The Top 5 Greatest Trucks of All Time!

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I've driven an awful lot of trucks in my time over the years I thought I'd give you my top five favorite trucks that I've that I've preferred just because of the way they drove the way they handled the way they looked them the way they work the way they did their jaw that was always important to me my first very favorite truck was a very common truck in the 70s it was the International cab over Transtar - now the one I drove was powered by a 318 Detroit and I had a 13 speed I think you used about as much oil as it as it did fuel diesel fuel there's a little bit loud in the cab but by god it did a good job it was a short wheelbase tight turning truck it was a lot of windshield in the cab over the doghouse was right beside me but I really liked that truck is as cab overs go it was fairly easy to work on it did a good job it was a good working truck they were a popular truck be sold thousands and thousands of those things you saw them all over the place and they were good for good for guys that couldn't afford the fancier trucks like the Ken worse and the beats but back then international made a really good solid truck so that's my that's on my top-five list so the International trans tire is probably number five on my top five list the next truck that I I had that I really enjoyed working in by God it was a good hard-working truck was the our model Mac now a lot of guys really liked the B model Mac I mean they were a nice truck but by god they were rough and I preferred the our model partially because it rode better it was just just kind of a tighter truck the technology had progressed from the B model I uh the one I drove was a 5 and a 3 with a 300 back engine and a max Adan is what they called it was their version of the Jake brake and it was it was kind of a rough girl but you know you could go in for teabolo weather and that thing and fire up in the mornings very reliable truck very easy to work on never had any mechanical issues with it really and it did a great job I pulled I pulled D trains in the rock with that truck a little slow going up the hills but it never let me down so that's number four I'm in this was was the iron model Mac number three on my list and my all-time favorite truck really if I could if I could ever own one is the the 900 a model Kenworth the long hood Kenworth I thought those are just a beautiful truck I drove one for a while back in about 79 I guess it was and just a beautiful truck and I love that hood way front it it was a nice truck quiet truck the interior was really nice but the only beef I had with the thing was you needed 40 acres to do a u-turn with it by God it had had a huge turning radius but oh just a beautiful truck to look at and really accept the the styling for the conventional trucks for that day double double bunk flat top with a great big hood out front beautiful beautiful truck and if I could find one today in good shape I I don't want because they were they were they were the nicest looking truck that ever came down the pike in my opinion number two on my list believe it or not is another cab over and it's another Kenworth as well it's the double bunk cabover Kenworth the k100 they were an amazing truck inside they were just the size of a small condominium they rode really well they turned really well they did everything really well they're a great truck the upholstery was nice not too bad to get at the motor but a sharp looking truck boy you really snapped your head when you saw one of those things coming down the highway I yeah and they were a classic truck you didn't really see a whole lot of them they were fairly expensive but really a sharp looking truck number one on my list of all-time favorite trucks has got to be the 379 Pete I bought the one that I have now I bought it in 2003 and it came in it was one of the first 2004 is to come off the line again a great working truck I liked I liked the 359 is okay but they seemed to have quality control issues and I was I was still running Ken back then at that time I just thought Kenworth was a better built truck but what I used to do is SPECT them identical in price the Kenworth and price that Pete and in 2003 the Pete came in for for less money so and I'd had one of the one of the 93 Kenworth and they they still had the long hood but the hood dropped and I didn't like that so I liked I liked the 379 Pete better built than the 359 in my opinion good working truck good looking truck very popular truck there's tens of thousands of those things still working today rode beautifully good access to the motor a good quality control easy to find parts for lots of dealerships around and just a nice clean looking truck all the way around probably the biggest favorite that truck shows still today the 379 it's got 1.2 million miles on it they've had to do minor maintenance on the engine swapped at the injector cups but really that's that's been it other than that it's been a trouble-free truck it's in great shape today I still enjoy driving it it still looks good it doesn't look like an old truck and it's been a very good truck for me made me a lot of money and still looks good there's my list of top five trucks now it's your turn let me know what your favorite truck was and why I'm a little behind it give you guys a truck story so I've got one for you back in oh the mid 80s I guess it was I worked for an air freight company and one of the things we did was deliver jet engines for the airlines when they needed them so I got the call one day they had a I was hauling out of Toronto and they had a plane down in San Francisco the the one engine on the plane in San Francisco was given them grief that the thing was on the tarmac it wasn't going anywhere and the airline Air Canada in Toronto called the guy I worked for and said hey we need a jet engine out to San Francisco as fast as you can get it there these things are back then in the 80s it was something like a hundred thousand dollars an hour to have that's plane sitting on the tarmac they were in a big rush they said oh man you got to go you got to go you got to go so that the owner of the air freight company called me up and and they were already loading a flatbed trailer with this aircraft engine and targeting it for me I was on my way in from someplace else and they had a second driver standing by waiting for me we were gonna run team and I ran into Toronto we pinned onto this engine we checked it all down for tarps and changed and everything it was good we took off and man we had to go we were running like rape tapes and OH to Toronto in to San Francisco we made it in about 55 hours now that was pretty good time we sailed through we didn't stop we stopped only for for fuel and we ate while we were fueling the truck and we just ran got into San Francisco in 55 hours thought men were just a couple of heroes we've done a good job here found the guy that we were supposed to talk to and said hey hey we're we're here out of Toronto we got this aircraft engine for this Air Canada flight that's down where's the plane we're here man and the guy pauses for a second and kind of thinks how he's gonna approach his he says well that plane left two days ago I said I said what he says oh yeah we just we just have engines in stock here we just picked one out of the rack and and hung it on the wing and he's gone he left two days ago Wow so I I phoned my boss I I said what do you want to do now he says well see if they want to keep the engine there and put it in their rack to replace the one that they fused and this guy points over to the rack and here's a whole rack like you see boat storage these are racks of jet engines just all lined up it they didn't need any more jet engines called the owner back and said he doesn't want it the owner goes well I talked here cannon and trauma on the problem was that Air Canada and Montreal didn't talk to Toronto and that's why we sent you out there because the two offices didn't communicate he goes I guess you might as well just bring it back and that's what we did we ended up taking a couple of days off in Cal for Nina to get ours back and take a break because we'd run so hard going out there but we just took the same engine didn't even untie up an iron chain in or anything just took the same engine took it all the way back to Toronto and the air freight company made a fortune on the deal and I did pretty well myself just running the same motor back and forth talk about stupidity but it was if it's a good run anyway take care of drivers keep the rubber side down good talking to you and we'll see on the back haul [Music]
Channel: Smart Trucking
Views: 281,454
Rating: 4.8925128 out of 5
Keywords: big rig photos, semi trucks, semi truck photos, trucking industry, peterbilt 379, transtar cabover, transtar II, kenworth cabover, kenworth k100, 2004 peterbilt, smart trucking, smart trucking videos, the top 5 greatest trucks of all time, best big rigs, best semi trucks, r model macks, mack trucks, kenworth w900a, kenworth double bunk cabovers, classic semi trucks
Id: xr9NFhTwc5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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