Seven Deadly TCG Sins is BACK!! (Errata Text Followup #1)

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hey everybody this is kodak here and that's right seven deadly sins is back baby it's uh coming back to us in the form of errata text it's the the title i eventually decided to settle on um i called it errata text because in gamer terms errata text is what happens when a card is given a sort of update to its text an update to fix a typo or to clarify its intended effect in my case i'm calling it errata text because it's all the stuff i missed out and talking about in the seven deadly sins series that i still want to speak on we started with that last week with the dual masters video the video about a game that that is near and dear to my heart that is the basis and inspiration for many many a card game particularly this one that's been doing the rounds lately um like i said it's a game that's near and dear to me so that's why i wanted to do a whole video about it um i want to do videos where i just kind of look at card games and talk about them a bit but i wanted to do the dual masters video before i got on to any of those because there are so many things that i would talk about and reference from dual masters that would come up in those videos so this is this is kind of you know my base my ground level game that i want to talk about it is a game that i've referred to as how to make a card game 101 because it has it does such a good job of simplifying concepts that you find in more complicated games like magic the gathering um it offers such a streamlined play experience that it's just such a good thing to work off of in fact this binder i keep pointing at some people were mentioning how the opening of the video i made gave them chills when i left it off uh listed off the kaijudo code and i bet ya it's because of this binder because this binder it was one that came with like a like a special like subscription thing a special subscription to a sort of dual masters fan club the same way you have like like the lego mania magazine club it was similar to that you would get sent this binder you would also be provided with like promo cards and update newsletters and additional tabs for like like the cards and stuff inside got like this super blown up artwork in there but uh the thing that uh about this binder is the back yep does that look familiar so uh what i did was i took this and i basically recreated it at the start of the video i used the same image the same font the same spacing it's uh it's the kai judo code so if you got chills from watching that it's probably because you owned or saw this binder i thought it was such a cool idea it's just a bunch of a bunch of rules about good sportsmanship good fair play good sportsmanship you know how to how to how to basically act in a gaming environment i mean i they they didn't forget i will not that they did forget the the terms uh i will not touch somebody else's property without permission and i will not place my coke can on the same table as a game is going on those are those are a couple of things in the kaijudo code i think they forgot um but yeah i'm going to be talking about things that don't really fall under sins but are still things that need a lot of consideration things that are frequently taken for granted things like card rarity things like how a booster pack is put together the role of like art the uh the the the the taxonomy of card game players things that other folks have talked about but i just kind of want to poke and prod at a bit more to really get some analysis done although of course with the uh the territory of um the errata text i am going to be taking on more sponsors for these videos i'm going to vet my sponsors more carefully i know the first sponsor i did for seven deadly sins didn't really work out those guys still owe me 150 but i am going to be i'm going to vet them more carefully and i'm only going to be like you know showing up showing off products that you know i use or believe in um you're not going to see me like like like a lot of people are like pushing ads for these flat wallets you're not going to see me doing those because i like to slip a set of spare keys into my wallet and those flat wallets just can't handle that so you're not gonna see an ad like that it's gotta be something that it's gotta be like a cool new game coming out or like uh like a product that i would actually use um i have a couple sponsors lined up already i deliberately did not do one for the dual masters video because this is you know like i said it's a subject that's very near and dear to my heart this is the game that definitely solidified my interest in the design aspects of card games not just you know the cool collectibility and play aspects um i am also going to try to focus on things that aren't necessarily tied to gameplay that's another thing with the seven deadly sins only like two of them are related to actual gameplay mechanics and the things i discuss are the side effects of those mechanics like how they might devalue a card or make a a game a bit more difficult to sell or maintain not really like oh these these mechanics are bad or something like that like i'm gonna try to come up with the stuff that that i can you know do more concrete details on i'm gonna leave the creativity up to the game designers um at least at least that's my stated goal here we'll see we'll see what else happens here like like i don't know if i'll be able to do a video about like developing cards for balance um because that's so frequently a case-by-case thing that i can't necessarily you know make the rules about that like like if like for an example of of balance being being sort of an iffy thing um if your game includes a card that allows you to draw two cards how strong that card is depends on how the rest of your game is built in a game like pokemon where there are also cards that lets you draw five six seven cards a card that lets you draw two cards is not going to be that strong but in a game like yu-gi-oh where card advantage is you know a huge factor in how successful your game is going to be and just being able to drop one card to draw two more can give you a tremendous advantage that card can be really powerful so it depends on the game you've made when it comes to talking about you know things like card balance and stuff like that so i'm probably gonna stray away from those kinds of subjects um i do of course plan on doing more videos about uh card games about important card games i don't know if i'll talk too much about like like pokemon magic yu-gi-oh those have kind of been done to death there are entire channels that talk about the histories of those games i don't know if i could really really say too much on those that hasn't already been said although going back to dual masters one thing that people did ask me about was you know instant speed is like oh is instant speed and the stack really that complicated it depends but there are definitely cases where it can be made a lot more confusing than it really needs to be um instant speed is the concept where you can play a card at any time including in response to whenever an opponent makes a move and that can create a bit of a nightmare it's something that players can have a hard time wrapping their heads around especially if you have cards like faceless butcher now i specifically put up faceless butcher and ran out of my breath when talking about it because it is one of those cards that instant speed and the stack turn really confusing so faceless butcher's effect is when it comes into play you can remove a creature from play except faceless butcher and when faceless butcher leaves play that card comes back so it's basically like a slasher movie villain in that it kidnaps a creature until it gets defeated and then it comes back into play seems you know easy thematic right but then in comes the stack bumbling in blind drunk yelling no no that's not how that card works because according to the stack each of those effects is a different one so each one triggers its own stack so if i put faceless butcher into play um and my opponent lets it go into play they don't cast like counter spell on it or something its first effect goes off when it goes into play so i choose a creature to get removed from play however because this is a triggered ability that creates a stack that can be responded to if i were to then play the card rescind on the faceless butcher card as part of a stack in i would say in response to the activation of faceless butcher's effect i am going to cast rescind on it percent allows me to return a permanent to its owner's hand so i would then return the faceless butcher to my hand now since it has left the field and is now back in my hand that triggers its second effect which gets put onto the stack so what happens is faceless butcher enters the field its first effect goes off i play rescind in response to that first effect faceless butcher returns to my hand its second ability gets added to the stack on top of the first ability now i know some people might think wait a minute faceless butcher isn't in play anymore doesn't its effect stop working and that's another thing that can be kind of confusing because a card specifically has to say that it negates an effect or counters an effect in order to stop an effect that is on the stack from going off anybody who plays yu-gi-oh and is familiar with the funny rulings of mystical space typhoon understands my meaning i mean sure i could blow up your monster reborn as you play it but that does not stop the effect from going off so both of these effects are on the stack but the second ability because of how the stack works its last and first out the second ability resolves first and the second ability currently has no target so it fizzles meaning that the first ability now goes off and the creature targeted by the first ability is now gone forever thank you stack for making things way more complicated than they needed to be that's what i'm talking about when we're talking tangles created by timing and the stack is faceless butcher which is probably the most famous example of this kind of tangle i don't know if there are other instances that operate like this but it can get pretty hairy pretty fast so that is why sort of nullifying some of the instant speed abilities can be important um but like i said dual masters still managed to preserve the ability to mess around on your opponent's turn with the blocker and trigger mechanic so you still will have something to do ways to respond to your opponent's moves that fun little counter play so it's a really elegant solution that they came up with on this and and the ability blocker is kind of important in dual masters because you can target monsters for your attack so instead it like redirects the attack to another monster that was intended for one monster like if i want to knock out my opponent's monster that has some beneficial effect but then nope you're you're gonna go and fight la ura giga instead it's nice to have these sorts of abilities because it gives players the sensation of playing with instant speed without creating the traffic jams that things like instant speed can actually cause and that is why i talked about it as an elegant solution it's certainly something to consider i mean i'll certainly talk about game mechanics um i won't like speak in absolutes i will talk about mechanics present in games and the effects that they can have but i'm not going to say oh these mechanics are good these mechanics are bad i'm going to say this mechanic kind of devalues your cards and this mechanic makes it a pain to sell i'm going gonna try to avoid like calling mechanics straight up bad like a lot of people looked at my set rotation video and were like oh he's gonna say set rotation bad versus the reality which is the video is set rotation frequently misunderstood and misused so that's kind of my goal is to is to you know not necessarily like harp against something but take a deep dive and look at what it works and how its effects are that's what i did with the seven deadly sins that's what i'm going to be doing with errata text i hope you guys look forward to it and enjoy the ride so until next time this is the first follow-up for arata text and this is kodak signing off
Channel: Kohdok
Views: 29,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TJaD0XewOrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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