India's Billionaire Maharajahs | Real Stories

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[Music] a short distance from new delhi the country's capital this luxurious residence is preparing to host one of the most anticipated weddings of the year in the finest indian tradition a multi-coloured scene celebrating the alliance of two wealthy families of the textile industry before nearly one thousand hand-picked guests [Applause] [Music] the bridegroom wears the latest fashion accessory among the indian novel rich a necklace of banknotes to assert power and prosperity flashing his cash is the guest of honor's favorite activity this young bearded millionaire the bride's cousin ivan luthra defines himself as a serial internet entrepreneur he made a very substantial donation to the couple [Music] oh yeah definitely he's my brother and obviously yeah he did a lot of things i love him a lot are you proud of all that he's doing oh yeah definitely i'm so proud of him very proud of him actually as soon as he takes a step now he distributes envelopes at the age of 22 ivan claims to earn nearly a million euros a month and travels two-thirds of the year out of the country but you would not have missed the wedding for anything in the world i don't want to lose touch with my where i was brought up and where i grew up from you know that's what they say doesn't matter how successful you get don't forget where you came from uh indian weddings mostly go on for a long time usually at least a week with five or six functions and it means a lot it's it's it's a very excessive over-the-top affair so yeah i look forward to having indian big fat indian wedding so it's definitely something i enjoy for sure one foot in tradition the other in excess tonight evan has invited several foreign friends entrepreneurs and travelers like him they share photos and videos on social media for evan's fans the young man has hundreds of thousands of followers on instagram [Music] this party is insane what i want to say evan thank you that you have invited me to india it's one of my great best or best experience i have my life it was great to have you here no doubt yeah always welcome always marcus so we go keep partying and take you some drinks and all the way up guys [Music] has a taste for parties luxury and money he embodies the brazen success of indian businessmen who are eager to get rich in india they're known as the new maharajas rich praised by everyone megalomaniacs they have nothing to envy of their elders the old masters of india even if their style is radically different since 2015 india is third in the ranking of the world's billionaires behind the united states and china thanks to the country's tremendous economic growth since the 2000s there are four times more indian billionaires today than 25 years ago the whole palace belongs to us usually change my rooms whenever i come here while 400 million indians live below the poverty line they bring together tradition and globalization with success and access i'm trained for this that you know in our marvel system you are trained to get into the family business and you expect it gautam the descendant of an old family of merchants reigns over the indian textile industry his fortune has multiplied by 10 in 10 years the champagne wishes and caviar dreams indian billionaires love expensive toys [Applause] for mr nita mani's birthday they spent over 200 crores but in the country of gandhi and mother teresa these insane expenses sometimes have a dark side especially since the country's masters are also tax evasion world champions india's most flamboyant a willful defaulter the king of alcohol vijay malia opted for a golden exile to escape texan prison we found him in england how come that you don't come home for face the justice of your country for example why should i the revolution is that these masters of india are no longer just heirs this woman is a symbol of this kalpana came from the cast of untouchables a marginalized community that lives in poverty today she's the head of a real estate empire in bombay island who are these indian businessmen and women who can't seem to be stopped what are their secrets for months we investigated the very elite circle of the new maharajas [Music] noida in the suburbs of delhi behind these gates this residential neighborhood belongs to new indian fortunes with secure grounds and private guards it is on the terrace of his parents house that we meet evan lutra the young rich entrepreneur [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't know how to get it back evan is very busy with this new toy a state-of-the-art drone worth 2 000 euros [ __ ] don't ever fly on the roof sorry is it broken i think it may be broken but you'll have to see when we try to fly again it is in this luxury duplex with its breathtaking view of the capital that evan lives with his mother and father his family belonged to the sikh community a religious minority known for its business acumen his father an entrepreneur made his fortune in the fashion and textile industry and this young man chose to follow in his footsteps very early on at the age of 12 he created his first smartphone app he stopped his studies after high school to continue funding companies he summarizes his goal in a series of figures these are goals that are set for myself that by 21 i would be making a million a month which i'm pretty close by 23rd i want to be at a million a week and by 25 million a day as he aspires to become a billionaire the busy young man boldly displays his success as if to bring fortune evan loves everything that shines and sees it as an investment [Music] um i got him it's it's i i love gold and black these are two of my colors which i really like uh so i even i got this uh solid gold iphone 7 made because i'm always on my phone i paid 10 000 pounds for this but when i sell it it's probably gonna sell for a lot more than ten 000 in a couple years because it's just an asset reptile skins are another of his weaknesses with a touch of gilding of course yeah it's all python it's kind of illegal in india to work but i thought i could go to jail for this but i mean i'm pretty sure nobody really cares and there's a lot of people flooding this rule in the open so yeah i mean this bag is about eight thousand dollars uh but it's it's the thing is it doesn't lose its value i could sell this back again probably would sell for a lot more especially because my initials on it now the rival at the headquarters of the family business home to the young man's office the secret to evan's success is the surge of services for mobile phones and cheap labor he has a team of computer specialists in the basement of the building all specializing in the creation of mobile apps [Music] this morning he is focused on improving a new project so what we are trying to do is we are trying to add a new feature so we have already got the user login angle right we want to make a profile function for the user where the user can see his own profile and see which is his past bookings can you give an estimate of how long will we take to build this out around a month bottle pop his very latest development targets the golden youth of large capitals [Music] and they want to have a table vip table for themselves get a good service and they want to they intend to spend money this app allows you to book a table with a click of a button to make more money quicker ivan also buys ideas from others he has bought shares in several dozens of startups benefiting from some of their profits and watching his money grow my ninety thousand dollars that i invested is worth now over two million in that company so that's how i look at it and that's the that's the 20 x return instead of getting like um 0.2 x return he got his entrepreneurial mindset from his father a fashion entrepreneur [Music] he is the one who provided evan with an initial investment to start him off this workshop produces clothing for american ready to wear brands at first skeptical evan's father is now amazed by his son's lightning trajectory he is doing far better than we can imagine i would say like that at his age there are kids you know who even don't know what to do but he on his own he knows at least he has an aim in life this is what i want to do while the son's success delights his father his spending is a different matter religion and tradition hold an important place in his family a different generation different way of doing things as long as you are in india is not a good thing abroad it's fine because nobody is bothered you know in india 120 days that you are in india you know that is you can spend four couple of hours you know following your traditions you know the mother is you know always behind me you know at least follow some tradition like that traditions will have to wait the young man is organizing his next trips to europe and the united states where he will be able to satisfy his over-indulgence the indian novel reach love of glitz and glamour takes after the old masters of the country the real maharajas whose wealth was measured by the splendor of their palaces today still they owned vast estates in rajasthan the kingdom of the great rajput families this is one of rajasthan's most beautiful palaces which belongs to the azizah family cousins of the maharajahs of the city of jaipur the aziz have ruled over these lands for almost three centuries now they're trying to preserve their royal lifestyles they'll just go quickly get the breakfast 32 year old habi manju the eldest of the family always begins his day in the same way with silverware and waiters in uniform a meal at the foot of his bed with his younger brother when i if i go down and have breakfast then there are everybody everybody's coming to meet you there's so much work happening and i hate that i feel your first meal should be in like absolutely silence and only people you want to be with so that then you can plan your whole day what to do and when to do and how to do it abhimanju's father transformed the palace into a hotel 15 years ago entrusting its management to his eldest son some 50 rooms at 150 euros on average abhimanju studied hotel management in some of the country's biggest palaces he is very picky change my rooms and uh whenever i come here stay in a different room every time i come i believe in a there are a lot of advantages to it when people come to al-sisir mahal they should feel and they should live those two days of uh that life of how i live you know so that's the reason if you see the palace every room is absolutely different and showcases my life and my style and my passion for whatever i do the family promises a maharaja's holiday but the maintenance of this 17th century palace costs a fortune especially since this young man wants only the best so this is the main darbar hall of the palace and this is where people used to come and meet my grandfather and you'll see all of them out there in paintings we've used in about 14 000 pieces of gold leaf to renovate this room back to his glory and it took me about a year to finish this job for the gold leaf alone the family had to part with several tens of thousands of euros to pay these vast bills and to differentiate themselves from other hotels set up by other aristocrats abhimanju came up with a rather wild idea to hold an electoral music festival in his palace a first this morning several hundred people are at work the concerts begin in less than 24 hours in different areas of the palace this is the console from which magic is going to happen nice now this stays the same what are you doing the idea for the festival came to him with the help of a rock and roll star who was also a savvy businessman we were having a drink together with baby me and mick jagger and baby said that you know his father just recently gifted both the sons the main palace of al caesar and so wow so he said oh you should do a festival there a few hours before the arrival of the first festival goers abhimanju goes on an inspection tour in his jeep just like the ancient princes who visited their lands [Music] [Applause] the prince asked young artists to decorate the village walls [Music] the inauguration must be up to par 3 000 music fans are expected mostly young trendy socialites from the capital who have spent more than 100 euros a significant sum in india we've pitched in about 700 tents this year and you have the palace right there the festival's reputation has reached beyond india's borders for its third edition some 40 djs answered the prince's call coming from all over the world these two experimental artists arrive from luxembourg [Music] the festival is just getting started we come across some french people in the crowd dazzled by abhimanju's hospitality [Music] it [Music] so [Music] the prince's aim is to get people talking about alzheimer today his goal has been achieved music gives me an eye especially when it's playing at my home after all cesar is getting popular mahel obviously comes along but the village is what gets to needs to get popular the music loving prince's next challenge is the organization of a traditional music festival in another of the family's palaces while the indian kings were among the largest fortunes in the world at the beginning of the 20th century they must today make room for fortunes which started from nothing descendants of the servant cats or even from untouchables the lowest caste in indian society a fate that calls slumdog millionaire to mind in this village 10 hours drive from bombay most people live from the land in endemic poverty yet it is here that one of the most incredible cases of social mobility in modern india began this village saw the birth of kalpana sarosh today the head of the real estate empire worth 300 million euros her father was a police officer and her family owned no land this is the house the only inhabitant of this mud hut is her 85 year old aunt who doesn't want to leave despite her niece's wealth she is [Laughter] her return to the village may bring a crowd but kalpana was born with an enormous handicap she grew up in a community that has always been marginalized the untouchables is in india the untouchables are the lowest in the hindu social hierarchy a shunt population considered impure and confined to the most unpleasant jobs is regularly returns to her village to organize charity days this morning she's inaugurating a temporary medical camp which offers free ophthalmological care and glasses [Music] [Applause] the nearest hospital is a two-hour walk away from here today is a real luxury for the villagers i care health examinations and blood donations kalpana takes care of everything a banquet is even served in a tent put up for the occasion the village takes on a festive air around the nation's child she even serves the meal herself foreign story is one of a young girl who rebels against the destiny which was written for her married at the age of 12 she went to live in a slum and suffered violence from her in-laws her father got her a divorce but her return to the village was difficult but foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] at the age of 16 kalpana decided to leave for bombay with some savings in her pocket and her only talents as a seamstress working in a garment factory she patiently saved the small sun she used it to buy a metal plant and invest in real estate her first move was to buy a piece of land in the north of the city she resold it at a premium price taking advantage of soaring prices whose audacity and courage have overcome prejudice and exclusion this is also one of india's secrets a country where everything's possible although today she is the head of dbtp a powerful real estate and construction materials group kalpana is against flashing wealth which she finds indecent given how she grew up it's from this modest office in the center of bombay who graduated from a london university the 30 year old has decided to follow in her mother's footsteps apart from business centers is the development of this building in downtown bombay it's part of her mother's real estate the property's value is 120 million euros i think we have a plus point in our building that we can able to see the documents there the vt station that side we have taj the other round so i think it's amazing i think people will love to sit here and you know enjoy the evenings at the age of 30 seymour's career as a business woman has already been laid out but unlike billionaire heirs sima knows the sacrifices her mother had to make to get there i think she never me and my brother she never informed what is she facing or what is she going through she always showed us the happy happy loving mother never informed what all she has faced to achieve this and today when people like you come and take the interview from her interview we came to learn that how difficult it was for her to achieve all this despite the multi-million dollar projects that they manage the saraj family has not locked itself away in a bubble of luxury no grand apartments in chic neighborhoods the family live in this building in the northern suburb of the city on sundays kalpana entertains at her home in complete simplicity her door stays open all day for family and neighbors but also for the poor who this couple come from her village they have just traveled 15 hours by bus to inform her of the marriages of their two daughters 50 000 rupees or nearly 700 euros for this family of farmers it's the equivalent of a year's income [Music] foreign of her origins kalpana sarosh the philanthropist is an exception in the world of the indian novel reach she has not yet reached the level of the highest fortunes which are worth billions among these new tycoons everything is about excess and it's all part of the show white sandy beaches lined with coconut trees goa on india's west coast is a playground for billionaires who want to escape the big cities for the weekend but however beautiful it may be when you are called singania the beach is too small there's a weekend with my school friends we do this once a year when all the friends who live abroad i'll come down gotham singhania is one of the most famous billionaires in india he manages the country's largest clothing brands at the age of 50 the textiles king's fortune is estimated at 1.5 billion dollars when he goes away for the weekend it's on his yacht ashayna a 50 meter long three-story floating palace built entirely out of precious wood he sails this luxury across the seas as and when he desires from the indian ocean to the mediterranean actually i enjoy taking the boat to the maldives maldives is beautiful but we haven't been in a long time but we'll probably get there soon the southern front season is in july august which is the best time and uh you know obviously we can't come to goa that time of the year because of the monsoon india's season is not there so you know you got to do a little bit of everything it's only 11 a.m but the party has already started the weekend always begins with the chef's cocktail he's in a good mood he's put less water see you're bloody for these old school friends the weekend in goa is a reunion not to be missed the breakfast especially the menu includes truffle omelet caviar japanese chocolates and fine vintage wines the champagne wishes and caviar dreams [Music] about 40 years in the making 42 years something like that roughly a long year gotama organized this trip himself and brought in goods from london by plane this weekend he opens the doors to his billionaire lifestyle to his closest friends no he likes super luxury in what sense he's achieved what he has so he obviously wants the best best available wherever whether it's bombay goa yes he loves luxury it's not easy to lead this lifestyle it's easy to say i wish i had a yacht i wish i had an aircraft but i know a lot of the millionaires and billionaires i don't know many who do what he does [Music] by the end of the morning the group of 50 somethings have already fallen back into adolescence it is only the size and the style of the toys that has changed goa has become the stomping ground of india's billionaires and that's because it is right next to their city bombay the mega city with a population of over 20 million accounts for more than half of the country's super rich their latest whim is to have towers built in the heart of the city some have been estimated at more than a billion euros these 37 stories which dominate the seafront are guatama singani's future residents the only part of the tower that has been built at the moment are these two levels dedicated to the family business textiles and their famous brand raymond this company is a beast of 70 million euros of annual turnover 60 of market shares and 3 000 shops across the country today the group's big boss inspects his brand's flagship how are you doing great sir we've done around two through 11 lakh rupees yesterday we finished our target for november yes we've achieved hundred percent now how are your fabric sales going amazingly well we have a growth of around four to five percent over last year and new shootings how the new shootings they've done really good and it's sold out within two to three days really the printed show especially yes that's very good the raymond brand was launched by gotama's family at the beginning of the 20th century it was losing momentum when he took his father's place in the ceo's chair in 2000 the acclaimed company was a need for a dusting off a diversification thanks to gotama today raymond is high-end and has increased in value so this would be about three lakh rupees a meter uh so switzerland would be about 14 000 euros for just the fabric for a suit and then the stitching etc raymond is a brand you know it really sells from 250 rupees a meter to 300 000 rupees a meter across the range and we say you know from the taxiway to mr tata everybody wears the raymond raymond brand in his stores the indian textile boss wears a suit and tie but outside work he prefers sportswear that's because a day in the life of gotama singanya is a sprint from start to finish and to get around bombay the quickest possible way he takes his helicopter the best way to avoid the traffic in the north of the city the company's headquarters a true american-style campus for the 1500 employees who worked there between royal palm trees and impeccable lawns [Music] here the sunganias have reigned supreme since they bought the old wool factory in the 20th century so when the boss arrives to prepare a new collection tension rises a notch is very difficult because he's the person who is always looking for new developments and he has got the brilliant test of the fabric looking at the fabrics he will able to tell you whether the fabric is from 180s or 200s or it's from waikona or the pashmina or the cashmere the boss arrives his team has 30 minutes to convince and surprise him [Music] [Music] the indian textile prince is now at the heart of the family business it is these woolen fibers that his family has worked on for a century that made him king like any good sovereign gotama singanya has his court and his protocol this is the antechamber of power behind this door the throne room has all the glory of this billionaire and his family i'd rather put up memories or pictures of my walls than uh put up you know paintings which have no meaning to me the singaniers are an old family from the rajasthan province they are part of the mawari community merchants among the richest in the country when you were growing up did you always have this image in your head that you were one day going to be taking over this company were you groomed for this role yeah i think from childhood you've been trained for this that you know in our already system you are trained to get into the family business and you expect it to do that so whether it was dinner conversations or weekend conversations well you know a lot of conversations revolve around business so you sort of learnt that way i'm already there we all come from rajasthan from a small part called sheikh hawat and therefore we're called shekhawati maharawa reason and for some strange reason these shaykhavati maharajas have all gone out and become big businessmen [Music] a threat for business which seems alive in the singania family my elder daughter is very very keen on running the business she's been coming here since the age of five trying to attend meetings she walks around the office and asks around and are very inquisitive so it's good but that's it she's very young a woman at the head of the group would be an earthquake in this world of men attached to their history and their traditions for the mawwaris it is family and community that take precedence at the end of the ceo's day gautama singa likes to relax without slowing down the pace [Music] he built his own race circuit on his company's campus total cost of the cars and the track nearly 250 000 euros this discipline that he wants to launch in india is called the drift it is the art of controlled skidding and engines that roll we want to promote the sport so we just do this maybe two or three times a year where we tell people come and drift you know and it's not a category wise or any of that so it's just you know bring whatever you got and people have this enthusiasm to to take out some adrenaline and so they come and do it on the track are you the godfather of drift in india i don't see a godfather but i'm probably the only drifter from india from high-end textiles and suit jackets it is here that this speed demon gets his adrenaline rush this taste for danger fascinates the indian media who are accustomed to the billionaire's escapades he's the only person who in india who has passion for speed and who can afford this passion and he has four drifting cars and then ferraris limbogany is the best of the cars two years ago gotama singanya decided to treat himself to the thrill of a true automobile competition indeed we do as they're up to the timing line here has converted that pole position into p1 and will deny shack diver singhania with despite his responsibilities he has taken the time to travel the world to live out his dream and fly the colors of the indian flag to take the checkered flag singhania wins from prince p2 the entrance ticket to this sunday sport event costs a million euros at that price to souvenir video looks like the trailer for an action film for his first year the novice finished fourth worldwide [Music] this evening he celebrates his season at this chic club in the center of bombay where the owner himself remembers the scale of his exploits [Applause] having said that i have to tell you it's probably one of the most competitive forms of motorsport i have ever seen it's infinitely more competitive than formula one no more turnovers or associates gautama singhania the racer celebrates in style with a crown of admirers ultra ambitious megalomaniacs the maharajas of today see themselves as the heroes of modern india but in the country of gandhi where 40 million children still suffer from malnutrition some of these new maharajas manage to avoid paying taxes india ranks number one in the world for tax evasion more than 500 billion euros are allegedly hidden abroad india's most flamboyant a willful defaulter how does a business baron who owes banks thousands of crores of rupees get to leave the country now his passport has been revoked by the government the icon of these tax evaders is vijay malya the boss of kingfisher beverages nicknamed the indian richard branson he is a fan of luxury and beautiful women and now he's on the run after having made his fortune in the alcohol business the party king wanted his own planes he launched an upscale airline as the indian skies were already overloaded the rise in all prices ended up sinking his dream and deepening his debt all of vijay malia's indian property was supposed to be put up for auction to pay his creditors villas planes cars but several months after the billionaire's flight his collectible cars still shine behind the windows of this building in new delhi like a mockery to the tax office using hidden cameras we discover dr malia's secret garage nice to meet you pleasure 40 gleaming luxury cars make up this great collectors a small museum you wouldn't drive those cars dr maria no he doesn't no you would have what a driver and uh how the mechanic tells us that there is another bigger warehouse in the south of the city and no hint of a seizure to pay back his debts no one came for for eventually uh to visit to see them to buy no no but it belongs to dr maria or to the company the company belongs to dr maria yeah at the end of the day yeah that's his that's still his toys he left these jewels behind when he took the road to exile or rather to his golden retirement we went to find him we traced him back to france to the cote d'azur just off khan he's the owner of one of the most beautiful residences in the region on ilsant magarit also one of the most expensive his villa and its huge garden is estimated between 30 and 40 million euros for the island's inhabitants the extravagant high roller is a normal resident but not an ordinary one he has managed to get himself a few privileges while this huge garden is his haven of peace monaco is his stomping ground parties that he organizes during the formula one grand prix have remained in everyone's memories like this one three years ago because vijay malia loves a party in all its excess clemon de souza was his private dj for 20 years these parties he lifts from the inside i play for his parties in monaco during the f1 so that's when we are like we're on the yacht he's got a huge 100 foot yard he's flown me a couple of times in the past in his private jet because he decides sometimes last minute you know like i want to have a party and he actually has a full-fledged uh nightclub inside his villa in goa i played for his 50th birthday which was a huge celebration in goa like enrique iglesias lionel richie all flew down to wish him and stuff like that four days of non-stop event [Music] [Applause] this party lifestyle stopped one year ago when the high roller fell with a crash when he left india he sought refuge in london so he went there bj malia has been a british resident for more than 20 years he was attracted to england and its tax system today he takes advantage of its discretion our request for an interview went unanswered the billionaire hides away behind the walls of his manner in north london but we finally caught sight of him last march when the formula one season started again vijay malia's little indulgence he couldn't resist the urge to show up with his new car in front of cameras from all over the world the exiled billionaire only comes out of his silence to talk about his favorite sport his passion the strategy is clear mr malia has done nothing wrong i do not owe one euro personally to any bank kingfisher airlines limited unfortunately closed down the business and they try to hold me personally responsible we'll come home for face the justice of your country for example why should i first of all there has to be a proper legal charge against me which there isn't all right vijay malia lies without a hint of remorse a judicial procedure for non-payment was launched over a year ago and a few days after filming the king of the alcohol business was arrested by scotland yard for several hours he awaits extradition to india but the fall of vijay malya does not frighten the indian novel rish evan lutra the young millionaire sees himself high in the rankings of india's largest fortunes those in the billions it is in london that we also find him in a bling bling gold 4x4 marketing his new application bottle pop [Music] london is the best market for model pump you know there's just too many people spending too much disposable income on bottles and they don't remember the next day including myself you go out and people will obviously be buying more and more champagne bottles with the sparklers because to do it the girls come to the tables and that's what they want they want people to show off it's it's a shallow society it's always a competition because everybody can see everybody but the app makes a commission whatever our clients spend so that's how we make money with bottle pop avon can earn nearly 20 000 euros commission for each soiree this money which flows freely in london the european finance capital is what attracts more and more indian fortunes here hey siwa what's up man how are you good good good man indian businessmen have taken over london like crazy you know lakshmi mitchell he's one of the biggest residences in aries from india tata is an indian businessman he's the largest private employer in all of the uk an indian company is the biggest private employer evan spends a lot of time in london also to find new business ideas no matter where tonight he has a meeting at a fairground with stan a young french 17 year old he is looking for funding for his project a virtual reality headset for medical students it teaches them how to operate in almost real conditions so if i'm wearing the headset exactly what am i seeing i'm seeing a body next to me seeing a body next to you and this doctor because i'm pretty much about it you're doing it and like you would see it and you look at the experience and through looking you learn you gotta have a number in your mind you've got to know how much money you need we're not going to say a huge amount because 80k to start really well 80k pounds yeah and where does 80k pounds go 80k pounds goes in salary for the young frenchman this meeting is very important for the funding of this ivan is project by the idea he suggests they meet again quickly yeah me i have some friends in london we have a fund that's just investing in vr companies that's why i actually had the meeting with you uh we're looking for deals all the time so if you can send me a pitch deck it doesn't matter where you meet them it's no matter what's in the brains you could meet me in a [ __ ] toilet but if you make me a million dollars i'll sign up right now a few weeks later ivan will invest 580 000 euros in the young frenchman's startup the millionaire does not merely want to reign supreme in india but to count to be known and to be recognized around the world and for that he multiplies his trips but also his parties an essential component of his image 24 hours later we find him in berlin in a luxury car in direction to the most chic area of the german capital this evening iran has a meeting in a presidential suite which costs 2 700 euros a night with other millionaires under the age of 25 like him exclusively man [Music] chinese germans russians or indians they are all part of the rich kids of instagram the world's golden youth who display themselves on social media this group is the creme de la creme of the small children of the internet [Music] trash videos nefarious photos these inhibited nouveau rich kids like to take center stage online they have more money than you and this is what they do is their welcome message on instagram [Music] you can see their vip trips their passion for parties luxury and excess of all kinds evan luthra is one of the most active rich kids on social media in just a few years he has become one of the stars of the group with uninhibited and materialistic discourse bordering crookedness [Music] i'm your host tonight we do have a lot of fun all the best evan great cheers i always say work smart play hard never say to work hard it's always about doing the right thing like you know people a lot of people like they do a lot of hard work labor but they don't achieve anything in life a lot of people can make one phone call and like get a million bucks in the bank if you want to spend money like we do you can't be stupid stupid people don't make money stupid people are broke so if people have money they're probably smart tonight ivan's objective is to flash his cash on social media and to broaden his community of fans [Music] the meal sprinkled with champagne is quickly wolfed down because it is in this hip nightclub that the partygoers will give it their all [Applause] [Applause] jewelry champagne and girls tonight the apprentice billionaires will live all the cliches to feed their instagram accounts [Music] the cost of the suarez will remain confidential but the young high rollers spend sometimes up to hundred thousand euros per night [Music] it is your success that gives you more success thanks to contacts wrapped up in a box or elsewhere even lutra has invested in more than 40 businesses all over the world these new indian maharajas are only at the beginning of their reigns next year some 20 new billionaires are expected to boost india's place in the rankings of the world's biggest fortunes
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 795,921
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Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, full documentary, full episode, The New Maharajahs, indian super rich documentary, life of super rich in india, indias new billionaire, India’s new billionaires, billionaires of india netflix, top 10 billionaires of india, young billionaires of india, meet the billionaires of india, bad boy billionaires of india
Id: tkW8qlMpaTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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