The TERRIBLE Live Action Avatar The Last Airbender Movie...

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this is a parody right I can do something like that I probably still did a better job than the actual film ah here it is the terrible Last Airbender movie the worst film Ed the last decade and somehow after two years we're only covering it now what an absolute pleasure this cluster fumble is let's not waste any more time and just dive into the next 100 minutes of Our Lives bro even the preview is the bloody Pebble scene they know precisely what they're doing here so how do you start telling the story of avatar The Last Airbender of course you've gotta cover that opening sequence water Earth fire and and don't forget plasma and so they do aesthetically but in this very first scene that performs all right there is already the glaring issue that plagues this entire movie's run time probably literally actually and that is the pacing kicking a rock Earth bam easy quick in live action I don't care about the landing just get on with it this one issue is constant as it seems more like the movie is interested in circle jerking over its own pseudo-martial Arts movements then creating a compelling magic system but we've not even scratched the surface yet we're then treated to every filmmaker's secret weapon a big old block of text with several discrepancies the four nations water Earth Fire and Air Nomads huh so they're grammatically all Nomads or is it the air nomadination how do you mess up literally the second sentence with the spirit's Guidance the Avatar kept balance in the world see yes it is levios Avatar and then we're in it they thought they were gonna make another one of these so here they are Katara and soccer no longer representing more in Ked populations and culture they're white because I've always felt underrepresented in cinema so Katara is testing out her water bending to make this bull here that is somehow eternally spilling yet not shrinking as she accidentally gets soccer wet despite clearly that not lining up ah man but like their chemistry of being clashing siblings I thought about mum it's not strange yeah yeah it's not present I can barely pass her words but apparently it was I thought about Mom I guess that's the source of her bending right now and super creepy characters soccer over here doesn't have anything to say at all and when he does I always get wet and that's the scene wrap up everybody that was a great day one time to kick off narration from Qatar again yet another one of those filmmaker ploys that really shows a sense of competence with how little you're showing and how much you're saying our fathers are fighting in the war oh some heavy themes there can really feel the weight of how that would affect such teenage kids really so they're hunting for a tiger seal only to end up lost and soccer in all of his knowledge needs to vent I saw how long the drag skids are that shows you how fast they're going you hit my laptop it could do fantastically in your favor at this rate and thus they come upon the Frozen Avatar does it come from a moment of water bending and rage accidentally as Katara argues with her boyfriend bickering in a way that is a trait of their relationship during the early seasons of the story no the thing just glows under the ice the depth you can reach from there is well anyway we interrupt this terrible episode to give you a little bit of a side plot to this normal review totally by showcasing this Abomination it is a Wii game based off of the movie The Last Airbender this is real I own it I spent a lot of money to find any sort of official access to this thing enjoy enjoy highlights on the side of this video [Music] Uncle Buck oh apparently Zuko is a ventriloquist puppet in this version of events look how little his mouth is moving Aang has now been discovered though he's not gonna wake up here though I do have to say I love the visuals on arpa really makes me excited to see how the real live-action Avatar is looking these days as much as they had plenty of red flags too the fur is just great foreign yeah I forget the comedy that fur is magnificent and now Ang's been brought back to their Village and suddenly awake no dreamy Katara Vision he's just standing now I ran away from home I was just upset you not still upset man and everyone is just so wooden as is the camera it's just two boring shots on the reveal that this kid is alive and talking yawn and now the fire Nomads are here or just the fire you gotta help me out here text soccer soccer I hardly even know her oh and the fire gathered together all of the elderly and also the kid who no one decided to protect or inform or even ask who they really are none of them so out he comes you're scaring these people oh damn there goes the avatar on to reincarnate to some water tribe chaos baby Avatar so Ang has been exposed it's a whole big drama and he's given an ultimatum if you don't come I'll burn down this Village I'll go with you don't hurt anyone and again even with your main main protagonist character there is just no delivery in there no depth of real empathy and it kind of comes out of nowhere considering he has no connection with this Village so far nothing about playing with the children and the Animals here we got a movie run time to crush this into only Zuko here seems to put in any real character even with his teeny tiny excuse for a prosthetic scar but this guy's never gonna get an Oscar nomination at the town so now he's on the boat after conductor tests my name is iro and you are my word Uncle ero not iro simple right anyway I'm gonna use my IBL to have some is scream I saw on that island over there that I will have now on this Iran boat of ours all right also now there's this Grandma character that's popped up only now in the animation the Avatar brings her hope something she hasn't felt in a long time in this version she never meets him just Witnesses him in an unseen scene it's her who reveals that he's an airbender by recognizing his sweet tats oh and they also name drop since my friend Hammer was taken away that's the blood-bending woman from like book three they really dropped a reference to her maybe they did see the original I wouldn't have thought so Grand went over here then proclaims the boy is the Avatar he's a master that will change Hearts I guess he's just an organ Bender too and that he will need you to and we all need him somehow these two children in front of her should invade a warship because they have the prowess and she automatically knows he needs them it's a lot of Leaping it's bad storytelling is what it is and all told on the same two boring shots mostly for minutes at a time so I'm sure you're all just dying to know what this test thing is all about well here it is rock on a table it's interesting the logic of the magic system in the movie version is slightly different even though they don't explain it at all the element has to be in your vicinity to be used you can't just make it though that also means if you are an elemental Bender you become a magnet to the elements I guess and the Avatar synergizes with everything must be a pain trying to go to sleep if rocks literally move themselves if you're just nearby don't know this guy anywhere near Stonehenge man beyond me apparently come on dude there's a code he's antagonized time to fight love when a simple gust of wind takes three full hand movements and then the guy dives off the boat like a gymnast and flies away with the newly appeared Arthur and the others not to mention it's kind of dull and almost hard to see the actual air bending element when he's in the hallway you know what could have kept it interesting some choreography in the cartoon Ang is tied up he's using just a fraction of his power to escape easily and even uses a helmet to set himself free taking all that out here makes your character generically strong with a scene that's underwhelming and as for the soak siblings no scene of them trying to make it work with upper that would be the source of too much actual comedy they're just about Sir off they pop on flew us to his home Ong I'm sorry I didn't realize he was named after a Gong okay so Ong now Retreats back to the southern air temple with some genuinely nice landscape CGI the text at the bottom somehow makes it feel outdated but I can believe this Tower shot at least is it okay if you tell me your name the monks named me on what we just heard their name already in the narration and also how have you revived him housed him rescued him flown with him and landed and only now ask his name the logic for condensing everything into a movie like this leaves some gaping holes meanwhile in the cartoon version we're already in episode 3 and all of the obvious talking points have long been covered name Avatar Airbenders and even the concern that the air Temple may have been invaded by the Fire Nation there is no full thinking like that coming out of these kids they're just vessels very very wooden vessels and then immediately Ong finds the corpses forget the Avatar past lives The Flash spreck of the good old days Zuko even clashing against kamana Zhao or any use for Soaker at all [Music] oh sweet this is vintage yeah I'll give you like a 50p for it sure oh hey look they do have a flashback scene walking over a bridge ogling a jewelry how uncharming can you get I loved the fact that the monk Mentor was shown to be equally fun making cakes of all things and pranking the others [Music] but here Bridge and then Ong floats in the Avatar State and we get a more realistic version of him being calmed down and by that I mean From ong's perspective we barely even pay attention to katara's words against all the wind sound effects and apparently now there's a Dragon Spirit In This Moment whatever the case it's crushing down any emotive language in the scene as Katara just adds the blandest support lines like we can do this together you know the cartoon was talking more about how they're a family now and they'll be here for him tell me you don't understand any of the material without telling me you don't understand any of the material but feel free to read out the synopsis out to the dinnerhold suddenly appearing Commander Zhao firelord has banished his son the prince renounced his love of him and will not let him return unless he finds the Avatar you guys believe all this I'm just trying to make a living man I don't care about all this political family drama if you're keeping note of the animated show as well we've now skipped Kyoshi Island and the City of omashu right on over to the Earth bending Village oh boy okay okay okay okay so this is the point where Haru is introduced there he is what is this small kid no words barely a character you'd think he was an unnamed extra no teenaged angst with a connection to Katara just immediately being arrested by the Fire Nation he was bending tiny stones at us from behind a tree it really hurt and for childish reasons too sticking to the vibe of the early episodes of the cartoon dumbing down to really twist the knife into Avatar fans sorry Avatar fans we skip meeting The Village Learning bending's illegal the moral conundrums the Lemur is Earth bending no you idiot it's the girl or even the news that the Fire Nation are stealing their coal to fuel their ships you know actual World building instead it's straight to jail hey wait this is jail this looks exactly like an earth-bending Village and it's not that they're being imprisoned at the Village this is somewhere specifically different because Dad foreign they act like they haven't seen each other in months desperately idiotic when you remember that the Animated Series covers this by hoisting all prisoners onto a fully metal ship specifically to amputate their abilities by removing the option to earthbend here there's none of that it's especially stupid but at least they pointed out there's Earth ripening your feet the ground told not by Katara in a moment of character development for her as she chooses not to give up on these random people but by Ong because he's the Avatar and then it instantly works no spirit's broken here just a bunch of nameless wordless extras and then comes the Rebellion so let's talk visual effects first things first on swirls are Vortex around himself in defense except Nerf Super Soaker over here can just run right into it anyway and join so it's not really deflecting anything a simple step in with that spear will probably do the job okay and then we have a million swings that don't influence the fire until the final pose that's blocked by a normal wall not a pile of coal they've collected in an ironic twist if you understand the law or as a set piece that can interestingly glow against the fire just a wall what's the next response after their enemy hugs mid fight ah fire and wall again but this time they've doubled up and did an air kick to do the exact same thing again bloody brilliant these action sequences and then we get the highlight this is a parody right I can do something like that I probably still did a better job than the actual film you might you might as well just grab a chunk and throw it yourself it'd be way faster and I want to see a comment like did they run out of budget to make more rock CGI or it's a nice idea they just didn't chub it right but no that was the intention right on filming day that one Speck of a rock lifted by six guys screaming at the air is choreographed just to be ammo for this guy up front to hit that one guy in the background with no other debris effect in the scene so even if they brewed another wall up it wouldn't make sense this was on ironically the plan how do you screw this up they put more focus on making it a one shot so even then the Sky Screamer in the front here blocks the view of two of the Earth's swinging earthbenders seeing this the first time I had never laughed harder at a film the Netflix adaptation could never live up to the height that is this movie's magnum opus firewall for you what are they teaching you fire Nomads in school well I guess we'll never know that's over in book three it's the same battle arena are you now gonna jump off into no no you're not okay you're just gonna you're just gonna freeze cool I have made a mistake this video is 10 pages long oh no thanks for reaching the halfway mark at least if you want to see more movies but ironically come subscribe we supply all sorts of things terrible is just one Outlet so the village is happy they reveal some Scrolls the statue of Avatar Kyoshi is apparently here not on an island and only now do they learn after seemingly days of traveling together I ran away before they trained me to be the avatar how has this not been noticed yet regardless they decide to head to the northern water tribe to learn water bending and the village throw flowers upon them it's at this point we come to see there were other plans instead of montaging events over at the Earth pimple there's actually deleted scenes showing a dance party with the village and also a fortune teller that warns of the dangers of the Fire Nation taking over the northern water tribe and also hey the kiyoshi Warriors are apparently a thing but they were deleted later on because they don't have an impact on the Final Act of book one you can actually spot one in the original it's that hooded girl right there we got some serious crunching here and to be honest it's probably a blessing that a character like Suki dodged the butchering who's Haru again we never hear of them ever again Ong is now learning water bending along a river but herb that he's just not getting it he was having trouble with water bending and thankfully Katara was having the exact same issues since the editors must have pressed the FX button somewhere and of course it is all old in dull expository narration [Music] man the Fire Nation looks surprisingly green and fieldly nothing at all to do with volcanoes on an island oh but look there are sparks in the distant distant backgrounds they really know their presentation anyway Commander Zhao slowly coming to the conclusion of going to the northern tribe and telling Fire Lord ozai since I have found Scrolls in the library that Library being the spirit library in the desert a dynamic change to have the Fire Nation invade what did the owl think oh actually that is in the original just Zhao also hello here's the full-on fire lord no reveal no name drop not even a reference to his title just here no Silhouettes no drama just a boy in red and gold how can your director say they remove all of the humor because audience wanted to take it seriously when you've also taken out the drama of the plotline as well golly hello you know for the kingdom of the earth there sure is a lot of water in the middle of this shot and also there isn't really a northern Earth Kingdom like barsing say is kind of the top any further than that and you're at the Northern Air Temple now we're really just making things up [Applause] yeah we're fully making things up to be fair I could see this being an ample expansion in the war the Fire Nation expanded their land with these colonies that is Canon so maybe there is room to expand them more Zuko is brooding in a hood and after kid about his own backstory then prinzuko was sentenced to an Agni key door oh yeah I love Agni key Jewels I mean I've never been to one before but I imagine it has something to do with key fighting right or like something out of Kingdom Hearts three or something oh my God it's funny Dev Patel is clearly one of the only ones putting in some real effort in this movie compared to the protagonists he's a real diamond in the rough if only anything else around his face was on equal ground as him he did not deserve a raspberry Ward for this movie you guys remember that time when all fought a tank right well yeah that's all you could do you need to wait for the driver to die of dehydration and now we're at the northern Earth Kingdom again hold on why did they show us that establishing shot earlier anyway it had no relevance we just went from one Fire Nation scene to the other well now it's relevant not for long this is about how gong can't quite get water bending because he's distracted he wants to visit the Northern Air Temple just over there and also he keeps thinking about dead bodies but soak a hose over here doesn't want him traveling because they're being followed try to talk him out of it I guess your talk didn't work there was no talk in between this and that a brief flashback of little message and some waves at night time that's all okay and now we meet old man in Temple that's his name an earth villager who's here in air Nomad clothes you know the anime had a whole Legion of gliders in the Northern Air temple they're gone showing us the relocated Avatar statues these are all the avatars these are the reincarnations of you over the years Avatar now I know I think and you know I find it kind of charming how the statues in all forms are always wrong bit by bit the Animated Series doesn't show Kyoshi for Earth and live action kurum has no hood for water or Yang Chen being female for the Airbenders you will forgive me aren't you I have lived in poverty because of your absence Avatar this is actually a pretty neat addition I like the idea of a civilian betraying the Avatar over his absence and also the signs like how he's wearing air nomadic clothing which should be a red flag of Deceit or that he can't pronounce Avatar correctly or is that just the movie being stupid and inconsistent though the anime also had a betrayal but a more desperate one of building weapons for the Fire Nation to survive a bit more nuanced you know politics anyway Ong is captured now we've made it to episode 13 skipping the Avatar Roku chat sozin's Comet jet and the Freedom Fighters the storm The Great Divide that one is fair although while captured there is this blue dragon Spirit he brings a warning of danger you but like that was already the plan my guy in the cartoon this is Avatar roku's animal guide so they're pretty integral in this movie it's just a dragon spirit and talking to John was just okay they mostly just reuse the same talking points since the scene so small except none of the threat of so I'll keep you alive just barely and also these guys click on that on can't use the other elements yet great haha no no that can't be his blue Spirit desire who made this this is a Halloween costume but come on why why is he so hairy monkeying around while not showing us any of his action with actual blade choreography because that defining character trait isn't worth portraying on the film obviously and as he set free and Zhao Witnesses the aftermath all he has to say is fools who the guards are you not one of the fools in this circumstance for specifically setting up this whole scenario what is this in the animation the duo ladder themselves towards the exterior walls isn't it an impressively creative form of escape this this time oh well for one he's not even imprisoned at the Fire Nation Station this is still the Northern Air Temple so they really weren't using their brain cells for this and also there is no fighting none needed when you just block the view of CGI curtains the whole time anyway a foolproof plan on aung's heart defense using air Nomad training tools except problem solved for the Fire Nation right that's all they have to do just fire on all sides right and then off he goes in Flames after a second or two and so the blue Spirit briefly gets less than a second at a time of actual fight choreography before Ong has a choice help is Ally or fight too bit of an odd moment to not be considering that before in the anime there's way more context since they had escaped and the guy was unconscious spoilers by the way on his identity in case you're watching this story first time through me and if you are what's wrong with you talk about awful choices we're next then shakily droning over the battlefield as the blue spirit is playing Dynasty Warriors or something and the stunt workers are practicing for the real shots look closer that guy just spins himself to wipe out and the next guy hops forward swings and then stops swinging it would be harder to notice if they weren't more Central to the shot than the guy we're meant to be looking at and then they combine together for somewhat of an Avengers shot but it kind of gets lost or half the poses are hidden behind extras in the foreground or just their hairy man himself why are you doing this who are you foreign whose idea was it to keep the blue spirit's mouth visible they then drag out have that identity reveal death Patel and Ong has no moment thinking on the morals of it all instantly Vanishing in a smoke screen like they saw all the pieces but just jumble it up to make a far inferior version how I sure hope we have the [Music] the whole way through this Mission otherwise I'll be very disappointed in fact can I find that oh oh are you kidding me he didn't spot me when he looked at me and Ong leaves Zuko in the forest without even a chance to wake up and flesh out their Dynamic not that he would have done anyway following that Zhao complained to the fire lord and I have a few issues first of all why did they build this like the the set people this cost money it's just a reference and it's to a story bee that happens Way Beyond this movie it's a waste of money can I buy it and also you think my son the blue spirit yes why now is the Lord obscured from the camera I know what he looks like blam there he is drama of artist we've already done this and that's the whole scene slightly longer than planned because Zhao may have forgotten his line halfway through that pause and Azuka returns home dealing with eternal conflict Zuko is assassinated I'll remember that at first but apparently it is real done by hired pirates in the anime but here we then immediately cut to Opera anyway so you practically forget come on movie pick a side are we taking this seriously or skimming to make it as child friendly as possible skimming is the answer as when arriving and presenting themselves we arrived at the northern water tribe we presented ourselves to the Royal Court it's all told a narration again no one speaks just more popping around in front of the girl with the penis hair only the best for avatar The Last Airbender the live-action movie 20 10 and then just as quickly we're preparing battle stations for the oncoming War instantly if we keep them to the Courtyard in the marketplace till night falls where we have the advantage we will succeed no meeting the court nothing to establish UA and Soca right to war with aluminum roof Soaker stepping up to be the princess's Constant Guard I had a feeling you might volunteer did you because I wouldn't have guessed they've spoken no dialogue lines to each other yet and then there's the whole Master paku bit in the anime he's the water bending Master we've entirely come to approach and it turns out the movie version is this guy and he does have some teaching scenes it's just after the war prep for some reason um would you like to spy you haven't sparred in a few days so which they do skipping out on everyone else in this scene and completely overshadowing the biggest point of plot in connection to this guy his refusal to teach Katara at all this is like his definitive conflict opens up to some tension let our characters grow and most importantly gives Katara some sparring of her own look at this footage it's fantastic from the anime that's all missing here parkour is just a tool for lessons it seems but we can find remnants on The Cutting Room floor it's just oh oh it's bad oh it's really really bad the water betting Master boiled down to just pushings and the whole idea of Katara icing her feet for stability turns into this this is embarrassing what about that whole spearly ice cage at the end of the anime fight oh no this has been reused for all instead and then the only other thing that happens is on list all the water everywhere briefly whoa wow he's so strong he levitated the water in a way that shows no artistic martial artsy prowess he so cool and good on a budget your son died in that Siege didn't he ah and here's a good old reference to the show's best moment although I imagine if a second movie came out that somehow warped the scene into [Music] here's a walking chat with UA and Nerf Super Soaker fortnite combat SMG Water Blaster as they'd somewhat have a moment together and UA explains her birth like normal conversation I prayed for days to the Moon spirit and dipped me into the sacred Waters and Soca is somewhat animating over there totally listening he knows that there were some visuals like the anime gave us but ramble Exposition is fine too I guess here's a 60-second ongoing clip of swooshy dushi where they forgot to animate the VFX again and even if it's not meant to be there why no one is particularly interested in the martial arts poses separate to the bending it provides especially not the eight-year-old demographic you've twisted this material to aim towards I want to yawn but aggressively but in comes soot anyway Fire Nation is here they just happen to wander to the balcony for a front review but come on it was already written to have them on the back of arpa way more dramatic and some romantic Flair is in there too it's like you can't do upper scenes Zuko by the way is alive he's been in hiding amongst the guards and now is dipping off to his own mission swimming under the water before stopping under the ice [Music] that's pretty cool actually though I thought you have to have the element nearby to bend it in this universe apparently fire breathing is still an option or in this case putting it in your hand huh also from this version of events there's no initial Siege and pause no kayaking stealth and no comedic Turtle seals the be quiet just done early in broad daylight too because smart and suddenly on barrages in asking to see the Dragon Spirit and asking for a spiritual space to meditate no scenes of self-doubt and just knowing it's an option off we pop okay nice this is where all the focus goes on semi-complex long takes without losing focus some of the great monks can meditate for four days all right on I think it's fair to say your eyesight is pretty good you can indeed read a prompt a little bit off from the camera good job buddy so we've now skipped the whole part about soccer training with the tribe and conflicting over UA's arranged marriage she's single in this universe so the moment the Avatar is doing something they buzz off readying for Mr twisty I always knew you'd return me too oh man so in this version none of the gang or I guess gong in this case ever see Zuko across their travels he's only ever trailing behind weird Fire Lord son now come from our village and now they fight but not before zuku is given time to plant his ammo everywhere now how you think this action sequence is Gonna Roll out it's a semi-finali got into some of that good VFX right sure this fire Trail POV shot extinguished that the camera is nice I like how water gets on the lens but anything that actually follows the actors and it's debatable like Zuko's first kick shot right out of a tokusatsu show with that zoom in that doesn't properly follow Zuko there's some nice compositions when they're not fighting on one side of the battlefield because fire is a light source but then how does the fight play out well Zuko has two moves slide to the left slide to the right that'll do and as for Katara having been trained but only soda somewhat in the Raw fails of the movie what does she do blocks number one forgets about number two can these people not count to two how have you made Katara this week and The Siege begins ah cool I can't wait for the yet another Boss run with all of the greatest hits like this hits and that one so if we get a little bit of a little bit of that wow you know it really is better the seventh time sure [Music] but in micro for tonight 49 TV Fire 49 49 in Call of Duty Call of Duty Call of Duty FIFA 21 can you guys hear that it sounds like my internal self just going insane so after Zuko has a moment staring at katara's unconscious corpse for a moment the big battle begins didn't know the northern water tribe had such an owl fetish just the sound of a who and they're all jacking Komodo Ryan's have now been released in CG it's a bit choppy but a cool piece of eye candy anyway certainly works better than Momo sometimes for your classic wartime spectacle azuko has nabbed on and placed him inside a house all right originally this was a blizzard on the outskirts and he was finding a cave but I guess this room is immune to Siege sure just wait till everyone's fighting everyone is that not already happening now why aren't you slipping out now as the Avatar you are not meant to word others oh well I think Avatar kiyoshi would like to have some words with you anyway it's the same unnamed Dragon Spirit again not connected to Avatar Roku not the face stealer and that iconic moment like in the original just this vague Boy again use the ocean show them the power of water okay the solution Aang needed last time was finding the moon and ocean spirit and realizing that they were the koi fish here I don't know use the water or something dumbass and Zuko Broods like a man-child monologuing about his entire family dramas he's a traumatized Kiddo he says I'm like my mother I too wish I could do that when strangers start trauma dumping just flip way out of there Ong then runs along the walls as Zuko just kind of stands there Master Park who's having fun with these water tentacles see this is more like the VFX I'm hoping for less of the pellet bullets going everywhere I have decided it is in our best interests to kill the moon Spirit oh uh spoilers just gotta tell us way in advance and to ero way off on the ship and he lets you live my brother in Christ for these final moments as the big Ong versus Zuko scene they're playing hide and seek at a basement and Zuko is fooled by the most basics of decoys you can imagine brain cells were washed away long ago oh my God and this was being done unironically is this meant to be the rare form of humor something to get all that six year olds cackling I get that he's Twinkle Toes but wait a cheese of fire ending and then they're fighting without bending for some reason no establishment that either of them can do hand-to-hand content we'd skipped any acne kinds of the past until water is used for the first time and Zuko just stands in place to be instant game over and wasn't even on using his smarts to use the number two bending he has no one can count to two in this movie it was [Music] again not quite Central on the composition there cameraman what's going on here now the original fight wasn't long either but it at least went off because it was nighttime full moon and also they were surrounded by a snowy blizzard here it's just Nash and then they run off you won't be killed by waterbenders if you stay hidden here why would you say that you have met twice and this isn't really much of a life-saving moment as choosing to carry him out of the deadly blizzard like all of the story beats of the show are watered down and executed as badly as possible why do I want to see the rest of the other books to see how they could be butchered I believe that worked [Applause] oh he's got a second phase that is embarrassing and I am so upset I was really looking forward to a good boss fight why do spirits take the form of such benign things you're just gonna stand there hero you waited alongside on the boat walked to the gardens witnessed it being yanked out and now are just watching this is not Uncle iro that man was on this immediately whatever you do to that Spirit I'll unleash on you tenfold so Xiao continues to dangle the fish in the air the others arrive iro does nothing until a bit of thinking and thonking and eventually we get to we are now the Gods ah isn't it beautiful look at all of this I mean come on it's like one big giant piece of art and the color grading's gone nice and why did he stab it with a dagger fire bending is more thematic why is iro Darth Vader now and why did she faint so dramatically I wish this was covered in the foe stage play I'm sure the actors there would be performing like this one to one and so the Blood Moon Rises once again and water bending is removed an arrow looks like a doctor regenerating but in all seriousness establishing the elements as being needed to bend them makes this an actual cool idea in concept iro can fire Bend from nothing look how disheveled that poor fire grunt looks up front is this why Zuko could before that's still poorly managed okay well the magic is gone now even I could make an effect that looks like that what's he gonna do more fire pellets no it was just a threat a jowl just leaves I guess the battlefield is now red and slo-mo then there's still a chance you can give your life back for the spirits oh never mind I guess we'll just tell the solution immediately too and also hear it from ero rather than UA herself that would be too impactful and then after a little bit of face rubbing seriously what is she doing with her hands she takes a dip and goes yip yip here's a microsecond of Soca crying don't need any more than that clearly I don't think he could do it at least he got to live up to his name by letting her go I guess he really did soak her and now she's the moon but it's pretty nice how floating in the water gives her her floating form as well as drains her hair and color returns yay ha remember when Zuko confronted Zhao on the bridge that doesn't happen anymore because iro exists and teleports this time around at the Garden when Zhao leaves and then with Zuko when Zhao escapes instead of a fight iro tells Zuko to walk away and he does odd Zhao lashes out behind his back anyway and Hiro shoots it down you stand alone has always been your great mistake it must be hard to try to make Original Greatness when you're rivaling against lines like so this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat instead Zhao is taking taken out by Leftover northern water tribe members alright just some grunts it's a little dark like Coral levels of air bending air out of your lungs level dark and then they let him go so that Spirit can take him later oh [Music] they just drowned him straight up no Spirit ending for Zhao I'm in disbelief I know there's plenty of room for changes but I really thought they were gonna go for more brutal why can't they do that with everyone then anyway Ong has his 300 moments slow-mo and choreography ain't got much to say as he runs along the battlefield to witness the fleet there's also a deleted battle scene in the middle of action hygiene since we never actually saw Soca fight at all without it do it for you hey you hey boy you can't even pronounce your own girlfriend's name right time for one last flashback running away before doing some actions now the Avatar can lift all the water push and pull the tide swing those Fire Nation ships and make a full tsunami wave from sheer visuals all the Fire Nation give up and flee as their ships are pounded upon wow look at that slow-mo no more named characters to probably voice their thoughts just Zuko and iro kayaking in the back somehow safe as they're all brushed away sure the music kicked in for once and that was a lot of CGI animation but it was just a levitated wall of water no one has any originality in this world earthwool firewall water wall wow the anime had the whole dynamic with the ocean Spirit going mad without the moon Spirit on helping to shape it it punished the people and doom Zhao to an eternity in Madness for sure big wave do it too everyone bows down to Ong because they want you to be their Avatar off not that that was ever really something they could choose on does one final Marvel pose tell me that is not just an Avengers theme and after sticking on it too long we cut to Black ending on ozai expositing about sozin's Comet no visuals and hiring I do father The One That Got Away Never having to act on screen and dodging the nightmare that was all of this Sonic Prime there is more apparently there's a scene of ozai making fire from a spark in a field or something a decent scene showing his power and ruthlessness against the idea of the Avatar Rising Three fills of water but I'll spare you more my ramblings let's just hope Avatar Studios knows what they're doing enough to not make the same mistakes again on Netflix can't go this badly again it's impossible though I'd probably be happy in Earth avatar animated series and the adult gang movie and the Zuko movie and two other spin-off Series in mind lots of stuff coming up I'll take any and all new things Avatar just not the blue people what is this what is this huh [Music] I missed one so we just entirely repeat oh okay sure is good none of the firebenders are using their fire right now [Music] wow wow we for now my name's been Daz you don't really care if you're interested in seeing the full VOD of us playing avatar The Last Airbender the movie the Wii game the stream check out the live tab on our Channel and keep an eye out as we're hopefully going to be streaming more often every Wednesday and on that I'll see you in a bit that wasn't a good play I'll say no kidding horrible but the effects were decent foreign
Channel: DazzReviews
Views: 185,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dazz, reviews, clip, breakdown, analysis, video essay, discussion, dazzreviews, review, movie review, clips, movie, avatar, avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, avatar 2010, the last airbender 2010, netflix, avatar live action, avatar the last airbender live action, terrible, terrible movies, terrible series, dazzreviews terrible, terrible avatar the last airbender, dazzreviews the last airbender, the terrible avatar the last airbender, dazzreviews terrible series, aang, sokka, katara
Id: EZu1QjxVjOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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