The Three Megabass Lures Pros Don’t Want You To Know About!

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hey everybody hope you're all doing good today and like the uh title of the video said today i want to share with you what i think the uh three biggest or the three top megabass lures are that that the pros really try to keep away from the public and you might ask you know well you know you're a pro randy why are you why are you sharing this information with everybody and you know i'm sort of like in the in the period of my fishing career right now where i'm it's a little bit of a transition i'm working uh full time in between the tournaments with johnny schultz and his fish the moment youtube channel which is the teaching channel it's arguably the top teaching channel out there on youtube today if you haven't had a chance to go check it out fish the moment and just compare for yourself you know we get these comments all the time talking about how how incredible the teaching environment this is with you know with johnny started this several years ago and um you know invited me on to partner with him earlier this year and ever since i've been doing that um i find it very attractive to start sharing you know some of the things i've learned about fishing some of the you know just everything i've learned about fishing you know with the the public out there there's such a demand for there's such a knowledge for it that you know i've been doing this i've been fishing professionally you know for over 35 years and it's really satisfying to me to be able to give something back instead of trying to just keep all for myself to use in tournaments because uh you know in the bigger picture that's not what it's about and another thing i found out in tournament fishing is there's there's there's very few secrets if any some of the things i'm going to show you today you may or may not have heard about it there are secrets to a lot of people but the days of like having stuff to yourself in the event of social media youtube and that type of stuff it just doesn't exist anymore because it's going to get out there so what i want to do today is i want to show you the three top lures that mega bass has in my opinion that are kept from the public and to preface this a little bit you know i've been on the mega bass pro staff since 1992 a long time so i've you know i've see i i was i started with the company back when they just had a handful of lures they just had some some really odd looking crank baits and they didn't really have much and i've seen the progression of the product line uh to where it is today where it's arguably you know one of the most it's one of the top you know tackle companies in the world attention to details unmatched quality components everything if you've used megabass you know what i'm talking about so anyway here's the three that i wanna that i wanna go over with you um these are baits that um they don't the professionals that fish them do not talk about these much simply because under certain situations they are so incredibly effective when you get the right you know mix of things coming together these three baits i'm talking about right here just are just unbelievable the first one i want to talk about is the one you guys have seen a lot and you may think this is a vision 110 but it's not this is the vision 110 the silent 110. and megabass had a jerkbait similar to this called the silent riser for several years and it really didn't catch on that much and just came out with the new improved uh silent 110 version a couple years ago this is the bait that you know that i was pushing mega bass to make for years and years because in my opinion i like a silent jerkbait and the traditional 110 and a lot of jerkbaits out there you know they have the moving balancer systems in them um so it's not like it's a loud rattle but you have the noise that's created by the balancers moving back and forth and in the silent 110s you have the balancers are fixed in here so it doesn't move so it makes it quiet and what this does is a silent jerk bait um to me it's a lot better tool to catch bass with simply because the bass can't really they they can't um get conditioned to a sound it's more everything becomes more of a sight bait more of a sight strike at that point and we've all seen them before in jerkbait fishing where you'll have in clear water you'll have fish follow your jerkbait a lot of times you'll catch one and they'll be hooked just with the back hook and that's why i use this silent 110 more than any other model that megabass makes simply because it's quiet and in areas that you have heavy fishing pressure which is almost everywhere now heavy fishing pressure not much wind uh clear water the silent uh model will get you a lot more strikes and it's something like i said people people get conditioned into certain things and they just don't really want to try they they they'll buy a you know a vision 110 and they'll get two or three colors they're they're confident in and they overlook you know all the different styles and profiles megabass has on their jerkbaits but the silent 110 i'm promising you right here this is this is one that i have not talked about but it's one that i use all the time i'm not all the time but i use it most of the time when i'm fishing the 110 profile of jerkbaits i'm using the silent model the second one is the s crank one s crank 1.5 now there are there's more square bills out there than you can count every single company makes one um you know i've been fishing square bills for over 40 years i've seen the transition from the balsa handmade balsa stuff to you know people custom build them you know and then you had the bigger tackle company start manufacturing them um so there's tons of them out there and it's like you know what this what makes you know one square bill better than others and you hear a lot of people talk about you know a square bill swinging side to side and that's sort of a it that's that's like a an overused cliche you know you hear him all the talk about you know you i want a square bill that hunts center and side to side and hunt center that is one of the most overlooked uh over you know hyped up aspects of squarable fishing that there is the difference what you have here between like a plastic square bill like the s crank or like a balsa you know most traditional balsa crank baits they have a pretty hard wide wobble on them and a real consistent wobble uh you know some of the ones the custom ones had that deal where they you know swung out side to side more and you know fought back to the center and they're all they all caught fish but what makes the s crank a big secret for a lot of the pros right now is this bait right here it took this was one of the few baits we had extensive prototype testing on this particular bait to get everything right and when you have a combination of the right profile you know length size everything like that weight distribution and wobble that's when you get a key bite now the s crank is a little bit different than what you think a traditional square bill would be the s crank has a lot tighter wobble than most square bills and when you look at this bathe and you look at the lip on it like that you would you'd think it has a you know pretty hard traditional wobble like most square bills but this bait has a pretty pretty tight uh wobble on it and given the fact that it has a tight wobble it also has a lot tighter swing radius on it and you don't know when you're when you're designing a bait and when you're in the in the in the in the business of testing prototypes you don't know what is really going to work just by looking at it because you can look at a bait and you can look at its color and its profile and you can see how it wiggles through the water and you can say hey that bait looks really good but until you actually fish it and you actually see how the fish react to it you don't know and the first time that i threw this final prototype of the of the there's three models there's the 1.2 the 1.5 and the 2.0 this is the 1.5 the the middle one which i you if you've watched a lot of the fish the moment youtube videos the last couple weeks you've seen me catch the fire out of them on this bait the last couple weeks but in this particular one like i said when i first saw it in the water i wouldn't impress i said man that that thing just doesn't wobble very good i mean it just doesn't wobble much it looks pretty dead in the water but when i started fishing it and i took it out there and started using it on the same type of place as i was square bill fishing i i caught twice as many bass on this particular bait as i did with my traditional square bills that really had that great wobble on it and i to this day i can't really figure out what it is because the wobble on this bait does not look that great but there's something about it whatever it does it triggers the bites and there's a lot of pros out there that are using the the megabass s crank square bill and not talking about it i can promise you that okay the last one that uh a lot of guys are using and nobody's talking about is the uh is the big is the big mega bass 262 swim bait and to give you a size comparison here here's the here's the mega bass 110 silent above it so you can see how massive of a bait this is this is a six ounce bait it weighs a ton and you have to have a swim bait rod to throw it you can throw it on a flipping stick and your flipping stick it feels like it's gonna break in half when you throw it so you gotta throw this bait on a heavy rod you know 25 pound test fluorocarbon this particular bait is a big fish catching bait you're not going to get a lot of bites on it but there are so many pros using this bait when they want to kick her you know two years ago oliver and i won the big bass bash at lake of the ozarks on this particular bait threw it for two days in the tournament had just three or four bites over the course of two days but he had a one almost seven pounds and he won a hundred thousand dollars on it at lake of the ozarks this is a bait that a lot of pros are starting to use right now um it's something that you have to make a commitment to when you're throwing the 262 it's something you can't you can't just pick it up and throw it for an hour and expect to give it a try this is a bait that you have to put in your hand and not take it out all day long you have to cast two-handed with it um i work it like a jerk bait a lot of people you know they throw it they just reel them in and it just goes side to side like that but i'll use it like a jerk bait where a little dark side like that and darts dart hard like that and just fish it just like i would a jerkbait and the best conditions for this like i said there's there's two different scenarios that this bait will work good it works good in the late pre-spawn and it works good in the uh early to mid fall like we're coming up right now anytime you got water visibilities of you know two foot to four foot this thing is is gonna attract the biggest bass that are in that area but i can promise you this is another one that doesn't get fished by many people but there's pros using it and they they really don't want you talking about it but it's it's uh it's got its own magic within itself here it's a it's it's a different type of fishing though if you if you throw this thing all day long you know you've been fishing because it's it takes a lot of effort to throw it but anyway that's the three right there i can promise you right there there's three baits that i just showed you right there that a lot of fishermen do not want you to hear about um they're highly productive under certain situations and that's the whole key it's like anything else bass fishing is about using the right bait right technique under the right situations and you have the the more advanced and the more experienced you get as an angler the more you will know when to make the adjustments to certain baits under certain under certain set of conditions and that's just a matter of just capitalizing on the opportunities that you get that come up every single day on the water but anyway just wanted to share that with you um i'm going to be doing probably a lot more of this type of uh sort of you know bait type tips moving forward over the next year and appreciate you all tuning in and subscribing if you haven't subscribed you hit the subscribe button at the top right of the screen here and we'll see you later with another video see
Channel: Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat
Views: 74,410
Rating: 4.9319854 out of 5
Id: f-MTH1za0MA
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Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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