Thomas 'Slab' Murphy Pig Smuggler 1969 Report

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and the day we filmed the Vigilantes incredibly they were in luck one of the patrols that left the crossroads came across what they claimed was an attempted transfer of two loads of pigs from northern L's to Southern ones at a border Farm they blocked the road with their cars called the guards and rushed back for us and the rest of the Vigilantes Farm owner Patrick Murphy his brother and their helpers were considerably annoyed I asked Mr Mur for an interview predictably he refused I asked him was he in fact trying to smuggle the pigs into the country he said he'd be a fool to answer that I asked him why he thought the Vigilantes had blocked his Road he said they were jealous because they had once been Smugglers themselves he added that they are making more money than he is at the moment meanwhile his brother was in the farm in the north where the pigs had been taken off the northern L's he brought one of the Southern registered l is back to his own Farm 100 yard down the road he made his annoyance Obvious off Yi I saw the pigs being moved from one truck to the other well there's not very much can be done because if there had to be a few minutes later we suspected that they would have been taken into the state but uh we just caught them a little before they were ready to come in we suspect the younger Murphy came back to the northern Farm to pick up his helpers by this time a guard the sergeant had arrived at the Murphy's Farm his job to ensure that there was no breach of the peace you mind if a word with these point Sergeant well lad why do you think these men stopped you hey I have no comments what about you and I saw you up there driving why do you think you were stopped don't comment I think it was because they they claimed you were smuggling pigs said don't come in that you have nothing to say at all nothing don't know when I don't know what to at all you don't know what this is about it's all surprising to you is it yeah it's very surprising that's right what about you oh was very surprising to me too is see you're carrying a stick what's that for oh just he so something you would hit somebody with it would you could you think that would be advisable under the circumstances could be well um you will not say anything about this why do you think you were stopped by these men I don't know no idea don't know do you live here no you're just you're just around that's what about you you live here don't you I but you want to know why these men stopped you I no idea you haven't no well you haven't thought about anything no not yet any well are you smuggling p pigs I don't think you have the right to ask that question well is it true don't know you don't know I said no comments didn't I that was it and that's it
Channel: Irish Peace Process Afterthoughts
Views: 28,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nowcBZm6vAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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