The Terminator and Conan The Destroyer - 2 Iconic Arnold Action Films!

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there's one line that will forever go down in movie history as one of the most iconic moments of dialogue ever and it was almost never to be I don't like sound it's co no not little Anakin sand bashing something a touch more memorable than that I'll be back while filming the 1984 sci-fi SL action SL horror classic the Terminator director James Cameron had initially written the line for Arnold swarzenegger as I'll come back however as seen in the recent Netflix documentary series on the Austrian Oak Arie and Cameron had a heated Clash over the line Schwarzenegger hadn't said the line correctly so Cameron suggested he just say the now iconic I'll be back instead leading Arie to question the director's writing and getting a suitably pissed off response in return this is just one example of how the Terminator not only became one of the most Beloved movie franchises in Hollywood history well it is if you stop out part two that is but that's a story for another video it also launched the career of an actor who up until its release had been an enormously successful bodybuilder with roles in smaller features plus an awesome turn as Coran the Barbarian in the John milus Epic from 1982 so get yourselves glammed up for a night at Tech Noir as we head out to party with the Terminator here on re visited come with me if you want to live so unnecessary the air 1984 is much beloved by movie fans for many reasons it gave a snarky cops with an attitude horror icons with inventive weapons adorably fluffy pets who multiply in water and were still become a leveling little bastards when fed after midnight plus countless other movie gems M around prepare to meet KH in Hell the 80s is an era much mimicked and drawn upon for not just film studios to suck the blood out of franchises wherever possible but also to look back upon with fresh eyes once in a while and eyes don't come more fresh than one that's just been plucked from the skull of a T800 in a motel bathroom by the way how great does the VFX look in that scene still yeah it's dated but [ __ ] like that is what makes movies feel alive and also come to life you know what i' take a rubber looking on your head or even a stop motion Ed 209 over a DH Indiana Jones any day of the week how about new the initial concept for the Terminator came from a somewhat unusual incident director James Cameron had fallen ill and during what must have been one hell of a messed up fever dream he envisioned a metallic torso holding kitchen knives dragging itself from an explosion this along with his inspiration from John Carpenter's Halloween was the launch in part for Cameron to write the movie we now all know and adore as well as a seminal Halloween from 1978 Cameron also Drew inspiration from the 1960s fantasy TV series The Outer Limits plus Walter Hills the driver and the post-apocalyptic dystopian classic Mad Max 2 the initial concept of the script had two Terminators being sent to the past to kill the unfortunate but ultimate badass Sarah Connor plus all other Sarah Connors in the area of course however Cameron didn't think he could successfully visualize the second Terminator which was to be made of liquid metal and was more or less indestructible as we all know that idea did eventually come to fruition but that's a story for our next episode what the [ __ ] is it what the [ __ ] is going on with almost everything in place for the project to be green lit all camera needed was to secure sufficient Financial bucking that would see his ambitious Vision come to robotic life and in what was probably a slightly desperate and uncharacteristic move Cameron sold the rights for the Terminator to produce a Gil and herd for the measly sum of one whole American dollar that's right just a solitary dollar with the all important caveat being that Cameron would be guaranteed to direct it after some negotiations Orion pictures agree to distribute the movie if Cameron could Source Financial backin elsewhere chairman and president of hemdale film Corporation John Daly picked up the script and became executive producer on the project Cameron still needed to pitch his film to daily and his partners and in an amusing anecdote he enlisted his friend and future aliens robot Bishop Lance henriksson to help out the actor Dawn the full Terminator costume leather jacket scars on his face gold foil on his teeth the whole works and bir through the office door before sitting menacingly in a chair the ACT worked and daily agreed to help Finance the film with backing from HBO and Orion Not only was the casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Relentless cyborg in The Terminator inspired it was also somewhat fortuitous and also the first time an initially reluctant Schwarzenegger would play a villain the Studio's first choice for the role of the Terminator was former NFL star OJ Simpson however the movie's producers weren't convinced stating that they couldn't see Simpson as quote unquote a killing machine Mike medow the co-founder of Orion pitches had Whitted down the cast to have OJ Simpson play in The Terminator and Arie as resistance fighter Kyle ree it wasn't until director James Carman sat down to meet with Schwarzenegger that he started to realize that not only did Simpson and the Austrian Oak not go together at all but the Ary may actually be the better fit for the Relentless cyborg plus it also transpired that nobody at Ryan pictures were now convinced that OJ Simpson was the right fit for the character since the movie's release Cameron has gone on record to reveal the process behind the ultimate decision to cast on in the roll saying that cast Arnold Schwarz [ __ ] as our Terminator shouldn't have worked the guy is supposed to be an infiltration unit and there's no way you wouldn't spot a Terminator in a crowd instantly if they all look like Arnold it made no sense whatsoever but the beauty of movies is that they don't have to be logical they just have to have plausibility if there's a visceral cinematic thing happening that the audience likes they don't care if it goes against what's likely looking back on the movie and of course you can't imagine anybody else playing the Terminator especially OJ Simpson or even Sylvester Stallone or Mel Gibson who also allegedly turned down the role on took some convincing by camera to take on the pot but after some lengthy conversations the actors started to say that the role was the perfect vehicle to further launch his career into the stratosphere alongside Arie in the movie is a cast Whose talents Elevate the high concept film almost as much as Schwarzenegger does for the role of Kyle ree who travels back in time to throw the Terminators plan to bump off poor Sarah Connor the studio met with an Eclectic mix of talent one intriguing example who is in the frame to play Reese with singer and fellow Jordy sting who met with James Carman to discuss the part however despite the two getting together sting felt that Kon was too unknown as a director at the time and withdrew his interest in the role also in the running to play the time traveling hero were the likes of Matt Dylan Christopher reev Tommy Lee Jones Kurt Russell Scott Glenn and Bruce Springstein however there was one actor that Cameron had his heart set on but who was initially reluctant Michael Bean the actor had aspirations to work with the likes of alcino and Robert dairo on more dramatic serious movies and felt that the terminator's concept was perhaps beneath him at this point of his career however after meeting with Cameron Bean soon changed his mind in the casting in the end was inspired most of the actors who came into audition for the role of Kyle ree were hard as Nails yet Bean brought just the correct level of warmth and toughness required at the beginning of the script Sarah Connor is described as 19 small and delicate features pretty and a flawed accessible way she doesn't stop the party when she walks in but you'd like to get to know her her vulnerable quality masks a strength even she doesn't know exists Lisa long had initially been cast to play Conor but had to turn it down ultimately as she was already filming the slugger's wife the production then considered Melissa Sue Anderson Jennifer Jason Lee Jessica Harper Rosanna arette and Leah Thompson for the role before Cameron eventually cast Linda Hamilton and Sarah Connor fresh from filming Children of the Corn Hamilton joined the project with just the right amount of naive vulnerability for the part that would ultimately see the character go from meek waitress to badass heroin over the course of the first two movies at least least joining Ary bean and Connor as part of the principal cast members was Cameron's buddy Lance henriksson play a member of the LAPD as a way of saying thanks for henriksen's part in gaining funding for the movie also definitely worth mentioning is the great Bill Paxton who shows up in a small role at the beginning of the movie as one of the Punks on his Terminator terminates rewatching the Terminator for this retrospective what really stands out is just how much of a slasher the movie actually is I've seen the movie movie multiple times over the years and this aspect of it isn't a sudden Revelation but it's fascinating to look at the horror tropes on display Sarah Connor is the final girl on his Terminator evoking the same kind of Menace as Michael Myers in the late '70s a hulkin brute hell bent on completing his mission by wiping out numerous members of Los Angeles on the way this is just an example of how the Terminator easily fits into the horror genre especially with the unmasking of the villain towards the end of the movie it also explains perhaps why why after the hugely successful Terminator 2 the franchise has faulted in terms of quality the blueprint for the first movie works perfectly and if the studio had been brave enough not to mess with it too much the later installments could have been a lot stronger I'll be back what the movie's plot follows a cyborg assassin known as a Terminator disguised as a human who travels from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor sent to protect Sarah is Bean Kyle ree who diverges the coming of Skynet an artificial intelligence system that will spark a nuclear Holocaust obviously the cops don't buy his seemingly derang rants about the future War cyborgs Etc until they're all dispatched brutally Sarah is targeted because Skynet knows that her unborn son will lead the fight against them with a virtually Unstoppable Terminator in Hot Pursuit Sarah and Kyle attempt to escape but find that stopping the Relentless machine is almost impossible of course the most exciting and impressive element of the movie even today is AR's T800 the actor's bulging frame and physicality elevates the movie from a great concept to a blisteringly exciting experience naturally you can't imagine the movie without Anie which is why he's been rolled out for the later vastly inferior installments surely there's another kickass Terminator movie left in the franchise let us know your thoughts in the comment section is it dead in the water now or can it be resurrected alongside the impressive cast overall the movie also features some excellent V effects that were groundbreaking if difficult to realize at the time yeah if you're being overly critical you could comment on how fake an's face is when it damaged T800 repairs itself in the motel room removing its damaged eyeball and also cut and open its arm to patch it up however this was practical VFX at their best for the 1980s and whatever your view is of mod CGI the VFX in The Terminator at least looked like they belonged and were a real aspect of the scene there's also an awesome Harry hous S quality to the Terminator at the end of the movie as it's damaged and exposed endoskeleton pursues Connor and reach through the factory the use of Stop Motion in the movie's visual effects was particularly effective and although the technique had been used several times in movies before the Terminator it's use by industrial Light and magic in the film is perfect just like the awesome skeleton fight seen in Jason and the oran notes the moment when the T800 rises from the fire is a classic cinematic image it's not just a v fix that elevates the movie of course Cameron's Direction the script narrative cast and overall Verve on display is amazing and the fact that so many of the franchise's subsequent movies have been disappointing is a huge shame despite Orion pictures having little faith in the movies box office chances it actually performed above their initially low expectations opening in 105 live theaters in the US on October 26th 1984 it gross $4 million in its opening week positioned in the movie at number one at the box office it had competition from Universal's R-rated Terror in the Isles as well as Brian De Palmer's body double before losing its grip on the top spot to the American Comedy oh God you devil in week three the Terminator eventually grow 38.3 million in the US and 78.3 million worldwide with director James car stating that the Box Office return was relative to its Market which is between the summer and the Christmas Blockbusters but it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than the other way around with the movie's box office proven to be favorable for both director and Studio the critical reaction was initially slightly mixed the Los Angeles Times praised the film calling it a crackling thrill left full of all sorts of gory treats loaded with fuel injected Chas scenes clever special effects and Sly humor C fantastic were also full of praise for Cameron's epic stating that it manages to be both derivative and original at the same time not since the road warrior has the genre exhibited so much exuberant Carnage it's an example of Science Fiction slh horror at its best Cameron's no-nonsense approach will make him a sort after commodity not so sure of the movie's violence with the New York Times who said that the film was a b movie with Flare much of it had suspense and personality and only the obligatory Mayhem becomes dull there's far too much of the latter in the form of car chases messy shootouts and Mr Schwarzenegger slamming brutally into anything that gets in his way ultimately the movie is regarded as a classic of the genres it does such a good job of inhabiting whether that's sci-fi or as we discussed earlier a slasher however what's your take on the movie did Cameron manage to achieve his goal of mixing cut and Edge technology with a strong original script that still holds it well today or are there elements of the movie that should be transported back without clothes to the early 80s next up is a deep dive into Cameron's much anticipated sequel Terminator 2 Judgment Day in which we eventually get to see the liquid metal T1000 slightly jaar in child actors easy money come on plus a killer soundtrack before we continue with our video here's a reminder to click the store tab on any of our joblo channels and browse our collection of the latest and freshest designs in our merch store go get you some being The King Of Anything can be a difficult task just ask Conan the Barbarian Who would wear a crown that set heavy upon his head once he became the ruler of his land for our purposes that land is the fantasy genre and no one can really argue that Conan the Barbarian ruled and still continues to do so the 1982 feature which we covered previously on another episode brought to life Robert E Howard's sword swinging hero in a way that's never truly been equaled sorry moo you you still raw but how do you follow up a film like that which was such a massive hit in the case of Conan you make a shorter epic with a larger ensemble cast that includes an NBA star a singing star and a wrestling star under a lot of special effects makeup so come with us now back to the times of high adventure as we travel with a barbarian and his mly crew with Conan the Destroyer con and the barbarian was one of the biggest hits of 1982 and would set the stage for many of the fantasy films that would come after it in fact it would create its own subgenre within the fantasy film world with the Barbarian films like death stalker Ador and a return of Hercules just to name a few with star Arnold Schwarzenegger's film career about to take off massively producers didn't want to wait on making a followup timing wise things didn't work out out to get the original director John milus back to helm the sequel mil's next film would be the legendary Red Dawn that would come out the same year as Destroyer Wolverine so instead the delar rentes team would bring in Richard fer a director with a wide and varied history of films beneath his belt fleer's history ran from movies like The Vikings Dr dittle with Rex Harrison The Boston Strangler with Tony Curtis and just prior to Destroyer Amityville 3D that's right kids the guy who made Amityville 3D brought you the Happy go-lucky song and dance fille Dr doitt and would make a movie where a horny hey it's got a horn statue is wanting a virgin sacrifice a jeed horn only she can procure it another reason Dino doentes was keen on fasher was the fact that he could deliver more familyfriendly action I'm sorry about what happened the last time with the R rating that was given to Conan the Barbarian it was felt that some BO office was missing due to the limitations of the rating while it would seem a no-brainer that a movie based on the bloody and violent stories of a barbarian Warrior would need an R rating Conan the Destroyer was not going to follow that way of thinking we shall see but more on that in a moment the story for the film would come from two men very familiar with not only Conan but the comic and fantasy genres Roy Thomas and Jerry Conway only a year prior they would pin the Frank fretta and Ralph bshi animated sword and sorcery epic Fire and Ice I swear we will get to that one the screenplay would be written by Stanley man who that same year would see his screenplay for Stephen King's fire starter hit screens Charlie Charlie Charlie sorry Daddy man had previously written a number of films but notably the David kerine starring circle of iron which would make a good double feature with Conan the Destroyer not going to lie you're a barbarian you live free in the world you owe allegiance to no one is that not so it is and it always will be filming began in Mexico City in November of ' 83 and would stretch into February of ' 84 before getting its summer release in June this would be after man would retool the film story into his version of the script remember when I said we get to the whole familyfriendly Barbarian theme let's talk about that now the story that Conway and Thomas Made fell within that old school Conan way of thinking when the idea of making this film a PG level story Stanley man retooled it based on what the production company had in mind to get more butts and seats as it were Conway and Thomas were given the story credit for the film even though it had been so heavily changed from what they had in mind and have promise to you a lie but the story they created would actually live on in a comic tale of Conan they'd release called Conan the Barbarian the Horn of AO the character names were changed for the comic but the original story was intact the film sort of just starts with Conan having gained a new friend and fellow thief in Malik this was before Tracy Walter would become the greatest sidekick of all time as Bob the Goon and Batman opposite his boss Jack Nicholson Bob G while Conan is meditating and praying a group of Warriors randomly attack him and Malik Malik is in a pushover and takes a couple of them out on his own but the battle is fairly bloodless one of the first signs this is a different type of Conan film it turns out these are the soldiers of Queen teramis who want Conan to take her niece Jenna who is the only one that can retrieve the gym known as the heart of araman that will allow them to get to the Horn of Deo a very Lovecraft sanding go it is here that you realize Conan is living within an RPG what do you want I need your help no Conan as you would guess tells teramis no but she offers him his heart's desire which is valyria return to his side from the Land of the Dead you can bring back the dead do as I ask of you and I will Conan upon realizing this agrees not knowing a queen with the name teramis is always going to be evil the queen ensures that bambata her niece's bodyguard will kill Conan once the jewel is secured so when the key is in my niece's hand I want your sword in Conan's heart as well as reminding him that Jenna needs to remain virgin it is here you can insert any joke you like about Wilt Chamberlain and his 20,000 strong track record with the ladies how many times have I seen a man a real man all I've seen is you the Barbarian is sent off with the princess and her protector on the quest along the way again he's living in an RPG Conan acquires more traveling companions he rescues the wizard akiro from cannibals to use his magic in Fierce War Zula from angry villagers I need you I'm yours they arrived near the castle of Toth Alan who kidnaps the sleeping Jenna under the guise of a smoke-like dragon the group Journey into the castle and defeat the wizard and are nearly killed by the evil queen soldiers Jenna makes a move on Conan who like the gentleman he is familyfriendly here peeps tser no could there ever be anyone else a her another queen lad on your knife not on your life he's a one Valkyrie man Conan and Company which sounds like an amazing kid show eventually find the horn and after more treachery from bombata and the Queen have to fight a resurrected Deo and save Jenna from being sacrificed with Jenna now Queen Conan leaves alone after once again turning down an offer to marry the young Queen and his companions staying behind in various roles in the Queen's Court Conan sets off to become a king on his own but that's another story what will you do I'll find my kingdom and the queen to sit beside me Conan the Destroyer is an interesting film for a number of reasons and stands out when it comes to the world of 80s fantasy films Arnold was asked by flyer to actually get bigger for the movie if you can believe it gaining an extra 10 lbs of muscle and he also made a point of keeping him fairly unclothed during the film if you compare Destroyer to barbaran Conan doesn't wear much at all that's because the director wanted to show off the actor's muscles and physique Arnold wore less than anyone even the women which was typically the opposite when most people think of sword and sorcery films this was the first major film for actress Olivia diabo diabo was only 14 at the time the film was shot Chamberlain and Schwarzenegger both took on the roles of protector of the young actress on set speaking of Kimberlin this was his one and only film role the Basketball Star was over 7 ft tall and it took some work finally finding a horse that he could ride where his feet didn't touch the ground [Music] Chamberlain's casting was part of what made Destroyer stand out when it came to its diverse cast besides Chamberlain Grace Jones would join the film is Zula her character was even more of an interesting change as Zula in the comics and stories was actually a black male warrior what do you want to come with you by the time the filmmakers realized this they had already cast the singer who is actually one of my favorite parts of the film this was also Grace Jones's first major film role and she took it seriously training for 18 months learning how to wield the long pole she used for fighting even with this Janes sent two St men to the hospital and wound up hitting Chamberlain in the head but also really biting him during their fight scene that's apparently his own blood and actual pain we're seeing on screen I still find it funny that even with a PG rating Grace Jones has literally only a hill covering her backside for the entire film but she still got more covering her than Arnold moo besides Arnold was the only returning actor from the original film coming back as the wizard Acro where subai the Archer was more serious Malik played by Tracy Walter is certainly considered the comedy relief I know when to steal and when not to to the point the character becomes the new Queen's Court Jester do want qualify but every movie needs a great villain and Conan the Destroyer found its in Sarah Douglas as Queen teramis just prior in 1980 Douglas played the Evil Ursa the right hand of General Zod in Superman 2 Superman and would continue playing a number of Juicy baddy roles throughout her ongoing career including a number of genre films like the return of swamp th Beast Master 2 and Return of the Living Dead free as we've established Arnold Schwarzenegger is a big guy so the only way to make a bigger monster is find the biggest guy around and that was who was under the de goth costume Andre the Giant was uncredited in this role but that's who was battling out with Conan in the final fight of the film so yes he was the brute Squad that was needed to take on Conan the Destroyer I'll call the brute Squad I'm on the brute Squad you are the brute Squad speaking of big guys Pat roach played Toth almond in his human form and as the Monstrous version of the character that fights Conan roach is familiar to many of you fantasizing about fantasy film regulars thanks to his turns in Willow Clash of the Titans and the Indiana Jones films even with the PT rating there are still a number of things that metant Conan the Destroyer surprisingly able to still Garner that rating PG-13 wouldn't be around till a couple of months after the film's release there's still some blood here and de goth is pretty disturbing Olivia diabo was actually terrified of the monster on set there's also the fact that diabo was in fact 14 years old in this and the subject of her virginity is a major plot Point what I do need you for is to see that this dear child is returned safely to the Palace both the treasure and her virginity intact as is her being in love with Conan Arnold was 37 during this movie apparently there were a number of scenes that had to be cut in order to still get the rating there's a scene where Conan is seduced by the queen in order to get him to take on his quest there's also a scene where Ken teramis gets frisky with the de goth statue 2 that was left out on the floor Destroyer also had a lot of instances where animals weren't treated great and in some territories these scenes were cut Conan the Destroyer wasn't a major hit when it was was released and that would appear due to the fact that the movie changed the tone rather dramatically from the original Conan wasn't the quiet and brooding force of nature he was in the first film he told jokes and punched camels while traveling with a funny Thief but mixed in with this was a lot of rather adult content which meant it didn't hit home for either kids or adults really as such where Conan the Barbarian made four times its budget back destroyer's $18 million budget didn't even double its investment making just over $30 million while schz Ander enjoyed his time on the film he wasn't happy with the changes to Conan's character and story he tried to convince the producers to keep the original seriousness but to no avail as such Destroyer would be the last time he'd play the character but wouldn't be the last time he'd work with flyer they team up the following year for red Sonia where Arnold would be playing a character very similar to the Conan and Destroyer but not actually named Conan we'll get that one eventually too I promise cing the Destroyer is one of those divisive movies when it comes to the fans many either love it or hate it I actually enjoy it for what it is which is more of a funloving film that manages to have a Darkness to it when it comes to the plot that's just this side of sleazy and trying to make it a familyfriendly film I think they managed to make Destroyer have a dirty secret the type of formula shown in con and the Destroyer where the fighter hero becomes more cocky and funny and less brooding would actually become part of the Conan clones that would be be released throughout the 80s most notably in the deathstalker franchise which there are so many 1 2 three I think you're right even with the change Destroyer actually continues what I loved about the original as well these movies even if they are about barbarians manage to be more evolved than others when it comes to their story and cast here we've got a film where half the league characters are different ethnicities including a black woman playing a role that was supposed to be a guy and kicking butt in it I think we made a friend he's the equal to every male warrior in the film if not better than the rumors are still going that possibly we will see Arnold return as king Conan he keeps waving that sword around in his social media posts just taunting us all and I'd love to see it happen but even if it doesn't I still love the two we got of Arnold being one of the greatest to ever solv the riddle of Steel in a time high adventure rule shut is always with me I will have my own kingdom my own Queen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: JoBlo Originals
Views: 6,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joblo videos, joblo, wtf happened to, wtf happened to this celebrity, wtf happened to this movie, awfully good movies, joblo originals, movie review, review, conan the destroyer, arnold schwarzenegger, dino de laurentiis, richard fleischer, conan the barbarian, basil poledouris, robert e. howard, robert e howard, wilt chamberlain, olivia dabo, grace jones, sarah douglas, john milius, conan the destroyer fight scene, conan the destroyer 1984, fantasizing about fantasy films
Id: 3OzzgMAH7j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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