The Super Mario Bros. Movie Characters: Good to Evil 🍄

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It’s been a pretty wild ride, but the Super  Mario Bros. Movie is finally here! So,   let’s break down these famous characters  and see where exactly the residents of   the Mushroom Kingdom land on the morality scale. I’m Kyle with WickedBinge, and this is  the Super Mario Bros. Movie: Good to Evil. Just a fair warning, this video is going to  contain massive spoilers for the movie. So,   if you want to go into the Super  Mario Bros. Movie completely   blind, we’d suggest clicking off now and  coming back after a quick trip to the theatre. As always, we’re starting off  with the purest and most noble   characters. These characters are the Good. Earning our Gold Medal of Good is Princess Peach.  Being the noble leader of the Mushroom Kingdom,   Peach does all she can to protect her  loyal toads. She’s brave and determined,   but also shows her kinder side when it  comes to Mario, as we see her comforting   and encouraging him when he ends up not being  able to fully complete the obstacle course.   Even when she’s focused on her main goal of  stopping Bowser, she’ll still keep the people   she cares about as a top priority. We see her  save Toad during the Rainbow Road sequence,   and later on she’s willing to play along with  Bowser’s wedding, still putting herself at risk   even if she did have a back-up plan. Some might  see her as a bit TOO perfect, but regardless   of whether or not we agree with that critique,  she’s still the Most Good character in the film. For our Silver Medal of Good, we’re giving it  to the one and only Mario. Although we’re used   to seeing Mario play the hero role, here we get  to also see him be a good older brother. While   of course he cares about stopping Bowser and  helping out Peach and the other residents of   the Mushroom Kingdom, his main goal is to save his  brother. When it comes to this, he’s willing to do   anything - from eating multiple mushrooms, which  ironically happen to be his least favorite food,   to getting in a fight with a giant ape. It’s  a tough journey, but he is eventually able to   save his brother from certain doom in what is an  incredibly sweet moment. Though he can sometimes   be a bit of a hot-head whenever people insult  him or Luigi, Mario’s heroic side easily shines   through in both big and small ways - from  helping a toad get their dropped coin back,   to saving Donkey Kong’s life after they both fall  in the ocean. A true hero through and through! Getting our Bronze Medal of Good,  it’s going to the original Player 2,   Luigi. Although Luigi unfortunately doesn’t  have as much screen time as his older brother,   Luigi is still portrayed as an incredibly  nice guy. When Mario ends up leaving   dinner early after being frustrated by his  father’s words, Luigi is the one to check   up on him and bring him a plate of leftovers.  Later on during the Bowser interrogation scene,   while he does eventually reveal that he knows  who Mario is, Luigi still tries to keep his   brother a secret for as long as he can. His  true Big Heroic Moment comes during the film’s   climax, however, when Luigi ends up grabbing a  manhole cover and protecting Mario from one of   Bowser’s fire-breathing attacks, showing both his  big bro and the audience just how brave he can be. Finishing off the Good, we have  Toad. For being such a little guy,   Toad sure does have a lot of spirit.  Despite only knowing him for a few seconds,   Toad immediately claims Mario as his best friend  and goes out of his way to help him by leading   him to the Mushroom Kingdom and then distracting  the castle guards with food so that Mario can go   speak with Peach. Later, when Mario and Peach  depart on their quest to the Jungle Kingdom,   Toad volunteers to go with them and help out  with the cause. While he’s not much of a fighter,   Toad remains loyal to both Mario and Peach,  cheering the former on and continuing to   help the latter out even when it looks like  Bowser has an unbeatable advantage. Overall,   though he’s not the strongest character around,  he easily sets the bar for all other toads. He’s not the most important character,  but he does have a lot of spirit:   next we have The Penguin King. His presence is  important to help establish the danger that is   Bowser’s army. And although his efforts were  futile, to say the least… His strong will and   leadership ability is quite commendable.  He did his best to defend his kingdom,   but… you know… snowballs maybe  aren’t the best weapon of choice. Stepping down one tier, we’ve  come to those who land right   in-between good and evil. This is the Grey Area. Starting off this tier, we’d like to give one  quick mention to a rarely seen member of the   Mario family, Mario’s father. Although he only  gets a couple scenes, it’s still kind of cool   to see both him and the rest of the brothers’  extended family. Unfortunately, Mario’s father is   a bit on the gruff side and comes off as somewhat  unsupportive at first, calling his son “nuts” for   leaving a steady job to start their plumbing  business. We’re sure he was just trying to   look out for his boys in his own way, but telling  Mario that he was “dragging his brother down with   him” was pretty harsh. Thankfully, by the end of  the movie, their father is amazed by what both his   sons are able to do and lets Mario know how proud  he is of him. Which makes us very happy to see. Following him, we have King of the Apes,  Cranky Kong. Not exactly a noble king,   Cranky is about what you’d expect from  someone with a name like that. In spite   of Peach being pretty respectful  towards him when they first meet,   Cranky in turn is dismissive and rude  regarding her request. He also goes out   of his way to taunt Mario and forces him to  fight his son, Donkey, in order to earn access   to his kong army. But, first impressions aside,  Cranky proves to be a strong ally once Mario   and Peach truly earn his respect. Not only does  he agree to grant them the use of his army, but   he also provides Mario, Peach and  Toad with go-karts to use. We can’t   place him much higher as he ends up not  doing much to help in the final battle,   but we do still appreciate what he was  able to do for our heroes prior to it,   as well as his willingness to happily give  his own son some praise when it's due. Last in the Grey tier is the  enemy-turned-ape-ally, Donkey Kong. Being the   Jungle Kingdom’s strongest fighter, Donkey Kong  is a brute, a show-boater and an incredibly sore   loser. He doesn’t take things too seriously at  first, taunting Mario before threatening to kill   him during their big fight. But even after Mario  beats him fair and square in the arena and they   officially become allies, Donkey Kong still goes  out of his way to antagonize and threaten him. He   does soften up to the plumber a bit after Mario  saves his life and he also tries to help fight   off Bowser in the final battle, so we know that  he’s by no means selfish. He just also happens to   be more than a little crude and can sometimes let  his ego and his rivalries get the better of him. Finally, we have the truly dastardly and  wicked. These characters are the Bad to Evil. Though not your traditional bad guy, we’d like  to give a quick mention to Foreman Spike. Spike   is the former boss of the Mario Bros. When  the brothers leave him to start a plumbing   business of their own, Spike makes it clear  that he has absolutely no faith in them. He   even goes out of his way to both verbally  insult them and physically threaten Mario   when Mario gets up in his face. Spike also  seems like he just cares very little about   the brothers in general, given that he  nearly hits Mario but only cares about   whether or not his car was dented. But  eventually, he does cheer on the brothers   alongside everyone else after they defeat  Bowser, so we suppose he’s not ALL bad. For our Silver Medal of Evil, we’re giving it  to Kamek. Being Bowser’s right-hand wizard,   Kamek’s only role seems to be to support  Bowser in any way that he can - whether   that’s providing some extra defensive magic  during an attack, or helping build his king’s   confidence when it comes to his proposal  to Peach. He very much enables Bowser’s   evil behavior and doesn’t seem to mind all the  destruction at all, looking almost amused as he   watches the ice penguin’s castle get melted  away and being more than happy to tell Luigi   and the other prisoners that they’re going  to be sacrificed during his king’s wedding.   There’s very little that’s redeemable about  Kamek, but at the very least you could argue   that he was just following orders. With our  last entry, you can’t really make that excuse… Finally, our Gold Medal of Evil is going to none  other than Bowser, king of the Koopas. Naturally,   Bowser is in classic form throughout this  movie. He’s threatening, intimidating, hostile,   aggressive and, when it comes to his crush on  Peach, actually kind of adorkable? But don’t   let his lovestruck nature and charming Jack Black  voice fool you, this guy is a villain through and   through. His main goal throughout the film is to  force Princess Peach into marrying him, either by   impressing her with the Power Star or threatening  to use it to destroy her kingdom. With this being   the only thing he wants, Bowser lets nothing  stand in his way and makes it VERY clear that he   is willing to kill whoever tries to stop him. For  as funny as he may be, Bowser still proves to be   incredibly dangerous as well as, unsurprisingly,  the most evil character in the movie. But let us know in the comment  section if you agree with our ranking,   and tell us what we should cover next!  Remember to hit that notification bell   and binge our Good to Evil playlist,  where we break down the morality of   the characters in your favorite cartoons, shows  and movies. But most importantly, stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 230,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Princess Peach, princess peach target, mario plumber, mario watch, super mario watch, mario super mario, mario brothers, super mario bros, Toad, old donkey kong, bowser's fury amiibo, bowser, Mario Movie, mario brothers super, super mario brother toys, newest chris pratt movie, super mario bros movie disney plus, new mario movie, super mario movie, all the mario game, play super mario bro, mario movie, super mario bros movie, the new mario movie, bros movie 2022
Id: z1MGqDeLCis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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