How To: Basic Pivot Turn

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hey guys carla technical enduro skills training school just a very quick tips and tricks video on how to do pivot turns or how to get the front wheel up off the ground very very easily um there's four basic steps and we'll show you a couple of different uh ways of of of learning each step independently and then you're going to put all the steps together so the first in the process is we're going to find the clutch bite point we want to start a front wheel lift with the clutch already on the bike point of the bike that means the power is available to your fingertip straight away okay the second step in the process is a preload of the suspension we're going to do this in many different ways when we're standing on a bike or sitting on the bike or or we're on a hillside but you want to facilitate the preload of the suspension and then as that suspension starts traveling back up you're going to shift your body weight back you're going to pull back on the handlebars not up back and you're going to feed power in very slowly or easily with the clutch and the throttle at the same time and the wheel will just come up super easy and i'll show you different techniques to get the one then the next step right and then we'll do a technique where we'll put them all together to find the clutch bite point the simplest way to do this we found is find a little bit of an incline or a bank you're going to sit on your bike in first gear and you're going to roll forward up the bank and you're going to let the bike roll back and then you're going to catch the bike on the clutch pipe point there are other ways to know that you're on the clutch bite point you can start the engine you can hold the front brake and you can let the clutch out against the front brake very easy and you can actually feel the rear mud guard lifting up have a look now at this point we know we're on the clutch pipeline that's where you want to start from so the first step was finding the clutch bite point now that you've got that dialed we're looking at the second step in the process the second step is the preload you can you can you can facilitate the preload in many different ways if i just sit on the bike and i hold the front brake i can throw my body weight forward and backwards if i'm off the bike i can just push down through the foot peg the preload is a very crucial part of any front way lift because what you're doing is you're taking the mass of the bike in and downwards direction and the springs are actually assisting you and helping to bring that bike up you can lift the front wheel off the ground just using the suspension of the bike with no engine on have a look so what you want to do is create that condition and all you're going to do is once the bike starts traveling up you're going to assist it a little bit with power okay so watch again i'm holding the front brake i'm holding the rear brake just to lock the rear wheel in place so the bike doesn't roll back and i do a deep reload and i move my body weight forward and backwards no engine power required okay now we're gonna put step one and step two together so i'm gonna find the clutch pipe point i'm gonna then hold the front brake and i'm gonna do a preload forward and back and as i'm the bike starts coming back i'm gonna feed a little bit of power in with the clutch and the throttle and the wheel will come up very easily listen to my engine i won't be revving at a huge amount i'm going to be using the preload of the bike to do as much of the work as possible okay white point quarterback okay now that you can put the clutch bite point the preload and the lift together on flat ground or against the bank all you want to practice next is you want to line yourself up slightly angled up on a bank raise your front wheel up a tiny bit so that the initial lifting part is a little bit easier more weight will be on your rear wheel which will provide a little bit more rear grip i'm standing off the bike i've got my foot on this foot peg i'm not covering the brake because while the bike is on the clutch bite point the rear wheel is locked into place so that's that'll hold the bike won't roll back okay so it's very important you're on the right place with the clutch pipe point the second thing is i'm going to do a preload in this case i'm going to hold the front brake but i'm going to push simultaneously through my arms and my legs to make the bike do a nice preload and as soon as the bike reloads i'm going to move my body weight back i'm going to pull back on the handlebars i'm going to give a little bit of power with the clutch in the throttle and the bike will just come up we want the bike to come up so i'm not leaning the bike over i'm trying to keep the bike as upright as i can i want to pull back on the bars the bike should come up and then i'm going to use a small pushing motion to turn the bike on its axis and put the front wheel at 12 o'clock i don't want to pull the bike because if i if i pull the bike over it'll just fall on the side so what you want to do is a forward push on the suspension and a rearwards pull against the bike's desire to go forward when you give it power and the bike will just come up the bike is upright find the clutch bite point there it is hold the front brake preload that's it you can just work your way around same thing in the other direction clutch bite point preload pull back a little bit of power the bike will come up turn the bike off other little exercises you can do on the bank it's really relatively safe because you're much less likely to loop the bike out so get yourself up onto a nice deep bank put your body weight back on the seat which makes the front really light and then you can just play around using the clutch and throttle a little bit of body movement to make the front wheel light to move the front wheel around and eventually you can start practicing static holds just want to get used to where that light point is so exactly the same technique or sequence of events applied with marginal differences helps you pivot turning over a log as well i'm standing on the log with my left foot my other foot is on the foot peg i'm going to hold the front brake so that i can do a nice preload of the bike against the front brake and then i'm going to just pivot the bike over i'm going to try and hold the bike as upright as possible i'm going to pre-load i'm going to pull back on the bars front wheel's going to come up i'm going to turn the bike over and i'm going to ride over the log first gear bite point reload remember the preload is an incredibly important part of getting the front wheel off the ground because you're compressing the springs and the springs are assisting you so even with the engine off you can do a front wheel lift it's pretty much the same technique when you're starting to learn uh slow wheelies uh i'm gonna in this instance put my weight back on the seat when i just dangle both legs on the ground for balance i'm gonna find the clutch bite point when i do a preload i'm going to shift my weight forward and back pull on the bars the bike's just going to come up and you're going to just practice lifting it a little bit a little bit more a little bit more each time so that hopefully you don't have a loop at moment because i'm not covering the rear brake in this exercise if i am to loop the bike out i'll normally let go with one arm so that the bike goes to the left or the bike goes to the right and it normally saves the rear mudguard okay you don't need a lot of engine power remember the preload is we're doing most of the work so you
Channel: Technical Enduro Skills Training
Views: 173,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XdppIp1W3Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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