Ranking the Bosses of Lies of P! [Part 2]

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I'm billys welcome back to the channel today we're continuing my li of p boss ranking as I show you my top 10 favorite fights from lies of PE did you miss out on part one click the link in the description below to see boss's 25th through 11th but let's not waste any time my top 10 bosses in Li of P ranked and let me know your favorites down below he's back starting off our top 10 with we have the corrupted parade Master fought in the central streets of Katt as you're making your way back to the hotel he's the only thing standing between p and the people he cares about and with the tension at its peak I love that we get a rematch with an enemy many may have forgotten about by this point his move set is naturally quite similar to his first battle second phase except he's got a shiny new carcass arm and a horrifying mouth with teeth for a head head and he uses both of them to great effect in the fight his arm has a lunging Fury attack that definitely got me a few times as well as a series of lunges that have extended reach due to the new appendage I love the little axe swing he does where he hops a few times and launches through like a golf ball and I also like the change to his Fury attack from his original fight where when he falls on the ground now he does four forward slams trying to crawl after you before for tiring out Beyond this his move set is very predictable and you shouldn't struggle too terribly he can spawn in a few smaller enemies by vomiting them from his body but they genuinely go down in like two hits so you can also burn them upon birth like me with the flamb Burge sending them back to their maker it's not an issue fire is a godsend in this battle so have that flame grinder equipped and just go to town just be careful if he crouches on on the ground as he can sometimes use a move that summons Decay Tentacles from beneath the Earth and while I rarely saw it happen the tentacles will build up the Decay status which is funny because I've seen many YouTubers rank this boss low on their lists because of said Decay but I never found that hard to manage there are other bosses in this game that use decay in a way that isn't so fun and I don't think this is one of them to each their own I guess corrupt parade Master is a perfect example of making an enemy harder but also showcasing player growth as even with its new abilities you have all sorts of tools at your disposal to take it down and get back to the hotel plus I just love the idea of corrupted variations of previous bosses coming back to haunt the player something that Hollow Knight does very well we've officially crossed over into the realm of bosses I absolutely love in Lia p and start starting off this Love Fest is King's flame foko of the V Works a furnace who keeps the Factory's flam stoked for the king of Puppets foko Must Be Stopped to put an end to the reproduction of Puppets in the city being such an early game Boss I believe fuo is there to teach the player a valuable lesson one that is at odds to the lesson gained from the previous boss fight in the game scrapped Watchmen and that is quite simply that sometimes perfect guarding isn't your best friend and dodging can be a useful tool because for most of my attempts against this boss I tried the perfect guard method of guarding against all of his attacks while learning the move set and getting hits in when I could only as it turns out I could never gain any openings even after a perfect guard and this brings up an aspect of Li of PE that I don't enjoy for many bosses in this game perfect guarding is encouraged by the developers and yet often I'll find myself perfect guarding only to receive knockback that takes me out of range to punish the boss it feels like I am getting punished myself for using the mechanics as intended and it's something almost every endgame boss has in Spades and foko is one such boss where it also feels like perfect guarding isn't rewarded instead if you dodge inwards and to the left you can avoid many of fok's attacks and get hits off relatively safely this makes the first phase a bit of a breeze and combine that with an electric buff and you've got a strong recipe for quick damage it's the second phase that brings some much needed challenge in the form of fuok CO's flame attacks he always starts by dispersing Flames around the room that you can either be on the other side of the boss room to avoid or use the pillars around the room if they haven't been broken yet following this it's a mix and match of his regular move set a few few Flames spewing here and there and Fireballs he can shoot if you're too far away stay close and they'll always soar over your head but if he's got you in his sights it can be very difficult to manage all of his attacks especially when he's coating the ground with oil and oil is very flammable the overheat status effect does a lot of damage very quickly so if you're hit by it this early in the game it's likely an instant death as long as you stop foko from Gaining distance you will win with some adep dodging and abusing his one charge attack that leaves him vulnerable after he stops moving you can likely perfect guard said charge as well but I never tried in my first playthrough it's a solid fight but one that I think will cause many players frustration because it's not clear that dodging is the better method of attack nor is it something the game has taught the player up to this point next up on our list we have the first true wall of the game Fallen Archbishop Andreas found in the depths of St Frangelico Cathedral this holy monstrosity of a religious snail attempts to halt your progress and it's a taale of two halves this is one of the main fights where perfect guarding is extremely strong when it comes to the first phase learning the timing of the various Stomps and slams as well as the tongue whip move that is used throughout can lead to a lot of quick stagger potential it's definitely the fight that will separate the players who are trying to play this game like a Souls born and those who are willing to learn the new mechanics on offer the design is absolutely horrifying in the best way with the upside down face with the distorted mouth that attempts to charge into you when you try to back away and if you fail to block the tongue you'll get Decay buildup that could cause significant weapon damage if it Peaks I'm glad the tongue ends up being fairly easy to Parry then mitigating the the status effect to an extent with good gameplay even its Fury attack can be dodged away since it's a simple slam to the floor then phase two hits the mask of the Archbishop drops revealing an absence of a true face and the form of the one wied Angel not that one but this is where the fight loses me a little bit because while I love the rhythmic blocking of the move set from Phase 1 even if it got a little repetitive Phase 2 goes for this chaotic approach the new side of the Archbishop stretches out like a tentacle and if you choose to lock on you have to fight a camera that does not know how to react to this new move set his sweeps and Slams are hard hitting and he barely stays in place long enough to get any good damage on him combine that with a refueled health bar and you're looking at a real war of attrition though the developers have attempted to remedy this by decreasing the HP of this boss across both phases in the most recent 1.2 patch but even then once you realize you can just run around his side and fight the face from phase one again with the same move set but a little faster it completely cracks the battle wide open there's an AOE attack that he can perform with insane damage output but in my winning attempt it never triggered I was staggering them all the while using the flamur legion arm to great effect to keep the flame damage going as this boss is a carcass style enemy and thus weak to fire there's definitely a flaw in the fight if the preferred way to fight Phase 2 was to just go back to the phase one move set but I can't deny that this battle still left an impression and is visually one of the most distinct of the early game perhaps this one's a hot take but next up we have Simon Manus one of the two potential Final Bosses in lies of p and I I have come to really enjoy his fight albeit with some hiccups that we're going to get into that end up with him being in seventh place firstly I just want to note that his Phase 1 received a HP decrease following the most recent patch and his Phase 2 received a damage decrease and let me tell you these changes go a long way towards making Simon a much better fight in phase one he is the arm of God and he looks really dumb Quasimoto looking ass with his gigantic mace slow attacks and predictable patterns it's very clear that this phase is meant to be easy to EAS you into the insanity of his Phase 2 it tells a story of a man who is currently fighting with the forces in his body as he stalls out the clock to godhood which is why I found it so weird he had so much HP initially and why I'm glad they've decreased it because it's at odds with the story that the game is is trying to tell my biggest issue with his first phase and this is actually another issue with lies of PE in general is that deflecting his attacks feels extremely difficult to time but because of the animation there are a lot of instances in Li of P where the deflect and what you're seeing on screen from a boss's attack animation don't feel like they naturally line up and this is 100% the case with Simon Manus it makes bursting through his phase one really annoying in new game plus and new game Plus+ for those going for all the different endings but it's his face to all here to talk about that transition as he reaches up and literally becomes a god hands raining down from the heavens is one of the best visuals I've seen in a Soul's like it's striking conveys the nature of the transaction and seeing Simon Manus reborn in his new form as this treel likee deity is fascinating then the fight begins and I immediately groan because Phase 2 can go one of two ways either Simon will fight you at melee with enhanced combos that are fun to block and Dodge and require a lot of focus from the player to fight through we love this or Simon will spam his projectile attacks all causing disruption how you're supposed to handle his melee combos while being attacked by constant barrages of disruption bolts I don't understand and his damage output was often so high that I felt like I had no chance to even get my footing new game plus I was killed most often in the first 10 seconds of phase 2 because it felt that oppressive and unfair so thank God for the patch honestly they should have just removed his disruption ranged attacks and focused more on his other Godlike powers that he can summon from his attack that causes three Ed blasts from under pe's feet or his ability to literally summon a gigantic hand from The Ether to slam down into the arena nuking everything very MMO very Final Fantasy 14 they needed to lean into this side of his move set but they didn't instead we get a quick as heck Shockwave attack that constantly One-Shot me in New Game Plus because he kept comboing it with disruption I ultimately beat Simon Manus with a whole lot of burst damage and a whole lot of running away and praying for my life I did get better at this fight F but did I master it in my three playthroughs no do I think it's a well-designed fight overall though yes so I'll be curious to see how other people fed but I can't put a boss in my top five who has instant death mechanics in good conscience we've officially moved into the bosses that I think are absolutely fabulous and whether they're flawed or perfect they hit me in the right spot to consider as a real classic of the genre and just missing out on our top five is luxasia the complete and straight up for me she is the hardest fight in the game it's not even close most of my main bosses took me between 10 to 20 attempts to defeat give or take luxasia took me 41 her first face coated in her nightly armor has her using her gigantic sword to deal damage her swings are brutal and hit hard but her combos are very predictable so if you've gotten good at perfect parrying you're able to consistently stagger her the attack where she does like 10 underhand slices in a row is absolutely ridiculous very unnatural very video gamey in a blatant way but it's satisfying to Parry I like her use of electricity throughout Phase 1 hinting at her Phase 2 and while initially very hard to learn it feels good to master her initial move set she also has a breakable shield on her back which is a nice touch as destroying it makes her easier to hit in Phase 2 and the sound it makes when you break it is so satisfying take a listen I'm not the biggest fan of her grab it feels too delayed for my liking and the fact that if you avoid it she can then repeat her grab twice over is just [ __ ] there's a reason why no souls born bosses can perform a grab attack more than once in quick succession it just feels cheap but I appreciate that she always throws you in the direction of the center of the Arena so you're never yeated off into Oblivion acid damage is definitely a necessity to burst her health down but this also starts a trend I dislike in lies of P where once you are able to stagger specific bosses they will then do a whole dramatic attack that can catch you off guard before being open to a fatal blow it's cheap and takes away the whole point of Staggering the boss being well a stagger of the boss and luxasia does this in phase one with a sword slam and her Phase 2 stagger animation is just so stupid but Phase 2 is where most of us have and will continue to be stuck for the foreseeable future here luxasia becomes a literal lightning bolt zipping around the arena at the speed of sound making it very hard to keep up with her and her lightning attacks you can reflect the bolts from her first attack back at her energy tennis style which racks up some nice damage but I think the speed of those bolts is just a tad too fast for my liking during the fight she can jump up into the air and I a launch one or two of those bolts at the player and the reaction speed needed to reflect those attacks was also a little too quick for my liking same goes for her initial Fury attack from the skies there needs to be a visual of some kind Beyond The Flash that indicates when to block let's take second for example every Fury attack in that game has the flash of red Ki before it to denote the attack coming and all of those attacks come out with the same speed there's no delay it's the same thing you just have to figure out if you need to jump Dodge or counter it's a perfect system with lies of P when an enemy does a fury attack they flash red for a good few seconds before attacking and it has the adverse effect the red glow doesn't tell tell me anything if it's not going to give me an indicator on when I should Parry I'd rather it not be there to be honest but I can tell this is a fight I will genuinely enjoy learning in the future if only I didn't have to go through phase one every single time to practice the actual difficult part and that's the main issue that lies of P has in general so many two-stage bosses where the first stage is very much a damage sponge so by the time you get back to the second phase you're all already wiped out and it's for that reason that I can't put laasia in my top five if I can just take a brief moment of your time my new channel goal is to reach 20,000 subscribers by summer of 2024 and you guys can help just look at how many of you aren't subscribed so far be sure to Parry that subscribe button so you can stay up to date on all my latest videos back to the video starting off the upper half of our list we have the green monster of the swamp with the award for worst boss name in the game I'm sorry it's so unintimidating for what is a brilliant boss design this shambling green creature that reminds me heavily of moss charges from Hollow Knight but with more decayed tentacles now the green monster for me does what I was just saying laasia doesn't do and that's give you a phase one and a phase two that both feel learnable and manageable to fight without getting too frustrating at least in my opinion green monsters phase one is actually my favorite part of this fight as this feels like the truest form of a Decay boss to date a varied move set filled with tentacle whips poison sprays downward slams and some real lengthy combos to learn the timing of I genuinely feel like a master of the green monsters Phase 1 and the only attacks I had issues with being the Decay t I even have a visible tell so I can deflect before it launches them out the digging underground move is a classic bit of fun and whether you successfully Dodge and feel amazing or fail to dodge and get yeed across the arena it's entertaining the Decay spit hit boxes need a bit of work though as I got hit multiple times by the vomit when I felt I shouldn't have but I like that you can actually deflect it if you're feeling ballsy green monsters face too on the other hand was definitely the harder part of the fight for me because it takes over a decayed version of a scrapped Watchman whether it's the same that we fought or a different one I don't know but it incorporates the attacks of that early boss fight and brings them back in a fun twist you have the Andreas aspect of sometimes fighting the puppet and sometimes fighting the tentacles but I'll admit I found this part of the fight very overbearing as a result of the new move set it was hard to get the timings down for the puppet slam attacks and God forbid the green monster uses its Phase 2 charge attack if you don't deflect in time you're going to get crushed beneath the boss and likely ran over multiple times ending your run I preferred the first phase where the charge was a single Fury attack and a perfect deflect got you an instant stun I also love that due to the puppet form in Phase 2 the boss actually changes weaknesses Midway through the fight Phase 1 being weak to fire phase two being weak to lightning so the player is forced to choose which grind Stone to attach to their arm depending on which phase is giving them more trouble I wish we could have seen more instances of that throughout the game my main complaint though is that the arena could have been a little bigger to accommodate some of the more wide reaching moves and the movement of the boss's phases but the boss's combos get mixed up perfectly in Phase 2 to create a truly difficult obstacle to overcome that feels great to master just barely missing out on our top three we have what I consider to be one of the best early game fights in a Souls like the scrapped Watchman the true first boss of lies of PE let's be real the parade master was a great taste of what to expect the Mad donkey was a nice mid boss that wets your appetite but the scrapped Watchman is there to remind you you're playing by lies of peas rules and you better get used to it there is no way to cheese this boss you're either learning how to perfect guard or you're dropping the game and smashing my head against the brick wall that was the Watchman for a good 2 hours racking up 20 attempts against this boss before my win was some of the most fun I've had in years when you give me a goal to overcome I will Chuck myself wholeheartedly into the experience and get lost in the vibe of it all for example a few years ago Monster Hunter rise came out on the Nintendo switch and they released a demo where you could fight the magnam Malo and the magnam Malo is the flagship monster of that game but it was Juiced up made incredibly difficult to the point where you're not expected to beat it if you're not a veteran Hunter I had never played a monster hunter game before and I spent 150 attempts until I beat that [ __ ] I will link you to the video it's on my old channel it's one of my favorites but the scrapped Watchman gave me that same feeling it was a test of endurance as each attempt I'd learn and compartmentalize a new combo timing begin figuring out where my windows were to get damage in and how often I could get off a stagger before the fight continued the watchman's attacks do have some delay like every fight in this game but to the extent where they were mostly natural it's when it hits its enrage State and becomes a dark Beast p stand though that I think my attempts hit a real nose dive because the extra electricity at leaves behind many of its attacks made a lot of my initially safe combos now unsafe to punish and I had to find new ways to get around the watchman's defenses all the while he's creating electric Fields outwards and inwards and his speed gets quicker to boot yet I never felt angry or annoyed the fight always felt Fair a little on the difficult side a lot to manage but satisfying as [ __ ] to complete so when I was finally able to get through the lightning and get that final hit it was like beating father gascoin in bloodborne I felt like I'd leveled up in my game knowledge and I was getting what Li of P was selling but beyond the fight itself there's some heartbreaking law for the Watchmen as you can find his discarded whistle nearby upon completing the fight and taking it back into the city you can talk to a child and blow the whistle near his window to make him think that his old police friend Murphy the scrapped Watchman had just arrived knowing that all of the kids he talks about likely passed from the petrification disease is one thing repeated this fight in New Game Plus and having these scrapped Watchmen saying how much he misses those children he once protected and supported well that just hits me right in the fields so deserving of recognition and a top finish along with just having an amazing design can we just point that one out oh the bronze medal for lies of PE goes to the final boss of the game the nameless puppet I predict this is going to be a fan favorite boss in Liza P because it is the closest thing we're getting to a true soulsborne style 1 V one to activate this fight you must refuse jepetto when he asks you to give up your heart and for phase one jepetto will control the nameless puppet in an attempt to defeat you the first phase I don't really recall much about because it's very slow and deliberate which makes sense as jepetto doesn't actually want to kill you he just wants your heart and in a way this shows the fight he has inside himself about harming P what this means is you get a lot of very easy to block combos that slowly teach you the basic mechanics of the nameless puppet's fight you'll probably get hit a few times maybe run low on Heels your first attempt but if you've got any electric Buffs you'll be more than fine and on New Game Plus onward you can burst through this first phase with whatever overpowered weapon Arch you'll likely be running no in my opinion the fight doesn't truly begin until Phase 2 where the nameless puppet is cut free from jepetto's control and begins acting of its own accord and that means becoming the lady Maria St he always wished to be because Phase 2 is that classic phase where attacks will do extra burst damage after every swing aoe's can get launched your way in straight lines and whether you're dodging or perfect guarding you have to be on your aame to get the right pares needed to hit the puppet what I like is that the nameless puppet compared to other bosses on this list actually does stagger from time to time it makes the fight feel more like a back and forth as opposed to attacking a wall until you secure a victory there are certain moves you can bait for an easier time and the most you're left to worry about is the high damage output his weapon is so damn cool a needle that splits in two and allows him to power stance dual wheel deck build your ass while a red Aura emanates from him constantly design-wise they absolutely nailed the atmosphere spere and boss design though the arena could have used a bit more of a color change in that second phase maybe have some Flames burning from the Sparks of their Clash prior to phase 2 make it feel a little more Grand re-watching my footage I think the best fight to compare this two isn't actually lady Maria but the abyss Watchers Phase 2 and that's around the quality I'd Place nameless puppet this one stun I hit on my winning attempt felt so damn good to pull off and once the second phase clicked with me I fell in love people are going to struggle with this boss and I did too I just don't know why it magically clicked when it did but I began parrying well I was focused on dodging without panicking and I was just able to take nameless down all the while the memories of my journey played in the background the people that I met along the way it's just there were two fights in this game that I preferred just that teeny tiny bit more if you had told me I'd be placing a gank fight in my top two lies of PE bosses prior to me playing the game I'd have laughed in your face but that is genuinely how much I loved the eldest of the black rabbit Brotherhood fight also known as the first encounter with the BRB throughout the malem district you're getting told about the dangers of the Brotherhood the youngest watching you as you progress the bucket had eccentric giving play-by-play messages to the citizens of the district to kill I and you even get told about that liar coffin from a nearby vendor so then stepping into the rainswept courtyard of marlem City Hall and watching as the Brotherhood come to greet me with that same coffin awaiting me from the vendor Story come on that is such cool storytelling it helps that the Brotherhood easily have the best stalker designs of the game and it is genuinely criminal that we don't get any of their armor sets as a costume or the eldest SW as a boss weapon homophobia if I do say so myself but I want to talk about why I think this gank boss works because it's a gank that shows restraint your main goal is to defeat the eldest that's your wind condition and that's your focus his attacks are surprisingly fast and brutal requiring a lot of patience on your part to learn but like any enemy that means enough perfect guards can shatter that sword making him a little weaker where the gank officially comes in is with the other members of the gang periodically as the eldest's health bar dwindles they'll interrupt you in the arena and begin fighting you themselves starting with the youngest then The Eccentric and lastly the battl master each of them has a unique move set to deal with and will become your main target while they're on the field meanwhile the eldest will hang back and only sometimes interrupt with a very easily avoidable charge attack which means you're not really fighting multiple enemies you're fighting a variety of One V ones but in a gauntlet fashion and I don't know I kind of prefer that to a traditional gank 2V1 or 3v1 fight Sumi I think it feels good if you want that traditional gank just hurt the eldest with some severe burst damage from the very beginning as the other three brothers will only leave the field when they're super low on health which means as I tested in New Game Plus I didn't record it I'm sorry you can have all four of the Brotherhood members on the field at the same time if you choose to only damage the eldest there's your gank fight I love that every opponent has a different move set all complemented by the atmosphere of the fight the arena the rain pouring down and the fact that they're toying with you the whole time the eldest brother hangs back when his siblings come to fight not just for game design but because he is letting his gang screw with you he's more than happy to pull up a chair get a p col L and wait and that is his undoing some of the most memorable character designs with completely different fighting styles that all blend to create a fantastic sequence it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea just ask my boyfriend who was watching me fight these guys I beat them and said oh I love this fight and he was like I don't think I'd enjoy this fight and that's okay this is just what I prefer and what you might enjoy will be more like my boyfriend but when I think about all this Souls born ganks I can't think of any I'd rather fight over these guys except the obvious ones like on or the demon princes and that's a pretty high compliment I don't think this is a shocking pick but my favorite boss fight in Li of p goes to Romeo king of Puppets the fight that ends the first half of the game and the buildup to the climax of The Puppet frenzy Ark you fought through the entire city to make it to the Opera House and now you face down the large King himself he shows you a brief play that's meant to reveal the true nature of the forces at work in kro but we tragically don't understand and when Romeo goes to get us to join him we refuse and the fight begins I love the cut scene and the design of the king of Puppets that shifting face is genius and you know what there is no enemy in this game that quite fights like phase one king the stretchy bendy arms with the Whirlwind fan attachments just gives the developers so much creative freedom for Designing the move set it's like fighting Doc O from Spider-Man but in Mech form long reaching swipes that are reactable to perfect guard pushing himself over PE like a Leap Frog via his arms that spinning slam attack that's the easiest to predict and learn the pattern of giving you a basis for the rest of his move set and the mobility the fact this giant creature can MO move around the arena with ease is so refreshing after a series of large bosses that don't have that same speed and the arena is big enough to accommodate for this move set the main struggle I had with phase one was that really long combo after he enrages with the several swipes of the hands before a fury attack slammed to the ground followed by another sweep of the arms I always forget about it covers so much distance as he approaches you that it can actually feel over L oppressive but hey this is the king of Puppets I can forgive that the Whirlwind attacks where it launches either a burst of wind outwards or inwards is reminiscent of the scrapped watchman's electric attacks of a similar nature and keeps the players on their toes as they lower the king's Health which has received a decrease following the 1.2 patch which was a a good call then the second phase it's revealed the king is actually a twin cout of near autometer Romeo king of Puppets and initially you don't know him or who he is or what his deal is he's a Ryden looking ass that you got to kill he's just the foil for you the player that you can fight his Scythe is so damn cool and his design with the glowing red eyes hits all the right notes for me I initially thought his second phase was incredibly difficult to adapt to with such fast Scythe movements that I only really got to grips with a new game plus after getting all that experience from the rest of the game but for people struggling I'm going to help you guys out here Dodge to his left this is a moment where dodging can really help you avoid many of his attacks you still need to time all of the Dodges correctly so there is an element of challenge especially when he uses his fire imbued attacks and his equivalent to melania's water foul dance but Dodge left and hit when you can for an easy win but it's Romeo's lore that edges him to my top spot on this list a truly tragic figure he was once a friend of Carlo jepetto's original son remade into a puppet following a contraction of the petrification disease yet jepetto's power over the puppets caused the puppet frenzy with Romeo seeking to end the Bloodshed and protect those that remain all of this and more you only find out following the rest of the game and the defeat of Romeo made even more poignant in New Game Plus when you actually understand Romeo's please throughout the fight begging for his friend to see the true enemy a tragic figure with a boss fight that absolutely Nails the fluidity and difficulty of lies of peas combat a well- earned number one spot and that's it for my Liza P Boss ranking from worst to best in my opinion and what a game honestly is it perfect no I think a lot of the mechanics do need a lot of work and I'm hoping that a sequel or DLC could rectify that somewhat but there are tons of YouTube reviews out there that I could totally recommend you could check out for more detailed critiques I'm really not the right person for that job I'm just here to tell you guys what made me smile and if that's entertaining so be it my channel has always been more casual than others be sure to tune in next week though because we're not actually done with lies of PE as I have a community ranking of the game's bosses based on difficulty in the works so Parry that subscribe button to stay up to date on that and all of my future content my socials are on screen now feel free to follow where you feel comfortable I'd recommend my Twitter or my blue sky if you have it or my Discord if you want a place to be updated for future uploads a massive shout out to my patrons over on patreon for supporting me for another month you guys are amazing thank you so much and I will see you next time adios [Music] pleas
Channel: Billy S
Views: 15,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, demons souls, bloodborne, elden ring, video games, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, ds1, ds, ds2, ds3, soulslike, souls, soulsborne, gamer, gaming, fromsoftware, fromsoft, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, boss, ranking, billy s, zelda, zelda ranking, lies of p tier list, lies of p boss ranking, lies of p top 10 bosses, best bosses lies of p, lies of p, lies of p nameless puppet, lies of p boss cheese, king of puppets, best lies of p bosses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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