The TCGAP! Tutorials FOLLOWUP! Errata Text

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one day that's how long it took from opening up the document on my computer to having a printed rule book complete with graphics and several iterated cards 24 hours is how long all of this took come on guys what's your excuse I mean yeah I admit I went uh I went pretty basic on this thing this name guard came it's one you've already seen before it was the booster pack cover on the build a better boosters and I assure you the fact that it is just card game with its consonants replaced is literally as deep as the joke goes there's not any a greater meaning like the Bismuth I just like the Bismuth texture I've kind of always wanted to do that for a card back but but no um really that's that's the limit of the joke and still the fact that I did this in 24 hours goes to show that it really does not take long to put a game together I know a lot of people you know they're hemming and Hauling about how they want to put their game together get the rules together um the best advice I can give is to stop caring about quality if you don't care about quality like this I made as a joke and I managed to finish in 24 hours um if you stop caring about quality you tend to get a lot more work done don't try to do every little thing as though it's perfect make a mess and clean it up later I mean even even painters illustrators artists they'll tell you they don't like start at one quarter of the canvas and slowly move across applying things perfectly except maybe people who do cross stitch but here's the thing is so many of those people they just start with a big old blob on the canvas that they mold into place same with things like clay or marble or things like that like like a lot of famous paintings there are like sketches and other versions of those pictures that um that exist because the painters they practice in order to make those masterpieces they practice they research they do all sorts of studies and things to get that painting together and that's kind of what you do here so that's what I say make a mess and clean it up later although like I said this actually is a complete set of rules I could build a game around this if I wanted to if it wasn't for the fact that I made it as a joke and as a result of that the rules are a yet another dual Masters wannabe knockoff game complete with all sorts of stanky rules and even like cringy cringy catchphrases like ring the game and grind up and all of those it's that kind of game so it's it's basically Duel Masters again um but it uses battle spirits combat system so any so you declare attackers and they attack blindly you can declare anything as a blocker um the big change it has though is um it has a damaged deck so there are the Guard Cards and the game cards I mean I don't know what a came is the c-a-i-m-e um but there's something called a Cairn so I kind of based it on that um basically you have a damage deck and you you randomly shuffle a damage deck of 10 cards and you can benefit from up to five of those as the moment a sixth one of these cards hits your uh damage area you lose the game but that means that every single time an opponent hits you it's some kind of trigger effect but because it's a shuffle deck it's unpredictable to know what card is going to come up it might be something that you need exactly at that moment or it might be totally useless to you so that's my real twist there and I mean you could add some dimensionality to that like you could have cards that uh count the amount of damage you've taken for their effects so that they're weak at the early game but strong in the later game all sorts of all sorts of stuff you can do with it but like I said I made it as a joke I don't know if I'll actually take it any further um okay but yeah that's that's really all it takes to to get a game together to just start writing rules and start iterating see what happens it's it's why game jams exist I mean people are able to like fully program video games over the course of a long weekend and that you know and in fact I think there's some challenges that are like 48 Hours even 24 hours but yeah it's it's entirely possible to get a game off the ground all you have to do is you know find a system that works start iterating get people to try it out see what they think it's it's not that difficult at all although one thing I forgot to add on my rulebook advice list is you want to make it so that your pages net count is a multiple of four make it a multiple of four um except for the cover you can kind of leave that alone but the thing is uh pieces of paper have two sides to them but when you fold that in half it becomes four pages so you want it to be in multiples of four and you can fill these out with like you know our assets and you know little diagrams as you can see I actually did that in this in this rule book here this actually looks like a rule book that you might be able to use because it has all the little art in it and I actually had to on the back page I had to I just put the picture of the Bell on the back there this is why you see so many manuals that have things like notes Pages or Pages intentionally lift blank and yada yada yada or just you know spots where they don't have Pages it's because their rule book is not some kind of multiple of four so like a lot of uh you know people who do photography and art say consider the negative space and how you can use it um anyway moving on I know that the demo I did for the Pokemon game got really dramatic and intense um that was kind of by accident um I borrowed like music from this movie called Rookie of the Year it's an incredibly formulaic um sports movie but it's a good sports movie you know if you've ever had like a really good steak you know you've had steak you know what steak is like but you've had like it's a pretty good steak you'd have that steak again that's kind of what Rookie of the Year is as far as a movie is concerned but uh I admit I went pretty high octane on the drama um you don't really necessarily have to go that far in your demo I mean it's a it's a good idea if you're gonna make something that tells a story you want to make the story as exciting as possible but when it comes to game tutorials you at least need a bit of energy that's where you know you have things like oh no or oh yes or unfortunately or uh oh or the time has come you know add a bit of like human element to it a bit of you know add a bit of fun this is supposed to be a game that people play for fun it's not like a forklift certification seminar although I've heard getting forklift certified can be kind of fun Vegeta you need to be careful he's forklift certified did you know that I'm forklift certified oh dear God help no and that's really the central point I was making with the tutorial video is that you should make your game look fun it should stand out it's not like like I said it's not some kind of weird clinical thing and that's how so many of them are done they're like like those videos you put on in class like oh boy it's TV day but you still fell asleep anyway because the video is just that boring but yeah your game is fun right right I sure hope your game is fun so that's why I say if you do like a video tutorial or some kind of demonstration it should be exciting and something that I actually cut from the video was I was going to incorporate some clips from the one piece video where um like it goes on and on and on about the things you can't do on the first turn and you know like at the first moment this comes up the other player complains oh you can't first the player goes first doesn't get to do much on their first turn and I was gonna do a joke where they say that after every single line I'm up first huh what should I do the player going first gets this on their first turn the player going first doesn't get to do much on their first turn the player going first only gets one Don card on your first turn the player going first doesn't get to do much on their first turn there's nothing more you can do this turn the player going first doesn't get to do much on their first time it's an example of a tutorial that you know is kind of Faking it you know it looks like it's starting to be fun oh here are these characters they're trying to teach you the game but they're they're doing nothing but dry explanation I'm not hearing the characters you know like maybe have a bit of distress have a bit of a comeback you know some kind of some kind of drama I I didn't say it had to be like super extreme drama it needs some it needs some drama like like these these uh these folks they're having their line reads um and it it it just doesn't sound like they're invested in the game I don't know if it's the accent or what but that's that's how it came across to me um but yes your game is fun right so show us how fun it can be in the tutorial you can have like analytical videos elsewhere but for like a basic introduction you should have like excitement as a core tenant also something else I have been working on lately uh if you've been following me on Twitter then you'd already know about this but um a big thing lately has been video game preservation that is specifically people who want to take video games that are like no longer in print and circulation and preserve them enable people to play them on Modern Hardware you know play them at all because a number of these games didn't become available anymore um it's been a big uh big movement for that and I was thinking you know what why don't we do the same thing for trading card games um trading card games are also the kind of thing that have to worry about Falling Into Obscurity you know cards get lost rule books get or age and get damaged and destroyed websites get pulled down um in the video in the tutorial video I featured a small clip from the English version of the Japanese um edition of the Yokai Watch card game one that is better in every way than Hasbro's one what happened was um Singapore is a country that gets a lot of the content made in like uh Japan and Korea and they get it translated into English um it's in it's frequently read in a Singapore English accent which I think that might be some of the reasons I think it's a bit strange but you know I'm gonna gonna step into hot water if I do that but um it is a frequent source of English language media when it does not come to the United States um but unfortunately the uh the Yokai Watch video which was made for Singapore appears to be lost media that little chunk I pulled from a video I did years ago and I haven't been able to find the um the Final Cut file that actually has the full video in it um it was trying to find that video for my tutorial video that made me realize that this kind of preservation thing is an issue um because it's it has since been privated on YouTube and I haven't been able to rip it by any means um so what I am working on is something that I call the TCG archive project um it is a way to compile Like rules and other media for like old card games and stuff I'm specifically looking for things like Rule books play mats um print and play demos tutorials like whether that be like like documents or videos or things like that things that enable people to play the game so my Huntik Mega is kind of like the perfect example of how I would put it together um I do do a couple of things tricky in the hunting Mega but I'll talk about that later but it's it's it contains all the components you need to play hunting and because I was actually able to find some hunted print and play decks you really can just play Huntik all the way right now there are two things I do not want to collect and those are the actual cards and things like a cartoon or a TV show so things like you know the chaotic TV show or um something like that or like scans the actual card words outside of again the print and play demo decks and the the uh videos that exist explicitly to advertise or teach people how to play the game I can't really accept that because those are technically consumer products which can sell for money and if I store those I can get in a lot of trouble I mean I'll make an exception if the rights holders of those cards games give me written permission to host them otherwise this thing is in such its infancy I don't want to risk getting it in legal trouble which is why things like the print and play demos right now are exceptionally valuable because they were put out by the company themselves for the express purpose of letting people try out the game so as long as I stick to there my hope is that this archive project will get large enough that companies and rights holders will want to have their game and its cards and all the rules featured on the thing like I imagine that there's like some some people who made a card game years and years ago who would love to see the uh game get played by a new generation if I can at least provide the rules and the play mats that actually enables people to play with the cards they find um I could argue that by still by showcasing the rules and the play mats and all the things surrounding the game except for the cards itself I'm actually increasing the value of the brand to avoid legal trouble um I'm also I don't think I can accept there are some limits to what I can't accept it has to have at least had a print run um or it was put out by like a major company like um if if it was like a failed project that a major company like if Bandai had some video uh some some game that wound up on the chopping block I would gladly take a look at that but um there are probably millions of people like doing little at home projects that I don't think the archive project would be best for I want to at least have that you know that line of um either it was made by a large studio but got like canned at the last minute like I know there's a cookie jar version of Magi Nation duel that never made it out the door um I'd love to find assets for that um but otherwise you know it has to have had a print run um preferably if I can get PDF format I'm currently doing a mega which only has 50 gigs of space but PDFs are like one or two megabytes each like the only folder I have currently that has triple digits in megabytes counts is the Huntik Mega and that's because it has the video tutorial in it but that's my search it's mostly for like the PDFs um there are places like Staples will do large scale scans of items that's how I got the full big scan of the hunting play mat um but yeah that is that is my effort right now I might set up a Discord that's separate for the archive project um I set up a patreon or GoFundMe for that to do things like pay server costs maybe even offer bounties on things like that so that's uh that's my goal the TCG archive project um yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video I got so many new patrons from the tutorial video I'm so thankful uh for you guys joining in for that I do still have a number of slots open for my 100 consultation if you want to hear that I've had no complaints from people who have um asked me to do that I have always helped them bring in A New Perspective do all sorts of great stuff for their game um but yeah that is That's the basis of tutorials it doesn't have to be as crazy dramatic as mine although that certainly helped out Yu-Gi-Oh in its early days but it does at least need to convince me that your game is fun and exciting and interesting so many of these weird clinical things and then you have like Arcane Legions where the guy thinks he's being a dramatic actor but instead he's actually being like slow and boring um that's what really matters you need to convince people that your game is fun that's the most important thing people need to know how to play your game but they need to know that learning this game is going to be worthwhile that they're going to be entertain and have fun so yeah hopefully we can get some uh some more work on uh done on that in the future I actually have an idea for a new kind of video series I know a lot of people have asked me to address things like game balance and stuff like that but I don't really want to do that because my most famous video series is called the seven deadly sins so people will take what I'm talking about as either being good or bad and I never want to talk in absolutes because only a Sith well thinks in absolutes so I'm thinking of doing an idea called playing around with where we literally take a look at various mechanics and Concepts and look specifically at the ups and downs I know that might sound a bit fuddy-duddy for how my channel normally does it but I think it'll be an interesting look so of course you would uh decide to launch your attack I guess I guess I spoke too much about making Duel Masters likes that my dual MasterCard signed by uh signed by the illustrators two of them actually I've uh super explosive volcano down on the back super explosive volcano Dom that's just one of the best names for anything ever so yeah that's uh that's the follow-up for the tutorial video until next time this is Kodak signing off
Channel: Kohdok
Views: 10,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yzej0j_2420
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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