The Grim Reaper Build Progression In Deepwoken..

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[Music] all right I'm to Upper carut into dark blade oh okay we're actually just folding like [ __ ] five stars like it's nothing bro this build is like bro this is going to be so good that ooh my God we're power 10 already killing [ __ ] power 20s all right guys so in today's video we're going to be progressing the grimy progression I know I've been saying I'm going to be doing this for a while but like I finally got around to doing it I grinded for like I'll say it took me like it only took me like half an hour to 40 minutes to get the heroing enchant Stone and bro it looks so drip it's basically just ification but like with like an awesome effect around it and obviously we're going to be going gam in this H TI variant as well I'm looking drippy as [ __ ] right now I'm not going to lie um so for this build the build that we're going to be making it's just going to be a class like a normal build I don't need to shine of order on this build so I make it good so um I'm going just tell you guys the stats I'm going to be going 100 heavy weapons so I went 75 in the trial of one just so I can get the weapon like equipped with the in and everything uh it's going to make progressing as avoid war a lot easly CU obviously we're doing avoidable progression cuz with the Grim Reaper um we're going to be going 100 heavy weapon 80 Shadow cost we can get level five Shadow monsters 65 agility for cheap shot on tap downa uh 50 fortude for reinforced blood Shadow all that good [ __ ] and then uh 40 strength uh so we can get show stopper actually no sorry not 100 heavy weapon 90 heavy we can't get 100 heavy weapon with this build um but I'm two years to shine of order and it's only 10 point difference in my M1 so like I I I really couldn't get less Al I got this thing called the zap stream bro and apparently it's like extremely rare and I can't lie actually it looks drippy as [ __ ] so I might make like a lightning build uh with one of these I'll try and grind for one but yeah for now we're just going to be uh we're just going to be going with this look here okay so let's start our bounties um I really want to level up my shadow cost I really want to get uh 504 trude and My Shadow cost leveled up as well uh so I can get blood Shadow like ASP cuz blood Shadow is going to be very very good and like help me with ganking and Sh like that it's going to just it's going to make the progression a lot easier all right Co I'm TP into a four star right now and I'm literally like a I'm a power 10 so this guy's definitely going to be a way higher level than me but you know it is what it is all right let's go crazy the thing I like the most about this um uh this weapon the Scythe is that it has the it has my favorite crit it has the great uh great a crit which is so [ __ ] cool instag all right let's okay we got that oh yeah Onslow as well I love this Mantra onl is actually the coolest Mantra like in the game right now it's my new favorite Mantra onl I love it so much I want to show it to you guys but like it's best it's kind of hard to land but yeah it does insta guard break and it gives you high when you're using it which is good okay this guy can't see his health okay combo oh he pared a second hit okay okay I didn't even know you could do that I'm not going to lie all right okay I don't have any ether right now bro this guy okay he's he's decent in the game but I wouldn't say he's like that good okay let's go crazy with this can I Upp aut into Onslaught ooh oh my bro I actually love Onslaught so much bro GG what kind of Guild name is that LE sweaty void Walker okay bro uh let's see what he had on him he didn't have anything oh wait actually never mind he had some good stuff actually hold on and show St I needed that um wait can we craft the we have fine ink paper yeah we can craft the [ __ ] helmet now but I'm to days to go to luminance so I'm probably going to die before I even craft it um and there's nothing good in here all right cool oh I got the name Grim R cuz it kind of sounds like Grim Reaper a little bit okay chill chill chill all right let's see if there's anyone else we can gank uh that's a five star I don't I don't really feel like y you know [ __ ] it bro let's gank a five star [ __ ] it bro level 10 gank and a five star let's see if we can beat this guy bro if I had blood Shadow I'll tell you now I would be ganking five stars without any hesitation I want blood Shadow so badly all right let's hit him with the Revenge okay the Revenge didn't miss let's see if he looks for me no way he looks on me no way he looks from me all right cool we're chilling we're chilling he can't now okay we'll see okay Onslaught inst the G break I [ __ ] love Onslaught so much Onslaught is my new favorite mod I [ __ ] love it so much all right M2 okay oh he's Shadow as well nice I don't even see that s sh to her I'm kind of blind okay F into that okay uppercut on SL oh you par that [ __ ] okay that I'm okay I'm suppos to Broken okay let's uh let's vent him backwards okay upper cut okay I don't have any ether to oh my God bro I have a blood this gem on my shadow gun right now but cuz I have a blood SP on it I'm actually going to have to put a blue gem bro cuz I just can't use Manas like early game I'm going to need to put a blue jum on everything soz I just don't have any ether at all okay M2 okay nice Dodge nice Dodge let's try and Onslaught him [ __ ] I missed okay uppercut perfect into ooh okay he is probably still like half HP cuz he's a [ __ ] five star bouncy he's like max level uppercut okay perfect I really want to get spine Carter as well I don't have spine car yet oh Eclipse kick I forgot that move existed you know I actually really want to get Eclipse kick on this build okay okay okay I'm throwing so hard TI that I don't have any ether yeah bro what's even worse is that he's Shadow so he's taking all my ether bro okay okay okay oh we actually [ __ ] him up we actually [ __ ] him up we actually [ __ ] him up okay on oh [ __ ] dodged it bro he has to be low there's no way he has to be low I refuse to believe that this guy is not low hurry that ooh my God we're power 10 already killing [ __ ] power 20s what inchant uh actually it's called Haring right I'm pretty sure it's called Haring all right cool oh my god he has a [ __ ] ton of stuff on him okay let me just take everything okay he had a bunch of shell stuck finding all that [ __ ] as well bro we can literally C bro I might just bank one of these so I could just craft the the mask on like all of my accounts bro like look how much look how much I have five finding two Shell Shell stock Shell stock okay I accidentally called it shell shock before and then I got two paper as well all right cool let's see how much we can level up our shadow cost I do really want to level up my shadow cost like a lot once I get uh actually wait let me look it up for one sec all right cool you only need 40 Shadow cost so once I get up to like 40 shadow cast then I'm going to immediately start uh going over to what's his name Brutus Big Brutus uh so I can get 504e and get reinforc and all that good [ __ ] cuz I do want to get um 54 to ASAP and that's just the fastest way I we power up with power 11 already let's see what we get uh W's claw I might get W's claw but I also do really want to get the shadow car Sun so I'm going get W claw for now um but I'm definitely going to start getting the Shadow Card tal silus still kickoff uh I'm going get silus St I don't need kickoff right now to be fair it's a good tal I have but I don't need it right now ooh dog good is good as well I need to get all these shadow C challenge cuz I'm I'm running out of ether so much okay now we can start getting audition as well oh yeah by the way I'm on this board I'm going six a Edition uh six F cuz like I just I just I just love that bro it's not favorite it's my favorite combo 6 36 Edition all right cool we're in a new solo we're finding this guy called H this time um but appar like it says that there's like five people here and there's a bunch of people in the same thingy so he's a five star as well so hopefully I can get a One V one on him uh without his friends intervening hopefully he's by himself okay let's go okay cool one hit on him already perfect okay that's M2 upper cut into Onslaught oh [ __ ] I would have been [ __ ] sick that would have been [ __ ] sick okay him with that entire BR spark to the face yep that's what it's cool now it's not Co shadon is called BL Spar all right come on okay into our revenge into M2 into upper cut into SL oh a every time oh he's F tro that's cold all right come on okay par that he made me b n I have to kill you now there's no way you're making me B like that okay M to him again UT on slau oh okay hold on P come on attack me attack me all right I'm to uput into dog blade oh okay we're actually just folding like [ __ ] five stars like it's nothing bro this build is like bro this build is going to be so good why can't why can't I bro what okay let's see oh my god he has so much [ __ ] [ __ ] on him bro um okay cool I'm definitely going to see if I can craft any like schematics bro cuz in the last uh PR a lot of people are making fun of me uh cuz I was power 20 still working with the base [ __ ] traveler cloak I'm definitely going to try and craft armor in this video Al how the [ __ ] do I fix my what the hell bro he gave me a whole ass [ __ ] bit bro what is this man n no no no we're switching up bro give me my hair back fam give me my hair back and my pressure stole me to my natural hair look what happens bro he's actually I'm just I'm [ __ ] okay we we're remaining as this for the rest of the progression I guess oh my God bro all right cool we're putting on the Dark sciss Helmet for this bro I can't bro I'm not being bulled Fam I'm not being bulled all right there's a bunch of free stars I do really want to I like uh the higher level bounties give you more p uh but I guess I don't mind doing some level three bounties cuz they're still going to be higher level than me anyways I'm only Power 11 and they're all the way up there great okay cool let's go up here all right so my void I bugged out but I'm going to use this to my advantage I'm going to just grind my shadow cuz like I'm not gaining any Shadow from these gangs I'm doing all my damage from m1's so I'm going to just quickly chain my shadow C until it gets to 40 and then I'm going to cut to you know when I have 40 Shadow CS all right cool I only have to kill two freshes we're already up to 40 Shadow CS so now we can finally get blood Shadow so I'm going to go and head over I have a [ __ ] ton of exp cuz I've been doing like I've done like two five star Bounties in a fourar one now so I have a [ __ ] ton of exp so I'm going to go all the way over to Fort Meritt and talk to Brutus and let him hit me for a little bit and then get to 54 TR I'll just cut to when I get there um cuz I really do want to get uh blood Shadow and like reinforce all that good [ __ ] uh for this like for this progression cuz it's just going to it's going to allow me to bust raid like way easier if I have blood Shadow I'm telling you now blood Shadow is just that good bro all right cool what I had to do to get my headb I just had to Ser hope okay that's fine well I I join the same server again but still you get what I mean um bro I can't bro f is so [ __ ] annoying to fight like it's not like like the moves aren't the annoying thing it's the fact that they they make you bll bro and give you a bit like bro no stop changing my hair all right cool you powered up let's see what we get um to go spine car bro spine c car is going to be so [ __ ] nice of a heavy weapon um Dark Hours uh yeah sure what I know uh Whispers from the deep okay okay now we're starting to get good [ __ ] I still don't know if the Ving ey is good people say that [ __ ] and then some people say it's good so I'm going to just burn it for now I don't really want Dash in my thingy but I'm not going to BU it though um I'm going to get Shadow assault for now cuz Shadow assault is a very very very good move uh let me put I'll put oh [ __ ] it's going to use if I put it there okay uh where I don't know what to put Shadow s Fam I'm going be real I actually don't know to put it I'm going put it there and then put on there okay fine all right cool let's go over to Fort mer damn bro this enchant is just so [ __ ] drippy I love it also yeah heavy weapons going to be the last thing that I train on this build like I got to 75 heavy weapon in the trial just so I can equip this [ __ ] and like you know progress with the [ __ ] Haring and cuz it's cool as [ __ ] and plus I enjoy ganking uh five stars and being able to actually kill them cuz I don't do like one tick per damage um so yeah I kind of enjoy making M shine of water builds for woodw progressions it's actually really fun um but yeah I'm not going to be training any of my heavy weapon until like the very very end I'm actually just going to look it for now cuz like why the [ __ ] not okay I actually un it um so yeah I'm going to probably yeah I'm going to get 5042 now get reinforced 100% get all the like blood Shadow all that good [ __ ] and then after I got 504 trud I'm going to immediately start uh training agility cuz I do want to get my agility talents as well um but yeah I'm also going to train Shadow C on the side uh I'm probably going to get 40 strength loss cuz it's only one talent that I need from strength which is uh [ __ ] showstopper so yeah that's the last thing I'm probably going to train uh cuz I've already got span carton that's the main thing that I wanted also for this build a lot of people telling me to go contractor but in my opinion I think link Strider would kind of suit it more plus I already went contract to in the last progression so it's going to be kind of rep repetitive doing the same [ __ ] so I feel like link Shadow would be a nice thing to get um also for the Bell we're definitely going to be getting draw of Soul someone gave me that idea and I thought it was a [ __ ] amazing idea cuz we're literally the Grim Reaper so like jar of Soul just use it perfectly but yeah I was thinking about this the other day why don't they make a new fire puff like instead of aure flames why don't they make a new fire puff that you need like like 50 or like 60 Shadow car 60 flame trom and it makes your [ __ ] Flames like black like you get black flames and instead of burning people it's got like an amuru effect kind of like instead of burning them they just they just stay on fire and it drains their ether and Tempo slowly instead of [ __ ] burning them I feel like that would be a [ __ ] sick idea what do you guys think like instead of their Flames burning them it [ __ ] drains their ether and Tempo cuz that's kind of what shadow does already and like just it just makes so much sense that would be a [ __ ] sick idea and then if you have the flame hero blade and makes your herob blade [ __ ] pitch black that would be so sick all right K we powered up again with power 13 already this is going very very nicely strong stun ooh strong side ain't bad you know the V is also very very good so I'm going to get the V for now I'm trying to get like as many Shadow tals as possible um cuz I made the mistake of not doing that in the last progression I was also going dual a in the last progression uh heavy hits your bro that's just that's just amazing why would I not get that uh let's see what else there is B clam war of spy fast blade uh I'm going to get war of spy I do like War spy KY helps it helps out sometimes okay cool Power 13 all right I'm going to keep on going uh we're pretty much halfway there all right cool unfortunately it says I've learned what I can from training now we're almost there as well we're Lally like 8 points off and I'm only one point away from leveling up so yeah I'm going to quickly regener Max I've got my bill base skill base here anyway so I can just reset at any point um but yeah I'm definitely going to go and do a few more ganks in this level get my experience up come back here get 54 etc etc and then we're going to find hopefully get reinforced on blood Shadow cuz I I I really do want blood Shadow on this build like that's like one of the main parts of this build and imagine imagine blood Shadow plus link Strider like the blood suck move oh my God bro this build's going to be crazy all right there are a [ __ ] ton of people at SL swep like like a lot of people and they're all like they all seem to be together so I'm going to quickly go and gank this guy I got a bouny on him C I think he might be AFK right now okay never mind I just heard someone hit something up there but I'm definitely going to get like 4V one I'm calling it now I'm going to get 41 bro and this would be the perfect time for me to have bloodshadow so I can actually like bust ra easily uh all right how the [ __ ] am I supposed to get up to where they are bro how am I bro how do you get up there hello all right cool we should definitely be able to level up now I'm going to put that into fortude all right let's see what cards we get B clim metor blood Le that CL 100% get that CL that's just an amazing talent to have uh speed emission concussion [ __ ] it bro I'm going to get concussion I'm going just get all these strength talents bro all these strength and fory talents ooh okay I'm definitely getting shade wh I've never actually used shade whs before I don't know what it does um but I'm definitely going to be trying it out on this video here uh let me put that there instead and uh yeah that's fine all right let's equip shade I want to see what it looks like okay okay oh that's actually kind of cool that's kind of [ __ ] cool all right cool we have a little pet now we got another fourstar bounty on this guy called L time to see what uh shade actually does okay and there's like 20 people here okay let's see if we can uh One V one oh what the [ __ ] yo that's cool that's actually kind of [ __ ] cool all right he has the new uh flame moncher which is nice okay him with that uper okay never mind I'm missed okay M2 okay he's actually good at parion I I'll give him that okay Shadow rush into [Music] that okay I kind of like this new shade montra I don't know what it does but all I know is that like it just it makes the area around me like black like really dark so they just can't see my I don't think they can see me actually I think it's like an animation Hider maybe someone could tell me in the comments I really have no clue what it does okay that new frame Munch is is so [ __ ] cool I need to make a rang Goku buot immediately okay okay into Shadow gun he hit me before my shadow landed so I don't have any [ __ ] I need to put I'm putting a blue Jam one on S after this gang immediately after this game I still have it right yeah I have one blue J let's hope I don't use it if I die in this G okay Enter Shadow gush okay let's not get hit by that entire [ __ ] barrage that barrage is so cool I actually love that barrage the devs are cooking with these mches man into ons he carried it I mean doged it sorry what am I talking about I'm wling let me just let me let me concentrate bro I need to stop I need to stop wling so much okay okay okay I should have unau there don't have an e for again M2 again into Shadow SL okay on a real note how is this guy not dead yet okay oh he car he he canceled my my [ __ ] M2 okay I don't know what the [ __ ] happened with my on I don't know what happened with my on I'm I'm I'm going to keep it s you actually don't know what [ __ ] happened bro that flame launch is ridiculous that flame launch is actually broken I don't know how he wasn't dead as well oh of course you lost the [ __ ] blue Jem yeah I don't know how that guy wasn't dead I'm going to keep it a buck of you bro I really have no clue why that guy wasn't dead I think bro if there something do with shade with like making my M1 scale of Shadow was something and making me do less M M1 damage I swear to God bro cuz I there's no way he wasn't dead I hit that guy enough times to kill p all right cool I got a gank in This Server over here the server the Ping oh my [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] is wrong with deoen bro it's not even de it's just Roblox all right cool the guy's up here he's a four star I think he's already getting ganked by someone um so I'm going to go and see what the [ __ ] going on up there I'm pretty sure it's was fing a song Seeker NPC yeah he was fing a long secet NPC I'm going to Camp here let him grip that [ __ ] and then I'm going to go over here and I'm going to [ __ ] assassinate him okay never mind I didn't manage to assassinate him bro don't look please bro why you're P you're four star all right cool we're going to be ganking the is bro he is a fre star so he's a similar level to me I'm pretty sure um and okay he's just chilling about doing some Parkour come come here di come here he's got star boost on and everything yeah he's definitely higher level than me I can't even equip star boost yet okay never mind he's FAL [ __ ] thingy you know I'm going to help him kill this Golem bro let's help him kill the Golem and then we'll fight okay let's hope he doesn't run okay yeah no no we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling come okay as soon as this boss is [ __ ] dead bro best no as soon as this is dead as soon as this is dead I'm attacking him yep okay let's go come here don't [ __ ] L bro okay let's [ __ ] go come here okay okay M2 into a shadow gun oh my God the combos I just I love Shadow Mones so much okay okay he Shadow as well I completely forgot about that up into that into Shadow gun Dodge okay never mind the server is a bit laggy okay there this Ser is very very laggy oh yeah I forgot I don't have tap Dons yet do I I really need I do need to get tap Don so best know as soon as I get blood Shadow I'm going straight into agility I need to get Ta on so a cheap shot a bro and perfect hit him down okay that hit him far I did not expect him to go that far don't run now okay fine thank God this guy's actually chill as [ __ ] I wish there was more people like this in this world bro that like they don't run and they actually fight to the death bro cuz that's exactly what I do oh [ __ ] he's uh Shadow flame that's cool as [ __ ] all right come here sh I gun come on I I need to uper him but like he's so [ __ ] fast he's so fast oh my God come here I oh I don't have cheap shot bro no no no not cheap [ __ ] tap dancer bro paying about tap dancer is like actually unplayable if you're used to it it's like oh no I can't say that it's that it's like being like unable to walk and you use a cane and then you you you stop using the cane F that's what it's like bro all right come here all right dashing him with [Music] this okay okay P up oh my God he's he moves so fast like I can't hit him with my weapon he just keeps on moving backwards so [ __ ] fast I think he has like I don't even know bro oh that's going to hit me 100% K dashing some that oh GG bro I actually enjoyed that fight he didn't run at he actually just thought that they have 200 ping I know bro I have 200 ping as well don't [ __ ] worry bro this server is ass Dam I just going an enchanted Goran long spit from that Bounty chest now I'm getting ganked by a power 20 okay I don't know what this guy's doing he's not even a void Walker bount he's just ganking me because he wants to get me I guess um so let's uh let's fight this guy he's probably a [ __ ] though let's be honest people that gank uh low levels are usually shars ft that okay that did not activate fast enough this ping bro this ping oh my God what the [ __ ] is going on why would they add the event to the [ __ ] East luminant bro I still don't know why they added the event to the east luminum I'm going to keep it so R of you that was the worst mistake they ever added to this game all right we got Freshies running uh running in front of the fight trying to go to the event make the Ser even more laggy okay M two okay this fight is going very interesting right now I kind of want to pop shade of out but at the same time I don't cuz I don't have any Eternal loon so I'm just going to be wasting my HP I do really need to getal on that up oh okay we chilling okay Dodge [Music] that o I [ __ ] love on so much can't use any moves I can't really see his like attack p either okay upper cut into dark blade perfect hit him again block break him again upper cut again okay perfect he's getting shat on power 24 what power 24 what come here look break him again okay my upper went to the completely wrong direction but you know it is what it is okay M again upper cut again H him down aial Tech okay it's getting [ __ ] folded right now you're actually getting shot on so badly bro you're an embarrassment to De broken Community come here easy bro power 20 ganking me for what bro wasn't even avoid Walker either okay the server is so [ __ ] laggy bro oh it didn't even play the sound effect lovely all right can we finally have 54 shoot so I'm going to immediately start training my ankle weights cuz Okay that was the wrong button let me just put that [ __ ] back over there all right let's spam this [ __ ] we should be able to level up just from this all right perfect we're level 15 already this build's going so [ __ ] well already uh to the finish I'm definitely going to to get to the Finish to the Finish is a very very good uh move uo steady nerves uh I'm going get upro uo sounds nice sounds good for boss raing as well uh steady footing heavy H imperious SL oh my [ __ ] God I love imperious SL so much and then we get one more Point ins Perfect all right cool we're getting more and more ether as we play the game all right because I do really really want to get a blood Shadow like ASAP I'm going to go all the way to mina and I'm going to go and switch out uh probably shade wh now I'll switch out shade Dev for now I'm not going to be using it I'm going to go way to Min switch that sh out get reinforced cuz I have a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] knowledge and I'm aam so it only takes four every time I use the shrines and uh yeah get reinforced and then talk to [ __ ] Mystic make sure I get the [ __ ] blood shot of T cuz I need that I want it so bad okay I'm just Turing I'm just killing and this guy randomly starts [ __ ] ganking me so I guess I'll [ __ ] attack him bro and this server is so bad I need to leave the server immediately bro it's just un the game's unplayable why would they add the events the man these dumbass developers bro I swear to God these developers have to be the worst [ __ ] people of all time okay no no no that's the cap they have to be the worst decision makers of all time okay sh let's Okay F him to that perfect now he's got more push shot there's a [ __ ] I see that King Croc over there and I'm I'm not trying to get hit by it that's M2 okay oh this Ser is so [ __ ] bad bro like why would I don't know what ah that King Croc bro that King cro scared me Fam it's right there right come here it came up here but it didn't decide to attack us for some good reason okay now I'm getting ganked bro what the [ __ ] man oh my God what is this game seriously are you taking a piss a power 20 maxed out build for for bro what the hell man oh my God bro nah I'm good to te up bro I'm clutching up I'm gonna kill both of these [ __ ] weirdos bro come here then come here let's go I don't mind [ __ ] ganking you [ __ ] weirdo bro yes King fresher attack him no not me [ __ ] hold on a wrong move get this out my hot buff okay let's activate our shade all right cool they're attacking the king Croc once the king Croc am I going to no [ __ ] way is this guy coming to get me as well no we're chilling we're chilling all right cool I was trying to heal up like but this guy interrupted me and hit me in the back last second cuz he's a [ __ ] weirdo bro so uh we're going to we're going to we're going to continue this 1 V one and then his power 20 boyfriend's going to come in and help him at the end cuz he sucks the [ __ ] game Dash into that unall that [ __ ] okay yep okay the server is absolutely amazing best best Depon server of all time i' this is this is the average Depot server nowadays nice powered that perfectly but it didn't power it cuz his Ser is terrible what is this ping I hope you guys can like actually tell how bad the Ping is cuz bro the frustration I'm feeling right now is immeasurable okay and it's back lovely oh my [ __ ] God bro I just can't catch a break I cannot catch a break come here then okay let me kill this guy I want to kill this guy before his friend attacks me oh my God bro this game is so bad just no I'm never I'm never joining a hyp up server ever again it's terrible absolutely [ __ ] terrible these developers are [ __ ] bro yeah no I just I just don't know what the developers are thinking I really just like I I I can't understand so so we go to the east luminant as void Walkers okay and just anyone in general we go to this lum to [ __ ] get our progression done why the [ __ ] would they add an event to this luminant that everyone was perfectly fine and happy with being in the other luminant to this luminant causing it to lag that they know full well it would have caused their whole entire server to lag bro like every server that has more than 10 players is just unbearably laggy bro it's just impossible to progress all right we we got five star gang look look at this this is perfect ping right here non laggy server where it's got like you know only like six people in the entire [ __ ] server all right cool here's my bouncy over here come over here Ari let's gank okay M2 QT W interesting uh Guild name very interesting Guild name let's uh summon my flame W I mean my shade W sorry I'm so used to having a flame instead okay okay we're actually getting forwarded right now we're getting forwarded by someone in a in a guild called CT Wes bro if I lose this guy I'm actually going to cry oh my [ __ ] God bro you have to be taken a piss yep hit that [ __ ] into the [ __ ] Corner come over here okay I didn't manage to hit them again unfortunately but you know is what it is okay M2 bro how crit is outr ously good okay never mind I didn't bro I I thought it didn't go through you if you powered it why is that a thing all right come here come on oh H is so [ __ ] annoying to fight against bro hit them once hit them again on slau okay Shadow gun I knew that sh was going to [ __ ] hit them oh F no way M2 up into [ __ ] dark blade attack them again okay never mind we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling okay Dodge that [ __ ] again okay never mind they go through me again UT into onl o o o okay hold on upper cut again faint into that yep M2 up on again yep get on the [ __ ] floor come here again okay M2 M2 yes okay up to dark blade M2 I mean M1 sorry what the [ __ ] am I talking about M2 bro I just M2 okay I can't okay bro I'm so used to having tap Downer is actually crazy bro I need tap down like immediately it's just such a [ __ ] good talent tap down you basically you just need tap Downer for PVP bro okay Shadow gun oh my God I love this build so much all right cool let's see what they dropped uh Prophet cloak you know what I'm going take that I'm probably going to have to get Prophet cloak on this build actually they had so much [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God yeah I'm probably going to have to get Prophet scoke on this board anyways cuz I don't I'm not going to be getting any Willow so I can't get uh [ __ ] what's it called black d okay I was trying to TP back to the void and then they [ __ ] gank me again bro no where are you running to fam you interrupted my void I thingy we can gank come here I'll send you to the depths come back bro okay yeah [ __ ] look best no bro all right we have a few armor kacks we can turn in I'm going to turn in all of them see if I can actually make any of them I don't have a Brothers gem so I can't make a profit Coke definitely not uh we also need an OD hand we want to make of those Master armors which is kind of sad um so yeah we'll see we'll see I'm going just turn them all in anyways cuz I don't want to lose them wait I might gank this guy actually all right best no I see Mark Rico as a [ __ ] bounty in the void I 100% I'm TP into him bro that's a whole ass gank over there all right cool so we can actually make this in Authority Captain armor but I do need a dark fever I had a [ __ ] ton of them but unfortunately I died uh to those [ __ ] weirdos bro that power 20 attacking me with his friend in that laggy ass Ser um but yeah n so I need to get another dark fever and then we also need a lion fish scale which is very very easy to get so yeah I'm going to go over to the other luminum real quick uh get reinforced um cuz I I I just I want reinforc before I power up and then I'm definitely going to uh talk to Mystic and tell that [ __ ] to give me [ __ ] blood Shadow all right I also want to start trying to get I also want to start trying to get link Rider um but I actually have no clue how the [ __ ] to get it so I'm going to try and actually you know whilst we're in this room I'm going to search for the place I'm pretty sure I know where it is someone told me that it's like uh like okay so you're going from song SEC car and you're going towards minus Landing but instead of going to minus Landing you go left so I'm going to I'm going to try and do that I'm going to go right from minus Landing cuz you know I'm going the opposite direction uh and I'm going see if I can find the place cuz apparently they reworked it and you can [ __ ] you can pick up the the little [ __ ] flowers and just keep them in your inventory as long as you don't die cuz I'm pretty sure you drop them you die and then every time you kill someone it turns it [ __ ] red like as long as they have an O so apparently you can do that instead you don't have to bring them back to the old time though um so yeah I'm going to test that [ __ ] out and if that's true then I'm definitely getting [ __ ] link Sher but if I have to bring them all the way over I don't know if I could be a get link sh I'm going be so okay and I love it when the game does this to me bro all right cool there's a [ __ ] lion fish let's hope it drops the lion fish skill cuz I need to get one Lish SC and I also need one dog fever getting a dog fever is like so [ __ ] easy though cuz like literally everybody in their mother has a dog fever on them when I gank them like every time I kill someone that's like remotely high level all right Co we go the Lish SC they always have a do fever so I'm just praying that I get one from someone cuz I really want to make a like this armor cuz I'm taking so much [ __ ] damage right now it's crazy all right cool so we at M is landing now I think it's somewhere over here I could be wrong though like people are like people are just telling me it's like somewhere like in this that like vicinity so I'm going check over here wait why is it like all blocking and [ __ ] okay I do not think it's over there actually it might be over there you know I think it might be up here I'm not too sure I'm going to go this way though cuz you know people are saying it's left from man is landing so if it's not over here then I'm going to go back down over here cuz there is like a place around there you can go to um but yeah I really have no [ __ ] clue I've never beat here in my life all right cool I'm going towards this massive thing I don't know if this is it I could be wrong but I've never been here before this [ __ ] looks cool as [ __ ] though I've never seen this Eastern interal Lighthouse inter bro what the [ __ ] is that wor all right I'm going to go through here if you can um cuz bro this place is cool as [ __ ] I never even knew this place existed bro all right I can't lie there does not seem to be anything over here I'm going to have to watch a YouTube guy but yeah this place is cool as [ __ ] is it just complete nothingness bro this sh actually looks so cool they should add more [ __ ] to this area all right cool so I looked it up and I was right bro I was right it's the [ __ ] little place over there that's right by song Seeker on the left of it bro I was right I was like it's either this way or is that little thing over there cuz I knew there was [ __ ] over there and you have to go into some [ __ ] little cave so I'm going just cut it when I get there all right cool so apparently it's literally just right up here in a cave so I'm going to look that [ __ ] up bro and they even added the event [ __ ] over here as well bro it's [ __ ] everywhere okay there's no way I'm getting up there legit I don't know how the [ __ ] I'm supposed to do that all right I'm going to go up there and glide across over there but I need a glider for that and I never make a glider on any of my progressions so this is like the first progression I've ever made a glider on in my entire life let me get this wood turn into a stick I'm pretty sure I remember how to make [ __ ] you have to get the [ __ ] you have to get the stick and the [ __ ] megon hide and you press craft oo all right cool let's go have a [ __ ] gladder you can use that [ __ ] like so many times can you 150 uses God damn all right cool we have a problem in the YouTube video I was watching they told me to come into the cave and they told me to come over here and break this [ __ ] and I thought dark blade broke stuff but apparently it [ __ ] doesn't cuz I can't get in there bro I'm so pissed right now all right Co I managed to roll glitch into that wall but I don't know if I don't know if I can do it to this one bro I've been trying to oh okay perfect all right we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling all right cool hey ooh this place ISS cool the entrop the entropy Catalyst my bad all right cool where's the flowers these are the ones I'm supposed to use right the [ __ ] pristine Lotus all right cool I think you need to grab four of these so I'm going to grab four of these and try and grab four different people with o so I can't with none of this [ __ ] over here is what I need all right over here all right cool we have four now I think it's four people that you need to grip of el I'm pretty sure um where's the little [ __ ] summoning ritual Place bro I want to see that [ __ ] oh it's right here that's [ __ ] sick bro so we grab these and then we put these into the [ __ ] thingies I'm pretty sure yeah we pressed e to inter okay that's perfect that's perfect all right cool I'm going to grab more just in case but I'm pretty sure you just need four right one two three four okay never mind yeah you just need four okay come all right now we need to go and grip four people with o so gripping four people of O should be pretty [ __ ] easy for me I can't lie cuz we literally avoid war say if they have an O on their Bounty so I'm going just uh I'm going just Target people that have oos hopefully we can find some like three or four stars with jet Striker cuz jet Striker hella used to together like maybe even oathless sprad I'll be lucky as [ __ ] um cuz yeah I'm not trying I'm not trying to G five stars of bells and [ __ ] oos and everything bro um cuz I'm going to get my [ __ ] rocked all right bro I'm just trying to get my thingy and I'm okay pick your favorite K that isn't me all right cool bro [ __ ] Elita bro I forgot this [ __ ] existed she's so [ __ ] annoying after this [ __ ] game always I'm going to get flung all the way to [ __ ] ESS bro all right cool what she says now what's she going to say now they have to find her now I'm prettyy sure she has purple eyes right no way I'm getting ganked in the middle of this please no no no no don't gank me don't gank me don't gank me don't ruin this don't ruin this please uh purple eyes purple eyes bro where the [ __ ] is she from here here end the game please I'm not trying to get FR bro please stop all right cool bro [ __ ] hell that scared the [ __ ] out of me cuz she said rules absolutely no fighting all right cool let's see what we get purple just a car Defender code what the [ __ ] is this the hell is that purple just bro I've never seen that before in my life let's see what it looks like where's a campfire let me get my campfire I want to see what this [ __ ] looks like okay I can't lie this [ __ ] looks I mean it looks right from the back but ah you know what it looks fine I feel like some some drip would go well with this but I'm I'm definitely not going to be using on this build plus I want my 6% physical armor uh back cuz that [ __ ] is whack all right cool I'm praying that I get reinforced bro I proba show talk to Mystic if I don't get it on the first thingy then I'm definitely going to talk to Mystic uh shade theour please give me reinforc bro please shout change reinforce let's [ __ ] go perfect Perfect all right cool now we can finally level up in peace uh let me put these prein uh lotes over here all right cool oh I'm so [ __ ] happy finally have reinforced bro you you guys do not understand how happy I am all right cool we got our gank on a star Kindred but they're probably going to absolutely [ __ ] destroy me okay cool they're already getting ganked by someone I'm pretty sure um never mind it was just NPCs all right cool I'm going try and kill this guy that an nft user Let's Go Crazy Let's Go Crazy come here come here I need to grip you bro I need I need to get my O Come here okay what's he doing bro what's what's he doing bro and this [ __ ] Bandit bro okay this Bandit is going to piss me off bro okay let's Chuck the Bandit in the sea okay never mind he doesn't want to he doesn't want to make this fight easier for both of us all right let's Chuck this bandit in the [ __ ] ocean Chuck this [ __ ] into the ocean as well okay you are [ __ ] wiir I can't lie bro come here okay okay I really don't want to die I really do not want to die to this guy cuz I don't want to lose my first say all right M2 all [Music] right okay I don't know what that [ __ ] crit does still bro all right [Music] M2 okay upper cut on Perfect all right he pared the second hit which is unfortunate for us but you know it is what it is okay he hasn't used any of his o moves yet I'm kind of like starting to think that he doesn't have an O bro but it is it said he had a [ __ ] o I swear I said he has an o okay uput into dark blade okay he powered the last hit Shadow gun all right our shadow gun has the worst range of all time okay yep all right Shadow Soul y perfect him again okay up again oh my God this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed okay come on let me reinforce real quick even though it doesn't heal me but you know it's fine uh less damage taken you feel me all right M2 okay I'm oh my [ __ ] does so much damage bro okay he has flame blind for some weird reason bro this is such a scary one V one bro any hit of his does like so much [ __ ] damage M2 okay M1 BRB BRB what I keep on calling Shadow gun BL SP yes oh my God wait please does it give me one of my good lotuses it it doesn't bro what how how the [ __ ] do you do it then bro like I swear that guy had an oath I swear he had an oath bro I'm telling you now it literally said he has an O on the [ __ ] thingy all right cool as I said as I said before this guy has a dark favor on him like literally [ __ ] everybody has a dark favor on them for some weird reasons so uh yeah I'm going to go quickly go and uh craft my armor I definitely need to ask my friend what the [ __ ] he's talking about cuz he said if you grip someone with an O as long as you have these on you one of the it becomes [ __ ] red so and that [ __ ] just didn't happen to me all right I gave myself 25 strength we have everything that we need to craft the [ __ ] Armor now so let's go and craft this [ __ ] real quick I'm too lazy to go all the way to the black over there so I'm going just go to this one oh I didn't even open the chest on this uh thingy okay it didn't give me anything good anyways um all right I can't C into that let me call into something else yeah now if someone could tell me in the comments how the [ __ ] you get link Sher it would be very appreciative cuz I looked in the wiki and my friend was like no no no that's the old way to get it apparently you just have to grip someone that has an off while you have one of views on you and it'll turn red um see if someone can tell me in the comments how the [ __ ] this [ __ ] Works uh please do Cuz I do really want to get link ster on this build um but I do not want to get it all right cool we finally have this armor and I'm going to be van anything straight a [ __ ] way transmog yes all right cool um so yeah all right cool back in the void let me show you guys what I was was talking about right so look Grace over here where are they Grace Grace Grace Grace it says contract okay that admin so I'm going to go and gang Grace and if I kill them I swear if it doesn't turn [ __ ] thingy I you man all SW that they have an off and that just means my friends just [ __ ] lying all right cool they're not going to be getting attacked by the ministry cuz they are contract of course I script them come here come here Grace come here Grace okay I'm getting ganked by everything known to man kind oh my God bro please come over here let's get like okay par [ __ ] bro these NPCs are the most annoying thing of all time why do they have to be standing right next to [ __ ] NPCs that they that that they're used to they've got decent rep with the [ __ ] Ministry I don't have any rep with the ministry come here oh yeah I'm going to [ __ ] die bro okay let's just let's just run away from this situation let's get away from these [ __ ] stupid NPCs bro wait hold on hold on hold on I go the St I go the method I go the method I go the method come here let me [ __ ] let me let me [ __ ] I've got the method don't worry come over here NPCs all of you yep come here all right okay yep off the edge off the [ __ ] Edge yep you stupid [ __ ] all right come here let's One V one Dodge that reinforce my reinforc prob on reforce immediately M of fact do I have one on me right now no I don't okay UPA P UPA paper right bro I'm actually just I need to stop talking bro all right DOD that [ __ ] okay okay bro this guy does so much [ __ ] damage bro I need to be really really careful in this one V one okay dog blade they always par the L and one oh okay upper cut and Shadow gun okay Shadow Soul okay we didn't manage down that okay that M1 ra range is absolutely ridiculous I don't know why they're hitting me from there okay into on okay Dodge that again oh my God bro we're actually going to [ __ ] die oh shout to meet you again bro what are these builds that usern name's [ __ ] fat long Pizza yeah you are a [ __ ] fat long pizza now I'm sent to the [ __ ] depths bro oh my God telling you now bro there [ __ ] [ __ ] NPCs then attack me to the slot bro I'm telling you not I would have won that [ __ ] fight bro they did like two [ __ ] buzz to me bro I hate NPC so much um all right cool I'm probably going to end the video with here guys uh bro Oh my days all right I'm going to end the video off here guys I'm definitely going to make this into a two- progression there's no way I'm getting link St or getting B all that [ __ ] in one episode um especially with how Progressive we are right now we're basically power 16 wait let me check we're power power 15 let's see if we can level up actually for the one time just to finish up the video uh what all right cool I powered up but the turns out the recording doesn't work and now I'm getting ganked in the deaths by a fresh spawn okay what the [ __ ] is going on bro why am I getting tanked by a fresh Spa in the depths what the [ __ ] is going on is he going to still try and K me does he just I feel like he just wants to wipe bro okay upper cut like what is he doing bro there's no way he's doing this cuz he actually thinks he win I'm going just grip him oh he said thank you okay okay that's a web all right I'm going to end the video for here guys with power 16 we did quite a lot in this episode I'm going to be real we did a [ __ ] ton of stuff in the next episode uh I want to max out the build get link Strider get Bell which is a draw Souls I want to get 65 agility for cheap sh tab mons I want to get bloodshow all that good [ __ ] showstopper and um yeah yeah if someone can tell me in the comments how the [ __ ] you get link rder I'll appreciate that [ __ ] a lot Al I need to get every single one of my things back again cuz I died to that [ __ ] guy and lost every single one of them which is very very nice um but yeah now if you guys did enjoy this video please remember to like And subscribe get this video to 1K likes and I'll try and upload the next progression within the next two days um also can you subscribe as well I'm trying to hit 50k Subs I love you guys and I hope you guys have a wonderful day
Channel: vert
Views: 72,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, layer 2, prog, progression, solo prog, solo progression, deepwoken progression, deepwoken solo prog, deepwoken solo progression, broken, insane, vampire, NEW, META, GANK, build review, how to, vert, vert deepwoken, new roblox anime game, new roblox game, cc game roblox, peroxide, type soul, peroxide new game, bleach game roblox, best game on roblox
Id: 73f9G4S3a9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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