The Supernatural Power of Thanksgiving

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this program is brought to you by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world god is waiting for your thanksgiving to perfect his plan and purpose for your life write that down god is waiting for your thanksgiving to perfect his plan and purpose for your life waiting for your thanksgiving so he can perfect his plan and purpose for your life how many want the plans and the purposes for your life to be to be uh something that god can perfect well start walking in thanksgiving trinidad and tobago the 2021 virtual change experience is coming to your home god is about to open some doors that no man will be able to close god is about to set some stuff up that nobody could set up god is about to give you favor that nobody could give favor to the the messages is just fully loaded with truth that our generation and our society needs today register now for this free event by logging on to this [Music] [Music] is [Music] we're gonna talk about you know some of the things that we can do and this is a major issue uh so that we can begin to walk in the supernatural while we are alive on this planet you know if there's any if there were ever a time and if there were ever a need to walk in the supernatural and to have the supernatural show up in our lives it would be right now and so uh i'm really excited about this tonight i want to talk to you about the supernatural power of thanksgiving the supernatural power of thanksgiving i can remember when the when the pandemic started and you know we got a few weeks in and i just began to be led to the lord to just spend intentional time giving god thanks and not not just sporadic but intentionally to set some time aside every day to give god thanks and it didn't it didn't mean that something big had to happen it was just to begin to live this life of thanksgiving and to begin to thank god and i started noticing an anointing coming in on my time and then i started seeing supernatural things taking place around me and something so simple to a lot of christians that's just giving thanks and yet i believe with all my heart that there is supernatural power that has been invested when you take the time to intentionally and i think that's a key word here you take the time to intentionally give god thanks another way the bible talks about it talks about giving god the glory and and when you do that you will begin to see some things happen in your life so i believe that thanksgiving is one of the vital keys for the release of the supernatural thanksgiving is not okay an occasional uh and a spontaneous acknowledgement of a good deed it is not the singing of praises either neither is it the clapping of hands rather thanksgiving is a practical orientation to a lifestyle of genuine and continued appreciation of the acts of god in one's life i want to say that again because i really believe that's what it is that thanksgiving is a practical orientation to a lifestyle of genuine and continual appreciation to the acts of god in one's life when that definition is demonstrated in your life i believe you're gonna see the supernatural and begin to walk in the supernatural like never before not just uh you know clapping your hands and not just you know an occasional sing and praising but i'm talking about something that is intentional a practical orientation to a lifestyle of genuine and continual appreciation continual appreciation a continual appreciation for the acts of god in your life look at all the things that god has done in your life and it's not just the day that he does it but this has now become a part of your life thanksgiving has now become a part of your life it is a continual appreciation that's giving god the glory look at first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 18 and many of you are familiar with this scripture but allow what i have said thus far to engage this scripture here so that you can begin to see that this is what this is this is god's plan the whole time he said in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you in everything he didn't say for everything look at this in in the new living translation he didn't say give thanks for everything a lot of people like well do i give thanks for the car wreck do i give thanks for that no he says no matter what you're in something good or in something bad that because you live this life of thanksgiving you will continually appreciate god for his wonderful acts and even in the midst of a bad situation you're thanking god for what he did two weeks ago even in the midst of a painful situation you're gonna muster up enough strength to say lord i am grateful and i am thankful for what you've already done you know for a lot of us god doesn't have to do anything else he's already done enough for us to be extremely thankful for what he's done the amp the new living translation says be thankful in all circumstances that's what i'm saying be thankful in all circumstances you know in the middle of certain circumstances that's when you really need the supernatural to show up and he's saying be thankful in all of those circumstances that's why god has done so much for your life so you can always pull from your your foul and you can always begin to give thanks to god lord i thank you that i i woke up this morning in my right mind i thank you that i'm healthy i thank you that my immunity is strong i thank you that yet my needs are met i'm out of debt i have plenty more to put in store i thank you for my family i thank you for how you blessed me today i thank you for your encouragement it's a it's a continual appreciation for the acts of god so he says here be thankful in all circumstances for this is god's will for you that's powerful he's you know everybody's looking for the will of god for their life and here he says here is god's will for you for you to be thankful in all circumstances now are you doing that is that true in your life are you are you finding that you are thankful in all all circumstances or or is there the temptation to grumble and mumble and complain a little bit i i know that's something i had to check myself with that wait a minute god's been too good for you to be complaining too good for you to be uh you know uh grumbling and mumbling about things and murmuring about things he says the will of god for your life is to be thankful and he says for this is god's will for you who belong to christ jesus well you belong to christ jesus right you've made him the lord of your life right praise god he says well you the will of god for your life is to be thankful in all circumstances you know you know god's got to have a reason why that's the will of god for our lives he's got to have a reason why he is saying i want you to be thankful in all circumstances i mean you know it you know god god is the most purposeful being ever and when he says to do this you would probably do yourself a big favor to make sure you operate like this god is waiting for your thanksgiving to perfect his plan and purpose for your life write that down god is waiting for your thanksgiving to perfect his plan and purpose for your life waiting for your thanksgiving so he can perfect his plan and purpose for your life how many want the plans and the purposes for your life to be to be uh something that god can perfect well start walking in thanksgiving start walking in thanksgiving that's powerful let me let me say that again god is waiting for your thanksgiving to perfect his plans and purposes for your life wow thank you jesus amen now let's look at luke chapter 17 and let's read 13 through 16 and i want to show you something because jesus expected them to come when he was dealing with the uh the guys who got healed of leprosy he expected for them to uh to come and acknowledge the act of god in their lives that when god does something you know there's an expectation from heaven that we should acknowledge that uh and give thanks and give glory for what god has done verse 13 through 16. he says and they lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us they're they're they're uh these guys who had leprosy and then he says and when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves unto the priests and it came to pass that as they went as they went they were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice he glorified god or he gave thanks to god with a loud voice he glorified god and thanks to god and he fell down on his face at jesus's feet giving him thanks and this was a samaritan and now the reason why they mention that because the samaritans and the jews they didn't like each other at all and there was a serious division between samaritans and the jews but i tell you what when god shows up to do something for you you forget about racism you forget about division and you're just grateful for what was done and so he says you know this this even this samaritan gave thanks to this jewish jesus praise the lord and i tell you what that's what i'm believing for i'm believing that there are going to be some miraculous supernatural accounts that will break down that wall of division i believe that there is going to be some supernatural situations that will dissolve that hate and dissolve that racism because i tell you when when when thanksgiving is involved praise god thanksgiving is involved i believe it opens the door for the supernatural and so what happened for for this guy who turned back to say thank you jesus said he says you know now now be made whole now be made whole now you know if a person has leprosy they could possibly be missing uh some fingers or some limbs or something but because he came back to say thanks and to give glory to god for that mighty act they were cleansed on their way but i'm sure they were still missing some things but when he came back jesus said be made whole in other words if there's anything missing and broken in your life be made whole be made whole i tell you i thank god for when when when the lord shows up in my life and he does something but i i just don't want to neglect giving him glory and giving him thanksgiving because i tell you what man there's something that happens if you take the time to give him thanksgiving and give him glory for the act that was performed and that's what this is about showing appreciation continual appreciation of the acts of god that happens in your life be appreciative be thankful i mean my mama raised me when somebody do something good for you say thank you but if god is doing something good for you all the time be thankful for what he has done for you jesus expected them to come and acknowledge the act of god in their lives see there was the first touch but that wasn't enough they just got cleansed but then there's the second touch that's needed to put a seal on your miracle and i believe that second touch to put a seal on your miracle comes when you show up with appreciation when you show up with thanksgiving look at this in malachi chapter two i thought this was interesting malachi chapter 2 verses 1 and 2. now i know this was in the time of the law and uh and and and especially here this was the time of the law and the prophets um and so from you know from from judges all the way through mallet malachi would be the the prophets now watch this and now oh ye priests this commandment is for you now watch what it was even back then if you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart lay what to heart to give glory unto my name oh he's saying if you don't hear and if you don't lead to the heart to show appreciation to give thanks and to give glory unto my name saith the lord of hosts he said i will even send a curse upon you and i will curse your blessing wow why because they didn't take it to heart he says i have cursed them already because you do not lay it to heart you do not lay what the heart to show appreciation to give glory to his name well it was serious there remember under the law you know when the violation of the law meant that you you had to you had to suffer the consequences so you had to pay the price there was always a result for violating the law and one of the things that it just got my attention like man that was so serious that they would even talk about this in the old testament that thanksgiving was a serious deal that giving glory to god was a serious deal wow man what is it that can come forth as a result of our thanksgiving i believe it's the supernatural you see jesus was never left stranded he utilized the key to bring about a solution and i believe the key that he used this right here here's jesus demonstrating how he used thanksgiving that calls the supernatural to be made available look at john chapter 6 verse 11 some of you are familiar with john 6 and 11 where you know there was a two-piece fish dinner that showed up but it wasn't enough to feed all the people that were there so what do you do with so little when there's a potential 20 some thousand people that there and uh look at what jesus did jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks what so we need something supernatural to happen because there's just a two-piece snack here uh two-piece uh uh uh two loaves and and five loaves and two pieces of fish and we needed a miracle to feed all these people so the first thing jesus does he takes the loaves and then look at this he gives thanks i'm telling you i believe that thanksgiving is the power or the or or the power or or the door to suit to the supernatural power of god i believe the supernatural power of god comes through thanksgiving he says and jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks look what happens he distributed to the disciples the disciples to them that were set down and likewise of all the fishes as much as they would wow and the bible says and when they were eaten and were full so look at the multiplication of this food well how did it start jesus was never stranded father i thank you and as a result of that appreciation i tell you what the supernatural showed up and everybody got something to eat and in fact while we're in john look at john chapter 11 verse 41. you see it again john chapter 11 41. you see how jesus utilized this key of appreciation to bring about uh the solution to every situation here he says then they took away the stone so this is lazarus lazarus has died you remember the the famous uh statement by the sister you know if you would have been here my my brother would not have died and jesus was like girl you don't even know who i am you know i am the resurrection and the life i am and look what he says in verse 41. then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid and jesus lifted up his eyes and said father watch this i thank thee that thou has heard me wow there's thanksgiving again there's thanksgiving jesus is utilizing this key to to to to be the solution to situations that he encountered now the one thing i think about if jesus was used a lot utilizing thanksgiving to bring forth supernatural you and i can do the same thing jesus gave thanks in seemingly hopeless situations i i need for you to hear that he gave thanks in seemingly hopeless situations you see you know i know the pandemic's been rough and job and how you're going to pay your rent and all that this is not the time to murmur complain to be angry it's the time to have a flashback and look at what jesus has done in your life and i i believe this is the time where you will begin to give god thanks in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations and i believe that things will begin to happen because you do that i believe that's why i'm teaching this right now so that you can understand the supernatural power that is made available in thanksgiving praise god now uh i believe that thanksgiving will gain heaven's attention how many want heaven to give attention to some situations that you're going through i believe thanksgiving will will gain the attention of heaven i think about david david do david was like a dude that that very rarely if any lost a battle and so when you look at somebody that accomplished you probably want to dig into the situation to find out what was he doing you know consider king david then terrible opposition and challenges during his reign but he never lost a battle well what what do you suppose the reason was the supernatural was always at work in his favor always the supernatural was always at work you know david wasn't just like such an amazing fighter the supernatural was at work i mean even when you read the story when he was a teenager and uh the supernatural got on that stone and killed goliath the giant it was all it was working on his behalf ten times a day david was in the sanctuary but only three of those times were for prayer the remaining seven times were for appreciating the faithfulness of god seven times appreciating the faithfulness of god and notice it was intentional that david seven times a day out of ten going in to show appreciation unto god you remember at the beginning of this teaching i said i believe that a key word here is intentionally uh showing thanksgiving to god intentionally giving god thanksgiving consider the apostle uh or all of the apostles look at the apostles signs and wonders following the preaching in the name of jesus they were warned to preach no more in that name remember that but rather than complain and murmur they had a prayer meeting and man the supernatural came out of that prayer meeting look at let me show you a couple of acts chapter 4 24-31 like you better not preach any more in that name and they had a prayer meeting and in this prayer meeting you can imagine the the glory they were given to god praising god and thanking god and giving him glory for his mighty acts and in acts 24 and then verse 31 he says and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to god with one accord and they said lord thou art god look at them they're getting ready to go before god and thanksgiving and glory thou art god which has made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in in them is he listen they're giving him glory right now they're giving him glory for his mighty acts and his mighty works that he's done and then look at where in verse 31 the supernatural shows up verse 31 acts 4 31 and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together look at their thanksgiving goes forth and and the supernatural shows up and they were all filled with the holy ghost and they spake the word of god with confidence and boldness the supernatural shows up i tell you it is the plan of the enemy to get you more involved in complaining and murmuring and less involved in giving him thanks and giving glory to his name and then if you look in acts chapter 16 25 and 26 they begin to give god glory and begin to praise god and and uh this praise turned around captivity i don't know what areas of your life you're you you find yourself captive in but there's a way to turn captivity it's when you take the time to give god thanks you give him glory you praise his name and given him glory and thanks god will turn your captivity some of you may be captive by debt you might be captive by some addictive behavior you might be captive by some emotional situation you might be captive by fear but i'm telling you right now that god will turn those things around acts chapter 16 verse 25 and 26 he says and at midnight paul and silas they prayed and they sang praises unto god man and he says and the prisoners heard them so it was loud enough to be heard it was loud enough to be heard and look at the next verse here he says and suddenly there was a great earthquake there's a supernatural showing up honey i believe when the supernatural shows up things will start shaking around you praise god our thankfulness gets heaven's attention in the single message the supernatural power of thanksgiving creflo dollar reveals that when believers praise and glorify god during their darkest times supernatural things happen this is not the time to murmur complain to be angry it's the time to have a flashback and look at what jesus has done in your life and i i believe this is the time where you will begin to give god thanks in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations and i believe that things will begin to happen because you do that i believe that's why i'm teaching this right now so that you can understand the supernatural power that is made available in thanksgiving praise god get it today for a love gift of seven us dollars or more do you ever feel yourself slowly becoming disconnected maybe from family friends even your spiritual relationship with god in times where it's easy to feel anxious about the unknown grace life academy is here to serve you in areas you need in your life welcome to living in the no lack zone with grace life academy you will have access to interactive bible lessons that include features like e-courses study guides quizzes and so much more this easy to follow program offers unlimited access with hundreds of hours of online teachings from creflo dollar where you can challenge yourself to grow in your understanding of god's grace it's never too late to improve and develop a deeper connection to understanding god's word and you can do that using just 15 minutes a day and joining grace life academy so what are you waiting for start your 30-day free trial today just text gla to 51 555 to get started right now or go online and visit my the bible teaches us to give generously with a cheerful heart not out of necessity but out of a cheerful heart and that's why i'm so grateful for the friends and partners of this ministry who freely and cheerfully give financial offerings to support us you understand our vision you know that when people understand grace they're empowered to change their lives for the better thank you for supporting us with your financial donations and every time you give you're being used by god to stop misfortune in someone else's life and for that we say thank you god bless you if you want to honor the lord by sowing financial seeds into creflo dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to when you're weak you can't fight and if you don't fight you're defeated and when you're defeated in this area your emotions will master your life sermon songs is back and this time we're getting face to face with our emotions sermon songs vol 4 is available now and features new music from creflo dollar featuring jordan dollar including the hit singles faith straw [Music] [Music] enjoy [Music] visit download and stream today thank you partners and friends you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 12,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: cZFIO8Rzu7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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