The tools/spares we carry when trail riding and/or racing hard enduro

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hi this is Karl from technical enduro skills training school today we'll be looking at what tools we carry with us when we do trail riding or when we erase we'll look at a couple of different scenarios and we'll talk to you about what decisions did we make that a scenario based based on our level of risk and our level of experience and the sort of stuff that we choose to take with us whether we're a trail riding whether we're racing we look at three different scenarios today we'll look at just regular trail riding you're out in the wild Wales English countryside whatever with a group of friends you're TRF guys you're Clubman guys just friends out for a ride it's not about time it's not about moving as fast as you can it's not necessarily about saving the most gonna wait in that scenario it might be that you just wanna really not delay the ride you've given up a day and you want to get around and do your loop and get back to the cars with no problems um when you're racing this different gunner racing right there's closed course racing your hair and Hounds your time cards your valleys extreme what are you doing a lap of a certain area you might take different things with you for that race because you know you have a pitted area where you can leave stuff you can leave specially leave clubs you can leave other things there and then your other races your multi-day extreme hardener events like Red Bull Romaniacs roof of Africa etc you might be navigating a eighty to a hundred mile course out of the mountains where there may be a service point sure but it's halfway along you may be thirty miles from anywhere if you're an expert level pro kind of guy you might be very confident in your in your bike skills you may be willing to take a bit more risk carry less with you so that you can move faster and use less energy on the other side of it you might be a guy that I've spent a huge amount of money three four thousand pounds to to get to Romania to do the Red Bull Romaniacs and you want to finish and so you might be willing to carry a little bit more stuff with you in case some eventualities and causes a breakage or something it's entirely up to you what you decide to carry this is what we carry and we'll talk through the decisions that we make and what we carry in the different scenarios you've got to find what works for you you got to put together a list of stuff that is relevant to the particular day or the particular race or the particular scenario that that you're going for so yeah take from the video what works for you and we'd love to hear any great ideas you have we like to learn as well we certainly don't think that we know it all so if there's anything that you that you do that you think is clever put in the comments below we'd love to hear from you okay just a quick update on the Endura pro seat bag this is the seed bag fitted to a up to 2019 KTM TBI seat right here you know this sort of just slips over slides into place and then the seat bolt holds it firmly in place the problem is on the new 2020 bikes KTM has changed the seat design how it fits you can see if I bring it a bit closer you can see that there's a new channel with two new slots unfortunately that channel fits quite quite close to the tank so when you slide it in there it really isn't space for anything else do you be in there with it and and so the seed bag in his current form doesn't quite fit on the 20/20 seat um I've come up with a temporary solution to the problem done so all I've done is I've slit the bag on it's normal and I've stapled it using normal seat staples all the way down the edges and I've just cut out the middle bit from there it works absolutely perfectly the seat is very very firm the seat bag very firm on the seat the way that it's held on is it's just not gonna come off seat bags are only 20 quid it's not the end of the world if you need to replace your seat cover for any reason under the staples restate the material if you use the air it's really really quite strong worse worst-case scenario chucking the burn by another one until we come up with a better solution for the 2020 bikes we're working on a couple of new things so watch this space but in the meantime if you've got a 2020 bike you want a user and Aeropress heat bag this is the way to do it okay so what you see in front of you is the full collection of all the tools that we'll be carrying if we go out for a big trail ride with a group of buddies out the mountains usually a number of guys usually riding ability vary greatly so we'll choose to carry more tools than usual just to keep the right moving to make sure that we can we can deal and handle most eventualities last thing you want is for a small little thing to get you stuck in the mountains ruins everybody's day and this way you can deal with most eventualities so what have we got so what we do is we take a pre old air filter we roll it up nice and tightly in a ziplock bag weighs absolutely nothing Chuck that in your backpack and don't even know it's there but you've got it in case you accidentally drown a bike small ziplock bag with just a collection of nuts and bolts and things that you know you might need somebody loses a bulb or a circular pool or hose or something you've got it clutch and brake levers gear lever these things do tend to break when bikes are dropped and thrown and so forth and so handy to have them if you've got psycrow hand guards it's rare that you'd need these but you never know some something weird could happen and so forth I have broken a gear leaver before on a rock the bike fell over so that's definitely worthwhile having Leatherman tool this is a pretty special Leatherman tool it's called the Leatherman OHT OHT stands for one-handed tool you can access every one of this Leatherman tools functions with one hand I usually carry this with me even when I'm racing in case of an injury at least you can still access everything using one hand and it's a very useful tool to have and this is also my pliers for when I deal with with the rest of the stuff down here eight ten twelve thirteen mill spanners and there's a fourteen up there that I've modified by cutting the end off that lives in my motion pro chain tool case we'll talk about that individually we've got some allen keys your standard KTM set here talks tools a clamp saw blade spoke wrench your standard KTM tool and a 19 mil socket we'll talk about that separately and individually over here we'll talk about this little bag on its own that's our little save our bacon bag this little critter pouch that we use to carry everything together it's basically a random collection of small spares that we've needed in the past and every time we we need one ie I add one to the bag the next Roy to make sure that we don't need it again as luck would have it assumes it seems that if it's in the bag we never need it again so that's just Murphy's Law on here and how it goes a little bit of lock wire that can get you out of trouble for for from for out of many situations we've got these hose clips this is actually a single hose clip it's extremely long it's 700 long you buy this from Halfords stainless steel it's one house clip - to be all those clips I mean you can you can fit this around pretty much anything you can use it and make it small you can use it for whatever large job you need to do over on the right hand side you've got some really large ten mil cable ties and in a regular collection of other cable ties and at the same time for the TPI bikes we've got the enduro Pro siphoning hose all of the fuel-injected bikes two-stroke and four-stroke I've got a fuel pump in the tank so it's not easy to get fuel from one bike to another bike in case somebody runs out of fuel this little govern allows you to drop that in you'll shake it up and down and it starts sucking fill up this tube and it's very easy to get fuel from your bike onto another bike if one of your buddies have got a little problem ok all the tools you see in front of you now fits inside this little Ross wheel cheap bicycle frame bag this was bought from a normal bicycle store it's a fairly strong case we've got the this the external straps I'm offered just to make it a bit more smoother this is typically all of the tools that we will fit in this bag and in this bag will actually go into the air box of the bike there's a nice little space by the air box I'll show you it's on there it's off your back it's very good reason to take weight off your back and we'll talk a little bit more about that but I'll put all the tools back in and I'll show you guys where I fit it on the bike there you go all of the tools is now back in this little bag it's a tight fit not gonna lie zips up and you can squeeze it flat you can even put a little bit of electrical tape around this to keep it nice and nice and neat if I show you now where we fit it on the bike you'll you'll have a good idea this is a little air filter disc that my son Jake has designed a prince to mount on his 3d printer he did a school project the reason that we came up with this idea is because the KTM air filter cage has got quite a sharp tip on it you can see inside the air filter there's already an indentation inside the air filter from the pressure created by the air filter cage this little disc slips on top of the the cage and it sits on there nice and firmly and so it provides sort of a wider area contact patch for your air filter when it when it goes on then the main reason why we do this is because we often when we race run tools inside our air box and you've got things potentially rubbing inside and the last thing you need as a hole in your air filter and crap getting into your engine and so a worthwhile little thing to get definitely protects the air filter significantly more than the cage on its own so we're talking a lot about tools today I just want to give a special shout out to one of our friends every now and then a friend comes along that has very questionable ethics around bike maintenance and you know when you're out in group rides and stuff you uh you want to make sure that everybody gets to the end of the day so there are some friends like lease I'll go for example don't bother taking spares and parts and things to fix his bike it might sometimes just be better to bring a whole spare bike along that at least means that everybody will get to the end of it all you know it said you can see here next to the air filter that there's a bit of a hollow it's a very tight fit and it will prevent a tiny bit of air flow to the air filter but we've raced like this many many races everywhere even at altitude never had a performance problem with the bike as I showed you earlier on it is important to fit a little air filter disc to protect your air filter there's a sharp point underneath there on the standard air filter cage you want to make sure that nothing goes through your air filter and so if you squeeze your little baggy flat you work from the top you push it down in to that hollow you'll see that it slides nicely into that little area there and your your cap goes goes on keep cable ties on your bike itself is to just gable tie them straight to your fork leg easy place to store them easy place to get access to them when you need them this is a pretty special combination of tools that we we knew we needed after something happened to Robin one of our riders at the roof of Africa he was going over a rock a rock pushed his chain off and the chain ended up wrapping around the front sprocket it gets sucked into this little space here and for anybody that's ever it is an unbelievable problem because no amount of force can get the chain out of there really the only way that you can address that problem is to remove the swing arm which is exactly what Robin did you managed to flag down another rider who had a 19 mil socket you need a 19 will socket to undo the swing arm and and so that's what he did motion Pro makes a 27 mil adapter your your 19 mil socket fits on top and in that fits inside your KTM tool and it's just a really nice really clean system to use in case you need to remove the swing arm bolt because of a chain that's wrapped around the front sprocket motion Pro makes a real lightweight chain fitting tool chain link removal and fitting tool there are at 65 70 could spare money but it's very lightweight you can carry this in your backpack with you out on the races if ever you do have a chain problem as I've said before some people for reliability reasons they prefer to fit a rivet link this is a pretty much brand new bike and most new bikes come with split link systems and the reality is the vast majority of riders out on the trail still have split link systems fitted to their bikes so this is definitely a worthwhile tool to have what you get in the pouch is effectively a chain tool that that folds up this can come apart you can put that back on this is a pen that can push out the rubber links I've modified a little 14 mil spanner to be able to do to do this I didn't initially know that it required a 14 spanner until I absolutely needed it and then it comes with fitting place and you have blue ones and you have silver ones the silver ones is to remove a link and the blue ones is to put a link back on to squeeze the link plates together to give you enough spice to get the the Rivet link on and so what I also do is I carry two split links one for a regular KTM chain and one for a gold chain just in case they needed my son runs the gold chain I've got the regular chain which is why we have two two different ones it a lot of people say chain ever breaks trust me we've seen it on multiple occasions it's not that the chain breaks it's that the split link wears down it eventually pops off and eventually the the pressure plate works its way loose and the rider just doesn't even know at the next minute you not only have a chain that's off but you have your chain wrapped around your front sprocket it's a it's a world of problems all from a silly little split link and therefore makes a lot of sense to fit rivet links but not everybody wants to go through that a hassle of having to cut the chain when they need to remove the chain for for whatever reason okay let's look and see what we have inside our little save our bacon bag so it's a critter pouch it's stocked full of stuff and the very top here we have emergency space blanket and inside a little bit of lock wire and inside the pouch some headache tablets and a collection of spare fuses in various 10 515 amperages okay we happen to have a spare TPI 20/20 fuel 90 degree connector this is the plastic version they break very very easily so we replaced the one on our bike to 2019 aluminium version and we kept the plastic one in case one of our friends needed on the trail collection of random spare tubing fuel tubing etc you never know where you may need some fuel tubing to stroke oil this is actually if you go to Holland and Barrett and you buy be true concentrated beetroot juice they come any 70 milliliters bottles they're really strong plastic bottles they fantastic for for holding 70 mil and you know that'll do five liters add whatever ratio it is that you might be mixing a little bit of liquid metal this stuff is magic you put a hole in any of your casings you can usually fix it with the stuff we've had to do that I happened to run the nihilo throttle housing and so this one came off my bike this one a spare aid weighs nothing's made of magnesium I had of this espares so I stuck it in a bag in case one of my friends might need it on the trail an extra side stand rubber very useful and exhaust oh ring a bladder mouthpiece we have on occasion had one pulled off the end of our bladders because it gets stuck in a tree or something and it gets gets yanked away we have a little bit of luck why here with a bunch of penny washers very useful we can use penny washers for pretty much anything big light a little bit of electrical tape various hose clamps for your bike in case somebody breaks a clutch perch or a break perch at least you can fit this one over the broken end and it gives you some purchase onto the handlebar so it's useful to have in your your bag a number of split rings they're very good for foot pegs and and other things we have a shaped fuel 90 degree hose these are a bit bit awkward and how they've been shaped and they're very cheap to carry so in case your bike falls over and that hose splits it's a useful addition to your to your tool bag we've got a head torch guys should get stuck out in the dark with some spare batteries spare brake tip these do tend to break believe it or not they seem strong but we've broken two already some more penny washes some brake brake pad retention pens front and back there's two sets here I ride with my son you never know how many you might need some more exhaust Oh rings spare spark plug this is actually a very useful little thing in case you if you fall over and you hurt your your wrist this sort of gives you a little bit of wrist protection and it's very small and it's easy to carry so it's just something that you can have with you to to get some spare gloves and then a seven mil t-bar funny enough it seems the only place anywhere on the world anybody needs a seven mil spanner is to do house clips and so we just chucked one in there because it's easy to do the hose clips and then last just a blade with some tape over it so that it doesn't cut the bag okay would you can see in front of you are three examples of much much smaller much much lighter tool kits these are really a bare-bones down to the very basics if we do closed course racing like hare and hounds or time card we might pick one of these just so that we have something with us in the worst kind of emergencies but we fully expect to potentially be able to get back to the car or the pits to be able to get access to a broader range of spares and tools and so this backhoe kit is available on eBay it contains a little ratchet spanner with you know collection of sockets and and some other bits doesn't weigh a lot doesn't cost a lot you can just drop that somewhere in your backpack or cable tie to your bike it's it's all good motion Pro makes this one it's a small a tall pouch you can see it fits in my hand and it contains a collection of various size sockets Philips flat screwdrivers you can actually take that bit out and connect it as a tea piece into this bit so you have a TP spanner you've got your 12 your 13 and everything else in there and the the 8 is part of that spanner or etc so another little useful one again all motion post office really high quality but they do carry a bit of a premium price point and this is just one I made up myself I think this plastic case was they used to be staples for my staple gun fitted in this and it it pulls apart and I have a little ratchet spanner in there I have various other bits and bobs in there and if I want to use not the ratchet but I want to use a t-connector then I can connect that onto there and onto there you can see that and it's really small really lightweight contains my six my eight my 10 my 12 and so forth and also seven so yeah this is for racing we want to go you'll want to move lighting you want to move fast just a couple of other examples of potential choices you've got some lightweight sheers they don't weigh a lot but they they get you out of trouble if you need to cut someone's clothes off them in in in an accident or you need to remove a strap or or you'll get stuck in some orange truck marker tape that might be a quick way of getting you out of trouble this is a different form of chain compression tool chain link compression tool a motion Pro makes these you can buy them on eBay they work equally well this is a motion Pro t-bar it's not very big you can see it and it comes with an 8 to 10 or 12 and a 13 I've just used a little bit of lock wire to keep the hold together and this is just really an example of a cable clip I had I needed it on this side of the trail at that time I was never carrying allen keys with it and it turns out this one needed an allen key to work and so it's just a good example of making sure that you've got the right tools to use the spares that you've got with you your trail backpack we use Krieger parks phenomenal pieces of kid I've just replaced it with with this one but I fused the same back since 2013 my first Romaniacs and I've used it hundreds of times every year they are just fantastic really good things the main point is you want to keep your backpack as light as possible we'll show you why in a minute what me and my son do is we attach a whistle to the chest strap of the backpack just in case you have a crush you've trapped under your bike or you're trapped in a weird way at least you can attract the tension using the whistle and it's a bit better than trying to shell when you're when you're injured so that's something to look at one very important tip when doing big rides especially multiple hours races multi-day races is try and keep your backpack as light as possible and we see a lot of guys racing multi-day races with full belt kids huge amount of tools and weight on their backs imagine this every single time you're riding your bike and you're standing up off the pegs and sitting down and standing up off the pegs and sitting down you're effectively lifting that weight and over for days lifting a kilo twice a minute six hours a day you're pretty much lifting half an elephant it is a crazy amount of weight that people don't think about and so it's very very important keep as much weight off your back put it on the bike if you can it also allows you to stay agile on bike and move around make sure you get on the back and get right over the front yeah that's it hope you enjoyed the video if you did hit subscribe we'll be producing a few more videos as we we have some new ideas if you've got any questions if there's any videos you'd like to see but will main suggest them equally like we said in the beginning if you've got any clever tools or spares ideas where to put them on the bike what sort of stuff to carry by all means share it down on the comments we love to learn new things as well so thanks for watching
Channel: Technical Enduro Skills Training
Views: 26,061
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Id: _IRgJgGdjsA
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Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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