The Stunning Transformation of Joanna Gaines (Fixer Upper)

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joanna gaines first shot to fame in 2013 alongside her husband chip thanks to their breakout series fixer-upper which followed the gains couple as they renovated homes in their new signature modern farmhouse style she has not only become one of the best known television stars but also successfully built a multi-million dollar home renovation and lifestyle empire here's everything you need to know about her inspiring journey to become one of the most successful business moguls after getting married in 2003 joanna parted with her husband and the couple embarked on their very first fixer-upper project our first fixer-upper together we really learned how to work together she stated i learned what not to do from a design standpoint that same year the duo opened their first shop in waco texas called magnolia the store helped joanna to improve her confidence and skills and design in that store i developed and sharpened my design style and skills grew as a business owner and gained much needed confidence in magnolia market and myself she revealed in 2017 despite their show's immense popularity the gains decided to end fixer-upper after five seasons and took a break from tv for a year the multifaceted personality told oprah in an interview on own when you're filming for four or five years you begin to lose the why we just lost steam we lost the purpose in it another reason behind the couple's hiatus was their desire to focus more on their family as they felt their children were being negatively affected by the pressures of reality tv joanna also wanted to spend more quality time with her children as they complained that she was never home so she took a step back from her business and focused on parenthood deciding always to prioritize her family over her work the proud mother of five children drake ella duke emmy and crew confessed being a mom is at the core of who i am it's my top priority chip and joanna have successfully taken their lifestyle brand to new impressive heights releasing books opening cafes and restaurants launching various product lines and not to mention their own streaming network called the magnolia network which features an array of new programming all reflecting the values and ideals underlying the gains couple's immensely successful brand it also included her standalone project magnolia table with joanna gaines as the co-founder of magnolia network she was dragged into controversy after many homeowners featured on the homework series allege that the show's hosts andy and candace meredith had gone way over budget by tens of thousands of dollars in some cases and damaged their homes during the renovation process the show was pulled from the network's lineup and put under review amid the controversy however the show was quickly reinstated and the game's brand name remained untarnished as the network released a statement claiming that a review of the allegations found no malicious or ill intent on the part of the production or the show's hosts joanna who is lauded for her natural beauty spoke to darling magazine about how her understanding of beauty had shifted as she aged the star feels having a purpose of taking care of her family and bringing joy to her clients makes her feel beautiful from the inside out as i am getting older the idea of beauty is very different for me she explained yes i'm getting gray hairs and wrinkles but i feel more beautiful now because i know i have a great purpose the 43 year old comes from a multi-ethnic family and has previously shared her experiences of racism and discrimination growing up which fueled her desire to become more inclusive growing up as half asian half caucasian i get what that feels like to not be accepted and to not be loved she told the hollywood reporter that's the last thing i want anyone to ever feel after overcoming her insecurities and giving up the notion that beauty was completely superficial the tv presenter has made it her mission to help others to help them learn their value just as she did which truly makes her a beautiful person inside out joanna is hugely popular on social media and has over 13.4 million instagram followers who love keeping updated with the star's professional work and her personal life and she certainly doesn't disappoint offering an intimate peek into her most cherished personal moments and her biggest professional commitments to her huge following that's it for today if you haven't already hit the subscribe button and click the bell to make sure you stay up to date with celebrity gossip and the latest showbiz news
Channel: PDQ Briefing
Views: 39,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PDQ Briefing, Joanna Gaines
Id: TudI1AWcLvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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