The Terminus Podcast (Ep. 191: Conrail 2: Electric Boogaloo)

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to episode 191 of the terminus podcast for the weeks of september 10th 2022. i'm your host ellis otherwise known as the admiral with me i have two engineers jacob durbin and nicholas christensen oh one horseman that's kevon bradford returning after a long hiatus hello and wandering the world and uh hemlock returning as brakeman uh hello i am the hemlock i have the non-standard pronouns they them and before union pacific does anything else the train will terminate at this station [Music] we are in the great state of texas at tower 55 the tower that apparently was supposed to be destroyed two years ago but it's still hanging on it's interesting you say that because we actually lost a tower recently oh the tsx power that one's such a shame um lots of things are a shame in the past couple of weeks though looking at all of the stuff on the mental responsibility although canadian national has managed to hang on as the holder of the mantle partially because kansas city southern had an accident and killed someone in a train derailment on the 30th of august so that's kcs's part they won't be getting it back this week csx before them was uh making waves by derailing a locomotive near a diamond in uh i think somewhere in tennessee i think um they just they split a switch also they collided with a uh semi truck on the 31st of of august on the 30th of august in addition to the kcs wreck there was a bnsf train that uh hit a truck of some kind some sort of hopper truck by the looks and union pacific who had its first wreck of the period where they uh killed the conductor in the derailment um yeah this will be a trend uh uh csx hit another tractor trailer on the second of september but then we come back to union pacific who has four more incidents on the board here up oh sorry that was that's the same one i think three more incidents um one where they destroyed a bridge with a with an oil train and made just a tremendous mess uh i don't know if the bridge went out and caused the derailment it doesn't look like that it looks like the derailment happened and took out the bridge on its way down um that was on the fifth also on the fifth they derailed another train in northern iowa and then on the eighth they killed two crew members by lining them into a siding that had equipment on it so uh the engineering conductor were allegedly ejected from the train when it collided with uh empty uh empty like container cars empty well cars which is just what a yeah i mean what a tragedy like this up with three employee death deaths this week preventable deaths uh the last one was probably a dispatcher error and yeah they were lined into a siding that was not empty like they thought it was and the first one i mean yeah train derailment just caught the conductor out you can read about all these or see them all in the cargos which is linked in the description and like i said the canadian national still holds the mantle i think kevon you said that there was an incident for norfolk southern that we missed uh yes norfolk southern ran to another train today today i just could not yes oh for god's sake okay yeah wow okay sure sure ns get it together i mean the class ones are gonna have to get it together at some point well they're probably gonna stop existing conroe yeah conrail ii can we if it's if it becomes electric yeah we need to be electric yeah this is the way um and i love the mood whiplash of going from union pacific killing a significant percentage of its workforce to conrail to electric boogaloo but i don't have anything for local service this week and the reason i didn't even want to put anything in is that kevon has been on an adventure i've been everywhere man where where do i even start so the beginning the beginning oh that was four months ago so i was born in a city during the night but i wasn't born last night it was four months ago grow up fast man um so i made a thread um i was in work or i was working in the bay area for the past about four months and i basically got to go everywhere see everything not everything i wanted to but oh there was a lot so yeah i mean 2470s what was it 24 uh 24.72 didn't get to see that no i did i technically did get to see it i got to see it in the park from the parking lot because i drove to napa valley so it was there but um so first day i got my rental car or the weekend i got my rental car i immediately booked it all the way to sacramento to see the railroad museum yep got to see the cab forward they got to see the up060 got to see an actual f40 run um i was going to chase it and find better one yes they have a preserved one and the amtrak color yeah yes it used to be in the back shop best phase except i don't like the ditch lights because they're the we're not going to modify the shell we're just going to plop these on the front ditch lights yeah they're a little bit interesting i like how the rust around them is real yeah yeah you can tell it's a good patch job genuine just a little crunchy um got to see the cab forward um that's a good shot that's a trading card worthy shot of it yeah i i didn't buy three cab fords um it's above hemlock the first uh message oh i can't help damn him california that you're below him wrecked no that's true um you don't oh wait there i'm just stupid um and then on my way home i decided you know what oh siemens is here so i got to see uh the second phase seven locomotive they had painted 310 and then the day after it was moved and i got to chase the california zephyr with the new phase seven chargers on donner pass all right what happened to phase six we're on phase seven now that so phase six they didn't have phase seven done in time for the chargers so the first eight got uh basically plopped together paint scheme and then this is gonna be the new official paint scheme okay it's it's a pretty slick looking paint scheme it's not i don't think it's the best thing they've come up with it's kind of over the top but it's it's good looking they're trying to incorporate thing i i prefer phase six over the phase seven but we'll see um how i feel later because i still like the chargers now that they're out on the road i'm not sure i know like they look good phase six how do i describe face well what is in phase six um so it's the pointless arrow logo but not the whole thing i don't know how to explain it i don't i don't think i've ever seen anything in phase six i'm starting for the same boat as him here it's that one there oh that oh yeah oh wait that's phase six and then this is phase seven oh i i think phase six is better yeah basics is pretty good i actually like phase six better i would like to do phase six but with the darker blue um i think that would look a lot closer to the 50th anniversary unit which is like the all dark blue which looks hot oh yes a midnight tree look i saw that one on the downeaster oh they don't send anything down here anymore well it's weird how many heritage units that i've seen considering i'm way up in a corner of the country with no long distance trains well one long distance train well technically so i forgot i haven't been on here so long so when i took the uh lakeshore limited up to buffalo for new year's last year um my locomotive in charge was 69. nice oh i remember that and my locomotive i think it was the second locomotive out on the lakeshore was 113. i'm just like you can't just make this you can't just make this trip a meme you're you've been cursed you're experiencing the meme that would have been like you're just experiencing it on your own you're like lost in your world of memory yeah it was it was so much um but i guess i continuing on the california trip i did go to disneyland i had a friend that works at disneyland and he helped me get in legally um i got to see only the earnest s march they had another marsh they had another locomotive running but every time number four was around i did not get to see the other one the entire time i was there i mean it's i'll go back to disney it's expensive but oh the merch oh i tried to i was getting a hat that's all good at this thing and i looked at the price tag and it was forty dollars and i'm like yeah well it's disney yeah that sounds right yeah it's it's pretty bad um doing the same thing that amtrak is doing where they realize that people will pay way more for x thing so they're just going to charge more you know oh we can charge an absurd amount and people will still come here holy crap why did we never do this sooner it's like and then we'll also give it a discount to make it look cheaper yeah it's like when you look up you're getting your money actually charged for like rides in rollercoaster tycoon and you go oh my god i've been short changing myself for years um i see stuff from uh what model railroad club is this so i went to la mesa down in san diego okay that was a great layout it's all like running you can walk probably for 20 minutes around the layout it probably takes an hour to run the full circuit uh i think it's mainly for running not operations did you actually do some operations uh no so this was fourth of july weekend so uh they were having a few club members there just running trains uh technically i could get a membership so they have a membership for people who live far away i think it's like 75 a year and then you can come and run your trains on the layout oh that dispatching terminal oh so uh down below so that's actually a different layout so this is at the that's at the um i think san francisco bay area or no golden state uh model train museum or something like that and they just have model train layouts and that's it oh wow also that so there this is actually three separately no one two so this is four separate layouts i posted pictures of um so the one that looks like la union terminal look at that station uh that's run by a group called christmas tree lane and i messaged the guy because i bought a few things from him and i knew i was going to be in la so i like after going to san diego i drove up to his place they had to get together they were running trains they let me run a train on their layout and they actually model um los angeles to san diego los angeles to washington i think is currently um under construction so they're running like the whole starlight that's awesome so cool um then the next layout uh the one with the giant mountain that's just near martinez yes it's near martinez and they only model donner pass so they model from oakland all the way to reno sparks and that section of the layout is so nice and you see this one i try to find more pictures i can at the moment but there's a basically a second floor to that wow my god and oh it's just an impressive layout um wow now i guess next thing i should do is let me think go through so the yeah there's their layout uh also went to napa valley yeah the guys you stole the paint scheme from i didn't steal anything but you know well you stole my fl-9s and oh you didn't steal the sd9 from well they don't even run there so napa valley doesn't even run their fas anymore and apparently their fas are hybrid locomotives yeah they're they're not what is what does that mean so i think it has a battery where it can run off of that too and the diesel i just saw the sticker on the side i'm sorry what tickled oil yeah uh let me let me see if i can find the photo yeah but it's just like oh let me have my can i have your hybrid alchemy yeah my plug-in my plug-in they just they just go to the prius and put it in an fa i mean you know no no no they got elon musk this is the hyperloop elon musk he's in there in a giant hamster wheel on crazy steroids but then wp is good i i i missed alan bolt that in napa when i oh no oh sorry it's a clean air service vehicle not a hybrid i mean it's in elko so yeah i i wouldn't believe that i don't yeah i don't believe that for a minute it's clean air because it's not running yeah yeah they they use a gp 38 or something like that it's kind of lame um so after that i went to gettysburg with some of the gmod foamers oh yeah i wish i had known you were you were gonna be like tooling around in strasbourg i might have come down so strasbourg was just on a whim when what day we wanted to do it because we knew the weather was going to be kind of bad so we just went on the worst day to go to strasbourg basically like oh if it's going to rain yeah we'll just go to strasbourg because we didn't actually ride the train we just went to the caboose barn went to the model train museum and then went to the actual museum a pa yeah because yeah i'll go back to strasbourg it's they're not like running two locomotives anymore and i also it was in pinzi land finally yeah yeah i mean they're they're gonna be running 611 again next year so until the track caves in yeah until the track gave them they're going to keep running six alive they're going to have male 1 for all it's worth yeah um so after that so jake is a bad influence and made me buy three uh mrl locomotives would you get warhog on this podcast he wants to be on here i will tell him he's currently on a camping trip without data so he's currently at the rail yard don't say that in here that that's like bringing up danny harmon and see singing i'll see you on the high iron uh we did get to see tanks i yeah and the tanks both tanks do run um they actually so i think we kind of oh no no no so at first we knew we're going to be there there was a new world war ii museum there uh and they're like oh yeah for 30 dollars like you can come see the tank run and we'll have a top like a talk about our tank and stuff like that so um they did that we came back the next day to actually check out the museum they have a lot of great pieces um but we were talking with the owner who built the museum and we were just like oh y'all are trained nerd so he took his took us to his house like his ranch house like showed us his template model trains and a bunch of other things that's awesome yeah yeah it was just like ottoman was like oh crap like just knowing that it's just like hey yeah and he had like he showed us his cars they have other uh tanks and equipment on his property um okay i just i just noticed just to go back to it for a second you weren't kidding that's three cab forwards in your in the stuff that you bought yeah well one one is jake so i bought one for jake but it came late so i couldn't take it on the trip with me oh my god um yeah also i went uh the day i got back the train layout in martinez was having an open house and pg and e uh had the power go out so during their open house they had to like open all the windows and let it everyone in for free because it's like hey you can't really check it out we can't run trains the power's out oh my god um but sooner or later it finally came on and it was like oh this is nice um i actually got to see trains run because the first time i was there only one club member was there and he let me run his train but it was like to see like oh there's sp trains on the layout stuff like that gotcha and uh and i wanna i bought the cab forwards hoping i would run on that layout because it was like ooh i could go there uh but the late um they had to redo the sightings on the entire building so they covered the entire layout so basically the three months i was there the layout was down i think tomorrow is their first train show that they're doing so it's just like oh i found a train club i could join and no and but it worked out because i had no free time on the weekends i was always on the road either going to donner going to wherever um yeah just forever and you went to except um where else did i go well i was trying to say into the uh the carson's city thing oh yes oh there i have so many more yes i went to carson city for the steam up and i got to meet milky for the first time yeah you said i got to be milking for the first first time i was in the middle of pulling a picture of sp18 i mean it's milky in the discord yeah everyone react with the sp 18 detected emoji on this podcast yeah sucky is that the 18. you get to be milky which is great i i got to see the glenn bur glen brook yeah and all the vnt locomotives that they had out there which is like oh hey i got to see them at the museum and i got to see them in carson city yeah yeah you both wanted the same adventure i kind of wish i would have went out to like see them actually hauling on a truck uh but i think that was the day i was working because the museum has a tick tock and it's kind of cringe oh god oh the california state yeah yeah they have a ticket um after that oh i had a hotel room that was directly next to the caltrans amtrak line uh i think it was the santa clara stop were you putting up in a hotel for the whole four months yes well wow so i could pick the hotel i didn't know see this hotel would have been fine because all i need is my desk i'm not at the hotel i just need it for sleeping because it's either work or i'm out on the road yeah um but this hotel was right near the train tracks and i asked specifically for um the girl at the counter like hey is there one on the back side on the top floor she's like yeah nobody likes wants to be over there but sure i was like okay yeah so i got to watch all the cal trains the co-star light uh i think one time i saw a cotton belt jeep on a up train but the internet was miserable i could not stay in a discord call for five minutes or it would just like crap out and it's like hey if i want to live here and have trains it's like i'm not going to stay here so i found a new hotel which was a lot better it was basically an apartment but i don't have that that's where i always took my snapchat photos of the mountains that was at that apartment um next i also went to the western maryland museum to see all of the railway western maryland rooms really nice yeah oh yeah you didn't notice they had trolley 1309 that's like um but i got to see go ahead that's like agility's front runner cab car 113. god damn it um i got to ride the train and there was one guy who was really really nice and i was like hey so what's going on with 94 like i came out here to see 94 i'm from texas um i thought i would get to see it on the tour well the thing is they only do the tours of the i guess back shops on wednesdays at 12 00 p.m it's like nobody wants to go on a wednesday unless it's like you're going on a summer trip but then you can't experience the trolley trip because i don't know why they i don't know why they do it that way because when i was down there i forgot what day i was down there but they were giving tours all day pretty much huh yeah that doesn't include the private guided tour that i got but that's beyond the point yeah well i got a private tour because he spoke to um one of the ladies that worked there and she's like okay everyone we're taking a 15 minute detour into the shop so awesome everybody got to go into the back shops which they would have never done or like been able to because the museum hasn't closed off um and like everybody started saying no thank you like we didn't get to experience this i get to see 94. i didn't get to see 334 which i also wanted to see but that was in the yeah i didn't appear i didn't see that one either um apparently it's in one guys we did not have keys to that building um sorry about the people that i knew down there uh but yeah they have the engine in there but the tenders outside and the tinder's looking rough yeah that engine is ooh you got to be careful when uh when you end up getting these these back shop tours before you know you're trying to buy trolley cars and want to restore an old truck that just sounds like milky on a normal day yeah well well i mean everyone knows find the old truck i wanted the charlie i mean porque no las dos and then you got why the boy 4000 won i did and it was like actually nice inside because i know some of the other trolleys i'm guessing they take out aren't they in the nicest condition the the pcc wired is a little bit different at 30 miles per hour oh yeah and they book it down the line meanwhile yeah i i had just the biggest smile on my face when i gotta take the 4001 down their track at track speed i had a smile on my face the entire time i was so happy oh yeah what is trap what's considered track speed for that for 30 miles per hour is what their drop speed is for their river oh yeah so you can go out to a good and have a fantastic time milky milky just grinning here to hear the terrified people in the back i mean i i had two other qualified mulderman there with me so we're all gonna die well to be fair i did stop where the weirwood told me to say to stop because because they have a token system so they have a stop sign before you get on the main too far oh that's cool there you go you didn't need to stop there i'm like i just fell in the woods for the werewolf and they're like okay i respect that how dare you go crash something yeah it was fun going over a road question because i've never been over world class and piece of equipment of course that's the middle of nowhere and there was no cars but still yeah that's i mean you never know that the train line might just be active yeah yeah the u.p might come down the main line from the bay the old union pacific doesn't come around here much anymore well yeah um okay i guess few other pictures uh got to chase 184 which i keep seeing i used to see all the time on the texas eagle uh down donner pass that was a fun trip yes because i wanted mountains because i don't have any mountains here it's just flat texas yeah donna pass it's is beautiful and it's easy to chase because all the trains are like 30 miles an hour yup yeah it do be that way why does it take so long to get this is why i saw three or 301 and the new chargers i was kind of pissed off at amtrak because i was waiting like oh okay this weekend the train's gonna go and it's gonna go over donner i'm gonna chase it all the way to reno a days go by i'm like okay it's going to happen during work days go by it's the next weekend nothing and then like monday or so they have 301 and all three phase seven chargers on the california zephyr uh it'll be the last picture to post and that train looks so good and i got to i missed out on it i'm just like oh you're kidding me it happened on like a tuesday damn that's still that's awesome yeah and then gaviota so the picture with the trestle right above that i wanted to go to gavio to pier to get this picture of the coast starlight well i drove four down four hours down turns out destroyed in 2014 which i didn't know about oh no it's been shut down for eight years yeah oh my god i mean you have to deal with the surf so i guess they don't want to go out there and rebuild it yeah yeah you don't have to deal with anybody like jumping into the ocean off the pier stuff like that too yeah yeah all right we're sort of at time for this section i want to give everyone a minute just to just to say their piece um i know jader and milky you guys have been working on your railroad museum projects yeah i'm gonna start dumping pictures here um i can't get out of the thing let's see but no there we go oops now 704 has been progressing progressing nicely as of last week um all the surfaces have at least two coats of bread duh there's a few pictures there we go oh the bobber wait is it a bob robert no it's not a bobber damn it it's a nice wooden caboose no uh is it going to be in cno yeah it's going to be in uh well let me find a picture of what basically what it was like it's going to be the same scheme but here we go okay okay but this is the scheme that we're going to put it back in but oh it looks so much better now it looks so i hadn't seen like a direct before and after and this is fantastic the difference is it's yeah awesome um but that's the scheme we're going to put it in that's circa oh geez i think it's like 1931-1957 but i did a little more digging like based on like some of some slight other differences that's circa i think like the 40s too at some point it got painted yellow i don't know when but there's like little bits of yellow paint on the inside of the windows so at some point it was yellow they were yellow they were real i actually saw a yellow version of that caboose at the one of the train stores oh i have i have one i'm just showing my display case they they look good in yellow like the uh the we have another one of these that's this neighbors it's a different number series but it's basically identical um and we restored that one in the yellow condition and it looks really good it still needs lettering but it looks really good i hope you uh continue the work on this because it's just gorgeous but that's progressing nicely hopefully sometime then a half it'll be done huh yeah uh yeah okay what about uh made it wet there's not nothing here what you said similar enough to to what we're going to be doing with the tank 67 in a couple of years but right now i'm gonna post the pictures uh for the past all right two words have since i've been at museum i've been working on removing paint from the queer story windows on the tanks seven and today i made a good amount of progress i think i got it off of seven or eight windows which it was just like covering the glass wasn't it yeah yeah it was painted on at some point presumably in the 1940s or 50s uh when the car became a cabin they just painted over the windows they didn't want that paint i would hope uh well uh we'll figure it out don't don't breathe too deeply just i i did but uh yeah i i don't know why it was can you say can you smell color can you see colors now yeah plate can use vowel sounds it was a mix of whatever paint and for whatever reason there was also glitter mixed in i don't know how but when i went down at my arm it's like oh i got this i got these black paint chips on me and gritter what the hell i look like a vampire sorry giant vampires glitter mannequins it gets everywhere which is uh fitting because we were decorating for our halloween event yeah i was gonna ask what's with the lights i was i was just like that that those are either there for some like serious purpose that i do not understand or they're accurate yeah they dressed up the cars like this it's you know it's normal so no uh 49 covered in christmas lights isn't it always like that yeah i didn't take any other pictures of the other cars but that because we're still working on decorating them up for the towering event uh this year's theme is wizard school so it's gonna be fun we have script weeds for that this morning it was pretty good there was some good improv that came out yeah i showed up and i'm like oh everyone else showed up too uh oh we're doing a script read for this okay i'll sit down make a couple of funnies like one of the the blocks is you gotta bring the dragon ache back to the dragon and the you can ask the shop keep requesting or the dragon questions i'm like what came first the dragon or the egg i got a good chuckle out of the womb what you have to do is just yell in or run in yelling commando commando yeah uh but one of the car or well two of the cards so the council crest card i was standing in and the texas seven got decorated up as christmas all day cars i'm like okay okay for the last two years i've been choking that we should restore our la car and run it on the main line as a christmas car because that's what happened in 1949 we missed an opportunity to do the meme that looks i mean it looks like a candy cane yes that's the point but we missed an opportunity to do this i've seen this before but leah let me show the audience because i hate it so much but so tacky it's delicious and minty i'm the only person at the museum that wants to do this i mean everyone else is right what was it for like 1949 uh la painting up cars for the holiday season and ours was one of them so it'd be historically accurate if we did it but it's just a christmas car make sure it's the christmas i mean it's either that or like someone really likes barbers yeah prototypical i promise yeah or it's the target heritage unit the target heritage unit there's a prototype for everything yeah i was gonna say this is one of those things where you just keep a photo on you so when you're running your thing at the model railroad club and the rivet counter says like um actually you're like no look behold that's my that's just me and my amtrak yeah that's one of it's one of my favorite genres of train images is that it's prototypical look at this picture i love that yeah so uh anyway that's what i've been up to wheel where was wise while away were in that required diffusing but well i went again i don't even want to talk about i want to give him the floor for just a minute so they can talk about uh their light rail troubles all right let's speed run this so uh i am back in canada for university the term started on wednesday so i vote the term started on wednesday and when i went in on wednesday for my first day of class class was cancel so i ended up just so i ended up spending the morning just going down to chase cnn i saw a grand trunk unit that was cool yeah uh the day before while i was getting groceries the light rail hit a car so i ended up waiting like 40 minutes at the station to get a tram back up to get a tram back up through the area where my apartment is the day before that i went and caught via and then uh several you know several dozens of days before that i went up to duran this was over the summer but it's been a while since i've been on a podcast so i didn't get a chance to touch on this and then today i went up to the waterloo central railway i rode their train it was cool i saw the i saw the locomotive that canadian national donated to them last year since last time i saw it they painted it up uh olive green yellow it looks very snazzy i love it i i don't like these colors or this color combination at all i think the cn classic scheme is based so bad speaking of the waterloo central railway they are currently open they're currently holding an open audition for players for their christmas trains we're looking for junior elves ages 10 to 12. train conductors ages 18 over singers and carolers bell ringers and santas uh oh hell yeah you should you should go audition you should go be santa it'll be i i considered it at the same time i i mean i've brought this up before if i have the time to volunteer on the railway i have the time to pick up a part-time job so and i should probably do that first yeah that's the capitalist and you talking go do train stuff that's the part of me that wants to make rent talking it's the part of me that doesn't want crippling student debt talking oh boy apart student dead i don't know her yeah uh one last thing about the waterloo central is that they are currently currently there working to get essex terminal rally number nine their o60 up and running they had it out for a couple runs on victoria day over the summer but and you know fresh off a 10-year inspection they had slight issues so they're going to so it they hope to have it up and running again uh by thanksgiving and by thanksgiving i mean the canadian one so october oh well good luck good luck to them uh yes i i do hope i get to see it over the winter all right so are you all set yeah i was just gonna say well that's that's about all in my neck of the woods all right it's time for locomotive verses in one quarter we have holy war in the other corner we have edward thomas if anything like maybe the best thing that's come out of uh double headers is finding a bunch of interesting matchups for locomotive versus so holy war and uh what did i say the other one was thomas this looks like peter sam that's because that is the basis for peter sam oh yep on something new every day so how much the results are for though hem you're going to do holy war is that right yes and uh and milky you're going to do edward thomas i don't know how this is going to go this is just one of the ones that popped into my head while we were doing this stuff i don't know it's been a while since i've done a weird small adorable engine so i am on my home turf with this thing yeah i was gonna say i feel like ham is on the back foot but i don't think i can give them an advantage uh because that's very dangerous so uh milky you can go first i am going to try and find the uh i'm going to try to find some stuff for to fill in these empty links while milky decides what his first stat call is going to be um you built gear belts that's going to be a painful one uh i am the i am one of the owls class ones right yeah i think so yeah um 1886. ooh 1921 they're not young oh no it's newer it's a lot newer so it's like an old man they're both so small and they called duke ground puff yeah okay it's not young no dude okay um treiber wheelbase 3.25 three feet between the drivers that's crazy i thought i was being ballsy with that one i thought you were too no all right what railroad i just looked at the factor of adhesion from the engine next to me oh no because the steering changed on my stack seat and now i want the sub chat to be boof it's objectively whichever it is which one from ls no hybrid diameter uh driver diameter 20 inches 24. wow wow how could you do this to me i know traitor that's what i'm saying they're both so cute that's where thomas is just so like cute and dirty uh border presser oh 140. 160. oh man him are you okay have you made have you made good decisions today active effort yeah 29 16. have flu tube length okay you want off a pure communism got it okay firebox area then 14 square feet 19.5 these are such europe they're so straight area 2.5 square feet four the size of a small cupboard behind uh technically milky has three extra inches of gauge on me oh right the chorus and the taloclin are two foot three inches evaporative heating surface uh a hundred square feet 115 combined heating surface 100 square feet 113. wow these guys aren't superheated who could have seen that coming wow i can't believe it about the repeating surface divide by cylinder volume 224.51 oof 207.38 okay oh it's my time okay all right numbering class one god damn it i knew this would be a milky locomotive where it would just be one number belt how do we rank hackworth versus stevenson oh god what what is hackworth yeah i i haven't wear the packwork enough to know how it compares to hackworth locomotives uh oh it's just is it just for this new valve here no hacker hackworth is in the valve gear oh oh valve gear um um i'm i don't know what milky i don't i remember off the top of my head who gnocchi is built by this is hackers valve gear by the way i don't remember off the top of my head who milky is built by but i'm pretty sure it's like someone smaller than on sled okay yeah um well that seems actually fairly simple hackworth seems like yeah it doesn't seem too complicated however it is a bizarro valve gear yeah and i think i'm gonna have to give it to stevenson if you're gonna call or yeah i i mean yeah that's fine i'm gonna call valve gear yeah so you have stevenson i'm stevenson yeah if if i were to like really ruminate on it i might go with hackworth but i've i've made my call for now uh yeah i would have to have probably have like tyler or weibo sit down with me it won't be the first time that we've gone back and revised yeah calls from valve here yeah i found it okay i finally i'm trying to fill in the ones with no link in the table here and i did not know where mississippi was it's the nachos and hamburg that's so specific you know the mode still doesn't have a bnoc uh engine wheelbase entering wheelbait yet 7.5 3.25 yep ratio of driving wheelbase to overall engine wheelbase point four one one a solid one yep overall wheelbase engine and tender break we don't pay attention we we know what it is you're a tank i'm just not kidding i don't understand you're living by reality thank you what is this yes 7.5 3.25 ellis timelio's weight computation oh we'll say we'll spare the math and say milkies is less than one and hemlock is one yes it's eight to nine oh oof okay i mean i know things i can still probably win engine weight engine weight nineteen thousand forty oh thirteen four forty yeah okay yeah okay total engine and tender weight same yeah same all right it's now 10 to nine holy war has taken the lead okay i can hear the cat meowing outside of my door um let me in thinking emoji how about a fuel capacity oh dude i'm smaller than him also i don't have that god damn it like i guarantee you his tank is have you've done it adhesion no that was my next gamble okay it's that or it's that our gamble on the soda cans oh jeez which i don't want to do okay factor of adhesion 5.51 that's for bad 4.61 oh my god all right i know i i i don't even know if you could say that's bad i i scrolled down and i saw that and i'm like that's awful that is a rolling catastrophe yes oh i think hold on hold on wait what was it again milky 5.51 hold on let me just i want to compare it to something really quick but the one next to it the crash on here is eight oh my god terrible how okay it is it is still worse than 37 13. i was going to say congratulations you have a better 37-13 37-13 is the mega-pacific the boston made giant thing that steamtown's been restoring for 35 years and what is attractive or factor of adhesions like it's 5.12 oh my god it's a pacific yeah but it's gigantic we're we're at 20 right yeah we're at 20. i'm gonna stop i'm gonna go to host choice wait at that point aren't you supposed to make the locomotive bigger if the factory adhesion is that bad i don't or big no no i don't know what quantifies it's it's too it's too fat for the amount of attractive effort like we did it against a normal size pacific and it was not much of an increase for how much larger it was yeah it was kind of basically it's just it's just big for the sake of being big yeah it's it's just a it's they went to lima and said give us a huge specific and lima said are you sure and they went yes uh anyway we're gonna go with uh what the hell am i gonna it's host choice uh power mt um one of my favorite numbers 567.83 584 points oh my god all right there's another point for holy war uh um kevon jader hmm my fault where's the statue for that one [Music] edward thomas let's see what is like if you tried to name a locomotive something more british you might have trouble i'll name it the queen oh wait oh that should be kind of cool i mean yeah now it'd be a fitting tribute well there already is queen elizabeth uh yeah uh yeah i would have been surprised if there wasn't queen elizabeth the second player commanded also are okay they are doing a funeral train since she died up there yeah so have we done uh uh the cylinders how big are the cylinders oh boy who's gonna go first cylinders i don't know oh i have one um seven by ten mine is seven point thirteen by twelve oh it's substantially larger okay okay do you have flu information no no i already said no no tubes no fluids no bluetooth length i don't foods or fruit tubing but i do have two uh i do one off of something have you done tender fuel capacity we don't know uh oh i don't have one we have not had oh yeah smokey does not have it and you don't have water capacity i do have water capacity actually oh no it's 10 yeah much bigger i'm sorry him okay i have one of my favorite numbers when it comes to free food 168 120. okay 168 because it sticks to 69. okay no because it's an adorable family order can i can i ask out of curiosity what is your loco base id 49 18. i'm glad i didn't call it 59.83 yeah i think that you know the same thing yeah yeah i knew it was going to be a gamble so i didn't call it yeah me too style points guys what do you guys got i mean they're in terms of fixings they're fairly similar locomotives uh what well the obvious i'm peter sam i also appeared in a children's book we both have media appearances yeah can can hollywood get a style point for the cube buffers no i did also but but cube i was also intermittently fitted with like uh in in preservation i was fitted with like actual proper buffers also by of foreign real buffers okay good to know oh i have the smoke box start yeah oh oh you do and and edward thomas doesn't that's interesting i would not have expected that i have a head damp holder on my engine so i can be uh you both have headlamp holders yes okay we we both do do that uh there was a experiment done to me where i was fitted with a goose guys diesel it's a fancy funnel that makes you steam better basically okay well like i swear they had thomas and frank's plot for this yeah i was going to say thomas i'm trying to remember the uh the george carlin edit for that i need to rewatch all of those can i get a style point for my class name being the tattoo craft my model is the tattoo craft on uh it's different than you know the wheel ground where you have the the crafts 50 whoever yeah but ham also is like the alice class which yeah we love alice so yeah i'm gonna go to the well there's your problem live show if i get the chance yeah um you guys are very civil origins i was withdrawn in 1967. yeah uh 48 for me okay i was i was also built first which means i was withdrawn later and i also had a significantly longer service career yeah what do you know the war wasn't over by christmas unfortunately all right well 14 to 12 is there anything else you guys can think of uh can oh can you both get a style point for not just being painted you know just like basic black or something i mean i'm not gonna just give them both a point for the hell of it it's i will call it a tie i've i've also been painted red so wait anthem drop oh wait um well hold on oh i have i have a model i have a bachmann model oh i i'm sure that i have one too what about painted red with the blood of your enemies i like just the burlap sacks of coal actually i don't know if i don't know if there was a mass was there a mass produced oh i found the crims models okay they're mass-produced edward thomas model i don't know if there was um yeah and um in uh like we call it cheap scale ride steam oh cool oh which is barely larger than the original or barely smaller rather oh yeah there you go it's a g-scale livestream model those are so freaky to me that looks so derpy well oh i was i was the last one oh one cough of alcohol too right i was the last steam locomotive to remain operational on north wales slate quarry i was one of the last quarry engines in north wales well the last steam uh the last quarry engine in north wales okay sure all right i'm gonna call it there uh holy war wins by two points 15 to 13. i'll take and i'm definitely gonna vote for holy war hey is this a mechanical lubricator on holy boar it looks like it looks like they both have mechanical lubricators it's it's just that i would not expect them i would not expect holy war to have one the yeah the the wonky valve gear on uh edward thomas seems to actuate a mechanical lubricator of some kind so yeah they they both have it which is hilarious is that for thomas of what air brakes oh yes edward thomas's air brakes okay okay fine quietly hoping no one would bring that up 15 to 14 then who are we voting for well one has roar in the name so i kind of like that or what is it good words are good for god damn it milky i don't know well we got two i like edward thomas because i i i don't know what the hell it was but i loved peter sam as a kid like my favorite character or one of peter sam was pretty cool all right let's talk about uh let's talk about some other cool stuff we've got some discussion topics uh jade from let's go through the welsh two foot into the welsh two fights yes sure uh well from the taliklan side which is two foot three inches uh they've had a couple updates they're working on a coach they're making slow progress on dog they're testing alternative dog i think that's how you pronounce it but same difference gawking yeah i'm not welsh so i'm i'm just yeah they're number two they're they're little the that really old o4o really uh they're yeah they're making progress on that uh they're testing an alternative they're you know using an alternative coal currently because between coal shortages in britain and wanting to you know find alternate more green alternatives to all based on its yellow comments yeah they they said it takes longer to it takes more to get the train it takes more of it for a run and it has sort of an accurate smell but they're you know they're testing it out and i they finished some sort of car i did not touch the details though on the i'm i'm going to butcher this bestinio excite yeah they've they have towed mountaineer which is a 1916 war department alcove from boston lot shops to ports in the dog harbor station to raise money for its restoration yeah they totally by total you just mean they got like 20 people in a row to physically drag the thing they just physically dragged the thing they got 20 people in a rope and just physically dragged the thing which is you know when you've got two foot it's it is one of the funniest things i've ever seen uh this video is absolutely priceless right and also i mean you look at this thing and it's like yeah that's an american engine on welsh two foot and it's so like it's uh what's the word it's like cognitive dissonance just by looking at the thing especially in the front it's such an alco right yeah it's very much and they have modified it over the years to make it more suitable to their needs but it is definitely like an american engine the the number plate is the number plate is something they put on it like it didn't wear that dirt it didn't wear the number plate or the headlight during the war but just what what locomotive is it oh it's the alco yeah i have your alcohol inside of the headlight yeah yeah but is this is this a green uh clean air alco if on please rate and discuss yeah uh it took the volunteers of 19 minutes and 37 seconds to haul the locomotive and they averaged four miles per hour that's actually really respectable yeah but what was their full attractive effort yeah yeah we're gonna in the next batch of trading cards which coming soon we're gonna have just 20 welsh people as a trading card as a helper card dudes also also i wanted to say this when we wrapped up with locomotive versus uh many of you may know that we're doing a double header bracket so this is a 2v2 locomotive versus game type and we're going to be doing an 18 bracket if you're interested grab a friend grab some locomotives and use the sign up sheet in announcements in the discord server so i'm fighting against east trail and me either we will lose in the first round or make it to the finale this goes no other way yeah i'm gonna bring a q2 an s1 come with me come on do it we have i think three teams registered so far so yeah we've got plenty of room for for people to come in with their memes and you know possibly get combos there's no problems being a q2 and an s1 you got to get to 30 points to make it to to make it to style points and there's no way you make it to 30 points on just like power stacks yeah no um well first of all you you have to realize if you don't bring anything that isn't a uh compound cylinder locomotive you just you just throw away points i just get all of them uh bob crane yeah yes do it too not a compound q2 is not a compound no not a compound but you uh you know what i mean yeah oh i also correct myself we now have four teams signed up so this is happening uh yep there's there's frisco and mopac boy oh and they they've got some engines all right they're all right i like these team combinations so far there's there's two teams two teams so far that i think are like doing really well and two teams that like i feel like they've made some interesting choices but i still think they'll uh you know they definitely have a good thing going on please please name the two teams absolutely not but the the team that just signed up is called small town capis we have them with the nut jobs north by northwest and ellis's progeny no i don't want it fast yeah this is tragedy yep who could that be yeah okay well there's going to be another one after this podcast yeah excellent excellent oh no we're getting we're getting closer to the eight teams we need we're gonna be recording those all in advance so we'll work around people's schedules to record them and then they'll be coming out uh basically the wednesdays in october uh which hopefully will be the same time the trading cards are on sale but we'll uh we'll see how that turns out anyway yeah so there's the uh there's the two foot update jader do you want to do your amtrak stuff before you have to run out the door yes so amtrak all right train good car bad yes train good car bed people want uh more amtrak people like travel around the country there are efforts to you know bring more amtrak service and improve service uh where it already exists and bring new service to a place where it isn't so starting off in the void that is ohio except for athens athens's bases everything else yeah it's all right kind of the void but anyway okay they're not detroit basically they want to do or they want to expand service at the cleveland and track station to you know allow for daytime trips because currently the station is only open between midnight and 8 am to serve the lakeshore and capitol limited that come through the worst the worst train station i know that cleveland amtrak station sucks so much i didn't even get to go in it uh all i did was get try uh crying kids in business class oh my god detroit gets uh more than one more than like two trains a day and they're not at midnight okay cleveland yeah at least we're not clean we need we need like the space race except it's major cities getting more trains this is what transit twitter wants yes please this is what the libs wants i mean unironically yes [Music] but the libs basically basically everybody that's done you know what that's that's a tangent anyway yeah all right so now um to the land of our beloved tyler in arizona the pima county board of supervisors has has passed a revolution passed a resolution a revolution amtrak revolution they passed a resolution to develop an amtrak wrap between tucson and phoenix yes uh let's see from what i understand there currently isn't any passenger service between the two cities no and uh i think is is tucson just sort of hanging out i mean phoenix doesn't have anything um no i thought tuxen had the um tucson has the sun and phoenix has the station 40 miles from phoenix it's it's garbage it's real bad mm-hmm oh but yeah it's got a lot of support uh the board that passed this along with 11 other mayors across southern arizona all are all uh behind amtrak bringing more service to the area honestly that's just so good i i really love the groundswell of amtrak support that's just sort of begun to appear uh i haven't heard much about the crosstalk stuff i'm gonna have to look at i'm gonna pick that up no i know and it's you really hope this stuff doesn't just like appear and then disappear it's like we did something and yeah we want this we want it i'm still so pissed hey we're gonna give ohio money oh we're not gonna do this okay it goes back and then i think i think the money ended up going like north carolina or something to develop their track which is fine yeah at least it got put to good use i mean north carolina's trains are are pretty legit for north carolina that's the one thing one problem with amtrak though they have no equipment and they're getting rid of equipment without replacing the equipment already putting equipment in the dirt guys breaking news oh no the mbta rdcs are on fire oh my god wait wait hold on you're gonna you're gonna narrow it down is it the it can't be the orisa line it's the i don't know it's already seized is these are they i need to look at why is that orf hold on do they have one issues outside of north state hold on i'm trying to load the video right now because it just downloaded a file i think i have virus oh oh my god where the heck is this because the ones that we had out here got moved [Music] it's just like pictures from underneath uh how do you set everything on fire it's not even winter time i think i have to assume that arson happened but i the the bridge almost looks like important bridge yeah i was gonna say that doesn't look like hold on now i need to go to maps i'm gonna replay this can we dean posted the wolves to that what the dean no he was posting it for the person before it okay um oh my god okay i think i know where these are if they aren't the orf ones because i i just need to sort of make i need to match the pillars with because i know the r forms got moved to secure storage oh wait but this just happened it's okay i found a tweet about this uh apparently it's it doesn't give a location but it's uh breaking news oh oh okay where is somerville oh yeah okay yeah yeah yeah i know exactly where these are these are okay so it is a chimney line these are just outside of north station um you pass them when you take like the line towards uh honestly you pass them when you're on the downeaster um they are i i suspected these were actually originally not originally but most recently belonging to the mass bay rare enthusiasts i think this was their stuff that had been abandoned there for many years because the mass bay road enthusiasts used to be so big that they had their own commuter equipment they had their own passenger equipment they would use for rail to wow um i suspected these were that i have no idea if that's true but they've been sitting there for as long as i can remember and that's very upsetting that they've that they've gone up in smoke oh yeah yeah but another more rdcs bite the dust i suppose which is we had another rdc thing um who just bought the one up at green mountain we had an article on that uh not like in terminus news but somebody made mention of it somebody just bought an article troy new hampshire yeah yeah sorry the troy historical society um they bought one of the rdcs from the green mountain they're stuffed in the back of the line there wow that's that's such a shame hopefully they have insurance i mean they've been sitting there for decades so yeah that's an owl but you know it's the ones that we have out here so you put mbta and fire and everyone was just freaking out yeah i like the mbta is doing so hard to like fix everything and fix its image meanwhile the mbta's abandoned stuff is just bursting into flames it's like if the orange line can't catch on fire because the orange line is closed something is going to burn yeah anyway yeah so there's more amtrak could have bought this and uh that's more equipment that amtrak could have had really they could have done this just like amtrak had fl 9s well yeah it didn't help that they caught on fire that one time i know this would be like i mean it cost a hell of a lot of money to do it but i wonder if at least like the like the state funded um services you know like would take like heritage but like the um like the hoosier state where they ran like like 1950 stock i mean north carolina iowa pacific did the uh hoosier state yeah and we all know i mean in fairness the iowa pacific took it to its logical extreme and was using a pair of steam engines in the san juan valley uh just for you know normal stuff so no that's not that yes but you could also have hear me out sd90 max on passenger experience yeah i'm like a three-car train yes they did it they had like two that's like asking that's like asking arnold schwarzenegger to stock on the idea of heritage equipment to run passenger trains i know i think like five six five six years ago view was actually looking into using god rdcs they still had to run extra trains around like or between like windsor toronto and sarnia like in this area they were looking into using butt rdcs to do that i guess they decided not to because around that time uh the heritage roller around here got a bunch of rdcs painted in via colors speaking of painting um we have more breaking news oh csx is doing a thing i'm not i'm not uh i'm i'm not i'm not even gonna save it i'm not even gonna touch this we can talk about that next episode it'll be a next episode i want to see this though it's a mantle thing um but no no not the not the thing that was posted in terminus news the thing that was posted in the foam pit oh how long before they murder it no no remember they took it to meg it went to mexico and we know what happened in mexico [Music] so you're saying it's just gonna like gonna be on blocks or what no it's it's just not gonna exist anymore no it's gonna run for the border with the goat with the gold coast fire yeah exactly it's going to bury itself in the sand yeah you know i kind of like it except it's not going to stay clean for me yeah i know yes i guess i'll show the audience considering we're talking about it uh it is pretty good looking i'm not gonna lie it is dark but yeah you hit one deer and it's gonna have a front and that's just red instead of bright white or you go through two tunnels and that way it's gonna become black yeah i mean honestly it looks like they're just doing an advertisement for tide detergent up front yeah would you like your sparkly whites uh okay so anyway uh jader amtrak yeah amtrak okay cool um right uh let's see so as of july or on july 1st amtrak cascades announced that they're gonna be returning service back up to canada hey it's september now yeah i don't know i don't know if they've done it i don't know if they've done that either um but what they have done is brought the maple leaf back across canada or back to going going across the border to canada as of july 27th all right that's good let's see down in ronig roanoke they had um they got a second train going to and from roanoke or from roanoke to dc um they also was it the virginia passenger rail authority board also said that ridership has rebounded to 2019 levels so it justified the second train i think virginia hit like a a record of passenger train ridership this year as well which is crazy and awesome yeah i'll let and they'll come exactly yes unless that it is wicker junction because nobody uses that station they'll come and also people will ride it yeah people love trains um all right let's see and then the big the big one that i want to talk about here because there's a lot of stuff um okay they amtrak unveiled an infrastructure plan to transform the chicago operations i'm just gonna hit on the highlights here and then we can go into detail about some of them maybe um but let's see one of the things they want to do is have direct access from the st charles airline to chicago union station okay [Music] from what i understand the airline like it flies over something i think what one one of the lines leading out of union station flies over it yeah it's you know uh it's the railroad that they are building in a direct line from chicago to new york yeah the the gary railway airline um let's see they want to acquire property for storage and display service functions so i guess to store stuff cool um they want to rebuild a connection between the airline and metra rock island district and build a new platform and julia i love this picture they're using amtrak editorial lincoln service train uses the five mile an hour connection between mattress rock island district and st charles airline poof uh let's see the chicago union station mail chicago union station mail platform uh they want to reactivate it yay mail for for mail or for something else uh let's see because you know mail trains good but i don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon it actually is a shame uh like there's the giants for high level hoarding oh okay yeah we have a giant uh post office here that would that had rail access in providence and that's for like half of it exists and i just think about like if amtrak by some miracle were to ever get a uh a um mail contract again so much of the infrastructure to handle that mail is gone and that's very sad are amtrak rpos and rec rpos please amtrak should have never given up should have since it's a government agency it should always have had the usps contract yeah i know i mean it's the usps rules that precluded it from from being able to do that i think amtrak was just like a a uh what's the word an acceptable collateral damage casualty the mail contract was a was collateral damage of the post office trying to like get its stuff in order which is a shame because it was nice to have the trains do like good things beyond carrying passengers right let me impact your cool stuff again yeah yeah that's my entire political platform the only mag of support is make amtrak great again exactly make amtrak great again and you know how we can make amtrak great again oh boy money by renovating the union station train shed no by running overnight trains oh i have something for this yeah i have something for this that i've uh i i know that's like europe that you're talking about right but yes we got we got given an article two articles actually on a proposed montreal to boston overnight train um which i'll just throw this in uh i'll just throw it in jeter's thing because it's tangentially related and jader's spot is empty now so that we can all click on the article if you want to see oh i i saw this here i'm like yes yeah so yeah first phase see the introduction of a montreal sherbrooke like uh commuter service for the year was 1778 which stops in a bunch of towns that i'm not going to try to pronounce and farnam uh yes so also the the top the first image in the video is an image of an a 2-4-0 with a two-axle tender and what the hell is that the adorable boy which article uh the article that i just posted the montreal good fellaini i'm sorry it's underneath my uh where is this sorry it's in the list of uh discussion topics but it would go uh via montreal and sherbrooke and then it would turn south and across the border into vermont and then cut east across new hampshire stopping in berlin and gorham and then into maine bethel auburn a stop in portland a stop at old orchard beach stop at durham in uh new hampshire again and then into boston it would be a 14-hour trip um 14 hour cruise a for yeah a 14-hour trip most of which would be overnight so you know you'd probably leave at you know you leave at seven o'clock p.m from montreal and you arrive at nine a.m in boston uh this would be i would find this outstanding especially if they finally wait it stops in portland yeah it stops important oh my god this would be you know this would be absolutely perfect if via got its acting got high-speed rail to montreal they instituted this yeah then you could take the train to two foot i could take the train to portland and then i don't know two foot into the train oh we got we got more two foot news that's right and it wasn't even added as a thing uh this was posted in the iron horsemen earlier um i think where'd it go i lost it tyler something tyler showed this to me yeah and i wasn't sure if this was supposed to be information that i don't talk about i wasn't that wasn't i haven't i don't know where i went um but i am i love this it was so good it was posted somewhere now i can't find it i don't know if it was deleted or if i'm just blind uh hold on hold on i've got it tyler posted it in four foamers and we don't talk much you're gonna talk too much there it's not buried okay here it is yeah this was in something uh which i will probably see uh um which in past in you know ogwm f it just went in a straight line like through this lake pretty much and now they want to go around which i think is lame but basically they're going to build a grid here's here's the thing is that the original right away if you wanted to do that you would you have to like basically build an embankment across 900 feet of open water yes and also a bunch of people's properties are there like a bunch of people's houses are there now it's it's it's called an imminent domain because the wwwf is considered a railroad well it would be cooler if they took the origin while it would be cooler from like a historical standpoint if they took the original right-of-way it's probably going to be way easier to just go up and go up and around on a new alignment yeah that'd be like telling something valerie to build a you know you're still like in the woods you you pass through nice as they point out it and keeps the historical fabric they're trying to maintain you're passing through the woods instead of passing through some dude's backyard yeah but here's the thing if they don't build it in a dead straight line how are they going to do 60 with 11 you just just just send it just pull a friend the longest straight track you have you come into it you know going as fast as you recently can and then you just pour it is is two miles enough for 60 to make for 11 to make 60. i mean this whole stretch was where apparently they would give it all of these beans so um yeah maybe but i i want this i i think my favorite part of this whole like little informational pamphlet is that they say uh where is it it's somewhere in here uh experience strong presence sheep scout is a line side destination like all the center top of mountain and trout book brook and perhaps someday head tied yeah each wwf station has its unique characteristics i love that and perhaps some day had time like we don't know if we'll make it but god damn it give us enough time and money and we'll gun for it maybe i mean once they cross one road the doors are open you know yeah uh then they can question me yeah i'll be in her bust i'll be in her bust let's make it to farmington i've been to did we go to the i'll be on great again did we go to the albion station on apollo or or no i can't remember i don't think we did i don't really think we did yeah i've been there once uh it's way out there it's not as way out there as like the sr you know as phillips yeah but it's uh maine is like an onion and it's varying layers of you can't get there from here the right the furthest one being the eagle lake locomotives because god damn yes yep yep it's it's just so far away but anyway uh to go back to this thing for a second um [Music] proponents suggest a one-way montreal boston ticket would cost about 200 bucks um there'd be a market of up to a thousand riders daily between sherbrooke and boston the analysis said but promoters say they envisaged an overnight train with a capacity of 120 passengers and sleeper cars and another 70 in coach seating most of the route would be on existing freight tracks blah blah blah blah blah um the balls that would never drop again i don't actually think it it doesn't exactly go by there but it goes close if i remember right this proposed routing because maine for the longest time has wanted to run this train to montreal out of portland and over the mountain division so literally directly out of portland and then up through north conway through the crawford notch and pretty much directly by the balls and then out to the north um but this would be bypassing that all together i would go through berlin and then groped and it would turn north and then cross the border near uh coda cook i don't know that's french or what but point is there's multiple ways to do it uh this is the one that they probably that they're talking about springing for right now because it requires the least uh problems that being yeah namely the mountain division and the conway scenic being barriers so but yeah uh the montreal sherbert train is getting talked about a lot in canada it seems in the local regions there and the u.s side the tracks it is said would need less upgrading than on the canadian side because it's they're already built up to a reasonable standard that's rare i know that is rare um it would stop at all orchard beach like i said at the resort town's current station which has connections to portland boston it steps away from the beach um and there was yeah there's going to be a thing that's held at at kodakook about like this whole plan yeah point is when is trained good car bad um so yeah this would be really cool i would love to see this i would love to see more night trains uh popping up in various places and i know that that's basically amtrak in a lot of cases we just talked about how cleveland gets two trains a day in the middle of the night i i don't understand how california has gone so long without having a like at least five times a day san jose to or san jose bay area all the way down to l.a is there is no freight service on that like santa claus we don't they used to have a ton of fruit trains but but everything goes through bakersfield yeah but even then they used to be obscene as not l.a yeah and that's i mean i think the thing holding it back is just that there's a lot of what is that that's a lot of single track through there and some really interesting infrastructure there are a couple of like it looks like freight spurs way out there but i'm sure those are just a couple of locals that serve that and yeah and i feel like the state could pay for that it would bring it would you do so much because the drive down is awful yeah honestly even if it was just just more than once a day you know just more than that the thing is the code so you have the code starlight leaves la in the morning it gets to [Music] or it leaves at nine o'clock gets to oakland around i want to say 10 p.m 12 hours i mean california is big but that it's it's a lot of meandering along the coast which is the problem and that's probably why they only have the one train because it's a long distance but it takes so long that's it but even doing that night train would be like perfect yes do like multiple night trains just send them all down send them i mean i feel like that just is one long train i mean if you if you think about it if okay you don't have to worry about passing sightings if everything's going one direction that's true okay but here's you know here's the problem is that you know then you're operating commuter trains which sucks well what if someone wants to go you know let's say it goes to la to uh you know oakland well if somebody wants to go the other way then you need passing savings well you need right exactly you just send one long train a night in each direction you just have an overnight train and that's you know that's good and then you just meet them in the middle like there's this there's a pass exciting in here somewhere you know this is hundreds of miles of railroad it's not all single track they're not building railroads like uh like the bacon line out here yeah what you should do is you should have like platoons of trains you know ten send one ten minutes after the other and just like uh if you see a guy in front of you stopped hit the brakes i guess and cross your fingers yeah platoons have trains 10 minutes apart and they're all just trains comprised of two rdcs yes that's that's literally boston and main strats as as chronicled by a guy who was operating a manual crossing in north boston at that time you guys you know you gotta get them headways crank the gates all the way down crank them back up sit down get up crank them down in with you know wait 30 seconds get up again crank the gates down again but yeah so commuter rail isn't bad but it can be better um that said except for if you have them in florida well then commuter rail is just a little murdery yeah uh apparently a sunrail train hit a car oof uh i don't think um and it killed a person but the thing is the gates were down yeah and you can clearly see in the footage that they just ran through the gates for the man this is a problem because now now sunrail is going to get a taste for blood well sunrise waiting but around the same time like the us it's like the rms olympic it has a taste for blood yes um well it's the right line has a taste for blood and uh hit and killed a pedestrian of course but you know pedestrians they've got to be careful because a train can appear anywhere with no writing it's like uh the the one movie with the pc rail yeah what is that um where's uh unrelated i guess for what we're talking about currently but i tried to find something recent on the ohio amtrak the most like recent thing i could find that like talks about like service or something is like may so soon to you know i mean that excites about white proof hey i just hope with all the intel stuff coming in they do something other than build more road listen primary elections are coming up for some people they've already happened take stock of the candidates in your local elections and vote for transit that's all i can say i mean to the audience vote for whoever you want but my stance is vote for transit uh just make sure you go out and vote it's your god-given duty as a person who lives in a democracy i i personally say that there are a lot of things you should vote on but you know luckily a lot of the people who tend to be good on issues in my opinion uh also support transit so yes i i'm a single issue voter and that issue is amtrak but uh i might be the only one of those point is just go vote make your voice heard the only thing the only thing uh worse than you know getting just the one vote is not getting a vote at all i suppose you know for for those like oh my single vote doesn't matter yeah well it matters less if you don't use it right right go go vote preferably for people who aren't crusty and depraved uh preferably for things that are based but excuse me okay we were talking about you come on we weren't talking about no no no no no no i am starting my election campaign all cars no transit well i'm not voting for kavanaugh cavani is in fact crosstalk i love ruqbon but i'm not doing that i'm not voting for you for that no and there goes my election campaign sorry folks uh see you next time i am withdrawing from the campaign i would like to endorse hillary clinton mission fails we'll get him next time um okay uh let's see what else is there in the news i'm probably i'm probably gonna dip all right go ahead and write a termination and then like dm me your uh guess for latest training amtrak okay i i put a termination in i i did a q a on 9 704 it turned out really really well people loved it go find it under on the hockey valley social media pages oh okay we're just on our own i guess so yeah all right g trader all right so i guess oh sorry i just wanted to say real quick um because we will i mean we'll come around to it when we do latest training amtrak but what the empire builder doing i'm going to take a snip of this really quick i i i don't know the map on instagram oh i wait now you're just trying to tell us to choose the empire builder i feel no it's not that late it's just doing something weird oh is it off the track then they might be taking a detour no it's yeah it's taking a detour all right it's taking a detour via portland what the wait where you mean wait is it grunge it's it's going south oh wait oh i wonder you're telling me that i can go catch the builder i mean yes oh run right now milky go wait wait well no i don't know about that milky i don't think it's going to come to you it's probably going to take uh if you're running on the organic trick no yes yeah it's it's going the section between seattle and and spokane which i think is um probably a charger died and they're swapping out power or because they've done it before so they've sent the train down because something died in the seattle or no in the portland section so they'll take stuff from seattle down to portland oh okay i see yeah that's that's a that's possibly true darn uh all right anyway so you're talking about commuter rail commuter rail um so i guess see we can talk about the mbta trolleys they're getting new trolleys hopefully the ones that won't catch on fire they are very aggressive no the the trolleys were never the fire problem the trolleys just ran into each other a lot yeah but the thing is you never know one thing catches on fire something else will catch on fire i i don't like these i don't love them either but you know what i why more equipment is good the front looks like it's trying to it looks like it's trying to look like a smart device yeah or like i mean it is smart it makes me think of like a like a whale or something like a large equipment it looks like a worm or a worm yeah yeah i mean at least they're upgrading at least they're upgrading where are they from ca so calf i believe they are division of siemens right okay i mean the type sevens are the cool ones i like the type sevens actually the type one the kinky chariot oh no they're okay never mind um uh they're italian oh okay pizza time mama mia and now times still better than boeing where's the pictures of the mbta boeing cars they're around these look way longer than the old ones oh yeah the green line needs some capacity especially when they shut down the orange line for a month which that's almost over we're getting there the the pain will they be finished probably not but you know what god speed whatever you need to do you know rip the damn band-aid off fix the train stop things from catching on fire please would you rather lose the line for a month or like an hour a day and also maybe your train catches on fire i mean it is normal that's the frightening part yeah um other dudes so uh bart is having their 50th anniversary celebration yeah yay bart uh rapido is making very expensive sets that you can buy at bart yeah uh they look cool and our favorite rail company that doesn't make models that we want walthers could have done these and i expect them to announce a release all right isn't bart like some weird gauge that's like five foot six that's yeah yeah that's why they aren't gonna be restored to one on the mainline of western railways yeah it's uh it's thick yeah shout out to the guy who's like but can't they run california high speed rail on the bart tracks yeah yeah they can for about 20 feet i mean just rebuild the sacramento northern and you got half of it that's the other thing so california high speed rail they'll be using caltrans right cal trains they spent a bunch of money upgrading the caltrain uh for electrification yup they are not doing great separations most of it is grade separated but still when you have high-speed trains somebody's going to get hurt listen i'm sure i'm sure that this will be i'm sure there won't be a problem nah no no yeah nothing could go wrong i hope not but it's not important man be smarter than florida man well you never hear about california commuters hitting someone so i can't see also bart has announced a 50 million dollar grant for project supporting housing development at three stations which is incredibly like smart right yeah yeah that's the way to do it they've been planning this for a long time but the thing is everybody goes through environmental review everything goes through environmental reviews yeah well people have started to use environmental uh reviews for like hey i don't want this project to go through yada yada so uh there was a housing development i think five years ago that was announced to be built by a dart station uh it kept going through environmental reviews because someone didn't want it to get built wow yeah that sounds about right so yeah um let's see anything else oh uh coaster 2103 has been saved and is now at the psrm yeah so we have a coaster i believe we have two coaster f40s that are being preserved two are free which is quite a lot more than i thought from a commuter railroad yeah that's it's good yeah they don't have 40s it's good even yeah it's just a show oh well because california is weird and funky with how they donate stuff yeah they'll appear on ozark mountain rail car and then metro buy them yeah there's uh i need to rewatch that episode damn it's been a while which episode which was the uh caltrans or the caltrain episode of uh oh yeah problem yeah that's a good one i should pre-watch that um all right uh maybe metro might be so short on power they uh try and buy the new sw 1000 from orf yeah go ahead uh talk to us about orff so orf saved a we're into northern 1000 which is a wereword um it was last tab uh cabined bricks are in the portland area and it's actually the same locomotive that helped to move their stuff from the wound house to where they are now and despite why it says on the side of the engine it's not great northern dns right now numbers so they called it great northern what they ran out of numbers yes you ran out of numbers so when they wanted out numbers they put great northern on stuff so that's not the only thing that they've done how do you run out of numbers well they have so many locomotives because they don't get see bnsf is like the one they had ten thousand locomotives here's the thing you add another number this is how numbers are no no no i'm being no chefs the buffett wanted billionaires said no but buffalo billionaire said numbers only go to there's 9999 higher than that yeah and people go what about your bank account and he says don't look at that there's ten thousand combo possible combinations of four digit numbers in what is this what is this it's a switcher this looks like this this looks like the locomotive i drew when i was five who gave this man a buzz cut yeah oh wait yes the beat the the sd9s why is it six axel sd9 oh these are shut down sd9s that have been mutilated so bn doesn't get rid of things also i like how it's just so much cursed about this locomotive this is so bad what's the other thing about numbers is that there's 10 000 possible combinations not including three digits or like you're doing here too gents you've got like ten thousand eight hundred possible combinations of numbers without adding a fifth digit also you can call it great you can go into like you can play 40 chess here and add a letter exactly you can do like uh hexadecimal road numbers that would be that'd be really cursed and now i want to write up a fictional that does hexadecimal road no i mean i mean the whole thing with the sar is that they you know what they did with their narrow gauge locomotives is just put ng as a prefix to their so all of their all of their two foot is like ng one that actually makes sense this is yeah it's not like it's operating on just like okay what the ust does is they have upy so up yard so they have a ton of locomotives but they can use like a thousand or ten thousand locomotives for updates all i can say is up why but do you wanna know where it gets funny is that like the ng one class is actually like ng 20 and ng 21 and there was a bunch of things that didn't get classified under the you know system because they were holdovers for previous government railroads that they just officially classified so like the one numbered ng one wasn't an ng one never thieved in designation it's this is i i love i really do love the way like the artifacts that appear in number in sequences over time it's it's just ridiculous yeah um yeah anyway it's going to uh be restored by wic frank corporation all right and we happened in oregon which is nice they on the albany and eastern railroad and uh do a whole bunch of other stuff they we did our track which i forgot to talk about under uh new or my stuff but i ran over it today uh on the trolley and wow yeah it it's a good wine nice and and we were doing track speed the entire time except for the curves very cool anyway so that's not the only thing happening that or they dug a big pit bury the ghost the farmer's past the pit of death it'll come back but no uh but the brooklyn turntable which was the one that they had at the roundhouse it's been put in there sometimes where was that originally from was that from burning uh no it was from portland um bookend is um fp's yard or was just pcr uh they didn't want to call it portland because whereas p and we named stuff different news okay uh which was built different posters it was a separate town at one point before par before portland got you um yeah meanwhile sp with their santa fe types oh i'm sorry do you mean decapod too i mean to be fair there wasn't a decapod on the railroad at the time that doesn't make any that's not that's no excuse that's like uh that's like the prr deciding to call like the q2 wheel arrangement a northern because they don't have one no the q2 would be a i'm sorry they called the q tube what no they they didn't it was a ten wheeler it's a jet wheeler yeah it's a two i mean tetanoid not one it does have ten wheels it has more than ten but it does have 10. yeah i mean yeah checks out oh wait do you mean the t1 and not the q2 i meant either i meant anything just saying just saying you know oh we don't have one of those so we're gonna use that name the way we want to use that name oh okay right which is stupid it's like how every railroad had to be extra and name and northern something different except yeah it's uh it's a niagara no it's a what were some of the inventive ones yeah confederation uh i had a list of it back in the day i wonder if it's still in my text complete on my phone because i had it set up to do that nice but anyway uh wow we have four different articles here on the maui say going home to portland yeah this is a popular topic it turns out yeah we're actually um i went somewhere i was donated to um omg which is the museum oregon museum of science and industry so it's it's gone full circle over the years and it's finally coming back plus they can one day on the track at orf and not lego cobblestone that's it over time like they have with two are big engines yeah they finally have something that won't break everything yeah they they killed because the weird toy the the track that they were running on would support contracting company and uh i feel like it's a little bit light yeah for two northerns so needless to say they're we store or they're in the we stored the say which it runs right now it just needs a 1472 done on it would certain take too long i think and they also went in a mikado from albanian eastern they're renting avocado okay so the mikado is joined from the oregon coast scenic it's our favorite boy that we've talked about in the past pulsing logging number two oh boy pulse and logging too yeah an old favorite um so that's going from the oregon coast scenic and i got sold to wic frank incorporation which owns albany and eastern um and it's going to portland for a couple of months to run the holiday or well for a month or two to when the holiday express that shouldn't be fun can't wait to see that uh and then it's going down to albany stream works from the choi santa maria valley 205 okay so yeah they got a small steam program going on there and i'm all for it yeah godspeed to them yeah yeah good luck more more steam yay i always forget the 4449 exists yeah it's kind of it's kind of forgettable when the only one we only went what in true eye and then i think once this month for a private charter it's it's weird that 4449 is such like a big and famous engine like it's it's 44.49 like there's no forgetting it it's up there with the likes of 844 and 611 and 765. yeah you know these these other huge big name engines and it runs like twice a year and it makes no fanfare when doing so and yeah like it's such a weird thing it's in the same category for me as like 261 where it's like this is a huge important locomotive with a lot of people behind it that want to do things with it and uh it does things like once every six months yeah yeah and not even get back for the general public bring it back out to michigan please bring it just like have more big locomotive meetups uh seven rhode island please yeah 765 rhode island and uh 110 meeting was fantastic um yeah i wish i could have been there yeah chris chris got some great pictures i was able to derive the uh total engine and tender length from the the picture that he got me because he forgot his tape measure at home um and now if only essex would answer my damn phone calls i'd be able to finish the set of cards just like go bust down the door going to drive over there when i get a weekend to do it and it might be next weekend if they don't answer the phone this week i'm gonna call up like the main office and be like arrange me a meeting because i have the extension of the machine shop and nobody picks up the phone anyway uh so i know we're over time here but jade already left and we have one you know sort of the elephant of the room is everyone ready for inflation to get way worse yeah i i entirely forgot you have it's a sacrifice a sacrifice we have to make for conreal yeah we will make it uh yeah so conrail ii it's coming like uh the upcy expects congress to intervene if railroads if uh railroads experience work stoppage and you know what i'm sure they will in some yeah speaking they yeah i'm both extremely glad this is happening and i hate that this is happening i'm glad that it's happening i'm i'm glad labor is like organizing and exercising their power in a way that hasn't been seen in decades uh i wish it hadn't come to this point in the first place and i wish we wouldn't have to deal with what it's gonna cost for it to happen yeah and i wish it wasn't happening at the same time as like 17 other catastrophic world shaking events um right so you know that old curse me you live in interesting times i wish i wasn't right um what can we go one day without a historically significant event yeah um get to the tail end there's a chance that anyone who hasn't signed an agreement that isn't going out for ratification strike or we can lock out i would for them not to happen if that were to happen i'm confident congress would step in uh congress uh congressional intervention could take four forms extend the cooling off period and for suspect negotiation impose the recommendation settlement by the presidential emergency board they could create their own settlement or they could send us an abide binding arbitration he's missing option number five conrail ii um so monreal to the union this time yeah and three of the unions have reached a tentative agreement with railroads that doesn't mean they're happy with it and the employees definitely seem not to be based on what i've been hearing um but yeah 24 wage increase over a five year period and five thousand dollar lump sum payments which is nice but it doesn't really solve anything uh right and yeah i quit i'm working for up now yeah on august 16th the presidential emergency board issued its findings um and got mixed reviews from the rarest in labor which is like you i guess it compromises when both sides are equally unhappy you know um right but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good shake for the you know for the uh employees i mean you have to remember that the the people at the top are worried about their their profits and their overhead and their shareholders bob and uh the people like actually running the trains have to live this every day yeah remember guys labor doesn't contribute to problems right yeah exactly um no tentative agreement was reached smart in the brotherhood of locomotive and engineering trainment uh blet oh sorry brotherhood of locomotive engineers and trainmen um remain committed to negotiating over issues that are most important including wages quality of life and attendance also i i saw somebody post something about a csx attendance policy which seemed on the face of it as ridiculous as bnsf's so ellis go ahead like oh well i don't know if we want to talk about it there was an art update from the labor secretary about this go ahead um the labor secretary came out and said um neither sides neither side should expect congress to intervene to prevent a worker or work stoppage sorry yeah and i i think that's true i i don't necessarily think that they're going to do something like the up president is expecting or the upceo is expecting to just like oh they're going to force people back to the negotiating table but i do i do believe in my heart of hearts that if this catastrophe continues for longer than a relatively brief period which let's be honest the war will not be over by christmas especially during midterm elections yeah midterm midterm elections were covered things are going to get real important real fast and i don't think that the legislators will sit on this for too long because they have a duty to their constituents um the the old guard doesn't want to get voted out and the new people want to look good when they show up you know right yeah so you know you you don't want to have an absolute horrific disaster the thing i'm worried about is if the parties can't come if the parties can't come to an agreement which like seems increasingly unlikely yeah if congress has to step in is congress going to actually solve the problem or is congress just going to like give them a pallet on the back and say congress gonna be like uh yeah give them like a thousand dollar bonus and get them back to work because that's far easier and requires far less political capital than doing like meaningful reform right i just think that no matter what they try if it's not enough it's not enough you're not going to get these people to go back to work uh you know at the end of the day it's their choice to just quit you know and there's tons of people talking about quitting even if this deal works out because they don't think it's good enough yeah and they certainly aren't appealing to people that we want to work for them either yeah exactly ageless was like i don't know remember that uh yeah you may remember this remember when alice was like on twitter thinking that she could be a cop yeah like wanted to be a cop agilities was having the same sort of thing i wasn't sure if he was on anything or like all right but he was like should i go work for bnsf no yeah no no no no no agilities please people care about you yeah um yeah i'll get i'll get lace in here i'll get heist in there to talk to you it's like when i see a friend uh start playing war thunder it's like no i don't care about you it's like no ellis is having fun he's only on day 3000 monday 21 [Music] 10 11. nice uh that's fine yeah yeah i hit 2102 not too long ago and i went uh even more thunder is telling me to go to pennsylvania um but yeah uh so there may be an agreement that gets reached that doesn't necessarily look like that's going to happen the labor secretary is warning that there could be a work stoppage um a nationwide shutdown would be a disaster according to some articles but i don't need articles to tell me that yeah even the trucking industry is like guys who figure you're out because yeah you know yeah it's you know when like when when a huge portion when suddenly one of the legs on your stool just disappears yep um and i mean yeah the railroads are starting to embargo certain shipments because they're worried about a work stoppage it's it's becoming like a it's becoming a real it's becoming a real thing people are starting to wake up and realize that oh crap we could have a real disaster on our hands if we don't figure this yeah it could be a task unfortunately figuring things out uh in for a lot of these railroads does still seem to be just we've tried nothing and we're all out of options yeah we've we've half cooked this chicken and like chicken's awful we can't have chicken anymore guys yeah it it blows my mind that we are about to we're we're about to stare down the barrel of an entire industry collapse like something that seldom happens and is happening right here right now can we stop having historical events happen yeah exactly i'm i'm desperately hoping that what comes out of this is something is like meaningful genuine reform like a restructure that actually works better instead of what happened oh well i mean penn central died which was like okay we had conrail for a couple years we deregulated i mean and then we were just like all right guys run loose we have done i mean yeah almost a better example would be the the 2008 crafts where only one person went to jail right we built the economy we gambled the economy on smoke it died and uh well oops yeah i guess all my losses was lessons yeah it's it's crazy to think though that this is like this is to me it's more than some and the 2008 crash is one thing uh and but sort of falls out of the same category i think uh and it's not that you shouldn't go and seek out culprits and and hold them accountable but it's so big it's just a full-on systemic failure at every level uh that right you know it's how do you even deal with that and i feel like the answer is you don't you find a solution and then you just sort of move on uh the thing i'm the thing i'm worried about is that meaningfully tackling these issues and changing the system for the better is going to take a lot of work and be extremely disruptive yeah and what i'm worried about is that what's going to happen is the bare minimum to get it quote unquote functioning again as fast as possible will happen and the can is just kicked down the road because like frankly when is the last time politically that a large system with huge inherent problems has had a meaningful restructure instead of just apache [Music] the great depression is probably the last time we actually immediately had like a you know a nationwide policy push to reform broken systems yeah we will have to i mean i am i wouldn't hold my breath but i really hope something comes out of this that makes the railroad industry a better place because we've just talked about band-aids and band-aids and band-aids i mean i'll bring up reciprocal switching again as like a huh that's an idea but it's more like okay that helps like some customers some customers that railroads are already careless towards you know they don't care about doing the small jobs and they charge people out the you know out the wazoo for oh yeah you know small car load jobs because they just don't want to take them they're forcing people to use traffic i know it's yeah it makes worse even on like a crafts-free operator oh yeah i guess from dayton oregon or aroma car or car full of numbers assuming that the weather was still active you would need like the six hundred dollars search foot or surcharge on top of it to even break even on that car yeah it's crazy it's crazy and that's just the way stuff that's the way the world works right now if you're a railroad and it's you know you look at rail served industries and you go well how come they aren't you know are potential rail served industries you go how come the how come they're not using the the tracks that are like right there this is why because the railroads don't want to serve anyone yep and there's no incentive for them to do so which is insane and that's the problem the system is so broken that it disincentivizes doing like your job to the fullest yeah railroads have basically figured out a way to min max railroading is what it comes down to which is a problem yeah which is you don't want that you don't want bnsf metagaming you don't want a gamer in charge of your railroads yeah i unless that game replaces factorio unless that gamer that plays victorio is mason amazing quickly no no will mason restore it and run it on the main line what you do is you put you put mason in charge and then you put east as like the dude who handles all the infrastructure so mason can meddle with each infrastructure yeah no that's that's what i mean any any factorio player can be in charge except for mason mason tears up the entire u.s rail network and relays at six feet in um east or like founders and pole then mason's like well the well this railroad line didn't have the right feng shui so we had to relay yeah yeah mason comes out with a standard blueprint for every station oh wait i've heard this one before actually where's my somewhere in my favorites i have a um i have a um all of the power is south shore jeeps now yeah yeah i mean g w moment uh but seriously somewhere in my favorites i have an entire like pdf library of prr standard drawings oh because i have the same name for up yeah what do you know that it was just like oh we did we designed three kinds of station a large a medium and a small station and we just use them i think ub had more variety than that but yeah well that's that's what you get from the up versus the prr arthur herreran yeah all right anyway um does anyone have any advertisements before we go other than doing uh joining the bracket for double headers which like i said we have four teams now but we're halfway there and uh buy trading cards in a few weeks and also subscribe to our second channel this week gloria and i i think are going to watch stargate so that we can start watching the stargate series nice so have you showed gloria the ultimate series that everybody cries about uh no actually that that was i was tempted to give glory the option and say like okay we could watch firefly it's a short series and then a movie or we can watch the movie another long series but because we don't have the lead time to watch the series first um we're just gonna do stargate but yeah i own all of firefly so that is has been on the list um anyway guesses for latest train on amtrak then if nobody else has any announcements westbound california's effort all right jader picks the eastbound california zephyr what else hmm the canadian um unfortunately that is not an amtrak train yet dude yeah do we have annoyed you you know what ellis could could you let us know if the canadians on time or not i will let you know um one of them is an hour and a half late the other one is on time that's how far is it out of its turn out of its uh the one that's an hour and a half late is pretty well through its run it's in edmonton uh the other one [Music] oh wow no wait a minute the one that's on time is almost at the end of its run wow it's a miracle yeah it's a christmas miracle all right anyway it's september so eastbound and westbound california cardinal isn't really northbound or southbound we have a cardinal on the system okay oh texas eagle to chicago texas chicago let's check that one first pretty bad train number 22 texas equal to chicago 23 minutes late at hope arkansas that that's pretty good uh the cardinal to new york is on time at crawfordsville indiana the eastbound california zephyr is one hour and 43 minutes late or 44 minutes late the westbound california zephyr is 36 minutes late or five minutes late or an hour and two minutes late um the latest train on amtrak is train number 90 the palmetto to new york it is eight hours and 16 minutes late it accumulated rain almost all of that delay between charleston south carolina and king's tree so wow what's going on did the south rise again the south is uh rising very the south is very slowly it would seem uh also eight has arrived in vancouver vancouver washington and uh is presumably ready to make its turn and start heading east um that's probably gonna be a yep it's the same that it shouldn't be dark yeah it's amazing that a canadian has made it almost all the way to vancouver and is on time and they made up time too they were two hours late for a long stretch for long stretches they even hit three hours late for a while and they've made it all that time goddamn outstanding via uh number two is probably not gonna come into toronto with the same good luck oh i mean we'll see they've they've already made up a good portion of time but i think the thing with the canadian is it seems like there's a lot of pad in that schedule um which is understandable because they're just like uh i mean even less so than your average amtrak long distance train they're not like a serious people moving service i wish they were yeah i would say it would make making the canadian like it as cool as the canadian is like in concept as a foamer it's so infuriating to me that i cannot take the the canadian cannot be a serious option to go anywhere because it's basically just like a luxury train you take because it's cool it's not a serious it's not a serious transit option yeah it's it's a joke it's it's like a roll it's a rolling luxury hotel it's a joke it's an actual yep well at least that's infuriating at least it's there but yeah it could be so much better for an actual transit option don't get me wrong there's place in this world for for luxury long distance trains uh that don't cost six thousand dollars a ticket looking at you rocky mountaineer but oh i was talking to someone at the club and apparently he was telling me the rocket mountaineer is worth it he got the most expensive package oh my god it's worth six mortgage payments yes sure well you know what else is worth six mortgage payments no yes it's in real model railroading but we can discuss that later oh no oh hold on what what is what is this what is this oh it's a pooch only seventeen hundred dollars for a pooch all right small price to pay for anyway um all right with that out of the way kevon what is your termination my termination is i'm making an offer on the pooch [Music] ham what is your thing well i'm surprised we had no points this episode but uh trains are really unpredictable i was gonna give away i was gonna give a point for the mention of uh at the rail yard uh wait no i linked them wrong yeah i was gonna say you linked the wmnf thing which also i meant i meant to link the copy pasta copy pasta um i was folding i was folding laundry and then uh just two metal rails appear in my basement yeah oh god damn it okay okay it's good we're good to go it's fine anyway i'd like to i'd like to [Music] give my political thesis which is it's called a bubbler you guys no in my backyard no it's into the map it's a drinking fountain that's a bubbler it's a drinking fountain bubbler and i learned that it's because that's a brand name it's a water fountain it's a bubbler who calls the water found by the brand name apparently they were just like super popular here and where they were made in wisconsin so that's how bubbler entered the vernacular in rhode island like all of rhode island bought the bubbler brand water fountains so now they're all bubblers yeah rhode island should be fooled into connecticut absolutely not i destroyed connecticut in in her support so you know what i got i got that mod working again oh good good good good i i dominated massachusetts but that's been on the point i got dunked on by massachusetts yeah there's two it's fine rhode island and connecticut should both be absorbed by masks absolutely um anyway i for my termination and our halloween event there's something for that nice every weekend in october um yeah it's cool we we have a great um amount of decorations in our car barn and the story is pretty good we went for it today and it's it's a fun time i love you guys doing a table read for your halloween event yeah i know i didn't even know about it i just came to the museum expecting to work on my windows and then everyone else was there and i'm like okay i'll sit down for the table weed and provide sarcastic comments at it um for your halloween event he's from brooklyn he wears a flat cap he likes chess yeah right anyway i want to be enough one of our members is from new york state okay and he is one of the main characters yeah oh perfect first quote yeah anyway uh and jader said about his q a but turned out i think i don't really know what to name this episode does anyone have any suggestions before we end um because holy war i need chooch i need you to be a good one i was gonna go with with regard to the upcoming class one meltdown just the title bread will cost ten dollars uh uh yeah no i think but what i think it should be is definitely uh conrail two baby yeah okay that's fair cod rail two electric boogaloo the bid derailment the big whoopsie that's what that's what it will be referred to in the history books yeah the big derailment the you know if i was writing a research paper on this that's what it'd be called give it give it 20 years and we'll get another what's your problem about this one yeah 10 hours of content let's go yes i just hope they don't have to demolish another good looking station for this they're building a giant skyscraper above south station and i don't know how i feel about it no the plan is to tear up another one of our another horseshoe curved line out of spite it's down to two tracks now cue track anyway all right no we'll see you guys next week uh what the hell do i have to say at the end of this episode thanks to virtua rail fan for not taking us down thanks to wesley steve for the local base existing thanks to you guys for coming on and everyone for watching and in case of emergency call conrail which they typoed their own emergency number on their on their home page of their website that's that's why now you go to their website you don't know who they call yeah ghostbusters
Channel: AdmiralEllis
Views: 158,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SKq3-A-9w3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 51sec (9231 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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