The Structures That Defy Gravity

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My wiki research shows that your title isn't quite accurate.

Montreal Tower is the tallest inclined tower but not the tallest inclined structure. That title would go to the recently completed Altair development in Sri Lanka. Though since Altair is technically one inclined building leaning on another, an argument could perhaps be made that it is a cheater cheater pumpkin eater, and Montreal Tower is still the tallest.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/the_tico_life 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/diamund223 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

"The tower stalled at 92 meters in to...strike delays"

CLASSIC. I can picture the workers marching around with those white flags!

Imagine...purposely scamming the city with your dump trucks, and then having the gall to go on strike? Weren't they on strike for 30% of the time or something?

Priceless...well, almost priceless. It had a cost. 2.5billion, after an original budget of like 120million.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sandval 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

They figure that with Montreal’s failing infrastructure, if it leans, it looks normal! See: Olympic stadium! 😂😂

Edit: I’m a little disappointed that the joke is going over people’s heads. But this is the internet so I’ll go dig my grave now.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/diamund223 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
while most conventional structures are designed with a clearly defined center of mass advancements in engineering construction materials and building techniques have allowed some architects and engineers to conceive a range of or inspiring structures that seemingly reject the laws of physics [Music] despite each of these schemes appearing unsettling at first they are in fact as sturdy as any others from floating museums that reach into other countries to breathtaking cantilevered sky gardens and truly terrifying observation platforms these structures appear to defy gravity [Music] [Music] Sydney's one Central Park is a twin tower mixed-use development with a highly unusual exterior not only does the surrounding green space reach up the facade of the two towers it also extends far into the sky in the form of the eastern towers cantilevered sky garden containing a range of residential amenities including an outdoor terrace barbecue facilities and a plunge pool the most dynamic feature of this cantilever is a reflective heliostats featuring 320 motorized mirrors that bring natural light into the space between the two buildings built using a steel truss system the cantilever and adjoining heliostats extend an incredible 42 metres beyond the footprint of the tower while reflectors in the Helios - track the movement of the Sun during the day by night an array of LEDs turn the feature into a vibrant light display forming paths of the iconic Olympic Stadium for the 1976 Summer Games Montreal Tower was set to support the venue's retractable roof along with the range of other sporting facilities however despite construction works commencing in 1973 the tower stalled at 92 meters in height due to design complexities the weather and strike delays they remained unfinished during the Olympics originally planned to be built entirely with concrete's when construction recommenced after the games it was revealed that the tower would in fact be too heavy to support itself if concrete was used as the primary building material in light of this setback steel was used to construct the remainder of the tower rising to an overall height of 175 meters the tower reaches a 45 degree angle making it the tallest incline structure in the world the building also features an observation deck Canada's largest Aquatic Centre and following extensive renovations in 2018 commercial space that will bring over a thousand people into the tower each day [Music] heading south and into the United States we come to one of the world's most adrenaline-inducing structures the Grand Canyon Skywalk in Arizona cantilevering 20 meters out over the edge of the Grand Canyon this observation platform places visitors on a glass walkway above the canyon floor built in conjunction with the native Hualapai nation this impressive platform required considerable engineering to achieve its structural stability the platform consists of an inner and outer beam that are anchored to four posts on either side of the platform these are intern anchored in pairs to four large concrete footings which are themselves anchored 14 metres into the bedrock using high-strength threaded rock anchors additionally to mitigate any vibration caused by wind and pedestrian loads to tuned mass dampers are installed on either end of the platform while a third damper is positioned at the platform's greatest extent from the canyon wall only 120 people are allowed on the platform at any time despite the structure being engineered to hold 822 people without over stressing built to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Timmel shock alpine road connecting Austria and Italy through the Tyrolean Alps this museum cantilevers 16 metres out from the mountain while effortlessly paying homage to its surroundings while that appears to be perched precariously on the edge of a small hill the mound cleverly hides the building's foundations which are buried below ground and act as a counterweight to the protruding structure above the cement used to construct the museum was blended with rocks and pigments from the surrounding area allowing the structure to almost merge with its context with the region of Tirol changing hands between the countries throughout the centuries the museum was built on a symbolic site along the pass while its foundations and entrance lie in North Tyrol part of Austria the opposing panoramic window at the end of the main structure in fact lies in the Italian territory of South Tyrol the striking CMG headquarters in Beijing features one of the largest and heaviest cantilevers in the world consisting of two inclined towers connected via a sky bridge the cantilevered element of this structure contains up to 13 stories at its deepest point that are suspended 162 meters above the ground to achieve this remarkable feat of Engineering in an active seismic zone engineers devised a unique diet exoskeleton to carry the structures extreme loads and transfer them through the superstructure of the building demanding more than 40,000 structural elements this exoskeleton can be clearly seen on the exterior of the building the irregular pattern of these elements is a response to the varying levels of stress acting on the structure with tighter diagonal patterns indicating areas of particular intensity with 17,000 tons of force acting on some of the building's columns under normal circumstances it was imperative that the steel used in construction was of uniform temperature when the two towers were connected minimizing any additional stresses that could arise from misaligned structural members affected by varying changes in temperature to ensure this workers only connected the towers during the early hours of the morning before the Sun rose [Music] while each of these structures are in fact firmly secured to the ground the engineering and technology that allows them to stand strong while inspiring wonder is a testament to the capabilities of our incredible industry if you enjoyed this video and would like to get more from the definitive video channel for construction subscribe to the b1m
Channel: The B1M
Views: 981,233
Rating: 4.889257 out of 5
Keywords: B1M, TheB1M, Construction, architecture, engineering, cantilever, skybridge, montreal, sydney, beijing, CMG HEADQUARTERS, TIMMELSJOCH PASS, one central park, central park, grand canyon, skywalk, grand canyon skywalk, montreal tower, 1976 olympics, cctv, china, gravity defying, wicked, defying gravity, fred mills, olympics, crazy building, amazing buildings, amazing architecture, building
Id: opTiYDNaXbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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