform at least in my opinion now this is not going off of Just Player base or just scripts or just this or just that it's going off also my own opinion and experience from both hearing watching and playing in these various servers now a lot of these servers on this list are actually the majority of them have been on featured in different lists in the past but now I wanted to look through see which ones have stuck throughout the past couple years which ones have been doing well as well as check out one or two new ones or newer ones that you guys might want to check out and try on your own now before this video just get started though if you guys do want to check out the different portions of this video or the different servers I'm talking about feel free to scroll along the timeline of this video or scroll into the description and you should see different timestamps for the different sections of this video so again we're going to be talking about five different servers here and I picked each one of them for specific different reasons as you will soon see in the video each one has its kind of pros and cons some are newer than others some are older than others some have higher player caps some have slightly lower player caps some are definitely a lot more RP heavy focused and one or two are a little more on the Casual RP side so again I am going to try and go through this pretty fast I I don't want this to be a super long video we're going to go through each server just have a couple talking points of kind of the main features that makes that server unique now of course all these servers do have the usual stuff they have different regular jobs they have different regular crime that you would see on most servers etc etc so we're not going to be talking about that for the most part but I do want to explain kind of the main reason you might want to join that server over other servers as well as some of the cool features that that server may have that are unique to it so again it's not going to be huge reviews um I believe some of these I have made either a series on or I've made more in-depth videos on as well and if so I will be mentioning that when I do talk about the server if you do want to get a little more info or get a little bit more of a firsthand look at what it looks like but without further Ado Let's uh start talking about them and starting off with of course the most famous server that you've probably all already heard of and that is going to be of course no pixel so starting off again with no pixel one of the most popular servers out there also probably the most watched server on Twitch and you know obviously the one that gets the most attention out of any server on this list and it's probably been around for as long as gtrp has really been a thing and is of course one of the highest developed and most developed servers out there now there are two different versions of no pixel there is of course their Whit list server that contains all of your favorite streamers and content creators in the RP sphere or at least the majority of them that play on this server and then they have a wide variety of different public servers that all have pretty much the same scripts as the main Whit list server although of course they are public so anyone is able to kind of just join from their website although good luck getting in if you don't pay for priority priority I believe starts at around $30 so quite a steep price to try and get into these servers but at least in my experience I've been playing on the server for I think a couple months now uh you can go check out my nopixel 4.0 public server series if you want to I will put it in the top right of the video right now if you want to go check that out if you want a little bit more of an in-depth look into no pixel 4.0 so far personally it's been a ton of fun and I definitely recommend checking out the public server and all of its features if you want to get a taste of kind of what all the popular RP streamers have been playing there is an absolute ton of jobs with different progression systems per job that unlock different things you can do within the job as well as upgrades to make more money get new work vehicles and figure out a bunch more there's Ultra complicated heists that take a long time to figure out and a ton of skills to execute properly and a whole lot more it again is probably one of the most developed servers out there at the moment as they have been around for forever and of course have a full scale Dev team similar to almost a AAA game they have a full Dev team just for this RP server there is a lot to find out and some of the main draws to the server are definitely going to be the scripts as they have again some of the highest quality scripts out there although because it is a public server or at least most people are going to be playing on the public server that watch this video I'm guessing it is quite quite grindy that's one of the only big downfalls of the server for me at least as it's kind of made for people who play this as their main game and every single day and of course made as well for people who stream it as their job so the server is very very grindy I've been on the server for again about 3 months and we're not even a third of the way to buying a house and that's one of the cheapest houses so it definitely takes a little bit to get going but if you want a long-term server that you want to work on for a while there is a ton of different progression in it a ton of different stuff to figure out there's custom housing there's tons of equipment you can put into your house that actually has uses like you can wash money in your house you can get PCS in your house that are used for jobs you can fully customize your housing in this and all of it's an open interior so there's no being teleported within your housing or anything like that you literally just unlock your door walk through it and boom you are right into your house you can see outside see what's going on outside some crazy housing systems there's tons of reputation systems with a numerous and numerous amounts of locals or NPCs to interact with there's absolutely a ton to do and a ton of different ways you can go with your RP storyline here definitely recommend checking out noxel as well as more so the no pixel public servers I believe they have servers for almost every region I'll show on screen now I believe they have two for the US and a couple other servers for the different regions around the world so if you're looking going to get good ping as well there's plenty of servers from no pixel to choose from the next server we're going to be talking about is going to be purple RP this is a server that I'm actually quite excited for and I might check out myself very very soon it recently released actually on May 17th about a little little less than 2 months ago it has been in development and they've been sharing little sneak peeks and previews here and there off and on for literally the last 3 years so you know this development team is quite devoted to the server if they've again spent the last 3 years developing it and waiting for it to be released when it's ready not ahead of time or early or anything they waited a good amount of time made sure that everything was polished and finished up before releasing this to the public so I'm very excited to see what they do but they have quite a lot of super unique stuff to This Server uh currently they do have a player cap of about 600 players and it seems to be hitting around 200 250 players daily they have some really interesting scripts and seems like a really RP focused Community again the devs have been working on this for a long time so I'm hoping that with all that time and effort they put into it they're also going to have a very high standard of RP and hopefully the server becomes another one of the titans of the RP sphere and becomes a huge server in the future which I'm very excited to see it become and see what happens with the future of purple RP there are tons of really unique Scripts including over according to them about 100 plus interactable NPCs who will give you like these small missions or what they call encounters to do and give you like various different jobs like small jobs here and there to do while playing on the server you can earn some exclusive items and money from them and obviously have a little bit of fun doing it as well they have the creation and really cool in-depth menus for managing your own business with available upgrades to different businesses as well and honestly a really really schol system where you can pretty much modify every part of your business from how much money and how much tax you put on certain different foods to of course who can actually access different things within your management the business menus seem really really cool and I'm excited to see what businesses people create from restaurants warehouses and various other different stores there's tons of options um for what you want to focus on if you do want to go on the business aspect and it sounds like there is also a ton of stuff on the criminal aspect that they haven't really revealed yet but I'm excited to try and possibly find out or watch other people find out on their own they also have an extensive crafting system if you want to specialize in a specific area of expertise to make that kind of your main Money Maker it seems like uh there also seems to be tons of criminal jobs as I was saying out earlier and systems to check out as well and one of their biggest ones that they boast is a full weed cultivation an in-depth growing and breeding system with different strains amounting to different kinds of money and of course you having to figure out which strains are better how to grow them and how to grow them the best way they did show off in some of the trailers a couple other small criminal stuff such as ATM robberies and store robberies which are some of the normal criminal jobs you'll see on most 5m servers but they also did tease quite a couple specific and special heists and criminal activities so you'll have to figure out on your own that are again unique to the server this one has been developed from scratch pretty much it seems so it's really nice seeing a server that has a little bit of a breath of fresh air from all of the no pixel copy paste ones we've seen recently something that again has been developed from the ground up over the past 3 years and I'm really excited to see where it goes so if you're looking for more of a new server that has recently released and you know people have not really got up there in the money people are still figuring out what they do want to do with their RP people are obviously looking for people for their businesses uh there's plenty of jobs available plenty of housing available at least I would assume plenty of housing available since the server did just recently release and a fresh economy to check out a fresh wipe I definitely recommend checking out purple RP and I plan to check it out myself hopefully soon in the future and moving on the next server we're going to be talking about is of course going to be Prodigy RP this is a server that I played on for quite a while and I do plan to keep playing on this server in the future at some point cuz it is quite a lot of fun they have a ton of just regular civilian jobs that anyone can do with full leveling systems and as you go through the leveling systems you'll unlock different different ways to make money related to whatever job you're focusing on at the time so you can actually progress the different jobs and kind of have that in the back of your head that hey if I work on this job for x amount of time or I level it up this much I might unlock something brand new that might make me even more money get me more resources or unlock a new Avenue of this or that really really really cool what they've done with the civilian job and makes it a lot more satisfying to do those Civ jobs that seem kind of grindy but now you have a goal to actually work towards with the leveling which I really really appreciate now again similar to how no pixel has like reputation systems with the different Civ jobs it's something similar on Prodigy except these jobs don't take like months and months and months for you to level up if you really want to grind hard you could probably get some of these jobs fully maxed out in like a week or two but again it's just a way more satisfying quote unquote grind because it feels again like you're working towards something and actually making progress to something in a somewhat reasonable time frame some of the other notable features also include a really cool custom gang app on your phone that you can eventually unlock that has a full XP system or rep system so as you get people in your gang and you add them to your gang and you guys go around doing various different heists and criminal activities they will start earning rep with the cartel and allow them to eventually unlock a lot of new avenues such as warehouses grow houses vendors for your warehouse and and a ton ton more there's also small upgrades you can make to your gang such as having more people be allowed to be inside your gang quite a few different again vendors as I said before you can unlock for various differing prices upgrading your warehouses and quite a lot lot more definitely a really cool system and something I really haven't seen on any other server they also have a decent variety of heist as I was talking about earlier from the normal fleas and Banks two Bobcat heists and quite a few more and hopefully some more heists to be added in the future I will say from personally doing the heists myself I thought they were really really cool pretty intricate but once you've kind of learn done them once or twice they're pretty easy to do so hopefully they add some more challenging and difficult heists into the future for the server and I think that's really what's going to make the server boom once again as it did have quite a couple streamers playing on it a couple months ago but since then since the streamers have left and gone back to no pixel they still maintain quite a healthy population if anywhere from 150 to 200 plus people on the server at almost any given time so still definitely a good server to check out they also did recently release their housing system which is similar to no pixel as it is in an open environment where you can just kind of walk freely in and out of your house there's no teleportation or anything the only downsides from this one compared to noxel is that on Prodigy at the moment it doesn't seem at least from my outside looking in cuz I haven't really messed up the housing system too much yet it seems like there there's not many things you can get inside your house that actually have uses I don't believe you can buy like any machines or anything you can get in your house to make it kind of worth getting a house to use for this and that but hopefully we'll see some usable stuff in the future but still a pretty cool housing update and I believe they're releasing the housing for different areas in different waves so if you want to hop into the server try and make enough money for a certain house before it gets released I think now is your time to do so so make sure to check prodig out if you do want to try and get in on that again Prodigy has also one of the best event turnouts I have seen on almost any server with there constantly being over 100 people at almost every event in the city I've gone to or seen on stream and with a very friendly and RP focused player base it's definitely one I would recommend I also have a full series on Prodigy I think around 30 episodes if you want to go check that out for a more in-depth review of the server and I do plan to continue that series at some point but if you want a little bit more info on Prodigy and to see it from my perspective feel free again to check that out in the top right corner right now but without further Ado that's about it for Prodigy definitely Rec recommend checking it out if you're looking for either more of a civilian Focus server if that's something you're banking on or something that's focused more on working in groups as a gang or honestly just good RP in general I think I had amazing RP my whole time on Prodigy so definitely recommend Prodigy for both veteran and a newer rpers it has a very friendly and nice community and of course a ton of create our peers on the server to meet and interact with either way that's about it for Prodigy let's move on to the next one and that next server is going to be of course Echo RP now I actually have a full series or at least a smaller series on Echo RP that I did I believe a year or two ago so it was on a previous version of echko but if you want to get an idea of the serers feel in the general Community I definitely recommend checking out that series just giving a little watch for you had some really fun and amazing RP over on Ekko and it seems that they've been doing a ton of stuff since then they've had I believe two criminal updates as well as a civilian update multiple updates for both the EMS and PD and just general updates to the server since then so definitely a lot has changed and if you guys want to see a lot more of those changes than I will be talking about right now I definitely recommend checking out a video I made I believe 3 months ago or so where I checked out Echo RP after not playing on it for about a year and seeing what changed so if you do want to have a little bit more of an in-depth look into Echo RP all condensed into one video definitely recommend checking out my echo RP video I believe it's called Echo RP one years later or something like that I'll put it in the top right now if you guys want to have a in-depth look into all the updates they've done over the past year as well as what's been changed and modified for the server they have quite a strong population usually hovering around 250 players with a max player cap of about 350 which sometimes does hit but it's definitely a hypop server with tons to do and most of the time you're not going to need to buy priority to be able to play on it they have been hard at work with constant updates pretty much monthly adding tons of stuff into the server whether that be small stuff here and there for civilians or large new heists and crimes for the criminals if you want to go into the criminal side with an absolutely crazy amount of different ways you could go with your criminal RP there is also a huge civilian player base and support for it so if crime is not for you there is ton of opportunities for businesses jobs and more again if you do want a little bit more of an in-depth review and check out of the server showing all the new updates from the last year us just going around on the server seeing how it is for ourselves after not playing on it for a while definitely recommend checking out that video again it's about 40 minutes long and there's time stamps for every single portion that you might want to check out during the video so I definitely recommend checking it out and seeing it for yourself all righty so this last one we aren't going to go too in depth with as this is the one that I have personally the least knowledge of and the least experience of but I did want to put this into the list for a couple specific reasons obviously uh the past year 5m was bought by Rockstar and they had to get rid of pretty much all of the custom brand name cars on every single server unfortunately but this server seems to have a ton of custom cars that all fit within Rockstar and cfx as to so there seems to be plenty of cars to choose from people trading them all the time and it seems like a way more casual server now this server currently sits at the top of the 5m list almost constantly with 400 players in it and it's definitely not from what I've seen personally and from what I've heard the most serious RP Community but if you're looking for a way more casual community and you want to just collect cars make money do this do that I definitely can recommend High Life they've been a longstanding community for quite a long time with over 200,000 members at this point and it's definitely worth taking a little bit of a look at now there is some weird things about this server that aren't exactly my favorite there are certain Vehicles like a lot of the custom Vehicles you have to be a gold supporter to use which comes with a hefty price of about 40 bucks so quite expensive and not exactly my favorite thing to see on a server but if this is kind of what you're looking for you're more looking to just kind of play an advanced GTA online you're looking to kind of just make money get a house maybe get some a bunch of cool cars this or that this might be the server for you again I don't have a ton of information about this server other than what I've seen and heard I know they have a ton of jobs both Whit list and just regular public jobs I know they have a ton of criminal jobs as well but from what I've heard this is a way more casual server than any other server mentioned in this list and and I thought at least at the end of this video I'd have a quick mention for High Life just because it is a more of a beginner friendly server although from what I've seen it looks to be pretty hard to get on if you want to join during the peak hours but if you play at other hours besides like the na times you should be just fine joining the server and again this main draw for this one is just going to be the absolute ton of custom vehicles on this server and if you want to just mess around play with some custom Vehicles try and do some like Heist some jobs do some criminal stuff here and there this might be the server for you or you're just looking for a more beginner friendly casual RP experience can definitely recommend high life for that but I think that's going to be about it for High Life just wanted to have a quick mention at the end of this video for anyone who's looking to get into RP or is just a little bit more of a casual RP who doesn't really want to have to focus on being super serious with their RP all the time this might be a good option for you to try out all righty so I think that's going to be pretty much about it for this video hopefully today in this video I could show you guys off some cool servers that you may want to try and take a look at if you're looking for a new home for your RP Adventures or just getting into RP and trying to find a place to start out hopefully this list has given you a couple ideas on what you could possibly do or what servers you want to join and possibly check out more in the future again I put this list together to try and have a wide variety of different kinds of servers again of some more casual ones some more serious ones ones that have been around for pretty much forever and some that have just recently released within the last year or maybe even the last couple months again all of the links for each one of the servers mentioned are going to be the first five links in the description of this video and definitely let me know in the comments section below if you currently play on any of these servers your personal experiences of any of these servers and if you decide to try them out if you like them or not but again I think that's going to be pretty much it for this video hopefully this list has helped you out a little bit more and even finding some more servers that you want to check out yourself or just some more servers you want to watch some more videos on of either myself or other streamers or YouTubers but I think that's going to be again about it for this video as always if you guys did enjoy the video make sure to leave a like it really does help out the channel and of course if you do want to subscribe and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Zez
Views: 3,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best gta 5 rp servers, best gta server, fivem, ragemp, nopixel, purple rp, echo rp, highlife rp, prodigy rp, chang gang, mr k, kebun, zez, top gta 5, servers, roleplay, gta 5 roleplay, how to roleplay gta 5, how to download fivem, fivem guide, gta rp guide, guide, top 10, top 5, best, how to play gta 5 roleplay, roleplay guide, top rp servers fivem, fivem best, fivem tutorial, ragemp tutorial, best ragemp servers, best fivem servers, redline rp, erp, eclipse roleplay
Id: 4vvKHsYRB0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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