A Spiritual flu [From The Dragon's Mouth (Message 814)]

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turn to matthew 15. you see it's one of the easiest things to fall into for god's people and one of the worst things to fall into matthew 15. verse 18 the things that proceed out of the mouth comes from the heart and those are the things that defile the man for out of the heart comes evil thoughts and murders and adulteries and fornications and thefts and false witness and slanders these are the things which defile the man but to eat with unwashed hands is not to file the man what's the context the orthodox view of food unclean clean which is from the torah but they went way much farther than what god ever said but there was a reason for that but they said is look your apostles are eating your disciples are eating with unwashed hands that makes their unclean he says that's not what makes somebody unclean well it makes something unclean is what not comes into the mouth but what comes out of the mouth because out of the mouth comes what is from the heart and so where you're really at the body that makes you unclean it's the heart that makes you unclean if it's unclean and so the link is to your mouth reveals what's in your heart people think that gossip is about the object of gossip no it's about the person who's gossiping it reveals not about the person who's spoken about it reveals about the person who is speaking it's not it exposes what's in your heart you understand it is what the lord is saying is what comes out of your mouth now you can say phony things you could say things that you don't feel but it's gonna but it's gonna get out there it's gonna come out the good heart never seeks to tear down another person never seeks to it only deals with things if it's for good if it has to deal with if under compulsion has to deal with a problem then addresses that be only in a way that brings good but when there's evil in our heart we speak words of death cutting words and even if we say it i you know i say this in love no it's the opposite of the good heart because what's happening is we're using that as a cover for what we know is not right i love this person but it's the butt the love was just what we said but i love it but in the name of holiness you know that's another thing that great well we'll talk about that but you know you know i see people say you know righteousness and holy and that i must judge these people and god's judgment on i said you know you are you holier than sabine wormbrand who was the wife of richard who suffered for their faith in the prisons of romania because he said that his wife would never say anything bad about anybody and he said he had a hard time having her say anything bad about stalin are you holier than her the truly righteous people are those who are most humble god will take care of the rest he says that's my business you if you have to deal with something you do it with great humility and most of most of us jesus said don't even he said you're taking this the splinter out take the log out first because because because 99 of the time you are you are in sin and when the time comes you're so when i have to have you deal with something i'll do it in a godly way god it says uses this not only does the enemy do this resurrection but god uses this to test you do you know that is a scripture it says that there must be heresies among you and that the same word it must be factions among you it says there must be divisiveness it says in the epistles it says to show who is god's to show to reveal in other words and this is in the old testament too same principle god uses this someone comes to you god is using that the evil that the enemy means for bad he's going to use it to test you and to grow you and to show you god whenever someone comes up to you and starts speaking against another person tearing them down gossiping you are being tested throwing darkness on something or gloating over someone's misfortune it's a test heaven's watching you you see you think well oh the person's not here that's what makes it easy to gossip you never would say those things the person was there but you don't understand heaven is watching you especially then to see if you're going to join in with it and let it go go with that gospel to go with that tearing down or you're going to resist it and oppose it with good heaven is watching it reveals your hearts the enemy wants to if he could have his way destroy your life if he could the enemy wants to if he could destroy beth israel wipe it out of existence he wants to destroy everything that is good or used of god everything and yet god will use those very same things to test us and to grow us and to refine us those who participate in gossip and speak words of death it means death has come into our hearts doesn't mean we don't love the lord but it means we better be careful because we let death in our heart and if we don't get that out we're in trouble why do people gossip see it means the enemy you're actually being an instrument of the enemy an instrument of the enemy yes i'm trying to say this in terms because in this strong because that's what the bible says because that will be so revolted by it why do people gossip why do people tear down other people why do people read gossip but why do people want to hear that there are that somebody is in misfortune that somebody has fallen why do why is there a pleasure in that why do some people talk about oh you see this guy fell this one fell and there's they're gloating over him why because there's sin in the hearts that's why if there's gossip on your tongue there is darkness in the heart there's i'll tell you what caught bitterness causes it if you're bitter you want to see things go wrong frustrated you're frustrated with something then you want to see something go wrong you want to vent it something if you have a uh your your view of like you know you're you're trying to competing and and then you hear other people down you think that lifts you up you know oh good something happened to that person so i'm more more up or you believe the worse and so when the worst happens or you hear it you you gravitate to the worst that's evil or you're envious of someone so when they lose it you say ah i don't feel so bad anymore jealousy competition you're not being filled by god i'm not that god isn't filling you but you are not it's a sign it's a sign it's an oil thing saying you are not being filled by the good or by god if you were you would not participate in any way in these things you'd say ah i'm grieved by it because i'm of life i'm full in god i don't want misfortune i don't want to tear down i don't want to cast something on someone right now there is a flu going around a very potent flu and some of you right here probably have a little bit of the infection some of you i mean or that with this size place some how many people are infected and you're infecting the person next to you well you know it's funny because we just it was on our hearts that we need that we need to kind of kind of give a inoculation and then the same time the flu is going around and and people joe is out a little bit and other people were out and the flu is a disease in exactly the same way a disease works in the physical so the germ of slander works to the spiritual the enemy takes the same thing just like a disease he puts it in spiritual form to get into your heart there there now you better watch how you cough because now everybody's gonna say this person is what he's talking about as germ well you know it's an illustration it's okay you can keep coughing it'll illustrate a germ to the physical to the spirit how do you spread this flu cough breathe speak how do you get it you speak with the wrong person you receive the german if you're weak if your immune system is down or you're weak and you speak to the wrong person you succumb think about that when you are not really strong in the lord being filled in the lord and you go to the wrong person at the wrong time you get infected with words of death and slander it's poisonous just like a germ it takes life away from you you know the strange it makes a person feel good for a moment it gives the kind of pride and that you know of judging and then it just infects and takes the joy away it takes the peace away it takes the purity away it strengthens all that what gossip does and what slander and words of death do from the it strengthens everything that's wrong with you it strengthens the pride it strengthens judgment it spring strengthens hardness of heart all those things and in the end it incapacitates believers if someone gives into it it just takes its course the point i've seen it it just can destroy a walk to find out how you can receive more of jonathan's teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch go to hopeoftheworld.org or call toll-free 1-800 yeshua-1 that's hope hopeoftheworld.org or call 1-800 yeshua-1 that's 1-800-937-4821 you can also get more at jonathan khan's facebook page or write us direct at hope of the world box 1111 lodi new jersey zero seven six four four usa
Channel: Jonathan Cahn
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Keywords: jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn book of mysteries, cahn jonathan, johnathan cahn, rabbi jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn 2020 message, the return, jonathan con, jonathan cahn prophetic word 2020, hope of the world, baal, jonathan cahn 2020, cahn, paradigm, jonathan kahn, rabbi cahn, jonathan cahn latest
Id: ZW9-ETn-Ebs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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