THE SUN - Giver Of Life & Death Star | SPACETIME - SCIENCE SHOW

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since time immemorial humankind has looked to the stars the universe has always been a source of fascination and of mystery how was the cosmos born what else might the universe contain and where do we come from the Sun lies at the center of our planetary system it is a cosmic source of energy a massive nuclear fusion reactor some four point seven billion years old beneath its surface 600 million tons of hydrogen are converted to helium each second at a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius from the surface of the Sun light and heat travel into outer space and to earth welcome to space time featuring astronaut and scientist Ulrich Volta and an expert on surprises the universe has in store for us the Sun without it there would be no life on earth the Sun is the star that sustains us supplying our planet with warmth and light but in the end the Sun will destroy the earth the life made possible by the Sun will be wiped out inexorably and irrevocably [Music] [Music] Wynn's was on our son we needed to survive we need its energy all right the Sun this is slowly growing hotter and eventually it will destroy us heat em temperatures here on earth will soar to over 100 degrees Celsius against the Earth's oceans will evaporate the Sun will swell growing ever larger until the outer layers finally reach and then envelop the earth it will explode and die that of course will spell not only the end of our solar system a lot of humankind in charge the history of our Sun begins with the big bang nearly 14 billion years ago in this cosmic dawn space time and matter the universe itself was born just fractions of a second after this creation tiny elementary particles were formed these became the building blocks for hydrogen and helium the lightest elements the young universe continued to expand the cooling of the universe along with gravity helped transform this matter into the first galaxies as vast clouds of molecular gas continue to increase in density the first generation of stars was born very large and very hot the first stars died young they existed only tens of millions of years before they collapsed these supernova explosions then dispersed the elements that would become the next generation of stars born about 8 billion years after the Big Bang our son was also formed out of matter that a dying star had held into the universe defend his honor same fasting and thus for she son fascinates me for various reasons listen for one it's a key to understanding the many billions of other stars in our cosmos they're all similar to our Sun and DVDs on its on this event some are so does an ordinary star signs that the only stars we can unlock the only one we can study and understand in detail many of the physical processes that also take place in other stars and of course the Sun is our star the star of our own solar system which has given us life leading spend on the energy of our Sun shaped our planet over billions of years it determined our climate and our seasons [Music] for me it's a very interesting star it's right at our front door you can see its diameter unlike the other stars you can see it's not just a little speck you can see the disc the sunspots and the Sun shines onto earth that's Keith it's the source of our energy without the Sun all life here would perish the earth was also formed out of the same material that created our Sun dust and small particles clumped together to form new celestial bodies which continue to grow the heaviest elements became planets let's give the author in there are places in outer space that are somewhat denser than average one should have more gas and dust English tender certain circumstances interstellar clouds as their quality can collapse under their own weight that's how stars are born or HD and then one of them is our Sun which words some 4.5 billion years ago caffeine had million yonder sonam our planetary system was created by the same cosmic catastrophe that gave rise to our Sun a supernova such explosions ensue when a massive star collapses and explodes these brilliant bursts of light in outer space mark the death of a star and the birth of new celestial bodies the explosion sends an enormous amount of matter hurling into outer space along with hydrogen and helium the expanding cloud of gas and dust is comprised mainly of oxygen carbon silicon and iron the basic building blocks of planetary formation such clouds of gas and dust can collapse under their own weight sometimes they are compressed by a new shock wave at the center of the cloud an area of high density begins to form it attracts even more matter becoming the cradle from which a new star is born movie and how did our solar system come into being it's part of an enormous galaxy that we call the Milky Way so let's take a look at the Milky Way there it is well that's not entirely correct that's what we call galaxy m31 but we know it looks pretty much exactly like our Milky Way which by the way contains about 100 billion stars and has a diameter of approximately 100,000 light-years how was this Milky Way born we know that in the beginning there was an enormous cloud of gas that was far larger than what we see here when at some point dark matter moved into this area drawing this visible matter in its way noxee as a result this cloud of gas condensed into this area we see here at the same time the gas cloud began to rotate and collapsed to form a disc that's exactly what we see here there are no stars yet it's covering once in a while though there was a supernova which generated an explosion I'm keen on the ensuing shock wave then caused certain areas of the gas to condense that's where the stars were born one of which was our Sun so where's our Sun located in the Milky Way very roughly speaking on the outer edge about here in our Milky Way awesome is this is it a coincidence that this spot is where life emerged no absolutely not had our Sun been situated closer to the center for example we know that life wouldn't have emerged there are so many supernova explosions in that region that any life would have been extinguished right away we wouldn't have lived very long on the other hand if our Sun had emerged outside over here and that's an area where there are no heavy elements meaning elements such as carbon and iron which make up our bodies and indeed the earth itself there would be no planets over there so there couldn't be any life there's just a very narrow strip the so-called habitable zone where there aren't many supernova explosions and where planets could emerge that could sustain life so you could say that we got very very lucky reason recapped the first prerequisite for the birth of a star is a random conglomeration of matter in outer space the cloud of interstellar matter collapses under its own gravitational force the initial rotation causes the smaller area to move outward where the orbiting planets will form the much larger part of the cloud gradually moves to the center where its mass and density continues to increase until it becomes a priest stellar core as its density increases the temperature inside this nascent star rises to pressure and temperature continue to rise a process that takes about 100 million years as millisecond the reason for Zeus reactor an enormous fusion reactor is formed is in a fusion reactor hydrogen atoms collide with such force that they fuse together that's the freshman as soon as this nuclear reaction is triggered in the core we can say a star is born the star has ignited and burns with cool temperatures of up to 15 million degrees Celsius hydrogen fuses to become helium the Sun then emits this energy into space in the form of sunlight when energy is produced inside the Sun it takes 1 million years to reach the surface in some of the smaller spots you might not notice anything for one or two hundred thousand years so this ignition is actually a very mysterious and silent process which takes many years to become apparent the photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun it is about 400 kilometers thick and just under 6000 degrees Celsius comparatively cool the next two layers of the sun's atmosphere are the chromosphere and the corona inside the corona the temperature rises once again to several million degrees Celsius a phenomenon that scientists still don't fully understand but they do know a great deal about the spots on the surface of the Sun Sun flak and quantum and other things with them telescope sunspots in fact are relatively easy to observe through the telescope was unfortunate then one very significant advance came when Heinrich Schwab an amateur astronomer had a telescope set up in his apartment 15 hata he ran a pharmacy which was on the ground floor and every free moment when it was light outside he ran upstairs and observed the Sun he diligently recorded the sunspots day after day after 40 years of painstaking work he plotted them out on a diagram that's what he noticed Oh the number of sunspots isn't always the same sometimes there were more sometimes less that's how he discovered the solar cycle the famous 11-year solar cycle which was a major advance sunspots appear and disappear again they're an indicator of the activity of the Sun these dark spots were first observed more than 2,000 years ago the Sun countless generations have revered or even feared it many believed a solar eclipse was an ill omen heralding the plague death or the end of the world the Sun was worshipped venerated as a deity humans were sacrificed in its honor in some cultures the Sun was regarded as the creator of the world its path across the heavens was carefully measured and observed the Sun determines the cycle of day and night and influences our climate its light and warmth is what allowed human life to emerge dementia - yeehaw fast The Sun has always fascinated us DD's all about the first people who observe the Sun or observed it more carefully for often astrologers vytas worked hard from they wanted to predict the future based on the position of celestial bodies least against it wasn't until the invention of the telescope that people embarked on rigorous observation of the Sun their famous telescopes humankind has a primordial desire to explore and explain our world the philosopher and scientist Aristotle propagated a geocentric theory of the universe under which the earth constituted the origin and center of all existence the ancient Greek philosopher Ptolemy also believed that the earth was at the center of the universe that believed held sway for nearly 1500 years then Nicholas Copernicus realized that the Sun was the central point around which the earth and the other planets in our solar system revolved his theories were not confirmed until a revolutionary invention arrived on the scene the telescope Galileo Galilei was the first scientist to turn a telescope to the heavens he discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter and he was the one who realized that the Milky Way was not simply a nebula a cloudy mass but a cluster of stars Galileo also described the spots on the Sun this marked the birth of modern astronomy and the beginnings of scientific research on the Sun these honest and to gross because Sun is simply too large I can't bring him to my laboratory it's too hot I can't go there and bring back a piece it would burn our probes to a crisp but we can't carry out direct investigations on one part of the Sun by going to outer space and capturing a piece of solar wind that's being done the solar wind is a stream of charged particles released from the Sun surface this wind can become a veritable storm the surface of the Sun is a seething cauldron whose matter is in constant motion much is here on earth the rotation of the molten Sun generates enormous magnetic fields which form tangled loops when these loops break away from the sun's surface they release intense bursts of energy which can result in the ejection of huge quantities of matter from here on earth the Sun looks quite harmless but it really packs a punch it generates gag antek eruptions you can see it clearly here an enormous mass is just being torn out of the Sun by the way of comparison the Earth's diameter is only about this big so this is huge these ejections emit a huge amount of gas it's comprised mainly of protons or subatomic particles with a positive electric charge they're ejected from the Sun at an enormous speed several hundred kilometers per second toward Earth for example if the Earth's in the way it will be hit by this radiation but if it's somewhere else say here or over here it will be spared let's just imagine all this mass is ploughing toward Earth at an enormous speed the blast of the energy can be a thousand times higher than normal it hits the earth at the North and South Poles because that's where the planets magnetic field directs those geomagnetic storms that's why we see those spectacular northern and southern lights they're depending on its intensity this solar wind can affect the Earth's magnetic field the floods of electrically charged particles head towards the Earth's magnetic poles where they can give rise to a stunning natural spectacle called the Aurora's the northern and southern lights electromagnetic radiation is dangerous here on earth we don't notice it in our day-to-day lives because it's fairly infrequent but in 1869 a powerful solar storm hit the United States back then they had nothing like today's high-tech infrastructures with the internet the electric grid and so forth but they did have Telegraph systems which failed as a result of these solar flares as they're called guns the Aurora's were visible across the entire United States when many billions of tons of plasma gas are ejected into the solar system these electrically charged particles can trigger a powerful geomagnetic storm experts now worry that our hyper networked world makes us vulnerable to these extreme fluctuations in solar activity in the future we might want to pay attention to what the Sun is up to in the worst case scenario a solar storm could cause power surges that would blow out the electrical grid the American gets tough we've now realized that our entire infrastructure is vulnerable or we rely on the Internet and networks the more vulnerable we are at those points there's nothing we can do about it we can't switch off the Sun but we could devise an early warning system much like a weather forecast satellites have a major impact on our daily lives we live in a digital world our communication systems and our entire infrastructure have become dependent on a continuous stream of data much of which is transmitted by satellite the satellites would be the first things to suffer a hit we need to make sure our navigation satellites aren't affected a fan in to prevent the image we might need to take these systems offline till it's over of course we'll also try to build more stable systems which are less vulnerable to these events we can't control but if we realize something's headed our way we need to shut down these systems and when it's over we can restart them I mean David our office of fun nowadays the Sun is observed and monitored around the clock both from the earth and from probes in outer space in 1995 Issa and NASA launched the Soho scientific observatory the spacecraft delivers images of solar eruptions in real time the Soho satellite carries a large range of instruments onboard which can be used to study everything from the inner core of the Sun to its outer corona the data gathered by the satellite is also exceptionally high in quality for Zoho bodies on engrossment and dance before Soho the Sun was around the boring static store was the sea but we knew that it had several layers and we knew it had occasional eruptions our thanks to Soho and the instruments that followed we know that the Sun is constantly bubbling egon vas email explode yet there's always something exploding somewhere on the Sun it's never quiet and ever God says we've been forced to completely overturn our understanding of the Sun it's all thanks to Soho thanks the Soho mission is now more than 20 years old but it's still one of the most important satellite observatories providing data about the Sun so where does this probe need to be to have the best possible view of the Sun well it needs to have the same angle of view as the earth and to be able to communicate easily with the earth community and come as it happens there's an excellent spot for that between the Earth and the Sun Dean Sean woods yet to take a look this in the middle is the Sun I'm here in the moon's wasana 150 kilometers away is the earth to have the same angle of view the Sun needs to be near the earth and it needs to be able to communicate easily with earth and for them it will need to be located at a specific point if I draw a line of connection from the Sun and the earth that point will have to be situated on this line on sight about this point right here it can't be too far from the earth so cosine it's about 1.5 million kilometers away when this point has other beneficial characteristics it's called the l1 point for the first Lagrange point from Earth the goulds was an old French physicist who demonstrated some important aspects of this point for example when I position a probe there it stays there we won't keep moving that's nice because I won't need fuel to maintain the probe in that position but this point also has a major disadvantage which we'll examine from a different perspective he finally toward the Sun from a position on earth the probe would be visible right in the middle of the Sun to DES on it Susan Ozzie sure I'm standing on the earth here looking toward the Sun this is an enormous disadvantage because whenever the probe communicates with me the signal would be drowned out by the sun's radiation I wouldn't be able to hear or see anything coming from that probe so the probe needs to be moved slightly off-center this l1 point has another lovely aspect to has what is called a halo orbit meaning an orbit that circles this point yes my mouse sketch that right here positioning it not in the middle of the Sun but outside it if I direct my antenna at this orbit I can communicate with the probe the probe will still have a very good view of the Sun that's what's so wonderful about this l1 point and that's why Soho is positioned there and is important [Music] the European Space Agency's new solar orbiter mission will also study the Sun ISA satellite will also help us better understand the impact of the Sun here on earth one of the solar orbiters tasks will be observing solar wind and space weather let's go to August have it the solar orbiter will leave the Earth's orbit methane will then follow its Boeing very elliptical orbit around the Sun on one side it will be quite close to the Sun and on the opposite side will be further away and it will leave the Earth's elliptical orbit the Earth's orbit level as the solar orbiter will be able to observe the poles of the Sun through its telescopes which will also be a first the mission has been designed to deliver new data about the star at the center of our planetary system for the first time ever observations will be carried out of the rear of the Sun the instruments onboard the solar orbiter will generate a 360-degree image of the sun's magnetic field it's hoped that the data provided by the mission will help scientists better understand the inner workings of the Sun and the impact it has on the earth and other planets in our solar system [Music] the Max Planck Institute for solar system research in gutting in Germany is taking part in the mission the Institute conducts research on a range of topics involving the Sun the heliosphere and solar winds this research isn't only being conducted by satellites with their sunrise project the gutting and researchers are breaking new ground sunrise is a balloon borne solar observatory many of the sun's secrets are contained within the ultraviolet radiation that it emits into outer space on earth however our atmosphere absorbs the majority of this ultraviolet radiation as a result precise observations of this UV radiation cannot be carried out from here on earth the sunrise observatory floats at a height of 35 kilometers in the Earth's stratosphere from that unique vantage point the observatory's telescope provides researchers with high-resolution images of the surface of the Sun in deserts man over at that altitude would send the 99% of the air was below the observatory when it's fast you're almost in a vacuum it's very close to outer space and blow the sky is black not blue and there's almost no atmospheric turbulence Ithaca Dustin the common you can take very high-resolution images our goal was to achieve a special resolution of less than 50 kilometers of the solar surface and we succeeded that's a fedora you could compare that to being able to discern a 1 or 2 euro coin from a distance of about 100 kilometers and family of yours and sunrise thus provides the scientists with a view of the Sun undisturbed by the Earth's atmosphere at a fraction of the cost of a space mission by the way the death of a star can take many different forms it depends on its final mass when the final mass is more than three times that of our Sun you get a gigantic explosion a famous supernova we're all familiar with that's blood is what remains well a small black hole that can't be seen thank you in spite of next you have stars with a mass somewhere between 1.5 and 3 times that of our Sun also get a gigantic explosion but that will leave behind what's called a neutron star that's visible through a telescope it's very small only about 15 kilometers in diameter it's very bright and as dense as an atomic nucleus then there's the third possibility which is what will happen with our Sun the Sun will shed its outer layers leaving behind a white dwarf fruit which glows with a bright light fast and what's it made of almost entirely of carbon basically like a diamond but it doesn't sparkle like a gemstone it's just a clump of carbon atoms stuff that told me based on their observations of the Stars researchers have also drawn conclusions about the history and the future of our Sun [Music] the study of aging stars can serve as a blueprint to better understand the Sun these will be Samia den Sophie how do we know so much about the birth of the Sun we know it from our observations of other stars or things we can observe them in various places and not just one star but many of them you can observe places where stars are being formed but we also see stars that are dying that are bloated that are the red giants you can observe the moment that they shed their outer layers which is very beautiful viewed through the telescopes and that is cool because you can see the planetary nebula as well as the core which is the white dwarf device and sag a BC first it's enclosed in layers these a later the layers are shed and only the white dwarf remains and you also see ones that have run their course that are nearly extinguished the faster notion the researchers are on a never-ending journey to the limits of human knowledge they are searching for the blueprint of the universe the pace of research is accelerated as have the insights it offers us the more deeply scientists venture into space the more information they gather about our planetary system to carry out direct observations of the Sun researchers have also been developing ever more precise and specialized instruments [Music] einstein tower is an observatory on a hill in the city of Potsdam just outside Berlin built by architect Eric Mendel's own in 1920 it houses what was once Europe's most important solar telescope [Music] the telescope was designed by astrophysicist Arvind Finley finally to test Albert Einstein's recently developed theory of general relativity that accounts for the structures named Einstein tower while researchers at the observatory did not succeed in proving the theory of general relativity Albert Einstein received a lifetime appointment as chair of the board of trustees of the observatory Foundation let's list them from 50 kopecks laws now we basically have to move the dome so that sunlight strikes the mirror these are speaker faint a suddenly this mirror catches the sunlight you can see an axis here parallel to the Earth's rotational axis so when the Sun moves across the firmament we can retrace that movement with this mirror it sends the light to the second mirror whose only purpose is to direct the light vertically downward into the telescope the light then strikes a lens that's 60 centimeters in diameter it has a focal length of 14 meters and produces a solar image that's about this size 14 centimeters down in the optical laboratory the laboratory in the basement of the Einstein Tower the mirror under the dome directs the sunlight into the telescope located inside the tower the height of the tower in turn determines the focal length of the telescope Duncan as endless sunlight can pass into the basement laboratory the telescope rests on its own foundation to protect it from vibration it's surrounded by the tower which serves as a protective shell the sunlight passes through the tower down to the basement a thief left on all the light then hits this mirror which redirects it over this optical bench where we can carry out tests on instruments then the light strikes this wall this is the spectrograph gap the basement of the tower is where the actual research laboratory is located once the light arrives here it is diverted again the spectrograph lies at the heart of the observatory it's where sunlight is separated into its individual wavelengths by analyzing the spectral lines scientists can determine the chemical composition of the Sun the Einstein tower and its soda telescope belonged to the light knits Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam researchers here are still working with a data that has been collected over decades of observation here you see the times of day and which cameras were observed these are basically the Einstein towers laboratory reports we can still use the data recorded here and analyze it Audino all these here are the photographic plates every day weather permitting photographs were taken of the entire solar disk so here you can see sunspots extending in a row along the equator from east to west and here are similar groups that extend from the edge of the Sun here to the middle of the Sun the telescope in Einstein tower is still fully operational even today instruments to observe the Sun are developed and tested here nowadays though solar observations are conducted with far more modern instruments and they have moved to areas that are more remote far from any city Gregor Europe's largest solar telescope is situated on a volcano on the Spanish island of Tenerife high above the cloud cover the calm and clear air offers perfect conditions for a solar observatory Gregor was co-developed by researchers from the Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam the telescope's large main mirror can obtain solar images of unprecedented quality and resolution in a solar telescope a large mirror is key this one is 1.5 metres in diameter you need a large mirror to collect a lot of light which we need to carry out in our precise measurements the larger the mirror more high-res your solar image will be Gregor first set its sights on the Sun in 2012 since then it's been supplying images that would be impossible to obtain in Germany oh Sh lucky atmospheric conditions are the most important criteria for deciding where to build a solar telescope I figure as he shined this first the Sun has to shine more often it shines the better that suggests it's best to go south where you have sunnier weather conditions then in our northerly latitudes a mountaintop is also good the higher you are in the Earth's atmosphere the better and clearer your view a new generation of solar telescopes are already in planning one is est the new European solar telescope its main mirror will be four meters in diameter making it Europe's largest solar telescope this high-resolution telescope will allow scientists to investigate fundamental processes of the Sun in greater detail the researchers hope to obtain new insights into the Sun from its deep photosphere to the upper chromosphere by the way did you know that our Sun vibrates that's because our Sun at about 5,000 degrees Celsius is molten a liquid all the way through imagine our Sun is an enormous droplet of water like any drop of water it can vibrate under conditions of zero gravity of course these vibrations are so small that we can't see them from here on earth they can only be seen using very special instruments that observe the Sun in great detail since other stars are about as hot as our Sun they vibrate in much the same way in carrying out their research astrophysicists have embarked on a journey into infinity our own Milky Way contains more than 100 billion stars and our solar system is just one among many but it is the study of our own Sun that lies at the foundation of Astrophysical research our Sun forms the basis for understanding other stars is there such a thing as the perfect stars the store that makes biological life possible yes there is but to understand why we first have to look at a completely ordinary star for example Trappist one that's the star we see here on the far left which was discovered quite recently it's a red dwarf star and what's also interesting is that it has many planets seven planets as you can see here but only two are located in just the right spot these ones here which as you can see are blue that's because they have liquid water on them in other words their surface temperatures somewhere between zero and a hundred degrees Celsius which is where life can arise other planets which are further out or already too cold they've only got ice and the ones that are further in are too hot they're already more than a hundred degrees Celsius so life can't emerge there what we need are planets in the habitable zone the big problem with Trappist one and indeed all red dwarf stars is that they emit huge blasts of radiation that radiation reaches the planets and would extinguish the basis for life there so what we need is a good natured star in the middle what's called a g-type star our own Sun is a G star a very happy and content star that's been burbling away without any outbursts for many billions of years plus the earth is situated right in the middle of the habitable zone in that sense the earth and Sun are perfectly situated for the emergence of biological life for many years scientists were puzzled by the dark spots in our Milky Way and in other galaxies a dark band divides the Milky Way into two clouds of such density that the light of the stars can't pass through it but it is these clouds that contain the matter from which new stars can emerge these star factories can give rise to thousands of new stars the Orion Nebula in the Milky Way is the closest such star Factory to earth this stellar nursery gives birth to very massive stars the enormous hydrogen nebula is 1344 light-years from Earth just around the corner in galactic terms the Orion Nebula is about three million years old in its center lies a collection of young stars [Music] using infrared and x-ray telescopes astronomers have been observing the birth of new stars in this galactic nursery in what is almost a live performance our galaxy the Milky Way contains about 1,500 such nebula they are all regions in which stars are born the basic principle is always the same the death of massive stars promotes the birth of a new generation down when a star dies that gives back a part of its mass to the interstellar medium medium confined in the case of the Sun that would be the entire outer layer that would be half perhaps more than half that will return to the interstellar medium nothing stood out immediately even death know these stars that are even more massive return more of their mass for example stars that are 10 or 20 times heavier than the Sun kind of team media those stars don't live ten billion years they live only around 100 million years or ten million years or even less what's the latest and they're very short-lived stars explode the energy in the end they explode they're torn to bits that just a small bit remains at the core the outer layers are thrown off at enormous speed dying stars return part of their mass to the interstellar medium ever since the Big Bang this dust comprised of what were once stars gives rise to new celestial bodies in particular planets that bear a resemblance to earth in our all-stars only children I know definitely not many stars have siblings most have one sibling in fact let me explain yes Liam it all begins with that enormous cloud of gas which collapses on itself it begins to rotate laws of physics have to maintain that angular momentum despite this gravitational collapse that's accomplished most easily with two stars let's sketch this out on the one side we have one star they don't have to be the same size this one is for example smaller to maintain the angular momentum the two stars need to revolve around each other like this so now the question is where did the planets emerge and where do they revolve well there are two very different possibilities the first is a planet revolving in the direct vicinity of the star as I'll sketch here or you could have a planet emerge further away which revolves around both stars as you can see here I've drawn a somewhat wobbly line why is that well while the planet revolves here on the outside the two stars move here at the center so the planet is constantly subjected to slightly variable gravitational forces that's why the orbit isn't a perfect circle the same thing is happening here this planet revolving here subjected to the gravitational pull of the other star from here and here or here so it's orbit also has bumps and bulges over the orbits such as these are very unsuited to life since they mean that climate conditions will be highly variable in other words small bacterial life forms might arise that aren't terribly bothered by climate conditions but higher forms of life such as human life need a very stable climate over millions of years that's exactly what all these planetary orbits don't provide and that's the reason why it's very unlikely that life would emerge in these binary star systems one of the most famous scenes in Star Wars also drew inspiration from a binary sunset in the past scientists believed that planets did not exist in binary star systems meanwhile however their existence is well documented both offense is famous binary star systems are relatively common system there are also systems with more than two stars three or even more I have that's because when stars are formed it's usually not just a single star understand that could be that's that's and then when one of those enormous clouds collapse in interstellar space great many stars are formed an entire group of stars I understand and if two stars happen to be near enough to one another and if they're not moving terribly fast so gravity will draw them closer together and then they'll begin to revolve around one another unfun an omen under two cries no astronomers estimate that up to 70 percent of all stars in our galaxy are part of a binary or multi star system most probably have their own planetary system and it could well be that some of these systems contain exoplanets revolving in a stable orbit a planetary system such as ours with just one central star might be an exception within the Infinity that is our universe our Sun an enormous ball of fire a nuclear reactor brimming with seemingly endless energy a star that we experience directly here on earth and an object whose characteristics and peculiarities we continue to investigate and explore and yet our Sun is just one star among billions in our galaxy it is nothing but a blip in the endless expanse of the universe and like every star in the cosmos the Sun will one day be extinguished easy what will the end of our son look like well for the next 20 30 40 maybe 50 million years nothing at all will happen he's on the son will just continue to burble along as it does now but as it does it will expand very very slowly and it will grow warmer very slowly temperatures on the earth will continue to rise until they reach about 100 degrees Celsius about a billion years from now by then our oceans will have evaporated and that will spell the end of human life as I said that's a billion years from now so that's nothing to worry about but that won't be the end of our Sun it will continue to expand and grow hotter until it finally consumes the earth in the first limit and that will be the end of our earth eventually the Sun will cast off its outer layers and collapse and a small white dwarf will remain those outer layers will be incorporated into other clouds of gas a great distance away they'll also contain elements that make up our bodies these these clouds of gas will eventually collapse to giving rise to new stars and new planets and a new cosmic cycle will begin cosmic shot sucrose we are surrounded by infinity that is beyond human comprehension a universe in which the Sun and our solar system are nothing but specks of sand in an enormous ocean just like our Sun once emerged from a nebula of matter in the end it will cast off its outer layers and be reabsorbed into this strange cosmic landscape a landscape of light gas and Stardust formed and shaped by cosmic wind and radiation some six billion years from now when our Sun finally runs out of fuel when its hydrogen supplies have run dry in its celestial fire has been extinguished then it too will contribute to the eternal renewal of the universe [Music]
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 1,162,553
Rating: 4.5597548 out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, space time documentary, spacetime, spacetime sun, sun, the sun, climate, infinite energy, scientist, astronaut revelation, astro, astronaut, space, mars, space x, ulrich walter, asteroid, space station, astronomy, solar system, black hole, planet, cosmos, universe
Id: eWbv2T3KsA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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