The Super Mario Bros. Movie - SPOILER Talk!

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feel like my thumbnail should be like yeah I'll do this sure so the Super Mario Bros movie it's out it's been seen and reviewed by critics been seen by some audience members and [Music] contrast that divide that we've we've seen before is alive and well here for this movie and that makes me go I'll do another video about that movie so this is my spoiler talk for the Super Mario Brothers movie it's not gonna be a play-by-play none of my spoiler talks are also the spoilers in this movie are generally going to revolve around Easter eggs that I'm gonna be real with you I'm not gonna remember all of them so just keep all this in mind over here having a good time talking about things I didn't talk about my spoiler free review of the movies here we go you know the thing I liked about this movie is it starts out like it just gets going Bowser and his floating Castle just comes down on those penguins and he's like let's wreck some penguins it's essentially the scene from the teaser trailer takes the star and now we know bad guys up to bad guy things and now we're in Brooklyn we're the Super Mario Brothers is actually the name of Mario and Luigi's plumber service they are the Super Mario Brothers don't lie that's actually some pretty good marketing also the song on their commercial is the intro song to the Super Mario Brothers Super Show which I don't even know at this point if that's a deep cut or just the logical thing to do probably both but I feel like not everyone's going to get that unless you were there in the late 80s watching Punky Brewster and Super Mario Bros other Super Show back to back before you relate to the bus stop but you caught the bus on its way back unless that was you I might be projecting point is love seeing that song in here but the Easter eggs in this movie they started early and they did not stop again bear with me I'm not gonna remember all of them I don't sit there with little skadoodle pad riding down everything and movie screenings also I'm not a [ __ ] with a notepad on his phone having his phone open during the movie I was right right I like being engaged with the movie I go home I word vomit what I remember for your enjoyment on the YouTubes but yeah I was like whoa punch out pictures these Super Punch Out Fighters pictures of them on the wall Mario's playing Nintendo Mario is playing an NES look I'm gonna be honest with you I try to watch my language in these videos that revolve around kids movies because I'm like little kids might watch these videos also I'm not a [ __ ] but Mario playing the NES it's the most meta [ __ ] I've ever seen move over anything in any Scream movie Mario's playing the NES everyone else every movie reference anything can enjoy the silver medal this one kind of takes it also you hear Charles Martin a in this movie he is in this movie just doesn't Voice Mario that is of course Chris Pratt but I thought that was a fun little spin that they did we're in their commercial they have these really exaggerated Italian accents and they sound like Mario and Luigi from the games and then cut to real life well real life animated right where they were like oh is that too much and Charles Martin a and his Mario voice is like oh it's perfect thing is though you're dealing with Hollywood Studios and all sorts of soulless life forms so you know I don't know how that started or ended up could have been like oh yeah we have him in the movie because you know he's gotta be or the internet was like why didn't you cast him and they were like uh hey can you just say this one line into the microphone fantastic thank you here's five bucks and now we can have that in the movie fantastic but I felt it played well he's also credited as voicing Mario's dad as well so I mean you gotta assume he was always cast in the movie but anyhow but also yeah we see the Mario family and it does lead into you know Mario's on his Hero's Quest he's the down on his luck doesn't feel like he's a mountain to anything in life kind of hero gotta know though are their last names still Mario things to ponder a thing that did crack me up in here in a world where I wanted to talk more about it my spoiler-free video but I'm like all right just just give the information is it enjoyable is it not let's go spoiler talks I can take more time to talk about Bowser pining for peach in his off time that just cracks me up it cracks me up because every villain has these unflattering moments we just don't see on screen and we always just see them in their Prime villain form but in between it's like what's their in-between time like and in between each game Bowser is scheming and pining for peach he has to be that's why history being written by The Victors I have my own fan theory that Bowser and Peach are actually the couple and every game is you playing as the villain breaking into Bowser's house stealing his girlfriend and that's the end anyhow yeah what does this dude do in his off time he probably makes weird little songs about peach in his off time I like seeing that because you know you think about think about the Joker Heath Ledger's Joker right generally when we see him we see him enacting his master plan bringing Gotham to its knees with a few Drums of gas and a couple of bullets but afterwards just cracks me up to think at the end of the day the dude gets home or wherever he rests he has his little makeup wipes he just takes the makeup off you know he's sleeping does he talk in his sleep I don't know probably right we never get to see that with villains it did kind of crack me up that we did this time my favorite part of the movie the thing I laughed at the most probably lumily yeah that dark depressing little Luma in the cage it's I kept thinking like dude this is a kid's movie there's gonna be some parents for their kids kids are gonna be like what what's that dad and why is the little fire acting so dark parents get to try to evade the truth but or they can just be truthful and be like that well that is what you get to become one day that's what we all become after working 52 hours a week with no overtime working for the man enjoy your childhood while you have it yeah lumily was messed up show stealer so when we're out there on our adventure Peach Mario and Toad they're like look we need help from the Kongs if we're gonna do this right when we got to DK country you start seeing what they're doing like oh yeah a Nintendo World I'd actually love to see a Donkey Kong Country movie that'd be fun and yeah in my review when I said there was a character that was cast but I could have gone for the character sounding older and crankier yeah for those of you who didn't have a touring test to crack that inspired code I was talking about Cranky Kong just Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong I wasn't seeing it wasn't feeling it in a perfect world Ed Asner he's not with us anymore so of those still here um Alan Arkin I think would be a great choice if you're looking for cranky and funny in the movie he didn't have that back in my day kind of grumpy old man energy that Cranky Kong had in Donkey Kong Country he just came across as younger and cooler like he was cranky Kong's brother with a longer beard definitely related to Funky Kong maybe it was funky Kong's dad like cool hippie Kong maybe that's what they were going for because Seth Rogen voiced Donkey Kong which again I think was great in the movie you know Seth Rogen he's on the record saying oh he's just phoned it in he's gonna be lazy in this movie but I guess that's kind of the point Seth Rogen phoning it in as voicing Donkey Kong was still perfect for Donkey Kong because let's face it Seth Rogen's a big Stoner ape I would imagine Seth Rogen has a weed horde that's every bit as big as Donkey Kong's banana horde the kremlings ever stole his weed horde I'm sure he'd have the same reaction Donkey Kong had when he came in walking in on his banana horde being gone Seth Rogen get James Franco going an adventure together trying to get it back from the kremlings are they still friends I I don't know I don't care you know what I'm saying I know I'm talking about weed in a video talking about a kid's movie shocking but it's legal most everywhere if I was from Portland I could talk about black tar heroin but I'm not I did call BS on that whole Peach beat the obstacle course in one try it's this whole montage of Mario trying this obstacle course Peach does it yeah but you know you're like okay she's done this course before and she was like oh no it takes everyone a few tries and Mario's like you did it once didn't you she was like yeah I did it first try that makes no sense to me she's like well I grew up here everyone who's ever with whipsical course that you've ever seen grew up on Earth where the obstacle course takes place just because you're in the world doesn't mean you're good at obstacle courses Mario if you can do the obstacle course you're good enough to come along with me I did that for your health we need to know that you're not gonna die oh toad you want to go too sure let's do it don't worry about the obstacle course there are a lot of toads in this world you're very replaceable huh what did like the obstacle course but that's one of the things I had in mind when I was saying I could have gone for more platforming Adventures like real dangers out there again the last act definitely has all of that before that we have a Mario Kart segment which doesn't feel like a Super Mario Brothers game it's a Mario Kart game it's completely different game he fights Donkey Kong again not really Super Mario game but he also did an obstacle course the obstacle course did have that Mario 64 energy you know because we're dealing with 3D environments and so I I did like that but it was still an obstacle course it was a training course it wasn't actually danger could have gone for some more Mario platforming Peril where they feel like they're in danger Hammer brothers are coming after them they might die I did like how they dealt with the power ups though something simple like a mushroom power up would be so easy to be like all right we're just skipping past that Mario's is normal size and that's all there is to it let's just get on with the adventure but no they're like peaches obviously 12 feet tall and Mario is about half that appreciated that Mario didn't like mushrooms kind of reminded me of the Popeye movie there were things in here where I was like oh that's taken from this other movie that one reminded me of Popeye this iconic power up that this character eats and becomes super powered but in the movie doesn't actually like the food but he's forced to eat it to power up right Robin Williams Popeye movie and Super Mario Brothers movie regardless when he was picking all the mushrooms off his plate I was like same Mario same mushrooms are awful so then we have this Mario Kart segment they get all the Kongs together and they're going on the Rainbow Road and then they have a lot of resistance a lot of the Koopas are coming after them like all right here we go now we're in a Mario Kart game Movie game but this was a segment where I was like watching the movie not nearly as fun as playing the game in fact watching someone play the game is also more exciting but weirdly I probably have that programmed into me got home off the school bus the neighbors watch us for a couple hours while Mom finished work and the dad his name is Wayne and he would play games that's what he did he played Nintendo so we were all just glued so watching Nintendo's actually it was fun for me but where's the Mario Kart segment it was a cool thing it was a fan service thing it would have been cooler if they brought someone in who's like hey I helped out on Ford V Ferrari I'll make this look great I'll make this intense never felt like that never committed to being a racing segment that would have been a pretty knock it out of the park moment to do that still Peach's Arch game is 10 out of 10. you all thought it I'm just saying it I'm not taking that out I don't care because truth is an important thing so at the very end of the movie after this huge Bullet Bill Mario takes the Bullet Bill to the pipe blows up everything gets stucked into it and essentially they all end up in Brooklyn so Bowser it reminded me of of the 1993 movie absolutely could have gone for Bowser being like Brooklyn my world I don't want to plagiarize Dennis Hopper too much that's when we have a couple of touching moments between Mario and Luigi when Luigi has the manhole cover and he's blocking the fire and he's telling Mario to go get the star great scene also made me be like yeah I know Mario and Luigi are so good together because Superstar Saga baby also found it touching and sweet when Mario sees their commercial and they're saying hey we're the Super Mario Brothers we're here to save Brooklyn he's like what's the point of saying it I gotta do it what can I say I like moments like that I'm I'm cheesy I don't care that was nice I was like that commercial brings it full circle go go to Mario get that star and then they get the star they're running through enemies you know what it looked like it didn't even look like a Super Mario Brothers game it looked like Mario 35 I don't know why they ever took that away that was so much fun you have so many enemies on screen you get that star and you're just annihilating them yeah look more like that bring back Super Mario 35 that was fun long story short the Super Mario Brothers they saved the day Bowser's little Bowser and he's in a cage he's in a little Bowser cage I believe that was one of the post-credits scenes everyone like we all knew that there was another post-credit scene you see all these critics in this Auditorium everyone's theorizing everyone's speculating the whole time I was like so why doesn't Big Boss wart ever come back even a Mario and Luigi Dream Team I was convinced it's a dream world game obviously this is when wart's gonna come back you're never dead but the Yoshi Easter egg there it is I get it now a Yoshi egg as a Yoshi Easter egg released on Easter weekend with egg right marketing genius good job tendo or illumination at least but it was like oh Yoshi's coming in but in the movie there was a scene a quick Glimpse where you see a bunch of Yoshis I think it would have been more impactful if you didn't see a glimpse of a bunch of Yoshi's earlier in the movie and the first reference of Yoshi was this egg that cracked and you hear Yoshi say Yoshi interesting observation there have been three movies in as many weeks that have used holding up for a hero in their film I don't know you want to do with that information Tetris used a different iteration of it but still well regardless the movie had one job and that is to not totally suck I walked out of the movie like I said you always want a movie like this to be more epic I wanted to walk out of this movie being like this is the greatest animated feature film I've seen in about 10 years but as it stands it's an enjoyable time at the very least people seem to be coming out of the movie being like I loved it my kids loved it I want to see more from the world and that's what this movie needed to do it at least needed people to be like hey there's something here I want to see more and legitimately I am saying I think the reason this movie landed with people is Brian Tyler's musical score there are a lot of gears at work to have something like this land with fans or nail the tone they're going for but music being the language of the heart and soul that was a big one all right so the Super Mario Bros movie have you seen it what did you think about it what's the next Nintendo property you want to see adapted whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music] foreign
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 225,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario bros, movie, nintendo, illumination, critics, fans
Id: -Ninc9j6gqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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