Does Your Festool Domino Do This ?

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in this video I show Big D a common question I have gotten over the years about the Domino and I'm gonna show him a new skill to utilize with the Domino it says we're working on here okay so this video is going to contain a very common question that somebody uh one of our subscribers on such tool reached out to me so I started looking through she wanted a link to this topic or the skill I said yeah yeah I've covered that a hundred times I went and looked at our playlist on the Domino on our on the sedge Tool YouTube channel and I hadn't done this yet and I'm going to tell you right now this is an extremely common question and way back when in 2007 it's one of the first things I saw to utilize the Domino for sweet so we're gonna go over that today you'll get a new skill okay so I milled some malamba and I got four legs and four apron skirts we're not going to do all of them I just want to cover uh what is known as creating a reveal or an offset okay in other words give me a camera man this is our table leg right okay hold that Big D yep okay and this is our apron skirt what we want to do we don't want to put it flush I mean there's some designs I want to flush I don't want to do that what I want to do is take it and what we call create a reveal or an offset okay and you can do this in a variety of applications so I'm just wanted to do this with a table leg but we we do it when we do face frame joinery uh putting the cabinet sides to the face frame with the Domino that way there we create what is known as a scribing ear so there's tons of applications on creating an offset but I want to create a 10 millimeter offset from the table leg to the apron skirt and it's as simple as utilizing this that's what we call the gauge block let's do it okay so this is 25 millimeter thick lumba for the apron skirt I'm not gonna go exactly in the middle I don't have to I have the Walnut here I'm going to bring it in I want to create that offset so I want to keep it easy for me so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use 6 by 40 dominoes what's half of 40 that's 20. okay so I'm going to set it just like that my plunge depth is going to be 20. so I'm going to label this all right plunge depth equals 20. now I'm going to set my plate height for this okay I'm going to take it like this and my plate height and I'm going to use the gauge block okay so when I put 20 in there I'm assuming that that's the thickness of my material okay always remember that what goes in the window is the thickness of your material okay okay and that'll allow us when we do the leg portion to offset it by using this and we'll get into that in a few minutes all right so this is going to be I always label this is the top of my board or my apron okay and it's going to go into the leg here my plate height we set to what 20 20. okay good so what we're going to do is we're going to come from the top 20 millimeters and when I measure this I'm just going to come in here like this all right and I want to put another domino in there so I'm going to come down I'm going to look right here I'm going to put 50 at 55. I'm just going to create a line because we're going to use our eye for this all right with this to get 20 we're going to utilize the support bracket and we're going to bring this out this registers against the flap of the Domino and that'll be 20 to the center as we do this so let's put the bracket on and get going sounds good so quick note as I go through this we'll label everything okay I did another 55 from the top and this is 20. we're going to use our I for this so we'll label the rest okay so big D the reason I bought my first Pekka in 2007 over in Germany was because of this and and I saw it right away in the Home Center I said you know what I love that that it points easy enough but I wanted yellow for what for laying out Walnut and that's a yellow crayon in other words we can see it a lot better cool like every picker you just tip it like this and you're good to go cool and it'll make the layout really easy for us okay so let's look at this and we'll lay out all the legs real quick so you can see it okay so you'll understand this in a few minutes our plate height is going to be 40. in the window Chris get over here when we put take the 40 we'll put it in the window I'll explain it we'll go through the math okay it's a quick way to do an offset on the machine okay our plunge depth yes we have it set at 20 but I always do that we're going to measure down here to what that secondary line okay at 55 we'll bring it over here okay just like that and of course we're going to do 20 here okay now the other thing I'm going to do is when we do this I with our layout I know that's where this is going to come into play right yeah with that offset that's good now here's another trick I learned over the years I learned this I laid this out just right guess what I want to lay this one out just right I want to lay this one out just right I love these new stops because I can register the bottom back here and back here and what's really nice about this we can take this like this and draw the line right across at that 55. you do it all at once that's awesome once again we always Mark at plate height 40 plunge depth 20. and once you label it you know you're good to go and we can knock everything out and I'll just put here plate height and look I'm going to lay it out just like that I know that's where my machine is going to go 20 20 40 plate all right all right it says what's next okay so check it out I'm gonna go over the machine before I'll before we go through this I'm going to do one side and then I'll coach you on this one okay okay we got everything laid out so I'm gonna go back and think okay plate height is 20. so always remember that is times two follow me that's the thickness of the material yep it's not the distance so we're going to reference off this face 10 millimeters okay always remember that divide by two you'll understand a few minutes we're going to do tight with the 20 and I'm going to use my eye on this I'll have you do it we'll line it up with the cursor and we'll do tight and tight on all of these okay okay um double check my plunge depth at 20. and I this morning I checked on the machine and I got a six millimeter cut and that's important that's very important so I'll do this one and then you do the next one sounds good now really quick I get the flap down so I'm going to reference 20 from the top okay then I'm going to eyeball this one all right okay let's do it foreign [Music] very important that gets in the way now that I'm going to be eyeballing that okay so what I want to do is flip that down now oh you know what I just thought of just maybe that'll work no I'm gonna use the line okay we got close we got close so there's a way to reference this it's pretty easy you can look at the top of the triangle and bring your cursor in there like that and if if you're good with your eye it just lines up sweet look at my fingers are holding it down [Applause] and it literally is that easy I got enough shoulder there and it makes my math easy when I do the offset so that's probably the best mortise I've ever seen I know [Laughter] always stop that machine because when you move the flap back that cutter is right there going like that okay and then on this side we just referenced through the window yeah right through the center window yep okay bring it right in cool let's get some dominoes in there yep [Applause] man that's a sweet when I was hand cutting I would kill for that hey we did we did use tight so oh yeah beautiful well alrighty then okay so here's where over the years people have got confused when I've taught people this okay okay so we're going to set our plate height at 40. so I'm going to release this and I'm going to put in the window 40. I want a 10 millimeter offset so subtract 20 from 40 20. divide by two because that's the thickness do you get it so what we're going to do is we're going to set this at 40. and you'll see we gain a 10 millimeter offset that way I'm excited to learn that okay it takes a little bit to wrap your head around but how quick was that instead of doing a bunch of other layout and doing an offset down here and eyeballing it it's it's that quick for offsets so I'll do when you do one sounds good perfect somebody may ask why do we have it clamped like this and the reason is this the support bracket holds us up okay so you've got to work off the table so I'm going to do a 20 and I'll do the 55. so the second one down here I'm going to give it a little wiggle room for assembly we have sheer strength here on the first one okay we'll get killer glue line here but I want to give a little wiggle room we did both of these tight we'll give this some space foreign now I'm gonna have you do one but remember to switch back to tight for that first one this needs to be running [Applause] that's yours that's mine okay so let's do this go ahead and unlock that always always amazes me when you fit this together how it always comes into play and when you get that in there Big D you gotta turn it around so everybody can see this in the video look at that offset Beauty 10 millimeters on each side let's get a measurement in there real quick and you can see it's exactly that 10 millimeter offset Beauty oh that's beautiful so big D it looks like you got a new skill in your quiver hey special thanks to you you bet thank you and um for that person who reached out thank you I really appreciate the question because it really made me think about our Channel and there's so much more to teach about this Domino machine so as we always say be positive and stay sharp Wicked shop
Channel: sedgetool
Views: 10,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: festool domino, mortise and tenon, mortise and tenon joint, mortise and tenon with router, domino alternative, festool live, festool, woodworking tips, woodworking ideas, woodworking videos, woodworking guide, woodworking tools, woodworking projects, joinery tools, joinery work, joinery and carpentry, woodworking business, joinery cabinet making, festool domino unboxing, festool domino df 500 unboxing
Id: qEE5s3H4dY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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