The Terra Blade rework... for better or for worse?

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despite terraria's 1.4.4 update introducing some incredible brand new features and weapon balancing to the game there was one area that seemed to be leaving some players unsettled as many of you know the update completely overhauled a number of melee weapons throughout the progression mostly making them more viable from longer ranges included in this selection was the iconic Terra Blade which has stirred some slight controversy over whether or not it was buffed or actually just straight up nerfed today we're going to be taking a look at the Terra Blade performance now compared to its pre-warping 4.4 counterpart and figure out if this legendary weapon has really been done dirty or been blessed let's jump into it first things first it's worth noting that the Terra Blade's crafting recipes remain the same requiring a true Knight's Edge for Excalibur and a broken hair assault dropped from morphrons however the majority of its earlier crafting materials have received a significant buff in the update technically making the process of obtaining the weapons slightly easier on the surface the new terrible its functionality has been completely overhauled now having an area of damaging energy around the blade which deals damage in a wide AOE you'll also notice a completely different projectile instead of firing sword beams you'll now fire large rapidly moving slashes of green energy that cover a lot more of the screen this mostly appears as a pleasant buff however like most things something else had to be compensated for in order to have these massive projectiles the base damage was reduced from 115 to 85 and its use time was increased from 14 to 18 on First Impressions this does sound brutal and was very noticeable during the single Target DPS test with the new version not quite keeping up with the old terra blade even when using the blade and projectile luckily the multiple Target test actually sees the new version deals slightly more DPS as it can be as 14 targets instead of two unfortunately though it's overtaken Again by the old terra blade when getting close and personal using the blade suggesting that group ejectile damage might be their only area the new blade excels in but there is one more trick up its sleeve you see due to its increased damaging area you are now able to strike enemies behind the player which is incredibly handy from a survivability point of view okay so with the DPS looked at let's see how the performance are more realistic scenarios against the line of enemies the new turbo blade is undoubtedly able to travel further inflicting damage onto more enemies whereas the old version seems to deal higher damage onto less this is further reinforced when fighting higher HP targets like biomimics you see although the old turbulate is able to dish out more damage it's unable to deal any damage at all to the mimics in the back whereas the new version builds a wider spread of damage to all of them next I took a look at bosses starting with Gollum now the actual time taken to defeat Golem should be taken with a pinch of salt as the whole fight has also been reworked making this data uncomparable but just looking at it from an ease of use perspective the old terra blade felt very clumsy to aim in comparison I'm sure that this could still potentially deal on damage due to its higher DPS however this seemed a lot less consistent than the impossible to miss massive green Arc of the new version moving on to a different boss experience we have the cultist or felt extremely capable of taking it out but the only thing I would say is similar to Gollum I felt less vulnerable to damage with a new terablade due to its increased range this also meant that I didn't have to be so precise with my aiming meaning I could focus more on dodging so for this fight in particular I feel indifferent as the changing functionality didn't have any noticeable impact on the outcome of the fight but do you want to know something that did the pillars this is truly where the new terablades large projectile shines and genuinely made the piers the least painful experience compared to any other pre-moon lot Weapon It's just so easy to use and still deals enough damage to kill any of the tanky solar enemies before they get too close previously with the smaller assault projectiles things could easily slip past you in your life but with this it feels like you have a massive Force fill around the player stopping anything in its tracks so while the new terrorblade has still statistic basically be nerfed on paper it's organic performance has improved drastically being able to deal damage to a lot more enemies with a lot less effort in a way it's a simplified version as 99 of players wouldn't have been able to hit every single shot perfectly using the old version of course this is only my experience with the weapon so I'd love to hear your own thoughts on this rework down below
Channel: sockrteez
Views: 278,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria 1.4.4, terraria labor of love update, terra blade, terraria 1.4.4 rework, terraria new weapon, terraria melee, terra blade rework, true excalibur, terraria 1.4.4 new seed, terraria 1.4.4 patch notes, terraria underrated weapons, terraria 1.4.4 all weapon reworks, terraria melee rework, sockrteez, 1.4.4 update, terraria terra blade rework, terraria how to get terra blade, terraria terra blade vs all bosses, terraria terra blade buff, the terra blade terraria, terraria
Id: dgVJJvIe6SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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