The Time Machine | The Fixies | Cartoons for Kids

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The Time Machine oh wow what kind of device is that maybe an alarm clock no this is a time machine time machines they don't exist what a shame I learned that you studied that well done what did I just bump into what do you mean what it's what time machine but I thought time machines aren't for real of course they are you get it and take off in the future or the past ended lots of us would love to be able to travel in a time machine maybe to go back in time and fix a bad grade or to get a peek into the future of course it would be interesting but time travel isn't possible and thank goodness just imagine how mixed up everything could get someone brings back a dinosaur from the past while someone else brings aliens from the future no one would need to invent anything appliances would sit unused and fixies would have no work to do that's awful [Music] so you've got no idea of the answer I studied because tomorrow we've got a heart test make sure you're prepared I'm gonna fail you're gonna pass you studied all of this right so so you just need to stop worrying so much that's all I wish I could poor girl how can we help her hey I know how this morning Tula believed that that thing over there is a real time machine sounds like an anti-scientific plan stop worrying it's simple we'll send you to tomorrow you'll sit down take the test and come right back here I wish I could go it's like a dress rehearsal the main things not to worry then what do I do uh you just pull on that wire and you'll get them back well time to go [Music] wow it's tomorrow hi there are you ready uh-huh Grandpa's got sick so I'll be giving you your tests I'm scared don't worry it's just a rehearsal [Music] well then who had the best test congratulations Tula oh so cool awesome that wasn't scary at all impressive by the way what's wrong with the professor uh Grandpa oh you know don't you a boat fell on his head you dropped it remember I did yeah yesterday I'm not sure I like this future [Music] well how did it go there later but if you meet a fixie please don't let their secret out oh leave this on until tomorrow what is this come back no if I do I could hurt you me what for wouldn't it be incredible to travel into the future and see what you will become unfortunately that's only possible in our dreams but if you have a dream and aren't afraid of challenges and setbacks your future can turn out just the way you imagined do you want to become a champion then you need to start your training right away do you dream of becoming the best programmer in the world then first pull up that grade in math class do you dream of sailing the oceans then you'll need to do a lot of reading because a captain has so much he needs to learn start creating your future right now and we fix these will be right there to help you making sure the machines you need to reach your dreams will keep on working for years and years to come foreign [Applause] hey there are you ready uh-huh so far everything's exactly the same cool take this please and press out the tests you may begin these questions are different who had the best test congratulations Tula I'm worried about I know everything is going to be fine oh well then all of your test results are great only none of you could guess what this device is what do you mean isn't it a time machine no it's from automatically watering plants that's all you see foreign [Music] chocolate Tom Thomas unwrap it already in the morning Nola I really want to see the toy that's inside being patient no look that's all I'm going to bed please don't touch it okay and you won't open without me right that's a deal oh no then I know like uh-huh [Music] and what are you doing in here me well I was oh it's a chocolate ball with a toy inside how interesting yeah totally let's unwrap it and take a look we can't not until Tom Thomas comes in the morning but if we're real careful he won't notice a chocolate confectioners [Music] [Music] well yeah we sure took a look Tom Thomas won't be happy at all when we find out you touch a chocolate ball and you like you didn't touch it I didn't did what's that no leg chocolate absolutely it's a hundred percent natural milk chocolate it says so right here ingredient in chocolate is cocoa beans they are roasted crushed and ground and after that the ground beans are pressed to extract the oil from them if you mix butter cocoa and sugar you'll get dark chocolate and if you add some milk to it then you'll get milk chocolate then you just warm it up pour it into molds and cool it down you can add raisins or nuts into chocolate sometimes chocolate is even made with flavors like flowers or salt chocolate wasn't originally for Eden it was used in a drink made by mixing roasted beans with water and then adding hot peppers not every adult could drink it let alone a child today chocolate is a favorite treat the world over for children and adults alike how can we put it back together how about Scotch tape come on we'll start by warming up the chocolate so it softens up and then use that to make a new ball and then to make it hard again yeah we just cool it off [Music] my chocolate confection has got an imperfection half of it's gone Into Thin Air [Music] done let's put in the toy but we haven't even looked at it yet oh it's so pretty Tom Thomas is gonna love it oh wait oh what do you think of this idea I've got a new confection of chocolate Perfection safe it is Robert shining bright [Music] you're lucky could there be a toy inside but I can't take off the wrapper without nolock you really can't do it without him I can't I told no like I wouldn't your chocolate is gonna be delicious go on you can eat a little hmm if you say so I'll eat the chocolate but we won't open the toy without nolik hmm good shot come on don't you want to know what the toy is we won't tell all right just a peek and we'll close it right up [Music] what is this for nolik really how did you get in there surprise hmm you were in the container the container was in the chocolate ball and the ball that's just impossible [Music] ah he went and got you two to help we helped a little hang on nolik you promise not to touch the chocolate till morning and you promised not to open the toy without me right [Music] the toilet hey Tom Thomas you're not allowed to drink water from the toilet I'm not drinking it then what washing up in the toilet come on now then what do you that inside of there well I think that the toilet's broken the water just won't stop running yeah so what do you mean so we gotta conserve water Simca you're the one that taught me that you're right Tom Thomas it's important not to waste water but the problem in this toilet isn't where you were looking then where here in the tank not the bowl almost all toilets have tanks that are used for storing water this water is flushed into the bowl when needed water flows into the tank through a water valve that has a float attached to it as the water level in the tank Rises so does the float and when there's enough water in the tank the float closes off the valve and the water stops but if the float happens to break the water will keep running through the Overflow tube into the bowl we'll be back soon [Music] look at this I can't believe how beautiful it is I'll see what's wrong here this float that we're standing on it got disconnected for some reason that's why the water keeps pouring out I see and it's going down that tube into the bowl well what's the problem it's the float it got this can you get it back on nope sorry without problems we can't fix it we'll get couples and you Tom Thomas you'll guard the door yeah or someone could come and flush the toilet while we're working in a tank and we'll get Flushed Away to where straight into the sewer and then it's bye bye Tom Thomas forever the sewage system is a huge network of pipes that run underground this is where the dirty water from sinks and the waste from toilets is sent the sewage pipes then carry this dirty water to sewage treatment plants where the water is clean before it is dumped into a river or the sea before the first sewage systems were invented people would just dump their waste right out their Windows onto the streets the smell in this cities was just awful even the first sewage systems didn't put a stop to this terrible smell this smelly problem wasn't solved until the invention of the modern toilet at the bottom of the toilet is a bent pipe called the siphon that's filled with water that keeps the smell from getting back into the house don't ask me why but no one goes through that door it's a secret to Saka Tom Thomas ready to eat not now Mom not even a cookie [Music] all right here's what I need you to do you guard the door so no one flushes the toilet and that goes for you too oh it's terrible how much water's getting wasted it's a good thing you noticed it it was Tom Thomas's spotted well let's get to work [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] hey who's in there me me Dad don't flush the toilet I wasn't planning on it I was getting ready to take a shower all right just don't touch the toilet what's wrong with it it's just broken really let me check it out huh no don't flush it [Music] I told you not to flush it Dad why [Music] we fix it you're here I thought that you got flushed down into the sewer we almost did but no look saved us both me and Papa I'm Thomas what was it that made you so sad the toilet uh-huh no need to be sad the toilet's working just fine really yeah I had to check it now I need to go and check it too foreign Thomas why did we stop there's a crosswalk when there are lines like that you have to let pedestrians cross go on thanks [Music] why are we stop now there's no crosswalk but that's a crossing gate fire you have to let the train pass [Music] well that is cool hi there nolik come on down check out this traffic light it's new is that a real traffic light wonderful isn't it yeah it looks awesome no Nick where are you going stop [Music] the car oh [Music] ah did you lose your mind what were you doing huh I I wanted to see what a cool traffic light it is and my dad just just got this for me today now look at it you ran into the street when the light was red a traffic light is a Street Lamp that sends multicolored signals to vehicles and pedestrians so they don't get in each other's way when they're on the road when the light is red it means stop you must stay where you are a yellow light tells drivers caution prepare to stop you are only allowed to start crossing the street after the traffic light changes to the color green and even then it's important to remember look both ways before Crossing got it you can only cross on green though like even really little kids know that but the light was green no it was red no green if it was red it was green I swear maybe you're colorblind or something yeah possibly uh what does it mean if you're colorblind it means you can't tell colors apart so you don't know which one's red and which one's green oh that's what I am right you never mix up colors before this okay what color is that nightstand over there uh it's red and the plane up there oh that's green how about me huh what color am I green is bluish brownish gray with both dots I'm what it's true he's colorblind kid told you wasn't my fault all right we'll sort it out at home and what are we gonna do with the traffic light we can fix it and we'll fix your car too all right what color is the car purple if you say so we got work to do so take a seat before you mix something else up the road can be a dangerous place there are so many cars and pedestrians on it and all of them are in a rush to get where they're going but be careful even if a driver notices a pedestrian on the road and breaks it can still take quite some distance before the car comes to a complete stop to avoid disaster have respect for one another if you need to cross the street go to the nearest traffic light crosswalk or sign with a pedestrian on it while you're still on the sidewalk look to your left and then to your right and see how far away any cars motorcycles or bicycles are if they're close then just stay where you are if the driver is responsible and polite he will stop for you if he sees you from a distance if you want to make yourself more visible when it's dark attach safety reflectors to your clothes and then it will be safe for everyone on the road [Music] all fixed Tom Thomas tested out turning the lights on is it right yeah take your places [Music] all right let's cross Ready set go stop you got everything mixed up is green in all directions the game is up you are a colorblind nolic you know what you are you're a fainer me well yeah I got a little of it right in here and once in a while it goes up here uh what's a fader anyway the pyramid [Music] Tom Thomas can I open my eyes not yet hurry will ya that's it I'm ready for the contest is a pastry nolek but this is an Egyptian pyramid oh wow doesn't it look just like an ant hill sure does I remember when Grandpa's told us that inside of those is a labyrinth and a mummy of a sparrow no a pharaoh the Egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures the biggest one of them is the Great Pyramid of kiops it's more than 4 000 years old and over 100 meters tall like a 40-story building how it was possible to build such a giant way back then is still a mystery there were no hoisting cranes in those days some people believe that the pyramids were built by aliens but I have a feeling that they couldn't have been built without the fixies help [Music] so is there a labyrinth in there of course show me you joking I just put it together for the contest no way I'm gonna break this apart where are you going I'm just gonna look at the Labyrinth and mommy what are you talking about well we're free now stop you'll get lost I won't get lost so I think I'll go this way and then this way come back nolik I was already here and I'm here oh oh oh I did get lost you were right what hey there do you know where nolik is in there he went mommy hunting and he got lost mommy whoa A real one class don't no like Yoo-hoo are you in here no then where who knows who builds labyrinths like this anyway hey nobody asked you to go in my Labyrinth who are you talking to in there digit fire and nolik are inside and I need to go to school now well I for one have never gotten lost in a labyrinth because I know the rule for getting out you need to always keep your hand on the wall I can find them for you where are you guys over here [Music] [Applause] I forgot which of these walls I was touching with my hand [Music] you find him no and I got myself completely lost in here Tom Thomas you've got school today don't you yeah I do only I got a pyramid full of fixies it's like an ant hill the first one wanted to go Mommy hunting the second one went looking for the first one and the third for both we're lost and I've got school to get to wait maybe you could just try to shake them out good idea I was joking you have string watch this way you don't get lost [Music] when you're going on a trip think about how to keep from getting lost and how to find your way back don't just rely on maps and the GPS in your phone take a compass with you it will show you the cardinal directions without needing phone service you can also find North and South by looking at the sun stars or even an ant hill in the woods take a good look the slope that's gentler faces South and the one that's deeper faces to the north and if you find yourself walking through a labyrinth don't get lost walk with one hand always touching the wall and eventually you'll get out another way to get through a labyrinth is to tie a rope at the entrance and unreal it along the way then you can follow its path back out [Music] [Applause] here's the first one and the second and now look Mommy is it alive it's me but I couldn't find yours that's because there's none in there what you mean I got lost in there for nothing you're in such a hurry you didn't listen to what I said but we got a mummy how can you win oh then maybe you could be my mommy no thank you [Laughter] well did you win a prize uh-huh my pyramid won and here's a special extra prize for being the only one of us who knew how to get out of the labyrinth again another box of those pastries that's fine with me I really love them they're awesome I always fix easy food what is Shane then I'll give some to your mommy the toothpaste astronaut food ready rock it ready and who's flying to the sun me I'm ready a real hero Tom Thomas did you see there it is [Music] nearly spoiled a vital experiment of global interplanetary significance spoiled what our scientific testing of the latest toothpaste formula I will brush my teeth with it and I as Chief dentist will be monitoring the testing and so I don't want you even touching it great how am I supposed to fly to the sun now straight make that toothpaste for kids so then why is your mom using your dad then that's right I'm gonna go tell her mom the new toothpaste I should test it no I'm using your dad because he's a responsible person and so am I responsible who knew your room's a total mess I had no time to clean it you didn't water the plant I forgot did you brush your teeth yeah for a whole minute too you're supposed to brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and at night sorry great toothpaste honey [Music] I want to get a toothache you need to take good care of your teeth by brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste toothpaste helps remove food that's stuck on your teeth kills harmful bacteria and keeps your teeth strong healthy and beautiful Pace should be in every house adults should use toothpaste made for adults and kids should use toothpaste that is healthy and safe or younger teeth it's important to make sure you're using a toothpaste that's right for your age foreign [Music] it's for the experiment I'm just gonna smell it don't worry well it smells like bubble gum hey that's all hmm [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well now so we caught you again I want to try this toothpaste so bad but how well what if you foreign [Music] do you know how to brush your teeth correctly let's check first take your toothbrush and rinse it with water then squeeze on a bit of toothpaste a small pea-sized drop is all that you'll need now one brush the outside of your front teeth up and down two brush the backs of those teeth from the gums on down three open your mouth real wide and brush the teeth in the back these are the teeth that you use for chewing go back and forth over and over you should brush a full two minutes no less now it's time to rinse out the toothpaste from your mouth and clean the brush that that's right the brush needs to be cleaned too and please don't be lazy if you brush your teeth two times a day they'll stay in great shape for many years to come [Music] Mom Dad see I've done everything [Music] well done and I promise that I'm gonna brush my teeth the right way as long as I need to end and twice a day only let me be a part of your awesome experiment please would ya well I don't know I think we could try it oh what well we also have this foam for teeth who's gonna test that me [Music] a real hero [Music] how many ways did we try to get him to brush his teeth before that didn't work we never sparked his imagination before your idea about the experiment was brilliant do you think we should tell him the answer is no we can't disrupt the experiment [Music] the copy Elisa don't worry I found it no I didn't find it Elisa Elisa I hear you I'm coming professor eugenius have you seen this umbrella anywhere looks like the professor lost his umbrella again more than one look at all these flyers no look they're all copies of one flyer Elisa prints lots of them so she can hang them up all over town a copier is a device for making multiple copies of a single picture or document an image that needs to be copied is placed on a piece of glass under a lid the photocopier shines a bright light on it so it can take a clear picture then the image is printed onto paper with the help of special ink and a rotating drum this way you can make identical copies over and over again from one original until the ink or the paper runs out [Music] what happened Professor eugenius my briefcase I can't find it anywhere oh you're so absent-minded first it was the umbrella now it's the briefcase oh is that for me I don't do it on purpose well we'll find a briefcase I'll go design a new flyer for that and I'll print those out too I just remembered remembered where you left your briefcase not that this morning I forgot to drink my tea so we need to find your tea as well foreign it's so dark inside of here quiet Elisa's coming up we have to hide [Music] where is that one about the briefcase here's the flyer for missing Keys the one for the phone the flyover when the professor gets lost here a missing briefcase excellent laughs foreign [Music] form he got stuck inside The copier we have to go and save him save him we all need to be saved Tula if Elisa takes these fires and hangs them up the whole city will find out about fixies so what do we do then wait uh oh we can use those liquid erasers to paint over Nola foreign [Music] not everybody has the opportunity to enjoy seeing the paintings of the great Masters but thanks to copying technology these pictures are well known all over the world Young Artists and sculptors can learn their craft by studying and copying the great artline of the past it's good to have copies of important documents just in case what if the original of a document happens to get destroyed at least there will be a copy copies are generally very helpful but not all copies are good some copies called forgeries are bad a forgery is a copy of a picture document or even money that is presented as the original making forged copies is illegal you can even be sent to jail for making copies like that [Music] we're right over here the light's so bright in there I almost went blind and we had to take every one of those copies and paint over all of them so that humans won't find out about fixies it's a shame I wasn't there I could help you out with that [Music] Professor I'm leaving [Music] foreign there they are Elisa Elisa Elisa she just left to hang up the Flyers yeah and I found the briefcase in the umbrella myself I have to call her and tell her oh where's my phone have I really lost it don't you worry Professor if you can't find it Elisa's got a flyer for your phone already what's important right now is that Elisa doesn't go missing the marshmallow [Music] fixies why are you so sad Christmas is just around the corner maybe you don't need a lot of fun for you but not for us why is that Nasi and Papas had a quarrel over what [Music] thank you every year we've got to repair those string lines oh yeah it's awful Christmas Is Almost Here and there's still so much work to be done what do you think of that and this here you are you don't hear the phone ring you don't answer messages and we have string lights that aren't working right we need help Papas can't you give us a few more minutes you said that an hour ago haven't you wasted enough time look [Laughter] how fair you are so having a good time um we were just about to leave and you can stay right here I've already done everything myself you obviously have more important things to take care of so you left me over there by myself working my tail off just so you can play where are you going to relax oh yeah fine with me we'll get your parents to forget I I mean to forgive each other how my dad always says that the way to a woman's heart is to give flowers and candy and where we gonna find flowers right now oh we'll make them out of marshmallows people are always trying to improve recipes the French used an ancient Egyptian mallow root recipe to create the marshmallow a fluffy dessert that can decorate a cake or be roasted on an open fire in Russia pureed fruit and berries were mixed with egg whites and sugar and then whipped together to create their own fluffy dessert zifier ingredients have changed over the years but these old desserts are still popular what will they think of next foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right no no and no I'm relaxing I told you but Tom Thomas won't have time to make his mom's card if you don't go and then she'll end up without a present fine I'll go but I'm only going for his mom's sake sweets aren't just for eating they can also be used to decorate a Christmas table for instance it's very easy to make this Christmas tree out of marshmallows make a row of marshmallows at the bottom of a plate one two three four five six seven the second row has six of them the third row five then there's four three two and a special one on top add breadsticks at the bottom as a trunk and sprinkle the plate with some sweet confetti there it's ready with the help of some little cookie cutters it's possible to make hearts and snowflakes out of marshmallows or you could make a reindeer put a candy cane through a marshmallow use sugar beads for eyes and a nose and pretzels for Antlers beautiful right merry Christmas foreign I don't get what's going on the monitor's working what'd you call me for uh I didn't call hmm and you've got nothing for me to do here no ah then I guess you came to apologize uh no you know what I have had enough uh well huh [Music] uh for me yeah for you that's so sweet I hope you can forgive me for yelling at you I'm just tired no I should apologize it was bad of me to leave you alone and where are the children it's almost Christmas there you are come here [Music] hurray Merry Christmas [Music] buttered bread [Music] to eat when you're playing a game I know your mom told you that come on stop distracting me that's the game huh now that's what you call Murphy's Law Nola no that's a little buttered bread the law of buttered bread there's no way that's a real law people say that bread always lands butter side down scientists laugh at that but there is a greater truth in it first of all a sandwich usually falls from the low height of a table and so it only has time to make a half turn second decided to fight with the butter is heavier and that pulls it towards the ground and third people remember the bad things that happened to them so they believe that butter bread always lands the wrong way that's just goofy I don't believe in that law it's true and not just for butter bread but any Open Face Sandwich then let's do an experiment we got tons of food in here we just covered some bread with it and then throw it all right let's do it [Music] titties well jelly side down uh-huh and the cheese went down and the chocolate spreads out of luck too the baloney didn't do any better do you believe me now not yet let's keep going we should try some other methods of throwing [Music] oh that's everything there's nothing left no there's still where did you see that here it is already cooked it hey turkey show them how you're supposed to fall [Music] aha didn't I uh tell you yeah you vandals why are you throwing food all over the place it's simply full hey give it back please we're testing the law of buttered bread you gotta be kidding your mom is gonna love you for that can you please put the sandwich on a plate already it's too heavy for us to keep holding it up yeah good there you go Tom Thomas do you have any idea at all how nutritious that turkey is and delicious I'd imagine and turkey's a healthy food that has lots of protein vitamins and what do you call them micro elements that's not all eating that turkey could make you grow if you eat that sandwich you could grow a centimeter I think that's true yeah and it'll give you some extra strength which you're gonna need when you clean up your kitchen [Music] humans eat food not only to make them strong but also to grow and develop take a look at all these different foods do you think they have anything at all in common well actually they do all foods contain nutrients like proteins fats and carbohydrates combining them properly is the science of nutrition foods with fats and carbohydrates give humans energy while those with protein are essential for helping children grow people love to eat food that is delicious fresh and assorted try to eat all sorts of good foods like salads and soups cereals potatoes vegetables and meats and not just sandwiches but when it's time for a little snack a sandwich can be just right and it's so easy to make [Music] huh [Music] what happened to all of our bread there's only one slice left I made an experiment a real one I see well science requires sacrifice and there's no doubt that scientific experience is way better than playing with the phone all day right [Music] can I have another piece of turkey I don't know why but I'm really hungry today hmm [Music] no that's what I call Murphy's Law no no that's what they call the law of buttered bread dad hockey today I'm definitely gonna beat you you already forgot you're just one and we're a team baby just you wait [Music] one nothing [Music] hi there um Katya uh hi what are you doing here Katya came to pick up something for her mom I need a little more time can you wait here yes of course I'd be happy to we can play a game hmm only just not hockey I never understood why boys are so crazy about it I'm baffled by it too oh the fixies are here hi guys hi there even though you clearly don't get hockey I'm sorry we're finishing this game and after that my dad and I are gonna go and see a real hockey game at the arena I'm sure that a real game is just as boring you're wrong [Applause] hockey is an incredibly interesting game but it isn't easy a player needs so many different skills like skating very fast stopping quickly dodging the opposing players controlling his stick and shooting the puck into the goal [Applause] no way to do all of that without science for instance to calculate how hard to hit the puck or how quickly to stop hockey players learn all about that during their practices they put on their protective gear and go for it and that's not all hockey players also have to be brave and Nimble otherwise they might find themselves unable to stop and crashing into the boards or taking a puck to the Head oh but as the saying goes hockey is not for cowards kittiesh [Music] what are you waiting for Katya you just made me miss that I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music] enough with that I happen to be helping you if you didn't notice you said you don't like hockey so quit giving me advice hmm whatever [Music] that was my second goal from that spot over there you locked out uh-huh sure did he'll have less luck if you keep this player back and that one needs to pass off the boards get your goalie before she said she didn't know anything about hockey so are we playing or not [Music] attack and check don't lose control a line change on the Fly the puck is zooming towards the goal to score and break the tire it's one for all and all for one great teamwork is a must Let's Go and show them how it's done this game was made for us exactly hockey 's our game [Music] hockey's a game hockey hockey tell me again what's the name of our game hockey I can't hear you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] hooray we won ugh if it hadn't been for Katya but the winning goal was mine [Music] Tom Thomas it's time for the game ready to get going Katya I'll take you home oh um could I go with you to see the hockey I never realized it's such a great game hey you know what why don't we go to the game together maybe I'll like it too great it's about time let's go [Music] mom Thomas has his own team now and not only that they don't give up it's not that it was beginner's luck that's all that it was money [Music] hello uh-huh fire can you help me please sorry Verda I need to go to uh the warehouse right away but I helped you yesterday didn't I well I helped you the day before that yeah well what about last week I helped you three times remember well I you helped one another when it was time to I don't see why you have to count of course not Tula you asked for the most help from all of us I do not fair though Lisa helps professor your Genius and she doesn't argue with him of course not she's in love with the professor actually it's her job and for helping the professor she gets muddy hmm money that's a smart idea constantly moves from one hand to another a person does his job at work and in exchange he gets money for it he can use the money to buy things he wants like clothing or food or he can pay somebody else for their own like getting a ride from a taxi driver a haircut from a hairdresser or a computer repaired by a technician oh people take part in this circulation of money but unlike people's fixies don't use any money we do just fine without it [Music] from now on we'll do it like people do it if you work for somebody they give you money for it and if you need some help then you pay and that'll stop the arguing and all the false accusations and those are for Simca adult now it's all fair [Music] what is this money what are we supposed to do with it you don't know you pay for someone to help you I don't like this new idea at all at all [Music] maybe we should give them our money so they'll stop arguing I've got a cooler idea hey who needs money around here cause we've got it now there's enough for everybody everybody where are you we're in here [Music] this is all your fault fire and your fault no it's the money that's whose phone is [Music] right that's why we were fighting and we didn't even fix the printer nothing more than just paper [Music] oh nobody is printed in strict seriously we still know something about the process the paper used for buddy is made out of cotton and linen it's stronger than normal paper made out of wood which means it doesn't rip as easily even if you fold it thousands of times the ink used for printing buddy is special too it won't rub off the paper or fade in the Sun and that's not all the ink has secret additives that can only be seen if you look at the muddy under a special light this helps protect people from fake money it is for the same reason that watermarks metal strings and teeny tiny writing is also used on muddy this writing is very hard to read unless you happen to be a fixie I hope I didn't say more than I should have all done it's time for a test but what are we going to print a word with real value yeah something really precious no it's not money right it's so much so much better [Music] the [Music] umbrella well so why isn't it working we let's start by disconnecting the Hoist otherwise you know what what do you need an umbrella for because it'll be pouring rain today where'd you get that idea I heard it you're leaving already yeah I have to wash the car before I go in ah then I'll take an umbrella to work you know the Yeoman deer once you wash your car it'll rain oh Todd Thomas's mother was just joking you don't joke with Omens it's going to be raining for sure but it's no big deal if you've got an umbrella umbrellas are an ancient invention there are almost 3 000 years old in China and Egypt umbrellas were made out of leaves feathers and paper servants carried them over their kings to protect them from the hot sun when umbrellas became fashionable in Europe people started using them as cover from rain the most convenient are folding umbrellas their design is simple the edge of the fabric is attached to ribs when you open an umbrella the ribs spread out in all directions and stretch the fabric over your head automatic umbrellas can open very quickly just press the button and it pops right open keeping your clothes dry as if there was no rain at all an unopened umbrella can be used as a cane and if the umbrella's handle is also collapsible then it can be stored in a bed when it isn't needed well the contacts are normal and all of the wires are in place then what's the problem I don't know we're gonna have to test it Doula put away your umbrella but the omen calls for rain yeah one Omen doesn't count manipulator get me a screwdriver understood executing the manipulator's joints are creaking see that's a moment of rain too it's an omen that it's time for a little oil wanna help me just a sec I'll help you foreign [Music] [Music] well so much for that Omen it's going to rain anyhow I know it just take a look at those flowers dropping isn't that an omen the reason that they're drooping is because Elisa is on vacation and my colleague forgot to water that pool we'll finish the repair and I'll Water them I promise [Music] ah this is the reason that it broke this damaged part has to be replaced come on and help me I'll get a replacement from the warehouse yes Fire's flying low isn't he hmm and what when birds start flying really low to the ground fire isn't a bird but he's flying low didn't you see cool give me a sledgehammer would you and put away the umbrella already look there isn't a cloud in the sky that's because it's morning you have to know this one when there's no clouds in the morning then in the afternoon we're standing inside [Music] look it's raining you see I told you so and you didn't believe me let's walk together but how's the weather outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] at least I won't need to water the plants you're right about that let's walk together but how's the weather outside is [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 246,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: _hpijRWi-vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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