The Thatch Pub | Historic 1700s Irish Pub

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um welcome to the the tach forine tach has great history in this building uh going back for several centuries uh we don't actually know when the pub was built itself according to Old Land maps and things like that we know the building was here in the in the 1700s in the early 1700s around 1718 and even my uh there's an old graveyard next door to the pump and we can trace ancestors of mine back in that graveyard to 172 5 it's always been in the family I'm I'm sixth generation and possibly seventh generation of a historian looking into it for me at the minute I was born RAR and places just I love every bit of but we have a few uh little quirky traditions and attached that are unlike other pubs in the world so one for argument sake is this is my nor is in the ceiling we all the cups and how it all started years ago was Lads when they finished their box of cigarettes they' make the cup and they'd be having BS with each other and they'd see as we say here you lick it and stick it as it happened from one time we had a with American Tourist here and I said that's the woman and she walked off awfully offended she took me up the wrong way but she T I said something very rude to her it so what they used to do back in was Lads would to be betting with each other they give it a good lick and then they try Flick it off their T and S it to the ceiling and what happened then was people over the years started writing messages in in the cups and it became a kind of novelty and a tradition that you you make your cup and you sck into the seeding and it's your kind of private message between you and the pub and no one else like one of the oldest cups we have is this one back here couple from Melbourne from uh 1960 there there's a man in the wall behind me is uh my great great great grandfather John Walsh John wz married my great great great grandmother Mary flemon when he came here in the 1800s he set up a bakery in around the time of the famine when people had nothing uh whatsoever John actually set up at at the bakery next door where the L's title is now and he us actually cycle around the the mountain in the cover of darkness and give bread to people because they had nothing so and there was no money change hands all barter so he' either um exchange something might be aead of cabbage or maybe a day work I think a lot of the reason why John had so much reserves of grain and wheat at the time was because there was R Barracks next door to this building Ro canab the Queens would have made sure that all of our R men would have always been fed and would always had plenty the fact that they would have been coming here and doing their shopping here uh because this was also kind of a bit of a Grocers as well as a pub and we actually have all ledgers from here um so this one here you'll see is 1879 I can never seem to find the one with the the constabulary on it it was the one bill that was paid up every week there you go that's 1878 so you're right in the middle of a very hard time in Irish history one thing that makes this unique that you can take take a snapshot in time and go back there was no back door into the vland so you well it would have been but it was Private you so anyone that came in for a drink would come in the front door and the area it was only a very small bear area like my great grand ANS would have been the the last two people that lived here Mar W and that would the the late 50s and there's no one living in the in the house in the building since back then it would have been a dwelling house for them so they be here and they be doing the dinner in the day and then they hear someone coming in and they just yeah I'll be with you the second yes I I must tell you he's not telling you there was there was a pillar there in the center of that supremacist a PO there was was the first were one of the first strip clubs in the worlds and there used to be right where you understand there used to be a PO and my father had to take it out because it was wild LA and when he a few drinks down he he had a habit of coming in and swinging around the pole and it didn't matter who the [ __ ] was here he he he was he was going to do it you know and he going to swing around the port and he drive drinks flying all over the place I didn't give you try walk the pole it's safe to Ste there you ah P yourself together now Bo playing cards that room was the The Stoke which you have up and down the country what a lot of people don't realize is the actual the reason behind the snoke was something very sexist in one sense that one time women were not allowed drink in the main Bear area with the men in later years they were allowed to order one drink through the hole in the wall in the far corner but at earlier times they they they wouldn't have been out all drink at all but my great grands and they were two women that worked inside the counter they would have sit in force the road which was mad you know that's small snapshot in time when a harvest would been going on back then everyone helping each other so all the local neighbors would come and help with the har and it's nice to see and you still we're lucky enough we still have that kind of commun aspect in rural Ireland today that and it's just great to see way the community come around each other and protect each other and even when my father passed away suddenly in 2018 people were brilliant that time they couldn't do anything more for us even when we didn't know what we were doing ourselves at times cuz you be bewilders people were just there you know and you you never forget things like that and that's I think that's what makes this this Pub unique in another sense because it it's it's Community po it's not for us it's it's for us yet it's for a living but at the end of the day our our our role as here is is to make to give a give a place for someone to come in and have a laugh a joke sometimes they cry if they need it um and being the local County counselor sometimes just come in give out to me which which which which happens as well and I'm I'm well used to that aspect of it so um thanks very much thank you thank you
Channel: FAE Productions
Views: 3,040
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Id: -CadxistgHQ
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Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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