10 Hyperloops That Will Change The World

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Interesting point that these will lead us to the next "Suburbs". I live in Utah and could see Ogden-Salt Lake City-Provo becoming one large metro area via a hyper-loop.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Libertechian 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2019 đź—«︎ replies
with Hyperloop research and development advancing like never before the first operational system is on the cusp of becoming a reality [Music] despite roots being proposed in the United States United Arab Emirates India Scandinavia and Mexico at the time of filming no scheme has received the full commitment of a national government or private corporation with Hyperloop Technology maturing at a rapid rate and the concept set to have a revolutionary impacts we've theorized ten routes that could change our world [Music] before we begin it's important to explain the criteria that we have used to determine these concepts while roots from New York to London or from Cairo to Cape Town are impressive to theorize the technology logistics and economics required to make them happen often renders them unviable to determine the most credible proposals we developed five criteria capacity considering the number of people that each route has the potential to connect influence the importance or influence of each city to its respective region connectivity the existing connections and the demand for routes between cities geological the consideration of natural barriers like oceans forests or mountain ranges that can make routes impractical and geopolitical considering the movement of people across borders the ability to finance such a Hyperloop system and the degree of cooperation between countries first up we have a route that could revolutionize the east coast of Australia with 80 percent of the country's population residing in the eastern states linking the major economic centres of the nation's largest cities to more affordable regional areas would bring access to new employment and housing opportunities creating a mega region along the Pacific coasts the route would link Melbourne to Brisbane a distance of 1,500 kilometres in less than two hours along the way the East Australian Hyperloop would connect to the nation's capital Canberra Australia's largest city Sydney and the regional cities of Newcastle and the Gold Coast the route would have a catchment of over 14 million people which is around a sixty percent of Australia's entire population other towns and cities along the route could link into the system as demand rose with Australia curry laying claim to the second and eighth busiest flight routes in the world with fifty-four thousand flights between Melbourne and Sydney each year and Sydney to Brisbane seeing thirty three thousand flights each year the demand to link these cities and eliminates the time wasted in airports makes a significant case for investing in Hyperloop renowned for embracing the latest technology and with a densely populated mainland Japan is a prime candidate for Hyperloop despite being an archipelago with mountainous terrain six of the country's seven largest cities lie in relatively close proximity to another on the main island of Honshu a Hyperloop from Tokyo to the city of Kobe via Yokohama Nagoya Kyoto and Osaka would unite a region of more than 65 million people that has a combined GDP of more than 2.8 trillion US dollars while Japan has long been a champion of high-speed rail Hyperloop is expected to travel at twice the rates of the country's bullet trains this would make the entire trip end-to-end less than 35 minutes compared to the current two and a half hours by bullet train and open the possibility of working in Tokyo or Kyoto while living in Nagoya where the cost of living is much more reasonable [Music] with China's urban population booming linking cities more effectively would allow its economy to continue to grow while taking pressure off housing in some of the country's most densely occupied mega cities Hong Kong and Shanghai are both at the center of two of China's most important mega regions the Pearl and yang TZ river deltas while China has invested heavily in transport links between these cities the efficiency of the Hyperloop system is almost impossible to compete with covering 1700 kilometers in a cross-country arc the entire route would get you from Hong Kong to Shanghai in less than two and a half hours this route has the potential to make inland cities like Wuhan and chainsaw much more influential sitting at the heart of a route just over an hour from the economic hubs that make up 40% of the Chinese economy [Music] set to become the world's most populated country by 2025 India is extremely well placed to benefit from an end-to-end Hyperloop route with the number of flights between Delhi and Mumbai reaching 47,000 in 2017 it's no wonder this region is the first in a series of major industrial corridors that are planned for the country the 100 billion u.s. dollar Delhi Mumbai industrial corridor or DM IC is one of the world's largest infrastructure projects its objective is to link India's major cities allowing them to draw on one another's manufacturing logistical and human resources and helping the nation become a world leader in manufacturing with Mumbai Delhi and Kolkata each expected to have populations in excess of 50 million by 2100 an end-to-end Hyperloop system would have a catchment area of over 200 million people at 4,000 kilometers in length this route would put all three centers less than two hours of parts in either direction greatly boosting the region [Music] when it comes to international routes for Hyperloop one of the most important elements to consider is financial cooperation to fund the projects and the ease at which people can move between countries the fundamentals of the European Union address these criteria very directly while Brussels is widely accepted as the capital of the EU administrative functions and branches also sit in Strasbourg and Luxembourg combine this with the European Central Bank located in Frankfurt and Europol in the hague and the process of moving politicians and government officials between these five centers can present a logistical headache for bureaucrats linking these administrative regions with economic centers along the route like Antwerp Rotterdam Amsterdam dĂĽsseldorf cologne and Paris could create an efficient loop that connects over 25 million people and puts each city less than an hour from the others the uk's thriving capital has living costs far above the national average housing prices that are unattainable for most and an infrastructure system that is continually playing catch-up while other cities offer a more affordable option the draw of big business to London means that many people have little choice but to work there by connecting the high-paying jobs of the capital to the more affordable economic and manufacturing centers in the Midlands and northern regions the UK could address issues like housing the pay squeeze and infrastructure spending while high-speed rail projects to connect the southeast and the Midlands are already under development a hype aloof between Edinburgh and London would bring the two cities within 45 minutes of each other and connect four of the country's largest urban areas [Music] while not as well-known as the European Union the countries of Brazil Argentina Paraguay and Uruguay are all members of a trade bloc known as Mercker sore or the southern common market this proto union currently exists as a customs union with aims to promote free trade freedom of movement and eventually a single currency like the EU into cooperation between these countries makes this region of South America a prime candidate for hyper Lublin linking the largest cities in all four countries this Hyperloop would create South America's largest political and economic entity consisting of over 50 million people while the entire 2700 kilometer route would take 3 hours to travel significantly faster than the 5 hours required to check in and fly the main beneficiaries would be Salle Paulo and Rio who currently lay claim to the 5th busiest flight routes in the world known as the boss wash agglomeration the northeastern United States is the most densely populated region of North America consisting primarily of Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington DC these cities form a near unbroken urban link running for over six hundred and thirty kilometers with more than 40 million people in the catchment area this Hyperloop could connect the nation's capital with its largest city and beyond in under 50 minutes [Music] Texas is America's second largest state in both size and population but unlike the dense northeast its economic centers are spread further apart placing limits on where people can live and work Houston San Antonio and Dallas are the state's largest cities and three of the largest in the United States forming a region that has become known as the Texas triangle linking these cities and broadening their economic reach would further diversify their economies while providing more employment and housing opportunities for Texans across the state the state capital of Austin as well as Fort Worth would also be added to the loop creating an economic region of over 18 million people with access to jobs in the state government space agencies oil telecommunications and aviation sectors all in under 30 minutes from any direction [Music] much like Texas California is a large and populous state with far spread economic centers distinct economies have formed in cities across the state such as entertainment in Los Angeles technology in the San Francisco Bay Area and manufacturing in San Diego while this concentration of specific industries is good for jobs the cost of living in these cities has risen to levels that most people simply cannot afford with San Francisco Oakland San Jose San Diego and Los Angeles making up five of the ten most expensive cities in the United States connecting these centers to more affordable regions would open up a range of housing options addressing the critical challenges of affordability and lagging infrastructure the Californian Hyperloop could begin in San Diego and head north through Los Angeles before connecting the regional cities of Bakersfield and Fresno to San Jose San Francisco Oakland and finally the state's capital Sacramento including the more affordable Fresno and Bakersfield at the midpoint of this 900 kilometer journey puts them less than 30 minutes from any portal along the route and remain commuting at any of California's economic hubs significantly easier did your city make our list of suggested routes which regions would you most like to see connected by Hyperloop in the future let us know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video and would like to get more from the definitive video channel for construction subscribe to the b1m
Channel: The B1M
Views: 1,679,779
Rating: 4.6880813 out of 5
Keywords: BIM, B1M, TheB1M, Construction, architecture, engineering, hyperloop, HTT, HyperloopTT, virgin hyperloop one, hyperloop transportation technologies, transpod, innovation, transport, infrastructure, mexloop, japan, USA, australia, india, EU, European Union, Texas Triangle, BosWash, Californian Hyperloop, Australian Hyperloop, Texas Hyperloop, Indian Hyperloop, European Hyperloop, Japanese Hyperloop, Chinese Hyperloop, China, megaregion, megacity, industrial corridor
Id: oziSR8nOznA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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