Pro Tools Vs Logic Pro: Which one should YOU choose? (DAW comparison)

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hey there Music Makers I'm EXO Conor and I'm Seth Mosley and today we're going to be looking at answering the age-old question Pro Tools vers logic pro we have experienced making music a lot of music on both we made this record that won a Grammy fully in logic pro and we made this record in pro tool that also want a gr so hit that subscribe button hit the notification Bell if you want to learn from people who are making hit records every day not just people who are making YouTube content we're always getting asked the question which is better Logic Pro or Pro Tools but we think that's the wrong question the question you should be asking is which one is better for me what is the right Daw for me and the answer answer to that will be the one that makes sense to you what inspires you and what gets you making music faster and we're going to be going through several categories that you might want to consider let's start with learning curve Logic for instance I would argue has a much easier learning curve absolutely especially if you're already in the Apple ecosystem and you're coming from something maybe like Garage Band which is installed on all Apple devices right out of the box it'll be a really smooth transition for you because everything looks the same it's all in the same places it's just an upgraded version that has a lot more features for you to dive into whereas Pro Tools right out of the box a baren screen when you first open yeah for sure we hear all the time from aspiring songwriters and music producers that logic just seems a little more user friendly like even things like the user interface like talk about the the user interface for for logic versus Pro Tools yeah when you open logic there's immediately stuff for you to play with there's tracks right in there you can get in get going everything's labeled it's all very intuitive like I said Pro Tools you open it up and it's blank it's up to you to figure out how to even put something in it for the first time which can be really intimidating and for a lot of people it's demotivating and it makes you feel like oh I can't do this and remember we're trying to find the right Daw for you and that might mean one that's just intuitive right from the beginning for you where you don't have to like look up a bunch of stuff just to make something start even though some of these user interfaces seem intimidating especially inside of Protools they both do come with some templates and presets though to get you started they seem to be you know pretty usable what do you think yeah for sure logic pro gets you some great ones right out of the gate but Protools does as well if you are a hipop beat maker and you want to just get going load up their load up their preset load up their template they both have good ones for that if you're a songwriter who just wants to get going recording some acoustic and vocals there's a preset for that if you want to record a full band they've got a preset for that as well so both of them have got you covered in that department so let's talk about included content what do you actually get when you're buying Protools or logic now I've made the argument for years that logic really you can't beat in terms of just for your buck with what you get from plugins to Apple Loops to just usable sounding Pro level stuff without even having to spend a dime on third party resources logic has that going for it absolutely you get so much content it's so incredibly simple to use right out of the bag now Protools though in the past few years has really upped its game depending on the subscription model that you use or the the tier level that you subscribe to you can be getting uh third party plugins like melodine which is an awardwinning extremely professional uh vocal editing and tuning software they also have something called the Inner Circle where if you're paying a an annual subscription price you're getting access to like almost $3,000 worth of highquality professional third-party plugins loops and different sample packs that you can download and keep it's a it's a great value and it's a way to kind of supplement Protools is minimal feature set right out of the box exactly the one thing I would say is if you're looking to get into the Dolby Atmos ecosystem logic just works right out of the bat they are encouraging people to work in that format because they make those airpod Maxes where you have the spatial audio that works right out of the gate and it does not in the basic versions of Pro Tools no in Protools not only do you have to have the higher level subscriptions to make Dolby Atmos possibility but you also have to purchase a license for the Dolby Atmos production Suite or the Dolby Atmos renderer which is definitely an additional cost that can be sizable yeah and the last thing I would say on what's included if you want to do any work on your airpods that you've already purchased you might have some of those airpod Maxes which you spent a good bit of money on it works with logic right out of the gate prot tools you have to do kind of a third party work around but it's easier in Logic for sure for for sure and that kind of leads us into our next point which is the compatibility with hardware and this will maybe be a very defining point in your decision-making process because logic Works only in the Apple ecos system Apple owns it Apple makes it and it only runs on their Hardware so that may have just made the decision for you right there if you're stuck in the PC World and you don't want to switch to Apple well there you go Protools wins in this case yeah let's let's talk a little bit about price point because logic pro and pro tools have very different price points and price structures logic pro you can get into flat fee you own it forever it's $200 and you you own it there's no ongoing fees there's no subscription prot tools is another story yes you can either pay annually because it is a subscription or you can pay monthly as I mentioned just a second ago there are benefits to paying annually you get a lot of EXT ra perks but paying every month also gives you a little bit of flexibility and Protools is a tiered system so it allows you to kind of match your budget to your needs you don't have to pay for more than you're going to use which can be a really nice feature especially if you're just starting to dip your toes in another thing on that point though is that both of them do have free trials and we highly encourage you because again it's about what works for you we encourage you to take it advantage of that and actually give them both a shot if that's something that you're capable of doing the good news is though you don't need crazy crazy expensive Hardware to run them these days yeah you can get honestly a great computer for around 4 $4.99 and that's Mac or PC and you're you're in the game something in that price range will at least get you going so let's talk about genre and Niche you want to consider what genre are you working in when it comes to selecting Logic Pro versus Pro Tools what do I mean by that well if you're getting into a genre like country which is a lot of live instrumentation you're probably going to be recording a lot of you know band stuff a lot of vocals a lot of real guitars real instrumentation miking up real amps probably sometimes Protools is going to win the battle there because it is an audio focused platform it really is the standard in Nashville when it comes to recording live country music that just is the truth um logic pro on the other hand is great if you are trying to do more pop or more programming where you know you're not necessarily planning on miking up your acoustic guitar or miking up a drum set logic pro definitely in my opinion wins the battle when it comes to being a programmer friendly app yeah especially as we talked about before in the included content if you're a songwriter or you're getting into scoring there's so many tools just built in natively into logic that that really makes it hard to look somewhere else if that's the style of music you're doing if you're doing very heavily programmed stuff or if you need a lot of instruments just built in logic is thriving there and if scoring is something you're into if you're starting to get creative and making just elaborate music for films or for video games logic has made it so simple especially with its integration into Dolby Atmos and the ability to even export actual sheet music right right from there right from your midi notes it's all available at your fingertips at the one base price which is pretty ridiculous yeah so logic definitely wins the battle of the two in that category in terms of genre versus for sure speaking of working in different genres in different niches the community surrounding each of these is also dramatically different where you're going to find help who you can work with because music's a very collaborative environment it's a good thing to take into consideration what your friends or other people you want to make music with are using because then it's a lot easier to share files I know I was a Pro Tools user when I met Seth Seth was a logic user when we met and we each started using each other's Daws just because it made it that much easier for us to work together it was very nice of you by the way thank you it was nice of you for as well we we kind of met in the middle I liked it but the truth is is you're going to need help along the way and it's way easier to get help by picking up the phone and texting a friend or call calling a friend than it is trying to get help from Pro Tools or logic Pros tech support that's not very easy it's not at all so that's something to consider as well who else do you know and what are they using let's talk a little bit about plug-in compatibility this is a question that we've gotten we don't want to dive too into the weeds here but just know that if you're wanting to dive into the world of third party plugins which you will at some point if you're getting into this world of music production and you're want you're going to want to look at Brands like waves and universal audio and Valhalla and just don't get overwhelmed with it right now but just know it is something in the future and when you start to look at that ecosystem all of those plugins 99% are compatible with both platforms it didn't always used to be that way but thank God they have gotten smart and figured out how to make them both work on logic and on Pro Tools yeah pretty much if your computer can handle running it either of the DH WS will be able to do it as well which is you know which is great keeps you from having to really focus too hard when buying you can just focus on what you want to use and just know that okay my computer can run it it's going to be just fine exactly let's talk about the other category of your career or your job Ambitions if you have a desire to work full-time in music what kind of job does that look like what is your dream job do you want to be an artist do you want to be a songwriter do you want to be a music producer or do you want to be an engineer who's more behind the scenes working in the studios in a town like Nashville well let's just start there if you're wanting to be an engineer then Protools is absolutely going to be the route that you should go absolutely any Studio you walk into here in Nashville you're going to see Pro Tools because in commercial environments it's the most widely used it's the most widely acceptable now if that's not what you're doing if you're just at home at the coffee shop renting a space face working on your own stuff with you and your friends then that doesn't matter and that doesn't need to dictate your decision again it's about what works for you and what gets you going quickest and logic with all of its built-in functionality right out of the box is often a really really strong starting point it's great for producers songwriters people scoring pretty much anything right away you can get in and start making music so that's all for now go make something amazing if that something amazing includes recording vocals for your next hit and you need help getting your vocals to sound like they do on the radio then check out this video click X's face to see [Music] it
Channel: Full Circle Music
Views: 12,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Circle Music, Full Circle, Seth Mosley, X O'Connor, Grammy, Songwriting, Music Production, Music Industry, Music Business, Songs, DAW, Gear, Artist, Songwriter, Music Producer, Perform, Guitar, Piano, Sing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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