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when rollin rollin rollin rollin on a river train tracks yeah that's dangerous [Music] what's up guys welcome back to this show yeah the show uh which is named uh gradually darker skin tones yeah why do you still have a backpack Oh cuz I like to feel like I'm in school and I have books in here but don't I don't what book see because this is the thing you guys were gonna mess up my bit okay sorry go on with your day I have books in here um is a book called as the world turns the world I think that's a that's a soul well I have the book I have the book book version of a soap opera romance awesome he also has Young and the Restless yeah our line all the beautiful yeah balding beautiful that's my favorite yeah it's good one why do you guys know a lot of soap opera because word that a cuz I auditioned oh dude did you yeah audition for a lot of them I didn't get anybody dresses all Spanish or is that maybe they're all they're all in Spanish yeah no I luckily no I did none of this being Spanish so we asked you guys to submit art of Keith and Michael Jackson and we got some submissions that we're now gonna look at yeah starting up with you that's great yeah why is Michael Jackson so tiny and why do you have him in a headlock that's not you're joking Michael and Michael's like hey Stassi guys are seeing it so wrong I'm holding him like this that's what Michaels having fun stop kidding man look at that smile right there his torso is so tiny oh gosh she's got some cheeks it does that my glad she does have cheeks like that didn't uh she had nice cheek they built him some nice cheeks that's no cheeks were real I'm sorry about is no like his nose I don't know here's a bunch more art don't really like black my dad's a good one it's kind of cool they're all very sensual mmhmm yeah they're all very nice oh good make sure guys to send us your art and hash tag my Smosh art send us your art we'll post it here uh and for everyone to see it'll be great you gotta do sign language uh I think I did that right what'd you say I think I did hashtag my Smosh or that's really what's hashtag I just kind of did this Oh so that's yeah you go dumb yeah no that's definitely I don't know but Olivia you're not in this episode [Music] all right our first question it comes from Lucy cozy at blue shell one two one seven one nine yeah why do you have all those numbered I think that's your zip code probably that's her social security number whoa why are you all so good-looking what is the secrete oh well this is the secrete is one secrete I'm ugly and then the rest of everybody else get out you're not that ugly rub my face rub my face a lot no better thank you John that ugly oh it's not nice and I would imagine him hurt you or just say no he's made it like hot man no hi man she ever doing it oh oh oh magic soda on a tinder date you're just like wow you're not that ugly what is your creature sakru yeah okay I see where this is going I got some for y'all's asses what is our secret guys I'm sorry I don't get enough sleep and I Drive too far to get here seekers that's my secret tiredness I don't know that's what I got what's your secret chain I don't I cream yeah just just a lot of eye cream I just douse myself I don't know for the squats just we're just doing good like okay yeah yeah and black just doesn't crack so that's my seafood thanks Olivia you can be in this episode I think a lot of it is due to our positive attitude oh we love each other so much if your heart is full of good your face will reflect it you just got ugly [Applause] notice me at Ashe taunt 1 to 9 would you rather be stuck any never-ending Norwegian metal concert or a never-ending bagpipe recital Wow I like Norwegian so I'm gonna say the first um you know I feel like the the bagpipe recital is sounds like a funeral so it's like I don't want to just watch a casket get lowered forever I probably choose the metal concert it cuz it's a concert there's probably more to do there you're probably free to like run around and stuff I would get tired of excited I don't do well with really loud spaces and stuff it really affects me uh how so explain I just get overwhelmed like I'll go to a concert for two hours but to think about doing that for more than that I would be like I need to like find someplace quiet doubly sure I'm just thinking about temperature-wise you know in a metal band concert arena that's probably going to get hot and sweaty well that's your bagpipe concert you can wear a skirt and not get judged I'd go to bagpipes you want to wear skirt I just think it's a kilt cooler right if I sit for the registers I would show up in a skirt that's straight up just why would you do a dress rope you know i'll go for it i'll just do a nice sundress no I like my mom no I think I think yoga pants and a tube top is all that beeper find out oh yeah and some I'll get your shape up oh that's it oh sorry my PE teacher had them except she had to get them because my PE teacher was over 350 pounds oh hell yeah work it it's literally like an extra two and a half inches of like cushiness and you could see that the shoes were under a lot of pressure very much like the shape ups became normal shoes Oh we're terrible my sweat your pictures now oh let's call her it was calling her applets gallery Margaret yeah she gave me my first ever D and I cried oh so she gave you your first dick yeah my way you got a day in PE yeah so what we do and do or don't do he got the B I didn't write my name on my PE clothes within the allotted amount of time and that's like the only thing that got greatly varied you know he didn't like you is what it was I think cuz you were actively laughing half the entire time baby forever shape up yeah Salima anything for Selena's okay Selena at dénia I'm thinking this dénia it's probably the Dania zubir um the most trouble you got in and whoo what is so much trouble I got in uh right off rip thinking of I want to say when I was in Middle School was this thing going around called butter necks so butter next yeah so like some people call it just like neck like that sorry haha like that I just saw see somebody in the back of the neck because it's open we're doing this thing called punching it was gone pretty much and I remember like I wasn't doing it but like some of my friends were and they were like say like butter net are you like it's okay um like we were at a baseball no we were at a football game and it got to a point where we're running and around the concession stands and just like going crazy and well I wasn't I wasn't doing it let's get that straight again Kenny weren't both weren't no wasn't there I'm okay I wasn't there um got to the point where everybody's like running and everything and I'm just laughing having a good time but I wasn't there um got to the point beyond that where the police came because we were necking each other butter necking like this internet and it's they the police came the police came I really remind you at school they said if you get in trouble by the police at the the game like you're gonna get suspended and like I was such a good kid like I showed up to school every day I did my homework I answered you an email as the world turns in your backpack it was turning it was turning and it got to the point where the police came and they pulled us all to the side and they pulled they pulled us to the side it was like what's your name I'm like no I'm must get suspended like I'm not to get in trouble like what oh like no and they like separated us they like took us in front of all the people like in the stands and they separated us they had like a caution tape and they put no legitimately guys they put you were coronet they put us on like yeah pretty much we were like in a little sectioned off divide like whatever and guys I was crying in front of middle school yeah crying I was just like and everybody was like nobody laughed at me or anything they was just like damn keep this crying like he's such a good kid and I didn't end up getting suspended which is crazy because I cry I'm telling you tears work mm-hmm oh I don't want to say when I got in the most trouble but I'll say when I got in the second most trouble oh I thought you're about to hit my neck I don't know I don't know why it's called butter net game slapping butter on no I'm not gonna hit you I don't know that you're trying to read you see I'm not oh I got it I'm longer now to get him whoo I knew it was coming but again it's not that red you're fine um pretty what's the second most trouble you've ever gotten in uh one time I was at a Halloween party this was I think fifth grade or sixth grade night and it was like I know uh it was just kind of like a family gathering of like all of my friends from elementary school and like their parents and stuff like that and we're all at this kid's house and uh we get the bright idea that we're gonna steal a bottle of beer um don't obviously I am too young I was the distraction so I just walked up to the mom of the home and I was just like hey I really like the party blah blah blah blah blah nobody was like you were the distract I was in distract so let me know what your I knew what I was doing you are so good I did I miss Wilkerson this party is like totally not looking at her and my looking behind her boy showed me show you somebody stole beer doesn't happen anyways your party uh but we took a bottle of beer and we went up the driveway and like down the street a bit and we broke it on a curb because we couldn't find a beer bottle open I broke it spill everywhere kinda yeah we like broke off the like neck part so that we could start drinking from it and we broke it off and we all were like passing around sips but no one really likes it so we just kind of left it there and as we were walking back the cops showed up cuz at least someone called the police because when they heard the bottle break they thought someone was throwing rocks at a house so the police come and we all like both a whole bunch of fifth graders who think that we're all about to get arrested because we stole a bottle of beer and so we all like hide inside and the cops come into the Halloween party oh hey hey or try hey no that's great you know I'm sitting upstairs with all the kids and we're thinking that they're gonna like DNA test the bottle and like figure out who drank from it in order to level it off or show up do you want team drops down no some smartass kids y'all like had plans that was just butter naked I mean I wasn't there but I was in middle school you weren't I'm sorry dude anytime you mention it I'm gonna protect myself mm-hmm uh but pretty much I had to go downstairs and lie to the cops I was like no no what we were doing was we were taking bottles of sparkling water shaking them up and then throwing them to make them explode that was the first time I lied to the police I'm watching you the first time you're waiting to burn you lied to the police you caught that the first time I lied to the police what about you shame you got something interesting huh so I had a friend I think we all have that friend growing up who when you hang out with him you just gonna get in trouble mm-hmm that friend who just whatever so I had a friend who is at one point literally was got a letter from like the FBI because he blew up a garbage can what he put like a chlorine bomb in a garbage can and we had the giant plastic ones and it like he blew it to smithereens so he was just kind of like that kid we're just like God like his kindergarten no this is this is like probably freshman Oh and so it's around that time and we were at a park like late at night and there's people there at the park and stuff he finds this small bottle of rubbing alcohol and we're like yeah whatever like leave it alone whatever and we're on the lake volleyball court he's like no watch this pulls out a lighter like does this weird thing with the lighter and like sets it on top of the rubbing alcohol and we're like dude what are you doing stop like let's just go hang out and play video games he's like no run and we're like hey we just start I just start running with him and my other friend and we're running we get a good ways away and I'm like maybe he didn't do anything and also just like from a good ways away you just see Oh a mushroom cloud explosion like a small like it reads probably at the top of the volleyball net this is the size of this explosion it was a full like a bottle of rubbing alcohol exploded and as we see that happen we're like watching from far away like across a lake we're like watching like oh my gosh and then we turn and see a cop car already coming to the part and he just like cried and we're like why are we doing this and we're just like running we get back to my friend's house close the garage and we're like they're looking outside of the like garage window and a cop car rolls past and it's just like going through our neighborhoods it's like yeah they saw some teenagers like this bottle on fire and then run in that direction uh so then my friend is like uh well I gotta go to bed so you guys got to go I'm like the cops are out there looking for us he's like I gotta go to bed like go buy your friend Shane so my one friend who lit the bonfire runs back home cuz he's just crazy he's like he's at our I'll see you later I'm like you're nuts it goes and then I sneak home like hiding behind bushes as cop cars pass and it was the only time in my life where I felt like a badass I wasn't cuz I didn't do anything but I snuck home I did legitimately have to hide behind a bush while a cop car rolled past and then I got home I was like the only the problem also is my neighborhood was mostly senior citizens so I was like the only person under 18 under 50 outside that night so I'm like the cops are gonna find out one person and that's gonna be me and they're gonna know I did it cuz I'm gonna be like I did it they literally roll down the window good excuse I just cry immediately uh ya know I got home and everything my parents don't even know that story so uh that's fun oh yeah well today nobody got hurt I don't think there's just one guy playing volleyball haha oh I really loved a nicer play so there's that what's the worst thing any of you guys have done if you have it the worst thing you've done into a hundred and forty characters tweeted at me hopefully it's not that bad hopefully don't get any luck murdered like it murdered a guy yeah I don't want any of that that'd be kind of interesting yeah would I then morally have to report them probably okay yeah we're probably good don't tweet me what you did wrong I'd morally have to report you all right guys that's time for a hashtag Smosh asks you uh what's the worst thing you said to your parents I hope it's not that bad they they literally brought you into this world and they can take you out they could take you out I've heard that at a time yeah from your mom okay all right we got some answers here uh John Bailey wrote no not orange e it's orgy let me explain he said that to his parents John hold on we know John Bailey yeah I know he would say that this is a man from honest trailers and I'm sure in the same voice he explained what it orgy was his parents thought it was Orange E and then he was like no it world where everyone's naked in the same room John wait how did how did that go in a world where everyone's naked in the same room oh that voice man oh nice diamond Delaine at psycho duo I asked my mom if wearing a thong hurts and she said yes oh my god wait dude thongs hurt at first oh no at first when you first are wearing him it's like very uncomfortable and sometimes I've heard what make sense like a piece of string the crappy us yeah you know what's hilarious i purr it sounds like everything that girls wear hurts yeah high heels thongs bras hurt uh even like back in the day corsets we're a pair make them I think makeup sucks women are just torturing themselves all day yeah get it together women sorry no no don't hurt me girls just stop yeah God we love you the way you are look we found out that Olivia looks great wearing my clothes so just wear that like it's very comfortable you heard it here women dress like Shane dressed like me dressed like men to be gonna be there I was like man why aren't you dressing like Ben I'm sorry no you're gonna get so much hatred it'll probably get so much hate we love you all more hazing we got for every bird ever guys end it if we haven't gotten the question what's what's your lowest point uh we've never gotten that but you can find our collective lowest point in every bird ever go why I don't watch every bird ever it is our lowest point yeah I don't think many people need it if you made it you gonna like actually love the fat no no no no keep keep allow you all watched it they didn't like it wait in our defense a lot of people did like it actually a lot of y'all did like everywhere there is uh you just did your own bit that nobody like Oh Channing Tatum he's like the sexiest guy in Hollywood I'll just land with you though oh yeah got it uh Keith i'ma need your help Kushina that is definitely Kishida a cheetah comma at Cucina underscore comma uh my mom said that I looked ugly and I said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree how you do it my mom told my mom sold all her kiss you said my kids are so ugly I wish I what it's all her - yeah your mother your mom insulting you is just insulting herself yeah it uh what you you are a seed and the Apple clb5 our fault yeah so the C in Apple the scene in the Apple is um help me help me help me I tried and I messed up the seed in the Abbasid in the apple doesn't fall no the apple seed doesn't fall far from the tree because Johnny Appleseed handled it yes Jesus Christ over son at over son whitey you put a insert dank meme here law actually I've never said anything really bad to my parents because I love them and I know they love me Oh ever son I think you're lying to yourself much more it's the fact that his parents love him or that he loves his parents oh yeah oh yeah for sure insert to insert dank meme here why don't you do it we should do it you know let's let's start to take me right here there's that's the worst thing you guys have ever said to parents um I told my mom to shut up Wow okay so no no wants to talk to you by the way she oh yeah oh yeah she's like where's no I'm like mom why do you care anyway XP field it's kind of funny because um my mom plays more than I do and she's like a jokester like I could take to know all the stuff that she says all the time like randomly even in the middle of the night dude you have a video of her yelling balls itch literally balls itch during traffic cheese balls it wash it right here that's ridiculous he's ridiculous um I told her to shut up she plays too much um I feel like the parent and she decided that she wanted to talk about me with my sister but she very much sister legitimately laughing like their asses off so they're like ah came here your teeth are crooked haha yeah you kidding you teeth oh they look like something to light haha yeah yeah your mouth looks like this ha ha ha I told her my mom to shut up and she spanked me SNT don't do that don't tell your parents to shut up because my his fans and I'm saying spanked spankings right now because I'm gonna smosh if i were talking to my black friends always say i got my ass whooped I only said some really passive-aggressive things to your parents no I'm definitely said no he's lying not really he's probably said stuff like you are not supporting me in a way that is beneficial to my growth the conversations that happen in my house you're only there forty-nine percent of the time that's for an upper middle class family you are treating me like something out I don't know like you're just like we would get really really in-depth no we we will like get emotional about like really dumb it'll just be like like Oh ironed your clothes like okay thank you and then like we'll just kind of have silence up until like emotions boil over cuz we haven't told each other we've loved each other anytime yeah Riley no problems yeah it's okay though don't you get those um I I fear my parents so uh I don't my dad is bald and hold on I think the closest Iver is that I've definitely made fun of them for it which is definitely dumb because it just means I'm gonna be bald probably some day like it's just my future actually your grandfather dad your mom's dad's hair is what you have I don't know that your mom's dad um oh my god I don't have here right here my granddad like no like this is going to be gone but he'd kept it like Einstein nice nice he's really nice up guys uh please draw what Keith is gonna look like when he becomes a black eyes um but I've definitely made fun of my dad like a couple times but I got to be careful cuz he he was a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force so it's your eggs just enough like that that's stoic responsive just like and I'm like yeah so anyways um I want to go blow things up with my friends so yeah that's probably the meanest uh I've never said anything straight-up mean to my parents you're such a good kid I said mean things to my brother my brothers and I make another I've called my brother a sasquatch and stuff like that hold on no oh yeah he said so what he just said is I called my brother Sasquatch poop that is that is lame okay like this is the thing if you're gonna like that's not lame because it's an accurate Oh big like that yeah he's like six foot two and he looks like scary yeah he's married so it's a I said Harry oh yes I said is he married knows I go the Sasquatch is married is married uh no but okay yeah it's still lame I don't know I can't I have a hard time being mean I had really good insults for my brother's like I wish you were dead when it gets good are you leaving me alone basically done insult that Oh leave me alone like screaming at the top of your lungs that hurts there's been company at home and I'm like locked myself in my room with like a cabinet in the way and like yelled at him from upstairs okay no so on this on this level my brothers would be mean to me my my brother who I called sasquatch uh when he was a teenager he when he was still like a teenager like a teen he would play with GI Joes and I'd like I'd like peek into his room and he'd be on his bed like hey what's up and I'd like peeking cuz I just want to hang out with him I he can't even get out does your brother still no no that's right Jen children yeah so that he could play with their toys duh probably like he's probably to be a dope dad in that way that he'll just like want to play with their toys more than they do it's gonna like Scott I'll take ya never like dad can I have the Playstations like dog get out anyways thanks for watching thank you uh thanks for watching varying skin tones yeah uh see you next time has been Noah Grossman Shane Tommy and Keithley - yeah thank you for listening to NPR almost wash on Twitter and Instagram but a Twitter tweet of stuff and send art and you know we'll end up here and there's no butter thanks for watching check back next week for more in the meantime click on the box things to watch other fun stuff [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,363,835
Rating: 4.9707823 out of 5
Keywords: Smosh, smosh squad, shayne topp, noah grossman, keith leak, keith leak jr, the show w/ no name, smosh cast, smoshcast, arrested, worst trouble, almost arrested, cops, police
Id: iORllqMCs3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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