The SUPER Beginner Guide to Logic pro X

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so you want to start using logic pro X but you have no idea what you're doing don't worry I've been there I hope I can help you as much as I can in this video let's get straight into it now I did have another video talking about beat making if you're a beginner at be making you want to start making beats and stuff like that but some people were saying that they need an even more of a beginner tutorial so I was like hey you know what I'm here to help so let me do a real real beginner like how to start even using it what are all the buttons and things like that so as soon as you open it up you're gonna see this screen right here is going to say empty project or live Loops you're gonna go to new project and go to empty project choose right here this is the first scene that's gonna pop up once you choose an empty project so when it shows you software instrument what this means is that you're going to choose an instrument with ins within the Daw itself and if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about you're like what is a dog duh is basically a digital audio working station which means it's logic FL Studio Ableton um Pro Tools anything that's digital and anything that you can make music in and that's digital and it's not analog like those old school long mixing boards that we used to have back in the days which we still have them in Live Events but I'm saying those long mixing boards that some producers still have everything is digital okay we do everything digitally digitally with our computers so software instrument that means you're going to choose an instrument within here and I'm going to show you that in a little bit audio is if you want to record something outside like if I'm recording right now my voice this is audio I'm recording recording with the mic this is considered audio because you're recording an audio sound that's not internally inside the doll if you push drummer it's just going to give you some options to play some drums but you know that's you can mess around with that if you like guitar or Bass is if you got an actual external guitar out here that you can play externally and record live into the doll and every time I say doll I'm talking about logic pro external midi is if you have a keyboard a piano keyboard with sounds already and then you just want to connect it straight into your into logic pro and record with the sounds that the keyboard brings already now if you don't have anything at all anything you don't even have a keyboard a midi keyboard which is this right here the midi keyboard means you have something that has no sounds at all you're just using it as a tool to create music that with sounds that logic already has so if you have nothing nothing at all I'm gonna show you so first click software instrument right here I honestly recommend for anybody that's using logic for the first time go to instrument here click Alchemy just click Alchemy because Alchemy is going to take you to a bunch of sounds so just click on that so you can just dabble around and leave this one on audio one and two don't even touch them and then number of Tracks number of tracks means that you're just gonna make one single track which means you just want one track to open up and I'll show you what I mean in a little bit click create and we have our first track that we created so this is a track right here that you created you could click this air off this track right here is what you just created when you were choosing all those options if you want to create a second track meaning bring out another software instrument you click this plus sign here and see this window pops up again now for right now we're just gonna work on this one track which is right here because we don't need to complicate things this is all you need right here this little button right here is what pops out all the sounds so it's like a little filing box which makes sense because it's like you know all the sounds you can use if you want to download all the sounds that logic comes with you go to Logic Pro X up here you go to sound library and then you go to download all available sounds click on that and then you press continue and then it'll just guide you from there and you want to download all the song all the sounds it might take you like an hour or so or less depending how fast your computer is and then you have all the sounds but it already comes with a good amount of sounds if you don't want to like store so many sounds in your in your MacBook I get it now the easiest way to choose sounds the easiest way is just to go buy off of this right here if you want to remove it like I said click this icon and click the back so the easiest way is okay like let's just say I just want to play something with keys like something easy you click on this keys right here and then you start picking okay I want gentle sign Bells you clicked on gentle side bells and you could start playing something [Music] but like I said before if you don't have a keyboard you're like dude you're playing you already know how to play like I don't know what I'm doing you go up here where it says window and then you put Show musical typing keyboard okay and right here it shows you can literally click on all these foreign [Music] all right and if you want to play chords obviously it's a little hard but you can go with the a like s uh s f and H you see just click on these if you want to play a chord or something like that um but yeah you just go to window and it pops up the keyboard um I already have my midi keyboard so I'm just going to click this off now that we got all that out the way you're like okay I know how to pick my sound I know how to open up I know how to open up a track I know how to do all of that stuff now how do I record something where you want to record something is this little red button right here is the way you record something you could literally press it it'll give a countdown and you start recording all right I could just [Music] and then it recorded what I just played because I'm pressing the red button all right and you're like okay I want to see what I recorded though I want to know like what to do what how do I show like what I do next you know what do I do next after this you can easily click on this double click this and it'll show you the keys you were playing on the keyboard right here and then from there you can actually adjust like okay I can drag this down click it hold it drag it down wherever I want drag this down or drag this up drag this up drag it down whatever you're filling right you're saying uh I don't really like what I played I want to start over then go just click on this and press the backspace button done you're done completely now you're like okay but I want something to loop I wanted to keep looping like while I'm recording the easiest way to do this is by clicking this these arrows right here that's the loop button and you see that yellow space bar came up okay so that is going to be your Loop so for whatever you play from one all the way to five It's Gonna Keep looping so for instance I'm just gonna give a brief example okay and you always want to click your metronome on when you're making like a song because it keeps the rhythm going here we go foreign there you go okay so I recorded something really quick right now that's going to loop as soon as I was done with the last note I played I just let it go I was like so now I just recorded and you could take your metronome off now click it off just goes back to the same thing again and you're like okay so that's cool now I want to record something over what I just played now you like I said before now we come and use this plus sign right here boom comes out to the very first thing that we came we were doing when we first when we when we first chose a um we first Chosen One instrument so we go to software instrument again create boom a second track the easiest way to do this is just double click one because you already know what this is right because we just learned earlier so now you just double click here double click double click and just make as many tracks as you want you wouldn't want that many just back backspace backspace backspace now you're like okay I want to record over this [Music] you're like okay so how do I record over it now you and you select it and if you if you've selected this one that means you want to go back to this track now you're like I want to record over that one but still with that one playing okay cool then you click on the instrument two which you made that second track now you don't have a sound selected yet remember that so right now it's like some it's just the random sound that out that Alchemy chose for you that logic chose for you so what you want to do again you want to go here you want to choose something from here the quick sampler orchestral like I said you could choose your instruments here now I don't have all the sounds downloaded for Alchemy because I have like my own sounds that I use um but you if you want to download all your sounds you can use them so let's just say I want to use like in a vintage electric piano now like modern Deluxe modern now it changed you see the little picture it changed so now now is that now what you want to do is click the record button again and it's going to count down and you record over foreign [Music] just press the space bar stops recording and then you're done and you're like I want to redo it I don't like how that sounds all you got to do is command Z and it comes out just redoing or you could just press the backspace and you're good again let's just say you don't want this first sound to hear you want to record something again but you want to keep this one you don't want to delete it yet but you just don't want to hear while you're recording something else all you got to do is press this little M right here it's called the mute now when you press a space bar and plays you don't hear anything and you could play the other one but it's pretty much the same concept you keep opening something up you you just choose a drums on the sound and then you start playing with the drums let me know what else you guys want to see and let me know if this video was helpful for you guys but till next time don't forget to like comment and subscribe say blessed and stay positive peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Rauls Music Content
Views: 49,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bangers, beat for beginners, beatmaking, fl studio, how to, how to make beats, how to make beats in logic, how to make melodies, how to make rnb chords, logic pro, logic pro tutorial, logic pro x, los angeles, making beats, making melodies, making music, melodic beat, music for beginners, rnb, rnb chords, rnb melodies, tutorial, tutorials, logic pro x beginner tutorial, logic pro x tutorial, logic pro x tutorial for beginners, logic pro x for beginners, logic pro x beginner
Id: AHad5V7KG0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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