Where Is Five Year Old Summer Wells?

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I don't watch too much true crime YouTube, but when I do Kendall Rae is a reliably good choice. She's sensitive and knows better than to dive too far into speculation or clickbait, yet there's still a bit of a jovial atmosphere to her videos (in terms of her personality not being completely monotone and emotionless) which is nice.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ShiningConcepts 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

I think everyone who has been interviewed has lied, for their own personal reasons (being somewhere they don’t want to admit they were, doing something they don’t want to admit to doing, make themselves look better, get more attention from media, make someone they don’t like look bad…) and it’s making it impossible to uncover the truth. I think the truth very well could equally be a wandering off and falling down a hole or ravine somewhere, or an acquaintance of one of the parents making a targeted attack. But I agree, there is no one theory that really works. I’m hoping TBI has vastly more information than has been released to the public.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/sausagechihuahua 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Kendall is great!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/sd5315a 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Everything adds up. They were out and about. They came home. Summer was unsupervised longer than Candus wants to admit, understandably because of guilt, and Summer wandered away and succumbed to the elements. Despite the best efforts of the searchers, she hasn’t been found yet.

Due to Don & Candus’ bad reputations and their trashy families, people have made this into something it’s not. The simplest explanation is almost always the right explanation.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/MzOpinion8d 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

I would like to know where Summer's swimsuit is and the pillow she was sitting on? As far as the swimsuit, if they were going to the Walgreen's store, to hippie house, etc., why would Summer keep her suit on underneath the jogging suit? Surely Candus did not take Summer back to the house and leave her in the wet suit under the jogging suit?

Also would like to know if there were any previous calls to 911 about Summer wandering off?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Salty-Night5917 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

She either didn’t make it home from that venture out at the lake etc or her brothers did something after they returned, maybe even by accident. My 2 guesses! Regardless of the outcome, these “parents” are serial child neglecters

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Mrs_Gallant 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Oh Candus’s letter is heartbreaking. The only thing I need answers for is about the 911 call. The only way I can get the answers is though LE telling everyone or via a trial. Those “groups” of people are being led by aholes making a lot of money from Summer’s disappearance. I find that evil because they refuse to look at facts. The integrity of this case IS BEING EXPLOITED by people who have NO QUALIFICATIONS. It’s horrible. Summer deserves better!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bebeana 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love Kendall Rae. Every case she covers she treats with respect and no bs. She genuinely cares, especially with missing persons.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/New_Traffic4463 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Totally agree. Kendall made an hour long video, and it contained more relevant information and constructive comment than anything posted by the obsessives, several of which appear to have been uploading 20-30 min long videos almost daily since last June. I've seen a few channels with nye on 200 videos about Summer and her family, and most of them are pure speculation and melodramatic garbage. One goon was even droning on about the darn English feudal system back in the dark ages! How the heck that's relevant to a little girl disappearing in East Tennesee in June 2021, I really don't know! 🤦🏽‍♀️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Industry_2395 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
(mysterious music) - Hey, guys, and welcome back to my channel. Happy to have you here for another video. If you're new, welcome. Today, we are going to be talking about the disappearance of Summer Wells, and this one has been highly requested from you guys. If you didn't know, I do have a request form linked in the description box of every video, and I get quite a bit of requests on there, but when I see something repeatedly requested, I always look into it. And the Summer Wells case has been requested so much over the last six months. And I didn't do it right away because there was very little information to work with initially. Unfortunately, there's not that much more six months later. But I do think that there is enough that we can talk about it, and I know so many of you have been following this case. For some reason, it's been one of those cases that's been heavily followed on social media, and I know people have their opinions on this one, for sure. And that being said, I want to make a note before we even start that this case is still active, it's still being investigated, and things can always change. I am recording this video December 17th. Things will change over time. I'm not sure if there'll be new updates by the time that this is posted. If there are, I will have those in a pinned comment. But just keep in mind that we don't know everything there is to know when it comes to this case. We do not have all the information that we want, we don't have all the answers to the questions that we have yet. I know people have really strong feelings about this case, but today I'm going to try to remain as unbiased as I can. I just want to present you the facts that are available and let you guys decide for yourselves. And I also wanted to mention that there are several parts of this entire story that just don't add up. Don't match up and don't make much sense. There's a lot of, he said, she said, and just general inconsistencies. So we're gonna try to work through that as best as we can. The main goal here today is to bring awareness to the disappearance of Summer Wells. Also, as always, anyone that we talk about in this video is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. So this is Summer Moon Utah Wells. She was born in 2016 in Hawkins County, Tennessee. These are her parents, Candice and Don, and they also had three boys prior to having Summer. Summer was the youngest in the family, and she was the only daughter in the family, but she was a very tough little girl. Growing up, she did everything that her brothers did, from fishing to playing in the mud. She was not afraid to be the boss of her older brothers, either. She seemed to really kind of rule the house. Her mom has even said that she was the one to keep the boys in line. - [Don] She gave them a run for her money every day. She'd give 'em a run for her money. And there was times, we'd be at our boys, like, don't do this and don't do that. And next thing you know, the stick would come up and it would just whop 'em. And I'd be like, Summer, don't do. - Summer was the boss of the family. - [Don] Typical girl. - When they get outta line, she'd put 'em in line. - [Don] She'd do her best. - She loved to play in the mud and the water, and swing on her swing, and enjoyed dirt. - When I'd run the lawnmower around, she would run behind me. When the boys run their bikes around, she, as fast as that little bike could go, she would be behind 'em running and keeping up with them, no problem. - [Kendall] Now, one big point of discussion in this case online was Summer's haircut. She did have a shaved head, just like her brothers, and the reason why her head was shaved has been very inconsistent, depending on who tells the story. Candice originally said that Summer wanted her head shaved so that she could match her brothers and her mom, who also had short hair. - She was a tomboy. I shaved my head, she wanted to have her head shaved like me and the boys did. - Just a few seconds later in literally the same interview clip, her father, Don says that her hair was just getting out of control, and so they made the decision to shave it, and that her mother Candice also shaved her head so that she wouldn't feel bad about it, and they could all match. - She tried to shave her head- - [Candice] She tried to shave it herself. - in the back and make it... I think you can see it in some of the pictures, and it was getting out of control. So we decided to shave her head off and let it grow back long. And she shaved her head so she wouldn't feel bad, but it didn't bother her. - Of course, people remember things differently, and this doesn't really have anything to do with her disappearance. Now, even though Summer was a very rambunctious, kind of rough and tumble type of girl, she also had a more girly side, you could say. She loved dancing, twirling around, watching Paw Patrol, which was one of her favorite shows, and her favorite movie, Frozen. She actually loved to pretend that she was Elsa, and her mom said it was just one of her favorite things to do. Don said that she loved a twirl while he would hold a finger out, and she would twirl underneath it until his arm got tired. And she was known for being a total daddy's girl. Even though Don worked full time to provide for their family, Summer was still around him whenever she could be. - I just never expected for anyone to get ahold of my heart like she has, 'cause I've tried to guard my heart as much as I can, but she just, she holds my heart in her little hands, and I love her with all my heart. - Don works as a drywaller, so he's normally out every day on whatever project he's been assigned to, and that keeps him pretty busy. So as of spring of 2021, Summer was five years old and not enrolled in school yet. And her mother, Candice, said that they were working on all the paperwork to get her going for the following fall. - This was supposed to be her first year. - We did all the what? - I take care of everything. I had her already, took all of her shots, and registered in the school, for ready for this year. - Candice was home with the kids all the time. She was a stay at home mom, and Don was really the provider for them, so she took care of all of that kind of stuff. Their home is located on Ben Hill Road in Beech Creek, which is an unincorporated town in Hawkins County, Tennessee. And if you didn't know, an unincorporated town is basically just a town that doesn't have its own local government, and instead, it answers to the county. So Beech Creek itself doesn't have its own law enforcement, but Hawkins County does, so that's who enforces their laws. Now there is a report out there that says that the Wells family owns 11 acres of land. However, I have not been able to confirm that. I do know that they own quite a bit of land out there though. Most of their property is really thick with trees, but on the very top of the hill is their home. And there's also a white trailer up there that Candice's mom, who's also named Candice, lives in. Now, since they both have the same name, and I know that's gonna get confusing for you guys, I'm going to refer to Candice's mother as Candy. And that is a nickname that a lot of people call her. Now it's unclear when exactly Candy moved onto their property, but at some point she did, and her trailer is parked about 25 feet from their house. And their family also has anywhere from eight to 13 dogs living on the property. I'm not sure exactly how many, that's another thing that's been unconfirmed. Now, according to Summer's dad, Don, Beech Creek is not always the safest area. He has talked about how there is an active drug gang and also how they've had property theft on their lands. - It seems isolated, but we do have neighbors. And then you got the drug thing going on, and where we live, you got certain groups of people, and I'm not gonna mention them by name, but you got these boys, those boys, they're all related, and they think that they run everything. And a lot of people for years have run moonshine out there, probably manufactured meth, and other stuff like that, and they think that they are the Bloods and the Crips of the hillbillies. And we've had people steal our dogs and leave their mutts for as long as we've been there. And we've got people come up and just take various things. Steal our gas in the middle of the night or whatever. And there's only certain kind of people that are up all damn night and stuff like that. - John says that they haven't really had any run-ins with this drug gang, however, he does say that he believes they think of his family as a target. Although he doesn't go on to really explain what he means by that or why he thinks that. So to recap, before we go any further, the Wells family lives in a secluded area in Hawkins County. Living on the property, there are four kids, Summer and her three brothers, who I'm not going to be mentioning by name in this video, Don, Candice, and grandma Candy. So now let's get into what happened on June 15th, 2021. Apparently the morning of June 15 was a morning just like any other for the Wells family. Summer had slept in her parents' bed the night before, which was something she did often. They were kind of trying to work her out of this, but they just let her that night. And the next morning Don had to get up for work. So he tried to be really quiet so he wouldn't wake her. And Don says that he does not remember exactly what time he left for work that morning. He said it was some time between 7:00 and 8:00, most likely. His work site at the time was in Jonesborough, which he said is about 45 minutes from their house, although some say that the drive is closer to an hour. Shortly after Don left for work, Candice wakes up because she has to take grandma Candy to a doctor's appointment. And that is at the Holston Valley Medical Center in Kingsport, Tennessee. And grandma Candy's appointment was at 8:00 AM. So since it's a 40 minute drive, it's safe to assume that Don probably left the house on the earlier side, if he was already gone when Candice was leaving. So that makes you think he left closer to 7:00 AM. And Don and Candice have said from the beginning that neither of them are good at remembering times, so we're just working with what we have available. So the appointment that they were going to for grandma Candy was for her artificial knee. It had actually been bothering her since they had gone on this family trip to Gatlinburg, and I guess one of the boys ran into it, or I don't know, somehow caused it to feel sore. So she wanted to have it checked out. What exactly happened to her knee is unclear, but again, I'm not sure if it makes a difference here. Now, the following part is gonna be a little bit confusing because we are gonna be hearing two different people's recall of events. We're gonna be talking about Candice's recollection of what happened on the morning of June 15th, as well as Hunter's, and I will explain who Hunter is in a second. According to Candice, they dropped grandma off at her appointment at 8:00 AM, and then her and Summer are just sitting in the car in the parking lot when she suddenly gets a call from Hunter. Now, Hunter is a 15 year old family friend of the Wells. His mom is named Alison, or Allie, as a lot of people call her, and she and Candice used to be very close friends. However, they got in some type of fight and they're no longer friends. However, Candice has stayed in touch with her son, Hunter. Candice has said that Hunter has always been like a son to her, so she wanted to continue having a relationship with him and for him to see her kids, et cetera. So Candice and Summer are sitting outside of the hospital in the car, they get a call from Hunter who wants to know what they're doing. Candice explained that they are waiting for Candy to finish her appointment and that they are in Kingsport, and Hunter asked them if they want to come over to his place and hang out for a bit while they wait. - [Candice] I know I went to the hospital at 8:00 with my mom, dropped her off, and I was sitting there and Hunter called me and asked me what I was doing. I said I was sitting at the hospital in the parking lot, waiting on my mom to get done. And he said, "Well, why don't y'all come over?" I said, "Well, as long as your mom says it's okay." And I guess he woke her up or said something to her, and he said, "Yeah, she said, it's fine for a little bit." - So Candice and Summer head that way, and they are in Candy's truck. And there's not a lot of information about what they did over there or how long they were there, but at some point, Candice gets a call that Candy is done, ready to be picked up. So Hunter asks, if he can join them to go pick up Candy, and Candice says, that's fine as long as you ask your mom. He asks his mom, she says, yes, so the three of them, Summer, Candice, and Hunter all head over to the hospital to pick up grandma Candy. Once they pick up Candy, the four of them head to a Walgreens to get a prescription filled. They decide to do the drive-through pharmacy, and while they're in the car, Candice gets a call from Don. According to Candice, Don was just calling to check up on them, see how the appointment was going, see what they were doing. And she said that Don calls pretty frequently. It's very normal for him to check in with her multiple times a day because he's gone at work all the time, and he likes to be in the loop about his family. When they get to the front of the drive-through, they drop off the prescription and they're told it's gonna take 30 minutes. So Candice decides that she's gonna take everyone down to Warriors Path State Park. And there's a good place there that she can let Summer swim. Summer loved to swim. In fact, she was already wearing her swimsuit, so they figured it was a good way to kind of kill the time. So they head towards this water hole. And on the way, Candice says they make two stops. The first stop was to a discount smoke shop where she and Candy got out to buy three cans of Twisted Tea. If you don't know what Twisted Tea is, it's just basically Arnold Palmer, but boozy. After the smoke shop, their next stop was to a place called, Hippy House, which is a newer business that sells CBD, nicotine, vape pens, and I've also heard THC, but I am not sure about that. It's Tennessee, I find that hard to believe, but maybe they're selling like Delta eight or something like that. While they were there, Candice buys some Skittles flavored vape pens, a couple of them, and then they're off to the water hole. When they finally got to Warriors Path, Summer went straight into the water, and I guess Hunter walked off into the woods. Candice says that she doesn't know why Hunter ran off into the woods, but that she and Candy then sat on the side of the water and watched Summer play. Eventually Hunter comes out of the woods and joins Summer. Candice remembers Summer playing in the water just the way that she always did, that she was having a really good time, and Candice even made a TikTok of Summer playing in the water. Eventually they decide to go back to the Walgreens to get the prescription. They pack up the car, head back that way. They get the prescription, and then before dropping Hunter off, they make two additional stops. One was to a Sonic, and they all got slushies, and the second stop was to a grocery store called, Price Less. Candice said that they were in the grocery store for just five, 10 minutes. They had to grab a couple of essentials like, milk, bread, stuff like that. And after the grocery store, Candice drives Hunter back to his house, drops him off, and then the three of them, Summer, grandma Candy, and Candice, all drive back to Beech Creek. And there's actually this photo of Summer sleeping on the way home on top of the two gallons of milk that they got at the grocery store, and this is kind of become one of the most famous images, in this case, you could say. And the photo is actually a screenshot of a video that Candy took because Candice was driving. Apparently they were just trying to take a picture of her, but they accidentally took video instead. And this was taken at 3:09 PM. Now, before we head into the next part, let's go through Hunter's version of events that day. Now he shares a similar timeline as far as what they did and where they went, but he remembers the morning a little differently. In Hunter's version of events of that morning, he says that Candice texted him that morning. He said that she messaged him, and said that Candy was gonna be at an appointment at the hospital. And he calls her back after this and asks if they want to come over and hang out at his house while they wait for the appointment to end. - [Hunter] So that day that she texted me, and she said, my grandma's in the hospital. Well, her mom's in the hospital, but we called her grandma at the time like we used to. So I said, so I called her up, I said, y'all want to come over here for a bit, because she's going to be in the hospital for a while, because she messed up her knee or whatever. - Now, Candice, doesn't mention anything about texting Hunter first. Although, of course she could just be forgetting to say that part. And I don't know, again, if it makes a big difference in this case, but I wanted to point it out. So when Candice and Summer get to the house, Hunter says that Candice told him that her three boys were with their dad for the day at work. However, Candice has completely denied saying that. She said that the boys had actually stayed home alone that morning, watching TV back at their place. I assume the police have probably sorted this out and figured out where the boys actually were that morning, however, this information has not been released to the public. While they were at his place, Hunter says he remembers Candice talking about how she wanted to take Summer fishing, and he asked if he could join. So again, he asked his mom's permission to go with them. She says yes, and he joins them. But before they're able actually go fishing, Candice gets a call from Candy saying that she's ready to be picked up from the hospital. Hunter still wants to join, so he goes with them. After the three of them pick up Candy, they all go to the drive-through pharmacy, and this is where things start to not match up. I mentioned in Candice's version of events that Don calls her while they're in line at the pharmacy to check in on them. And Hunter also says that Don calls, however, he says that he was calling for something else. After Candice hangs up the phone, Hunter asks her what Don had called about. Hunter claims that Candice told him that Don had called regarding a strange man that was on their property for a little over a week. - [Hunter] And then while we were in the drive-through, her husband calls her to talk about this dude named (beep) on the property that's been there for like a week or so, she told me, that keeps stalking on their kids. I don't even know if he was working at the time. - Okay. - [Hunter] But if he was working, he obviously wouldn't know that, that there was some dude looking at the little kids. The only thing that she told me from the phone call is that there was some dude who's been up on the property for a week or two, trying to, I guess she said, touch the little kids. That's what I was told. - He trying to have what? - Touch the little kids. - Touch the kid? - Like give 'em a hug or something, I don't know. - What do you think? Do you think that's true? - I mean, it could be. - Now Candice has spoken out, saying that this just isn't true. When Don was later asked about what Hunter said, this is what he had to say. - I hadn't really heard from her except for she had to go to town to fill her mom's prescription. And so I called at some point because I was gonna go home, and she says, well, we still gotta wait for the prescription. - So Don and Candice have the same story, that he called Candice, just to check in on them, and didn't mention anything about a strange man on their property. So Hunter says, after the phone call, they get to the front of the pharmacy and they find out that it's going to take 30 minutes to fill the prescription, and at this point, Candice decides that she wants to take Summer swimming instead of going fishing, because it was a hot day. So now instead of fishing, they're going swimming at Warriors Path State Park. Now, just like in Candice's version of events, they make a stop on the way. Only one-stop though, in Hunter's version. He said that this one stop was to a discount tobacco store, and that they bought cigarettes for Candy, those Skittle-flavored vapes, and a couple of those Twisted Teas. So the only difference here is Candy's version of events, they made two stops, and they bought those vapes at the Hippy House. Now, Hunter also says that they went to Hippy House, however, he says that that was after they went swimming. I'll explain that in a sec. So when they do make it to Warriors Path, Hunter says that Summer went off to play in the water, while Candy stayed in the car so she could work on adding more minutes to her phone. He says while Summer was playing in the water, he and Candice sat on the side, watching her, smoking the vape pens and drinking the Twisted Teas. And again, he's 15 years old. However, he said he asked Candice for the drink and she gave it to him. But of course, Candice completely denies this. - I honestly didn't see him drink nothing down here. I don't know what he's talking about. I really don't. - All right. So it's your word against his, basically. - Pretty much. - Okay. On this scenario right here. - Yes - And then Hunter also says that at one point he actually takes off his shirt and goes in the water because Summer was underneath the water for 10 to 15 seconds. And of course, kids will just do this, see how long they can hold their breath, joke around, but Hunter said he wanted to be sure that she was okay, so he got in and checked on her. - Okay, so you see a point where Summer is under water. - [Hunter] For like 10 to 15 seconds. - Okay, walk me through that. - [Hunter] So, I go in calm as heck, because I know she might just be messing around. - Did you think she was injured? Could she have been? - [Hunter] She could have been. - Help me understand that. - [Hunter] I mean, she could have been when she got back into the car, like how the water gets through your lungs and everything else. - Now this has been highly scrutinized because Candice claims that this never happened. She said that nothing dangerous or scary happened while Summer was swimming at all. And you do see in the video that Candice took that the water is only a couple feet deep, but Summer is very short, so that leaves people wondering and questioning whether or not Summer actually went under the water at all. Hunter says she did. Candice says she didn't. So this is one of those, he said, she said moments, where we kind of just have to think for ourselves. Once it was time to leave, Hunter says that their next stop was to Hippy House, and remember Candice says that this happened before they went swimming. - [Hunter] From the water hole. - Where'd you go? - [Hunter] We go to this thing called Hippy House. - Hippy House? - [Hunter] They sell like THC, CBD, vapes. - Got it, got it. So she's going to cop like another vape, or was she buying CBD? - [Hunter] She was gonna go in there to see what was in there because it just had opened - Obviously Hunter and Summer aren't allowed to go into this shop, so the two of them stayed in the car. And according to Hunter, they watched TikToks. When the adults got back to the car, Hunter claims that Candice had bought two vape pens, one for her, and one for him, which Candice denies. And then after this, they go to Walgreens to pick up the prescription. After Walgreens, they go to Sonic and get slushies, and then they make one more additional stop at the grocery store. Hunter says that he in Summer sat in the car during these other stops as well, just watching TikTok. Now another huge discrepancy here is Hunter says that they were in the store for about an hour, and Candice says they were only in there for five or 10 minutes. Obviously when we're younger, our perception of time is way different. Hunter is only 15, but that's a big difference. An hour versus five to 10 minutes. Hmm. So Hunter says then he helps get all the groceries in the car, and then all of them head back to Hunter's house. So that's where obviously Hunter's recollection of things ends. He's back at home now, so let's switch back to Candice's version of events. And I know, guys, I know this is confusing. This is a hard one. So now it's just Candice, Candy, and Summer again, and they are headed back home to Beech Creek. Once they get home, Candice says that they unpacked all the groceries. Candice also had her sons come out and help them grab some of the groceries as well, which is confusing, 'cause she said it was only five to 10 minutes, they just grabbed a few essentials. I don't know how much help you would need. But they had also gotten groceries for Candy, so they separated her groceries from their groceries. And then she says they all went about their day, doing their typical activities. They put the TV on, they hung out in their house, and at some point Candice decides to do a load of laundry. Then a bit later Candy decides that she wants to replant some flowers into different pots that are outside of their house, and she asked Candice for help. Candice knew that Summer would also love to help. So she asked her to join them and she did. So according to Candice, the three of them then spent 30 to 40 minutes planting these flowers. Then when they're finished, Summer asks grandma Candy if she can have a piece of candy, as this is something her grandma normally does for her when she helps her with things, and of course she said yes, and she gives her the candy. So after this, Summer tells her mom that she wants to go play with her brothers. So Candice says that she walks Summer about halfway back to the house, and then watches her walk the rest of the way into the house. Candice then says she calls out to the boys, asks them to watch Summer while she stays back and helps grandma Candy with her knee brace. Candice says that she was only with Candy for about two minutes before she walked back into her own house. However, some reports have said it could be closer to five minutes. Either way, she heads back to the house, goes through the front door, and doesn't see Summer. So she calls out to the boys asking where she is. And they told her that Summer went downstairs to play with her toys. - And I watched her walk into the kitchen where the boys were watching TV. And I had told the boys, I said, watch Summer, I'll be back. And within two minutes I came back, and I asked the boys where their sister was, and they said, "She went downstairs, Mom, to play with her toys in the playroom." I said, "Okay." - Now it wasn't at all weird for Summer to go downstairs by herself and play. She did this all the time. In fact, her bedroom and her parents' bedroom was downstairs. So Candice walks over to the stairs, which is more of a crawl space, I'll kind of explain their house in a sec, but she calls downstairs to Summer and gets no response. - And I yelled downstairs for her a couple of times, and I didn't get no answer. Which was unusual because usually she always answers me. And so I went down there to check, and she was nowhere in sight. She was just gone. - Candice says that she immediately panicked and called Don. And he told her to call 911, to hang up with him and call 911. And they ended up both actually calling 911. - I freaked out, I called Don, because that's what I do automatically, I freak out. - You called Don. - I called, Don. I said, I cannot find Summer, come home now. He's like, call the cops. So I threw my phone down on the back of his pickup, ran over to my mom's, picked up her phone because its the only one that gets AT&T. - Okay. - So I picked up her phone, I dial 911, I said, I can not find my daughter. And they sent people out, and I wasn't just going to stand there and wait for them to send people out. - Right. - I jumped in my mom's truck and I went down to, down the driveway as fast as I could, I went everywhere I could possibly think, every road which way. I didn't see no cars, I didn't see nobody at all. And I was flipping out. I was a hot mess, you could call it. - Okay. - It's just, it makes no sense. - Also here's Don talking about those moments right before Summer had disappeared. - And my one son told me, that Summer wanted him to go down and play with toys with her. And he's like, no Summer, I'm playing this game, I'm not going down there. So she goes down there by herself. As far as we know, I mean, that's the last she was seen, was by our boys. - [Kendall] So the official missing persons report was made to the Hawkins County Police Department around 6:30 PM on June 15th, 2021. The 911 calls that both Candice and Don made have not yet been released at this point. However, the calls to dispatch or the dispatch portion was released. And there is one part of that that just does not line up with the story that the family is telling. In the call, you can actually hear the dispatcher say that Summer went missing while Candice was on a walk. I'll play that now. - [Dispatcher] You be in route to 110 one-one-zero Ben Hill Road off of Beech Creek. Should be the first residence on your right. In reference to a missing four year old. The parents have called and advised that the mother had went for a walk, came home, now they can't find her. They've been yelling for her. She's been gone for about 10 minutes now. - They also say that Summer is four. She's actually five, but I don't think this mix-up was of any importance. Now, we don't know if that dispatch call was connected to Don's call to 911 or Candice's call to 911. If it's a response to Don's 911 call, it is possible that he was confused about what exactly Candice had said if she called him in a panic. In that case, he could have misreported it to police. If this was a response to Candice's call, it is possible that the dispatcher misunderstood what Candice is saying. We just have no way to clarify at this point. But it's also possible that Candice was not where she said she was. Of course I never want to make assumptions about discrepancies, but this is being looked at in the investigation, so I feel like it's important to share this information. Candice said that she was not gonna wait for police to arrive to start searching for her daughter. So she sends the boys down to the creek with walkie talkies and a buck knife, and she goes and talks to some neighbors. She also asks these neighbors to start looking for Summer as well. And according to Johnson City press, Don arrived home before law enforcement even showed up. And he says that when he got home, he already saw neighbors combing through the woods, looking for Summer. And he also said that it was in that moment, while he's approaching their property in his car, that he realized that Summer was abducted. - I knew right away that she was abducted. I knew that right away. And that's what I told them from the beginning. But they have to go through their... I forget the word. - [Candice] Investigation. - They have to do one step at a time, I guess. - Now there has been a lot of speculation about Don arriving home before the police, because his work site was 45 minutes away, some say almost an hour. So unless it took the cops an hour to respond to a missing child, which is possible, it seems kind of odd that Don arrived first. And unfortunately, it's impossible to confirm, because it has not been released what time the police responded to the call or what time they arrived at their property. Don says that he just drove as fast as he could back home, so of course it is possible that he just made it home before police. I'm not sure. I don't know if it means anything honestly, but I felt like it should be shared. And I know people in this case are very frustrated with the lack of information that the police are sharing. However, they're saying it's because their investigation is active and they're trying to prevent it from being compromised in any way. Now, their house is a little bit confusing. There is a door in the basement that leads outside. So that is the only door that Summer would have been able to go out of without her brothers seeing. This door is also not visible directly from the front door of Candy's trailer, but it is less than 50 feet away from where Candice and her mom claimed to have been when Summer was allegedly taken. So if someone did take Summer, they would have had to go out through this door. And Candice and Don both say that they're not sure if the door was actually locked, they just can't remember, but we do know that there was no forced entry. So it's probably fair to assume that the door was unlocked. And since day one, Candice has been absolutely adamant that there's no way Summer would have walked out of the house and just walked into the woods on her own, that she just never would have done that. She said, if she did go outside that she was probably walking out to their swing. The swing is very close to their house, and Summer did like to play on the swings. Candice said that she would really try to make Summer aware of how scary it could be outside of their property, that there were all kinds of scary bugs and creatures, and even bears, coyotes. So she said that she's positive that she would have been too scared to walk off alone. - Summer never goes out into the woods because we've taught her there's dangerous snakes, there's bears, there's packs of dogs, there's coyotes, is everything imaginable out there in the woods that can hurt you. - Now I'm sure we're all thinking that if Summer was taken by someone out of the house that Candy and Candice probably would have heard or seen something, especially considering how close Candy's trailer is to the basement door that Summer would have had to go out of. Even if Summer wasn't able to make any noise to alert them to her, a lot of people have brought up they had a lot of dogs. Wouldn't one of the dogs have barked? Maybe they would've heard just general sound, maybe leaves crunching, anything. But Candice says that their dogs just aren't barkers and that someone could have easily come up through the woods, very quietly gone into the house, taken Summer, and left without making a noise. There's been a lot of speculation, especially on Reddit, about how that would be possible. How someone would walk through the woods without making any noise, then going into their house, grabbing Summer, and leaving all without making any noise. That's seems kind of hard to believe, right? But like I said, they remain adamant that they did not hear any noise. They do have a huge property, but their actual living space is pretty small. And if someone came and abducted Summer and left with her, this would have all happened within a few minutes, two to five minutes, and within 50 feet of five other people living at the residence without any of them hearing it. It's hard to believe. That first day that Summer was reported missing, there were about 60 to 80 people that took part in the search for her. That included people from Churchill Rescue Squad, Hawkins County Rescue, Hawkins county, EMA and EMS, Hawkins County E911, Hawkins County Sheriff's Office, and the Gosheen Valley Volunteer Fire Department. They even brought in cadaver dogs in hopes that they would pick up Summer's scent. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, or the TBI, was also immediately contacted and put on the case. And it's really important that I emphasize that the Wells property has a ton of hills. They have creeks and really rough terrain, and it only added to the difficulty of their search. The highway patrol's aviation unit and the Ballot Health's Heart Air Service were both able to provide aerial searches of the area. And the search went into the night. And at 12:06 AM on Wednesday, June 16th, the TBI issued an Endangered Child Alert. Then the next morning at 11:00 AM, June 16th, an official Amber Alert was issued as well. Summer has been described as five years old with blonde hair, blue eyes, standing three feet tall, and weighing about 40 pounds. She was last seen wearing a pink top with gray sweat pants, and was likely barefoot. A press conference was held to notify the public and to encourage people in the Beech Creek community to check their trail cams, or to come forward with anything that they may have seen the day prior that was unusual or the days leading up to Summer's disappearance. - The search for five-year-old Summer Wells remains ongoing. Today, teams continue to search the area around Ben Hill Road, and officers and agents continue to follow up on any leads that come in. Many have asked how they can assist with the search. At this time, we are not asking for volunteers to assist. What we are asking is for residents to continue to share photos of Summer and information from credible sources. - The police ended up combing over 680 acres in just the first few days of the search for Summer, and in total, police ended up looking through more than 5,000 acres of land. The first day that Summer was reported missing, Candice was taken into the police station for a polygraph test. However, she did not complete it because she was so distraught. She said she was unable to stop crying, she could barely speak, so she was brought in five days later to take the test again. Don and Candy also took polygraph tests and all three of them passed. However, we know that polygraphs can, in some cases be a useful tool, but they're not admissible in court. They don't really matter much. They're not gonna sway an investigation one way or the other. So a few weeks after the initial search, Candice actually came forward and said that she was unhappy with the way that the search was unfolding. In particular, she was most upset about the cadaver dogs that were brought in. She said that she wasn't notified that the dogs were coming. And because of that, she wasn't able to get all of her dogs inside before they came. And she believes that the cadaver dogs could have been distracted by her dogs, and that they wouldn't know where to go or what to do. And this is confusing and clearly not true, because the dogs actually did pick up Summer's scent. And the scent that they traced actually led them down a path that's close to that back basement door. This goes straight down the ravine to the main road, and at that point, the dogs lost her scent. - [Reporter] So the dogs kind of came down this trail here. - [Don] Yeah. - [Reporter] It's pretty steep. - Yeah, I didn't know the dogs even had a trail down through here until the police dogs followed it all the way to the road. - [Reporter] Wells says he overheard authorities say search dogs followed Summer's scent down the trail to the road before losing it. - [Kendall] And after learning about this, Candice and Don are insistent that someone parked their car at the bottom of the hill on Ben Hill Road, walked up the steep ravine, grabbed Summer from their basement, and then brought her back down into their car and drove away with her. Since the beginning, both Candice and Don have been adamant that Summer was abducted and they still believe that to this day. And here we are, over six months later, and the police are still saying this, they still say there is absolutely no evidence of an abduction. Before we go any further, let's talk about their house for a second, 'cause I know people are confused. So there was a podcaster who, somehow Candice trusted to do a little walkthrough of their house. You walk right into the main floor, there's a TV, there's an area where they hang out. The boys also have their sleeping areas upstairs. Then there is a crawl space, and it kind of looks like a table until you go over to the other side and you see it's actually a little staircase down into their basement. So they have to kind of crawl backwards down into the basement, and it opens right into their master bedroom where the two of them sleep. And then if you keep going, there's another little room, and that's Summer's room. However, a lot of the time she just slept in her parents' bed. The TBI and the Hawkins County Police have been very outspoken in saying that the family has been nothing but cooperative with them, but they've also said that nobody is being ruled out as a suspect. Candice has also been very publicly frustrated about several of her neighbors refusing to let police search their property, and I understand that frustration. They said that there have been neighbors that they have become friendly with through all of this and that have helped a lot, but there have been some who have been very unfriendly and unwilling to help. And they would like to search their property, but they have been unable to. Obviously these neighbors haven't done anything wrong, and a lot of people don't want police searching their property unless there is a reason to, however, when there is a missing child, normally most people will do whatever they can if it helps in the search. But there is no legal obligation for these neighbors to allow the police to search their land. There's one neighbor in particular, who is named Jody Sue Brown, and she actually came forward and said that not long before she learned that Summer went missing, her and her kids heard a very creepy shrill kind of scream that was coming from outside of their cabin. And she actually described this scream as being animalistic, but not from an animal. She said that that day she had been on high alert because of "property things" that had happened the day prior. I guess there was some property in that area that was up for sale, and a few times people had come knocking on her door trying to find the land that was for sale, which led to a dispute about property lines, and because of this, Jody Sue and her kids were on the lookout that day. She said that her and her kids were out that day, surveying the land when they heard this scream. - So we were listening for noise, everything was kind of quiet. While we were out at one point doing survey lines, and there was a flash of a car that went up Candice and Don's driveway. Something about it struck me wrong. - We heard, just this kind of shrill, almost animalistic scream. - It wasn't a dog, it wasn't animal. - She says that she remembered hearing a truck door slam, and she thought it was suspicious, however, she just dismissed it at the time as one of the parents coming home. Now, interestingly enough, the police and the TBI have interviewed Jody Sue, and they say that all of her claims actually have nothing to do with the case. - She's been interviewed numerous times, by not only my agency, but the TBI and the FBI, and we don't find anything with that complaint or information related to this case. - Wish everyday that when I'd heard that scream, I hadn't tried to dismiss it. - Candice has continued to be vocal this entire time that she doesn't think the police are doing enough to find Summer. And she says that she thinks it's because her family is poor. Now, before I go more into the investigation, we're actually going to backtrack a little bit and continue going from Hunter's point of view of that day. So after Hunter was dropped off at home by Candice, Summer, and Candy, he actually went to the park with his girlfriend. He was there when he says he got the call from Candice saying that Summer was missing. And at first I guess he thought that she was joking around, messing with him. I don't know why someone would do that. - [Hunter] She was like, Summer's missing, Summer's missing. So I was just like, okay, well, why don't you just go look outside? - Right. - She says, I have been, she ain't there. I said, well, call Allie then, because I don't know if she's still pulling the leg, because if I tell her to call Allie, she'll call me back, and then I'll call mom, and be like, did she tell you this? Or was she just messing around. - Got it. So you call your mom? - [Hunter] Yeah, I called her on Facebook, after she picks up. - And gave her a heads up that- - [Hunter] Candice was gonna call. - Candice's gonna call her and tell her that Summer's missing, straight up. - He said that he didn't hear from her again until the following day, Wednesday, when she was at the police station. She called him right from there. Then their next contact was the following day, Thursday, two days after Summer initially went missing. And then Hunter said that Candice ended up coming to his house to talk to him about her trip to the police station, and also to ask him not to tell anyone that she had given him one of those Twisted Teas under age. And in that same visit, Hunter actually said he snuck into Candice's car to see if there was anything suspicious. - [Hunter] I act like I'm grabbing my phone, 'cause it's just about the same. - Right, so you play at like,- - [Hunter] So I put mine where hers was. - Got it. - [Hunter] And so I grabbed her phone. And see, I'm good with tech. I know where everything you can hide is. And so I went through her Google Photos, if that's what you want to call it. - Okay. - [Hunter] The gallery book. - Okay. - [Hunter] And so where you can delete things, they don't just delete, they go to your trash. And so when I looked in there, I seen 13 messages between her and her drug, I'm gonna say drug dealer because he is. I mean, I don't know if I'm allowed to name his name, but yeah, all I seen was the first message before she started walking up to the mailbox to get up here is that it was done, and I was going to read the next message of what she said. She just started running up here, and I literally slid my phone in my pocket and just put it hers there. She goes, she asked me if I went through a phone. I said, no, why? Because I cleared it all out before she could get up here. - And since then, Hunter has been advised not to have any contact with the Wells family whatsoever. Also his cell phone was taken into TBI custody so that they could further corroborate his story. Police did make an announcement on June 26, which is 11 days after Summer initially went missing that they were looking for a specific truck. They said that they are looking for the owner of a 1998 to 2000 red Toyota Tacoma that had white buckets in the back and also a ladder rack. They also clarified that they think that this person may have witnessed something, but was not a suspect necessarily. And since this announcement has been made, no one has come forward as knowing the owner of the truck or being the owner of the truck. So then six weeks after Summer disappears, the other three boys are removed from the home by CPS. A lot of the initial reporting on this said that they were not able to share the reasons why they were being removed because of a few different reasons. First of all, because they're minors, and number two, because a judge had put a gag order on their CPS case. But Don has spoke out publicly about what was going on and what led to their sons being removed. He said that Summer's disappearance has just taken a huge toll on him and his marriage. - There's a gag order on the boys, I'm not supposed to talk about it. - [Interviewer] Okay. - They're in custody. - [Interviewer] Okay. Yeah, hopefully they're okay, and you're gonna see them- - Yeah, they're fine. - And he said in the weeks leading up to the boys being removed, he was drinking excessively and "other stuff," whatever that means. - Actually, I went off the deep end, I did. - [Interviewer] Oh, I can totally understand. - I started drinking and the other stuff, and just lost it. But I'm back on track. I mean, no drinking, no nothing - [Kendall] And since day one in this case, people have been very suspicious of Don, coming after his character, as well as Candice's, saying that they have been involved in whatever happened to Summer, which of course is a possibility. But he said having that speculation on him just really got to him, and he started drinking more. Also, Don said that he's glad that the boys aren't in the home anymore because it was becoming unsafe for them. And that's because since the beginning of this, there has been a lot of coverage on this case, and just a ton of public speculation, which drives more media coverage. And people have actually been coming to the Wells property as early as July. Don says people have just been showing up, even in the middle of the night. And so he believed it's safer for his sons to be elsewhere during this time. Now we did hear in that last clip that Don had stopped drinking since the boys were taken. However, here is his mugshot from October, 2021. Don was actually arrested for a DUI. He was pulled over after attempting to make a left-hand turn onto a closed road, but wound up driving off the road into the grass shoulder, near the Hawkins County and Green County line. The officer noted that Don had bloodshot eyes and a half empty bottle of alcohol sitting on the passenger seat. Don said that he had taken a few shots, and he had actually taken that bottle of alcohol away from Candice. I guess the two of them were having an argument, and he didn't want her to continue drinking, so he said he put the bottle in his car. But ultimately he was arrested and held on a $5,750 bond, and then released the next day. And this is not Don's first time being arrested actually. Prior to this, Don actually had three different charges against him, including felony charges in Utah and a domestic assault charge made by Candice herself. It turns out that less than a year before Summer went missing, Candice had actually filed an order of protection for herself and the kids against Don after an argument that led to concern about the potential use of a firearm. He was arrested on October 15th, 2020 on charges of unlawful possession of a firearm and domestic assault. But Candice ended up dropping these charges just two months before Summer went missing. So getting back to Summer's disappearance, after searching land, air, and water for weeks, investigators were not able to find a shred of evidence that linked back to Summer. Sheriff Ronnie Lawson with the Hawkins County Police Department has said that in the weeks and months following her disappearance, they have gone through hundreds of tips, but have yet to find any reliable information that would lead to a discovery. The Wells home been searched on more than one occasion, including their basement, their crawl spaces and all the family vehicles, outbuildings, barrels, and other items found on their property. The TBI has also brought in additional canine units that are trained in specific search methods to comb through the property as well, but they've turned up nothing. Search warrants and subpoenas have also been issued, allowing them to search any available digital evidence, including cell phones, computers, and social media accounts from the Wells family. And in addition to the aerial searches that were done immediately after Summer went missing, the investigators have brought in dive teams as well to search bodies of water around the Wells home, and they have found nothing. They also say that neighbors and any known sex offenders in the area in Beech County have been interviewed as well. Now, as I've said, Candice and Don have said from the beginning that they believe that their daughter was abducted. They think that she was down playing in the basement, that someone came down there, took her out of the basement, brought her down out of the property, into the ravine, and that's where they had their car parked, they put her in the car, and got away very quickly. And the two of them have also talked about who they think may have abducted their daughter. Candice has brought up the idea of it being one of the local sex offenders in the area, as well as being potentially a city worker. Like I said, the TBI did interview all these people in that area, and as far as I know, they've all been ruled out. And like I said, she also mentioned city workers, which is kind of random, but she's clarified, and said that there were some city workers who were near their home the day that Summer went missing and maybe they could have been involved. Don also has some of his own theories. I mentioned earlier that Don has been worried about the drug problem in their area and the drug gangs that are reportedly in Beech Creek. So that's been one of his concerns. However, he's also mentioned someone that he had to fire just a few weeks prior to Summer going missing. Also Don thinks that it's possible that this one guy that worked for him could be responsible, because he ended up having to fire this guy the day before Summer went missing. And he said that this guy just did not take it well at all. And the reason he had to fire him was because he suspected him of being on meth. - Did he take that well? - No. And he was extremely mad. - Did he know where you lived? - Yes. - Have you heard from or seen him since? - No, no. Our investigators will talk to him, and he's talked, I guess, pretty well. But I mean, the day after Summer'd come up missing, and he called my boss and he was crying and saying some really odd ball things. My boss has a really good memory, so he remembered every word of it. - [Interviewer] Like what was he saying? - Like, the hills have eyes. I got too close to that family. My kids can't see me in the back of a police car again. - But that whole theory doesn't really go much further than that. There's another theory that there could be involvement from the Cornbread Mafia. I had never heard of this. This is something that I've actually seen the media bring up several times. And I guess the Cornbread Mafia is any type of gang that's happening in the more rural areas, like in Tennessee, but it's also in other states. I don't know much about it. If you know any more about it, feel free to leave a comment below. But researching that online gets very confusing. And the Cornbread Mafia theory has been brought up to Don and Candice a few different times in interviews, and Don says that, although they hadn't heard of this group exactly, he did know about some similar "hillbilly mafias," as he referred to them, but he is insistent that they are not involved with them and would never allow their children near this type of crime. At this point, everybody involved in this case is still being considered a potential person of interest. And the Wells family has definitely been of interest to the public. I mean, I'd say most of the comments I've seen online or anyone talking about this case believes that the family is involved with Summer's disappearance. Of course, we have no way of proving that at this point. Again, everyone in this case is innocent until proven guilty. Candice has said that she's felt unjustly bullied and attacked on social media for possibly having something to do with Summer's disappearance, even though she said from day one that she's innocent. And I'm sure that it would be really hard if you truly weren't involved to have people speculating that you were. But at this point we just don't know. However, I do want to point out that there have been plenty of instances where the public has assumed that family is involved with something, and later on, that is disproven. The child was abducted or something else happened. However, there are tons of cases, and just statistically, it's likely that families are involved in the disappearance of a child. But like I said, at this point, we just don't know. There's not enough evidence either way. So back in November, Candice and Don made an appearance on Dr. Phil. It was actually November 11th and 12th, and the opportunity for them to bring Summer's case to a bigger audience was too hard to pass up, even though it was clearly difficult for them. I don't think I can put any of this in because Dr. Phil is really strict about that copyright, or CBS, I should say. But in the first episode they did kind of a sit down interview with Dr. Phil. They went over the story of what happened that day. I'll have it all linked below if you want to check it out, as far as what's available on YouTube. The second episode was a little bit different. Candice and Don ended up sitting down with two body language experts to talk about Summer and the investigation. And when they were interviewing them, they start bringing up the idea of the Cornbread Mafia. And for some reason, this really upsets Candice. I don't know if it was this in particular or something else that they said, but it was at this moment that Candice gets extremely emotional, takes off her mic, says that she feels like she's being interrogated, and walks out. Obviously this has been highly scrutinized, and many people think it's odd. And they actually have their own YouTube channel, and Candice ended up putting a statement out on there, talking about why she was so emotional and why she walked out of the interview. She talked about how she didn't really want to do the interview in the first place, and while they were doing the interview, there had been a potential lead on Summer, which didn't end up panning out, and she was extremely worried and stressed over that lead the entire time. She also said that it just hurts too much to talk about Summer and she couldn't take it anymore. But those body language experts thought the whole thing was really strange. The two body language experts explained that they can't read minds, so they don't know for sure, but they did say that Don and Candice had exhibited some guilty body language when discussing Summer's disappearance. Don has gotten a lot of criticism as well for making pretty conflicting statements and kind of self editing while he speaks. Like, he'll start a sentence and then stop and start over again with something completely new. And while all of this is very interesting, Dr. Phil is for entertainment purposes and it doesn't prove anything. It doesn't show us 100% that they are guilty or involved in any way in their daughter's disappearance. We still just do not know. And unfortunately, that's sort of where we're at today. I mean, I really thought that in the last six months, something would've came up. There would have been some good lead, some shred of evidence, and there has been nothing. And I'm just completely baffled as to what happened to Summer. The investigators are still saying that they consider everyone a person of interest. Also, they have said that if they have uncovered any new information, unless it's important for the public to know, they are keeping everything close to the vest on this one. So it's very possible there are things that we just don't know at this point, and maybe those things will come out in the next few months. Now there was a second large scale search for Summer. It took place over two days, starting on November 30th, and 12 different agencies actually aided in the search effort, and it took place right on the Wells property. The TBI has said that they were heavily relying on the change in foliage to finally bring investigators more answers. Which obviously they are referring to areas which were overgrown at one point and difficult to reach, and they're now cleared out and accessible as the weather has gotten colder. But unfortunately these searches did not bring up any new findings. As of recently, there have been groups of people who are taking it upon themselves to find any evidence of Summers whereabouts, and while the goal of these people is to find Summer and to get justice for her, it has caused a lot of issues with the Wells family. Some people, I guess, had trespassed onto the Wells property during their searches, and Candice ended up calling the police. She filed a complaint, and as far as I know, there have been no, just personal searches going on unless they're actually conducted by investigators. So as of right now, it's been over six months since Summer disappeared, and police are asking anyone in the Hawkins County area or surrounding areas to come forward with any information that may lead them to Summer or to answers as to what happened. I know we are all hoping for Summer's safe return, and when there's not a lot of information, of course, we can go to speculation, and it's hard not to. But at this point, it's important to try to focus on the facts here because social media and speculation is actually been a big issue in this case, not just for the family, but for investigators as well, and just false information spreading online. So of course be careful out there when doing your own research or sharing information. Make sure that it is accurate. It's important to the integrity of this case, and to Summer. This case is very upsetting, especially with such little solid information. Summer looked like such a sweet and playful little girl, and thinking about what could have happened to her or where she could be right now is just devastating. I wish there was more that I could share. There is some stuff out there, but it's very speculative and none of it's confirmed, and I really just wanted to stick to the facts in this case, especially since this is an active, ongoing investigation, but I definitely want to hear your thoughts on this one below, so let me know what you're thinking. But that is going to be it for me today, and for this year. Yep, that is the last video of 2021. I will be back in January of 2022 with some very interesting content that I'm already working on actually. I'm really excited to see what you guys think about this next one. But that's gonna be it for me today, guys. I hope you're having a great day. Stay safe out there, and I will see you next time. (mysterious music)
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 2,426,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, true crime, crime, crime documentaries, criminal justice, news, summer wells, summer wells update, summer wells missing, amber alert, hawkins county, tennessee, dr. phil, missing, summer wells swimming, summer wells twisted tea, summer wells mom, summer wells hunter, summer wells investigation, missing girl, missing children
Id: IdttHR2Yeng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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