The Toothbrush! 🦷 | @The Fixies | Cartoons for Children | #Teeth

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[Music] [Music] don't [Music] the toothbrush once i finish you my top secret growth potion i will create my own giant canine crew and then i'll rule them whoa wow this is super you're better than a tv show oh yeah it's fun but it's gonna end badly tom thomas get ready for bed i'm going dad but first my secret recipe we start with a bit of carbohydrus and now a little bit of bread and butterus and finally beard [Music] chusakka don't be afraid drink my baby and you'll grow ten times your size what it doesn't taste good oh right i forgot it needed stirring this hypersonic mixer will do the trick tom thomas you shouldn't use what doesn't belong to you that's your father's toothbrush ah hey cut out you're acting crazy [Music] [Applause] oh you said it uh oh you tom thomas are a big boy but your brain is smaller than nullix why thank you just go put the toothbrush back in its place um like you never touched it nah that's not right at all tom thomas what's up i'm almost done dad simple nolik please i really need your help no panicking first we need to understand what could have broken inside of there [Music] an electric toothbrush is really simple as long as you know these three parts the battery the motor and a very clever mechanism that connects the motor with the bristles the whole secret to the toothbrush is right in there that mechanism uses the spinning of the motor to make the bristles move very fast back and forth from left to right from right to left and that's how it brushes your teeth so what can we do about it here's what we do first we take up the motor then we take the gears out and then the mechanism how much time do we need to do that one or two hours what no just listen here tom thomas you need to open up the battery compartment wait for me right here [Music] these are your teeth well i mean they're not your teeth but you get what i'm saying nowadays we used a toothbrush to clean our teeth but it wasn't always that way the ancient egyptians used a chewed stick to scrape their teeth while the ancient greeks rub their teeth with a rag and the vikings well who knows what they used and then only 200 years ago an englishman named william addis came up with something better he drilled holes into a meat bone inserted bunches of bristles into them and there you go the toothbrush and here's what i need to tell you all as a fixie that is as a master repairman you need to make sure to brush your teeth often especially after eating or you'll be getting them repaired often at the dentist well is something wrong with the mechanism no it's fine is the motor burned out no then what's wrong with it you're not gonna believe it but the battery died that's all i know what to do i'll put in new ones your dad turned the toothbrush on looks like everything's fine it's working way to go excellent your dad will never find out what kind of slop you mixed up with his brush [Music] what slop wow how dare you know like how dare you refer to my mighty potion like this tom thomas somehow soap got all over my toothbrush can you explain that [Music] well you got caught what do you say now [Music] the fire extinguisher so who can tell me in the home what is the greatest danger of them all cusaga well dogs are dangerous for us but what is very scary for us and for humans fire where i was just answering what you asked us although your joke was awful fire your answer was actually correct nothing can be worse than getting caught inside a house on fire don't know much about chemistry but i can handle cert kitri that's an interesting idea i have to try it out [Music] and that's why every pack-a-mat has a fire extinguisher inside of it and how do you turn them on well i'll show you at the end of the lesson listen yell fire how come i just want to find out how the professor turns on a fire extinguisher forget it fire i won't do it for you yeah fire [Music] you again i was joking it's a stupid kind of joke and i want you to leave right now actually i should call your parents to discuss this terrible behavior fire is no joke at all remember never full with fire of course you should never play with matches or with lighters everybody knows that but those aren't the only things that can cause a fire inside of a house so can a stove or a fireplace and don't forget electrical appliances like electric burners space heaters and irons if you act carelessly around any of these appliances they can cause a fire and we should never forget to take extra special care with sparklers handles and fireworks sparks can jump off of them and set fire to highly flammable things like paper wood or cloth so what do you do if a fire suddenly breaks out that's right you call the fire department by dialing the number for all emergencies 9-1-1 [Music] huh what's going on no way no way fire it's burning for real fire what do i do oh yeah i need a fire extinguisher [Music] where are you and that's how apache map can become a fire extinguisher do you understand we understand there's a fire it's over there enough you don't know when to stop fire i'm not joking this time please believe me it's there hmm nice try fire oh look he even used smoke this time no simca that smokes from a fire uh-huh i'm sure that this time it's for real it's the truth i swear i'm not lying this time i think it's true he's not joking we've got ourselves a real fire here tula simca turn off the soldering iron uh-huh [Music] be careful kids you have to stay back here away from the fire and what can i do to help take out your fire extinguisher [Music] long ago people used to put out fires with just water or sand today people also use fire extinguishers fire extinguishers are cylinders with hoses they're usually painted red so they're easy to see the cylinder is filled up with a special powder or foam if someone needs to put out a fire they point the hose at the fire pull out the safety pin and squeeze the handle the foam or powder shoots out of the extinguisher and puts out the fire our fire extinguishers are just too small for this fire we have to find professor eugenious to put it out i already did all right where's the fire huh [Music] you fixies are just the greatest thank you you saved the whole laboratory not at all colleague if not for you fixies i can't even fathom how this could have ended and what i'm wondering is how the fire got started at all fire i had nothing to do with that yeah sure then who was yelling fire fire you know what maybe it was you that set the fire well if that's what happened don't even think about coming back to school without your parents colleague colleague wait it's all my fault i didn't turn off the soldering iron forgive me now we know whose parents the school should be calling the disguise oh good tom thomas why do you need a second aquarium especially without any fish first of all it's a terrarium and it's not for fish it's for lizards and snakes ooh my friend katya asked me to take care of him while she's away that's why i brought him here take care of who there's no one in there what is that it's a chameleon nolic i think he's awesome it's a bad idea to take him out he might run away don't you worry i got him what a monster but how come i couldn't see him before it's because a chameleon knows how to disguise himself by changing the color of his whole body [Music] have you ever seen a military uniform they have special patterns and colors that help soldiers hide that's called camouflage and people learned it from animals for instance a caterpillar can look like a twig and the seahorse can look like a piece of coral an ordinary gray rabbit becomes white in the winter so a wolf will have trouble finding it in the snow but the champion of camouflage is the chameleon this master of disguise can change its color in just a matter of seconds hey tom thomas where'd your chameleon go oh it disappeared it didn't disappear it camouflaged he won't hide for long let's find him have you seen the chameleon where is he do you see him [Music] no he's not gonna let us catch him we're gonna have to to trick him into coming to us uh-huh we should set a trap with something that he likes what do they like i wonder what else their food and what do chameleons eat well like flies or caterpillars roaches where's the fly gonna come from well what if what oh sinka just you wait i'm gonna get you hey we gotta help katya you don't see the caterpillar complaining quiet no look you start buzzing buzzing yeah like a fly yeah and flap your wings too [Music] how long do i gotta keep doing this until the chameleon shows himself just keep buzzing tom thomas there he is [Music] quickly i've got a hold of him [Music] in the army they use camouflage all the time they use nets that look like bushes paint their tanks and colors that make them blend into their surroundings and even fly in special planes that can't be seen by radar they do everything they can to disguise their location but it's not just the army that uses disguises photographers camouflage themselves to take pictures of wild animals people use makeup to camouflage their blemishes and artists they disguise old walls with bright happy pictures and people just love to put on masquerade parties where they disguise themselves in costumes and masks and of course fixies have their own great disguise remember well what is it now he won't run away so mr master of disguise what are you gonna say now if only i could disguise myself that well no what are you talking about you know how to disguise yourself a hundred times better than him oh you're right hey chameleon look and learn here's a real disguise [Music] the zipper [Music] hey no look why did tom thomas go to sleep like that maybe with some kind of homework for one of his classes uh-huh gym class homework [Music] good morning good morning hi there you're looking good my parents just bought it for me isn't it a cool jacket and what you slept in it all night yeah once i tried it on i didn't want to take it off and i fell asleep in it yeah life's never boring with you around oh i think the zipper got stuck and so what you can leave your coat on no problem you're about to go to school right and you think i could sit in my class like this how could i have broken the zipper don't worry you haven't broken it not yet here is a simple zipper it is made with two rows of small teeth that pass through a slider the slider has two holes on the top and only one hole on the bottom when we pull the slider up along the zipper the teeth grab on to each other and the two rows join together into one and the zippers closed to open it all you need to do is pull the slider in the opposite direction then the teeth will come apart but on mine they're stuck together and now what what do people do in the morning do what they do exercise and i'll have time to think it over [Music] and then what about me go exercise two one two three come on think of something i'm sweating already soon okay go get washed up in the meantime [Music] do you think i could help you think i think not i think you'd be better off washing [Music] how's it going thomas doesn't think of anything yet what did she think of anything else ah gotcha nope she hasn't thought of anything so far it's so hot just pretend you're a polar scientist they always work in their parkas and you know what i'll be the penguin hey where are you going uh i can't take it anymore all right just sit right here and i'll try to find the problem [Laughter] [Music] you see that polar scientist game's funny huh that's not it it's simcoe she's tickling so hard stop squirming and you stop tickling me aha so that's why it won't open all the way it's only a piece of thread stuck in there pull the [Music] thanks so much here it is a thread that's what the whole problem was you're kidding so i've been sweating because of some piece of nothing in technology every little thing matters i remember when scientists built one of the first computers around 60 years ago it was a giant machine it filled up several rooms and had more than a million parts it was a technological wonder but all of a sudden this technological wonder went kaboom and broke and no one understood why the computer just stopped working and that was that the scientists were going crazy they couldn't find a problem turns out that this huge computer broke because a little butterfly had flown inside the computer and got stuck in between some contacts yes it's true this huge machine went crazy because of a little butterfly and that's how it goes so you see every little thing really does matter [Music] tom thomas breakfast is ready what are you doing in your jacket it's because i was playing polish scientist what took you so long to figure it out i just just thought it would be funny to see tom thomas do his exercises and brush brushes teeth in his coat that's all that was your plan well yeah can i joke around a bit the antennae [Music] or what uh hello there little fixies did you come to see what i'm working on professor eugenius tell us what you're planning on doing with this huge thing well i hope to use this fantastic device to make contact with aliens since ancient times people have wondered is there life on other planets what might aliens from outer space look like and what kind of spaceships do they travel in there are some people who say that they've seen alien spaceships and that they look like flying saucers there are even some people who say they've actually made contact with aliens but personally i'm sure it's just their fantasy and science hasn't been able to prove any of these stories either the one story that makes me laugh harder than all of the rest comes from a guy who claims that he saw aliens with his own eyes can you believe it he said that there was a group of tiny aliens that look like humans with glowing hair it seems to me that this guy just happened to spot a few fixies who weren't able to hide from him in time [Music] it's ready if i could talk now the aliens are out there flying by the earth they'll see this plate get hungry and come for food aliens don't need a plate like this silly when they've got plates that fly flying saucers you're both silly this thing isn't a plate at all it's an antenna antenna antennas help people receive radio signals they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes like this this or this to pick up a signal that's very weak powerful antennas that are shaped like large dishes worth the best of all when radio waves hit the dish the waves all bounce off of it and gather together into one point this makes the signal stronger and clearer the most powerful dish antennas can even pick up signals from outer space no look stop you'll burn yourself don't treat me like a baby boy okay ah interesting i wonder what's inside of there do you know why don't we go and take a look i was only trying to help him out no need no the soldering iron is way too hot and i'm practically all done here let's start looking for those aliens in outer space just one second no look there oh and now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's see if we can pick up signals from outer space what do you think is it night right now where the aliens live what if they're sleeping quit bothering the professor with your nonsense let us out right now can't you hear us please let us out i'm afraid there's no way they can hear us from this far away i can't hear any signals it just sounds like static be patient you guys and keep listening we all know how clever you are can't you think of a way out of here i think i got it tula you stay there yeah uh i'll use a special code i know to send a signal that we're in trouble hmm wait a second do you hear that could it be a signal from the alien this is sensational it means that somewhere in the cosmos are intelligent forms of life three dots three dashes three dots it's morse code it's a signal for help that they're sending you don't think the aliens are in trouble do you yeah i think so and who do you think they learned morris code from out there yeah that's strange there are hardly any fixies that know that code digit does oh and where is he you know and where's tula well well i think i know exactly with which aliens we made contact i think i know it too professor lower the antenna [Music] greetings to you oh extraterrestrial visitors hi there it's good to be back oh uh what a shame i was really hoping that we'd find intelligent life forms out there it's all right at least we found two unintelligent ones the washing machine look at that simca they're showing titanic on the television hey no look that's not a television that's a machine for washing laundry no way yeah it's just a plain old washing machine nola don't you know uh-uh tell me about it you're such a great explainer inside of a washing machine is a big drum people put their dirty laundry in there and add a special kind of soap called detergent when they turn the washing machine on the drum fills with water and then the motor starts to spin the drum that makes the laundry rub together forcing the soapy water in and the dirt out to make your clothes clean after that all that's left just to get out the water by spinning the drum really fast and sending the water down the drain [Music] oh thanks a lot cynthia i always wondered why would you want to put laundry inside a television are you joking with me uh-huh oh i'll show you a funny joke get over here [Music] she's got headphones on we'll see she doesn't hear anything except the music [Music] now she'll come back add the soap turn on her television and watch the second part of the movie again with the jokes this time i'm really gonna let you have it [Music] no just do what i say i came up with a plan what's your plan to run away [Music] who's here hello [Music] bump up [Music] there are a lot of things to keep in mind with a washing machine to use it right for example do you know what can happen if you wash red and white shirts together well the white one might just turn pink no it's not because it's embarrassed but because some of the color from the red shirt happened to get onto the white one another important thing to remember is to empty your pockets before you wash your clothes things like keys nails and chewing gum might not only ruin your clothes but they can destroy the washer too and this isn't only about little stuff big things like music players and mobile phones have managed to find their way into the washing machine oh sure these things look nice and clean after a good washing but they certainly don't seem to want to work anymore and never ever put a pet inside of a washing machine that's just no place for a living thing [Music] you know what simka i've never been laundered in my entire life we better get out of here no lick right now and the faster the [Music] better come on let's get going and what about you saka what about you saka let her get washed up a little in there maybe it'll make her nicer but she could drown the poor thing [Music] i don't think we can do this alone we should get help from tom thomas's mother [Music] one two [Music] she moved out of the way [Music] huh what is that oh my goodness [Music] oh my sweet little baby how did you get in there you wait right here in the tub and i'll go get you a towel [Music] so you wild little beast looks like we saved your life we're friends now no like sure doesn't look like she wants to be our friend so what do we do now same old plan run [Music] the dvd [Music] [Music] get away from here so where did it go oh here it is hey there tom thomas so what's on the desk hi there nolick hi there simka it's a cartoon about gulliver in the land of lillypoo my friend genie let me borrow it i have it till tomorrow and what's the story about well it's about this guy who gets shipwrecked where people are just so teeny teeny tiny fixies you mean no not fixies lilliputians little fusions uh-huh you know what simka i think that you fix these might have come from those little fusions no way our grandpa told us a completely different story of the pixies when something is very well made then the saying goes that it was made with just a little bit of salt in old times craftsmen made things to last and in each appliance they would leave just a little piece of their soul those little pieces of their soul would turn into tiny craftsmen called fixies who would then make the appliance their home and take care of it every day and that's how the very first fixies came about but as the years have passed fewer things are being made by hand and more and more things are getting made by machines and factories that means there are less and less new fixies coming from human souls luckily fixies can fall in love with each other and have their own family raising their children and teaching them well so they'll grow up to become skillful and honest master fixie repairman so you're mistaken we're not lilliputians at all we're fixies yeah fixies [Music] listen tom thomas why don't you show us the movie yeah yeah i want to learn about lilly pushes too really i do sure i'll show you [Music] oh no what's going on i broke it up i can't give her back a disc that's messed up don't panic we'll take a look at it come lay it down over here [Music] tom thomas why is this disco covered in jelly because i was touching it with my fingers i mean what else it's obvious you don't know how a disc works at all and you know how it works yeah i know [Music] if we take a look at a digital disk through a powerful microscope we can see rows of tiny valleys of different lengths these valleys are actually a code for the cartoons games or music recorded onto the disc inside a disc player a laser beam reads the code and helps turn it back into pictures and sounds but if you scratch the disc or smudge the disc with dirty fingers the laser can't read it and the disc won't play that's why you need to keep discs clean and stored in cases [Music] so that's why you should only hold discs along the edges and when you're done watching them you have to put them back inside their boxes and what about this one do we have to get rid of it not so fast no look this calls for a major cleaning let's get the brooms [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay tom thomas check the disc there you go now you're holding it right [Music] hooray the disc works fine hooray now we can watch the movie about the lilliputians hey gulliver why are you sitting there you've seen this movie already i know and what what what look at that pile of discs where do you need to put them huh in their boxes the pack-a-mat [Music] uh simca can i have the pacomat i'd like to practice with it a little before the exam take it you're really good with that thing good i couldn't be any worse with it i wanted a vacuum cleaner actually you were pretty close there he did manage to get the hose at least this is not at all funny in order to get a tool out of a pac-man a fixie must not only press the button on his chest but he must also clearly picture exactly the tool he needs by the time they are adults this is easy for fixies to do but while they're children they must study hard to master this important skill as fixies learn about new tools they take exams to prove they know how they work and if they pass an exam the new tool is added to their pack amounts and there's no end to what you can find inside screwdrivers hammers ladders vacuums and even soldering irons but many of the tools that fixies use look quite different from the ones that humans have and the reason for this is very simple it's because fixies have to fix appliances that are much bigger than they are uh i just wish i knew which tool was gonna be on that exam i got it you just stay right here [Music] it's a secret um it's too bad but i'm sure you can keep a secret right of course then i'll tell you today's exam is on pliers you see you won't tell anyone will ya not a chance ah i'll never pass it you will he's gonna ask about pliers huh how could you know that it's a secret okay digit see if you can get the pliers out of there a pair of pliers is a great tool indeed to grab and turn things it's the tool that you need [Music] just be careful how you use them all your fingers you could bruise them pliers are a great tool indeed [Music] [Applause] it's not really me you should be thanking [Music] chris thanks a lot for what the secret what secret about the pliers oh that you know i picked a new topic um i decided that the hammer will be the tool a hammer only it's a secret i remember the topic i changed it's a hammer you're sure about that totally all right i'll try to do it a hammer is a great tool indeed [Music] [Music] that's only if he asks me about a hammer i'll be right back grandpa's it's a hammer for sure nah a hammer would be way too easy for those kids so now it is a drill a drill but only that's a secret now i know there's no doubt about it at all [Music] [Music] is great tool indeed and if it's not a drill right hammers wrenches drill screwdrivers vices mallet saws and pliers all of these are super duper great tools yes indeed that's all that's enough of this i'll just go and take the exam [Music] digit come on in um professor well what do you want to ask me on today's exam nothing you already passed what you mean you're not gonna ask me anything at all no need you're excellent at getting tools out of a pachmat but how could you know that that's a secret and we fixies sure know how to keep secrets the key card [Music] oh why thank you i've been longing for a cup of tea yes there's no tea left in here then i'll go ask lisa if she has some look professor you genius you forgot the key [Music] the key don't close the door cinka you must be joking that's a key this is nothing but a plastic card but it is a key a special kind it's called a key card to open up the combination lock you need to enter a code in the correct order that means if you can't remember the code you can't open the lock but if the lock uses a key card there isn't any code to memorize because the code is held inside the card's memory and the lock can read the code from the card of course key cards don't work with any lock they have to be smart locks that are able to read electronic codes when the smart lock reads the correct code it opens right up [Music] elisa do we have any tea here of course professor you genius wonderful i'll take one bag then oh i left my key inside the lab can i borrow yours just don't forget to give it back of course i'll give it back come on elisa i got myself a tea bag professor genius the water's boiling fantastic wait a second ah oh no i was supposed to give something back to elisa why don't you go and ask her right i'll be right back professor you genius that's card number two now [Music] elisa i promised you something didn't i yes the key you said you'd return it yeah sure let me get it just a sec oh i locked it in the lab it's terrible how will you ever get back into the laboratory now you see there is one way but it's a secret would you mind leaving for a couple of minutes colleague professor can you do me a little favor the key i think i left it on the table yeah right it's true so how do we solve this i need to think about it what's there to think about we just have to go and push it under the door you think you can do it yeah it's time to get to work hey what's going on oh were you just calling for me yeah uh no lisa not for you it's so heavy do you know where digit ran off to digits off somewhere thinking he's always doing that when it's time to work ugh hard to hard to starboard way to go nolik then who were you talking to actually oh what's that where what what was that come on let's try again look do you see that ah that it's a telekinesis it's the power to transport things with your mind you are just astounding was that done with your mind too the door yeah sure you are a genius [Music] professor eugenius is a very talented scientist and a dear old friend of the fixies he always helps the fixies and the fixies are happy to help him too professor eugenius let the fixie set up their school right here at his laboratory it's hard to imagine a better place for a fixie school people from all over the city bring all sorts of things to the laboratory to be tested from computers phones and furniture to food and toys professor eugenius uses his expertise to check the quality of all these different things to help him carry out his experiment his laboratory is filled with a variety of tools and machines yes professor eugenius is a very smart man but he can be absent-minded lucky for him he's got us pixies around [Music] thanks for everything sliding the key card under the door that was simka's awesome idea but the door opened wide while the card was still on the floor that's strange there's nothing strange about it i don't want to open it i climbed in the lock that's all figured out how it worked and titty very clever that's a real tadish i guess that thinking before you go and fix something ought to be what we all study next
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 967,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики Π½Π° английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, Π»ΡƒΠ½Ρ‚ΠΈΠΊ Π½Π° английском языкС, the fixes, фіксіки Π°Π½Π³Π»Ρ–ΠΉΡΡŒΠΊΠΎΡŽ, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: Zj6DmAvpyf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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