The Super Mario Bros Movie DIY Custom Back to School Locker Organization! Peach and Bowser

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what's up again oh there's the first Bell I gotta get my locker ready now I know my Locker's the pink one but who's right next to me it's me Peach I'm right next to you Bowser how could that be well at the beginning of the year we had to write down a name we wanted our locker next to and I chose you Peach oh no I'll let you go first and decorate your locker I hope you don't expect anything in return I guess we'll have to see caboodle fans welcome back to my Channel today we are decorating Mario lockers again and we are starting out with Princess Peach she's got a pink Locker that's glittery Let's help her and open it up let's see it's empty of course I'm going to start out by placing a pink divider on top organizer basket goes up here of course she needs a mirror I'm also going to put this multi-colored rug down at the bottom Peach needs a chandelier on top Sparkle Sparkle what else does she need let's go ahead and take out our basket let's put in a notebook she's got this heart one and of course a folder she's got the zigzag one she needs another notebook for her art class we have a gaming console in the front let's bring out our pencil box look there's a shooting star on it I've got some sticky notes in the shape of a bow some colorful rainbow tape she loves pink so we have a pink ruler pink shell eraser and pink scissors I also have some colorful colored pencils let's close this up I also have a pink highlighter and that's it let's put the basket down below back here and our other supplies at the very top Princess Peach is taking an art class look at her drawing I'm gonna put this in her basket I'm also gonna put a heart pencil up here here what other classes are you taking a fashion class that's cool Princess Peach here are some fashions that she designed we've got a dress with her on it and then another dress with Mario Luigi even Bowser is on this one let's put your designs back here Princess Peach is into fashion style and makeup I've got a makeup palette we're gonna put in this caboodle I also have a makeup brush a compact mirror a pink brush some heart earrings she even has some mascara and a star necklace let's go ahead and close this up and put it down here also for your fashion class we have a coin purse a console purse and a cloud purse let's put those back here too what about for gym class I love doing different stunts and running here are your gym shoes they're gonna help you run really fast let's put them down here well the bottom is getting filled up quickly at the very top I'm gonna put a coin box a rainbow organizers with some note cards some mushrooms of course there's a green and a red what about my water bottle I have the perfect one for you Peach it's pink and it's textured that's gonna be perfect when you're done with Jim you're also going to practice your gaming skills let me put this at the very top right here and look at here let's party it's an invitation let's put it in your basket what about my backpack I've got you covered look at this backpack it's a gaming console it can fit all of your stuff in there let's put this inside now we're going to close this up and put a lock on here so Bowser doesn't get in oh yeah Bowser [Music] caboodle fans it's Bowser's turn to decorate his locker I don't need help opening up the lock see the flame helped if you say so Bowser let's open your locker wait a minute where are my stars we'll get to those in a second Bowser first let's put your divider in he's got a gray storage basket a white mirror I don't need a mirror well you have to check how big your flame is right I suppose you're right let's put a Shaggy rug on the bottom I don't want any more decorations let's go ahead and bring out Bowser's basket it's green Bowser is taking a traveling class and a chemistry class he wants to make a bigger flame I also have a passport for him in case he wants to flee the country why would I do that Bowser wants no folders so we have a clipboard for him and some paper some star stickers because he loves collecting Stars still looking for my star let's put your basket in your locker what else are you taking he's taking a geography class he's going to learn about different places and of course a music class peaches peaches peaches Bowser also has a ton of maps in his locker he does visit a lot of places Bowser did you steal this question mark blocks we're gonna put that in his locker too I don't steal anything it's all mine that's what you think Bowser Bowser also has Princess Peach in a frame he wants to marry her peaches peaches peaches what else are we missing Bowser oh yeah your star looks like you have it hidden in this pencil box there it is that's my star we're gonna put it right behind here so nobody finds it Bowser also has a pencil and a ruler let's keep decorating I'm gonna put this treasure chest with coins at the bottom and some other coins that he probably stole that's a lot of coins since he's in music class I have some headphones he's going to practice his singing and piano all this fire making is making me thirsty I have the perfect water bottle for you Bowser it's black I'm also gonna put a star right next to Peach so pretty of course Bowser wanted to give Peach flowers and a piranha plant let me see if I can put these up here how am I gonna have my locker protected well Bowser you do have your Koopas one right here and one at the very top let's also put the spiked Shell at the very top too I need more more protection I've got your Goombas let's put these outside of the locker I think we're set wait what about your backpack I don't need a backpack I have the perfect one for you it's a Goomba backpack fine but I'm not wearing it we'll just put it in your locker let's close it up wait I don't have a lock for you Bowser what don't worry I have an extra one all right Kaboodle fans we are done filling up Bowser and peaches lockers I'm gonna put Bowser on the front of this one and a star Peach is gonna go on the front of her locker and Toad at the very top which locker did you like the best we're gonna have to go with peaches what don't get mad Bowser I think I need a locker change foreign [Music]
Channel: Fun Caboodle
Views: 775,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Super Mario Bros movie, mario movie, super mario movie, mario movie toys, The Super Mario Bros toys, mario toys, mario movie peach and toad, the super mario bros peach, mario peach, dolls, fun caboodle, pretend play, doll video, the super mario movie, back to school, back to school locker, back to school locker decoartions, back to school locker organization, locker, diy locker, locker decorations, locker organization
Id: ekl-YV-t2zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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