My 5 Most Outrageous Co-Anglers

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hey guys what's up thanks for tuning back into the channel much appreciated and uh time for today's video a little bit something different today i'm going to go over what i consider my top five most memorable co-angler experiences ever which uh to get the top to get to get to my top five it takes quite some effort because you know i fished tournaments for over 40 years so i'm i'm guessing i fished with several thousand different anglers over the course of the 40 years i mean if you consider i fished over 600 major tournaments and you know a lot of that smaller stuff on top of that so i've had to make my top five it's pretty memorable but i just sort of wanted to go over and give you some highlights of of uh how those how they got to the list of my top five but um hey real quick just i wanted to remind everybody tonight johnny and i have our weekly live podcast uh you can go to fish the moment live youtube channel tonight join us from seven o'clock to about eight o'clock i'm gonna have a really good conversation every week you never know what we're going to wind up talking about interactive so hope to see you guys there so anyway let's get in to the top five no no particular order here but these are just the ones that stood out above everything else back you know 20 25 years ago when there were co-anglers they weren't like the co-anglers they were today the co-anglers today are highly skilled anglers for the most part most of the co-anglers that fish today they're up on all the techniques they watch all the youtube videos they know all the latest secrets and they're better than pros were 20 years ago the the skill level amongst the co-anglers are incredible right now it wasn't always like that i remember this uh term we were and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna talk about the specific tournament or the where the lake was at because i don't want to like give away these people and embarrass them if if somebody can reference them that first one i want to talk about was this guy i fished with it was probably 25 years ago and uh he was one of the he was hadn't fished much i mean he hadn't fished many tournaments maybe it was the first term he ever fished i didn't know but anyway he gets in the boat and he has two spin cast outfits that are two-piece rods and they're not even put together yet so he's got this little bitty plastic tackle box it's like one of those little kids boxes that's maybe 12 inches long and you know maybe four inches high or something like that and he's got these two spin cast rods like i said that are still uh hadn't been put together i think they even still had plastic on the handles on them and we get out there and he doesn't even start we're just talking in the boat and everything and and we get to the first spot and he did he's not even rigged up yet he didn't have anything tied on he hadn't even put his rods together so i start getting in my first spot fishing and he puts his two-piece rods together and he gets in there and he pulls out a little grub or something and puts it on there and you know by the time he gets everything rigged up i'm ready to go to my next spot so uh anyway i think he wound up catching a couple fish that day with me but i'll never forget that the two-piece rod guy so okay the second one um okay this particular one was um this tournament here again it was i don't want to give it away but it was probably 15 years ago and in practice i was getting a lot of bites paralleling the bank with a jerk bait and a crankbait and i was fishing steep banks and in order to get the bite i had to get right on the bank i mean i had to get like five feet away from the bank and the my buddy that was the co-angler in the tournament would been practiced with me he was throwing a carolina rig out behind the boat and just dragging it behind the boat and he caught a limit every day of practice with me doing that simply because he couldn't cast any other way so the first day of the tournament or that night the day before the first day of the tournament i drew an angler and i told him what the deal was i'm tight on the bank i said you're the only cash you're going to have is if you cast out to the middle of the lake or behind the boat and i said my buddy caught a limit dragging a carolina rig every day behind the boat and he didn't say much about it so we get out there the next morning and um we probably had been fishing less than three or four minutes just started fishing and i turned around i looked back there and this guy's laying down on the back deck of the boat like just laying down and not saying anything and it turned out i said man you didn't you alright some of the matter he goes no he goes i can't fish like this he goes he goes i'm not going to throw behind the boat all day this is ridiculous and i said dude i said did you hear what i said i said my buddy got a limit every day out of the back of the boat dragging a rig behind there i said you got something against catching a limb of the fish and he goes i'm just not going to fish like that i'm just i'm just not going to do it so anyway to make a long story short that was a very long day this guy sort of grumbled and moaned all day long and uh i'll never forget that one next one is the uh the trash bag dude um fish with us in different another situation fish with this guy and uh we get into the boat that morning and he's uh i told him hey meet me at the dock here such and such and so i'm picking him up for the dock and i get down there and he has a 55 one of those big you know those big industrial size uh trash bags that like a 55 gallon one the heavy duty contractor bags anyway he comes down there with this thing and it's raining and he's waiting there when i get there and he's got this 55 gallon plastic trash can bag full of tackle boxes i don't and i looked in there and he's got like two of those big plano ones that you they used to make years ago he had some big duffel bags and he had like 10 rod and reels and i'm like are you got to be kidding me and i didn't say anything because like i said i'm gonna be on the front deck all the day so he puts this bag in there it took he had to unpack it and repack it it took up every square inch of the floor of my boat so he has this 55 gallon you know plastic sack full of tack on there he had more rods than i did like 10 rods and i literally all day long i had to like get out from behind the steering wheel stand up on the driver's seat and like crawl over the window to get to the front deck and again like i said i you know i know i remember in that tournament denny breyer told me denny was right next to me and he said he goes is that guy going to go fishing with you like that and i said yeah he's bringing all the stuff he goes well i'd have told him right there he's not getting in my boat with this of all this tackle he's going to have to scale scale it down or any bit but anyway i had uh you know made the best out of it and i was on the front of the deck all day long didn't have anything to do with that okay the next one i got here was um uh oh yeah there's there there's actually two here i'm gonna i'm gonna share two real q real quick here um i had this one we fished this one tournament it was about 25 years ago or something and it was one of those tournaments where it was one of the coldest tournaments that i've ever fished in my life it was like seven degrees in the morning i think the high that day was 20 degrees and the wind was blowing 35 miles an hour probably the out of all the tournaments i fished in my career it's the coldest day i've ever fished and the sky that i fished with the first day of the tournament i mean he was super nice guy and everything and we get out there and we run to the first spot where i was fishing which was about 10 miles away it was seven degrees when we took out that morning and he couldn't function he was on the back deck of the boat and he and he's like he goes i just can't fish he said i'm just too cold to fish and he literally stood back there for i'm going to guess 80 percent of the day and jumped up and down and just moved around and walked around on the back deck of the boat not fishing he was like he didn't want to go back in he didn't want to take my day away from him but he literally did not fish for like 80 percent of the day and uh he he's it was just he was just so cold he just couldn't stand it i mean most people were i i in that tournament i fished with my motorcycle helmet on i remember um gloves all day long was pretty pretty miserable if i can remember that and uh the other guy i'm talking about here i got two more is i drew again this another angler out this was about 10 years ago and this dude was the most he was the most whiny complaining guy i've ever fished with my life we got out there and i was casting a finesse jig to uh steep banks and catching him right off the bat i caught a limit real quick and he started complaining right off the bat that he didn't like fishing like that and he was getting hung up too much and he didn't have the right angle and he had plenty angle we were casting like 30 foot straight into the bank he just he he just said this is this is not working he said i can't believe we're fishing like this and every place i went to like that and i was catching them i mean i was having a good day on the water we were mixing up between a lot of different patterns and it didn't make any difference i said anything that i did he did not like it he thought it was the wrong thing to do he thought we were in the wrong place and i finally just told him at the end of the day it's like dude i said you're going to have to shut your mouth he goes i'm sick of it i said if you want to call the tournament director and complain about it you know be my guest i said if you don't if you don't like fish now the back of the boat then pony up and pay your dues and get up front here but i i go i'm sick of your mouth you just need to shut up and finally he's just super mad disgruntled i didn't know if he was even going to sign my weigh-in slip when we got in which he did but i was i think he even mentioned something about that that you know he goes you know i have to sign your weigh-in slip and he was just one of those guys what i can i bet in fact i know a friend of mine matt steffen had actually fished with him or drew him out before and he said he sort of had the same problem with him words but it was just one of those type of deals so um anyway the uh let's go down here um the pic this one so i gotta get my glasses on to see what the last one i wrote down here others oh yeah the last one okay the the picnic spread guy um the last one i'm going to talk about was um i got him all five written down here is this was this was another one of those deals 20 25 years ago before the co-anglers you know became as good as they are now um we i drew this one guy out there and he was super nice guy you could tell he hadn't fished that much he had like a couple spinning rods that he brought with me brought with him and we get out there and he's he's it's act like he didn't even ever fish a tournament board he was asking about where we use the bathroom and you know do we stop for lunch and that type of stuff and i said well no you know if you need to go to the bathroom i can take you to the bank i don't care i said you know we're not going to stop for lunch anywhere you know he didn't he thought you know you just took lunch breaks and i'm fishing along this one bank and i've been working along this stretch for a while and i hadn't heard much about him and i look back there and he has got like a picnic spread out on the back of my boat it's like he's got he he's got a bunch of different food like fried chicken he did he had in tupperware containers and you know potato salad and desserts and that and he's got like this cloth out on the back of my deck and he's like having a picnic on the back deck of the boat you know he's got everything laid out you know with this so i was getting ready to move and it's like i couldn't either i had to let him finish his lunch but uh you know he was just not used to getting out there and fishing all day long without just you know taking a break and enjoying himself a little bit which probably is not a bad idea if you probably just lose some you know keep everything light and not take everything serious so much you could uh probably catch more fish but anyway those are just five or six of the top memorable experiences i've had with co-anglers over the years but most of the guys i fish with out there good guys have had very few problems with i've had a few problems like everybody has and like i said if i fish with a thousand guys you're gonna imagine i'll have a few problems but they've been a good experiences for the most part i made a lot of good friends with it so anyway guys thanks for tuning in much appreciated hit that subscribe button if you hadn't like the video if you like it and we'll be back soon with another one see
Channel: Intuitive Angling With Randy Blaukat
Views: 31,812
Rating: 4.9558926 out of 5
Id: c5dTVX9TsbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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