The Three Most Important Things - Ajahn Brahm

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yeah I'm giving lots and lots and lots of instructions on how to make the mine peaceful and how to bring it to a state of stillness and the source of strategies which I have described but not just for meditation they also work for your daily life as well little things like being in the present moment and being kind if anybody wants to have a very simple philosophy for life you can't go past that story I did in the opening the door of your heart of the Empress three questions I used that for meditation I use out for life the Empress we questions an emperor who was fed up with organized religion basically people always argue with each other always saying who's got the truths and who's right and who's wrong and instead of following one particular religion he decided to make up his own and to find out the three most important questions in life and I became his religion the Empress three questions the first question when is the most important time who is the most important person and what is the most important thing to do and of course when is the most important time there's always now certainly time we have I have that's what journeys retreat hopefully you've been practicing that now is the most important time and that you haven't even packed your bags yet and you haven't even decided what you're going to do this after the how many people have already packed your bags would you do that for your hours in front of yourself you might die at lunch time so all that packing been a total waste of time so have you ever noticed that is how we're always preparing ourselves for some future we never really here always ahead of ourselves so much so that's you know even some people actually they prepare their prepay their funerals for themselves they already choose their coffin even if they have a dog eating it it's crazy stuff isn't it so anyway try and live as much as possible in the present moment enjoy your life while it's still here because you know how quickly time goes you know that sometimes people say at this time of the retreat just eight nine days have gone so quickly they go even faster if you live in the future you never even hear so hopefully June is Vitry you've learned how to stop all this planning for the future and running ahead of yourself and just to live more in the present moment to enjoy the place and if you haven't done that yet please make the best use of the last remaining hours please get your money's worth squeeze every cent out of any money you've paid here so you can enjoy every moment of this retreat because now soon you'll be back in the grind so now you're free enjoy it it's really strange as I think I mentioned before before you come on retreat you're planning to come here and as soon as you're here you're planning to leave this seems to be our life we're never actually where we are we're always planning to go on to the next destination so see if you can stop now is the most important time please enjoy it if you're having a cup of tea please enjoy every sip from that tea if you're just sitting just on the verandah just looking at the trees enjoy every moment you have nothing to do nowhere to go so please be here so hopefully during this retreat you've learned how important it is to be here not only for meditation which is for life and the next question who is the most important person was another part of mindfulness the most important person is the one right in front of you so very beautiful answer because I always thought maybe I'm the most important person or God is our most important or someone is the most important person when it said the person right in front of you is the most important person that means that in your life if you go home and see your partner you see your little kid all you see does the postman who comes to knock on the door if they're right in front of you they become the most important person in the world and I try to practice that on this retreat when you come for your interviews I've really looked at you listen to you as if you're the only person in the world and the most important one and if I have done that you know that that's how you can connect with people that is actually how you can build up a relationship the worst thing in life is if you talk to somebody and they're trying to get rid of you they're not really listening they say go go go got more important things to do than listen to you and that really is a terrible experience to have when you feel that you're not really important you're rejected they're not giving you any value so never do that to anybody else whoever it is who you talk to it may be just a person who's checking you in at the airport when they're checking you in they're the most important person in the world for you so pay attention to them it's always putting you in the moment and of course much of your life is spent by yourself you've had your own room seen spend so much time in solitude when you were the most important person because you were right in front of you and it's good to give yourself that importance because sometimes we sacrifice ourselves in life we're always doing things for others and never really looking after ourselves which means that soon we get to a burnt out we get tired there's nothing in life for us so remember much of your life is by yourself the first person I always see when I wake up in the morning is me and I do this I've maybe trade myself when I go to bed at night the last person I see is me and I say Goodman good night me have a good night senior one I say good night to myself and when I wake up in the morning good night good morning me here i am again have a great day why not give that a try and you will find that that means you are giving yourself importance you say that to somebody else why not say to yourself as well to treat yourself as you treat others and the last question is what's the most important thing to do is to care it's a very beautiful word to care halfway between caring and being careful just to care and take care for yourself and I'm sure I said that story early on in this retreat of the the young man who became a doctor who thought that the purpose of his life is to cure patients I told him no that's not your purpose because you always fail when people die your job is to care for them and by caring for these patients you probably cure more people and those who die will know they've been cared for which is the most important thing in the world so in your meditation don't try and cure your tea farmers don't try and get rid of all those stray thoughts that tiredness that stupidity don't be a doctor who tries to cure yourself your job is to care for yourself as I've been teaching all week open the door of your heart he also be kind to the monsters who come into your life into your mind to care don't try and cure those are the inputs we questions and their answers and it gives a very wonderful guideline for Medi and for life so what you actually do here is not just the Java growth when you ask what should I do when I get home now the most important time see how much you can practice that at work in the traffic you're stuck in a traffic jam somewhere now is the most important time enjoyed this moment instead of worrying about being late in the future then if I told that story of that man he he came and told me the story personally up in the dining hall of bodhinyana some years ago he was late for getting to the airport he was a businessman doing some business up in Mumbai he got he checked out of the hotel he ordered a taxi the taxi was waiting for him but the taxi got lost on the way to the airport totally lost and he was getting more and more angry and leaves the taxi drivers should know the way from a major hotel to the International Airport in Mumbai but he was getting lost and driving around in circles and the clock was ticking and it was looking more and more likely that he would miss his flight and he had one hope left which was the flight might be delayed which many flights were at that Airport but when they finally found the airport and they approached he realized that for once the flight was not delayed because he saw it take off he saw it lift off he could notice he the markings on the tail that was his flight he should have been on and he missed it and he was so angry at the taxi driver you stupid taxi drive you made me miss my flight and I don't know how that's going to be all my connections are really up in the air you stupid taxi driver and as he was complaining to the taxi driver that's when he saw his flight fall to the ground crash with everybody on board killed thank you taxi driver you're the most wonderful taxi driver the whole world I love you take it take a couple of thousand dollars all your great if that changed his whole life he told me that one experience he was always worried about the future and who knows what the future might be for him if he'd had been on time he'd have been on that flight and he would not be here he would have been killed too so it's lovely being in the present moment enjoying this moment and not getting angry at it because we don't know how the future is going to evolve so don't get upset don't worry don't be afraid you don't know what's going to happen so be in this present moment you do that here you're practicing that in this retreat and you find you'll be much easier to be in the present moment when you get home or when you get at work you know what it's like sometimes you have a huge amount of work to do and I know what that feels like because I have many responsibilities but when I do any work I just one thing at a time this is what I've got to do and I do this and if we have one of those books which will be on sale this afternoon some quotes for me one of the quotes in that book is from me it says that a busy person it's not someone who has lots of work to do a busy person is someone who does too much at the same time that's a busy person now carrying too many burdens all at once not only do they look busy and they stress themselves out but also they're not very efficient so sometimes you do one thing at a time it's amazing how much you can get done you just don't look busy but you get more worked acted one thing at a time always in this moment remember because I have to do a lot of arranging with builders I remember one builder he was a bricklayer and he told me this story he was that I was actually a build another bricklayer he was building some big mansion in Sydney and there was a very good contract because the owner was some very wealthy person and said look I don't care what the price is I want the best plumbers the best electricians the best carpenters the best bricklayers I don't mind paying extra because this is my house my mansion I want it be absolutely top quality and then one day when the other client this wealthy man just came to check on his mansion he noticed this maybe 17 or 18 year old kid doing the brickwork and he went straight to the Builder and complain is it look I wanted cross people people know what they're doing not some apprentice this young guy get him off my building and that's when the bills they come and have a look at this young guy and this young guy didn't look like he was doing much work but when you counted the bricks he was laying those bricks much faster than any of the old pre-class he had his incredibly beautiful rhythm one brick at a time and every brick was perfect he was just flowing effortlessly that when the owner saw there are the clouds I said wonderful great I never realized that because he didn't look busy he thought it was being lazy but when it was effortless one big at a time it flowed so wonderfully he was an excellent bricklayer even though it's only 17 or 18 years of age it's just like when you are in the moment it don't look like you do much work but my goodness you get so much done you learn that on this retreat and it works when you go back to your office except you do get lots of work done but when your boss comes along just play do many things at the same time as otherwise they stick you like it's like you just pretend when I beg just many many things that look look busy and when they're gone you go back to normal and get more work done it's so so true that when you actually do one thing of the timing and getting all this amount of work done you in the present moment and the job in front of you is the most important nothing counts and you learn that in this meditation it's called focusing whether it's on the breathing whether it's on an immature or just now washing your feet when you're walking this is the most important thing you learn how to focus on one thing and all the other things which you have to do later on you lead them to later on you're actually learning how to focus with this meditation my goodness that really helps your work you become far more efficient and I recently went to Korea and the one of the major companies in Korea Samsung this people who run that company or own it are all Buddhists and they insist that everybody who works for that company is about two hundred twenty thousand employees all have to meditate with their Buddhist or not that's company policy and you can understand why there's a lesson stress and basically you get more work out of your employees with less arguments because their focus this is basic training and I every year when I go to Thailand and as I'm going again in July I'm always invited to give a talk at the Oriental Hotel this is not a five-star this is a six star hotel don't get to stay there except us have lunch in one of the rooms there which now this is really a fancy hotel the Oriental and some years ago I was on the aircraft and reading an article about it because it had been awarded the prize for the top hotel in the world no beating all the other six star hotels and they interviewed a manager how come that your hotel had won the award this year for the top hotel in the world what did you do which was different than all the other hotels you know what the manager said they did said every year we said every crying at the same time obviously we send them to a Buddhist retreat do some meditation for six days at the company's expense and they said would you do that for now they're not working said but when I send them on this retreat they take less sick leave if there's less you know office politics they're far more sensitive to our clients you know the people we're housing they're happier healthier it's just good business policy it said that was one of the main reasons why we won the award this last year the best hotel in the world I wish I'd have kept a copy of that article to give to you to send to your big bosses to say next time there's a retreat you should pay me for this to go to join a growth because then everyone else here as well because it does actually work what you learn on a retreat enhances your life in business and also you know your life in your family know now is the most important time the one in front of you is the most important person how many of you in your family life when you see your partner you feel they're not really giving you that important so taking you for granted oh it's only her and talk to her later I was telling my husband yeah he goes off again you don't really give him that importance and they don't give you importance you know what that feels like there's no connection there at all amazing thing it would be if whoever you're living with if when you're in front of them you remember this person is the most important person in the world and they feel that you'll find the relationship will be enhanced enormous ly they will feel they're important they're being valued and communication will happen so giving importance to the moment in meditation it works and it works in life as well and of course the last thing about caring but always such doers curing things changing things but we never care enough for one another isn't that the case that when you have a relationship with somebody the thing you want most of all is to be cared for and this is what we learn here you learn how to care for your mind not to control it if you're a control freak in the office if you're a control freak in your house you have a terrible time but if you're a carer not a controller you just open the door of your heart to these moments whilst always trying to change them you have a far more peaceful happy relationship at home and a far better relationship in the office you find that you can get more done every year I go to Curtin University to teach at the business school every time you go overseas you always give some talk in some sort of business school or business meeting and sometimes you wonder why look I'm a Buddhist monk I don't have any money we don't do business but we still run a very successful organisation Buddha Society of Western Australia jhana Grove bodhinyana monastery is pretty successful because we do it according to these principles and principles you're learning meditation you take over to the committee meetings and everything else now is the most important time most important thing to do is to take care the one who finds you the most important person these are skills which are not just for your enlightenment they work in daily life as well and little other things like for your health the ability just to be aware of and kind to something I often tell well as so many stories about how meditation he'll things again I can't remember the stories I told on the first day but did I tell nothing I did tell the story the guy who came in with services and I told the story of the guy he was breathing very heavily because he had nasal cancer yes okay some of you well as sleep when I was giving my talks not pay again he had said severe well right but that if I told maybe personal story of when I had the food poisoning didn't tell that story that was a bouts of 20 months ago not the last way to treat the roads retreat before because you know that people being food there you have food brought to you we have food brought to us every day and we don't know where that food comes from sometimes and so there's so much food and now maybe it was cooked the night before and it wasn't probably kept warm so every now and again we do get stomach problems and sometimes those are quite severe like food poisoning it's what I keep calling an occupational hazard for a monk because you don't know make your own food and it was one of the worst tummy aches I'd ever had it was food poisoning and you know what it's like to have food poisoning you know your your intestines and guts and tummy you just got terrible cramps and you can't stop in its enormous pain and I think that was the only time in the last three or four years I just I just no way could could I eat so I was up in my cave just literally rolling on the floor holding my tummy and of course you know you think you should have really called a doctor and we have got into a hospital or something but it's just too much of a bother to call a doctor and anyway you've got your own ways of dealing with these things and so what I did and I loved telling the story cuz it was it was amazing even though I've done this many times every time you do it really impresses you power of the mind so instead of getting negative towards his page I was just mindful of it just aware of the feeling of crabs and agony in your tummy but not just being aware of it being kind to it always have those two things coming together awareness and compassion as I was kind to my guts and I knew I was kind because I could see through the mindfulness the pain getting slightly less only a tiny bit less I knew I was going in the correct direction just like that story of being up in the mountain following the water as it goes down my mindfulness was giving me feedback so I could see how the pain was progressing was getting worse or getting better and of course every time you give real kindness the pain gets less more kindness gets less or kindness gets less it took 20 minutes that's all and at the end of 20 minutes of kindness there was no pain left at all got up there's not even an ache in there just my guts my tummy felt just totally normal and I just got up and just carried on with what I knew she was doing that day and never came back again now I know that food poisoning is some sort of bacterial virus making havoc in your guts I don't know what happened to the bacterial virus but certainly it was no symptoms left at all just 20 minutes of mindfulness together with kindness just like I said with the demon who came into the Emperor's Palace get out of here you don't belong I don't want this ache this pain this agony get out of here and of course it gets worse mindful and kindness welcome wisely because you do that because you got no choice and it gets less and it actually works and it's great being a monk who's done this for such a long time you know it works you know how to do it so you don't really have to be afraid of any pain anymore you know exactly what you need to do you know it's going to work just be mindful and be kind one incredible thing you learn on this retreat how to deal with pain when there's no painkiller you're far away from a doctor or from from an ambulance and you can just be aware of the sensations in your body be kind to them my goodness they just vanish so these are what you're learning here powerful powerful techniques so it's not just about learning about the meaning of life learning how to get jhanas and learning how to be a soul one and all this other stuff yeah that happens too but some of the free gifts in the cornflake packet you know say that because you eat the cornflakes or the cereals no for the breakfast but you always get these free gifts in it every now and again these are the free gift for meditation the amazing little excellence which you never expect but which have a huge impact on your daily life in fact I always remember this young girl from Penang who keeps coming on my retreats and she said the first time she heard that story of the Empress three rings now is the most important time the one you're with is the most important person the most important thing to do is to care it totally changed her life she was in an IT company and she used that for one whole year at the end of the year she got this incredible promotion above all her colleagues have been working the company much longer because they recognize that she was an amazing worker so that's all I did I remember another story of I know I said I love invitations for things I never been to before and I got this invitation through the post to go to an educational seminar in the Northwest region of of Western Australia or something they invited me to give a keynote speech at this education seminar in front of the state Minister of Education and it was a keynote and not just an ordinary speech and I thought why the heck they invite me and of course you know I did know who to ask but I said I'm coming and I came there and I was met at the entrance by this woman and again she said that old question do you remember me of course I don't they know she was gracious enough to laugh and she said about three years earlier I gave her talk um just Buddhism at the primary school was in Kelmscott where she was a principal and that one story the Empress three questions had impressed her so much that the follower of that died after my talk she said in her letter of resignation because there's something she always wanted to do now is the most important time so now I wasn't that important time she's resigned that evening and she got funding from the Department of Education to start a program for the kids who weren't in school the ones who are living on the streets know the underage prostitutes the people they could not get into school and those every three questions was the essence the philosophy behind her program and she sold it to the department in the Department of Education got some funding the first thing she did was to go now late at night under the bridges or around the back of restaurants or places where these Street kids would hang out and the first thing to talk with them and the only way she could communicate with these kids and this was an adult someone from the establishment and these were kids who were afraid she said mp3 questions that Street kid in front of me that underage teenage prostitute she was the most important person in the whole world for me and I'm not gonna trying cure her or criticize her I'm going to care for her and with that philosophy she told me she connected connected with these rejects from the school system and found out what they wanted and what would get them back into the school system and from that research she went back to the part of Education had this program and got these kids back into school amazingly successful now it was tailored to them because she could actually talk to them lines of communication were open where these kids would not talk to anyone except each other through those mp3 questions and that's why she wanted me to give the keynote address but I always remember this I never did give the keynote address I gave my speech but the keynote was this kid who came up with 17 and he told his story you know the usual parental abuse sexually abused by his father or something running away because he just couldn't face another day in his house living on the streets hand to mouth and that it's woman came up the first person and listened to him and he felt he was cared for and then he said going to this place where there was no sense of discipline he had to do this how to do that he was cared for encouraged learning in his own face and then he said he'd just been accepted to UWA for university and that just made me go or emotional he got the prize for the keynote address a kid whose life was waste being wasted on the streets who managed through this program to get his life back on track and go to university he had a life thanks to this program thanks to the Empress three questions that's why she wanted me to go in about seven simple things like that change people's lives it's really powerful and it does not need to be complicated throughout this whole retreat I try to keep it simple not complicated because when it's really complicated yet may sound profound but doesn't really have much of an effect keep it simple and it can really change people's lives and you can say the Empress free questions but you're learning them here you're actually doing it now is the most important time the one in front of you is the most important to care you do that to yourself as well and you change your own life for most of this we treat the only person in front of you is yourself you've got your eyes closed they're just me in front of me and I told you to please give yourself importance and to care for you so don't try and just put yourself down I haven't got Johnny yet I haven't gotten images I can't even watch the breath that is not the point of this retreat the point of this retreat has learned how to make peace be kind and be gentle the Jana's and the Enlightenment they will come as a natural course in their due time all I have to do here is to teach you how to be kind I will be aware be in the moment make peace be kind be gentle that's all when you know how to do that you have the tools and it's you on the bus it's on your marrow type when these things come and that's a beautiful thing to know and to experience you're just sitting under the Bodhi tree and things fall into your head when they start falling it just surprises you because you don't really believe in too happens well it has a wow this is actually works this is true my goodness Here I am just sitting doing nothing and Janna comes whoo-hoo that's amazing and I never did anything it's not my fault and it's not he says because you made peace you've been kind been gentle now it's the most important time and you cared for this moment and those qualities change your life and change other people's lives as well sometimes people say oh you're terrified or you just selfish out to make people enlightened what about the rest of the world now see you can see you know me enough now that you don't just change yourself you change hundreds and thousands of people even this one we're just talking about this this morning there was one guy who sent a letter to how many people a few six or seven friends because he was suicidal and he thought of these friends and the thought of the friend started committing suicide man Jagannatha was one of those they stopped people from killing themselves what a wonderful thing that is you can do for others to give them a life give them a reprieve from a death sentence and you do that as well your kindness your goodness what you learned here whether you like it or not you will share with other people because of all the blade washing you've been enjoying over the last nine days and it is brainwashing the standard way of brainwashing people is to get them very calm first of all in meditation and then what you put in really sticks number two you make it funny and then that's the other trick of brainwashing it really gets into you have you noticed all the advertisements on TV they're always amusing a little bit funny that's not just to entertain you when you're being entertained your guard is down and the message gets in that's why I tell jokes it's my method of brainwashing and it works and you don't mind it's a good message I'm brainwashing you on so you do find that you're a kinder gentler more easy person to live with in the office at home and everywhere else and look how many people do you meet just in one year and every one of those people you affect so a little bit of kindness you learn here does get spread to everybody you meet the way you can just be peaceful and that things go I told you all about trying to let go of the past don't know how many people just keep carrying the pain of the past a disappointment the anger the resentment it is justified when people shouldn't have done that but they do do that so what choice have you got you can't change the behavior of the world you can change your own behavior you can let it go you've got the option to do that you can't change the past that's not an option but you have the option to let go of the past you're free to do that and when you have the courage and it is an act of courage to let go of the past not only are you free but you're helping other people to also let go of the past and be free what a wonderful world that would be if they the Arabs and Jews in Palestine and and her was it called Israel oh let's bygones be bygones long you know we've heard each other enormous Lee let's let it go no more revenge Tiff's attacked for the past al-qaida and the US government okay let's forgive each other Oh would that be possible why not would it be wonderful if you see mullet Omer and Barack Obama give that other nice hug ridiculous idea isn't it or is it you learned forgiveness in letting go of the past if you can do it maybe other people can do it but you have to do it first don't expect other people to do it when you're still holding the pain of the past as far as revenge is concerned yeah a lot of people have been hurt if you really are Buddhist karma will sort out revenge if you're a Christian God will sort out revenge he'll punish those deserve to be punished so no one gets away with anything you don't need to be the executioner the job of human beings is to forgive karma doesn't punish you so you can let it go what a wonderful thing that is you learn to let go over the past here you trade because otherwise you can't get in deep meditation you can't get any meditations you're sitting here nothing to do and all these thoughts or what happened in the past comes up and stops you enjoying peace and freedom you've experienced that too many times and so eventually the message sinks in I don't need to do this anymore I can let it go you do let it go out of kindness to yourself and once you can let that pass go what a wonderful ability that is in your life no longer do you have to have to suffer because of the stupidity and cruel actions of others why do you have to suffer what other people did wasn't your fault but we do suffer for the bad actions of others and here on this retreat you learn to let it go and be free what an incredible ability that is in your life and you can teach it to others as well you can be free you can teach other people whatever happened to in the past get out the toilet paper write it down or brown paper I put it down in the toilet and do the letting go ceremony it's amazing when you see that happen to people who've been tortured in these countries because that's where I'm giving talks before at the Australian Society of survivors of torture and trauma and these ones have been through real hell if you think that you've been abused and given a hard time that's nothing compared to what some of these people described has happened to them and they can let it go and that's such an inspiring thing to see people really have been through hell can let it go and that's what you learn here you learn how to let things go so you can have a free and happy Weis life and the last thing which I taught it was sometimes you think it's funny and it's a joke but half the jokes if not all the jokes you say here are really serious stuff my happiness licences which many of you have now got your own personal happiness licence why what's that teaching you was that teaching you is sometimes we don't trust ourselves enough we have to get someone in authority to give us the permission to be neck I don't care using my authority in your confidence or respect for me because I just want you to be free why not be happy and if that's all you go away from this retreat with your happiness license and you take it seriously so now any blockage which you have to be happy because of some sort of guilt lack of self-esteem thinking you're not good enough being brought up to think you're inferior something is lacking in you that something is wrong in you if that can be left on this retreat in China Grove what a wonderful retreat this is bid now you go off into life and be happy seems such a simple thing but again it changes your health changes your success changes are where you relate to other people changes all the people you meet with what a wonderful thing that is so when people ask at the end of the retreat how do I take this back into the world you've got no choice you will take it back into the world not sitting on the cushion you won't have so much time to sit on a chair or cushion or do walking meditation have many more duties to perform but what you've learnt on that cushion what you've learnt on those red carpet walking meditation rooms but what you've learnt in there deserves that red carpet you've learned the secret of how to make peace to let things go to be kind they care not to cure to give yourself happiness to be peaceful be in a moment the great secrets of happiness you've learnt that's when you take back with you and if you run out of that inspiration does peace that happiness this place is always here for you to come back to next time but please be quick usually these retreats after five or ten minutes they're all booked out you've got to be fast so I wish you all happiness and peace in your life remember even at home you can always find a nice quiet place to meditate quarter of your bedroom is one of the favorite places put a cushion in the corner of your bedroom puts a little Buddhist a statue or a print of some sunset anything which is inspiring and peaceful and use that as your meditation corner and only meditate there don't do anything else in there baby listen to some talks or read some meditation books but don't do anything else in that corner except meditate that is your holy sacred corner having a place to meditate really helps if you can do that in your office if you've got a big enough office and it will place the meditate fine if you can't find any place in your place of work there is always the toilets go in the ladies toilet if your lady bends in the men's close the door and you can even take a cushion in there if you wish if the seats have been too hard sit down on there no one will disturb you simply because they think you're constipated I just sit there until you're relaxed and no one disturbs you allowed to go there so be innovative to find places you can meditate and give it importance and please remember one of those first similes I gave you know how heavy is the cup and longer you hold it the heavier it is if you put it down for a few minutes when you pick it up again it feels lighter fifteen minutes of meditation at work means fifteen minutes when you're not productive at all but it's an investment now fifteen minutes you spend relaxing is made up afterwards your output increases and the quality of the work also increases you get three hours work done in two and a half it is quarter an hour bonus that's actually how it works so if you are a boss then please you know do that for yourself and encourage other people to do it too it lessens the stress at work gets more output higher quality work for the people you work with and form yourself and if you're not a boss see if you can next time there's a retreat offer your boss the the $225 whatever it is to come on the next retreat send them here so that when you go back they will understand why you meditate as well so that's enough for this morning the last it will talk remember the retreat doesn't finish it just moves to another place there's always another retreat coming soon at least in my life I spend my whole life teaching retreat if nodding I taught what in Korea and now in here before teaching in Korea I was teaching a retreat in Kuala Lumpur before Kuala Lumpur in here RG just go all around the world telling the same old stories again and again again reason it's good it works and makes people very pleased from happy so I hope you enjoyed the retreat you cleaned up your mind cleaned up your act and now you have to clean up your cottage are there any questions before I finish off because there's no other opportunity for interviews or Q&A any questions about what I just been saying or things which I should have said which I didn't say okay this afternoon remember we finish off from 1:30 to 2:30 with the meditation it's half an hour meditation just by yourself and about two o'clock I go into a meta meditation loving-kindness meditation and that's finished at 2:30 with a blessing for each one of you to enter a tree in a beautiful way so those of you cleaning up your huts remember clean it up now is the most important time the tile in front of you in the bathroom is the most important tile and the most important thing to do is to care for it nice tile I'm really wanting to be nice and clean and beautiful don't rush it enjoy instead and that way you notice how meditation is an all aspects of your life and if you do finish by 10 o'clock or wherever you can do some more meditation and we have to lunch at 11 o'clock anything else Danielle
Channel: BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media
Views: 29,329
Rating: 4.8514285 out of 5
Keywords: most, important, things, mindfulness, meditation, emperors three questions, leo tolstoy, being present, caring, compassion, love, kindness, attention, buddhist, buddhism, buddha, ajahn brahm, Peace, Yoga, Gautama Buddha (Deity), Happiness, Mindfulness (Film Subject)
Id: N2bXP2o6mD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2013
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