The Time Has Come Evangelistic Series || Millions Fooled By A Myth || Mar. 27, 2021 (Morning)

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yet signs are foretell that the moment is narrowing when he shall return is the promise most cheering but we know who are seeking salvation there's truth in the bold of the lord's revelation each of his reports to the great constitution but we know he will come let us and we'll pray is oh be with us bless each one bless each individual that's watching me pray that you will give us the blessing that we come seeking today in jesus name amen the coming king is at the door who wants the cross for sinners for but now the righteous ones alone he comes together at the is a glorious to cease the he's even at the to be even at the door peace we would sing this one how sweet are the titans that greets the pilgrims air as we wander in exile from home you're singing along with us in sim number four for two how sweet are greet the they there as we wandering exile from home soon soon will the savior and glory appear and soon will the kingdom come is shall be opened as wide as before and the millions that sleep in the mighty deep shall live on this earth once more the sea is coming coming is coming soon i know coming back to this earth from the north from the south is hallelujah is we're saying we're bound for the land of the pure and the holy will the home of the happy the kingdom of love he wandered from god in the broad way of paulie who say will you go to the eden above we're bound for the land of the pure and the holy the home of the happy the kingdom of love he wanders from god in the broad road of paulie oh say will you go to the event we not a shade of transgression no poverty there no the saints are all wealthy whose nature is love no sickness can reach then that country is healthy oh say will you go will you and if you're not used to that old hymn singing we're gonna see the same message being sent in the new hymn in this there's a land that is fairer than day and by faith we are gonna see the far for the father he waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there there's a land that is we shall meet on beautiful shore the melodious songs of the blessed and the spiritual sorrow no more not a sigh for the blessings of rest we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the season we will offer our tribute of praise for the glorious gift of his love and the blessings and when we all get there we're gonna sing that they come from the east they come from the west they come from the north and they come from the south and we are all invited to join with jesus as his guest they come from the east and west they come from the north and south invited to join with jesus as guests and dwelling their father's house at his together face and clothed with his purity joined with him in songs of joy throughout eternity they come from the thorny path they come from the stormy seas he redeemed by his grace from wrong no more any sin no more any tears no more any night so long all things are all passed away all things are become as new joy shall reign eternally for death is they come from the stormy seas they come from the hills they come from the tails they come now oh lord to thee who hung up stands open for you and me our savior has gone a they come from the story they come from the hills they come from the tails they come now oh lord to thee our raid is to win their victory everyone everyone welcome welcome to east jamaica conference of seventh day adventist live stream we are here each night for the time has come gospel crusade with pastor evangelist adlib life and this morning we are here again and we just want to welcome our social media viewers we have persons on bless tv we have our youtube northeast jamaica conference youtube and we have our facebook page live and up and running and we just want to welcome all of you who are here and we also want to remind you to call up all your friends send the link to them like share subscribe so that everybody can be blessed by today's program and of course there are several churches around the area that are sending out their feed to the people we have churches like buff bay mansion eel bound brook and they are on youtube and the church is like oroca bessa fruitful veil these are broadcasting from their facebook pages so we just want to give thanks to all of our viewers wherever you may be and it would be remiss for me not to welcome our viewers from overseas they have been with us for a while now and we great thanks so sister morrison what is our theme for this morning we are today focusing on the blessings of the sabbath the blessings i just love that word yes because god himself yeah lest the sabbath day indeed he sanctified it all at it and set it apart for worship yes the sabbath is truly a gift for us a time for rest and restoration of our connection with god and with others and when we worship on the sabbath we have come in obedience to god's commandments yes and i like the fact that it reminds us of who our creator is and who we are that's correct he is creator yes and he is as well redeemer yes he also sustains all the time my sister and so at this time we are going back to our favorite people who keep us singing each day and nice definitely they are and so we are going to our theme song now from the brom fields mande ki porto is moving from time to time wow and i can imagine our viewers those who are listening i think that's why they are glued to this program you know i believe so because the brown fields they come with a certain energy and a certain flavor and guess what there's going to be singing up in heaven oh i just want to be there because with jesus in heaven it should be a blessing i don't want to miss the brownfields neither do i want to miss any of my viewers and i am going to be there amen my sister the brown fields years of time have come and gone since i first heard how jesus would come then i just can't help but feel how much closer he is keep your eyes upon the eastern sky wars and strife on every hand and violence fills our land still some people doubt he'll never come again but the word of god is true he'll redeem his chosen few don't lose hope for soon christ jesus will descend new feeling in the air keep your eyes keep your eyes read them amen amen now that the tone has been set let us go straight into our prayer posture whether we are kneeling standing or sitting down let's have a word of prayer most righteous heavenly father we give you thanks we give you praise we thank you for this opportunity on this blessed holy sabbath to come into your presence from wherever we are circumstances may try to keep us apart but with you we are together in love and unity on this beautiful sabbath morning and so we ask you for guidance we ask you for your care as we go through today's program that you will let everything go in its correct order and that your grace and your love will be seen and felt forgive us lord of our sins and where we've come short of your wonderful glory in jesus precious name i pray amen amen thank you very much sister martine and so we have a group of young people and i like that our young people are following in our footsteps train up a child in the way he should go and when he's old is not they will not depart yes and so we have a group this morning from the cool cool climbs of castleton and they are led by their pastor dixon the song they are the rescue from castleton so they are heir to rescue sinners from the depths of sin amen for a long time i've traveled a long long then heard about jesus what a thank god i am free free free from this smell of sin washed in the blood of jesus i've been born again is i'm so glad that i found out he could bring me out through his holy name thank god i am free free free from this hallelujah is washed in the blood of jesus i've been born again he could bring he could bring me the way i'm so glad that i found out he could bring me amen praise the lord amen i like two words from that song rescue save i did say two huh what their rescue they're talking about save and free from sin yes and the scripture does say if the son had set you free you shall be free indeed you shall be free indeed and that freedom is not only for us in studio this morning freedom is also available to all our viewers whether you are on youtube you are on facebook twitter or your on any of the cable networks wherever you are inland or out of land god's freedom is available to you from sin yes and i know that many neighbors have their boom boxes on the front lawn now blasting away so that everybody can have a bit of what is going on right here at the northeast jamaica conference and i'm sure castleton district is quite proud this morning of these young persons who just sang oh yes and we welcome them we are happy for them and they were joined by their pastor andre dixon yes thank you so much pastor for taking the young people to be with us we're talking about the sabbath the blessings of the blessings of the sabbath yes what blessings do you get martine from the sabbath well when i was in school that's when i really noticed it much because when everybody else had assignments to be doing and completing and they had this busy day on sabbath getting all of these things done we were in church resting from in god's completed work resting from labor and having so much fun while everybody else was working themselves to death but guess what too for me the sabbath takes me away from the mundane things the everyday things they're running up and down either on yawn i am in church yes i am at peace oh my god i am resting i am having worship i am having fellowship with the saints that does not say however that if my neighbor is in need then i should bypass my neighbor well rescue rescue yeah that's a good one rescue the sabbath is a necessity yes god did not make a mistake anything that he did and everything that he did was well calculated yes and so the sabbath is a necessity it's not just an obligation because he has invited us to worship he has set it aside it is engraved so we worship the sabbath or we worship on the sabbath as a necessity not just as an obligation just as that we need water air sunlight we need rest definitely and rest comes with the sabbath we need that rest to rejuvenate we need that rest to survive we need the sabbath to truly come alive in our hearts and that's why we are inviting our friends our neighbors all our viewers to join us yes and enjoy the blessings of this sabbath rest because when god said to us that he is giving us the sabbath he really meant us well right because he knows that your body needs to rejuvenate each time and life is far more than just work work work and earning money and trying to be rich and famous it is so much more after all he said let them build me a sanctuary that i may come and be among them but guess what kovid has affected that kind of assembly so we are glad that the sanctuary is not so much the building not the brethren but the brethren yes but we need to have the church buildings as well we do but because of kovid and we have to abide by those principles those protocols that are said hey we have our virtual platform our virtual sanctuary the time has come for us to find other means of getting the gospel out there and so we are happy that no matter what is happening in the world the blessings that come with the sabbath prevail amen and that's a beautiful thing amen and so now we're going into the study of the word what a way this book of isaiah has come alive i tell you and guess what we're at the end of it is the 13th sabbath do you remember my 13th sovereign sister marsa when i was a child growing up in the dover church wow it was a time for me to recite all those 13 texts of course and to sing wow wow wow but even today we still do that there are many persons out there especially older persons who usually know study the other lessons and they still know how to do them and they still know how to do them yes and that is why we need to look at what isaiah has been saying to us there's this part in the in the whole series that i really liked when senna carib was disrespecting the people of god and telling hezekiah that well you know he ought not to even be telling the people about the power of god and hezekiah had to get down on those knees and i advise people out there if your knees are working and even if they aren't prayer is not posture talk to god about your situation to god yes in season and out of season but guess what we have in studios this morning to do for us the adult sabbath school lesson but because remember we have been doing the adult sabbath school lesson and we've been doing the children's lessons as well for the past two weeks we had elders oh doing the lesson but here this morning we have in studio pastor and sister jovane griffith so sister pastor jovain griffiths and sister taisha griffiths and my pastor pastor ordained mighty oh 91 right from the district of churches but which district is past of griffiths from though the bound brook district of churches oh and we also have lesson studies coming up from the children as well we have for the primary lesson xylon johnson from claremont seventh-day adventist church who is doing the what is the primary the primary right and then we have john green he is doing the primary lesson from manchester church i knew john as a baby while i was at portland high school okay amen it's good to see him right and we also have miss michaelia bailey from guys hill wow and she's going to be doing for the juniors and from the early teens is actually clark oh from the port antonio church that's how that name was called i've been looking at it and wondering how is that one called right so actually actually by the way is the son of pastor clark damian oh okay now i understand because i know of the little baby girl at our care and i've been wondering where those names came from all right all right hail to pastor clark this morning and family sister clark over there in port antonio we thank you so much for preparing atwali for taking on the lesson for this morning and so we welcome we welcome the pastoral family yes to share with us in the study of the word this morning welcome pastor and sister griffiths and pastor mighty thank you sister marson good morning everyone happy sabbath we're so happy that you have taken the time out to join us this morning in our lesson review and i'm so happy in a very special way because i am not here alone i'm sitting beside my beautiful bunono's wife sister taisha stone griffiths and i'm here also with my colleague and friend pastor adeed mighty but just before we get into the lesson my dear could you please pray for us let us pray for an eternal father we are truly grateful and thankful for your words we ask oh god that as you're about to reveal your words that your holy spirit may lead us your holy spirit may guide us into all truth for this is my prayer thanksgiving in jesus name amen amen this week's lesson is under the theme rebirth of planet earth rebirth of planet earth and our memory text rather that we looked at was isaiah 65 verse 17 which says for behold i create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind what a promise and an assurance amendment to know that this polluted atmosphere uh let me just insert here that there are actually three words used in the hebrew to refer to the heavens at different levels and this heaven refers specifically to this atmosphere in which we live and breathe and this atmosphere that is corrupted yes filled with greenhouse gases and other pollutants will be no more amen and it will no longer be remembered i i i love about what i also love rather about this lesson is the illustration at the top yes based on the the topic i'm assuming that these hands are god's hands and this circle this sphere is the earth yes that will be created linking back to god's original role as our creator yes as a matter of fact they they the analogy that is used before i even go there let me backtrack what do you get from the illustration at the top you know pastor mighty it is so powerful we see that over the years from god created this world and sin entered the world that sin has degenerated the earth so much and god is saying i have to restore my image in my people and so he's saying i'm going to recreate a new earth not just a new earth but new heavens and we're looking forward to that day when god will create a new heaven and a new earth amen amen and when i first saw this image pastor and sister when i saw this image two analogy came to me one i see it as a putter creating something with the clay and it is so remarkable that the title of this lesson is rebirth of planet earth and god is here creating a new planet a new earth so that we can live in paradise and also pass i'm seeing here when before i go there i tell you a story when i was a child or when i was young i used to love playing marble and when i have my marbles out i i tend to put my hands as the same in the same position as these hands are around this earth and this is so that i protect my my marbles from being stolen are being rolled away and it is so sweet to know that the protecting hands of god are always around me amen it's quite the assurance that we have that god will indeed protect us uh no we're also told about young billy who was brought to the doctor because billy decided listen i'm not going to school anymore my god because there is no point in doing this i he he said to the doctor i read in an astronomy book that the earth the sun rather will soon burn out yes and all of us will die so what's the point of doing anything if we're dead anyways and his mother would have showed it hysterically it's not your business it's not your business it's not for you to worry about and the doctor would have attempted to to kind of calmly down by saying by that time we would have all died so you don't have to worry about it billy and that's the problem we're dead anyways this is what discourages many persons they believe that in the end we're all dead so why should i live for christ why should i make a change in how i'm currently living hunted anyways i'm glad today that our assurance yes is that death is not the end amen death is indeed not the end we know for christians that death is bought asleep and that is the assurance that we have past almighty death is brought asleep and i know that there are many bills out there this morning who may be wondering i i don't need to give my heart to god i don't need to live a life of a saving relationship with god i am going to relax my faith but i say to them the time has come the time has come forward past almighty the time has come for us to shake off those those things that so easily beset us and look to jesus the author and finisher of our faith amen amen and as we transition over into sunday's lesson it is so it is such a beautiful lesson new heavens and a new earth new heavens and a new earth you know when i was a child i love to tell stories you know when i was a child i always look forward for september morning when we would go back to school reason being because i will be furnished with new shoes and a new school suit and new bags but when i when i would have reached school that monday morning i'd look bright and dapper and all smelling fresh and all but there's something that always happened to my new shoes my new clothing and my new bag they all become worn out my god they all become worn out after a time but there is something about this new heaven there is something about this new earth yes it can never be worn down or worn out because it is created we're in a in a position or in a place where sin and sinners aren't welcome i re read here that in the city the new jerusalem there will be no more what weep in there will be no more crying people normally will live considerably longer than a century before they die their work and children beloved will remain for them to enjoy god will answer them even before they cry but when i read this i realized that even though we will live longer we will die but i read a little further when i read down a little further it says that it says that although the lord's holy mountain would begin with mount zion at jerusalem it was only a precursor meaning that it is just a symbol of what god promises to do ultimately in a new world with his redeemed people and in this new world death is not welcome amen sin is not welcome and it also fascinates me person about the lion the lion eating grass and it says here that it takes more than a vegetarian cooking class for a lion to change its diet to vegetarian and it also says that it takes a re-creation amen not just of the mind but of the heart and the desires of this lion so that it can have a new mindset and at the end passed up at the end in this new heaven and this new earth while we're here on earth we are here being bombarded with trials and tribulation but when i asked john the revelator what does this mean john says don't worry about it man because in revelation chapter 21 verse 1 to 2 john says no i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away also there will be no more sea you know this morning when i was coming up when i was coming to this studio i saw where the sea is rough yes and the sea when it's rough it symbolizes trouble and here it says that there will be no more sea meaning there will be no more trouble no more not only trouble there will be no more separation hallelujah i say thanks be to god for that amen yes foster it's it's actually a reassuring and a comforting promise to know that there is coming a time when there'll be no more separation i see you right now and i know that next week i will see you again i won't get the news that you're no longer with us my god and as a matter of fact in the process of restoration god wants to do something he wants to draw us yes closer to him uh like uh as our magnet yes we draw things closer to it yeah it's just a griffiths yes and as you mentioned that we move on to monday divine magnet divine magnet following the destruction of his enemies god reveals his glory so that he becomes a magnet to draw people to jerusalem and i'm here to tell you this morning that the divine magnet of god has not lost its strength it is still pulling individuals to himself ultimately to new jerusalem so that is why we have the time has come evangelistic campaign for the bible says if i christ said if i be lifted up i will draw all men onto me when the people of god are redeemed the signs of his restored favor are joy and peace god wants to give you his joy not just any joy but everlasting joy he wants to give us his peace in fact he is the prince of peace so i say to you this morning avail yourselves today and be drawn by the divine magnet of god yes what a god amen seeks to draw us closely oh yes as a magnet would and as a matter of fact there's a part for us to play in this process of attraction yes on tuesday it it says that we are to be missionaries god actually sends the survivors of his destruction out to the ends of the earth and they're actually sent to a particular kind of people yes these people are people who do not know about him persons who would have never heard his name or or no of his fame who wouldn't have tasted unseen that he is good and he said what what they will do when they go to the ends of the earth they will declare my glory among the nations as it says in verse 19. and this as a matter of fact it establishes a clear-cut uh call for us to to to do missionary outreach yes and as a matter of fact there there is something even greater about this we talk about the missionary side of things where we go beyond barriers and and borders so that individuals who do not know christ who do not know of god are actually able to know him who to know his life eternal yes but then the worship leader section it it puzzled me at first he from these same people who who are gentiles those people who don't know of him who are not necessarily cut from the same cloth as those who were sent out these people would be chosen as worship leaders my god originally if we we look back only descendants of aaron yes and other members of the tribe of levi could actually serve as priests and actually assist yes in in the temple services yes and here we see that god is authorizing those individuals authorizing those people to serve in in that capacity they have heard the good news and they would have become a part of his fold and know they are to lead out and to help others to come to know him as well i don't know which tribe i descended from but i'm glad to know that you are gentile i am still able to serve god and to to help others to worship him as well uh as as we look at that we we we jump over to wednesday oh yes my pastor where we look at the community of faith that is no form yes from the attraction and with missionaries and worship leaders yes my pastor when when i look at wednesday it it also connects with with tuesday it says that the israelites were actually the priestly nation and god has ordained them to be the priest over all other nations especially the levites but here is it here is it paul says that there is no jews or greeks for all are one in christ jesus amen here is it that gentiles now have the opportunity to be worship leaders and to answer that question pastor about your your tribe it doesn't matter which tribe you're from not at all once you are built once you are a believer in god your tribe is jesus's tribe my god and i love this song that says behold what ma behold what manner of love the father has given unto us amen be all what manner of love the father has given unto us so that we should be called the sons and daughters and daughters of god hallelujah go to god be the glory and also my pastor and my dear bonanno's wife i share from verse first john three it says behold what manner of love the father has given unto us and when i read this it reminds me that it doesn't matter pastor what tribe are we from because the blood prevailed amen and if you accept the blood of christ today his blood can become live alive in your veins so i say to someone out there trust god believe in him and watch his providence happening in your life amen amen and it it it's good to see how far we have come on this journey of restoration the rebirth of planet earth and on thursday we look at the final stage of the restoration where it says so shall your seed and your name remain you see in the the the new heaven and new earth one of the most wonderful promises that we find in isaiah is actually verse 22 yes and if we read it carefully in the new heavens and the new earth or seed and our name shall remain forever no more blotting out my god no more cutting off grafting in plucking up no uprooting we have a promise of eternal life in a world that has been made new a world as a matter of fact that yes without sin yes that is without death a world that is without suffering a new heaven and a new earth as he mentioned before so the fulfillment of this where it says from each new moon yes each sabbath we will come before him and bow down yes and it it it it doesn't say that says isaiah says the lord yes so from from week to week yes we will gather to bow down before god and to worship him uh many persons are are wondering you know about the relevance of the sabbath at that time but if we look back at creation remember he's doing the creative work work again yes man in creation we see back in genesis after six days god would have rested from his work and he would have called it good yes and he would have sanctified that day the seventh day yes before sin yes now this only makes sense for it to continue perpetually yes into the new jerusalem where our lives are our one of worship amen constant worship uh it's not that we won't worship him every day but sabbats as in creation would have been set apart for us to to spend all the time with him yes and as a matter of fact it refers to new moons as well i can't help but believe this is tied to the tree of life yes which bears new fruit each month now the if if we look at how the calendar is now structured each month has a 28 or 30 or 31 days yes now if you look at how the the the lunar cycle works it's about 29 and a half days but imagine in its original context it being 20 28 days right possible that each new moon may fall on a sabbath yes look at that yes so that therefore means we will also be worshiping on that time and from new moon to new moon it looks like we'll be worshiping every day every day every day all throughout all day every day ages we will be worshiping our god and this is happening only because of the sacrifice that jesus made for us yes without that sacrifice none of us would have access to the tree of life as adam and eve would have no there is a great warning that is given as a as a matter of fact i still can't believe that it's 13th sabbath already my god that wings has flown by yes man time has wings the the book of isaiah brought us through a journey of the great controversy and at the end of it all it says that if if we don't accept life which is eternal then we'll accept eternal death so who don't want to live forever will die forever my god uh in isaiah 24 um 66 rather verse 24 where it speaks about the corpses and the worms which do not die yes and the fire which isn't quenched that is that is a fire that i don't want to be a part of as an elder shared with me all these things on earth are fire material my god all the things that we can acquire and accumulate just kindling just fire material and we get to decide whether or not we become fire material or we get to spend eternity with god i don't know about anybody else but i want to spend i want to be here as well with god yes uh as we answered our final thoughts on on friday uh what what what what was your favorite part of this whole uh quarter and this whole week's lesson you know i just want to share a thought that sister white mentioned from the great controversy says the great controversies ended sin and sinners are no more the entire universe is clean one pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation from him who created all flow life and light and gladness throughout the realms of a limitable space from the minutest atom and for those who do chemistry and science to know that atom is the smallest yes indivisible particle of an element oh yes we cannot see it with our naked eyes so from the smallest the minutest atom to the greatest world all things animate living and all things inanimate not living in the unshattered beauty and perfect joy declare that god is love i look forward to the end of this controversy i look forward when death is no more when sickness is no more and we all shall live and reign forever with our make and king amen amen all i can see that seeing how the world is going and based on what is to come the new heaven and the new earth as for me and my house we will serve the lord we will serve the lord amen amen this was indeed uh for me an exciting study yes and i hope that our viewers would have learned much and enjoyed this this discourse throughout the book of isaiah i pray that we'll continue to be faithful in our study of the word of god until that day comes when the promise is fulfilled and we no longer will need faith because our faith shall become sight yes and we shall behold faith oh lord i i i can't wait for that day when there will be no yeah yes no more masks yes no more six feet apart yes i won't have to worry about any of those commanders i won't have to worry about being vaccinated yes because this corruptable shall be attacked this body that can can can contract yes 19. i look forward to that day and i pray that all of us will make that the desire of our hearts to make heaven our home for the christian to go and for the non-christian to come amen for the non-christian to decide that i want to be a part of this promise a part of this new heaven and new earth shall we pray a loving god thank you for your word and the encouragement we find in it bless us is my prayer in jesus name amen amen amen the time has come for us to listen to the word of god i looked in the chat sister martine and i saw for being anxious just to hear the lesson review what a wonderful job the young people did yes and i also see in the chat that both bay people are having a reunion okay there is sister hazel smart and she said she sent the link to brother thomas who is no pastor thomas i didn't know that oh yes he is again brony grant brother wait all of those buffet people are connecting so then the time has come the time has come for many connections to take place that's right it's a blessing one of the blessings of the sabbath oh yes my dear sister i saw somebody saying that their blessing as they think of the blessing of the sabbath it is rest yes and so um they're coined that into saying it's a time to reset oh my god and to be with the best tests all right sounds good our viewers are enjoying the sabbath school lesson yes we look forward to the time sister martin when we will not only spend a sabbath here and there but we will spend eternity eternity we will be with jesus in the earth made new and as i heard pastor mighty wrapping up he says he looks forward to the time when there will be no more covet right no more pain no more time won't it be a time when we get over yonder and so we welcome you our viewers yes on youtube and they're everywhere yes they're all over and we just want to welcome all of them but i had this thing that i really wanted to say to you sister morrison that sister griffith said time has wings i've never heard that expression have you ever heard it that way i've always been saying like that time is like sand in an hourglass oh right it keeps running out also pastor mighty said who doesn't want to live forever will die forever we'll die forever and then brother pastor griffith said as for me and my host and you notice his wife echoed the sentiment oh my god what a beautiful lesson that was what a beautiful lesson it is we've got to make that determination my friends my brothers and sisters that we're going to spend eternity we're going to spend endless sabbath from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another we shall be worshipping yes i couldn't help but say that his calculations that said it would appear that each new moon would just fall automatically on a saturday but after all god has given the sabbath to man the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath yes it doesn't matter how we uh try to get around it what kind of philosophy we are going to put to it the sabbath was designed for worship for rest for respite for us to be in contact with jesus christ and as one person says when you look at seventh-day adventists who take this rest they look different from other people because if you calculate the number of sabbaths that you rest then you have a few years of rest that other people just never got but they are 52 weeks well let's see here and the sabbath comes at the end listen to me it's a beautiful thing and all of us must embrace it because it is what is going to save some of us it is what is going to save some of us yes the rest the time we have to to come apart not the sabbat itself but the time we take to come apart because just now let's get it straight and we want our viewers to get it straight that the sabbath alone will not save you not at all it has to be a complete package yes it has to be about the lord of the sabbath it has to be about the lord of the sabbath and when we are in obedience we follow the commands of the lord of the sabbath then we will have everything falling into its natural place right right so sabbath is a happy day sing out sing out thank you sing at summer school sabbath is a happy day happy day happy day sabbath is a happy day and so we move on to the other aspects of our lessons yes we're going right on to our children and now we're going to be having zillon johnson salon okay okay and he is going to be doing the kindergarten lesson for us yes then right after that we're going to have john green from the manchester church doing the primary lesson may as well we just take them in order then we will have michaela bailly from guys hill she'll be doing the junior lesson and that is going to be followed by the early teen lesson and that's coming from actually clark did we have the youth yes okay quanzi walters out of pope so we'll be running those lessons one behind the other yes happy sabbath everyone today's lesson is coming in the clouds the memory verse is taken from 2nd peter 3 verse 13. we are looking forward to a new heaven the message says we praise jesus for his gift of heaven story is about a little girl named emma who who learns about heaven by listening to her father she asks her father what will she see in heaven her father answers you will see angels and all the characters from the bible you will see the animals and you will be able to play with the animals heaven is a happy place and it is the most beautiful place you we can ever imagine let us get ready to meet jesus in the clouds good morning sabbath school today i will be sharing with you lesson 13 from the junior sabbath school lesson the topic of this week's lesson is friends forever our politics is coming from 1st peter 3 verse 8. finally all of you be one of mine having compassion for one another love as brothers be tenderhearted be courteous the poor point is god's love for us shows us how to love one another jesus prays for his disciples and all believers that may be united as one in him jesus recognized the diversity among his disciples and appreciates their uniqueness he prays that they will look to him and find unity rather than looking to each other and being distracted by their diversity through prayer and our experiences of god's love for us we can learn to love other believers once we recognize the immensity of god's love for us we are inspired to extend his love to others when we focus on him we begin to understand the immense value that jesus saw in each one of us when he sacrificed his life to save us in this light we learn to value each human being as extremely precious in heaven's sight thank you for listening you've ever been to the blue mountains before the mountainous road can be so scary because you see the steepness of its height driver wanted is the topic of our listening today there was a man who lived under mountain top the road home was very narrow and winding he needed a chauffeur so he advertised you want to be his chauffeur do you well you have to be wise in order to pass the test two applicants show their skill and spook of their experience but the third was a successful one let's think about that where was he the one well he was wise and stayed away from the road's edge the boss asked him why he simply replied there are many ways to go down the mountain and i chose the best way you see the christian way is on a narrow road mountainous it is too too often we fool ourselves into thinking we can go so close to sinning and not sin the sad truth is that we oftentimes fail jesus told us to be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour first peter five verse eight he's after you he's after me but don't forget to remember that energy white says the path to eternal life is steep and rugged take no additional weight to your progress adventist room chapter 9. let's think about that do you want to go to heaven well in order to go to heaven you must follow this step playing with fire will cause you to get burned so playing with sin will cause you to get lost watch where you go and what you do the bible admonishes us to ponder the path of your feet and let your ways be established do not turn to the right or to the left remove your foot from evil proverbs 4 verse 26 and 27 listen to me now brothers and sisters young people yes you let us walk circumspectly before god each day god in his wonderful mercies bless you everyone my name is juan si walters and this week topic entitled it's your time now key text is taken from john chapter 3 verse 22-36 john say he was the bride is a bridegroom but a friend of the bridegroom will stand and hear him rejoice greatly because of the bridegroom vice therefore his joy is filled he must increase and i must decrease number one humanity blossom from understanding that i am not the christ john says i am not the christ i have learned that god is god and i am not god when things are not going the way i prefer i must learn to bow and acknowledge god you are god i am not god when my sin is popular and a crowd of people are gathering to hear me i must keep in mind that i am not christ i am just a servant sent to pine people to christ the second point is that humility blossomed from understanding that everything that i am an elf has been entrusted to me to be used for god's purpose and glory dan says a man can do a man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven john recognized that his role was not something achieved by his brilliancy i hard work rather god has given it to him so that he could find people to jesus it had nothing to do with it had nothing to do with anything could injure thing to do with god purpose for john the third point is that humility is maintained to having a proper definition of success in ministry john was disciples were concerned because the number of his followers were going down while jesus disciples were going jesus followers rather was going up john didn't do anything to correct the situation but his disciples were concerned john explained their cause for concern was his class for great joy john was trying john wasn't trying to build followers for himself but followers for christ the moral of this week lesson is that john is saying it's your time lord i must you must increase and i must decrease it is your time lord what a word what a word what a word even a little child shall lead them i like the thought that quanzi left us with that it is a time for us to allow the lord to shine out yes it is the time for us to allow the lord to be seen through us by others by our weakness he said that john was calling disciples to jesus christ not to himself indeed mercy and so this is what we have been doing in this is the time gospel campaign we're not calling persons to ourselves we're not calling persons to the seventh-day adventist church we are calling persons to jesus to jesus and once you have accepted jesus christ then everything that he says you are to do you will do it in obedience it will be a joy it will be a joy and i just everybody in the chat they are just going over they're just overjoyed with how the children presented themselves did you see pastor atwa oh my goodness pastor clark's own self he did so well oh yes you know every time from a child you know i i just keep on saying that every time i talk about jesus i just feel good true david said i delight to do thy way it is a pleasure to do thy will oh my god yea thy law is within my heart praise god just a thought from the lesson if you want to experience fellowship with god and with fellow believers as you never have before you need to wait no longer than six days amen evening and morning make up the days in god's calendar and we look at genesis 1 5 and 8. yes so when the sun sets next friday the sabbath begins oh yeah so don't tell me you don't know when it's the sabbath yes you know everything else and can identify every other day resurrection day but you can't identify the sabbath yes the entire universe gathers for a sabbath celebration the morning stars will be there the angels will gather the old family in heaven and earth assembles god has set time aside for you too and he honors it with his presence come join the celebration amen and a true understanding of the sub exchanges changes your life you know it has to and millions literally millions around the world find the light on this day my sister it is just such a beautiful thing and when we get to our heavenly home can you imagine what that celebration is going to be like it is going to be a celebration of celebrations we like music days here in jamaica i don't know about elsewhere in the world but in jamaica we love music days and when we have so much fun and fellowship on those days can you imagine worship in heaven i tell you something we are going to sing a song the song of moses and the lamb the song of the redeemed angels i just love it the song of moses it's such a beautiful thing but angels are going to want to join us yes but they will have to fold their wings oh yes because they won't understand the joy that or what a wonderful way oh my god in which to end the final lesson the 13th lesson for this quarter looking at the book of isaiah may i invite you friends on youtube or facebook twitter instagram or on any of our channels yes that you just go back and begin to read the book of isaiah chapter 1 through 266 oh yes here a little there a little line up online priest upon precept so that we can get a proper understanding of the word of god well we're about to transition yes from sabbath school to divine to divine service but i'd just like to welcome evangelist roger barcos time it's 3 am it is 3 a.m therefore the word of god must go forward with boldness yes and by now our viewers know what 3 a.m means it's not time to get up just time to get up in the mornings and pray it's time for the three angels messages and we know we find those in the book of revelation we can also find it in the book of daniel if we look carefully but the book of revelation is where we find the three angels messages yes revelation chapter 14 a wave verses 6-12 yes the minister has been presenting the words he has he has been given that word with a certain song yes without fear or favor clarity and power and authority and he's not softening the word you know i and i really wish he wouldn't he is not softening the word he is presenting the word as they thus set the lord and people of truth whether they like to admit it or not they love truth and so when truth is presented to them they spend time to analyze truth and to realize that truth is what will set us free so thank you very much thank you very much to our viewers for being with us and staying with us since we started this morning we ask you to stay with us until the end of today's program remember now we are going to be following the protocols that have been set yes so the for the afternoons program there will be the afternoon programs already recorded for you praise the lord so you will not miss anything but at this time at this time we make our ears and hearts ready for the brownfields indeed all right they are going to be taking us into our praise and worship amen we thank god for their ministry some of us will preach and some will pray and some will sing and if you can't do any of those just talk about the wonderful love let my heart be a sanctuary let my mouth be filled with let our songs be never ending let our lives exalt your name let's do it again let our hearts be as sanctuary let my mouth be filled with praise let our songs be never ending let our lives we were created in your image made in the lightness before you are joined with the angels and all of creation singing as one to praise you this morning we pray that each in each home you will be there that you will be speaking to each individual that will cleanse us from all our and unrighteousness and that indeed our prayers will be acceptable unto you in jesus name we pray let my heart be as sanctuary let my mouth be filled let our songs be never ending let our lives exhaust name let my heart be as sanctuary let my mouth let's do that one more time let my heart be a sanctuary let my mouth be filled with bread pure and holy lord tried and true it was you lord who came to save them heart and soul lord every man tried and true we have a high priest hallelujah the father in a temple made by god he's he makes provision for me in the sanctuary it's purifying heaven's temple hallelujah oh hallelujah in preparation for his returning for those who love and these this is sanctuary in the sanctuary in the sanctuary and is there a sweet anointing in the sanctuary at this point in time when god speaks to our heart he speaks peace and his voice is sweet so we have that sweet anointing that will come into the sanctuary that god is prepared for us so there is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness in the atmosphere is is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is come and lay down your burdens is everywhere is for in the sanctuary there is am oh is and he is let's do that again is is in the presence of the lord in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy i just feel like something good is about to happen i believe that the presence and the spirit of god is with us today we're taking time out to look at the blessings of the sabbath yes and it is now our divine service and at this time of the day we normally center our thoughts all the things that distract us all the things that take our minds away from what is important we tend to put them aside and to make our thoughts central on jesus christ so then if you're just joining us or viewers on youtube facebook twitter or instagram for young people or any of the cable channels welcome to the divine service we're happy that you are with us sorry we missed you this morning if we did but we are happy that you have come on board to join us just like to remind you of some things some quotes that came from the preacher this week yes when you touch god's people you are touching god himself and that is certainly true and another one says once you stand up for prince emmanuel you are assured of victory because he says he will fight for you and you shall hold your peace oops that is god fighting for us yes then we just have to stand still and see the salvation another one there says you can begin a new life because jesus has made it possible praise the lord and if your church is not doing the will of the father you are in the wrong church at the end of the day god will have one true church that's the church he established his own church his own church and this one the young people will like your social media posts and the parties you host must honor god whatever we do let everything that at breath praise the lord so whatever we do should honor god being a member of a church does not guarantee your salvation and that is a serious matter that's something we really need to take into consideration and of course everybody likes to participate in the service of the church and right now most of us don't get to participate in the church service because of our current circumstances but there is a way that you can participate yes that's our giving platform of course and so that giving platform is give dot northeast j a dot org say that again give dot northeast j a dot org so you can give your free real offering because we need to come into his courts and bring an offering and you can give your offering you can return your tithe through that platform yes you can make contributions to the development of the studio you can make your contributions to the education department or schools are in need or there is also the women's ministries empowerment program to empower our ladies the youth whatever you want to donate to whatever it leads wherever the spirit leads and it's maintained yes we need to be faithful in returning to god that which is is so the platform again i remind you it's give dot northeast j and so we're going to be taking now the brumfields and they are going to be taking us into our theme song years of time have come and gone since i first heard it told how jesus would come again someday is is new feeling in the air keep your eyes upon the eastern sky war and strife on every hand and violence is he'll redeem his chosen few don't lose hope for soon christ jesus will descend signs of the your times upon the east and sky lift up your heads breathe new feeling in the end redemption praise the lord sister morrison we are sitting sitting in the studio with the brownfields and yet i feel tempted always to ask is that pre-recorded they saw in the same way all the time well synchronized yes well put together god is a good and i think our audience is liking liking their singing liking their ministry i call it a ministry it is their ministry of music we're going to be having our stewardship focus at this time so i'm going to ask you to tune in for that we will be coming up to our prayer focus in a little while thereafter so we're going to ask you to write in the chat those prayer requests that you have yes so that they can be prayed for amen we believe in prayer yes god answers prayer he might come through when you want him but he's an on-time guard he's going to show up and may i say show off yes oh yes i always remember mount carmel yes he showed up for elijah and he's going to show up in your experience so at this time we have elder arthas and he's going to be doing our special feature or stewardship feature for us on the zoom and he is the stewardship and family life director of the northeast jamaica conference that he is welcome elder authors thank you thank you and good morning everybody morning sir sabbath we have been enjoying the program thus far um it has been a blessing i know it is a blessing to to to many um for this morning for just a few minutes i want to share with us um on the topic faithful stewards now uh faithful stewards are always appreciative of god's blessing they're they're always rejoicing about god's goodness towards them and this morning we're going to be looking at um a passage from luke chapter 17 to see what lesson we can gather and apply to our situation so luke chapter 17 reading from verse 12 it says then as he jesus entered a certain village there made him ten men who were lepets who stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us so when he saw them he said to them go show yourselves to the priest and so it was that as they went they were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed returned and with a load voice glorified god verse 15 16 and fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks and he was a samaritan so jesus answered and said were there not 10 cleansed but where are the nine were there not any found who returned to give glory to god except this foreigner if you look at the the tone of the passage it it shows that even that jesus was surprised and and disappointed that the nine did not return to give him praise friends many today are like the nine lepers who never returned to praise god for his healing touch his loving kindness and his mercies the the the great sin committed by many today is not fornication or adultery or even stealing it is a sin of ungratefulness towards god you see friends god has made us stewards of opportunities and resources that he has entrusted to us in good faith and he expects us to so manage these to give glory to him and also to earn an income for ourselves in 1st corinthians chapter 4 and verse 2 the bible says moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful is steward it is is a person to whom resources are entrusted for them to manage profitably on behalf of its owner if if i may use um an analogy to to express the the the the intent of this passage if you're planning to go to the united states and all you have is a passport you will not be allowed entry why because the the immigration laws of that country requires that you have a a u.s visa stamped in your passport look at this passage of scripture notice it says moreover it is required notice that word required it is required in stewards that won't be found faithful friends many we are preparing for christ's second coming to go home to live with him that is our hope in fact the bible refers to it as the blessed hope but can i tell you that if we are not faithful if we are not faithful stewards of god we will not be allowed entry you know um at times when the call is made to give to the lord that which he claims as his the response is is uh it is met with murmuring and complaining as if to say to god lord why do you require this of me why can't you be be satisfied with the little i am i'm prepared to give to you in response i imagine um god looking down from heaven would say i i have put i have put a roof over your head shoes on your feet food on your table i gave you a family i healed you when you contracted the covid19 virus i delivered you through university and look at you now blossoming so beautifully but you don't love me with all your heart it must be painful to jesus not to be loved by those whom he died to save friends i want to encourage you this morning think carefully of what god has done for you the rich blessings that he would have bestowed upon you when was the last time your heart was lifted up in gratitude to god how do you respond when when when you are you are confronted you are faced with that the command of god indicating that he desire of you to surrender to him your entire being and your means and that which he uh claimed to be his god wants all of us to be faithful stewards now god has given us the freedom of choice we can either serve him or not what will happen to those who decide not to be faithful stewards look at this passage of scripture given in matthew chapter 25 and verse 13. matthew chapter 25 relates the story of the talents and you will recall that the one who had received the one talent buried it he decided that he was not going to be a faithful steward to god what was the result what happened to him verse 30 says and and cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and those who don't have teeth will be coming it down there but friends can i tell you that we will not be placed for us we are going to be faithful to god so we don't have to worry about being placed in that situation in the uh or be cast or thrown into that place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth shall we pray gracious father we thank you lord for your loving kindness we thank you for your mercies we thank you for the rich blessings that you have extended towards us as we contemplate as we meditate upon your word we ask lord that you will grant us the will to always be faithful to you and seal our faithfulness for now through to eternity in your son's name we pray amen putting god first can be difficult what can we learn from noah that will help us put god first in our lives today can you imagine living in a town where you and your family are the only people who care about god well that was the life of noah people not only didn't care about god they didn't care about each other either the situation became so evil that if they were left to continue acting that way every human being would have been destroyed it was at that moment that god stepped in to save the world the first time around the world would end at least in the way it was before noah was told to put god first dedicate the next century of his life to building an ark and call on everyone to repent and change their ways noah and his family ended up being alone in this endeavor it was their time of the end and even though god's project required a lot of resources it seemed crazy but the family put god first investing all they had in it they realized they wouldn't be able to keep their possessions anyway noah was mocked and ridiculed by the very people he was instructed to warn but he didn't give up he was preaching and building to save as many as possible every day noah put god first and followed the instructions he was given the flood came and the ark saved noah and his family from destruction humanity was saved and noah received his property back a bigger one indeed in our time of the end we may be tempted to put our own projects and priorities first perhaps you're an administrator of many resources or perhaps you're constantly struggling to make ends meet like noah all of us are challenged every day every week every month to put god's kingdom first in a short time we also will be unable to keep our possessions everything will be lost anyway but those who put god first will see the results of their efforts with every person who will be saved god has also promised that all other things will be added to them and god keeps his promises with every plank and nail noah was putting god first his example compels us to do the same as we return our tithe and give our promise we are challenged to put god first remember in our giving the platform through which you may give to this cause is give dot northeast j a dot org that's our giving platform god bless you as you give the lord will give you some more now it's time to hear again from rescue from rescue the young people from the castleton from the castleton district of churches yes so i hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind and it's close enough than it's ever been i can almost hear the trumpet midnight when jesus steps up shall rise shall be quickly changed we i look around me i see prophecies fulfilling and i can almost hear the father says shall rise when jesus steps on the clouds the dead in christ shall rise shall be quickly changed and know that shall we chase here we go is will be gold we know at the midnight cry we'll be going home amen there'll be no more tears no more pain no more sickness no more suffering praise but until then as we live our lives down here on planet earth enemies territory we're going to be challenged at this time we want to focus on those who are not well yes those who are experiencing hard and challenging circumstances yes and we want to intercede on their behalf we want to remember today brother patrick henry yes one of our team members yes here in the northeast jamaica conference is not well and is at home at this time we want to remember this morning i heard in the chat on the youth week of prayer that there were four persons from jubilee town who had an accident last evening so we want to remember them i also see a brother sam who is asking for prayer sister thompson as well and shanique coburn is asking for prayer for her family we want to remember not only those who are sick but those who are having social challenges breakups in their marriages you know who have lost loved ones whether it uh be via coved or natural circumstances we just want to lift them up do you have any there sister martine actually i do there's a personal one my elder from swift river seventh day adventist church elder eileen heinz she broke her arm or her hand and it is no inner cast so we want to get special purr owed for her also we have phyllis williams or willis rather who is in the hospital sandy king she lost her husband and needs or purrs and there's also a list of family here that we've been requested to pray for family of angela king and marie ramsey seanette campbell winsome wilson and also the lawrence family yes and there are two persons here hospitalized laura plunkett and lavina smith okay sister plunk it is from the iraq based church oh yes we also want to remember the families of those persons from the windsor district the windsor church in particular who lost two loved ones one behind the other we want also to remember at priestman's river where they have also lost some members i understand that sister plummer our own worker here is not well we just want to put before the lord all those today who are suffering he is still the bam in gilead still the great physician amen and i'm sure he's going to show up at the sheep pool a final one before we take the purr pastor raja bocas is it yes bocas yes caribbean for per for the upcoming series that will be taking place here yes there's going to be an evangelistic series in the jamaica union conference and the northeast jamaica is included we should be having 16 of those preachers here in this district so we're not relenting we're not giving up not at all right so the angel scene there somebody in the chat is saying that the person will have to have wings but um swiftness suggests or flying suggests swiftness yes in prophecy this morning we have in the house pastor andre dixon yes who is the pastor of the rescue mission who just sang for us and he's also the pastor of the castleton district of churches we're going to ask pastor dixon to present those requests to the lord in prayer amen your eggs are bowed and your eyes are closed would you be free from your burdens of sin there is power in the blood of the lamb loving lovable father we pause in your midst one more time we pause in your midst god recognizing that there is no god like our god we pause in your midst god recognizing that our god still sits high and looks slow we pause in your midst god recognizing that our god is still in control even though father you have heard the different requests from different persons from different members we ask even our lord that you'll intervene we ask god that you'll give them a thoughts a touch that will heal their soul a touch that will heal their body a touch that will burn sin from their life and like that sung right the lord shackled by an heavy burden need a load of guilt and shame then the ends of jesus touch them touch me and we can never be the same father we are in need of a thoughts and if we don't get that touch from you this morning god we shall be wondering what should we do father we need a touch right now jamaica needs a touch that will burn crime from our country a jamaican needs a touch god that will set us on fire for you and even now god we are troubled on every side many persons are depressed many persons are troubled many persons are wondering what's next but i'm here to let somebody know that our god is the winner man i'm here to let someone know that our god has won the victory father you heard that there is a sister that broke her arm visit her this morning bring her comfort bring her hope and remind her god that our god the great i am is still god for the evangelistic campaign is right around the corner i pray god that you'll visit some hearts this morning and let some people know that the gospel trumpet is blowing let some people know that no it's that time let some people know god that now is the time to surrender to you before it's eternally too late again lord reacts that you will be with your man's servant and as he delivers your word today someone will cry out amir amil thank god i'm healed but i pray lord that you'll give him the uncertain function i pray god that you'll give him a fire that will burn that will burn that will present your message in a fiery way bless your people today save somebody today and for the persons who will be giving their hearts to you in the watery grave of baptism i pray lord that you will send angels to surround them and remind them that the angel of the lord and camp it round above them that fear god and deliver them let us again react save us we beg in jesus precious name i pray amen amen and amen amen praise the lord uh pastor dixon said something in his prayer sister martine he said that those who will be going in the water graves of baptism today does that suggest that we're having baptisms today like we did last week yes it does it certainly does oh yes men and women yes are yielding and i'm surprised we'll hear about that later on we will hear those who are baptized today but as you continue to listen we pray that you will continue to make decisions for jesus christ amen when everything in life seems to be disintegrating sabbath calls us back to eden and eden suggests rest yes and once again the lord turns and creates everything from nothing ex nihilio we would say yes good where we are weak we can become strong chaos turns into order fear becomes joy uncertainty is replaced by certainty and trust god's justice puts injustice and oppression into their corner guilt is transformed into pardon hallelujah what a beautiful thought hallelujah what a beautiful thought and disgrace redemption morrison is reflected in israel's experience when god's arm his strong arm brought them out of egypt and of course we can reference that in deuteronomy 5 verses 12 to 15. and we recognize that the sabbath is our delight and that can also be referenced it's isaiah 58 verse 13 because we not only receive the blessings of this special day but every sabbath renews our covenant with god and he's with us don't you agree with that that's correct yes and we publicly display to everyone that we are god's children we are indeed god's children yes zephaniah 3 says his mercies are new to us every morning every morning hadn't it been for the goodness of god we would have all the life been consumed yes now the preacher uh during this week throughout a challenge to our viewers he wanted for us to give the best interpretation of salvation what does salvation mean what is salvation to you and so we took a look at youtube what did they say on youtube sister martin i'm not sure what was said on youtube you know i will have to make a good check but i know that sister aldridge had one on facebook sister diana aldridge and this is what she said she said save for salvation take note everybody safe affordable long-lasting valid accessible thoughts intended only for newness of life that is salvation according to sister aldridge what salvation is for the saving of our souls yes it means that it doesn't matter how far we are gone we can be salvaged oh praise god god is in the act of bringing us recreating us making man into his own image and that's what true education is restoring man in the image of his maker so keep on sending your thoughts on salvation what salvation is what salvation means to you and more than any interpretation that you can have make salvation be real in your life yes as you accept that full and free salvation amen so we're going on now to bring on to introduce and to make welcome the man we have been waiting to hear from oh yes the man with the message the man through whom god has been speaking we talked today about the man you know so very well you have been hearing him for two weeks two solid weeks two solid weeks with some soul stirring messages oh yes my sister core messages yes messages that i used to hear when i was a child definitely all the adventist messages messages not the watered-down kind of messages the soft messages that we're hearing no smooth things we have the man who speaks according to what the spirit gives us the lord yes so our evangelist pastor adelaide esmour ezekiel blythe will be coming to give us the message the message of hope the message of peace but before he comes little children will be leading us once more to know who it is that can rescue us from our life of sin and shame the group from castleton rescue amen if i care foreign let me is these words and when my life on earth if i have wrong and when i come to change my world and reach glory and less be these words and when my life on earth don't let me when i be if these words us is the lord i am these words there's don't let me don't let me is that's why we're here and we have been here now for the last two weeks we don't want to leave behind on unfinished task when god asks who shall i send and who will go for me we here in the northeast we responded i will go and we are not going to stop going until this gospel of the kingdom is preached across the entire world so that all those need to hear will hear about the love of god happy sabbath everybody i hope you had a good rest i hope your week was glorious isn't it wonderful that we can have a day set aside from all the cares all the stresses of the week when we can rest and relax not just physical rest but spiritual rest and origin invernation when we can fellowship although we are quarantined we are still together in heart praise the lord and i see my peeps ah in galena you're connecting oh they're in long road you're connecting uh um over there in gale orange bay epsom crafts hill bellefield clermont from negro point to point yes i know though west jamaica have a program going and the east jamaica they have a program going central also north but you know where you ought to be so right now tell all your friends that this is the place the time has come now they need to come on board if you want to hear the three angels message i heard dr morrison say something earlier you know that these are the messages that she used to hear as a child and that's the type of feedback even this morning i was coming on my elder call and i said pasta yeah the thing is adventist appreciation day but but we we are preaching the three angels messages and that's what we want to share with you unlike the norm we want to take you back to the hardcore gospel of jesus christ so that you can understand the times in which we are living these are different times and so the lord has laid on our heart to speak to you along these lines i want to celebrate with um sister coda lynn williams whose mother she said in the chat who just celebrated her 86th birthday and has recovered from the coveted 19. god be praised and we continue to pray sister williams for your daughter and their family that they'll have a safe return to the us from the from from over there in england where they are we saw several other requests pastor dixon just prayed earlier on for them the the prayer room is still open they meet on the zoom platform even while the sermon is being preached so prayers are going up for you so continue to send your request god hears and answers purrs now i know the curfew is 12 when you're home you're not going anywhere and so we have a two-hour sermon to preach today so fasten your seatbelt and we're going to allow the praise team to bring us on and yes my praise team is here and yes we have coordinated with our colors again on this beautiful sabbath so my wonderful praise team gonna sing for us again signs of the time and then we'll walk through this wonderful message for today millions fooled by a myth call your friends let them join us as we go into god's word over to our praise team years of time have come and gone since i first heard then i just can't help but feel how much closer he is keep your eyes redemption of the times your eyes amen amen bow your heads with me loving lord we are so happy that this your holy sabbath we can come again to worship you as we see the signs of the time signaling the soon coming of our lord and savior father touch this feeble lump of clay touch the voice of this year's servant and use me once more to share your words with people right around the world the hundreds the thousands who will hear this message today may their hearts be stirred and may they be brought closer to you in jesus name amen amen thank you so much praise team thanks to the family of the preacher sister charmaine and sister ashley and sister abigail thanks to the family of this preacher who is over there in ontario canada viewing the program over there in florida uh over there in the turks over there in saint martin over there in westmoreland right across uh hanover right across jamaica wherever you are thank you for your support and your prayers as we are going to share again today under the caption millions fooled by a myth and i'm not going to go by the myth that is on the clock that is counting down i saw that they start counting down my time even before i started preaching uh there was a time there there was a time listen to the preacher there was a time in world's history when most people believed that the world was flat there was a time when most people around the world believe that the earth was flat columbus ah that man who they said discovered jamaica but he did not discover jamaica people were here before he got to the caribbean but columbus when he took his ships and sailed from spain and route to india several weeks into the trip his sailors were extremely frightened they were certain that they would have fallen off the edge of the world because they thought that the world was flat but friends of mine only to dare dismay this was not the case the truth is had people back then taken the opportunity or the time to read the bible to look into the bible they would have seen that god had already declared that the earth was a circle or the earth is round how do you know that preacher the bible says in isaiah chapter 40 and verse 22 the prophet isaiah wrote it is he god who sits above the circle of the earth god in isaiah chapter 40 verse 22 declares that the earth is circular and god the creator of heaven and earth sits above the circle of the earth the prophet isaiah wrote this some 2 000 years before columbus sailed in search of india because back then most people believed that the earth was flat it did not make it so are you listen to me because people believe then that the earth was flat did not make the earth flat there are thousands yes thousands of people today who believe that the day god wants them to worship him is sunday follow me carefully now there are millions of people around the world who believe that the day on which god wants them to worship is sunday the first day of the week but that beloved friends does not make it so let me pause here to say thanks to those who responded to the acronym challenge on salvation some very good responses and your challenge for today is the sabbath i want you to to use that word sabbath and to give your your your definition uh using that word as an acronym but but but the fact that millions believe that the day of worship is a first day doesn't make it so let's get back to our message the bible from the beginning to its end testifies to the fact that god has established the sabbath yes the sabbath the seventh day of the week as the day of worship there is no place in the bible no place in the bible where god indicated that he had changed that day of worship from the seventh to the first day you will read the bible from genesis to revelation you'll not find it there in fact when god finished creating planet earth and when he was through creating man he created a day the sabbath as a memorial or a remembrance a celebration of creation and this was on the seventh day of the week so when god wrote his law in mount sinai he put in the very heart of those commandments in the very heart of this commandments the sabbath commandment read with me what it says in exodus chapter 20 he says remember remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shall do labor and do all thy work but yes the seventh day is the sabbath notice that word but the seventh day it is signaling out the right day the only day that god ordained not the first the second the third the fourth the faith but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it god said thou shall not do any work neither you nor your son nor your daughter your manservant your maidservant your cattle ah neither your stranger that is within thy gates why because in six days god made the heaven the earth and the sea and all that in them is and god rested on the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and he hallowed it you will read from genesis to revelation and you will not find anywhere where god blessed the first second third fourth fifth sixth day neither did he hollow it only one day was blessed set apart sanctified hallowed by the creator god and that is the seventh day you will notice also that god gives as his reason for ah setting aside the seventh day as his holy day what was the reason he gave because he created the heavens and the earth in six days and he rested on the sabbath day now concerning this command god through moses his servant moses he told the people that they were not to take away from his commandments not over there to add to their to this commandment deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 12 turn your bibles quickly deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2 jesus said to them do not add to what i command you and do not subtract from it but keep he says the commands of the lord your god that i give you in other words don't take away anything from it don't add anything to it but keep my commandments just as i have given to them to you the psalmist david also writing in psalm 89 and verse 34 psalm 89 34 the psalmist says my covenant i will not break nor alto the word that is gone out of my mouth god says i will not break my covenant with you i will not alto i will not change anything that i have uttered jesus himself he showed the same determination to exalt the law that he had given on mount sinai what is a preacher talking about in the sermon on the mount he told the people that he did not come to set aside or to change the law or the prophets but to do what to fulfill to establish to magnify to make it plain so that all who have eyes to see ah can i say that again all who have eyes to ear and eyes to see may see and hear are you following the preacher ah notice god's word matthew 5 17-19 god says do not think that i am come don't imagine for one second that i am come to change anything that i have said ah he says i did not come to destroy but to fulfill for assuredly certainly i say to you till what heaven and earth pass what will happen not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till how much all be fulfilled whoever therefore he says breaks one of the least of my commandments and shall teach men so they shall be called what least in the kingdom of heaven that's what jesus says so he did not change the law when he came to earth he kept god's laws and as a good bible believing christian you too need to follow jesus's example and keep the entire law jesus himself demonstrated by his example that he wanted to honor the day that he and his father had made holy in the first week of this world's history in luke chapter 4 and verse 16 we find here when jesus walked on the face of the earth ah discharging his duty after he was anointed as his baptism and he began his earthly ministry the bible says in luke 4 16 so he came to nazareth where he had been brought up jesus went back to his hometown to his community and the bible continues as his custom as his manner of doing as his lifestyle as his habit was what was his habit what did he do the bible says he went into the synagogue the church on which day the first day not at all he went in on the sabbath day and he participated in worship he stood up and he read the scripture from isaiah when the religious leaders accused jesus and his disciples of violating the sabbath jesus had a word for them you want to hear what the word is jesus says in mark chapter 2 you know the passage very well 27 28 jesus told him the sabbath was made for who man and not man for the sabbath therefore the son of man is lord also of the sabbath so all those who tell you but preacher i thought the sabbath was made for the jews and i'm not a jew so i don't need to keep the sabbath jesus says the sabbath was made for jews ah no hold on preacher don't don't don't touch god's word jesus says the sabbath was made for man m-m-n-man and that man means mankind the sabbath was made for the email and the female the male and the female it doesn't matter what gender you are what race you are the sabbath was made for man was made for man and that man for the sabbath therefore the son of man is lord also of the sabbath praise god not only did jesus honor the sabbath while he was here on earth but he asks his disciples ah he told his disciples said pray that your flight be not on the holy day what was he talking about matthew 24 20 follow the preacher now make sure you have your bibles we find this request in matter 24 20 jesus said and pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the sabbath jesus was speaking of the flight out of jerusalem ah by his followers just prior to its destruction in 1870 by the romans because you see the sabbath is a holy day on which no work should be done jesus was saying pray that the sabbath that your flight your run for risk will not be on the sabbath but preacher i hear you but i want to know how do i know which day is the sabbath you see when jesus was crucified his followers continued to honor the sabbath orthodox jews those strict jews they have worshiped on the seventh day since the exodus more than 3 500 years now wherever they are in the world they still recognize such a day the seventh day of the week as the day god set aside for worship even if the bible were our only source of information we would still be able yes we would still if we only had the bible and nothing else we would still be able to determine which day is the seventh day or the sabbath how do i know that turn between your bibles luke chapter 23 as we turn to the account of the crucifixion the book of luke it summarizes the events of that fateful weekend you can read any of the gospels and you'll find it there but let's turn to luke chapter 23 we begin at verse 54 and we go over to chapter 24 and verse 1. after jesus died on the cross on that friday what do they call it good friday the bible comments it says it was the preparation day and the sabbath junaid or the sabbath was about to begin the bible says then the woman who had come with him from galilee followed after and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils and they rested on the what now they rested on the sabbath according to the commandments now follow the preacher now go to go to chapter 24 first one here the bible says now on the what now the first day what day the first day of the week very early in the morning they uncertain other women with them returned on the first day of the week when they came to the tomb they saw that the stone was rolled away the napkin was neatly folded jesus was arisen he was not there what day do they call that they call it resurrection sunday the bible calls it the first day of the week the day preceding that the bible said it was the sabbath and the day proceeding that the bible said it was a preparation day you call it good friday don't make anybody fool you don't be fooled with the other millions by the myth the sabbath day is the seventh day of the week god made it so and i see him so etern it shall not be moved what god says is what he means they came to the tomb they did not find jesus body most of the christian world celebrate what is called good friday don't they in memory of christ death they celebrate easter sunday in memory of the resurrection of jesus christ so what is really the problem come on talk to me honest people what is the problem if you can celebrate good friday next week friday and you say that was the crucifixion day and you celebrate resurrection sunday two days later jesus rose so what is the big deal sandwich between those two days is the sabbath day the day god rested in the tomb the bible tells us that the day in between friday and sunday is the sabbath the sabbath according to the commandments even though luke dr luke wrote these words many years after the cross he still referred to sunday as the first day of the week huh the first day of the week and he called the seventh-day sabbath that's what lou calls it the biblical record clearly distinguishes between these days the first day the preparation day and the sabbath day you don't need glasses to see you don't need any binoculars to see you don't need your pope or your bishop or your referent to interpret it for you it is right there in the scriptures in fact the apostles continue to worship and preached on the seventh day for many years after the cross in acts chapter 13 turn with the preacher acts 13 and verse 14. the bible there speaks of paul and his companions when they visited antioch the bible said of them verse 14 then when they into the synagogue on which day the sabbath day ah and they sat down ah continue down in verse 42 44 counting it down they went to church paul do you know what the book of acts is it is rightly called acts of the apostles so in other words it details all the doings all the actions of the apostles those who followed christ and here in the book of acts of the apostles is detailed that the apostles kept the sabbath they did not change it verse 42 44 the bible says later when the jews were gone out of the synagogue the gentiles heard what was happening there and they went to where the paul said paul no sir preacher two way too we want to hear and the bible says that the next week the next sabbath verse 44 and the next sabbath day came almost the whole city the entire city of gentiles they came on the sabbath day they came eagerly to hear paul the preacher as he preached to them on god's holy day a sabbath day not the first day then i'm going to go out down to acts 18 and verse 4 the bible tells us it was paul's custom just as it was jesus custom it was paul's custom to go to the synagogue to worship on the sabbath day acts 18 verse 4. when we look at all these biblical facts one can easily see that there is no evidence anywhere in the bible that christ his disciples or the apostles changed the day of worship from sabbath to sunday there's no record in the bible commanding such a change none of the new testament writers wrote of it if that were so it would have made headlines it would have been the the topic of discussion huh every single writer would have mentioned it but nowhere will you find it in fact psalm 84 89 sorry psalm 89 34 jesus declared i will not alter what has gone out of my mouth i don't take back my chat whatsoever i say that's what i mean god stands by his words he will not utter god has not changed his law and there is no one to whom god has given the authority to change it any man who think to change ah i told you last week that person is the great pretender he is usurping god's authority and one day god will cut him down because bird fly too fast fly past the nest you can't put your finger push your fist in god's face and get away one day god will bring you to justice let's scholars from the various sunday keeping groups they acknowledge this that god did not change his laws let me move quickly because i have limited time let me share some some some historical facts with you the catholic cardinal james gibbon he once wrote you may read the bible from genesis to revelation and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of sunday he says the scriptures enforce the religious observance of saturday where do i find that preacher in the book faith of our fathers pages 111 and 112. then write this one down from the book ten rules for living page six to one clovis g chappelle he is a methodist preacher here's what he says he concedes the same point as cardinal gibbon he says the reason we observe the first day instead of the seventh day is based on no positive command one will search the scripture he says in vain for authority for changing from the seventh day to the first day in these time and age you can google anything and find it ten rules for living paid six to one there is no biblical record that christ or his disciples kept any other day of the week holy except the sabbath day the bible tells us seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god then you will ask preacher how did sunday keeping get started i'm happy you asked me let us turn to some historical facts again we learned from socrates scholarticos a fifth edition historian and he says in the encyclopedia history as quoted by c.b haynes from sabbath to sunday page 35 he says almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries that is the lord's supper on the sabbath of every week yet he says the christians of alexandria and at rome on account of some ancient tradition some ancient tradition have ceased to do this tradition other historians record that the wild and seas the albigenses the cells all these forefathers observed the seventh day as a sabbath during the middle ages they practice it so well ah it is dumb it is documented clearly in christian literature around the world many church historians they have placed the beginning of this gradual movement or shift from sabbath to sunday somewhere between 80 70 and 80 135 these dates are when the two bitter and bloody insurrections by the jews were crushed by the romans it was during this dark period of history that this tradition crept into christendom and has been widely accepted as the norm but to understand the cause for this change of days we need to consider very briefly i'll be quick we need to consider very briefly the relationship between the roman empire and the jews during this period of time what was the relationship dr samuel bakiyoki he states beginning with the first jewish revolt this was around uh 1866 70 the first jewish revolt against rome various repressive measures both military political and to some extent also fiscal were imposed by the romans upon the jews in order to keep the jews quiet the romans exerted some military political and fiscal grip on the jews in 80 135 there was a jewish revolt led by bar kokoba and this revolt was crushed by the armies of emperor hadrian adrian he became outraged at this time and he prohibited the practice of the jewish religion throughout his empire because of the jewish revolt against the romans they sanctioned that the jews should be persecuted and that they should not be allowed to worship freely ah as part of this they condemned especially the observance of sabbath as the hostility mounted against the romans the truth coupled with the conflict between the jews and the christians this encouraged a rush anti-jewish propaganda and this in turn created strong anti-jewish sentiment throughout the roman empire the roman empire were against the jews and so the christians as they became increasingly sensitive about being identified with the jews they sought means to show a separation between christianity and judaism and since sabbath keeping tended to identify them with the jews many christians began mimicking or minimizing the observance of sabbath and practicing pagan practices bakayoko said samuel bakiyoko said impressive indications suggest that sunday observance was introduced at this time in conjunction with easter sunday as an attempt to clarify to the roman authorities the distinction between christianity and judaism it is a very interesting church very interesting to note how paul how he addressed the romans in romans chapter 11 and verse 13. the roman church was now filled with many gentiles as they became christians as they started to worship like christian do but they were converted gentiles in fact when paul went to address them in romans 11 13 paul says i am talking to you gentiles these were christians but this indicate that most of the christians in rome were from gentile nations these christians recently converted from paganism they were not well established in the sabbath and so they still had some pagan practices that were brought over into the church although they were jewish christians they were still mingling with pagan practices but why was sunday chosen of all the other six days why sunday that's a good question you see the pagans in the roman empire they had been sun worshipers i told you about herod ah and ceremonies and tamul i told you about that they were sunday worshippers for many years celebrating sunday as the sun's day the roman empires had even represented themselves as gods are as sun gods and you'll find that on their coins ah they print the emblem of the sun god on their coins on the walls of their buildings and they demanded worship from their subjects because they referred to themselves as sun gods for centuries sunday was celebrated not as a holy day but as a holiday for many years both days saturday holiday sunday holiday were being celebrated and little by little over time as more gentiles came in and as the christians wanted to differentiate themselves from the jews ah the sun the worship become a tradition became a tradition that was now accepted dr w d kellen he wrote between the days of the apostle and the conversion or you could say the fake conversion of constant time rights and ceremonies of which neither paul nor peter could have dreamt of or heard of crips silently into use and then claim the rank of divine institution from the book the ancient church page 15 and 16. this drift this drift into compromise was ascended for the preacher now this gradual drift of compromise where the christian church compromised pagan practices and little by little started worshiping on sunday instead of sabbath was ascended made lawful made legal by the first civil sunday law that was passed by the roman empire constantine and march 7 a.d 321. constantine the empire he wrote while he was still a pagan he says on this venerable day of the sun let the magistrates and people reside in in the cities rest and let all workshops be closed we have some laws going on now follow the preacher he says on the vulnerable day of the sun let the magistrates and people reside residing in the city's wrist and let all workshops be closed in the country he said however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits preacher where do you get that from history of the christian church 1902 volume 3 page 308 you can find it there this was now a civil legislation for sunday to be kept sacred but follow the preacher carefully it get even worse because the next step in making sunday keeping an integral part of christianity for the preacher now it was taken by the church of rome at the council of lodisia it was there that the church made the first religious law concerning the keeping of sunday you can find it in the book historia eclistica page 739 it reads in the year 325 sylvester the bishop of rome he changed the title of the first day calling it the lord's day read it for yourself then at another council of lauricia held in 364 the following law was made listen to the preacher the following law was made at the council of lord asia 364 it says christians shall not judaize or keep sabbath and be idol on saturday what a piece of audacity christians shall not judaize that is the keeping the sabbath and be idle after god tell us to rest and be idle on saturday but he says shall work on that day but watch this now but the lord's day remember they just made sunday the lord's day but they said now the lord's day they shall especially honor and as being christians shall if possible do no work on that day if however they are found judah is in they shall be shut out from christ what a piece of easterness who dare you who gave you that authority to shut out god's people who keep god's holy day instead of the day that mankind has instituted in the book of history of the councils of the church volume 2 page 3 316 you will find that recorded there in spite of all this christians were still observing the sabbath even in the sixth century for pope gregory he denounced as the prophets of antichrist that's what he called him those who maintained that work ought not to be done on the seventh day this is found in law of sunday it is important friends it is very important to keep in mind that the bible was not available to everyone during those days so most people in those days they learn by tradition or hearsay but praise god we have the bible freely available now you can read the bible and know the truth for yourself in those days not many people had access to the bible or not many people could read so what they learned was word of mouth and so the forefathers of the roman church they could conjure anything and pass it on to people it became accepted tradition became accepted and little by little god's law were undermined after the sixth century the sabbath fruit lay almost dormant hidden under the centuries of tradition few very few closely examined to find out what the scriptures taught they expected or sorry they accepted what had been passed down through generation and never question what they heard and it became law it became fact instead of fiction but praise god centuries past the reformation came about and people began to question the the rights and the traditions that supplanted the teachings of the word as the bible became more available as men like tindale began to translate and make the bible available people could read for themselves the cry of reformation heralded they said the bible and the bible alone sola scriptura our only role of faith must be the bible there are many such men like hoss and jerome they paid for their fidelity by being burned at the stake but they said death before this honor i will serve god and not man praise god for those who stood up for jesus ah but the catholic church listen to the preacher now they continued with their audacity claiming power and authority you know as i prepare this message and i did my research when i read some of the things i mean it's too much to share with you but do your own research but some of the thing bottles the mind here's what they say they say like two sacred rivers flowing from paradise the bible the bible and divine tradition contain the word of god have mercy uh like two sacred rivers you think it had a weird something hot are coming they said like two sacred rivers flowing from paradise the bible and divine tradition contain the word of god but listen what they say now though these two divine streams of equal sacredness still of the two tradition is to us more clear and safe have mercy they rest their faith on tradition rather than on the word of god preacher will find out joseph bruno the catholic belief page 33 you can find it for yourself one of the main points of difference between protestants and catholics during the early days of the reformation was over the authority of tradition versus the bible that was the main point because tradition had become the norm accepted and the bible so people like martin luther he declared that we must follow the bible and the bible alone he challenged many of the institutions church that were based solely on tradition in fact in fact in fact let me tell you at the council of trent when that council was convened to decide exactly what position the catholic church should take on tradition and its relationship to the bible yes the council of trent it was summoned to decide what the church stands is when it comes to the bible or tradition listen to the preacher now in the summary of the speech that turned the tide at that council as recorded by h.h hulsman type it in google and find it h.h hulsmann he says finally at the last opening of the 18th of january 1562 the council of trent all hesitation was set aside the archbishop of reggio made a speech in which he openly declared that tradition stood above scripture have mercy uh millions fooled by a myth you have been deceived following tradition walking after man's tradition rather than after the dust said the lord preacher you need to hurry up the authority of the church could therefore not be found or sorry not be bound to the authority of the scriptures that's what it says because the church had changed the sabbath to sunday not by command of christ but by its own authority cannon on tradition page 2 263 find it there and read it let me hurry along the bible taken by itself yes the bible taken by itself does not support the idea of authoritative extra biblical tradition what do i mean by that if you read the bible and the bible only you will not find anywhere where the bible tells you that you can follow tradition over the dust of the lord do you remember the question jesus asked the religious leaders of his day while he was on earth you don't remember put on the screen there preacher matthew 15 verse 3 jesus asked them the question he says why do you also transgress the commandment of god by what by your tradition even during jesus's time he was challenging men who were honoring tradition over the dust said the lord and jesus went on in that same chapter to tell them that what you are doing is nonsense jesus said all that you're doing no mean nothing preacher we're talking about all right move from verse 3 down to verse 9. go down to verse 9 of saint matthew 15 what jesus says he says in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men all that you're doing is in vain you're despising my commandments and following tradition ah don't follow the millions who are fooled by the myth i tell you there's a way that seemed right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death ah you need to take away yourself and come back to the dust set the lord do you see the issue here church let me wrap up the message do you see the issue will you follow christ and the bible or human tradition whose side are you on it's not merely a matter of days it's not merely a matter of days and numbers first or seven yeah or saturday versus sunday it's not just a matter of days it's a matter of masters what do you not know that to whom he healed yourself servants to obey him servants you are it's a matter of masters that is the real issue who are you serving are you being fooled by a myth or will you follow christ another statement that will cause you yes give me a few more minutes another statement that will cause you to stop and think comes from saying capturing catholic church sentinel of may 21 1995. follow the preacher now the preacher is coming home in our days 1995. i'm not talking about the council of trent in 364 or r321 i'm coming right home in your day 1995. may 21. the same catering catholic church in one of its periodicals it writes it reads follow the preacher now type it in the chat i mean in google find it it says perhaps the boldest thing the most revolutionary change that the church ever did happened in the first century that's what they say the holy day the sabbath was changed from saturday to sunday not from any directions noted in the scriptures you see all of them both see but from the church's sense of its own power have mercy father 1995 may 21 the catholic church writing that admitting we're big are we large are we in charge and we can do what we please but one day michael going to stand up i am not going to allow myself to be fooled with the millions by the myth that has become popular ah i don't follow the crowd ah i follow jesus in that same sentinel read a little further and just give me five more minutes i know my time is up uh this message must be preached come on uh did the bible say the sentinel the sentinel said ah it says people that same sentence the catholic sentinel it says people who think that the scripture should be the soul authority should logically hallelujah people who think that the scripture should be the soul authority the catholic writing or not should logically be seventh-day adventists hallelujah for god and keep the sabbath day what a confession so follow me now friends why will you continue to be fooled by the myth if fish come from water bottom until you say oh we go till i said then believe them the catholic in 1995 people who have logics should really be keeping the sabbath ah the catholic catholic encyclopedia says that after changing the day of worship the church then changed the command of god notice what it says the catholic encyclopedia the church after changing the day of rest from the jewish sabbath or the seventh day of the week to the first it made the third commandment refer to sunday as a day to be kept holy as the lord's day the catholic encyclopedia volume 4 page 153 google it and find it for yourself the preachers are telling you lie you will remember church last week when we looked at daniel you remember in daniel chapter 7 yes daniel chapter 7 verse 25 where it says god says that this little horn huh that little horn that pluck out the tree that little horn out of the tin it says they shall what think to change times and laws this power had taught to do this but praise god god is still the same god today as when he made the heavens and the earth and he has not changed what he has instituted in eden my god is the same god yesterday as he is today and will be tomorrow you can put your pot of fire and stand on god's word because what god says is what he means that's why we are here that's why we are here because revelation chapter 14 3 a.m revelation chapter 14. i'm wrapping up now revelation chapter 14 6-7 john wrote then i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the what church the everlasting gospel that word everlasting means inner change is the same when god started it in eden until the earth made new the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth it's 3am to every nation tribe tongue people saying with a loud voice even when the voice getting cracky saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory unto him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth the sea and the fountains of waters one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord don't allow yourself to be fooled by this myth you need to tackle yourself and stand up for jesus christ in fact the prophecy calls for everyone everywhere barry none you could be queen elizabeth you could be the pope john paul or whatever your name you could be a referent or bishop or prime minister rgg everyone every knee shall bow everyone must worship the creator because he is the one who ultimately is going to judge the world don't pay allegiance to the pope he's not the one who's going to judge you and determine what your reward is you start you need to stop following the millions stop being fooled by this myth and worship the king of kings and the lord of lords it is given this message is given to call out a people who will be ready to meet jesus when he returns in the clouds of glory the people who will respond and be ready are described in revelation 14 yes they are described in revelation 14 and verse 12. that's why we say that time has come revelation 14 verse 12 it says here are the patience of the saints here are they that what keep the commandments of god and the faith of jesus christ it goes without saying it goes without saying that those who have the faith of jesus out of a heart of love for god will keep his commandments you can't say you love god and disobey him here is the patience of the saints they keep the commandment of god and have the faith of jesus christ yes god asks us to remember him as our creator by keeping his day holy to do as he acts means that we show our loyalty to him when a person keeps a man-made sabbath he is obeying man's tradition but when you follow god's sabbath you are honoring god today today friends when we discover god's will we it will be our joy to follow it you have discovered today that there are millions who are being fooled following man's way instead of the lord's way it don't matter if your neighbor shrink god if that's where you were christened if that's where ah your parents and your grandparents went to ah god says in the time of your ignorance he winks at you but now he commands everyone everywhere when you have learned the truth to make a change god has something to say about man's tradition this is my final text find it for me pastor mark 7 verses 6 down to 9. god say of those people who follow after the tradition of men and are being fooled these millions that have been fooled jesus said these people honor me with their lips but their hearts four four four far from me ah sunday i just opened a nice suit you're gone and not the tambourine and you jump on prance and form fraud and drop on the floor and kick pupalik and rail over and praise the lord in vain do they worship me their honor me with their lips but their heart jesus says they worship in vain their teaching are what rules taught by man so jesus says their heart is far from me today it's a matter of the heart where your treasure is there will your heart be also it's a matter of love jesus says for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not what burdensome yes first john 5 3 his commandments are not burdensome as jesus was teaching one day he made a surprise statement yes preacher he made a surprise statement he said that you can know the tree by its fruits whether it is a good or bad ah he says not everyone that say to me lord lord shalenta not everybody who go to church not everyone who preach but he that doeth the will of my father in heaven the choice is yours is no time for you to make a decision god though god knows he knows those who are his by looking at their fruit edge looking at their lives whether they are honoring men being fooled by tradition being fooled by the myth or you're following god it's not just those who say they belong to god but those who do what god says it's not just to be called a christian it's not just to have your name on the church record but to do what god says the decision card is in the chat now is the time if you love me keep my commandments who will you serve will you allow yourselves to be fooled by the myth or will you choose jesus christ would you like to take the decision now to commit your life to jesus and follow god's truth rather than accepting man-made tradition type your response in the chat say lord jesus i will follow thee my savior where sorry my lot may be where thou goest i will follow yes my lord i'll follow thee sister martin going to sing for us today and while she sings make that decision make that choice now before it is too late there are many people who are going to church but how many are following jesus you may be a christian in some other denomination and you have never heard all these truths before today jesus is saying if you hear my voice harder not your heart don't allow yourself to continually be fooled by men's tradition don't allow yourself to continue going down a road that where jesus is not leading you but you are being led by mankind jesus allows you turn praise god he's saying to you today wherever you are wherever whatever distance you have traveled it's not too late to turn around and come to jesus today is your day type your response in the chat say pastor ask the prayer team to pray for me i am struggling i didn't know that i was being fooled like many other millions and and going astray but today i want to recant yes today i want to follow jesus i want prayer i want bible study i want to be re-baptized i want to surrender my life to god type your response and we'll pray for you today sister martin is going to sing and as she sings make sure that your decision is made for god so that when he comes heaven will be your place of abode god took six days and created earth and moon the stars and sun on the seventh day he rested from the work that he had done then he blessed it made it holy as a gift for every man to remind us where we came from and just how this world began holy day pewdiepie set apart sanctified entering to joy divine in a temple made of time see him worship on the sabbath as his weakly costume was feel the fury of the rabbis for he would not heed their laws so they killed him on a hillside as the sun began to fade but he even kept the sabbath as they let him in the grape holy day purified set apart sanctified entering to joy divine in a temple made of time opt forsaken and forgotten desecrated and profaned by the sacred fourth commandment is still valid and unchanged have a father gently calling if you love me heed each one not for merit or salvation but because you love my son holy day purified set apart sanctified entering to joy divine in a temple made of time holy day purified set apart sanctify enterprise to joy divine in a temple made of time oh praise the lord you will find a joy divine in this temple made for time god wants to spend intimate time with you on his holy day will you join him by honoring his holy sabbath day and not continue to allow yourself to be fooled by the myth like the millions around the world i hope you have made your decision for jesus christ today your head's about your eyes are closed holy father thank you for calling us into your house of worship to celebrate your creative work you hallowed you set aside this special day and lord the tradition has caused men millions of men and women around the world to drift and our worship in on the pagan day of the sun instead of your holy sabbath today you have called us back out of darkness into light you have reminded us now is the time to honor god by keeping his holy day may your people around the world as they view this broadcast make their decision to follow thee all the way i pray and i say thanks in jesus name amen and amen god has indeed spoken amen he has spoken you have heard it is left now for you to obey to make that decision to make that transition from arrow to truth god is waiting on your decision we want to thank the man of god for another powerful power packed message indeed there are millions around the world who are still fooled but there is light for the wise who are seeking salvation yes and of course our precious ones the bromfields are going to be taking us out with our favorite song or theme song what's that song again sister morrison signs of the times are everywhere i see we have up to 528 persons the chat was just lighting up as pastor spoke a very heavy message very indeed it was but god can make it light as he brings it home to you and to your heart yes heavy but timely heavy but timely if you just take time to do the research just do the study you will see that there is not a bias not at all the preacher is saying it as it is and those who have spoken and recorded it will testify to what they have said the brahman feels years i first heard he told how jesus would come again someday is in the air your eyes you
Channel: North East Jamaica Conference
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Id: Y2lbB4D8qDs
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Length: 228min 20sec (13700 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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