The Tenth Doctor: More Best Moments | Doctor Who

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i'm the doctor i'm a time lord i'm from the planet gallifrey in the constellation of casterborus i'm 903 years old and i'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below killing after a while it infects you and once it does you're never rid of it we don't have a choice we always have a choice look at this what exactly do you want i just think you are a responsible 18 year old inventing zero carbon cars over the wall takes a man with fishing blinking vision cause that what means more people driving more cars more petrol end result the oil's gonna run out faster than ever the outdoor system could make things worse yeah well i see that's a tautology you can't say at my system because it stands for atmospheric emission system so you're saying atmospheric emission system system do you see mr conditional clause it's been a long time since anyone said no to you isn't it i'm still right though not easy being clever you look at the world and you connect things random things you think why can't anyone else see it the rest of the world is so slow yeah you're on your own i know but not with this because there's no way you invented this single one might be earth technology but that's like finding a mobile phone in the middle no no i'll tell you what it's like it's like finding this in the middle of someone's front room or be it very big front row right what is it yeah there's a thing didn't it people don't question things you think it's a thing leave it alone me i'll make these connections and this to me looks like a teleport pod [Music] we have an intruder how did he get into the window bye-bye [Music] isn't it isn't that worth keeping me alive i ordered you to surrender in the name of the unified intelligence task force that's not going to work corner lane signal am i right copper excitation stopping the bullets how do you know so much well who is he he didn't give his name this isn't typical sontaran behavior is it hiding using teenagers stopping bullets a centauron should face bullets with dignity shame on you dishonor me sir then show yourself i will look into my enemy's eyes [Music] oh my god and your name general style of the 10th century fleet style the undefeated oh that's not very good nickname what if you do get defeated style they're not quite so undefeated anymore but never mind it's like a potato baked potato talking baked potato now ross don't be rude you look like a pink weasel to him the sontarans are the finest soldiers in the galaxy dedicated to a life of warfare a clone race grown in batches of minions with only one weakness have no weakness oh it's a good weakness are you meant to be clever only an idiot would provoke him now the centaurus are fed by a probik vent in the back of their neck as her weak spot which means they always have to face their enemies in battle not really they can never turn that back we stare into the face of death yeah well stare at this don't touch me would rather be caught marshall than chopin i must return but he broke the teleport ha primitive sonic trickery the device is now repaired don't tell anyone what i did it wasn't my fault lied to me if i see one more gun [Music] you know that coat sort of works i feel like a kid in my dad's clothes oh well if you're calling him dad you're definitely getting a human female on board could only be the doctor's work and all the teleport systems have been dead locked open no matter increase the atmos devices to maximum choke them behold the clone world is born [Music] she promised come on attacked to breed that clone army and all the time we look here in his dream factory planning a little trip willie they promised me a new world you were building equipment ready to terraform el mondo luco so that humans could live there and breathe with this an atmospheric converter prepare to launch clone parts we will breed across the surface of the earth [Music] it's london you can't even see my family's in there and get this on the right setting doctor hold on you said the atmosphere would ignite [Music] please please please [Music] [Music] general style sir what's happening [Music] oh [Music] ah wow [Music] hmm [Music] don't get yourselves in the lava but if i might beg the wisdom of the gods before we perish once this new race of creatures is will follow the complete of rome itself an almighty empire striding the whole of civilization if you've crashed and you've got all this technology why don't you just go home the heaven of piramilia is god i mean god was it god it was taken pyrovilla is lost but there is heat enough in this world for our new species to rise yeah i should warn you it's 70 water out there water can boil and everything will burn doctor okay the whole planet is at stage thank you that's all i needed to know [Music] anymore a little bit hot see the energy converter takes the lava uses the power to create a fusion rate which looks well parallel to human now it's complete they can convert millions well can't you change it with these controls because i can but don't you see that's why the suit says can't see the volcano there is no volcano vesuvius is never going to erupt the paravar is stealing all his power they're going to use it to take over the world but you can change it back i can invert the system off the volcano and blow them up yes but that's a choice donna it's pompeii all the world oh my god if pompey is destroyed then it's not just history it's me 24 nuclear bombs nothing can survive it's only not never mind us push this lever and it's over 20 000 people [Music] uh [Music] a new prophecy the future is changing [Music] uh [Music] what happened how come the shields were down i don't think it was an accident how many dead we're alive just focus on that i will get you out of here astrid i promise look at me i promise good now if we can get a reception i've got a spaceship tucked away we could all get on board what is it what's wrong that's my ship over there where ah that box that little blue box that's a spaceship boy don't knock it it's a bit small a bit distant trouble is once it's set adrift it's programmed to lock onto the nearest centre of gravity and that would be the earth [Music] don't just stand there get anything off me host that's an order help me that is your job isn't it information we now have only one function and what's that information to kill what are you doing host i'm ordering you stop it stop it right now deck 22 to the bridge deck 22 to the bridge is there anyone there this is the bridge oh hello sailor good to hear you what's the situation up there ah we've got here the ocean field is holding with the captain he's dead he did it my mother he took down his shield there was nothing i could do i tried i did all right you stay calm tell me your name what's your name midshipman frank nice to meet you sir what's the state of the engines have you been injured i'm all right oh my god this they're cycling down that's a nuclear storm drive yes yes the planet oh yes if we hit the planet the nuclear storm explodes and wipes out life on earth michigan i need you to fire up the engine containment field and feed it back into the core this is never gonna work trust me it'll keep the engines going till i can get to the bridge we're gonna die are you saying something i'm gonna die first things first one we're gonna climb through this ship b two we're gonna reach the bridge three we'll see we're gonna save the titanic and coming in a very low fall or d or that little iv in brackets they're using footloads why then follow me hang on a minute who put you in charge and who the hell are you anyway [Music] i'm the doctor i'm a time lord i'm from the planet gallifrey in the constellation of casterborus i'm 903 years old and i'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below [Music] you have a problem with that that case i don't see [Music] thank thank you happy christmas [Music] yes [Music] use the heat of re-entry to fire up the secondary stool guy unsinkable as me [Music] do i did now all of us [Music] teleport sonic [Music] we can bring her back if a passenger has an accident on shoreline they're still wearing their teleport their molecules are automatically suspended and held in spaces so if you could just trigger the ship [Applause] i'm falling halfway there come on keep falling feedback the molecule good boost with the restoration no no no no no need more faith containment no i can just link up the surface suspension i just need to override the safeties i can do this i can do it doctor let her go stop me falling there's not enough left the system was too badly damaged she's just utterly stopped an echo with the ghost of consciousness she starred us astrid path citizen of stars [Music] [Music] there's an old tradition [Music] now you can travel forever [Music] you're not falling astrid you're flying [Music] i can't say i've never shot anyone before can't say i'm going to like it but it's not exactly a normal day is it still would you like a drink sir i think hair loss is the least of my problems right now thanks please have a drink sir if if you're gonna stand in their way i'll shoot you too please have a drink sir have you poisoned me natural food must never kill sir or is there stuff food grafts suspended in a biological compound sir what the hell does that mean oh dear children funny thing the subconscious takes all sorts of shapes come out the red eyes revenge came out in the rabbit hood as anger and then there was patience all that intelligence and mercy focused on how's our hair lost mr halpin what have you done oh they've been preparing you for a very long time and now you're standing next to the new brain stop can you hear it listen [Music] you i'm not [Music] uh [Music] he turned him into an ode nope he's an ode i noticed [Music] he has become ood kind and we will take care of him it's weird being with you i can't tell what's right and what's wrong anymore it's better that way people know for certain tend to be not mr halpin oh that's better but now sigma would you allow me the honor it is yours doctor why ass stifled for 200 years but not anymore the circle is broken [Music] [Music] i can hear it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are completely impossible it's not impossible [Music] i know but all the same is that feeling you get like swallowed look hamsters weapons never any weapons we're safe look at their hands they're clean all right protesting confessed oh yeah what's going on someone tells me this isn't about to check my blood pressure what are you doing everyone gets processed oh it's taking the tissue something out i'm some kind extrapolated accelerator are you all right [Music] [Music] where did she come from from me from you how who is she well she's she's my daughter hello dad is it it's a hidden tunnel that must be a control panel it's another one of those numbers they're everywhere the original builders must have left them i'm old cataloging system you've got a pen a bit of paper because you see the numbers are counting down this one ends in one four the prison cell said one six always thinking both of you who are you people i told you i'm the doctor the doctor that's it that's all he ever says so you don't have a name either are you an anomaly too no i'll come off but you're the most anomalous bloke i've ever met here it is and time lords what are they for exactly four they're not they're not foreign so what do you do i travel through time and space he saves planets rescues civilizations defeats terrible creatures and runs along seriously there's no raising that running involved [Music] that's not mood lighting is it [Music] no i didn't think so army device there's more of these always eight numbers counting down the closer we get here we go you better be quick where are you going i can hold them up no we don't need any more dead but it's them or us it doesn't mean you have to kill them i'm trying to save your life killing after a while it infects you and once it does you're never rid of it we don't have a choice we always have a choice [Music] don't you nothing but a soldier she's trying to help [Music] join us join us in the war against the hath it's in your blood girl don't deny it [Music] watch and learn father just a bit unlikely brilliant i warned you carl if the is a weapon i'm gonna make sure you never use it one of us is gonna die today and it won't be me mrs christie i'm saying that you could come i'm one of your greatest followers i've read all six of your books uh is uh mr christie not joining us is he needed can't a woman make her own way in the world don't give my wife ideas christy i have a question why have belgium detected belgians make such lovely bumps [Laughter] see where on earth professor peach he'd love to meet mrs crystal he said he was going to the library miss chandracala would you go and collect the professor [Music] disappeared [Music] professor peach [Music] she just discovered her husband was having an affair i never think to look at her smiling away well she's british and money that's what they do they carry on so for this one time no one knows exactly what happened she just vanished the car that we found tomorrow morning by the side of a lake ten days later again the christie turns up in a hotel in harrogate said she lost her memory she never spoke about the disappearance till the day she died [Music] it's about to happen right here right now [Music] [Music] the body in the library i mean professor peach in the library with the lead point let me see someone should call the police you don't have to chief inspector smith from scotland known as the doctor miss noble is the plucky young girl who helped me out i say mrs christie was right go into the sitting room i will question each of you in turn come along young girl who helps me out no police women in 1926. i'll pluck you in a minute why don't we find the real police well the last thing i want is pc plot stickies notion especially now i've found this residue doesn't sound very 1920s [Music] yeah but think about it there's a murder a mystery and agatha christie hello comes to me all the time no but isn't that a bit weird agatha christie didn't walk around surrounded by murders not really i mean that's like meeting charles dickens and he's surrounded by ghosts at christmas oh come on it's not like we could drive across country and find any delight in having tea with noddy could we noddy's not real is he tell me there's no noddy there's no noddy [Music] this is ridiculous sit there i'm phoning my editor i said sit [Music] you can't tie me up what sort of a country do you think this is oh it's a beautifully fat country and believe me i've traveled a long way to find obesity on this scale so come on then miss foster those pills what are they well you might as well have a scoop since you'll never see it printed this is the spark of life and what's that supposed to mean officially the capsule attracts all the fat cells and flushes them away well it certainly attracts them that part's true but it binds the fat together and galvanizes it to form a body what do you mean a body i am surprised you never asked about my name i chose it well foster as in foster mother and these [Music] are my children are you kidding me what the hell is that adipose it's called an adipose made out of living fat why not [Music] is [Music] six [Music] hmm [Music] we interrupting you and him [Music] [Music] follow me [Music] just like old times look it's strong stop there stop stop stop there stop moving they're never just gone and they never give up this one's benign hey who turned out the lights no one they're fine no seriously turn them back on they are on i can't see already things okay turn around what's going on why can't i see it's the power gone are we safe here dave i want you to stay still absolutely still okay okay okay can you hear me talk to me dave i'm fine i'm okay i'm fine just stay still absolutely still i'm fine i'm okay i'm i'm fine i can't why can't i i can't why can't i i i can't why can't i i he's gone he's ghosting um why is he still standing hey who turned out the lights hey who turned out the lights doctor don't dave can you hear me hey who turned out the lights hey [Music] behind you duck [Music] everybody [Music] hey who turned down the lights [Music] sweetie dinner's ready donna noble has been saved sweetie [Music] trying to boost the power light doesn't stop them but it slows them down so what's the plan do we have a plan your screwdriver looks exactly like mine yeah you gave it to me i don't give my screwdriver to anyone i'm not anyone who are you what's the plan i teleported on about the tardis if we don't go back then under five hours emergency program one will activate take her home yeah we need to get a shift on she's not there i should have received a signal the console signals me there's a teleport breach well maybe the coordinates have slipped the equipment is ancient donna noble there's a donna noble somewhere in this library do you have the software to locate a position donna noble has left the library donna noble has been saved [Music] when you run with the doctor it feels like it will never end but however hard you try you can't run forever everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the doctor but i do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever for one moment accepts it why why would i give him my screwdriver why would i do that i think his future images to think about it although she has to think of a way to save her what he did was give her a screwdriver why would i do that [Music] look at that i'm very good who have you done save time stay with me you can do it stay with me come on [Music] platform disabled [Music] everybody knows that everybody dies but not every day not today [Music] it's okay you're safe you'll always be safe here the doctor picks a data call this is a good place now but i was worried you might be lonely so i brought you some friends aren't i clever girl aren't we all [Music] he just can't get in [Music] some days are special some days are so so blessed some days nobody dies at all [Music] now and then every once in a very long while every day in a million days when the wind stands fair and the doctor comes to call [Music] everybody lives don't forget to click below and subscribe to the official doctor who youtube channel [Music] you
Channel: Doctor Who
Views: 511,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, the doctor, dr who, bbc, doctor who bbc, david tennant, tenth doctor, doctor who series 4, 10th doctor, doctor who david tennant, doctor who season 4, russell t davies, catherine tate, donna noble, georgia tennant doctor who
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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