The Top 4 Festool Domino Joints You Need to Know

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all right cinch what we got on tap for today okay um you'll know the four laws of the domino right yep okay so today we're gonna take those four laws i'm gonna go to the most common joints that have come up over the years with me and showing people how to use the domino and we'll step through a bevel joint a miter joint a butt joint and a board in the middle joint that's four so there you go stay tuned as we go through each one okay so let's practice what we preach right all right we're going to do a miter joint and every time we work today on these four joints we're going to work with those four laws because it's really imperative and the other thing too that's important is you get yourself in this routine of going through this and you'll have less mistakes okay so the first one is i'm gonna do i'm gonna mark my referenced face okay okay so what's the next one uh work off the tape okay so the nice thing about the vax is it allows us to work off the table so i'm just going to swing it here and i'll do the i'll do the first joint for us okay now the really nice thing about the domino and doing a miter joint okay is we are gonna reference you see this flap there's my reference face i'm gonna put that up against the plate but that's the long point of a miter and that's the short point so we're gonna reference that flap there okay hence we're gonna use the precision of the machine so i'm gonna do it in a tight setting okay okay we're gonna be using a five by thirty so five being a thickness 30 being the length okay so what's f of 30 15. man he's good at metrics so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set our plunge depth to 15. perfect and this is 20 millimeter thick okay so i'm going to put 20 in the window here see it and now i can reference the plate pretty much in the daggone center at this sounds good so i'm going to do the first one and then i'll have you do the next one all right sounds good okay so before i turn this on there's two more laws that we have to cover okay we said listen reference the plate off the face yep number two was work off the table yeah i'm not the base is not on the table for clarification what's the third one plunge in line okay and the fourth one plunge is a steady rate it's hot pot all right so here we go i'm just gonna take that i'm gonna reference that you see how i happen to see back here i just it forces me to plunge in line so the fourth one is plenty of the steady rate it's really easy to hear that one where if you get a lot of chatter then you know so i'm gonna have you come over here big d i'm gonna swing it around and you're gonna do the next one right there [Music] okay so go ahead and take that off with the foot pedal okay let me look at that wow that's about the best mortise i've ever seen okay so we have the reference face and i want to make sure you guys all see this hopefully i did this on purpose okay see that right there these are not the same thickness but what you want is we referenced off of this face and you wanted that long point to long point to meet so the nice thing about that because we did both of them tight and when i bring that in that is perfectly level but the really nice thing with this is now we can use right angle clamps so if you're doing a a four miter on there you can use just two regular bessie k bodies and it all go together because there's no creep along the joint it's a locked joint nice all right the first one done let's work number two okay so we're gonna do a bevel joint okay say you're building a box okay and here's your domino right here we use a five by thirty you said hey what are we gonna use a four by twenty no five by three because i want as much glue like now if we left this height set at 20 you would have a through mortise gotcha okay so we need to bring it all the way up so we have to blotting out the fence and i'll i'll go over that in a few seconds okay this is one of those joints that i've seen a lot of people have difficulty with okay and you have to set your fence and your angle and your fence first and then bottom it out and i'll go over that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to have you do this board right here and we're gonna set it up for success okay you're gonna use the flaps and come from the side okay but you always reference the inside i'm gonna do this side you're gonna see how perfect this comes together but then i'm gonna take a step where i'm gonna this will be mine and i'll show you how easy it is to mess this up okay so first thing we're gonna do is we'll set this aside is we're gonna take our machine okay and this is a 45 and that's a 45 so we'll take this and we'll bring it to that positive detent at 45 a great way to check this to say you have it because we're going to be working off this face is bringing it in just like this and you'll see how it just matches up perfectly to here and here all right now the next thing we're going to do is because we want that domino at the very top here okay we want to bottom out the fence okay okay so now we release our height of our plate here we take this and we move the gauge block all the way out and we bottom it out got it okay now check this out another reference for that is that steel right there matches that steel okay perfect so i'm gonna have you well actually i'll come over and do this one and then i'll have you do these two then i'll come back and i'll show you where you can get confused sounds good okay so we have our bevel set at 45 yep i always double check everything it's bottomed out and i have it set at 15 because we're using that five by 30. i'm also going to be using the flap right here so let's turn it on and the other thing i want to coach you on is i always feel the flat of that and i rotate it in we'll do all these tights because we're using the flaps precision of the machine so what i'll do is i'll have you do these two okay okay go ahead and turn it off and leave it so what i was watching here on this is making sure the plate is flat because there's a tendency because of the bevel it rides up a little but you maintain that with your pressure so it was perfectly flat good job thanks okay so you did a great job on those all right uh this one's a little bit better because that's the one i did okay so check it out let's put this together and see how this top edge of chris we're going to get it from a bunch of different angles but see how that comes right together look feel that it's perfectly flush and the nice thing about this is that long point to long point comes really perfect on there so once again you can use a couple of bessie k bodies to bring that entire box together wow okay so let's step through this and i'm gonna do this one right here okay but i'm gonna take it a step further to show you where you can get really turned around or confused with it okay all right so let's take this a step further do you remember the process we used to set up the machine to get this perfect mortise and layout yes you set the angle first okay so what if i don't do that what if i start like we did before and i go like this and this is very common i used to do this i'm going to take it and bottom it out go ahead press down on that and i'm going to lock it in now i'm going to set the angle to 45 okay let me show you what happens you think it's the same right that's right and i can tell you right now this can be very frustrating but that is what you get okay because the plate gets hung up on the flaps so remember how i had you push this down i'm gonna release this again go ahead and push it it doesn't fully bottom out really and that is the result you get yeah wow there's another tip for you all right number three let's do it okay so we'll call this a butt joint which it is but it's also what you use for a side of a cabinet okay or putting a box together we're cutting the two pieces together okay so let's just say and i like to label everything this is your side okay this is your either top or bottom we'll call it the bottom okay but here's the most important part label label label where we're going to be placing this plate gotcha and you can get turned around really quick i've seen a variety of ways of doing this but [Music] the bottom of the top always go between the sides because you want that sheer strength of your domino so if we come in here chris right here i'm going to make a mark just like this and that is not to where i'm going to put a domino it's where i'm going to place the plate so of course if i look at the plate here we're going to plunge horizontal and on here these dominoes are going to be just like this and i can i've seen people do this that's where they want a domino and that's where they want a domino okay we're going to plunge vertically now what comes to my brain every time i do this i'll do the vertical ones i'll have you do the ones horizontal okay okay what comes to my brain every time i see vertical is i put on the support bracket that way there it doesn't tip okay so i'm going to take that and yes we'll reference the pins here okay okay or the flaps so i'm going to take it like this and here's a really great tip a lot of people will hold this start it up and plunge i like to take it like this bring that flap in there and you see where my pressure is it's right against here so i'm going to turn this on and plunge vertically okay what i think i'm going to do big day is i'm gonna have you come over here and do the same i'm gonna have you do one of each with me okay so you can get the feel of this sounds good perfect wow that's the best mortise okay so now we're gonna go horizontal this one's easy okay we'll just take it like this i'm gonna reference the flat flap but i like to take it pivot it in there's my line i know my plate's right on i'm gonna take it lunge at a steady rate have you come over and do the same perfect okay so i'm going to take it like this and we'll put the dominoes in okay just like this all right now here's where i've seen so many people struggle with this okay look you see how that's perfectly flush in there yeah baby okay now you're going to see or do this and the reason i have had us or i made the mark on that to put the plate is i've seen so many people say i can't get a flush butt joint because what they do is they don't reference the outside and they reference the inside okay so always make that mark and you'll have great success so here comes joint number four all right so we're trying to put this right in the middle and i know we've done it before but walk me through it again okay so a lot of people try to complicate this so a lot of people say hey i set up a dado stack on my table saw well i have a much easier way let's use the domino okay okay and as long as we know and i always write this this is the top this is my shelf okay this is the top of my shelf okay and if we want it right here per se okay just like this i'll bring it in like this what i'll do is i'll just take it like this this is just a rough line okay but it's alignment line and i'll write top this is the top of my shelf okay and i'll show you how to set this up let's do it so not overthinking but understanding the domino machine the distance from the base because we use the base as our reference now to the center of that domino cutter is 10 millimeters that's one of those things you should always remember so if this is 20 millimeter ply or 18 i always have this little thing in my head that always says take the top of the shelf and put it to the top of the top of the line sounds funny but i always think of my head top to top so i'm going to fold it forward hopefully we can get in here and i'm going to bring it to that line right and then i'm going to take my clamps and just come in here like this [Music] okay so one more point i want to show you see right here remember i told you the distance from here to the center of the bit is 10 millimeter that is exactly a 10 millimeter because that right there guarant those are ground to match the center of the cutter oh wow okay so we're going to be using the flaps now for our reference point okay all right now i'll do this side and i'll have you do this side it's really easy because you'll see how we do this but i'm going to take it like this see that flap just like that that base is on here now i'm just gonna take it and one then i'm gonna take it i'm gonna use this one and i'm gonna bring that right up but this piece here has become my step so i'm just taking a point vertically here and i'll have you do this side can you see how it'll match up perfect no pressure [Music] so let's see how we did go ahead and take that clamp off okay let's put these in here like this [Music] it's white and toilet okay so there's the top of my shelf right yep [Music] and there you go so wow it matches up perfect and you can build a shelf joint all day long and it's kind of like we have it down to a t right hey so as you can see by using the four laws you can create absolutely perfect joints because we labeled everything right we took our time we worked off the table the majority of the time and you can create a perfect butt joint a great shelf joint yep you get a great bevel joint and a great miter joint so there you go it's just an easy exercise to understand the basics of the domino so as we always say be positive stay sharp
Channel: sedgetool
Views: 142,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: festool domino, domino joiner, woodworking tools, how to, df 500, power tools, domino joinery, mortise and tenon, wood working, woodworking tips, should i buy a domino, should you buy a domino, festool domino connector system, wood joinery, beginner woodworking, pocket hole, festool domino unboxing, festool domino df 500 unboxing, woodworking tools you must have, woodworking tools that are at another level, how to make
Id: s6jyLkObBqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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